View Full Version : Classify Prokofiev

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 08:53 AM




Sergey Prokofiev, in full Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev (born April 23 [April 11, Old Style], 1891, Sontsovka, Ukraine, Russian Empire—died March 5, 1953, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), 20th-century Russian (and Soviet) composer who wrote in a wide range of musical genres, including symphonies, concerti, film music, operas, ballets, and program pieces.


06-12-2017, 08:59 AM
Heh, he died almost the same day as Stalin.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 09:01 AM
Heh, he died almost the same day as Stalin.

You think he could pass in Romania? To me he looks so Russian\Ukrainian that he can barely pass unnoticed outside of those two nations. He looks like a relative of Putin.


Полковник 95
06-12-2017, 09:46 AM
Neo Danubian with Nordid influence.

Not a Cop
06-12-2017, 10:35 AM
You think he could pass in Romania? To me he looks so Russian\Ukrainian that he can barely pass unnoticed outside of those two nations. He looks like a relative of Putin.


His type is more common in Northern parts of Russia and not very typical for Ukraine.

As for classification i would say Nordic\East Baltic

As for passing i would also include Finland and Baltic sates.

BTW he was 1\4 Swedish.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 10:52 AM
His type is more common in Northern parts of Russia and not very typical for Ukraine.

As for classification i would say Nordic\East Baltic

As for passing i would also include Finland and Baltic sates.

BTW he was 1\4 Swedish.

Where you saw that he was 1\4 Swedish? From a Russian source? Can't find anything.

06-12-2017, 11:34 AM
You think he could pass in Romania? To me he looks so Russian\Ukrainian that he can barely pass unnoticed outside of those two nations. He looks like a relative of Putin.


Not at all. He looks too Nordo-Baltid for Romania.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 11:54 AM
Not at all. He looks too Nordo-Baltid for Romania.

I thought so. Yet in Moldova it might be possible to find among the Russophone population, even though they probably are not native to the region.

Not a Cop
06-12-2017, 11:56 AM
Where you saw that he was 1\4 Swedish? From a Russian source? Can't find anything.

In Russian wiki:

Мать, Мария Григорьевна (урождённая Житкова, 1855—1924), родилась в Петербурге и закончила гимназию с золотой медалью. Её отец был крепостным Шереметевых, в середине XIX века переехал в Петербург, женился на горожанке шведского происхождения.


His mother was born to serf of Schremet'ev who moved to Saint-Petersburg and married a woman of swedish heritage.

Although i did a quick google search and found an autobiography of Prokoviev where he printed following letter:

https://books.google.ru/books?id=i8wAAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA534&lpg=PA534&dq=%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%84%D1%8C%D0%B 5%D0%B2+%D1%88%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4&source=bl&ots=MTRRTl5NRk&sig=Ms7rNNGJ4uxO_8TK148gd1bYqmE&hl=ru&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwiL8pPTmrjUAhWCFJoKHWkkCn4Q6AEIKzAC#v=on epage&q=%D1%88%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4&f=false

D.S. Inshtedtov writes:

Your Grandmother Anna Vasil'evna and my father Semen Vasilievich were born in village Meshersky, Serpukhovsky district of Moscow province, who were born to Swedish immgrant Inshtedt and sideway(?) daughter of baron Karl von Bode, this swede was called by baron Bode from Sweden in order to participate in construction of Grand Kremlin Palace (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Kremlin_Palace), and after it was finnished Bode took him to participate in his own constructions.

Karl von Bode was a son of French immigrants who run from French revolution to Russia, ethincally his father comes from Alsatian noble family and mother Mary Kynnersley is of noble English roots.

So his grandmother was 1\2 swedish, 1\8 English, 1\8 Alsatian? and 1\4 unknown, likely Russian.

