View Full Version : classify Turkoman singer guy

05-13-2017, 09:18 PM
Central Asian Turkmen, he looks like he descend straight from the lineage of Gray wolves clan of Ashina.

I suspect first Seljuks and Ottomans close in look with this guy

https://i.hizliresim.com/R0qlBZ.jpg (https://hizliresim.com/R0qlBZ)

https://i.hizliresim.com/oj1MEQ.jpg (https://hizliresim.com/oj1MEQ)

https://i.hizliresim.com/EgZ45q.jpg (https://hizliresim.com/EgZ45q)

https://i.hizliresim.com/9QOP2r.jpg (https://hizliresim.com/9QOP2r)

05-13-2017, 09:20 PM
Between Pamirid and Kumid, with an additional Turanid look. It's hard to tell.

05-13-2017, 09:26 PM

05-13-2017, 09:27 PM
He looks kind of Japanese but not fully Asian.

05-13-2017, 09:35 PM
Man :) That's the look of the chosen elites LOL. I imagine rulers of Turkic Kaghanate, Khazaria, Seljuks and Ottomans like this guy. When İ look at face of this guy I see long journey of my ancestors.

05-13-2017, 11:55 PM
He looks kind of Japanese but not fully Asian.

Yeah I think he can pass as half Japanese half Euro

05-14-2017, 06:38 PM
Dominantly Caspian Europo-Mongoloid Caspoid admixture. The Mongoloid component was presumably clear Mongoloid sometime in the past and not Turanid or Pamirid. Here is a close, but clear Europid Hungarian sample:

The Caspian is a Mediterranid subtype in Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Nortwestern Iran.

05-14-2017, 06:39 PM
Dominantly Caspian Europo-Mongoloid Caspoid admixture. Here is a close, but clear Europid Hungarian sample:

The Caspian is a Mediterranid subtype in Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Nortwestern Iran.

I guess this could work as well. Caspoid + Mongoloid mix.

05-14-2017, 06:41 PM
Here is a close, but clear Europid Hungarian sample:

05-14-2017, 06:46 PM
The Hungarians have various types of old Central Asian and Caucasian types before the great Turkicization, Molgolization of Central Asia dear Sekkmer. The clear Europid Caspian is not a surprise in Hungary, while this type metised in Central Asia.

05-14-2017, 07:01 PM
Caspid + Mongoloid

Полковник 95
05-14-2017, 07:32 PM
LMFAO if that is your wet dream... Looks like an Uzbek guest worker in Moscow.

05-14-2017, 07:35 PM
Anyway, what is this strange haircut between the Central Asians? Hilarious! :rotfl:

05-14-2017, 07:36 PM
He resembles warriors from the steppes

05-14-2017, 07:44 PM
He resembles warriors from the steppes

A Persian peasant maybe, but definitely not a warrior looking guy.

05-14-2017, 07:45 PM
A Persian peasant maybe, but definitely not a warrior looking guy.

How much Mongoloid do you even score? Post your results.

05-14-2017, 07:46 PM
He resembles warriors from the steppes


05-14-2017, 08:41 PM
Ha ha ha Jaleous. The guy is rapper and looks like a warrior to the bone. Look at his face, :) it isnt the face of the guy who would smile or joke. You see discipline and dedication. And street cleaner in Moscow? No, student funded by his state who studies in Belarus like many from that resource rich country who send own kids to study to Turkey, Belarus, China, Russia and Ukraine.
Feat music with his friend also Turkmen but that guy looks more Azeri or somewhat Turkic Nord Caucasian.


05-14-2017, 08:43 PM
Pamirid and Turanid, I think. Very central Asiatic look.

05-14-2017, 09:23 PM
How much Mongoloid do you even score? Post your results.

The Turkoman guy had a real Mongoloid ancestor somewhere in his ancestor's last ten generations, definitely deeper then five generation! This level.

05-14-2017, 09:24 PM
The Turkoman guy had a real Mongoloid ancestor in his ancestor's last ten generations. This level.


05-14-2017, 09:26 PM
The Turkoman guy had a real Mongoloid ancestor in his ancestor's last ten generations. This level.

They have both Iranic and Turkic ancestries in their genepool.

05-14-2017, 09:27 PM

You had a theoretical question and this is an theoretical answer. Of course the reality was extremly more complex.

05-14-2017, 09:29 PM
They have both Iranic and Turkic ancestries in their genepool.

