View Full Version : Classify Lithuanians

05-12-2017, 09:35 PM
Since the Neolithic period the native inhabitants of the Lithuanian territory have not been replaced by any bigger migrations from outside. First group of modern Lithuanian ancestors came into this territory at around 11 000-8 000 BC from territories to the South and Southwest. The second group ancestors came from Northeast at around 4000-5000 BC. They left a big impact on Lithuanian genetics. Up to this day Uralic-Finnic N3 haplogroup is a dominant group of Lithuanian male Y-DNR, followed closely with R1A coming from the first settlers.

Lithuanians speak Lithuanian language which is the most archaic of all Indo-European languages alive. It hasn't changed much for the last thousand of years, the common joke in Lithuania is that we could easily speak to our first king who reigned in 1253.
The sound of Lithuanian language :
First king Mindaugas http://photos.geni.com/p13/8e/7f/3b/96/5344483a535fbac9/mindaugas_large.jpg

Lithuanians make around 84% of Lithuania's population. Minority populations are Russians and Poles that live in a very pocketed communities and mainly in two regions: Klaipeda region and Vilnius region.
In the rest 8 regions ethnic Lithuanians make 95%+ of the populations. In majority of areas 98%+. So most of Lithuanian populations are homogeneous.

Most of the population is blue eyed
The hair is lighter than German or Polish, but darker than Finnish or Swedish

Further on, I will post some group pictures of Lithuanians, mostly from a very homogeneous regions (95%+Lithuanian)
Could you help classifying them? Which phenotypes you see as the dominant ones?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/yGnuHBtaor1IEHQ6jGiMyPK9fTbWvu8d5g7KeaOoh_HXySCAJH x91KYS93lRsWD-FpDcwsW1OTEHgnkTMWvlKRhBknjSsjnEpeOD0y9WyOwG4ZqBHS 3-vXsGuP7La3A4Jnruw5GGC-W04lZtVLgmPs3UTkMW6LDO1gWILS-hdQ7x7Xyda_l5oKs5LA7bn8ReFSFFzlusmpD7UmKl5Z3JBN4lW O_el2CI7qs78LB4rBLG61YGTcXTp_dfhP9vMroGHxTT9FLbeww YLHm1HuplwT2rigMBRSKjpSu2ofnkqnUtHDklXKGpN1zye0Wck Kacc4hGlzspLf5o_tsEGOPYoNwVsPDRYQeYh8GJlIF_an6Xkkk kMI_iTHSSZmIrBzS0-BBypvExYoEHzjMOBJN0g-lRMn36Ge5IGKrdcZI8xh0joZeXgKxzGSG3Dakv9e-PVFFay1JN3mhe1NoS7ABxbgL5ymCaOaA5l3MpF3eIahu6Ye3nG bbvu8RYmcZqvUvcw1mnsZ-QJ55oCZZenogb9HsLPPh2zy60pnOxkOpwRjOVojJyNb1pquNRN borY7oLwc3YUbD8iYM13w-1TFXFQ28_F5gr4ItTDM1i8HJTEcReMduBW0UolQup6lBqDUvFO kHbHTfrVAbva-xVJ99RJwlG0MjFpW5KpuENQx8hiw=w1457-h971-no

05-12-2017, 09:38 PM
Most Lithuanians are east baltics

05-12-2017, 09:41 PM
They look like the original Slavic people imo

East Nordid+Baltid

05-12-2017, 10:04 PM
Class pictures

05-12-2017, 10:14 PM
Blends of E. Baltid, Baltid, and Nordid seem most common, with some Norid influence I think.

05-12-2017, 10:33 PM
They look like the original Slavic people imo

East Nordid+Baltid

Lithuanian people lived in this area long before Slavic tribes came to Europe

Not a Cop
05-12-2017, 10:41 PM
Lithuanian people lived in this area long before Slavic tribes came to Europe

Both Baltic and Slavic tribes came from common Balto-Slavic sourse, so they are equally old in Europe, seriously how old are you?

05-12-2017, 10:52 PM
Both Baltic and Slavic tribes came from common Balto-Slavic sourse, so they are equally old in Europe, seriously how old are you?

You are talking about the languages, but not about the people. Language doesn't mean genetics. You should have known that.
Hungarians and Finns are both Finno-Ugric speakers, though genetically they are not related.

Balto-Slavic it's a theory by the way.

Not a Cop
05-12-2017, 10:57 PM
You are talking about the languages, but not about the people. Language doesn't mean genetics. You should have known that.
Hungarians and Finns are both Finno-Ugric speakers, though genetically they are not related.

Balto-Slavic it's a theory by the way.

If you'll look far enough into the depths of History you'll realise that at the begining points of languge expansion language=genetics.

05-12-2017, 11:31 PM
If you'll look far enough into the depths of History you'll realise that at the begining points of languge expansion language=genetics.
''far behind into the depths of history'' :D that's NOT an argument

Language is not genetics :)

05-12-2017, 11:35 PM
If you'll look far enough into the depths of History you'll realise that at the begining points of languge expansion language=genetics.


05-12-2017, 11:36 PM
Baltics and Nordics, they are very light and quite homogenous looking to my eyes :)

Lithuanian people lived in this area long before Slavic tribes came to Europe
Lithuanians genetically similar to other Baltic states and also Belarussians and Russians from nearby regions.

05-12-2017, 11:48 PM
You are talking about the languages, but not about the people. Language doesn't mean genetics. You should have known that.
Hungarians and Finns are both Finno-Ugric speakers, though genetically they are not related.

Balto-Slavic it's a theory by the way.

so u think Baltics, Belarussians and Russians have nothing in common?

05-12-2017, 11:49 PM
Baltics and Nordics, they are very light and quite homogenous looking to my eyes :)
Lithuanians genetically similar to other Baltic states and also Belarussians and Russians from nearby regions.

Hm... I agree with a first part. Just since USSR occupied us our culture was nearly destroyed and still up to this day impacted a lot by occupation. But originally we are Northern people. Prior to occupation all Baltic nations were very close to Finland in many aspects.

About the Slavic impact on genetics, I think it's a myth that Lithuanians are more impacted by Slavs than Estonians and Latvians.
Genetic researches show different. Estonians and Latvians always had much bigger Russian populations. Also during the USSR times way more Russian colonists came into Latvia and Estonia. Though people generally avoided mixing with Slavs, occasionally it happened and genetics were impacted.

For example all researches show that Lithuanians got slightly higher percentage of N3 Ugric gene than Estonians or Latvians...

If talking about Belarussians, there weren't many mixing among Belarussians and Lithuanians. This is shown by the fact that Belarussians got almost no Ugric gene N3, which is very common in Lithuania.

05-12-2017, 11:49 PM
Of course Balts are related to neighbouring Slavs genetically and linguistically, but they are still different

05-12-2017, 11:50 PM
so u think Baltics, Belarussians and Russians have nothing in common?
''In common'' what do you mean?
All European people are genetically related.

05-12-2017, 11:54 PM
Of course Balts are related to neighbouring Slavs genetically and linguistically, but they are still different
I agree that a level of relation exists. But no more than with Finnish people if talking about Genetics.
Genetic researches show that Lithuanians are most related to:
4. Russians/Belarussians
(In a descending order)

I think quite some relation came due to many Eastward living Baltic tribes assimilated by Slavs (same happened with many Ugric tribes too)

05-12-2017, 11:55 PM
I agree that a level of relation exists. But no more than with Finnish people if talking about Genetics.
Genetic researches show that Lithuanians are most related to:
4. Russians/Belarussians
(In a descending order)

Yes, I don't disagree with this either, some of them also look a bit different from Slavs, I'm surrounded by them here ;)

05-12-2017, 11:57 PM
Baltids and Nordids.

And no Balto-Slavic isn't just a theory, its a proven fact in linguistics. Genetically, of course they would be more similar to neighbours than some Slavic group in the Balkans for e.g.

Not a Cop
05-12-2017, 11:59 PM
Hm... I agree with a first part. Just since USSR occupied us our culture was nearly destroyed and still up to this day impacted a lot by occupation. But originally we are Northern people. Prior to occupation all Baltic nations were very close to Finland in many aspects.

About the Slavic impact on genetics, I think it's a myth that Lithuanians are more impacted by Slavs than Estonians and Latvians.
Genetic researches show different. Estonians and Latvians always had much bigger Russian populations. Also during the USSR times way more Russian colonists came into Latvia and Estonia. Though people generally avoided mixing with Slavs, occasionally it happened and genetics were impacted.

