View Full Version : A Gypsy mafioso from Sicily being pass as an ethnic Sicilian and is classify as "Dinaro-Med"...

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 05:26 AM
Any thoughts? his posted by a guy name Rute who post these very dark and exotic and Gypsies as Spaniards and Italians in some anthro groups in facebook....By a exotic because he is exotic it seems...Also posted by North Africans, claiming Sicilians look closer to North Africans than any other Italians, lol.

This gypsy from the mafia of Sicily: He is posted as Sicilian and is being classified as "Dinaro Med" or "Dinarized Med", when looks Gypsy origin.
Any Italian who knows something of him, can say. As hes being posted as ethnic Sicilian but looks Zingaro/Gypsy.

https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19399708_545714692265408_2989989982988413121_n.jpg ?oh=f07ed5f22f2cf9b0bfc1dbc592079ef3&oe=59DA741D
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19429678_545714705598740_9061062741006103892_n.jpg ?oh=dfdbab39d3f7fcf136931722e4ea44a6&oe=599C6A28

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 05:30 AM
This guy aint no damn DinaroMed but Gypsy, lol.

I posted saying Gypsy as his classification. But some for their own personal agenda, they sayin "DinaroMed" or "Med"...Like some North Africans and other fool who is not North African, who is friends with those North Africans on those anthro groups.

06-22-2017, 05:41 AM
That guys facial features are dinaro-med. Just because his skin color is darker than average doesn't mean that his facial features are also foreign to Europe.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 05:46 AM
That guys facial features are dinaro-med. Just because his skin color is darker than average doesn't mean that his facial features are also foreign to Europe.

Ok, so you telling me he looks Sicilian or Italian, right? That's what you telling me.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 05:47 AM
Be clear with what you say. To me he don't even look Sicilian, to be real.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 05:48 AM
I don't classify by location where they born, and it's known fact there is Gypsies in Italy, called and known as Zingaros.

06-22-2017, 05:54 AM
Ok, so you telling me he looks Sicilian or Italian, right? That's what you telling me.

He looks italian, his skin tone is just really odd


He doesn't look much different in skin tone from the guy with the red jacket and the police officer on the left side in this picture either, and he is likely tanned too

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 05:55 AM
A Italian guy from mainland told me he is quite certain that he is a gypsy. He said there is Gypsies over there where he from in Italy and he looks like those that they call Zingaros in his neck of woods.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 05:58 AM
That guy with the red jacket and the police officer look European, one actually looks Dinarized-Med and one looks Alpinid. While he looks like a Zingaro, gypsy.

06-22-2017, 06:13 AM
That guy with the red jacket and the police officer look European, one actually looks Dinarized-Med and one looks Alpinid. While he looks like a Zingaro, gypsy.

They're about just as dark as he is in skin tone, in fact, the only person who is drastically lighter than him is the police officer on the right. He doesn't look like he's a different ethnicity from the other police officers.

Grab the Gauge
06-22-2017, 06:16 AM
This guy isn't unusual for Italians, all Italians are brown gypsies/nordafrikaners/pwerto leecans in fact. Although actually his father looks White, compared to the Brown Italian cops:


Dad could pass for southern Frenchman.

This thread takes me back because I used to have an obsession with this Piccolo family back in 2008-2009.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 06:21 AM
They're about just as dark as he is in skin tone, in fact, the only person who is drastically lighter than him is the police officer on the right. He doesn't look like he's a different ethnicity from the other police officers.

I'm looking at more than just the skin tone, and I look at him and them, and look different in facial features. He looks like a Gypsy to me and the red jacket looks Dinarized-Med with some Alpine influence and the police officer that is darker looks Alpinid blend with Gracile Med. He looks like a Gypsy or pakistani/indian to me.

Grab the Gauge
06-22-2017, 06:31 AM
I'm looking at more than just the skin tone, and I look at him and them, and look different in facial features. He looks like a Gypsy to me and the red jacket looks Dinarized-Med with some Alpine influence and the police officer that is darker looks Alpinid blend with Gracile Med. He looks like a Gypsy or pakistani/indian to me.

Yes he does have some non-Euro non-Caucasoid features especially his facial height which is concentrated in the upper third portion of this face. He also has a very narrow mouth relative to his facial length. Honestly most gypsies look more European than him.



Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 06:33 AM
The right cop looks Dinarid Balkanic with Alpinid

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 06:38 AM
He looks like this Gypsy

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 06:41 AM
Yes he does have some non-Euro non-Caucasoid features especially his facial height which is concentrated in the upper third portion of this face. He also has a very narrow mouth relative to his facial length. Honestly most gypsies look more European than him.



One thing is for sure, he don't look European/white.

06-22-2017, 06:46 AM
why do you use the heavy expression "zingaro" also how you accentuate it with emphasis on negative "they call those guys zingaro in their neck of the woods, zingaro/gypsy" etc. dude sometimes you are weird, also your video about that portuguese guy who you said is mixed with gypsies where you said "they mix with donkeys so they mix with gypsies too" why dont you show more respect for my kind

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 06:48 AM
why do you use the heavy expression "zingaro" also how you accentuate it with emphasis on negative "they call those guys zingaro in their neck of the woods, zingaro/gypsy" etc. dude sometimes you are weird, also your video about that portuguese guy who you said is mixed with gypsies where you said "they mix with donkeys so they mix with gypsies too" why dont you show more respect for my kind

Read again here. Page one. I'm just telling what a Italian said, regarding him. He told me. So I'm saying it.

06-22-2017, 06:49 AM
This guy isn't unusual for Italians, all Italians are brown gypsies/nordafrikaners/pwerto leecans in fact. Although actually his father looks White, compared to the Brown Italian cops:


Dad could pass for southern Frenchman.

This thread takes me back because I used to have an obsession with this Piccolo family back in 2008-2009.

lol the woman is indeed quiete brown and southasian the guys too but especially the woman, could pass for bedouin arab even pakistani

06-22-2017, 06:51 AM
Read again here. Page one. I'm just telling what a Italian said, regarding him. He told me. So I'm saying it.

you rant with accentuation on "zingaro/gypsy" as if its negative to you, i get that vibe, you should talk with more respect, so what if he doesnt look european, neither do you. why do you always end up in a fight who looks or does not look european, you should talk more about mexicans and mexican culture and their lifes in USa

06-22-2017, 06:52 AM
also you dont even know with 100% certainity if he is a "gypsy" you repeat what someone told you.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 06:52 AM
Read again here. Page one. I'm just telling what a Italian said, regarding him. He told me. So I'm saying it.

I don't wanna quote his name here, but here I repeat. I'm telling what I was told by a Italian from mainland, about this guy.

He said and I quote :
"I'm quite certain that he is Gypsy. We have gypsies here too and we see them in the streets here and he looks like those gypsies that are call here Zingaro, how we call them. He looks like them. So forsurehe is gypsy."

06-22-2017, 06:53 AM
I don't wanna quote his name here, but here I repeat. I'm telling what I was told by a Italian from mainland, about this guy.

He said and I quote :
"I'm quite certain that he is Gypsy. We have gypsies here too and we see them in the streets here and he looks like those gypsies that are call here Zingaro, how we call them. He looks like them. So forsurehe is gypsy."

why do you care if he is gypsy or not and if he looks european, why is that your main concern? also if that guy said it doesnt need to be true. do you have any other proof, the cops dont look different then him, especially the woman is just as brown and paki

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 06:57 AM
why do you care if he is gypsy or not and if he looks european, why is that your main concern? also if that guy said it doesnt need to be true. do you have any other proof, the cops dont look different then him, especially the woman is just as brown and paki

What's the matter with you bro, why you getting butthurt dude. You know me, I don't troll Gypsies. We can't debate his look and origin? Like it's racist to say he must be Gypsy or something. And Gypsy is in the question, since there is Gypsies over there, like there is North Africans. But he don't look to be North African. By looks or info like surnames. And the only ones who adopted the surnames of Italians for example are Gypsies, as same history as the Gypsies in Spain.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:00 AM
why do you care if he is gypsy or not and if he looks european, why is that your main concern? also if that guy said it doesnt need to be true. do you have any other proof, the cops dont look different then him, especially the woman is just as brown and paki

See my previous comments. Regarding about what that guy said, and of proof, well, he is Italian, so I assume he must know a non-ethinic Italian when sees one in Italy, so I'm taking his word serious into consideration.

