View Full Version : If Macron is Northern French why does he have such a huge West Asian nose?

04-24-2017, 06:54 PM
there are two possible explanations:

1) I'm stereotyping
2) he's not Northern French.

pick one.

04-24-2017, 06:56 PM
He worked for the Rothschilds :jewish:

04-24-2017, 07:01 PM
He is half south-french from Pyrénées (mother) and seems to be half northern-french (father), both parents were doctors.

His surname comes from Northern France.

" "macron" est un nom de famille rare, forme contractee de maqueron, diminutif de maquerel, nom issu du moyen neerlandais makelaer, avec le sens de courtier, entremetteur ."

But I wont be surprised if he has jewish ancestry, it is very common among politicians.

04-24-2017, 07:09 PM
oy gevalt! delete this thread immediately, goy...I mean boy

04-24-2017, 07:20 PM
What is sure is that he is a cougar hunter :eek:

04-24-2017, 07:21 PM
He worked for the Rothschilds :jewish:

Lots of future online drama ensured. ;) I'm 95% sure he's gonna be it of course. Le Pen would mean people being so confident Macron will win they'll oversleep and don't perform their civil duty of bringing their vote out while Le Pen voters would all show up.

04-24-2017, 07:31 PM
What is sure is that he is a cougar hunter :eek:

This is just a social arrangement, he is gay and his companion is the president of the french medias. That's how he got so much visibility being basically unpopular newbie.


04-24-2017, 07:37 PM
Lots of future online drama ensured. ;) I'm 95% sure he's gonna be it of course. Le Pen would mean people being so confident Macron will win they'll oversleep and don't perform their civil duty of bringing their vote out while Le Pen voters would all show up.

I think he will win, he will receive a lot of votes from Fillon, Mélenchon and Hamon electorates although I think few Fillon/Mélenchon voters (yes even him, not kidding) will vote for Le Pen and probably more than we think. I know many people who think about doing a blank vote and it can "help" Le Pen a lot too.
There are also persons who are not traditionnal FN followers but are able to vote Le Pen to vote against "the system" Macron represents (such as the Mélenchon voters I talked about previously).
At the end of the day, even if Macron will probably win, we can have surprises...and a future big drama is indeed very possible xD

04-24-2017, 07:39 PM
This is just a social arrangement, he is gay and his companion is the president of the french medias. That's how he got so much visibility being basically unpopular newbie.



Stéphane Bern was in his dinner yesterday night after he won the first round, this must not be a coincidence xD

04-24-2017, 07:51 PM
This is just a social arrangement, he is gay and his companion is the president of the french medias. That's hiw he got so much visibility being basically unpopular newbie.

So you mean there is a possibility to see a first presidential "coming out"? OMG so cute :embarrassed

04-24-2017, 07:55 PM
So you mean there is a possibility to see a first presidential "coming out"? OMG so cute :embarrassed

The quality is lower and lower since De Gaulle anyway... you can prepare yourself for all the absurdity of the world :(

04-24-2017, 07:57 PM
I think he will win, he will receive a lot of votes from Fillon, Mélenchon and Hamon electorates although I think few Fillon/Mélenchon voters (yes even him, not kidding) will vote for Le Pen and probably more than we think. I know many people who think about doing a blank vote and it can "help" Le Pen a lot too.
There are also persons who are not traditionnal FN followers but are able to vote Le Pen to vote against "the system" Macron represents (such as the Mélenchon voters I talked about previously).
At the end of the day, even if Macron will probably win, we can have surprises...and a future beautiful surprise is indeed very possible xD

I fix the end.

I use this thread about the gay macron sex life to talk about another "secret".
It seems Macron has been involve in the Alstom scandal. Does some of you heard more about it?