For example all researches show that Lithuanians got slightly higher percentage of N3 Ugric gene than Estonians or Latvians...

If talking about Belarussians, there weren't many mixing among Belarussians and Lithuanians. This is shown by the fact that Belarussians got almost no Ugric gene N3, which is very common in Lithuania.

Dude, i do understand that you're probably a nationalistic teenager, a very common archetype for this site, also the fact that you've just joined the forum and content of your posts clearly shows that you're relatievly new in this area.

If you're interested in this theme, i may answer you questions, or give links, etc.

But as far as your anthogonism towards Russians (and probably Poles) goes just try to think of such facts as:

1.Slavs are clearly most similar group linguistically to Balts.

2.There is clear genetic similarity among Balts and Northern Slavs (i'm talking about autosomals).

3.There is clear anthropological similarity between Balts and Slavs.

4.Even geographically you're floating surrounded by a sea of Slavs.

P.S. I'm not implying that modern day Slavs are the same as modern day Balts, but you can't deny the similarities and obvious common sourse.

05-12-2017, 11:59 PM
Hm... I agree with a first part. Just since USSR occupied us our culture was nearly destroyed and still up to this day impacted a lot by occupation. But originally we are Northern people. Prior to occupation all Baltic nations were very close to Finland in many aspects.
You misunderstod, I don't think Balts and Estonians are culturally like certain East Slavs but genetically alike.

About the Slavic impact on genetics, I think it's a myth that Lithuanians are more impacted by Slavs than Estonians and Latvians.
Genetic researches show different. Estonians and Latvians always had much bigger Russian populations. Also during the USSR times way more Russian colonists came into Latvia and Estonia. Though people generally avoided mixing with Slavs, occasionally it happened and genetics were impacted.
For example all researches show that Lithuanians got slightly higher percentage of N3 Ugric gene than Estonians or Latvians...
If talking about Belarussians, there weren't many mixing among Belarussians and Lithuanians. This is shown by the fact that Belarussians got almost no Ugric gene N3, which is very common in Lithuania.
It doesn't mean Lithuanians have Slavic blood, their genetic similarities come from pre-division of Balto-Slavic language group. And you should know autosomal reseraches tell more about genetical similarities than haplogroups do.

For example Estonians are closely related to Finns, but they are not genetically identical (they are closer to Latvians)...I seen results of one (northern)Belarussian former TA member and he would often get Lithuanian on his results as top match.

05-13-2017, 12:05 AM
Since the Neolithic period the native inhabitants of the Lithuanian territory have not been replaced by any bigger migrations from outside. First group of modern Lithuanian ancestors came into this territory at around 11 000-8 000 BC from territories to the South and Southwest. The second group ancestors came from Northeast at around 4000-5000 BC. They left a big impact on Lithuanian genetics. Up to this day Uralic-Finnic N3 haplogroup is a dominant group of Lithuanian male Y-DNR, followed closely with R1A coming from the first settlers.

I think you are getting it wrong, you should read recent ancient DNA papers about it:





05-13-2017, 12:09 AM
Some of those people are really good looking, but most of those pics are extremely cherry picked, unless Lithuanians are getting less inbred as Lithuania grows more urbanized and that's the main reason for phenotype differences between NW and NE Euros. Yes, you can absolutely cherry pick group photos.

These are average Lithuanians:






05-13-2017, 12:22 AM
A few more classes
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oa7BzGyuN-diWLTsez9Xh0QUIlWT8pNE8rqmU5dRAl16iVitOlkV3Fz52lXL USpGWcTE2ZrOzyhzKZKOHNVwmAZutirtOwn9_GzsSm3DFisDpt _FSzEshzp5r-YQRdAPRmwuyZGJEwJq5mihoBIjoObeeU0ujfmf1fqOl0mrC4cu 4K-C5thgNfv5-3yrQoIXQ4h-D8YBHiHwlns3ZZ7zSlS4ohje6SXK5u12QI9azTDuu8q2lV4J5E ce6uOCQFGri3-Lw7KQ1lmtu651T7EmwqvhOQx3JuyqwATqfTskX7Ck8j0rTWXPb j3M8WT3PKlwZAJ2Au0AWv3_G2NBvL9BFxuLwzeuCnHKQgezuYS BKw7m3yiIOMFFnGpI83wo-xxDmvfWQPr9H10C9kLA57zCNE6eKfwn8bbZhoB88a_tAYB-afwLz2jjzUkxg7xqoYFk1Dy5dHEeK32BzuBrUwQYJpiise5K5T gGKcahSYDEZ9Bz13fvhWlaxCZtEBMHtcYRVEmspd7k3iAmhMZS 1hs8M59O3N4E8BFa9Dl5KrjPqCsh0SMRLPDO3jmrQFd0WK4nWn q7ZNl7D5xDDLxUfz9fVSfL6GGGGaMwd6CQr_rf_aN8eWqlY3eV nnep1-b6rwzVnkyT4ilZ1ft2HGFpSjPatquxGX7vAqeoGpulN062rQ=w 912-h659-no
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/JP0WtPslXyIj5NgHWTGgM6_nj9Hmrihco_jf043bxiW9t1xSdN Cn3IO-OVpAXA03rYCZKS5NyYFH2YGNpfNntdprNClEcgyZ4vNtcx0J-LEYjYbkIKi945x9TTOk-fp9xZqto_U0SfQtEjWoX8IXYQm0bqpfkLhDCVvSXK54Hs3n_ae 5cAbBedQO1o-q5XDjPsW9zniJWFQbjELaM0uM7A5CDNjUoW6vhjgJKHL0ODQ9x UVF2RPROeG2mfTdILkOAKPoQpjpgJ6rIphkJmgP_d3fQKnKYT2 xql9TDp-smzDrkiKMlrY5NkwoYsa_XkiihFWdkGPn3PXLay6akW5xlInii mbGlJtVM5TNwrcXXaCfvOWSMIVN1uihk-seXhtlKImxauJryvYTAIYO3-8op271KkIXIWcFaR4h94e40ZgYACVQ__jviQrUEuWJMYxVZWw1 8nTE37nh6adRm54qVsG6elNzExeMFSjofQT1QL_d0scfUA2PWM 7FlVJ0fi0X4sN-2OQpRTm_WXApFK-tXt3pnhEoQdfF9QGJ3xFELlMH_XKXt2b2GPMLSM7DmyekgSv1-APzxnH5XF3X9ly5G77SHGXtQsYXZWZ3plAhAd62J72uKaXucL0 OeurMBOzmZ4TI64suMPoCkJF42f0QmsI_Yx7vEAc8sgBQWONTA g=w912-h659-no
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ORTK9E7LS9kT8P66x29OIJALqEnjaRO8rJ3TyJRtMXSk0tbmMC GZbULgIKuBAGRuZq-0uxwKDKYDtDsprXQ0U-eKQiiho-88qxdOvp8JKGtbiaPPIDHgVIWfSBfL-aJaYBbGxY5QGisYLogaPp6jyKDjDb5OQHyHNt1t0MZb_tu6upO SdNcuOy-icvQFTnSV07DC6RziX-4T3F7sQPMUA8r_jpxDctzFlt4QFVQ31h28krtnHUyIPd_En2DP uRlIXZi9PhIaNkCETJL8lTG-kRKEc1TN7BNz476euL4XWbPAbZtBF7iFt6PzqA7EMQXGf6NCqn m7aGEee6-imrlbLfndkJaRs96fJZ7pa97Ha0Q9Eu7CpduHZfEVz09CujLKY Yv-_Ctd0m3vC4HaJ3o25mPDbc2KGk1kRZ0VXFw6_BogX-CaXt6m_epDtMy7HYKo52u4RZ4D7Deb2Pji2UzqYSNNRLxzBn7U rh_BMsUXv8mKT32hW-Y6i21UeI2rRV3fcPApxJBvrZulcwdKRZ-rhj3G3_xsP4eDa6nShKHnmlYNDxyuGV2bMNti_FiyZrxY_98Zb R3fLTIviezwrcLwkCyDb5nHHwFEw6gHTlxB-08Tnwvx-jLRIvS4Z2k_xNk_s5AZZeTb8uBX3Jfy_0VsqqtKQP3rclzpNf7-DTTpIw=w912-h659-no
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/R1sijultiMD6fMx7erE0Gk7cBg-Na7d1VUPOVADXKMI1wjid9sSigKy85Ofvfo2WHj2ugisR1znoa nTcOhS-QLteQ1-PUN2TsEVFkPtLB3LHQNgqf267nKAVivYnoU--V0-TJ1GrrGlidhNVPfvSaKL9GNfbEos0sDRSxeCQLfV3YIEm5KsUy ZGErepDChW2rmk6FXY8DAEc29iQQikQPi3RuxG-mr2isSIKeTVbQuf_3KnKsvGomeFAK-ew_zpCKsSod0yrI8F1uEOVG6iY_Tb-t3LvLOtT7CeUf1FmD-RFR8GTf4KiRoj87Dn4q0Rszl_4SNi_WfjRqzRRDPkZe90YSuMg RbrZKgR-OD58yPjC7gK9NMjUOJiKqhDEpo4pfO6beyab-rp85T_E41KRbjHQqJ1F_ob3nexvFYR_D2hzejZETDpbW_r85bY TaPSergTiumwvlT3hNiWn7JUtgDbvR04f4a4SchOR0GItdKzhn cTXNNZaYFPxdRnFbQ9KRso8Fc6aOqzTHa8qw-FVUYv0-Q7v5jTqiWqsOrR0FB_aaMGbaOM1Iv0y1rcACKDdJCO358Pd0N2 Pcrm55P-McHxf3MFQ2aZlREkTJ3neOZycljbNXvxO26bavbecMiv37btHl DdjLUft8SLev9ZlAKay8JVV07Bs7JVgqbS7hA=w912-h659-no
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/VnssYV8AVimWTwlHU6qWyYPPAMeRSMLGOZBzLUcJJfIVmJ4G5i 5v134DRZrwhPVFL_UPSW42ziKwRSvuqZH0eTbIuTKK3LdF_hek avXMisi1qDr7SfwD5mRlZm1wzh9KTP177ZZOTKCzImuvk82Fmq DeeMKKGzrDr8AtrjPHZxW7EAHLVVWKwQ8t37CeE7nUsZzzcdUA _HEAQihsiI1uYj90SYQhaacodXbKefBZhuOgxBh0OCqzlC6Sr9 SCeGy0NaH8nVaOPBYz906_DIfrONKoQs0NOmG4c7VHM8zq7HSo EEPRQnWMFyl40-nUS3wcR5O1fTGGaKtvLLwpixEb54Jg5scq0l-7WOUQPdinkLGBgWmkOfA0COVNBA7dczkZuHP4bUnCEmtUVAy40 5ZQF74Pu1ecb1eoQ2TFfhJ-9vaaCv3ckN87dZ8FKDkwKGObtXHf43gjRwBTudyW2AJY0VPKFn XCACmK_eJHd-cUB_w80EG2vfrpKtUufQc05-ktklIh8hTwxU8bwwtp2ZB7gW4jGmv0oFITsGBV-wma6vEiuW0EIxPClQzq-4mI6uELdcyHyy5C8DSYSeJO5PqB6vu7gT16P-77slwrkVwQTt58hBg7u0EfnBO1nglt-Qqen0gD6F-7IKK3hiuWukn0rT7lJe8mWXlRIrhzXYrmDw=w912-h659-no