06-12-2017, 11:58 AM
To me he looks so Russian\Ukrainian that he can barely pass unnoticed outside of those two nations.
There is no so called russian/ukrainian look, ukrainians overlap only with ukrainian immigrant in Russia, not with russians.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 12:01 PM
So his grandmother was 1\2 swedish, 1\8 English, 1\8 Alsatian? and 1\4 unknown, likely Russian.

According to most records his mother's family members were actually formerly serfs. Only way to have that background would be if they got evolved with foreign aristocrats living on the Russian Empire. Sounds unlikely but who knows. To me he still looks textbook Russian above anything else.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 12:03 PM
There is no so called russian/ukrainian look, ukrainians overlap only with ukrainian immigrant in Russia, not with russians.

Most Ukrainians can pass in Russia completely unnoticed, come on. That's like saying that Portuguese and Spaniards can not overlap.

Not a Cop
06-12-2017, 12:07 PM
There is no so called russian/ukrainian look, ukrainians overlap only with ukrainian immigrant in Russia, not with russians.

Ты долбоёб или прикидываешься?

According to most records his mother's family members were actually formerly serfs. Only way to have that background would be if they got evolved with foreign aristocrats living on the Russian Empire. Sounds unlikely but who knows. To me he still looks textbook Russian above anything else.

Well, i would rather trust Prokofievs autobiography, than English wiki, but i have to agree, he does look Russian.

06-12-2017, 12:07 PM

06-12-2017, 02:02 PM
Most Ukrainians can pass in Russia completely unnoticed, come on. That's like saying that Portuguese and Spaniards can not overlap.
Your main fault is projecting portuguese case on Russia, if portuguese share same appereance with moroccans then othder people should completely overlap with neightbouring ethnicities same way. Ukrainians are clearly different and easily spotted for any semi-trained eyes.

Ты долбоёб или прикидываешься?
Чемодан - вокзал - Киев. Ты окажешься в родной среде на исторической родине, а Россия станет чуть чуть чище. Вин-вин для всех.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 02:07 PM
Your main fault is projecting portuguese case on Russia, if portuguese share same appereance with moroccans then othder people should completely overlap with neightbouring ethnicities same way. Ukrainians are clearly different for any trained eyes.

Portuguese people do not share the same appearance with Moroccans, I said Spaniards. If you think the vast majority of Ukrainians can not pass in Russia as Slavic locals it might because you're from Tuva Republic or other Oblast where such phenotype is not so common.

06-12-2017, 02:09 PM
Your main fault is projecting portuguese case on Russia, if portuguese share same appereance with moroccans

Obvious trolling.

Anyway, Prokofiev is Nordic + some ancestral/primitive Melanesid/Neo-Melanesid (I'm not certain which one) still found in small quantities in Russia and across all the world.

What people call 'Neo-Danubian', 'Archaic' look, and any shit like that is basically some remnants of primitive Melanesid from archaic humans in modern populations.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 02:16 PM
If Ukrainians can not overlap with Slav Russians then I would like to know which other ethnicity can overlap the best with Slav Russians.

06-12-2017, 02:22 PM
Can't exactly classify him, but he looks very Russian.

06-12-2017, 02:27 PM
Portuguese people do not share the same appearance with Moroccans, I said Spaniards. If you think the vast majority of Ukrainians can not pass in Russia as Slavic locals it might because you're from Tuva Republic or other Oblast where such phenotype is not so common.
Firstly you have no experience with russian people, secondly you see some ukrainian guest workers who speak russian and think it is some kind of russo-ukrainian people. That is where you are wrong. And i think that vast majority of ukranians can pass only as ukrainian migrants in Russia, not native russian people.
There is noticeable amount of migrants from Ukraine in certain parts of Russia, so they can pass as locals same way as Paris' niggers can pass as local french people. They certainly contribute to "average" phenotype, but not viewed as historical part of local population.
All this crap about same eastern slavic people are only pushed by imperialists, delusional panslavists and nonrussian immigrants.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 02:37 PM
Firstly you have no experience with russian people, secondly you see some ukrainian guest workers who speak russian and think it is some kind of russo-ukrainian people. That is where you are wrong. And i think that vast majority of ukranians can pass only as ukrainian migrants in Russia, not native russian people.
There is noticeable amount of migrants from Ukraine in certain parts of Russia, so they can pass as locals same way as Paris' niggers can pass as local french people. They certainly contribute to "average" phenotype, but not viewed as historical part of local population.
All this crap about same eastern slavic people are only pushed by imperialists, delusional panslavists and nonrussian immigrants.