04-26-2017, 11:29 AM
The quality is lower and lower since De Gaulle anyway... you can prepare yourself for all the absurdity of the world :(

Because you think that 48-years old blonde bitch speaking with the voice of a fish seller was improving the quality. Unfortunately, De Gaulle is dead and buried for ever, because the Golden Sixties are past forever. Millenial kids are the dumbest I've ever seen. One day, we will have a Kevin for president. :picard1:

04-26-2017, 01:39 PM
He worked for the Rothschilds :jewish:

As a Semitic Maghrebi yourself, you maybe think you have a thinner nose than a pretty Jewish miss like Scarlett Johanson or Nathalie Portman?

04-26-2017, 01:54 PM
I think he will win, he will receive a lot of votes from Fillon, Mélenchon and Hamon electorates although I think few Fillon/Mélenchon voters (yes even him, not kidding) will vote for Le Pen and probably more than we think. I know many people who think about doing a blank vote and it can "help" Le Pen a lot too.
There are also persons who are not traditionnal FN followers but are able to vote Le Pen to vote against "the system" Macron represents (such as the Mélenchon voters I talked about previously).
At the end of the day, even if Macron will probably win, we can have surprises...and a future big drama is indeed very possible xD

imagine if le pen wins and the mess the antifa kids will cause :lol:

04-26-2017, 02:03 PM
If Macron is Northern French why does he have such a huge West Asian nose?
Nothing special even for Med. phenotypes. T.May has even bigger nose, and its a true Teutonic Nordic feature.

04-26-2017, 02:16 PM
Because you think that 48-years old blonde bitch speaking with the voice of a fish seller was improving the quality. Unfortunately, De Gaulle is dead and buried for ever, because the Golden Sixties are past forever. Millenial kids are the dumbest I've ever seen. One day, we will have a Kevin for president. :picard1:
It's a new trend in policy, the more politicians say stupid things and sensational fable, the more support they got from feeble-minded part of electorate

04-26-2017, 02:34 PM
imagine if le pen wins and the mess the antifa kids will cause :lol:

You're really a spoiled little idiot who ignores absolutely everything abut reality in France.

Antifa kids, really??? Never heard of Fascist kids themselves? They've got shaven heads, bear baseball sticks and wear leather ackets and are usually rather violent.

You know what Fascism means don't you? I hope so. Your people of carbonara eaters invented it.
Do you love Benito? Was he "lulzy" enough for your taste? Would you like to pose half-nude for him to know if he finds you fat? He was fat himself, and had no complex, so it shouldn't be an issue.

However, since your French sucks, you may have troubles to comprehend that news article. It happened during the Presidential elections of 1995. Front National supporters demonstrated and all ended with an Arab drowned in the Seine. Lulzy, wasn't it?

04-26-2017, 02:40 PM
You're really a spoiled little idiot who ignores absolutely everything abut reality in France.

Antifa kids, really??? Never heard of Fascist kids themselves? They've got shaven heads, bear baseball sticks and wear leather ackets and are usually rather violent.

You know what Fascism means don't you? I hope so. Your people of carbonara eaters invented it.
Do you love Benito? Was he "lulzy" enough for your taste? Would you like to pose half-nude for him to know if he finds you fat? He was fat himself, and had no complex, so it shouldn't be an issue.

However, since your French sucks, you may have troubles to comprehend that news article. It happened during the Presidential elections of 1995. Front National supporters demonstrated and all ended with an Arab drowned in the Seine. Lulzy, wasn't it?

your antifa is overly violent , sorry. the italian antifa is much more moderate.
if i don't like how some supposedly antifa group behave does it mean that i am pro-fascism ? :lol:
would you explain why the fn ideology is supposedly fascist?
moreover my comprehension of french is good, dont worry.

04-26-2017, 03:00 PM
your antifa is overly violent , sorry. the italian antifa is much more moderate.
if i don't like how some supposedly antifa group behave does it mean that i am pro-fascism ? :lol:
would you explain why the fn ideology is supposedly fascist?
moreover my comprehension of french is good, dont worry.