05-13-2017, 12:32 AM
Dude, i do understand that you're probably a nationalistic teenager, a very common archetype for this site, also the fact that you've just joined the forum and content of your posts clearly shows that you're relatievly new in this area.

If you're interested in this theme, i may answer you questions, or give links, etc.

But as far as your anthogonism towards Russians (and probably Poles) goes just try to think of such facts as:

1.Slavs are clearly most similar group linguistically to Balts.

2.There is clear genetic similarity among Balts and Northern Slavs (i'm talking about autosomals).

3.There is clear anthropological similarity between Balts and Slavs.

4.Even geographically you're floating surrounded by a sea of Slavs.

P.S. I'm not implying that modern day Slavs are the same as modern day Balts, but you can't deny the similarities and obvious common sourse.

Well, if your age is current you are way younger than me.
I have no problems with Slavs. But dislike when Slavic people try to claim our ''profound'' relations, which is false.
I don't feel any brotherhood towards them the way I feel towards Latvians, Estonians and Finns :)

1.Never denied that, nor agreed. Balto-Slavic is the most widely accepted theory. But many researchers question it too.
2. There are some similarity of course. As I said Slavs absorbed many Finnic and Baltic tribes so genetics are quite mingled. I do not deny that there are a good number of Russian people who can pass as Lithuanians.
3.There are similarity, but as I said Slavs and Balts are culturally and genetically.
4.Sea of Slavs, doesn't mean we mixed a lot. For example Lithuanian genetics hasn't got much in common with Poles. Many Baltic tribes were absorbed by Slavs, but not the other way. So relation exist because of that.

I've never denied similarities. Check my posts. I wrote that Slavs come second after Finno-Ugrics in terms of genetic relationship with Balts

05-13-2017, 12:42 AM
You misunderstod, I don't think Balts and Estonians are culturally like certain East Slavs but genetically alike.
It doesn't mean Lithuanians have Slavic blood, their genetic similarities come from pre-division of Balto-Slavic language group. And you should know autosomal reseraches tell more about genetical similarities than haplogroups do.

For example Estonians are closely related to Finns, but they are not genetically identical (they are closer to Latvians)...I seen results of one (northern)Belarussian former TA member and he would often get Lithuanian on his results as top match.

Genetically close, but not alike. Check the haplogroup map I posted. Very far for genetically alike. French and English are more genetically alike (Celtics) than Lithuanians and Russians let's say.

The division was between languages, but not genetics. Lithuanian population composition hasn't changed much for the last 5000 years. I wrote that the wast majority of Lithuanians live in ethnically homogeneous areas (95-99%) while Slav minorities live mostly in pocketed areas in Lithuania.

I agree that some Belarussians got more Baltic genes, especially the ones closer to border. Back in 17-18th century South-Eastern Lithuanian dialect speakers were common in areas to the North from Minsk.

05-13-2017, 12:48 AM
Some of those people are really good looking, but most of those pics are extremely cherry picked, unless Lithuanians are getting less inbred as Lithuania grows more urbanized and that's the main reason for phenotype differences between NW and NE Euros. Yes, you can absolutely cherry pick group photos.

These are average Lithuanians:



WRONG. Tomasevski is Polish. Isn't that evident from surname?


WRONG again. Middle one is Fabian from South America. Not even European.

Yeah, basketball players are mostly Lithuanians, this is the only picture of all you posted where there are all Lithuanians.

05-13-2017, 12:50 AM
I haven't cherry picked.
Click the link and see for yourself

05-13-2017, 12:55 AM
Lithuanian national football teams

Here is female national basketball team, Xenophobic Prussian posted male.

So who is cherry-picking? Lithuanian national football/basketball teams look similar to those kids in schools, only older.

05-13-2017, 08:19 AM
Hey, could help me to classify Europe's volleyball champion of Lithuanian origin? :)
My guess Baltid+ Nordid

brennus dux gallorum
05-13-2017, 08:31 AM
Typical eastern European, mostly Baltic

05-13-2017, 09:09 AM
Typical eastern European, mostly Baltic

You mean Baltid, Western Baltid?

05-13-2017, 09:14 AM
About the Slavic impact on genetics, I think it's a myth that Lithuanians are more impacted by Slavs than Estonians and Latvians.
Genetic researches show different. Estonians and Latvians always had much bigger Russian populations. Also during the USSR times way more Russian colonists came into Latvia and Estonia. Though people generally avoided mixing with Slavs, occasionally it happened and genetics were impacted.
I think we had 3 somewhat active lithuanians on this forum, 2 of them had recent slavic ancestry, polish and russian grandparent resepctively:rolleyes:

brennus dux gallorum
05-13-2017, 09:20 AM
You mean Baltid, Western Baltid?

Yes Baltid, both east and west

05-13-2017, 09:22 AM

05-13-2017, 09:28 AM
I think we had 3 somewhat active lithuanians on this forum, 2 of them had recent slavic ancestry, polish and russian grandparent resepctively:rolleyes:
So maybe they are not originally from Lithuania?
Russians make around 5% of Lithuanian population and almost all of them live in 2 regions Vilnius region and Klaipeda region.
In the rest 8 Lithuanian regions Lithuanians make 95%-99%. So having someone mix-ed is pretty rare and unusual.

