View Full Version : New myorigins

04-05-2017, 04:36 AM
Ethnic Makeup Percentage
African 0%
South Central Africa 0%
East Central Africa 0%
West Africa 0%

New World 0%
North and Central America 0%
South America < 2%

Central/South Asian 17%
Central Asia 0%
Oceania < 2%
South Central Asia 17%

East Asian 0%
Northeast Asia < 2%
Siberia 0%
Southeast Asia 0%

Middle Eastern 9%
Asia Minor 9%
East Middle East < 2%
North Africa 0%
West Middle East 0%

European 69%
British Isles 0%
East Europe 18%
Finland 0%
Scandinavia 0%
Southeast Europe 40%
Iberia 11%
West and Central Europe 0%

Jewish Diaspora 0%
Ashkenazi 0%
Sephardic < 2%

04-05-2017, 04:40 AM
I've got some South Asian too- 3% :) ..High-5..we are like South Asian bruders hehe!


04-05-2017, 04:43 AM
I've got some South Asian too- 3% :) ..High-5..we are like South Asian bruders hehe!


High 5 brother

04-06-2017, 04:38 AM
https://s21.postimg.org/flxt44g9j/myoriginsupdate2.0.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/f96exxxzn/)20mb image hosting (https://postimage.org/)

04-06-2017, 06:23 AM
what do you think why the iberian in some users with balkan or partly balkan (like me), Ylla has also Iberian.

04-07-2017, 03:34 PM
can you post your eurogenes k15?

04-08-2017, 12:23 PM
How long did it take to process your kit? How many weeks?

04-10-2017, 09:28 PM
what do you think why the iberian in some users with balkan or partly balkan (like me), Ylla has also Iberian.

Its cos we're sexy.

04-10-2017, 09:47 PM
This "South Central Asia" = Southern South Asia = South India.

They called the Indian Subcontinent "Central Asia" in this one. :picard1:

04-11-2017, 03:20 AM
This "South Central Asia" = Southern South Asia = South India.

They called the Indian Subcontinent "Central Asia" in this one. :picard1:

I dont think its exclusively southindia, its southasia as a whole and central asia is central asia. south central asia=southasia and central asia=central asia

04-11-2017, 04:15 AM
can you post your eurogenes k15?

It's no use he posts his results! For example, I have already uploaded "Build 37 Raw Data Concatenated" and "Build 37 Raw Data Concatenated" on Gedmatch; Neither of them take into account the results of the update of FTDNA ... that is to say that with both, I find myself with the same results as before the update of FTDNA.

When I tried to upload the Build 37 Autosomal Raw Data and Build 36 Autosomal Raw Data to gedmatch, both had taken into account the upgrade (for example, with Build 37/36 Raw Data Concatenated my eyes are predicted Like "hazel" on Predict Eye Color ", but on the Build 37/36 Autosomal Raw Data my eyes are predicted as blue, so I assume the second took into account the update), but this remains in process "Kits marked with * have not been tokenized and have not completed batch processing"... so, i can not use it to the different calculators ...

04-11-2017, 09:06 AM
It's no use he posts his results! For example, I have already uploaded "Build 37 Raw Data Concatenated" and "Build 37 Raw Data Concatenated" on Gedmatch; Neither of them take into account the results of the update of FTDNA ... that is to say that with both, I find myself with the same results as before the update of FTDNA.

When I tried to upload the Build 37 Autosomal Raw Data and Build 36 Autosomal Raw Data to gedmatch, both had taken into account the upgrade (for example, with Build 37/36 Raw Data Concatenated my eyes are predicted Like "hazel" on Predict Eye Color ", but on the Build 37/36 Autosomal Raw Data my eyes are predicted as blue, so I assume the second took into account the update), but this remains in process "Kits marked with * have not been tokenized and have not completed batch processing"... so, i can not use it to the different calculators ...

the upgrade doesnt change your raw data at all, thats why your eurogenes results are the same. the main thing that changes with the new my origins is the calculator itself(familyfinder), which will interpret your raw data in a different way(considering the new reference populations used in myorigins 2.0)

04-13-2017, 12:41 PM