View Full Version : Is The Mass Rape Of Ethnic English Girls By Muslim Men Part Of A UK Government "Honey-Trap?"

05-15-2017, 01:20 AM
The British government has a long history of exploitation of sexual perversions in order to manipulate & entrap her enemies & those of interest to her. Not just through the protection of deviants such as Jimmy Saville & various pedophiles (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/liberaldemocrats/10775341/Cyril-Smith-the-predatory-paedophile-protected-by-establishment.html) for various reasons but also to infiltrate terrorist groups. It is now public record that the British government, through their spy agencies, used a pedophile "honey trap" system (whereby authorities will film or otherwise record the encounters in order to blackmail the participants at a later date) in to "turn" Irish Nationalist terrorists into informers & double agents. For example in the case of Joe Cahill (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/british-spies-recruited-paedo-ira-4466798).

It is my thesis that the one reason the mass grooming & pedophile rape of 10,000s of English girls by Muslim, mainly Pakistani, men was ignored & covered up for 20 years by British authorities is that they were using these cases as blackmail in order to infiltrate Islamic terrorist organisations.

Besides the obvious moral implications of allowing 10,000s of English girls to be sexually abused by Muslim men the British government also fails to realise that, unlike the case of British or Irish pedophiles, sexually abusing non-Muslim children over 6 years old is not illegal in Sharia law. One reason for this is that the Muslim "prophet" Mohammed himself sexually abused a 6 year old girl (Ayesha) before having sexual intercourse with her at 9 years of age.

The British government's strategy is flawed on so many levels that one can only hope that those responsible within British government & it's various agencies will see justice done & be jailed for many years while the Muslim pedophiles should be castrated & pushed out of planes carrying only parachutes somewhere over the Thar desert in Pakistan.

05-15-2017, 01:21 AM
Yummy. I love English girls.

05-15-2017, 01:27 AM
Yummy. I love English girls.

The Albanian mafia is your biggest export so little surprise.