During the Soviet times many looked a bit slightly negative on people, especially the women who married with Russians... Most of Russians are nice and lovely people, but majority of Lithuanians don't want their culture to disappear. Lithuanians are very tiny nation, only 4 millions around the world, of which 2,5 mill in Lithuania. Many times in history our culture faced extinction so people are quite wary. Used to be wary, now I think due to globalization ect, many young people are more keen on marrying outside of culture, but very few of young people know Russian, so marrying Eastern European populations like Belarussians, Ukrainians, Russians is even more rare than during USSR times.
I know that way more Latvians and Estonians intermarried with Slavs, due to large Slavic populations there

Of all my distant relatives. My third-line cousin married Polish-American.

05-13-2017, 09:42 AM

Yeah definitely, Lithuanians are of similar proximity to Russians as to Finns.
I am not denying that. But it's not because of Lithuanian population that lives in Lithuania inter-married with Slavs often. Cause if so, we would see very close proximity of Poles and Lithuanians or Lithuanians and Belarussians, whose cultures bordered Lithuanian areas.

But the connection with both of these two groups is somewhat lesser than Lithuanians with Finnish.

I think during the history Russians absorbed way more Ugric and Baltic peoples so Northwestern Russian populations genetically are pretty close to both Lithuanians and Ugrics.

Baltic cultures 1000 BC


05-13-2017, 09:49 AM
Baltic tribes to the East and South were absorbed by Eastern Slavs
the same as Baltic tribes to the West were absorbed/mixed with German settlers in Prussia.
Up to early 18th century the majority of populations in Prussia spoke Prussian-Lithuanian.
Plague in the beginning severely decimated Prussian Lithuanian population, in some areas 70% of populations died.

05-13-2017, 09:50 AM
Hey, could help me to classify Europe's volleyball champion of Lithuanian origin? :)
My guess Baltid+ Nordid
0 Baltid there.

Sub-Nordid. Nobody would bat an eye if someone claimed she was from say, the Netherlands.

05-13-2017, 09:54 AM
And as I said Lithuanians are related to both Finns and Russians, but not too closely.

Feeichy posted some genetical maps. From those maps you can see that Greeks and Italians, English and French, Germans and French are genetically closer to each other than Lithuanians and Finns or Lithuanians and Russians.

05-13-2017, 09:56 AM
And as I said Lithuanians are related to both Finns and Russians, but not too closely.

Feeichy posted some genetical maps. From those maps you can see that Greeks and Italians, English and French, Germans and French are genetically closer to each other than Lithuanians and Finns or Lithuanians and Russians.

Well they show Lithuanians closest to Latvians genetically :)

05-13-2017, 10:03 AM
0 Baltid there.

Sub-Nordid. Nobody would bat an eye if someone claimed she was from say, the Netherlands.

I agree :) Hm judging from the pic of all 4 Lithuanian national teams which top3 phenotypes do you think are the most prevalent ? :)

05-13-2017, 10:09 AM
Well they show Lithuanians closest to Latvians genetically :)
Yeap, and Estonians.

The map you posted explains why many Lithuanians/Latvians/Estonians dislike when someone tries to mash them with Russians...
They are not that close.

English and Spaniards are closer.

Some Russians especially from North-West Russia could pass in Baltic states.
But majority of Russians are distinguishable from Balts.


05-13-2017, 10:10 AM
So who is cherry-picking? Lithuanian national football/basketball teams look similar to those kids in schools, only older.
Cherry-picking was the wrong word to use my be, since I only said "some of those pictures are cherrypicked", when they can't really be cherrypicked if you have a variety, so I guess I take it back.

What I meant was, some of them, particularly these, are not good representations of the average Lithuanian population:





The rest you posted are pretty representative(also can't compare pigmentation of male sports teams to photos with both males/females because females much higher rates of light hair than males in every ethnic group).

05-13-2017, 10:33 AM
I agree :) Hm judging from the pic of all 4 Lithuanian national teams which top3 phenotypes do you think are the most prevalent ? :)
Just for the teams:

1. North Pontid, 2. Baltid, 3. Balto-Nordid/East Nordid

For the women North Pontid would be last.

Coon's system(which I'm not a fan of):

1. Neo-Danubian 2. Nordic 3. Alpine

Tbh fam, if atleast a significant portion of Balto-Slavs looked like the girl on the far right in the bottom row from the 1st pic, the girl in the middle in the top row and the girl on the right from the 2nd pic, and the girl on the far left on the bottom row from the 3rd pic, I'd probably be a Balto-Slavophile.




05-13-2017, 10:42 AM
Majority of Lithuanians got lighter complexion, lighter hair and eyes, but not all :)
Classify darker looking Lithuanians and where could they fit in :)

1.Donatas Montvydas
2.Mantas Bartaška (looks are atypical, but both parents are Lithuanian)
http://www.15min.lt/images/photos/616179/big/1285746963vertinimunacionalinjeatrankojevaikeurovi zijosfinalnojusdidiuojasi.skmsjistikisiirminske.jp g
3.Aiste Pilvelyte

05-13-2017, 10:45 AM
They look like any Slavic people, which is not surprising considering that Balts and Slavs share cultural and genetic common ancestry.

05-13-2017, 11:12 AM
Cherry-picking was the wrong word to use my be, since I only said "some of those pictures are cherrypicked", when they can't really be cherrypicked if you have a variety, so I guess I take it back.

What I meant was, some of them, particularly these, are not good representations of the average Lithuanian population:





The rest you posted are pretty representative(also can't compare pigmentation of male sports teams to photos with both males/females because females much higher rates of light hair than males in every ethnic group).

I think it depends on the region as well :) in the Western part of Lithuania people are really light. While in Eastern part people tend to be a bit more dark and for example dark brown hair is pretty common, though the eyes are still blue/grey. Funny thing is that most of Lithuanian men tend to have brown hair and ginger beards :D quite odd to me.

Football teams from Western Lithuania

Utena, Anyksciai, Rokiskis the most Eastern parts - my ancestors are from there too :D. Teams from those areas:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/yGnuHBtaor1IEHQ6jGiMyPK9fTbWvu8d5g7KeaOoh_HXySCAJH x91KYS93lRsWD-FpDcwsW1OTEHgnkTMWvlKRhBknjSsjnEpeOD0y9WyOwG4ZqBHS 3-vXsGuP7La3A4Jnruw5GGC-W04lZtVLgmPs3UTkMW6LDO1gWILS-hdQ7x7Xyda_l5oKs5LA7bn8ReFSFFzlusmpD7UmKl5Z3JBN4lW O_el2CI7qs78LB4rBLG61YGTcXTp_dfhP9vMroGHxTT9FLbeww YLHm1HuplwT2rigMBRSKjpSu2ofnkqnUtHDklXKGpN1zye0Wck Kacc4hGlzspLf5o_tsEGOPYoNwVsPDRYQeYh8GJlIF_an6Xkkk kMI_iTHSSZmIrBzS0-BBypvExYoEHzjMOBJN0g-lRMn36Ge5IGKrdcZI8xh0joZeXgKxzGSG3Dakv9e-PVFFay1JN3mhe1NoS7ABxbgL5ymCaOaA5l3MpF3eIahu6Ye3nG bbvu8RYmcZqvUvcw1mnsZ-QJ55oCZZenogb9HsLPPh2zy60pnOxkOpwRjOVojJyNb1pquNRN borY7oLwc3YUbD8iYM13w-1TFXFQ28_F5gr4ItTDM1i8HJTEcReMduBW0UolQup6lBqDUvFO kHbHTfrVAbva-xVJ99RJwlG0MjFpW5KpuENQx8hiw=w1457-h971-no

I think Eastern part is more Baltid looking, the Western part more Nordid

05-13-2017, 11:19 AM
Just for the teams:

1. North Pontid, 2. Baltid, 3. Balto-Nordid/East Nordid

For the women North Pontid would be last.

Coon's system(which I'm not a fan of):

1. Neo-Danubian 2. Nordic 3. Alpine

Tbh fam, if atleast a significant portion of Balto-Slavs looked like the girl on the far right in the bottom row from the 1st pic, the girl in the middle in the top row and the girl on the right from the 2nd pic, and the girl on the far left on the bottom row from the 3rd pic, I'd probably be a Balto-Slavophile.




