View Full Version : Main phenotypes among afghans

'owight Gavnah
04-24-2017, 03:32 PM
Afghans in a wedding, if these are not representative then i do not know what is, recently it has to come my attention that certain user(s) are starting to troll afghans by claiming they look "kurds" while posting hazaras (lol). i was very dissapointed honestly.














'owight Gavnah
04-24-2017, 03:46 PM












'owight Gavnah
04-24-2017, 03:57 PM
If this doesn't put to bed the "Afghans look like pakistanis and indians" claim then i don't know what to put forward anymore beacuse its just ridiculous.

here is another video of afghans in a wedding:



No, we do not look like swedes nor italians nor gerogians, but if the criteria of being white is not limited to levantines and the caucasus region then we need to re evaluate the term "white" or accept these people as dark whites just as levantines. simple as that.

04-24-2017, 04:01 PM
cant you guys troll each other without using my ethnicity please ?

good representation of afghans bro . and no most of these dont look kurdish either . but thanks for the thread it is informative

'owight Gavnah
04-24-2017, 04:04 PM
cant you guys troll each other without using my ethnicity please ?

good representation of afghans bro . and no most of these dont look kurdish either . but thanks for the thread it is informative

bro please stop with that yes.

i get non afghans making threads about afghans claiming they look kurdish WHILST posting hazaras then sarcastically forcing the point that they look like kurds. so if your going to get insulted do not direct it at me but other users. and just for refernce they look more kurdish than pakistani.

it really doesn't take a genuis to see the similarities between the iranic groups.

04-24-2017, 04:06 PM
bro please stop with that yes.

i get non afghans making threads about afghans claiming they look kurdish WHILST posting hazaras then sarcastically forcing the point that they look like kurds. so if your going to get insulted do not direct it at me but other users. and just for refernce they look more kurdish than pakistani.

I know that they did that dont worry . I am just saying that I am sick of seeing my ethnicity in such threads/discussions that has nothing to do with us

and they dont look "pakistani" to me either I agree . but as I said not kurdish either and thats that . they just look afghan lets end it with that

'owight Gavnah
04-24-2017, 04:10 PM
I know that they did that dont worry . I am just saying that I am sick of seeing my ethnicity in such threads/discussions that has nothing to do with us

and they dont look "pakistani" to me either I agree . but as I said not kurdish either and thats that . they just look afghan lets end it with that

Yes and Turks look like Turks, Greeks look like Greeks, Italians look like Italians and Chinese look like Chinese. Most easiest explanation to everything.

Tooting Carmen
04-24-2017, 04:27 PM
They don't look too different to Levantines.

'owight Gavnah
04-24-2017, 05:24 PM
They don't look too different to Levantines.

People forget we are not even far away from each other


Now you tell me how can we as afghans look like this ^ and punjabis who are our neighbours look so different( majority speaking)? It doesn't take a genius to figure it out does it?

04-24-2017, 05:32 PM
People forget we are not even far away from each other


Now you tell me how can we as afghans look like this ^ and punjabis who are our neighbours look so different( majority speaking)? It doesn't take a genius to figure it out does it?

The genetic difference between Lebanese and Afghan Pashtuns is around the same if not slightly greater than the difference between Afghan Pashtuns and Gujartis

'owight Gavnah
04-24-2017, 05:37 PM
The genetic difference between Lebanese and Afghan Pashtuns is around the same if not slightly greater than the difference between Afghan Pashtuns and Gujartis

And yet we look hundred times closer to Lebanese phenotypically than gujaratis yes. A half Lebanese half English person would cluster with Italians according to THIS map so it doesn't make any sense to be using these explanations with regards to how close which ethnicity are to each other. That's why we have IBD analysis.

And explain why afghans look more like Lebanese than gujaratis?

04-29-2017, 03:07 PM
Actually roughly a quarter of them could pass as atypical southern Italians.

But my impression is outside of Iran they pass best as Kurdish and Armenian.

04-29-2017, 03:12 PM
Actually roughly a quarter of them could pass as atypical southern Italians.

But my impression is outside of Iran they pass best as Kurdish and Armenian.

they dont look Kurdish dude

04-29-2017, 03:14 PM
they dont look Kurdish dude

I didn't say they did, but that would be one of the places they pass better because they look more Kurdish than Levantine. They don't look "Arab" at all.

04-29-2017, 03:18 PM
They overlap with Iran, a little with Kurds and Pakistan but mostly with Iranians IMO, although some of them look lighter.

04-29-2017, 09:35 PM
Not much different from Iranians imo

01-03-2020, 08:30 PM
The genetic difference between Lebanese and Afghan Pashtuns is around the same if not slightly greater than the difference between Afghan Pashtuns and Gujartis

Using eurogenes k15 reference map as the definitive line is pretty useless since there are many factors you would have to take into consideration. By this logic sicillans and Greeks are closer to Lebanese and Bedouins than northeen Europeans.

Fst distances


According to dtats Afghans are more similar to certain Europeans rather than either group.

Pca map using g25 nmonte


01-05-2020, 03:24 PM
Not much different from Iranians imo

many are indistinguishable from Iranians.

01-05-2020, 06:31 PM
many are indistinguishable from Iranians.

Yeah, that goes special for pashtuns. We can have many types that wont pass in Iran(less for tajiks, who have it easier to pass in Iran).

ANd because of turkics, we fit even less in iran

01-05-2020, 07:09 PM
Afghans allow their women to dress like that? Or is it only a certain region
Interesting, I hadn't known

01-05-2020, 07:20 PM
Yeah, that goes special for pashtuns. We can have many types that wont pass in Iran(less for tajiks, who have it easier to pass in Iran).

ANd because of turkics, we fit even less in iran

Welcome back hussein khan/bulu

01-05-2020, 09:29 PM
Welcome back hussein khan/bulu


01-05-2020, 09:31 PM

How many ethnicities are you? Balochi, pashtun, tajik, quetta, afghan? Where is the consistency?

01-05-2020, 09:54 PM
How many ethnicities are you? Balochi, pashtun, tajik, quetta, afghan? Where is the consistency?

Using baloch and tajik was to create the accounts, after getting reported by shelati the assyrian guy( i thought it was you this whole time, but he was the one to report me twice because he thought i was some banned kurdish member), because i couldnt create the accounts with the ethnicities being pashtun.

Also, quettawals and kandaharis(afghans) aint even distinct from each other at all, so i see no issue using quettawal or kandahari

01-05-2020, 10:05 PM
Lol, you say it like im trying to hide the fact im hussein khan. I got nothing to hide and dont even wanna hide anything.

If i really would try to trick people with my new socks, i would had done a much better job

01-05-2020, 11:07 PM
Using baloch and tajik was to create the accounts, after getting reported by shelati the assyrian guy( i thought it was you this whole time, but he was the one to report me twice because he thought i was some banned kurdish member), because i couldnt create the accounts with the ethnicities being pashtun.

Also, quettawals and kandaharis(afghans) aint even distinct from each other at all, so i see no issue using quettawal or kandahari

I didn't report you yeah I know lmao, also quetta is a baloch City, with a pashtun presence as well. People have their doubts but what you gonna do eh?