06-22-2017, 07:01 AM
What's the matter with you bro, why you getting butthurt dude. You know me, I don't troll Gypsies. We can't debate his look and origin? Like it's racist to say he must be Gypsy or something. And Gypsy is in the question, since there is Gypsies over there, like there is North Africans. But he don't look to be North African. By looks or info like surnames. And the only ones who adopted the surnames of Italians for example are Gypsies, as same history as the Gypsies in Spain.

we can discuss it of course but i told you what i dont like about your post. and you rant that he was wrongly classified but is a "gypsy", let him do a genetic test to see if he is a gypsy or trace his family line just because someone said he is gypsy, you dont need to go on a rant, he could be one, but without further proof we dont know it, he could be a dark sicilian, there were more dark sicilians posted.

06-22-2017, 07:05 AM
See my previous comments. Regarding about what that guy said, and of proof, well, he is Italian, so I assume he must know a non-ethinic Italian when sees one in Italy, so I'm taking his word serious into consideration.

This guy doesnt even post here and how is that relevant to yourself? Why dont you post more about mexicans and more average mexicans not only one of zillions of your blue eyed relatives. Why dont you write about mexican culture and life where you live in california, why do you always make videos who is white and than you end up talking at least without respect about those who you deem non-white. Thats what I dont like about you.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:09 AM
This guy doesnt even post here and how is that relevant to yourself? Why dont you post more about mexicans and more average mexicans not only one of zillions of your blue eyed relatives. Why dont you write about mexican culture and life where you live in california, why do you always make videos who is white and than you end up talking at least without respect about those who you deem non-white. Thats what I dont like about you.

I don't give a fuck. Now you starting to annoy me again with your going crazy butt hurt talk. I don't troll gypsies and we are cool, you know it but you seem to start drama about it, trowing shit. I told you before, how many times? I told you take it easy and not do this type of thing. But you don't listen.

So now I will delete you off social media. How about that bro. You delete me off here too from friendlist and we don't talk again. If you going like that. As I don't wanna insult you.

06-22-2017, 07:11 AM
I don't give a fuck. Now you starting to annoy me again with your going crazy butt hurt talk. I don't troll gypsies and we are cool, you know it but you seem to start drama about it, trowing shit. I told you before, how many times? I told you take it easy and not do this type of thing. But you don't listen.

So now I will delete you off social media. How about that bro. You delete me off here too from friendlist and we don't talk again. If you going like that. As I don't wanna insult you.

delete me dude, i dont care, you are no true friend, you make videos that "if they mix with donkeys they mix with gypsies" you talk without respect for those who you deem non-white especially romani people, you dont even call them roma people but negatively loaded words and you accentuate it in a negative way. i feel it and see it. dont fool me. maybe you are not bad intentended and dont realise it yourself, maybe you just copy your spaniard friends who hate "gypsies" most of your videos are about people from spain not about amerindians or mestizos

06-22-2017, 07:14 AM
well if you were just a random asshole i wouldnt care, but since i considered you a good friend i expected more respect towards roma people, i never say anything bad about mexicans either.

06-22-2017, 07:15 AM
also you dont even know with 100% certainity if he is a "gypsy" you repeat what someone told you.

some Sicilians can look non European , a minority of them, but they look like light levantines not Indians . it s obvious the guy is romani

06-22-2017, 07:17 AM
This guy aint no damn DinaroMed but Gypsy, lol.

I posted saying Gypsy as his classification. But some for their own personal agenda, they sayin "DinaroMed" or "Med"...Like some North Africans and other fool who is not North African, who is friends with those North Africans on those anthro groups.