Thanks, I really appreciate it :)
Was quite a surprise how you classified females :)
really interesting.
I read somewhere that Lithuanian females tend to have more R1A, while males more N3 Ugric... But I am not a specialist on that :)

05-13-2017, 11:34 AM
Just for the teams:
Tbh fam, if atleast a significant portion of Balto-Slavs looked like the girl on the far right in the bottom row from the 1st pic, the girl in the middle in the top row and the girl on the right from the 2nd pic, and the girl on the far left on the bottom row from the 3rd pic, I'd probably be a Balto-Slavophile.




Hm... I do think many Lithuanian females look pretty nice.

Girls from a tiny (98%Lithuanian) town of Raseiniai.

Girls from where I was born, Kaunas


Just one tiny thing, Lithuanians don't like to be associated with Slavs :) and even genetically we are not that close as the map posted by Feiichy showed.
Nobody says that Spanish and English are similar groups even though genetically they are closer(Celtic) than LT & RU.
Why we are so sensitive about that? throughout 19th-early 20th century Lithuanian people were oppressed jailed or even executed for having Lithuanian books or sharing Lithuanian literature. During WW2 thousands of Lithuanian intellectuals, teachers, lectures doctors were imprisoned, deported or slaughtered trying to exterminate the core of our culture :)

05-13-2017, 11:41 AM
They look like any Slavic people, which is not surprising considering that Balts and Slavs share cultural and genetic common ancestry.
Factually wrong.
Genetically there's quite a distance from them.
Cultures (national costumes, pagan traditions, religion, folklore) are even more different.
But if you're coming from Arabic countries no wonder that you couldn't tell difference among Northern, Northern-Eastern European populations Lithuanian/Swedes/Finnish/ Russians

To you probably they all look pretty similar. As for us people from Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon look quite the same.

05-13-2017, 12:15 PM
Majority of Lithuanians got lighter complexion, lighter hair and eyes, but not all :)
Classify darker looking Lithuanians and where could they fit in :)

1.Donatas Montvydas

2.Mantas Bartaška (looks are atypical, but both parents are Lithuanian)
http://www.15min.lt/images/photos/616179/big/1285746963vertinimunacionalinjeatrankojevaikeurovi zijosfinalnojusdidiuojasi.skmsjistikisiirminske.jp g
3.Aiste Pilvelyte


05-13-2017, 12:46 PM
Here are some Lithuanians I think look like outliers to other populations like Slavs or Scandinavians(meaning the quintessential Baltic look like a red-haired Keltid-Nordid is a quintessential Irish look, don't confuse with average or most common):






These Latvians also look uber Baltic:





05-13-2017, 01:04 PM
Majority of Lithuanians got lighter complexion, lighter hair and eyes, but not all :)
Classify darker looking Lithuanians and where could they fit in :)

1.Donatas Montvydas
2.Mantas Bartaška (looks are atypical, but both parents are Lithuanian)
http://www.15min.lt/images/photos/616179/big/1285746963vertinimunacionalinjeatrankojevaikeurovi zijosfinalnojusdidiuojasi.skmsjistikisiirminske.jp g
3.Aiste Pilvelyte
1. North Pontid+Atlantid
2. Gorid
3. Alpinid+Baltid

Coon's system
1. Nordic or Atlanto-Mediterannean
2. Neo-Danubian+Alpine
3. Alpine

Hm... I do think many Lithuanian females look pretty nice.

Girls from a tiny (98%Lithuanian) town of Raseiniai.

Girls from where I was born, Kaunas


Just one tiny thing, Lithuanians don't like to be associated with Slavs :) and even genetically we are not that close as the map posted by Feiichy showed.
Nobody says that Spanish and English are similar groups even though genetically they are closer(Celtic) than LT & RU.
Why we are so sensitive about that? throughout 19th-early 20th century Lithuanian people were oppressed jailed or even executed for having Lithuanian books or sharing Lithuanian literature. During WW2 thousands of Lithuanian intellectuals, teachers, lectures doctors were imprisoned, deported or slaughtered trying to exterminate the core of our culture :)
It's subjective I guess. Most people I think find Eastern European women good looking. I don't see it. I need my clean, orthodox NW Euro features.

Also, English and Spanish aren't closer to eachother than Lithuanians and Russians, lol. English and French is a better comparison.


and yes, you're right to be sensitive about that. The whole Soviet immigration and the treatment of the Balts should be a tragedy for any Balt, I would see it no different than third world immigration. Lithuanians are luckier than Latvians and Estonians in this regard in terms of the current situation.

05-13-2017, 01:19 PM
Here are some Lithuanians I think look like outliers to other populations like Slavs or Scandinavians(meaning the quintessential Baltic look like a red-haired Keltid-Nordid is a quintessential Irish look, don't confuse with average or most common):

Hm... I think square, rectangular faces are not uncommon in Lithuania, I see quite a few every now and then

Austra Skujyte
Jurgita Jurkute
Mindaugas Stasiulis
Ruta Sciogolevaite
Agne Bilotaite

Though these ones are uncommon

Indeed so Latvians are more Baltid. Lauris Reiniks and Freiberga to me are the most typical Latvians

I also think that our Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaite looks very Baltid and could very easily pass in Latvia.

05-13-2017, 01:39 PM
1. North Pontid+Atlantid
2. Gorid
3. Alpinid+Baltid

Coon's system
1. Nordic or Atlanto-Mediterannean
2. Neo-Danubian+Alpine
3. Alpine

It's subjective I guess. Most people I think find Eastern European women good looking. I don't see it. I need my clean, orthodox NW Euro features.

Also, English and Spanish aren't closer to eachother than Lithuanians and Russians, lol. English and French is a better comparison.


and yes, you're right to be sensitive about that. The whole Soviet immigration and the treatment of the Balts should be a tragedy for any Balt, I would see it no different than third world immigration. Lithuanians are luckier than Latvians and Estonians in this regard in terms of the current situation.

Yeah, we prefer to be classified as Nothern European or just Balts instead of Eastern Europe :D It's painful that many people still associate Lithuanian with Eastern block, but probably we couldn't escape it :(
We are glad that Finns won the war and established an advanced country. If not the occupation probably the Baltic states would have looked not that far from Finland in economic and development terms.

During WW2 Soviets came into my grandparents farm, forced them out in winter and my 1 y.o dads sister died from cold and starvation. To many Russians Baltic people always were considered Fascists or Nazi or Germans. Even up to this day.

It's a funny thing when country of 150 millions demonize Baltic inhabitants who are 6 mill in total. This is what was done to Lithuanian products in Russia a few years ago

Yeah, we have much less problem with minorities. And due to lower numbers of them , I dare to say that they are way better integrated than in LV or EE.
Almost all Russians in Lithuania choose to represent Lithuania in Olympics. All young Russians speak fluent Lithuanian. And we don't have that non-citizen issue LV and EE has. In general Lithuanian-Russian relations in Lithuania are good.

05-13-2017, 03:58 PM
Here are some Lithuanians I think look like outliers to other populations like Slavs or Scandinavians(meaning the quintessential Baltic look like a red-haired Keltid-Nordid is a quintessential Irish look, don't confuse with average or most common):


This guy looks like the fucking mirror image to a Norwegian guy I know, it's uncanny, lol. I can PM you his picture, IDK how anglo you think he looks, but this guy's look is common in Scandinavia.
Most of the rest would pass as Norwegians or Poles (most not as both, but as one of them). The first one is one of those that look almost only baltic.

05-13-2017, 04:16 PM
This guy looks like the fucking mirror image to a Norwegian guy I know, it's uncanny, lol. I can PM you his picture, IDK how anglo you think he looks, but this guy's look is common in Scandinavia.
Most of the rest would pass as Norwegians or Poles (most not as both, but as one of them). The first one is one of those that look almost only baltic.
Check my previous started threads if you want to see what I think of that guy's phenotype, had a thread about him before.

Looks like Hindenburg or Coon's East Baltic, which was in German Pomerania/Prussia, the Baltics, Scandinavia, and Finland. Don't think I'm not aware of any phenotype overlap between Balts and Scandinavians, the current prime minister(important: not president) of Lithuania looks Balt and also Scandinavia Borreby at the same time.

