View Full Version : Classify Nico Mirallegro

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 01:29 PM
English actor.
Mirallegro's Italian father is Sicilian, and his mother, Maureen McLaughlin, is originally Irish.

05-30-2017, 01:32 PM
His European side over-dominated the ethnic ancestry.

Grace O'Malley
05-30-2017, 01:33 PM
His European side over-dominated the ethnic ancestry.

He's fully European so what do you mean?

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 01:34 PM
His European side over-dominated the ethnic ancestry.

Sicily is an European country, also Ireland.

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 01:38 PM
He's fully European so what do you mean?

I dont know how his father looks like but Ive read many times on TA that Irish genes dominates the Sicilian part(common mix among Italian-Americans) and I think he means Sicily is not Europe but he is wrong.

Grace O'Malley
05-30-2017, 01:51 PM
I dont know how his father looks like but Ive read many times on TA that Irish genes dominates the Sicilian part(common mix among Italian-Americans) and I think he means Sicily is not Europe but he is wrong.

I doubt Irish genes dominate. That sounds like a load of tosh. It will be random how someone looks if they are half Sicilian and half irish. Usually a child will look like a mixture of both ethnicities. I've seen a lot of mixed Irish and Italians and to me it is obvious they have Italian blood.

Don't want to hijack your thread but I was watching Season 3 of the Fall recently and one of the main actresses is half Irish and half Italian. To me she looks like a combination of both her ancestries even her name is a great mix Aisling Franciosi. I should make a thread about her.

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg5MDk0MTY0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA3MTQzNDE@._ V1_UY317_CR9,0,214,317_AL_.jpghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Aisling_Franciosi.jpg/1200px-Aisling_Franciosi.jpg

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 01:58 PM
I doubt Irish genes dominate. That sounds like a load of tosh. It will be random how someone looks if they are half Sicilian and half irish. Usually a child will look like a mixture of both ethnicities. I've seen a lot of mixed Irish and Italians and to me it is obvious they have Italian blood.

Don't want to hijack your thread but I was watching Season 3 of the Fall recently and one of the main actresses is half Irish and half Italian. To me she looks like a combination of both her ancestries even her name is a great mix Aisling Franciosi. I should make a thread about her.

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg5MDk0MTY0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA3MTQzNDE@._ V1_UY317_CR9,0,214,317_AL_.jpghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Aisling_Franciosi.jpg/1200px-Aisling_Franciosi.jpg

Lindsay Lohan is half Sicilian, Half Irish and German and she is natural redhaired
This is her before drugs, fake tan and plastic surgery

Grace O'Malley
05-30-2017, 02:14 PM
Lindsay Lohan is half Sicilian, Half Irish and German and she is natural redhaired
This is her before drugs, fake tan and plastic surgery

Both of Lindsay's parents are a mixture themselves e.g. both are half Italian and half Irish etc so it is more likely that she could have got the mostly Irish genes or mostly Italian so more looking like one nationality (if you know what I mean). Her brother and sister don't have the same colouring as Lindsay. It is a bit different if one of her parents was fully Sicilian and one was fully Irish. Her parents would be more likely to look like a mixture because that is what they are. Lindsay could pass as fully Irish.

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 02:20 PM
Both of Lindsay's parents are a mixture themselves e.g. both are half Italian and half Irish etc so it is more likely that she could have got the mostly Irish genes or mostly Italian so more looking like one nationality (if you know what I mean). Her brother and sister don't have the same colouring as Lindsay. It is a bit different if one of her parents was fully Sicilian and one was fully Irish. Her parents would be more likely to look like a mixture because that is what they are. Lindsay could pass as fully Irish.

How much Irish you think she could score on dna test?

Grace O'Malley
05-30-2017, 02:24 PM
How much Irish you think she could score on dna test?

She should score quite a chunk. I'd say approximately 40%.

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 02:34 PM
She should score quite a chunk. I'd say approximately 40%.

Ok, lets think. 40% Irish plus she also has German ancestry, it would make her less southern european genetically than I thought.

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 02:43 PM
I think Lindsay is about 10-20% southern european

Grace O'Malley
05-30-2017, 02:58 PM
Ok, lets think. 40% Irish plus she also has German ancestry, it would make her less southern european genetically than I thought.

It was just a guess. Her paternal grandfather was 3/4 Irish and 1/4 German. Her paternal grandmother was 3/4 Italian and 1/4 German. Her maternal grandfather was of fully Irish ancestry and her maternal grandmother was of Irish and Sicilian ancestry.

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 03:02 PM
It was just a guess. Her paternal grandfather was 3/4 Irish and 1/4 German. Her paternal grandmother was 3/4 Italian and 1/4 German. Her maternal grandfather was of fully Irish ancestry and her maternal grandmother was of Irish and Sicilian ancestry.

I know. I actually agree with you and I made my point that she is not significally southern european. Her results would be like Katy perry's dna results.

05-30-2017, 07:23 PM
North Atlantid + Alpine.

05-30-2017, 07:25 PM
Sicily is an European country, also Ireland.

Sicily is not a country though.

Sick Like
05-30-2017, 08:26 PM
Keltic nordid + coarse med

Heather Duval
05-30-2017, 09:06 PM
Sicily is not a country though.

Yes I know
My mistake, thanks

05-11-2018, 10:28 PM
Alpinized Atlantid