There is also a noticeable amount of Ukrainians and Russian immigrants in Portugal as well, specially a few years ago that number reached nearly 75,000 people. So it is not like I never saw them. To be honest I don't find them particularly different but that's just my opinion.

Comparing Portugueses (Iberians) to Moroccans (Arabised Berbers) or Frenchmen to Africans (Negroids) is intellectually dishonest as they aren't even from the same ethnic group. I was comparing Ukrainians to (Slavic)Russians which are both from the East Slavic branch, so it shouldn't be unusual.

06-12-2017, 06:30 PM
There is also a noticeable amount of Ukrainians and Russian immigrants in Portugal as well
Again and again. You see ukrainian migrants (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Portugal) and auto add russian into this shit. Yet wikipedia article has nearly no numbers of russian citizens. A few occasions russians mentioned they are like 1/10 of ukrainians. So you see UKRAINIAN migrants and think they are ukrainians/russians. That is what i find annoying, because you take people we russians have no conecctions with as representatives of russian people. Also keep in mind, ukrainian migrants in Europe are mostly from western regions (most different from Russia), because those from the East usually go to Russia instead.

Comparing Portugueses (Iberians) to Moroccans (Arabised Berbers) or Frenchmen to Africans (Negroids) is intellectually dishonest as they aren't even from the same ethnic group. I was comparing Ukrainians to (Slavic)Russians which are both from the East Slavic branch, so it shouldn't be unusual.
IF you bothered to look at map you would see that distance between Portugal and Morocco is quite shorter than distance between central Russia (Moscow and futher north/east area) and Ukraine. What is wrong with example of french niggers? Ukrainians is different from russians ethnic group. Language branch is just language branch, there are many people of all races who are (native) russian speakers. Does natively russian speaker of mongoloid or black race hould be accounted into diversity of russians? I think not.

06-12-2017, 06:32 PM
Ukrainians are Russian (an invented ethnicity like "Moldavians"), but Prokofiev's type (like Putin's) is typical for N Russia.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-12-2017, 06:43 PM
Again and again. You see ukrainian migrants (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Portugal) and auto add russian into this shit. Yet wikipedia article has nearly no numbers of russian citizens. A few occasions russians mentioned they are like 1/10 of ukrainians. So you see UKRAINIAN migrants and think they are ukrainians/russians. That is what i find annoying, because you take people we russians have no conecctions with as representatives of russian people. Also keep in mind, ukrainian migrants in Europe are mostly from western regions (most different from Russia), because those from the East usually go to Russia instead.

IF you bothered to look at map you would see that distance between Portugal and Morocco is quite shorter than distance between central Russia (Moscow and futher north/east area) and Ukraine. What is wrong with example of french niggers? Ukrainians is different from russians ethnic group. Language branch is just language branch, there are many people of all races who are (native) russian speakers. Does natively russian speaker of mongoloid or black race hould be accounted into diversity of russians? I think not.

A lot of the Ukrainian immigrants we have in here are actually Russian, they just happen to have an Ukrainian passport and are accounted as such. The same for some Moldovans. I am not trying to detach Russians from their own identity, I am just saying that they can for the most part overlap with Ukrainians.


If you honestly think these people can not pass in Russia you must be tripping balls.