I didn't say you won't find those examples outside of the Baltics, but those are still as outlier as you're going to get for Balts. I'd say the Latvian examples and the fat Lithuanian guy are much more outlier than the first one.

05-13-2017, 04:22 PM
Here are some Lithuanians I think look like outliers to other populations like Slavs or Scandinavians(meaning the quintessential Baltic look like a red-haired Keltid-Nordid is a quintessential Irish look, don't confuse with average or most common):
Uber Baltic looks IMO. Can't imagine Slav or Scandinavian to look like that...

05-13-2017, 04:46 PM
Uber Baltic looks IMO. Can't imagine Slav or Scandinavian to look like that...
Well, as a Lithuanian born and raised in Lithuanian I can say that this kind of looks aren't common here.

05-13-2017, 04:47 PM
Lithuanian minister cabinet

Zmey Gorynych
05-13-2017, 04:57 PM
There are 2 ethnic groups in Europe that I romanticize - lithuanians and basques. Small nations with unique language and history. I've gotten to meet a group of lithuanians not so long ago. Very friendly, laid-back people. In terms of phenotype none had CM even as admixture (influences maybe). I'd say they were mostly mixtures of nordid/nordpontid and baltid. Also a lot more brown-haired individuals than I expected (exclusively light shades of brown though). All of them were clearly europid, none of that east-baltid crap the anthroworld goes on about here.

Uber Baltic looks IMO. Can't imagine Slav or Scandinavian to look like that...
Awesome cheekbones

05-13-2017, 04:58 PM
Well, as a Lithuanian born and raised in Lithuanian I can say that this kind of looks aren't common here.
What he looks like to you ?

05-13-2017, 05:03 PM
What he looks like to you ?

Weird to say, but to me he looks like some kind of Swarzenegger relative :)

05-13-2017, 05:20 PM
Well, as a Lithuanian born and raised in Lithuanian I can say that this kind of looks aren't common here.

He looks Finnish East Baltic, just like this guy:


05-13-2017, 05:23 PM
There are 2 ethnic groups in Europe that I romanticize - lithuanians and basques. Small nations with unique language and history. I've gotten to meet a group of lithuanians not so long ago. Very friendly, laid-back people. In terms of phenotype none had CM even as admixture (influences maybe). I'd say they were mostly mixtures of nordid/nordpontid and baltid. Also a lot more brown-haired individuals than I expected (exclusively light shades of brown though). All of them were clearly europid, none of that east-baltid crap the anthroworld goes on about here.

Awesome cheekbones

I agree. Baltid type is definitely not the most common one in Lithuania.

Some Lithuanian forest partisan (Fighting against Soviets) pictures

http://media.bernardinai.lt/o/0886553a632cb9581177ace9830f7afb6e78cfa4_article_s cale.jpg

05-13-2017, 05:31 PM
He looks Finnish East Baltic, just like this guy:


Hm... His looks resembles our Prime Minister's... Only a nicer version

05-13-2017, 05:39 PM
Nice folk :)

05-13-2017, 06:10 PM
I always had a notion that if there's a country where almost every Lithuanian could pass, that country is Finland. Though not every Finn could pass in Lithuania.

Some more Lithuanian looks. How many of them could pass in Finland?

05-13-2017, 06:14 PM
A good-looking people with a cute pagan wedding ceremony :thumb001:

Lithuanian national football teams

This one made me chuckle though, 'cause two girls have obviously some excessive fat... Some others look very fit though.

05-13-2017, 06:27 PM
A good-looking people with a cute pagan wedding ceremony :thumb001:

This one made me chuckle though, 'cause two girls have obviously some excessive fat... Some others look very fit though.
Thanks, we really like our pagan magic and stuff :)

Haha :D I think fatness ruins the features and turn people into borrebies :d Otherwise, all those people would be way better looking.

05-13-2017, 06:46 PM
Thanks, we really like our pagan magic and stuff :)
Thank you for the wonderful video :) There should be magic indeed 'cause it even made me wish to marry too, ha-ha. It looks a bit like LOTR too.
And the most important people look genuinely happy there.

Haha :D I think fatness ruins the features and turn people into borrebies :d Otherwise, all those people would be way better looking.
I'm not a classifier but I'm an ex footballer so I know that there's almost no place for fat in a national team unless you play like maradona :D Yes, it's hard to see the features through the fat.

05-13-2017, 08:13 PM
Thank you for the wonderful video :) There should be magic indeed 'cause it even made me wish to marry too, ha-ha. It looks a bit like LOTR too.
And the most important people look genuinely happy there.

I'm not a classifier but I'm an ex footballer so I know that there's almost no place for fat in a national team unless you play like maradona :D Yes, it's hard to see the features through the fat.

Haha, thanks ! It's really nice to read your posts :)

If you liked that Pagan video, you might like this Baltic music
My favorite part is from 2:05


Indeed so :) I think once people got really into those sports they will definitely loose excess fat.

05-13-2017, 08:23 PM
They look somewhere between Polish and Finnish to me.

05-13-2017, 08:38 PM
Nice folk :)

Once a Lithuanian tried to convince me that niceness is not a European thing. In order to appear dick-like I disagreed,

Are you trying to be dick too?

05-13-2017, 09:28 PM
If you liked that Pagan video, you might like this Baltic music
My favorite part is from 2:05
This part is beautiful indeed. It reminds me of some folk music I've listened to :)

Indeed so :) I think once people got really into those sports they will definitely loose excess fat.

05-13-2017, 09:30 PM
Dicks everywhere.

05-13-2017, 09:48 PM
They look somewhere between Polish and Finnish to me.
Lithuanians do have genetic relation to Finnish, but not the Poles :)

05-13-2017, 09:51 PM
This part is beautiful indeed. It reminds me of some folk music I've listened to :)


Glad that you liked it. Would you like to vote on my new pool about Lithuanian tribes ? :)

05-13-2017, 09:52 PM
Lithuanians do have genetic relation to Finnish, but not the Poles :)
What about Belarussians then? Are you related to them?

Glad that you liked it. Would you like to vote on my new pool about Lithuanian tribes ? :)
Sure :)

05-13-2017, 10:12 PM
Here are some Lithuanian and Latvian GEDmatch kits with extremely "Baltic" results:


05-13-2017, 10:24 PM
What about Belarussians then? Are you related to them?

Sure :)

Well of all Slavs Lithuanians got closest genetics with Russians I guess (North-Eastern Russians). With Belarusians in general little bit less, but it depends from which areas. Areas that are to the North from Minsk had sizable Lithuanian Yotvingian minorities. Last Lithuanian speakers who lived there were assimilated in the early 20th century.
Based on all the gene maps I checked, I think it is something like that:

05-13-2017, 10:25 PM
Here are some Lithuanian and Latvian GEDmatch kits with extremely "Baltic" results:


What do you mean by ''extremely Baltic''?

05-13-2017, 10:32 PM
What do you mean by ''extremely Baltic''?

For example M434508 scores in Eurogenes K13:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Baltic 60.31
2 North_Atlantic 21.62
3 West_Med 6.55
4 West_Asian 5.78
5 East_Med 2.37
6 Red_Sea 1.37
7 Oceanian 0.95
8 South_Asian 0.54
9 Amerindian 0.36
10 Siberian 0.16

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Lithuanian 8.8
2 Erzya 11.61
3 Estonian_Polish 11.91
4 Belorussian 12.21
5 Russian_Smolensk 12.21
6 Ukrainian_Belgorod 12.82
7 Southwest_Russian 12.97
8 Kargopol_Russian 13.2
9 Estonian 14
10 Polish 15.68
11 East_Finnish 15.79
12 Ukrainian 16.91
13 Finnish 17.4
14 Ukrainian_Lviv 18.05
15 South_Polish 18.83
16 Southwest_Finnish 21.79
17 Croatian 24
18 La_Brana-1 24.56
19 Moldavian 26.2
20 Chuvash 26.98