I can see the Italian on his face but he is obviously mixed with something else , like indian. dinaro indid xD

06-22-2017, 07:17 AM
some Sicilians can look non European , a minority of them, but they look like light levantines not Indians . it s obvious the guy is romani

romanis are like the scapegoat for everything i dont believe he is romani except if there is a genetic test or he says he is one, or there is a geneological proof. this guy doesnt look neccessarily indian, this dude claims to be italian but mistaken for arab or turk or kurd https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/araber-oder-tuerke-bin-aber-italiener

06-22-2017, 07:18 AM
I can see the Italian on his face but he is obviously mixed with something else , like indian. dinaro indid xD

he has the same frog eater face as you just darker skin, he as well may have a heavy tan, but face is exactly like yours, eyes, nose, features

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:19 AM
delete me dude, i dont care, you are no true friend, you make videos that "if they mix with donkeys they mix with gypsies" you talk without respect for those who you deem non-white especially romani people, you dont even call them roma people but negatively loaded words and you accentuate it in a negative way. i feel it and see it. dont fool me. maybe you are not bad intentended and dont realise it yourself, maybe you just copy your spaniard friends who hate "gypsies" most of your videos are about people from spain not about amerindians or mestizos

Since you ask about why I don't post about life in California. I don't want to but since you ask, it's all good. I am doing great. You won't see me doing bad, like sitting on my ass, because that's no good bro. You get fat with out doing nothing and just eating and not doing any exercise.

That's why, I'm good. I feel great. My life is good in California. I do works.

What about yours, your life in Austria? What have you done over there, hows your losing weight going, working out?

And lol @ the end. Bullshit claim. Who said that. I have videos on mestizo phenotypes, but in a different channel, for mexicans exclusive.

06-22-2017, 07:20 AM
why do you use the heavy expression "zingaro" also how you accentuate it with emphasis on negative "they call those guys zingaro in their neck of the woods, zingaro/gypsy" etc. dude sometimes you are weird, also your video about that portuguese guy who you said is mixed with gypsies where you said "they mix with donkeys so they mix with gypsies too" why dont you show more respect for my kind

in Italian zingaro isn't a bad word, but I prefer to use the word rom.

06-22-2017, 07:20 AM
Since you ask about why I don't post about life in California. I don't want to but since you ask, it's all good. I am doing great. You won't see me doing bad, like sitting on my ass, because that's no good bro. You get fat with out doing nothing and just eating and not doing any exercise.

That's why, I'm good. I feel great. My life is good in California. I do works.

What about yours, your life in Austria? What have you done over there, hows your losing weight going, working out?

And lol @ the end. Bullshit claim. Who said that. I have videos on mestizo phenotypes, but in a different channel, for mexicans exclusive.

I said that because I post also about romanis mostly and romani culture and everything related to romanis, thats why I thought you might be interested in posting more about mexicans and less about if this or that italian or portuguese is white. Just saying.

06-22-2017, 07:21 AM
in Italian zingaro isn't a bad word, but I prefer to use the word rom.

zingaro sounds like cigan though, thats a bad word. or zigeuner in german. those are all bad words. maybe not like nigger but like negroe you wont see many people writing negroe anymore in news or like that. thats outdated but was once politically correct and not considered bad.

06-22-2017, 07:22 AM
romanis are like the scapegoat for everything i dont believe he is romani except if there is a genetic test or he says he is one, or there is a geneological proof. this guy doesnt look neccessarily indian, this dude claims to be italian but mistaken for arab or turk or kurd https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/araber-oder-tuerke-bin-aber-italiener

you re refusing him only because he is a Mafioso. to be a mafious person you need intelligence see it from this perspective...
there are rom mafious clans in Italy , especially in abruzzo and Calabria and many of these clans intermarry with native mafious clans ...

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:23 AM
well if you were just a random asshole i wouldnt care, but since i considered you a good friend i expected more respect towards roma people, i never say anything bad about mexicans either.

Your problem here, is you go off here on your friends, when you know I don't troll Gypsy people or Roma people. While you have throw cheap shots and say some things because you got the wrong idea here. I'm just giving my opinion here and quote what some said too.

06-22-2017, 07:24 AM
he has the same frog eater face as you just darker skin, he as well may have a heavy tan, but face is exactly like yours, eyes, nose, features

skin color is important too, it s the reason why you look off European.
no pure Italian has that skin tone. really , there are beige Italians but he is beyond that and It doesn't look like tanned skin either.
and no we don't look the same and definitely not French lol

06-22-2017, 07:24 AM
you re refusing him only because he is a Mafioso. to be a mafious person you need intelligence see it from this perspective...
there are rom mafious clans in Italy , especially in abruzzo and Calabria and many of these clans intermarry with native mafious clans ...

im not refusing him, i like the mafia actually, i think the mafia is cool. if he is really romani i accept him as romani there is no if or but, but you just say he is one, when he is maybe not.

you are saying romani because he looks dark and exotic, but he is not the only one, actually the policemen have the same skin colour and the police woman looks just as "indian"

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:24 AM
I can see the Italian on his face but he is obviously mixed with something else , like indian. dinaro indid xD

Yes. I agree with this. He indeed is mixed, and looks like Indid admixed or something.

