View Full Version : Common stereotypes which been proven as Bullshit

06-19-2017, 06:28 PM
Romanians and Romani are the same - No, Romanians are a latinized Dacian, Illyrian tribe which settled in modern day Romania, while some Romanians are of Romani heritage, they're genetically linked to West Asian, India unlike Romanians of Dacian descent.

Kabyle Berbers and Riffians are lighter than some Southern Europeans - False most are darker than 90% of Levantines and Turks together.

Turks look different from Armenians but identical to Türkmens - Very few Turks have a look to pass in Central Asia but more pass in the Caucasus and Levant than the opposite.

Turkish people look more European admixed - No, Most Turks look as foreign to Europe as Northern Iranians and Non Bedouin Syrians.

Armenians and Georgians look similar - They're similar to an extent, but Armenians are significantly more Arab (Assyrian, Iraqi) admixed also a lot of them did mix with Kurdish.

South Slavs and Russians, Ukranians look similar - South Slavs look more similar to most Italians, Greeks, North Caucasus people than they look compared to East Slavs

Cypriots are Levantines - Cypriots overlap with Armenians, Turkish, South Italians, Greeks more than with any Levantines, and they lack the Sub Saharan, South Asian elements which is more dominant in Levant.

Spanish people overlap with British - I'd say 85% of Spanish people would stick out in Britain or would be perceived as atypical as Mr Bean

Spanish people overlap with North Africans - No, They're different and only 10-20% of North Africans can pass on the darker end.

Lebanese are lighter than other Levantines - Lebanese are darker than most Syrians, Iraqi Kurds, and Muslims are darker than any other Christian minorities

Tadjiks, Pashtuns are a lost Indo European tribe in the sea of Hindu Kush people. - The average normie can't tell a Afghan a Pakistani and a North Indian apart, these people are one another to an extent only borders make a difference and culture.

06-19-2017, 06:40 PM
Ashkenazim Jews = Enormous Schnozzles

As it turns out, their noses are just as big as those of the average European goyim, and smaller than those of Armenians, South Slavs, Greeks and Italians.

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2017, 06:41 PM
Spanish people overlap with British

Since when this was a stereotype??

06-19-2017, 06:43 PM
Since when this was a stereotype??

I just lurked the old threads and there was such thing as "Atlantic facade" or something.

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2017, 06:44 PM
I just lurked the old threads and there were such thing as "Atlantic facade" or something.

Claimed by who?

06-19-2017, 06:46 PM
Claimed by who?

Just one of the dozen threads on the same subject... and it was a Spanish member.


Полковник 95
06-19-2017, 06:47 PM
South Slavs do usually always pass rather as Russian and Ukrainian than as North Caucasian.

06-19-2017, 06:48 PM
Since when this was a stereotype??

If anything, the stereotype puts Spaniards and Portuguese as the "least North European" people in the whole continent as far as looks are concerned, and though they in fact seem to have the highest SSA admixture, when it comes to phenotypes, Iberians strike me as closer to Northern Europe than anyone else in Southern Europe.

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2017, 06:51 PM
Just one of the dozen threads on the same subject... and it was a Spanish member.


He is not claiming in that thread that Spanish look like British, in fact he is talking about different ethnic groups (with these same words, to be exact), and even includes Italians within the spectrum.

99% of the threads about the Atlantic Facade were made by non-Spanish. As I guess you had to search threads about this Atlantic Facade, you should know it very well.

Tooting Carmen
06-19-2017, 06:54 PM
"Latin people are more informal and gregarious than uptight and prim Anglos." At least in the business world, it is very much the other way round - Latin people tend to be far more formal and deferential than anything found in Britain, USA, Australia etc.

"Indian men are all ugly and lack sex appeal." Granted, they have some very ugly types, but have you seen their Bollywood actors?

"Colombians and Venezuelans are mostly Black/Mulatto/Triracial." Only along the coastal areas is that even close to being true.

"Germans are much blonder than Brits". Only in Northern Germany.

06-19-2017, 09:13 PM
South Slavs and Russians, Ukranians look similar
Such stereotype never existed !