Not a Cop
06-12-2017, 10:00 PM
Чемодан - вокзал - Киев. Ты окажешься в родной среде на исторической родине, а Россия станет чуть чуть чище. Вин-вин для всех.

I'm perfectly fine on my historical homeland in Saint-P, what is interesting is that you've spent 4 years on anthro-genetical forum and still hold some propaganda bullshit from 1st channel in your head.

Most likely your absolute illogical way of thoughts is caused by hohol grandmother or something. Truly a pathetic case.

06-12-2017, 10:47 PM
A lot of the Ukrainian immigrants we have in here are actually Russian, they just happen to have an Ukrainian passport and are accounted as such. The same for some Moldovans. I am not trying to detach Russians from their own identity, I am just saying that they can for the most part overlap with Ukrainians.


If you honestly think these people can not pass in Russia you must be tripping balls.

Don't bother with Slavs on this forum. They all think their "insert nation" is unique and special as opposed to their other Slavic neighbors with whom they share genes, language etc. Pan Slavism is what we need.

06-13-2017, 05:23 AM
A lot of the Ukrainian immigrants we have in here are actually Russian, they just happen to have an Ukrainian passport and are accounted as such.

Again. You take "proves" out of your butt just to remain "right". I proved you wrong and now you tell me that they are russians with ukrainian passports. Grow up and learn to admit your own mistakes. Out of all migrants from former Soviet Union russian nationals account few %, yet russians somehow always being dragged into that with shit ukrainians, moldavans, balts etc. Is it really hard to calls ukrainians ukrainians or lithuanians lithuanians?
Cultural and economical difference between Russia and UKraine is similar to that between France and Algeria afterall.

If you honestly think these people can not pass in Russia you must be tripping balls.
First and third look balkanoid, second is just polish looking one. Others futher in line too blurry to tell. They do not look russian. Once again you prove that your knowledge of russian people is based solely on assumption that russians are just as same as familiar to you ukrainians:picard1:

Most likely your absolute illogical way of thoughts is caused by hohol grandmother or something. Truly a pathetic case.
Yeah many mongrels believe that russians all mixed and do not even exist. They like to talk about "brotherly relations", historical links and all other crap, because they are what they are. Plain mongrels without roots and identity, who view Russia as "проходной двор" for all churkas from around the World.

06-13-2017, 08:16 AM
There is also a noticeable amount of Ukrainians and Russian immigrants in Portugal as well, specially a few years ago that number reached nearly 75,000 people.

Could you please give us the figure of specifically Russian immigrants (i.e. immigrants from Russia) in Portugal?

06-13-2017, 08:55 AM

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-13-2017, 09:26 AM
Could you please give us the figure of specifically Russian immigrants (i.e. immigrants from Russia) in Portugal?

About 8 thousand Russian citizens.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-13-2017, 09:50 AM
Again. You take "proves" out of your butt just to remain "right". I proved you wrong and now you tell me that they are russians with ukrainian passports. Grow up and learn to admit your own mistakes. Out of all migrants from former Soviet Union russian nationals account few %, yet russians somehow always being dragged into that with shit ukrainians, moldavans, balts etc. Is it really hard to calls ukrainians ukrainians or lithuanians lithuanians?

Millions of Ukrainians are ethnic Russians who have as a native language Russian and identify themselves primarily as Russians. They just happen to have been born in Ukraine. I am not pulling this out of my ass :rolleyes:

I have never been into Ukraine but I have lived in Gdańsk for one year and had the chance to cross and visit the Baltic states nearly every month because I had at the time someone with whom I was acquainted living in Tartu, Estonia. And you're absolutely wrong, you can't just say Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians, there is a lot of ethnic Russians in the Baltic states and some don't even know how to speak anything else besides Russian. Many already have the local citizenship but if you ask them who they are they will tell you they are an Estonian Russian or Latvian Russian, etc (and the majority will say they are just plain Russian even if they have a Baltic state passport).