Some antifa kids can be violent, and some filmed scenes may be really impressive. But unlike some militants belonging to the Front National, they don't kill anybody.
Besides, you didn't answer to my question. Did you find "lulzy" the story about the drowned Moroccan. Would you find it more lulzy if the Moroccan was replaced by a Sicilian?

04-26-2017, 03:09 PM
Some antifa kids can be violent, and some filmed scenes may be really impressive. But unlike some militants belonging to the Front National, they don't kill anybody.
Besides, you didn't answer to my question. Did you find "lulzy" the story about the drowned Moroccan. Would you find it more lulzy if the Moroccan was replaced by a Sicilian?

it wouldnt matter to me if he was a sicilian or a moroccan , both events would have been equally sad. i am telling you the truth.
do you think that with le pen there will be an increase of violence towards people who arent ethnic french? so far she has promised antiterrorism actions and the block of immigration both would actually protect the nonfrench from an increasing chance of suffering from racist violence since people are getting "fed up" , especially because of media sensationalism ( but how can you stop the media?)

doesnt france have unemployment issues? what's the point of letting in more people when you dont have much to offer? the situation might lead some immigrants desperate and even "crazy" (i mean more violent) add to this the racism they would face..
it's a vicious circle in my opinion.

04-26-2017, 05:07 PM
As a Semitic Maghrebi yourself, you maybe think you have a thinner nose than a pretty Jewish miss like Scarlett Johanson or Nathalie Portman?

thank you for worrying for my nose but mine is ok and probably thinner than blondie

I was being sassy a bit but this is the truth, he worked for the rotschilds. Why do you support that unbearable oligarch puppet ?

Just in case, I will probably do a blank vote for the second round

04-26-2017, 05:08 PM
Macron is a Granny-Hunter

04-26-2017, 05:51 PM
thank you for worrying for my nose but mine is ok and probably thinner than blondie

I was being sassy a bit but this is the truth, he worked for the rotschilds. Why do you support that unbearable oligarch puppet ?

Just in case, I will probably do a blank vote for the second round

Macron was not my candidate. I supported Hamon, crushed between Hollande's puppet Macron and "La Tourette" Mélenchon. Now there's only Macron and Le Pen left, and it's already a tragedy for France, but it would be a shame to have Le Pen at the Elysée.
No matter how pompous and braggart Macron is. He's still the best current option for France, the ONLY option to me and the majority of the French. Making sarcastic antisemitic comments about Rotschild's nose, even if it's meant to be a joke, wass not the best attitude you could show, sadly proving one more time that Maghrebis hate the Jews.

04-26-2017, 05:57 PM
Macron is a Granny-Hunter

When a man like Trump marries young chicks, it's cool, they are good lays; but when a man marries a woman old enough to be his mom (personally, I couldn't, but...whatever floats your boat) it suddenly becomes disgusting...:rolleyes:

04-26-2017, 06:00 PM
When a man like Trump marries young chicks, it's cool, they are good lays; but when a man marries a woman old enough to be his mom (personally, I couldn't, but...whatever floats your boat) it suddenly becomes disgusting...:rolleyes:

for a man it's very unnatural ..in all cultures

a man older and a women younger is less unnatural.. thought it's not super natural too

judge yourself. probably the strong young infauation of her.. youang and beautiful Milf at high school it's more natural because at that time she was a fertile woman in her full beauty and him a boy discovering sexuality.. but now she can' t bear him children aand in 5-10 years she would be a true granny while him still very young in full virility man

04-26-2017, 06:03 PM
for a man it's very unnatural ..in all cultures

a man older and a women younger is less unnatural.. thought it's not super natural too

judge yourself

He was 17 years old when he met her. In her early 40's, a woman can still be very attractive.