South Slavs look more similar to most Italians, Greeks, North Caucasus people than they look compared to East Slavs
How delusional. ''South Slavs'' are big heterogenous mass but for sure we don't look like North Caucasians, there is absolutely no any genetic connection. Neither like Greeks and Italians. Troll.

06-19-2017, 09:24 PM
1)Cypriots are Levantine

2)Sicilians are more woggish,exotic than other Southern Italians

3)Greeks from the Mainland are Albanians

4)Pontians are not Greek at all

5)All Pontians look Armenoid;Pontians are more Armenoid than Armenians

6)All Menas are the same;A Mena person can't look white/european

7)Obama is White;Obama is Black

06-19-2017, 09:27 PM
Such stereotype never existed !

How delusional. ''South Slavs'' are big heterogenous mass but for sure we don't look like North Caucasians, there is absolutely no any genetic connection. Neither like Greeks and Italians. Troll.

I think Croats would look halfway between Italian, Greek and Russian. To Russians any people who look somewhat "visible" or darker will be lumped in the same can, so Croats can't escape, even if they have a better license to fit among Northern Slavs than let's say Macedonians.

06-19-2017, 09:33 PM
I think Croats would look halfway between Italian, Greek and Russian. To Russians any people who look somewhat "visible" or darker will be lumped in the same can, so Croats can't escape, even if they have a better license to fit among Northern Slavs than let's say Macedonians.

More like halfway between Polish and Italians. Russians with Finno-Ugric admixture look different than any other Slavs. I don't care about pigmentation neither want to fit among ''North Slavs'' but we don't look like any of these. Btw Slovenians are also South Slavic people and they look fully Central European, closer to Austrians than any other group. So there is big specturum from Slovenian to Macedonian average looks.

06-19-2017, 09:39 PM
More like halfway between Polish and Italians. Russians with Finno-Ugric admixture look different than any other Slavs. I don't care about pigmentation neither want to fit among ''North Slavs'' but we don't look like any of these. Btw Slovenians are also South Slavic people and they look fully Central European, closer to Austrians than any other group. So there is big specturum from Slovenian to Macedonian average looks.

Only Northern Russians have Ugric admixture, Western Russians, Ukranians are standard Northern Slavs. Poles have some Western (German like admixture) compared to Russians.

06-19-2017, 10:22 PM
The Riffian thing is true. Read Coon.

06-19-2017, 10:29 PM
The Riffian thing is true. Read Coon.

I remember seeing a map which shows that parts of North Africa inhabited by (maybe Riffian) Berbers are lighter than huge parts of Portugal and Spain and even lighter than some parts of Wales. I don't know whose map is this but if you're referring to it, then it's nonsense.

06-20-2017, 03:19 AM
Myapologies I've seen you post some extremely stupid shit in classifications. You're not exonerated of any kind of stereotyping.

06-20-2017, 03:27 AM
Almost every false "stereotype" listed is true, actually, except the one about North Africans and the one about Spanish.

06-20-2017, 03:28 AM
1)Cypriots are Levantine

2)Sicilians are more woggish,exotic than other Southern Italians

4)Pontians are not Greek at all

All of these are true. Except that Calabria, on the mainland, is very close to Sicily.

06-20-2017, 03:37 AM
Tadjiks, Pashtuns are a lost Indo European tribe in the sea of Hindu Kush people. - The average normie can't tell a Afghan a Pakistani and a North Indian apart, these people are one another to an extent only borders make a difference and culture.

There are definitely similarities between all of the groups you mentioned, and Afghans are definitely not lost indo-Europeans, but the afghans and even North Indians have a large amount of steepe ancestry. In fact, Punjabis actually score more European ancestry than Afghans do, but because they're more mixed with aboriginal indians, that makes them more darker.

The average normie in America mistakes all brown people for each other. This includes Turks, Afghans, Pakistanis, Indians, Persians, Armenians, Mexicans, and even some Southern European people sometimes, so I don't see your point? Tajiks and Pashtuns are not the same as Pakistanis and North Indians and even some Pakistani ethnicities are quite different from North Indians. Afghans and Tajiks main phenotypes are Iranid and Pamirid.

Pakistanis to Afghans are what Turks are to Greeks, genetically and phenotypically.