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 76.2% Lithuanian + 23.8% Erzya @ 8.44
2 97.7% Lithuanian + 2.3% Chuvash @ 8.78
3 99% Lithuanian + 1% MA-1 @ 8.78
4 98.9% Lithuanian + 1.1% Mari @ 8.79
5 100% Lithuanian + 0% Abhkasian @ 8.8
6 100% Lithuanian + 0% Adygei @ 8.8
7 100% Lithuanian + 0% Afghan_Pashtun @ 8.8
8 100% Lithuanian + 0% Afghan_Tadjik @ 8.8
9 100% Lithuanian + 0% Afghan_Turkmen @ 8.8
10 100% Lithuanian + 0% Aghan_Hazara @ 8.8
11 100% Lithuanian + 0% Algerian @ 8.8
12 100% Lithuanian + 0% Algerian_Jewish @ 8.8
13 100% Lithuanian + 0% Altaian @ 8.8
14 100% Lithuanian + 0% Armenian @ 8.8
15 100% Lithuanian + 0% Ashkenazi @ 8.8
16 100% Lithuanian + 0% Assyrian @ 8.8
17 100% Lithuanian + 0% Austrian @ 8.8
18 100% Lithuanian + 0% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 8.8
19 100% Lithuanian + 0% Azeri @ 8.8
20 100% Lithuanian + 0% Balkar @ 8.8

Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Lithuanian @ 10.018022
2 Erzya @ 12.377593
3 Estonian_Polish @ 13.473001
4 Russian_Smolensk @ 13.836757
5 Belorussian @ 13.871154
6 Kargopol_Russian @ 14.351886
7 Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 14.504711
8 Southwest_Russian @ 14.641432
9 Estonian @ 15.848768
10 East_Finnish @ 17.253912
11 Polish @ 17.764849
12 Ukrainian @ 19.085083
13 Finnish @ 19.471716
14 Ukrainian_Lviv @ 20.389412
15 South_Polish @ 21.323790
16 Southwest_Finnish @ 24.693596
17 La_Brana-1 @ 26.902431
18 Croatian @ 27.141771
19 Chuvash @ 28.049088
20 Moldavian @ 29.624958

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Erzya +50% Lithuanian @ 9.729046

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Erzya +25% Lithuanian +25% Lithuanian @ 9.729046

Using 4 populations approximation:
1 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 9.457539
2 Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 9.729046
3 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.018022
4 Erzya + Estonian_Polish + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.327627
5 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 10.392679
6 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Russian_Smolensk @ 10.400990
7 Belorussian + Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.402795
8 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 10.492082
9 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Southwest_Russian @ 10.493016
10 Kargopol_Russian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.518513
11 Erzya + Kargopol_Russian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.558667
12 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Southwest_Russian @ 10.603081
13 Estonian_Polish + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.670522
14 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Russian_Smolensk @ 10.728358
15 Belorussian + Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian @ 10.749903
16 Erzya + Erzya + Estonian_Polish + Lithuanian @ 10.754530
17 Erzya + Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian @ 10.767511
18 Belorussian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.816651
19 Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian + Russian_Smolensk @ 10.834493
20 Erzya + Estonian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.893762

05-13-2017, 10:37 PM
For example M434508 scores in Eurogenes K13:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Baltic 60.31
2 North_Atlantic 21.62
3 West_Med 6.55
4 West_Asian 5.78
5 East_Med 2.37
6 Red_Sea 1.37
7 Oceanian 0.95
8 South_Asian 0.54
9 Amerindian 0.36
10 Siberian 0.16

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Lithuanian 8.8
2 Erzya 11.61
3 Estonian_Polish 11.91
4 Belorussian 12.21
5 Russian_Smolensk 12.21
6 Ukrainian_Belgorod 12.82
7 Southwest_Russian 12.97
8 Kargopol_Russian 13.2
9 Estonian 14
10 Polish 15.68
11 East_Finnish 15.79
12 Ukrainian 16.91
13 Finnish 17.4
14 Ukrainian_Lviv 18.05
15 South_Polish 18.83
16 Southwest_Finnish 21.79
17 Croatian 24
18 La_Brana-1 24.56
19 Moldavian 26.2
20 Chuvash 26.98

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 76.2% Lithuanian + 23.8% Erzya @ 8.44
2 97.7% Lithuanian + 2.3% Chuvash @ 8.78
3 99% Lithuanian + 1% MA-1 @ 8.78
4 98.9% Lithuanian + 1.1% Mari @ 8.79
5 100% Lithuanian + 0% Abhkasian @ 8.8
6 100% Lithuanian + 0% Adygei @ 8.8
7 100% Lithuanian + 0% Afghan_Pashtun @ 8.8
8 100% Lithuanian + 0% Afghan_Tadjik @ 8.8
9 100% Lithuanian + 0% Afghan_Turkmen @ 8.8
10 100% Lithuanian + 0% Aghan_Hazara @ 8.8
11 100% Lithuanian + 0% Algerian @ 8.8
12 100% Lithuanian + 0% Algerian_Jewish @ 8.8
13 100% Lithuanian + 0% Altaian @ 8.8
14 100% Lithuanian + 0% Armenian @ 8.8
15 100% Lithuanian + 0% Ashkenazi @ 8.8
16 100% Lithuanian + 0% Assyrian @ 8.8
17 100% Lithuanian + 0% Austrian @ 8.8
18 100% Lithuanian + 0% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 8.8
19 100% Lithuanian + 0% Azeri @ 8.8
20 100% Lithuanian + 0% Balkar @ 8.8

Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Lithuanian @ 10.018022
2 Erzya @ 12.377593
3 Estonian_Polish @ 13.473001
4 Russian_Smolensk @ 13.836757
5 Belorussian @ 13.871154
6 Kargopol_Russian @ 14.351886
7 Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 14.504711
8 Southwest_Russian @ 14.641432
9 Estonian @ 15.848768
10 East_Finnish @ 17.253912
11 Polish @ 17.764849
12 Ukrainian @ 19.085083
13 Finnish @ 19.471716
14 Ukrainian_Lviv @ 20.389412
15 South_Polish @ 21.323790
16 Southwest_Finnish @ 24.693596
17 La_Brana-1 @ 26.902431
18 Croatian @ 27.141771
19 Chuvash @ 28.049088
20 Moldavian @ 29.624958

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Erzya +50% Lithuanian @ 9.729046

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Erzya +25% Lithuanian +25% Lithuanian @ 9.729046

Using 4 populations approximation:
1 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 9.457539
2 Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 9.729046
3 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.018022
4 Erzya + Estonian_Polish + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.327627
5 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 10.392679
6 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Russian_Smolensk @ 10.400990
7 Belorussian + Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.402795
8 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 10.492082
9 Erzya + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Southwest_Russian @ 10.493016
10 Kargopol_Russian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.518513
11 Erzya + Kargopol_Russian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.558667
12 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Southwest_Russian @ 10.603081
13 Estonian_Polish + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.670522
14 Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Russian_Smolensk @ 10.728358
15 Belorussian + Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian @ 10.749903
16 Erzya + Erzya + Estonian_Polish + Lithuanian @ 10.754530
17 Erzya + Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian @ 10.767511
18 Belorussian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.816651
19 Erzya + Erzya + Lithuanian + Russian_Smolensk @ 10.834493
20 Erzya + Estonian + Lithuanian + Lithuanian @ 10.893762

So this sample had some Uralic admixture?

05-13-2017, 10:45 PM
So this sample had some Uralic admixture?

Not really, Erzya shows probably because he has more of West Asian than average for Lithuanians.

Here are average scores for Lithuanians and for Erzya (according to the population spreadsheet):

North_Atlantic Baltic West_Med West_Asian East_Med Red_Sea South_Asian East_Asian Siberian Amerindian Oceanian Northeast_African Sub-Saharan

Lithuanian 28.87 53.90 7.17 3.91 1.48 0.76 1.34 0.06 0.82 0.77 0.41 0.29 0.22
Erzya 21.08 50.52 6.40 7.60 2.62 0.32 1.78 0.49 7.11 1.50 0.00 0.25 0.33

Average "Baltic" score for Lithuanians is 54%. But "extreme" samples I posted have between 58% and 60%.

Do you have a GEDmatch account? You can register one even if you don't have your own DNA test results:


Karol Klačansky
05-14-2017, 06:05 AM
They look like the original Slavic people imo

East Nordid+Baltid
Original Slavic people didn't have over 30 percent Haplogroup N. I don't think of Lithuanians as original slavs. Original slavs were never described as being so blond. Original slavs were most likely more like ukrainians, maybe Western ukrainians due to their high rates of R1a and I2.