04-26-2017, 06:05 PM
He was 17 years old when he met her. In her early 40's, a woman can still be very attractive.

at that time yes. now.. well no she's becoming a granny and him still a man in his full virility

04-26-2017, 06:09 PM
he looks a bit north caucasian

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-26-2017, 06:10 PM
your antifa is overly violent , sorry. the italian antifa is much more moderate.
if i don't like how some supposedly antifa group behave does it mean that i am pro-fascism ? :lol:
would you explain why the fn ideology is supposedly fascist?
moreover my comprehension of french is good, dont worry.

It is impossible to argue with antifa people..they are thick as bricks.

durr le pen is a fascist hurr durr

'Fascism' is a Totalitarian ideology and is not even Nationalistic. Only National Socialism which is a derivative of Fascism is Nationalistic (Ultranationalistic, too Nationalistic, at that). Yet I am called a Nazi and a Fascist even though I'm a homosexual and I despise Nazis and Fascists. Go figure. Melki is borderline retarded.

04-26-2017, 06:13 PM
it wouldnt matter to me if he was a sicilian or a moroccan , both events would have been equally sad. i am telling you the truth.
do you think that with le pen there will be an increase of violence towards people who arent ethnic french? so far she has promised antiterrorism actions and the block of immigration both would actually protect the nonfrench from an increasing chance of suffering from racist violence since people are getting "fed up" , especially because of media sensationalism ( but how can you stop the media?)

doesnt france have unemployment issues? what's the point of letting in more people when you dont have much to offer? the situation might lead some immigrants desperate and even "crazy" (i mean more violent) add to this the racism they would face..
it's a vicious circle in my opinion.

Macron is a Centrist, not a Leftist. He's for selected immigration, but at least against discrimination.

But a centrist who worked for the bankers is still better than Benito's granddaughter.


04-26-2017, 06:15 PM
at that time yes. now.. well no she's becoming a granny and him still a man in his full virility

c'est la vie.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-26-2017, 06:15 PM
Macron is a Centrist, not a Leftist. He's for selected immigration, but at least against discrimination.

But a centrist who worked for the bankers is still better than Benito's granddaughter.


Le Pen has nothing to do with Benito Mussolini.

Fascism was a Totalitarian ideology that wasn't really Nationalistic in fact Mussolini famously said he did not believe in races.

Le Pen herself is far from racist, she just wants to stop Terrorism from happening.

Le Pen is more just like a Social Democrat / Leftist.

Macron is a Conservative, as he is for the unrestrained market that hurts workers and he is also homophobic, as evidenced by his support for the Sharia.

04-26-2017, 06:19 PM
for a man it's very unnatural ..in all cultures

a man older and a women younger is less unnatural.. thought it's not super natural too

judge yourself. probably the strong young infauation of her.. youang and beautiful Milf at high school it's more natural because at that time she was a fertile woman in her full beauty and him a boy discovering sexuality.. but now she can' t bear him children aand in 5-10 years she would be a true granny while him still very young in full virility man

she isnt that bad she looks only 10 years older than him

04-26-2017, 06:28 PM
Le Pen has nothing to do with Benito Mussolini.

Fascism was a Totalitarian ideology that wasn't really Nationalistic in fact Mussolini famously said he did not believe in races.

Le Pen herself is far from racist, she just wants to stop Terrorism from happening.

Le Pen is more just like a Social Democrat / Leftist.

Macron is a Conservative, as he is for the unrestrained market that hurts workers and he is also homophobic, as evidenced by his support for the Sharia.

LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!!

You know NOTHING about France, about Marine Le Pen. You don't even know who his father is!!!

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-26-2017, 06:29 PM

You know NOTHING about France, about Marine Le Pen. You don't even know who his father is!!!

Yes I do.

He was a racist but she is not. Means nothing.

It is like saying Hitler's child will be a racist. You don't know that for sure.

You judge a person because of the sins of their father? How progressive..

you're being a racist yourself.

04-26-2017, 06:44 PM
Jean-Marie Le Pen, born in 1928, an ex-officer who took part at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, when France lost its colonies of Indochina, and later engaged in politics. Famous for his notorious racism and negationism. Famous for having said that Nazi gas chambers were a "detail of History."