Yes, because various reason. The Europid component between the Turkmens is absolutely dominantly the once Pre-Indoeuropean, but later Iranized Mediterranid neolithic population, while the Mongoloid component was the various Turkic and Mongolian conquerors in their land.

05-14-2017, 09:32 PM
Yes, because various reason. The Europid component between the Turkmens is absolutely dominantly the once Pre-Indoeuropean, but later Iranized Mediterranid neolithic population, while the Mongoloid component was the various Turkic and Mongolian conquerors in their land.

Pretty much. Their society and culture is very Turkic which can be said about the central Asiatic Turkic peoples like Kazakhs, Uzbeks and etc.

05-14-2017, 09:32 PM
Dont talk sh!t. Turkomans dont have any worthy or recognised 'Iranic, ancestry or whatsoever. Historically it's a 'racist, community even against other Turkic tribe. Kids born from Persian women not even treated equally with full blood

The Turkomans observe a difference between their children from Turkoman mothers, and those from the Persian female captives whom they take as wives, and the Kazakh women whom they purchase from the Uzbeks of Khiva. The Turkomans of pure race enjoy full privileges, while the others are not allowed to contract marriages with Turkoman women of pure blood, but must choose themselves wives among the half-castes and Kazakh captives.

As there exists a great animosity between the Yamuds and Goklans they do not intermarry, although they reckon themselves of equally noble lineage. The same hatred is extended to the Tekke Turkomans, whom the Goklans and Yamuds, moreover, look upon as their inferiors, being, according to their genealogies, the descendants of a slave-woman, whilst they are the posterity of a free-woman. (p. 71)

The Turkoman women are, like the men, tall, and when young, well-shaped; their faces are rounder than those of the men; the cheek-bones less prominent; the eyes black, with fine eye-brows, and many with fair complexion; the nose is rather flat; the mouth small, with a row of regular white teeth. In a word, a great number of the younger part of the community might be reckoned as fair specimens of pretty women. (p. 73)

Bode, C.A. "The Yamud and Goklan tribes of Turkomania". Journal of the London Ethnological Society, vol. 1, 1848, pp. 60–78.

05-14-2017, 09:36 PM
The Hungarians have various types of old Central Asian and Caucasian types before the great Turkicization, Molgolization of Central Asia dear Sekkmer. The clear Europid Caspian is not a surprise in Hungary, while this type metised in Central Asia.

Hungarians dont have any ancestry from Central Asia. Magyars were just another backward Finno-Ugric tribe from Ural region. Were it not for the Turkic elite which led them to central Europe (Byzantines saw them and called them Princes of Turks as you know) the Magyars would be like Mordva or Mari today. An Uralic tribe of 500k disappearing and Slavifying somewhere in Russia.

05-14-2017, 09:37 PM
Dont talk sh!t. Turkomans dont have any worthy or recognised 'Iranic, ancestry or whatsoever. Historically it's a 'racist, community even against other Turkic tribe. Kids born from Persian women not even treated equally with full blood

As what genetic study have shown, they are mostly a mix between the Turkic migrants coming from Siberia and Mongolia and the local Iranic speaking Caucasoids that lived in Turkmenistan since the early bronze age(they were mostly natives like today's western Iranian peoples).

05-14-2017, 09:38 PM
Off-topic. The mere objective was to classify.

05-14-2017, 09:39 PM
Hungarians dont have any ancestry from Central Asia. Magyars were just another backward Finno-Ugric tribe from Ural region. Were it not for the Turkic elite which led them to central Europe (Byzantines saw them and called them Princes of Turks as you know) the Magyars would be like Mordva or Mari today. An Uralic tribe of 500k disappearing and Slavifying somewhere in Russia.

Once we were grandsons of Attila, but while our ancestors fucked with Slavic womens, till then your ancestors fucked with goats and Arabs. The difference is visible... :)

05-14-2017, 09:40 PM
The mixture with Iranics is unwanted and rejected for Turkomans. The 19th century source is a good example which shows that even mixed marriage with Iranic women or female captives from them have serious consequences going until being barred from marriying normal Turkoman Girl for kids born from such relationships. So no, no Iranic in Turkomans or whateva.

