View Full Version : Classify this guy

06-08-2017, 10:31 AM

06-08-2017, 10:54 AM
Atlantid & Mediterran (he is more Neolithic than IE-descendant)

Sick Like
06-08-2017, 12:54 PM
appearance a classic atlanto-med + some dark cromagnoid, typical west european look... but have in part a middle east nose... and watching carefully, the eyes have got a light west asian look... south east euro or semitic commistion?

06-08-2017, 01:00 PM
appearance a classic atlanto-med + some dark cromagnoid, typical west european look... but have in part a middle east nose... and watching carefully, the eyes have got a light west asian look... south east euro or semitic commistion?

such nonsense

06-08-2017, 01:01 PM

Sick Like
06-08-2017, 01:21 PM
such nonsense

He seems in part Torlo Ciro, a model from south Italy that anthroscape users classified east med... look the nose and the eyes 65150

06-08-2017, 01:29 PM
He seems in part Torlo Ciro, a model from south Italy that anthroscape users classified east med... look the nose and the eyes 65150

that Torlo Ciro guy is Atlanto-Med - CM not east med . I am not surprised though since it is anthroscape . if you would have written that he is french they would have classified him as atlanto med + brünn and "pan western european" or something . lol .

btw. the east mediterranid is mostly cappadocid which has its distribution mostly in turkey-(south)caucasus-northwestiran-north levant area. pontid too actually but pontid has a "northern shift" . besides of that you can use (imo) the term also for mediterranids of east/southeast europe mostly like aegean meds that Hellenas often posted as examples . idiots classify people like this italian as east med only because he is italian

06-08-2017, 01:39 PM
Def. not East Med. I'd say Atlantid + CM myself, but obv. Atlanto-Med is a possibility.

06-08-2017, 01:51 PM
classifications lol

06-08-2017, 05:46 PM
Is the same classification in all three images?

I will soon put more photos of this man, unmodified

06-08-2017, 06:00 PM
Atlantid + Cro-Magnoid.

06-08-2017, 06:05 PM
that Torlo Ciro guy is Atlanto-Med - CM not east med . I am not surprised though since it is anthroscape . if you would have written that he is french they would have classified him as atlanto med + brünn and "pan western european" or something . lol .

btw. the east mediterranid is mostly cappadocid which has its distribution mostly in turkey-(south)caucasus-northwestiran-north levant area. pontid too actually but pontid has a "northern shift" . besides of that you can use (imo) the term also for mediterranids of east/southeast europe mostly like aegean meds that Hellenas often posted as examples . idiots classify people like this italian as east med only because he is italian

What Hellenas posts is more Pontid and is a south Balkan type of Mediterranean.

06-08-2017, 06:17 PM
Atlantomed like me.

06-08-2017, 06:33 PM
What Hellenas posts is more Pontid and is a south Balkan type of Mediterranean.

the images I remember were not really pontid mostly

this is as east med as it gets for southeasteurope


http://www.protothema.gr/Images/ImageHandler.ashx?m=Fit&f=Ly8xMC4yMDEuMTAuMjMwL3Byd2ViZGF0YS9maWxlcy8xLzIw MTMvMDgvMTkvZ2lhbm5pcyBrcml0aWtvc18xLmpwZw%3D%3D&t=0&w=1000&h=1000

06-08-2017, 06:35 PM
the images I remember were not really pontid mostly

this is as east med as it gets for southeasteurope


http://www.protothema.gr/Images/ImageHandler.ashx?m=Fit&f=Ly8xMC4yMDEuMTAuMjMwL3Byd2ViZGF0YS9maWxlcy8xLzIw MTMvMDgvMTkvZ2lhbm5pcyBrcml0aWtvc18xLmpwZw%3D%3D&t=0&w=1000&h=1000

I don't see anything distinct about them, that look is found in south central and southeast Europe.

06-08-2017, 06:40 PM
Anyway the guy in the first post looks Iberian and/or Greek. Atlantic Med or Pontid.

06-08-2017, 09:28 PM
Livia Drusilla Approves this guy





06-09-2017, 01:14 AM
Atlanto-Med + CM.

Sick Like
06-09-2017, 06:42 AM
Good images... I' m approving that Ferran is an atlanto med + CM, not middelle eastern influences