Parodied in this Belgian comic book as Captain Nepel, a racist US Cavalry officer who wants to evict all non-white recruits from the fort he had under his command.

http://zupimages.net/up/17/17/4d91.jpg (http://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=17/17/4d91.jpg)

As for his daughter, well, apples don't fall far from the tree...

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-26-2017, 06:45 PM
Jean-Marie Le Pen, born in 1928, an ex-officer who took part at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, when France lost its colonies of Indochina, and later engaged in politics. Famous for his notorious racism and negationism. Famous for having said that Nazi gas chambers were a "detail of History."

Parodied in this Belgian comic book as Captain Nepel, a racist US Cavalry officer who wants to evict all non-white recruits from the fort he had under his command.

http://zupimages.net/up/17/17/4d91.jpg (http://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=17/17/4d91.jpg)

As for his daughter, well, apples don't fall far from the tree...

Your dad must have been a retard then if it's all genetic.

04-26-2017, 06:47 PM
Yes I do.

He was a racist but she is not. Means nothing.

It is like saying Hitler's child will be a racist. You don't know that for sure.

You judge a person because of the sins of their father? How progressive..

you're being a racist yourself.

Don't worry, Marine doesn't make too much efforts to hide her racism, especially her hate for Islam, Arabs and Turks.

Trust me, I live here.

04-26-2017, 06:48 PM
I think he will win, he will receive a lot of votes from Fillon, Mélenchon and Hamon electorates although I think few Fillon/Mélenchon voters (yes even him, not kidding) will vote for Le Pen and probably more than we think. I know many people who think about doing a blank vote and it can "help" Le Pen a lot too.
There are also persons who are not traditionnal FN followers but are able to vote Le Pen to vote against "the system" Macron represents (such as the Mélenchon voters I talked about previously).
At the end of the day, even if Macron will probably win, we can have surprises...and a future big drama is indeed very possible xD

The big unknown equation is the abstention variable for this round plus the abstainers from the first round who didn't vote, it could change everything.
Two other thing to take into consideration is about the electorate to be very volatile this time due to very antinomic program from Macron's one and the others, and big candidates are split like 1/4 each which destabilize somewhat the ratio of how ppl are able to vote for, as in a traditional election i mean.
Macron didn't win yet imo and Le Pen can still win only if we keep these factors in mind though.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-26-2017, 06:48 PM
Don't worry, Marine doesn't make too much efforts to hide her racism, especially her hate for Islam, Arabs and Turks.

It's because they bring terrorism.

04-26-2017, 06:49 PM
Your dad must have been a retard then if it's all genetic.

Stop insulting me when you lack of valid arguments, little scumbag.

04-26-2017, 06:49 PM
It's because they bring terrorism.

Not ALL of them, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-26-2017, 06:50 PM
Stop insulting me when you lack of valid arguments, little scumbag.

lol what

I'm making a counter-argument against your idiotic idea that genetics influences your ideas.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-26-2017, 06:50 PM
Not ALL of them, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!

No, not all of them, but the risk is too high.

One bad egg spoils the whole bunch.

04-26-2017, 07:17 PM
lol what

I'm making a counter-argument against your idiotic idea that genetics influences your ideas.

My foot would like to influence your ass.

End of discussion for my part. No time to waste with retards.

05-03-2017, 11:52 AM
for a man it's very unnatural ..in all cultures

a man older and a women younger is less unnatural.. thought it's not super natural too

judge yourself. probably the strong young infauation of her.. youang and beautiful Milf at high school it's more natural because at that time she was a fertile woman in her full beauty and him a boy discovering sexuality.. but now she can' t bear him children aand in 5-10 years she would be a true granny while him still very young in full virility man

Rumor has it that he's gay although i don't really know/or care. If they are really together i think it's good to see for once a young successful man with an older woman.

