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06-13-2017, 09:53 PM
Hello everyone! I'm a 19 years old Italian guy who's currently studying Law at University. My parents are Italian and my grandparents are Italian as well, but we share some physical traits with other ethnicities so I'd be interested in knowing my ancient origins. I love foreign music and literature, so these could be good topics to talk about.

06-13-2017, 09:57 PM
Welcome to the forum! :)

06-13-2017, 10:01 PM
Thank you! Which section do you suggest me to start with?

♥ Lily ♥
06-13-2017, 10:04 PM
Ciao e benvenuto! :)

Italy is a very beautiful and friendly country that intrigues me so much, (my mother loves re-visiting Italy (and she's visited St Petersburg and Moscow, lots of European nations, Mexico, Africa, and also loves Ireland a lot,)) .... but Italy is one of her favourite nations that she absolutely loves. She recently went on a holiday there only a few weeks ago to see interesting sites around Sorrento, Amalfi, and also visited the island of Capri.

She said to me on the phone that it was so beautiful in that region of Italy and that the people were lovely and charming. She sent me a beautiful postcard from the region and said there was lots of expensive villas there and she said the Italian cuisine was excellent and the people were so friendly and welcoming, and that the ancient Romans were very sophisticated and advanced for their time. She loves learning about ancient cultures of people and likes the Italian museums and ancient architecture.

She saw an ancient pipeline in Italy during her guided tour there that was brought to the region all the way from Cornwall. We're both puzzled how it arrived all the way from Cornwall to Italy.

What books do you enjoy reading, and what genres of music do you like? Do you play any musical instruments?

One of my favourite gothic metal music bands is Lacuna Coil - they're from Milano in Italia!

06-13-2017, 10:08 PM
Where specifically is your ancestry from?

06-13-2017, 10:22 PM
Ciao e benvenuto! :)

Italy is a very beautiful and friendly country that intrigues me so much, (my mother loves re-visiting Italy (and she's visited St Petersburg and Moscow, lots of European nations, Mexico, Africa, and also loves Ireland a lot,)) .... but Italy is one of her favourite nations that she loves. She recently went on a holiday there only a few weeks ago to see interesting sites around Sorrento, Amalfi, and also visited the island of Capri.

She said to me on the phone that it was so beautiful in that region of Italy and that the people were lovely and charming. She sent me a beautiful postcard from the region and said there was lots of expensive villas there and she said the Italian cuisine was excellent and the people were so friendly and welcoming, and that the ancient Romans were very sophisticated and advanced for their time. She loves learning about ancient cultures of people and likes the Italian museums and ancient architecture.

She saw an ancient pipeline in Italy during her guided tour there that was brought to the region all the way from Cornwall. We're both puzzled how it arrived all the way from Cornwall to Italy.

What books do you enjoy reading, and what genres of music do you like? Do you play any musical instruments?

One of my favourite gothic metal music bands is Lacuna Coil - they're from Milano in Italia!

It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm happy your mother had a good time in Italy, and I know those cities very well because I have some relatives who live there (even though I live in Rome).
I play the guitar and sing :) and I like several genres of music, I just can define my tastes in music because my range goes from alternative rock to soul and r&b. However, what I like to sing the most is brit pop or pop/rock. Regarding literature, I love Shakespeare, (your countryman, from what I see) Hugo, Melville, Hesse, Tolstoj and Dostoevskij, and many Italian writers and poets like D'annunzio, Gadda, Leopardi, and obviously Dante and Alessandro Manzoni.
Which part of England are you from?

06-13-2017, 10:34 PM
Where specifically is your ancestry from?

I don't know with precision but we're southern Italians (from Campany, especially the area around Salerno), my mother is quite dark skinned and has got a very exotic look, while my father is tall, light skinned and with light hair.

06-13-2017, 10:48 PM
I don't know with precision but we're southern Italians (from Campany, especially the area around Salerno), my mother is quite dark skinned and has got a very exotic look, while my father is tall, light skinned and with light hair.

Exotic in what way? Near Eastern?

Southern Italy in general received Bronze Age migration from the Levant, though this is stronger in Calabria and Sicily than in Campania. Still, southern Campania where your family is from is close to Calabria so it makes sense.

There is also Lombard, Italo-Celtic, and Greek/Balkan input in Campania so that might explain your father.

06-13-2017, 11:05 PM
Exotic in what way? Near Eastern?

Near Eastern, but some say even Indian

06-13-2017, 11:06 PM
Near Eastern, but some say even Indian

If the look is more like Armenian and Iranian, then you could attribute it to Greek or Balkan. If it is more of a Jewish or Levantine Arab look then it is probably older and related to Bronze Age migration from the Levant or North Africa.

I'd have to see her photo to judge. You can upload to Imgur (http://imgur.com) and then send the Url of the uploaded photo.

06-13-2017, 11:31 PM
Nice to meet you! I've always wanted to make friends around my age from other countries around the world who also have interest in foreign cultures and music. Do you plan to study ethnography as a side thing?

Sacrificed Ram
06-13-2017, 11:38 PM
Bem vindo!

Brazilian laws are very based in Codice Rocco. Is it still used in Italy?

06-14-2017, 12:44 PM
Nice to meet you! I've always wanted to make friends around my age from other countries around the world who also have interest in foreign cultures and music. Do you plan to study ethnography as a side thing?

Sure! I'm very interested in this topic. Do you study ethnography?

06-14-2017, 12:47 PM
Bem vindo!

Brazilian laws are very based in Codice Rocco. Is it still used in Italy?

I studied some elements of Brazilian laws in my history of law exam! However yes, it's still used as our penal code, but it's been modified after WWII especially in the most "authoritarian" parts. Do you study law too?

♥ Lily ♥
06-14-2017, 07:17 PM
It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm happy your mother had a good time in Italy, and I know those cities very well because I have some relatives who live there (even though I live in Rome).
I play the guitar and sing :) and I like several genres of music, I just can define my tastes in music because my range goes from alternative rock to soul and r&b. However, what I like to sing the most is brit pop or pop/rock. Regarding literature, I love Shakespeare, (your countryman, from what I see) Hugo, Melville, Hesse, Tolstoj and Dostoevskij, and many Italian writers and poets like D'annunzio, Gadda, Leopardi, and obviously Dante and Alessandro Manzoni.
Which part of England are you from?

You have nice tastes in both literature and music.

Ah... Rome... I envy you... it looks extremely beautiful and such an intriguing city in Europe full of glorious ancient Roman architecture, fine sculptures and art.... I love the elegance and beauty of the Trevi Fountains and the Spanish Steps.


It's lovely that you can sing as well as play the guitar. :) I like musically expressive, creative, and artistic people.

Regarding your question - I was born and mostly raised in Bournemouth on the south-west coast:http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?170911-Dorset-Southern-Coast-of-England

I spent some of my childhood living in the countryside in Hampshire and in Kent in southern England, before my relatives returned to Dorset.

I now live in Little Venice in the City of Westminster in Central London: https://www.youtube.com/user/lilyeve222/search?query=Little+Venice

Welcome to the forum! :)