05-14-2017, 09:42 PM
Ha ha ha Jaleous. The guy is rapper and looks like a warrior to the bone. Look at his face, :) it isnt the face of the guy who would smile or joke. You see discipline and dedication. And street cleaner in Moscow? No, student funded by his state who studies in Belarus like many from that resource rich country who send own kids to study to Turkey, Belarus, China, Russia and Ukraine.
Feat music with his friend also Turkmen but that guy looks more Azeri or somewhat Turkic Nord Caucasian.


your ancestors who were warriors must have been fit , quite muscular , these two guys look like classic nerds xD

05-14-2017, 09:45 PM
Once we were grandsons of Attila, but while our ancestors fucked with Slavic womens, till then your ancestors fucked with goats and Arabs. The difference is visible... :)

That's 19th century myth that you are Attila sons. Atilla was Turkic his sons name are another proof (Ellac, Ernak, Dengizik, Eitil etc). You are what you say and also what I say. A group of Turks from Khazarians take a backward (Magyar) Finno Ugric tribe and led them to Central Europa where these people assimilated Slavs and Germans around. It's why you have no genetic relationships NOT AT ALL with Central Asians or Uralians. Your nation is the result of Turko-Ugric myth.

05-14-2017, 09:46 PM
The mixture with Iranics is unwanted and rejected for Turkomans. The 19th century source is a good example which shows that even mixed marriage with Iranic women or female captives from them have serious consequences going until being barred from marriying normal Turkoman Girl for kids born from such relationships. So no, no Iranic in Turkomans or whateva.

Well, we're living in the 21st century, and we have genetic studies to confirm whether or not these traditions were true.

Genetic studies on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction polymorphism confirmed that Turkmen were characterized by the presence of local Iranian mtDNA lineages, similar to the Eastern Iranian populations, but high male Mongoloid genetic component observed in Turkmens populations with the frequencies of about 20%.[21

Uzbeks, another Turkic people native to central Asia, also came from a union between Iranic and Turkic tribes as well:

The modern Uzbek population represents varying degrees of diversity derived from the high traffic invasion routes through Central Asia. Once populated by Iranian tribes and other Indo-European people, Central Asia experienced numerous invasions emanating out of Mongolia that would drastically affect the region. According to recent genetic genealogy testing from a University of Oxford study, the genetic admixture of the Uzbeks clusters somewhere between the Iranian peoples and the Mongols.

From the 3d century B.C., Central Asia experienced nomadic expansions of Altaic-speaking oriental-looking people, and their incursions continued for hundreds of years, beginning with the Hsiung-Nu (who may be ancestors of the Huns), in ~300 B.C., and followed by the Turks, in the 1st millennium A.D., and the Mongol expansions of the 13th century. High levels of haplogroup 10 [C-M130] and its derivative, haplogroup 36 [C-M210], are found in most of the Altaic-speaking populations and are a good indicator of the genetic impact of these nomadic groups. The expanding waves of Altaic-speaking nomads involved not only eastern Central Asia—where their genetic contribution is strong, [...]—but also regions farther west, like Iran, Iraq, Anatolia, and the Caucasus, as well as Europe, which was reached by both the Huns and the Mongols. In these western regions, however, the genetic contribution is low or undetectable (...), even though the power of these invaders was sometimes strong enough to impose a language replacement, as in Turkey and Azerbaijan (...). The difference could be due to the population density of the different geographical areas. Eastern regions of Central Asia must have had a low population density at the time, so an external contribution could have had a great genetic impact. In contrast, the western regions were more densely inhabited, and it is likely that the existing populations were more numerous than the conquering nomads, therefore leading to only a small genetic impact. Thus, the admixture estimate from North-East Asia is high in the east, but is barely detectable west of Uzbekistan.[25]

The Turkic peoples were already admixed with the ancient PIE peoples of North-East Asia before their migration westwards in the early middle ages although some of the Hunnic elite were indeed Turkic judging by their names.

05-14-2017, 09:49 PM
That's all myths, Fat Arab. Not only Turkey now you want to MENAfy Central Asia too? What Iranic? Iranics are bunch of Kurds, Persians, Baloch etc they look like have smth to do with Turkomans. You cant bind Turks with a people they even didnt want to intermarry. F*ck off now from the thread go cry elsewhere.

05-14-2017, 09:49 PM
That's 19th century myth that you are Attila sons. Atilla was Turkic his sons name are another proof (Ellac, Ernak, Dengizik, Eitil etc). You are what you say and also what I say. A group of Turks from Khazarians take a backward (Magyar) Finno Ugric tribe and led them to Central Europa where these people assimilated Slavs and Germans around. It's why you have no genetic relationships NOT AT ALL with Central Asians or Uralians. Your nation is the result of Turko-Ugric myth.