06-13-2017, 12:40 PM
Millions of Ukrainians are ethnic Russians who have as a native language Russian and identify themselves primarily as Russians.
Stop this bullshit please. They speak russian or some mix of russian with their local ukro tongue, because their ukrainian language is as developed as papuan one. It can not be used for any complicated discussion. Before Crimean break out and war in Donbass there were 17% of population who called themselves russian. Russian share is much less now. Also as i already have stated ukrainian migrants in Europe are mostly from western territories, where russians are nearly absent. You repeat this russian/ukrainian bullcrap only because your huge ego does not allow to admit your own delusions and mistakes. Your country is not interested for russian citizens because of its low living standards and wages. But for for people from shitpoor places like Ukraine or Moldova, Portugal may look like paradize. So you have there ukrainians and moldavans, but not russians. Those 8k russian nationals u meantioned recorded in 2002. When economical situation was much worse than its today. There is not later data, simply because there are no russian migrants in Portugal right now in any amount worth mentioning.

I have never been into Ukraine but I have lived in Gdańsk for one year and had the chance to cross and visit the Baltic states nearly every month because I had at the time someone with whom I was acquainted living in Tartu, Estonia. And you're absolutely wrong, you can't just say Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians, there is a lot of ethnic Russians in the Baltic states and some don't even know how to speak anything else besides Russian. Many already have the local citizenship but if you ask them who they are they will tell you they are an Estonian Russian or Latvian Russian, etc (and the majority will say they are just plain Russian even if they have a Baltic state passport).

Once again, you have no experience with Russia nor with russians, but pulling wrong assumptions out of your butt. I do not give a fuck about ukrainians, ukrainian russians, latvian russians or all that shit. THEY ARE NOT RUSSIAN NATIONALS, so do not call them like they are some kin of mine. Btw 12% of latvian population is neither ethnic latvian nor self proclaimed russian, but i bet you put those guys into russian category. DO you know where russian borders? People from Ukraine called ukrainians, people from Latvia called latvians etc. So please call them accordingly and do not bring Russia nor its people into some crap we have no relations with.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-13-2017, 05:50 PM
Your country is not interested for russian citizens because of its low living standards and wages. But for for people from shitpoor places like Ukraine or Moldova, Portugal may look like paradize. So you have there ukrainians and moldavans, but not russians. Those 8k russian nationals u meantioned recorded in 2002. When economical situation was much worse than its today


Portuguese wages might be the lowest in Western Europe, nevertheless the average Portuguese earns nearly $11,000 more than the average Russian citizen per year. Huge difference. When it comes to human development we are also above Russia, specially in security and health care, there is a difference from day to night.

06-14-2017, 06:11 AM
Portuguese wages might be the lowest in Western Europe, nevertheless the average Portuguese earns nearly $11,000 more than the average Russian citizen per year. Huge difference. When it comes to human development we are also above Russia, specially in security and health care, there is a difference from day to night.
My points still stand.
First, Portugal is not attractive for migrants from Russia because of its low living standards and wages. Nominal values after recent devaluation of russian currency show nothing. Whole Europe actually. Moscow provides same if not better opportunities. People from Russia migrate to New World angloplhone countries not to some stale places like Portugal, which has laughable living standards and income in comparision with places like Moscow.
Second, You have no experience with russian people, yet project your experience with ukrainians and latvians on russians, falsely assuming russians are like them.
Your unability to accept your own mistakes just show how stupid and retarded you are. But i guess i am no a first person to tell this.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-14-2017, 08:45 AM
My points still stand.
First, Portugal is not attractive for migrants from Russia because of its low living standards and wages. Nominal values after recent devaluation of russian currency show nothing. Whole Europe actually. Moscow provides same if not better opportunities. People from Russia migrate to New World angloplhone countries not to some stale places like Portugal, which has laughable living standards and income in comparision with places like Moscow.
Second, You have no experience with russian people, yet project your experience with ukrainians and latvians on russians, falsely assuming russians are like them.
Your unability to accept your own mistakes just show how stupid and retarded you are. But i guess i am no a first person to tell this.