05-03-2017, 12:32 PM
Maybe he has jewish ancestors.

05-03-2017, 12:35 PM

05-03-2017, 12:40 PM
just to add some information yesterday i read newspapers and austrians were polled who they would vote for in french elections and the results was 44% Macron / 32% Le Pen

05-03-2017, 12:41 PM
If he wins, France will be toast. :sad:

05-03-2017, 01:16 PM
This is a Dinaric nose. Not "jewish".

Pure Europid.

05-03-2017, 08:04 PM
He doesn't look Jewish, you guys see Jews everywhere...

Grab the Gauge
05-03-2017, 08:07 PM
His nose is European and normal for any race Med, Alpine, Nordic, even Amerindians and Asians have more forwardly prominent noses.

05-03-2017, 09:10 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/658bd38f56f23cf6dc698292ed38579ddcd36473bb400fdb7e ce46a082f17f82.jpg?w=600&h=405

05-03-2017, 11:18 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/658bd38f56f23cf6dc698292ed38579ddcd36473bb400fdb7e ce46a082f17f82.jpg?w=600&h=405


05-04-2017, 07:29 AM
for a man it's very unnatural ..in all cultures

a man older and a women younger is less unnatural.. thought it's not super natural too

judge yourself. probably the strong young infauation of her.. youang and beautiful Milf at high school it's more natural because at that time she was a fertile woman in her full beauty and him a boy discovering sexuality.. but now she can' t bear him children aand in 5-10 years she would be a true granny while him still very young in full virility man

The older man/younger woman combo seems "more natural" than the older woman/younger man because the male gender, being the dominant one, in almost every single culture on the planet, has made it that way. Men create laws to benefit their dominance over women and it's the same in religion. It's a terrible double standard and if it's disgusting for an older woman to be with a younger man it should no less disgusting the other way around. So when you or anyone else thinks one way is more acceptable or natural it's only because we are conditioned to think that way, it's not really because it's supposed to be that way.

05-04-2017, 11:21 AM
The older man/younger woman combo seems "more natural" than the older woman/younger man because the male gender, being the dominant one, in almost every single culture on the planet, has made it that way. Men create laws to benefit their dominance over women and it's the same in religion. It's a terrible double standard and if it's disgusting for an older woman to be with a younger man it should no less disgusting the other way around. So when you or anyone else thinks one way is more acceptable or natural it's only because we are conditioned to think that way, it's not really because it's supposed to be that way.

He doesn't care: if she dies, he can be fucked by a man.

05-04-2017, 08:10 PM
Macron was not my candidate. I supported Hamon, crushed between Hollande's puppet Macron and "La Tourette" Mélenchon. Now there's only Macron and Le Pen left, and it's already a tragedy for France, but it would be a shame to have Le Pen at the Elysée.
No matter how pompous and braggart Macron is. He's still the best current option for France, the ONLY option to me and the majority of the French. Making sarcastic antisemitic comments about Rotschild's nose, even if it's meant to be a joke, wass not the best attitude you could show, sadly proving one more time that Maghrebis hate the Jews.

Why you don't go for the truth?

You are a jew and therefore you hate and despise everything who go against jew interest? You will hide between tolerance, insult patriot of nazism, insult magrebis of being antisemit and so on.
But deep inside loot at the truth. You are the problem.

05-04-2017, 08:16 PM
Why you don't go for the truth?

You are a jew and therefore you hate and despise everything who go against jew interest? You will hide between tolerance, insult patriot of nazism, insult magrebis of being antisemit and so on.
But deep inside loot at the truth. You are the problem.

Toi, t'es encore plus grave que je le pensais...

05-04-2017, 09:11 PM
Toi, t'es encore plus grave que je le pensais...

"Smile, you've been Godwined!"

05-04-2017, 09:19 PM
"Smile, you've been Godwined!"


05-07-2017, 07:50 PM

Chut... allez, câlin !

Câlin macron, câlin...