View Full Version : Classify her cousin of my cousin with Basque surname origin and Where can she pass?

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 06:14 PM
She is not my cousin but of my cousin. My cousin second last name and hers is of Basque origin (Aguayo)
Their origin are from Northern-Central Mexico. But she lives in U.S.
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/10683657_213523152336101_5321728027800527599_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=624689f6d44ccee077f225f710b44385&oe=598E8477
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/16665961_390724627949285_2401076748048716568_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=1af68e0d722be68b67c9a5ecb8b707bd&oe=5992DE04

She is cousin of this cousin of mine here who I posted before on here getting classify:
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/17362788_236439513430222_1383739414665837283_n.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=f8a209cbfd273258deca8b77eab31680&oe=598D070C

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 06:23 PM
Here is other one and one with her sister
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/12621989_200306190324464_2903355428159921433_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=99e87b3d6ec51459655c94ae07ba5d59&oe=59992C60
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/13516196_280455002309582_6840219178722005713_n.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=29087f18496a2818eb36b37e6fa014da&oe=599A5DEA

04-20-2017, 06:26 PM
brunn ??

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 06:30 PM
brunn ??

Where do you say she pass by looks?

04-20-2017, 06:33 PM
Where do you say she pass by looks?

all over europe i guess

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 06:34 PM
all over europe i guess

You guess or looks passable all over

04-20-2017, 06:34 PM
Has a very European look, not sure which phenotype though

04-20-2017, 06:36 PM
You guess or looks passable all over

guess. she surely pass all over western europe i cant be sure about eastern europe

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 06:38 PM
Has a very European look, not sure which phenotype though

Yes and her look also seem frequently found in Navarre, Basque country, and make sense, looks pred. Euro and has Basque origin surname.

04-20-2017, 06:56 PM
Could pass in Ireland or UK.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 07:44 PM
Could pass in Ireland or UK.

Yes, looks passable in Ireland, UK. In fact, she looks from there, lol. And looks also more irish and scottish than many irish and scots. :lol:

04-20-2017, 07:47 PM
Most likely in Nicaragua and Honduras.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 07:51 PM
Most likely in Nicaragua and Honduras.

Lmao, you look African or black compare to them. You even look less Euro than Portuguse Cape Verdeans.

04-20-2017, 07:54 PM
Lmao, you look African or black compare to them. You even look less Euro than Portuguse Cape Verdeans.

Sorry it was about you (Tri-racial hater wannabe European un-passable anywhere in Europe).

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-20-2017, 07:59 PM
Sorry it was about you (Tri-racial hater wannabe European un-passable anywhere in Europe).

What ever you say you mulatto looking clown, lol

04-20-2017, 08:04 PM
Could pass in Ireland or UK.


The Blade
04-20-2017, 08:46 PM
Alpine-Borreby mix, I think. Fits best in Western Europe but can pass as Eastern European, too.

04-20-2017, 09:13 PM

Heather Duval
04-21-2017, 05:10 AM
eww her skin

♥ Lily ♥
04-21-2017, 06:55 AM
I'd guess northern Spain, France, Ireland, UK, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany.

04-21-2017, 08:11 AM
Sub-Nordid + Borreby

She reminds me of Melissa Joan Hart

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-21-2017, 08:16 AM
Sub-Nordid + Borreby

She reminds me of Melissa Joan Hart

Where you say she passes, including where you from etc.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-21-2017, 09:15 AM
Sub-Nordid + Borreby

She reminds me of Melissa Joan Hart

Yeah she I see the similarities look with that Melissa Joan Hart:

OP Here another pic of her:
https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/17505383_411004875921260_1198488261890241602_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2c42083aa6c202b75d5c26c36699e261&oe=5982801E

04-21-2017, 09:44 AM
Quite depigmented and partially Alpinized. Also, especially from the swimming pool pic, I detect Basque influence. I would say a Borreby-Baskid mix. She looks like she can pass all over Western Europe.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-21-2017, 09:48 AM
Quite depigmented and partially Alpinized. Also, especially from the swimming pool pic, I detect Basque influence. I would say a Borreby-Baskid mix. She looks like she can pass all over Western Europe.

The one from the swimming pool is my relative-cousin the other chick pics is a cousin of hers.

But yeah,she indeed is very Baskid looking my cousin from swimming pool pic. Her surname and of her cousin which they share are of Basque origin.

04-21-2017, 09:55 AM
The one from the swimming pool of my relative-cousin the other chick pics is a cousin of hers.

But yeah,she indeed is very Baskid looking my cousin from swimming pool pic. Her surname and of her cousin which they share are of Basque origin.
Ok, cuz I was gonna say the girl in the swimming pool looks a bit different from the rest of the pics. I was gonna classify the cousin of your cousin as a Brunn-Borreby mix, but that swimming pool pic shouts baskid and I thought they were the same person. So in light of what you've revealed that these are two different girls, I classify the cousin of your cousin as Brunn+Borreby, now that I know that baskid in the swimming pool is a different girl.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-21-2017, 10:04 AM
Ok, cuz I was gonna say the girl in the swimming pool looks a bit different from the rest of the pics. I was gonna classify the cousin of your cousin as a Brunn-Borreby mix, but that swimming pool pic shouts baskid and I thought they were the same person. So in light of what you've revealed that these are two different girls, I classify the cousin of your cousin as Brunn+Borreby, now that I know that baskid in the swimming pool is a different girl.

Sorry if did not put it clear and for the typos in reply, I saw some mistakes and edit. I just took 3 sleepin phils minutos ago, so might do some typo or something here.

Anyway, yes. Two different. The swimming pool one is my cousin and the other is her relative-cousin.

04-21-2017, 10:10 AM
Sorry if did not put it clear and for the typos in reply, I saw some mistakes and edit. I just took 3 sleepin phils minutos ago, so might do some typo or something here.

Anyway, yes. Two different. The swimming pool one is my cousin and the other is her relative-cousin.Of course. I'm glad you added some wording describing the girl in the swimming pool as a different girl.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-21-2017, 10:11 AM
I took 3 sleeping phills to try sleep, so aint thinking or writing with clear mind. So might do mistakes or typos in post and have to edit. So maybe I should come here after I sleep. :D