06-22-2017, 07:26 AM
skin color is important too, it s the reason why you look off European.
no pure Italian has that skin tone. really , there are beige Italians but he is beyond that and It doesn't look like tanned skin either.
and no we don't look the same and definitely not French lol

you said a italian cant be naturally olive once, you went as far claiming romani, mestizo and middle eastern heritage just because someone said you look to exotic to be italian. you are crazylady. i dont believe you you need to show me proof i dont accept just every person with black hair and dark skin

06-22-2017, 07:27 AM
Yes. I agree with this. He indeed is mixed, and looks like Indid admixed or something.

he could be romani, passes well, but could also be tanned italian. i accept it if its proven he is romani with genetic test or family history.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:28 AM
Than can someone explain me why he looks the way he looks. That man don't even look ethnic Sicilian but mixed. As crazyladybutterfly said.

06-22-2017, 07:29 AM
you said a italian cant be naturally olive once, you went as far claiming romani, mestizo and middle eastern heritage just because someone said you look to exotic to be italian. you are crazylady. i dont believe you you need to show me proof i dont accept just every person with black hair and dark skin

i am very atypical , it s normal to question my heritage.

06-22-2017, 07:29 AM
Than can someone explain me why he looks the way he looks. That man don't even look ethnic Sicilian but mixed. As crazyladybutterfly said.

he could be half mestizo why not, he doesnt need to be romani, not everyone with a dark phenotype is romani. he could pass well as romani, but he doesnt need to be.

06-22-2017, 07:30 AM
i am very atypical , it s normal to question my heritage.

but if you are not adopted you should know your heritage, yet you say "i maybe maybe not"

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:31 AM
he could be romani, passes well, but could also be tanned italian. i accept it if its proven he is romani with genetic test or family history.

What does that tell you bro? If he looks romani, he must be romani or romani admixed? As it's a bit off that he looks the way he looks. Like he is darker than you and looks more "Romani" than you. That's wow.

If he was fully Italian, I would be very surprise and must be very very exotic for that. As how can that be, fully Italian looking like that.

06-22-2017, 07:33 AM
but if you are not adopted you should know your heritage, yet you say "i maybe maybe not"

I don't know my father who is Italian and I don't have any trait in common with my mother. it can happen that some children get exchanged.
I also had a very weird trait as a child for someone who is fully European. like very very red cheeks as a baby which is a trait common among some mongol children and Amerindian ones. I haven't seen any Italian baby with red cheeks

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:33 AM
i am very atypical , it s normal to question my heritage.

You look atypical indeed but not like that guy. He looks very off, not you. He is also a brownish skin tone type. You are light skin.

06-22-2017, 07:34 AM
What does that tell you bro? If he looks romani, he must be romani or romani admixed? As it's a bit off that he looks the way he looks. Like he is darker than you and looks more "Romani" than you. That's wow.

If he was fully Italian, I would be very surprise and must be very very exotic for that. As how can that be, fully Italian looking like that.

italians with a tann can look romani or pseudo. like i said this guy claims to be italian too https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/araber-oder-tuerke-bin-aber-italiener do you think he lies that he is italian


06-22-2017, 07:35 AM
italians with a tann can look romani or pseudo. like i said this guy claims to be italian too https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/araber-oder-tuerke-bin-aber-italiener do you think he lies that he is italian


the skin tone of those footballer is different.

06-22-2017, 07:36 AM
the skin tone of those footballer is different.

a little bit but italians can get as tanned as that man in the OP i saw it on footballers greeks and portuguese too

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:37 AM
He looks more Italian I think than this guy OP, even if dark.

I saw even a pakistani/indian who looks him.