The problem is that Russia is not only Moscow. Moscow is the third city of the world with most billionaires (the combined net worth Moscow's billionaires is $217.6 billion). These numbers bring the statistics up but it doesn't translate into the well-being of the locals. Outside of big cities like Moscow life isn't particularly easy in Russia.

Here are the "laughable" living standards you talked about when compared to Russia:


06-14-2017, 09:26 AM
The problem is that Russia is not only Moscow.
Problem is that Moscow is a part of Russia, and potential russian migrant would rather migrate to Moscow than to some laughable place like Portugal.
Here we go again. You are too dumb to make any proper conclusion, but when you see something that does not fit your taken of ass speculations you would rather derail thread and persist in your ignorance. Like any dumbass with huge . Read what is "good" reaction to Cognitive_dissonance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance). It might also explain why your country is so poor in comparision with neighbouring Spain. Something make your people dumb. SSA admixture, perhaps, or something wierd in the air.
I showed your reasoning and stastics, you showed me year in Gdansk (Poland) and visit to Latvia, which made you an expert on russians ofc:picard1:

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-14-2017, 09:46 AM
It might also explain why your country is so poor in comparision with neighbouring Spain. Something make your people dumb. SSA admixture, perhaps, or something wierd in the air.
I showed your reasoning and stastics, you showed me year in Gdansk (Poland) and visit to Latvia, which made you an expert on russians ofc:picard1:

Portuguese living standards don't differ that much with Spain's ones, even though they do earn on average more than we do but you have to take into account other factors such as their unemployment rate being almost two times bigger than ours. Still not a huge difference like 11,000$ per year when comparing Portugal to Russia. Nevertheless it shouldn't be surprising considering Portugal is a small nation with practically no resources. What should leave one astonished is how a nation with the biggest landmass in the world and extremely rich resource wise like Russia does so bad and is so underdeveloped outside of major cities like Moscow. Portugal does better in human development, life expectancy, education and per capita income indicators than Russia, being way above. I can prove it with data whereas you can not sustain what you're saying.

Living in Poland and traveling through eastern Europe and the Baltic states certainly made me more acquainted with Russians than you will ever be with Portugueses. You probably never even left the village where you live.

06-14-2017, 10:57 AM
Portugal does better in human development, life expectancy, education and per capita income indicators than Russia, being way above. I can prove it with data whereas you can not sustain what you're saying.
I am not discussing living standards in Portugal and its comparision with russian living standards. I just told you that Portugal is not attractive destionation for migrants from Russia. Lack of number of russian immigrants in Portugal confirms my statement better than anything else. But since even you do understand that, you are trying to derail thread into something you finally can provide some statistics to back up your claim. But that is not what i am discussing here. I am arguing about these things, i repeat it forth or fifth times already.
Firstly. people from Ukraine and Moldova called not russians/ukrainians, but ukrainians and moldovans respecetively. People from Latvia called not russians, but latvians.
Secondly, your experience in Gdansk and Latvia is not enough to be expert on russian people and make ridiculous claims that you made in this thread.
Simple as that.

Living in Poland and traveling through eastern Europe and the Baltic states certainly made me more acquainted with Russians than you will ever be with Portugueses. You probably never even left the village where you live.
There is no russians in eastern Europe, because Eastern Europe is not attactive for russian nationals. All you met there, were ukrainians, moldavans, and some pretend to be russians people of uknown origins from outside of borders of Russia. People who you put into "russians" are neither russians in russian sense of this word nor any representatives of russian people. So does all knowledge about them and experience with them are irrelevant when you are trying to discuss actual russians. That what i am trying to tell you here, but that is beyond your abilities to comprehend it seems.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
06-14-2017, 11:05 AM
There is no russians in eastern Europe