05-14-2017, 01:26 PM
They look like the original Slavic people imo

Lithuanians => True Slavs :)

05-14-2017, 01:35 PM
I don't feel any brotherhood towards them the way I feel towards (...) Estonians and Finns :)

I wrote that Slavs come second after Finno-Ugrics in terms of genetic relationship with Balts


05-14-2017, 01:42 PM
Thanks, we really like our pagan magic and stuff :)


05-18-2017, 03:34 PM
Not really, Erzya shows probably because he has more of West Asian than average for Lithuanians.

Here are average scores for Lithuanians and for Erzya (according to the population spreadsheet):

North_Atlantic Baltic West_Med West_Asian East_Med Red_Sea South_Asian East_Asian Siberian Amerindian Oceanian Northeast_African Sub-Saharan

Lithuanian 28.87 53.90 7.17 3.91 1.48 0.76 1.34 0.06 0.82 0.77 0.41 0.29 0.22
Erzya 21.08 50.52 6.40 7.60 2.62 0.32 1.78 0.49 7.11 1.50 0.00 0.25 0.33

Average "Baltic" score for Lithuanians is 54%. But "extreme" samples I posted have between 58% and 60%.

Do you have a GEDmatch account? You can register one even if you don't have your own DNA test results:


Well, I think that high-Baltic score is mostly of Uralic-Finnic influence.
Thanks. I will check out that site.

05-18-2017, 03:38 PM
Original Slavic people didn't have over 30 percent Haplogroup N. I don't think of Lithuanians as original slavs. Original slavs were never described as being so blond. Original slavs were most likely more like ukrainians, maybe Western ukrainians due to their high rates of R1a and I2.

I agree. I think that the purest Slavs are Poles. Polish/Ukrainian looks - typical Slavic.


05-18-2017, 03:47 PM
Lithuanians => True Slavs :)

Any arguments to support that? , genetics show different. No_1 Haplogroup among Lithuanians is N3 which is almost non-existent among most Slavic populations (Except North-Western Russians).

05-18-2017, 04:51 PM
Lithuanias along with Latvians are interesting people imo . at least for europe . like wtf are they . also their geographical location and language

unfortunately I only know 1 Lithuanian person in real life we used to train together. very nice guy . he also passed as native german . imo lithuanians in general look like a mix of german and russian or something

05-18-2017, 05:25 PM
Any arguments to support that?

Read the quote which I made. Read also the picture.

genetics show different. No_1 Haplogroup among Lithuanians is N3 which is almost non-existent among most Slavic populations (Except North-Western Russians).

And what? :picard1:

05-18-2017, 05:37 PM
Read the quote which I made. Read also the picture.

And what? :picard1:

Lithuanians are not Slavic. Period :)

05-18-2017, 05:46 PM
Lithuanias along with Latvians are interesting people imo . at least for europe . like wtf are they . also their geographical location and language
unfortunately I only know 1 Lithuanian person in real life we used to train together. very nice guy . he also passed as native german . imo lithuanians in general look like a mix of german and russian or something

Nice to hear that you find the last remaining Balts interesting, there were around 10 Baltic tribes, only two survived :)
Latvians and Lithuanians are quite a tiny nations only around 6 million worldwide :)
Well Lithuanians got little in common with Germans, more so with Finns :) but yeah in general it's a mix of N3 and R1A haplogroups
Latvians got both Finnic and Germanic admixture.

05-18-2017, 06:03 PM
Lithuanians are not Slavic. Period :)

N3 makes you not Slavic, but makes you Baltic? :picard2:

more so with Finns

Lithuanians are also from Manchuria? :picard2:

01-03-2019, 05:00 PM
Baltics, Baltic-Nordics(Nordic-Baltics) mix and Nordics.

01-05-2019, 06:34 PM
Once a Lithuanian tried to convince me that niceness is not a European thing. In order to appear dick-like I disagreed,

Are you trying to be dick too?

Just trying to run away.

08-16-2019, 11:13 PM
Indo-Europeans mixed with Finns. They look like Northern Russians.

08-16-2019, 11:17 PM
0 Baltid there.

Sub-Nordid. Nobody would bat an eye if someone claimed she was from say, the Netherlands.

Nordid+Baltid blending produce Subnordid features, Coon called this type Neo-Danubian. They look like Poles (especially Kashubians), Belarusians or North Russians.

08-16-2019, 11:19 PM
I think it depends on the region as well :) in the Western part of Lithuania people are really light. While in Eastern part people tend to be a bit more dark and for example dark brown hair is pretty common, though the eyes are still blue/grey. Funny thing is that most of Lithuanian men tend to have brown hair and ginger beards :D quite odd to me.

Football teams from Western Lithuania

Utena, Anyksciai, Rokiskis the most Eastern parts - my ancestors are from there too :D. Teams from those areas:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/yGnuHBtaor1IEHQ6jGiMyPK9fTbWvu8d5g7KeaOoh_HXySCAJH x91KYS93lRsWD-FpDcwsW1OTEHgnkTMWvlKRhBknjSsjnEpeOD0y9WyOwG4ZqBHS 3-vXsGuP7La3A4Jnruw5GGC-W04lZtVLgmPs3UTkMW6LDO1gWILS-hdQ7x7Xyda_l5oKs5LA7bn8ReFSFFzlusmpD7UmKl5Z3JBN4lW O_el2CI7qs78LB4rBLG61YGTcXTp_dfhP9vMroGHxTT9FLbeww YLHm1HuplwT2rigMBRSKjpSu2ofnkqnUtHDklXKGpN1zye0Wck Kacc4hGlzspLf5o_tsEGOPYoNwVsPDRYQeYh8GJlIF_an6Xkkk kMI_iTHSSZmIrBzS0-BBypvExYoEHzjMOBJN0g-lRMn36Ge5IGKrdcZI8xh0joZeXgKxzGSG3Dakv9e-PVFFay1JN3mhe1NoS7ABxbgL5ymCaOaA5l3MpF3eIahu6Ye3nG bbvu8RYmcZqvUvcw1mnsZ-QJ55oCZZenogb9HsLPPh2zy60pnOxkOpwRjOVojJyNb1pquNRN borY7oLwc3YUbD8iYM13w-1TFXFQ28_F5gr4ItTDM1i8HJTEcReMduBW0UolQup6lBqDUvFO kHbHTfrVAbva-xVJ99RJwlG0MjFpW5KpuENQx8hiw=w1457-h971-no

I think Eastern part is more Baltid looking, the Western part more Nordid

Western part is more Polish-looking (mostly West Baltid / CroMagnid ), some men on the pics look like Pudzianowski.

08-16-2019, 11:23 PM
Genetically close, but not alike. Check the haplogroup map I posted. Very far for genetically alike. French and English are more genetically alike (Celtics) than Lithuanians and Russians let's say.

The division was between languages, but not genetics. Lithuanian population composition hasn't changed much for the last 5000 years. I wrote that the wast majority of Lithuanians live in ethnically homogeneous areas (95-99%) while Slav minorities live mostly in pocketed areas in Lithuania.

I agree that some Belarussians got more Baltic genes, especially the ones closer to border. Back in 17-18th century South-Eastern Lithuanian dialect speakers were common in areas to the North from Minsk.

Not really, English people descend mostly from insular Celts (R1B-L21) since Frenchmen (with the exception of Bretons who are related to Welsh and Cornish people) descend mostly from Gauls/continental Celts (R1b-U152).
Lithuanians and Russians have more common genes than English and French people.

11-12-2022, 09:55 AM
Please classify these Lithuanians, where can they pass?


11-12-2022, 03:41 PM
They look like Slavs, no doubt about that, but not identical because they lack ENF influences. Few Pontids, Dinarics, Alpines...

11-12-2022, 04:29 PM
It depends on the region of Lithuania. Baltid, Nordid phenotypes more common in the North. Gorid, North Pontid more common in the South.

I created morphs by regions using 180 Lithuanian female basketball players (only Lithuanian names and surnames).



Lithuanians from regions 4 and 5 look close to Latvians, Lithuanians from regions 7 and 9 look close to Eastern Poles.

12-05-2023, 04:16 AM
Here are some Lithuanians I think look like outliers to other populations like Slavs or Scandinavians(meaning the quintessential Baltic look like a red-haired Keltid-Nordid is a quintessential Irish look, don't confuse with average or most common):






These Latvians also look uber Baltic:





It's due to Uralic/Finnic admixture among Balts, you can see the same phenotypes in Finland, Estonia and in NW Russia (among Votes, Karelians, Ingrians etc.)