Then, why looks subhuman the average Turkish? Even our Gypsies are better looking peoples! Pls! The Turkish peoples are dark shit with great mouth today! Your leader, Erdogan is the classic example to this.

And I don't talk about the good looking Persian Mediterranids, but the Near-Eastern shudra admixture the survivor burden underclass of many collapsed civilization is the topic here. The main face of your population! The reality behind your mauth.

05-14-2017, 09:55 PM

Not all Turkey or Turkish citizens are Turk you hurted freak. You didnt like what I say? Your country has also hundreds of thousands Gypsies if we will proceed or think same way. Nothing change facts about your imaginary central asianness or Uralness. You are just Slavs and other around assimilated to the identity of a backward tribe brought there by some Turks just that.

05-14-2017, 10:01 PM
That's all myths, Fat Arab. Not only Turkey now you want to MENAfy Central Asia too? What Iranic? Iranics are bunch of Kurds, Persians, Baloch etc they look like have smth to do with Turkomans. You cant bind Turks with a people they even didnt want to intermarry. F*ck off now from the thread go cry elsewhere.

You can't seem to debate without using Ad hominem attacks against me. Iranians originally were not MENA as they originated in central Asia. No, central Asia is not MENA, and not all Iranians are MENA either considering that a lot of them live in the Caucasus, central, south and even east Asia to a certain extent. What you believe that Turkmen were some kind of racially pure Turkic peoples is a load of baloney. No geneticists, archeologist and even historian today believe in the pan-Turanist myths that Turkic peoples were racially and genetically pure when in reality they were far from it. Turkic peoples were mostly a confederacy of many different ethnicity and tribes all branded together under similar cultural and political identity. The same was true for the Huns as well. You can deny it, but the reality is not on your side. While every Turkic peoples in the world do have some genetic link between each other, but at the same time, they are more divergent from one another, and they cluster more closely with their non-Turkic neighbors.

05-14-2017, 10:09 PM
Which reality isnt on my side? Why you care so much and spend your days to try (in vain) to make this accept Turks, like you debate with other guy with Turkey EU application thing? LOL :) Never will we be MENA or West Asian or so and identify with them. Now unstick from Turks and get lost. Its annoying to deal with someone like you.

05-14-2017, 10:26 PM
Which reality isnt on my side? Why you care so much and spend your days to try (in vain) to make this accept Turks, like you debate with other guy with Turkey EU application thing? LOL :) Never will we be MENA or West Asian or so and identify with them. Now unstick from Turks and get lost. Its annoying to deal with someone like you.

I don't care what you people identify and so on. I was simply debating you that the Turkic peoples of central Asia have western Eurasian ancestry reflecting their pre-Turkic past, that's all.

Charles Bronson
05-19-2017, 06:29 AM
Dominantly Caspian Europo-Mongoloid Caspoid admixture. The Mongoloid component was presumably clear Mongoloid sometime in the past and not Turanid or Pamirid. Here is a close, but clear Europid Hungarian sample:

The Caspian is a Mediterranid subtype in Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Nortwestern Iran.

This guy is not Caspid I am Caspid he is Turanid and something else.

Полковник 95
05-19-2017, 07:01 AM
This guy is not Caspid I am Caspid he is Turanid and something else.

You are nowhere Kaspid. This is how Kaspid looks:


Charles Bronson
05-19-2017, 07:03 AM
You are nowhere Kaspid. This is how Kaspid looks:


What is your classification about me?

05-19-2017, 07:48 PM
This guy is not Caspid I am Caspid he is Turanid and something else.

Sorry, but yes:

http://s27.postimg.org/noayt6e5b/b23.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/noayt6e5b/)

race: caspoid
height: 173,1
length of the head: 201
breadth of the head: 161
breadth of the forehead: 112
zygomatic width: 145
morphological facial height: 124
bigonial breadth: 118
nasal height: 52
nasal breadth: 37
cephalic index: 80,1
facial index: 85,52
eye color (Martin-Schulz): 15
hair color (Fischer-Saller): Y

source: dr. Henkey Gyula: A magyarság és más kárpát-medencei népek etnikai embertani vizsgálata - 2002

05-19-2017, 09:59 PM
Looks complete European.

Probably turkified or otomanized local. He might be pomak also.

Armenoid looking greek girls dream to race mix with him.