06-22-2017, 07:38 AM
Son of an Indian whore, he's clearly metrically a Dinaro-Med but on the darker side, only his eyes region are a little off and because he has very dark hair and eyes too.

Dinaro-Med example



https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19429678_545714705598740_9061062741006103892_n.jpg ?oh=dfdbab39d3f7fcf136931722e4ea44a6&oe=599C6A28

Just get a life tri-racial Mestizo clown, your shrink is waiting for you.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:38 AM
the skin tone of those footballer is different.

The look also is different especially.

06-22-2017, 07:38 AM
He looks more Italian I think than this guy OP, even if dark.

I saw even a pakistani/indian who looks him.

this dude doesnt neccessarily look indian, and not really, maybe afghan or kurd but not indian. or you think he looks like apu? he doesnt have the features, and italians can get as tanned as this guy i saw it on some during summer

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:38 AM
@Barkoo you half Tusnian bastard, the first guy you posted look French. The other looks Pakistani/indian. Fail.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:39 AM
this dude doesnt neccessarily look indian, and not really, maybe afghan or kurd but not indian. or you think he looks like apu? he doesnt have the features, and italians can get as tanned as this guy i saw it on some during summer

He kind of looks like this Punjabi indian guy:

06-22-2017, 07:40 AM
if someone clearly proves he is romani there is no reason to say he is not. but its not impossible that he is not romani.

06-22-2017, 07:41 AM
He kind of looks like this Punjabi indian guy:

no, only pigmentation and beard they have very different features.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:41 AM
Even crazyladybutterfly agrees, and sometimes we don't agree. But here we agree. He don't look fully Italian or European. That's for sure.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:42 AM
no, only pigmentation and beard they have very different features.

Bro even Nicolly the Brazilian friend agree that he looks Pakistani or indian to her. You know the one you classify as Alpine-Med. She also brought it up.

06-22-2017, 07:43 AM
Even crazydeaisy agrees, and sometimes we don't agree. But here we agree. He don't look fully Italian or European. That's for sure.

he doesnt need to be romani either. he could be but doesnt need to be, his features are more italian to me then romani, reminds me kinda of dark adriano celentano. you see from eyes that he is italian.

06-22-2017, 07:43 AM
Bro even Nicolly the Brazilian friend agree that he looks Pakistani or indian to her. You know the one you classify as Alpine-Med. She also brought it up.

most people are ignorant about phenotypes, they dont see differences, here everyone who isnt fully black, white or asian gets lumped as turk you would be too.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:49 AM
most people are ignorant about phenotypes, they dont see differences, here everyone who isnt fully black, white or asian gets lumped as turk you would be too.

True, many people. But I'm not one of those people as you know. But your right about there is some ignorant about phenotypes. I was also as you know in the anthro groups someone call me a "Gypsy" or "turk". Anyway, as you know, I'm not them. And he all I will say, don't look so European. If he is "Italian", he looks very exotic, as a mixed looking. That's for sure that we are seeing here.

06-22-2017, 07:51 AM
he doesnt need to be romani either. he could be but doesnt need to be, his features are more italian to me then romani, reminds me kinda of dark adriano celentano. you see from eyes that he is italian.

as I said I can see that he has Italian ancestry , it s rather obvious but I wouldn't be sure if he is fully Italian genetically , as culturally it depends if he feels Italian or just a man on his own. if he does feel Italian , he is an Italian to me.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:52 AM
Bro even Nicolly the Brazilian friend agree that he looks Pakistani or indian to her. You know the one you classify as Alpine-Med. She also brought it up.

Crazyladybutterfly* correction, lol.I got confused and put "crazydeaisy"... xD

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:54 AM
as I said I can see that he has Italian ancestry , it s rather obvious but I wouldn't be sure if he is fully Italian genetically , as culturally it depends if he feels Italian or just a man on his own. if he does feel Italian , he is an Italian to me.

Agree. Indeed. Genetically is one thing, and where his from is other. But if he feel Italian, than he is another Italian, an Italian.

06-22-2017, 07:55 AM
I don't know my father who is Italian and I don't have any trait in common with my mother. it can happen that some children get exchanged.
I also had a very weird trait as a child for someone who is fully European. like very very red cheeks as a baby which is a trait common among some mongol children and Amerindian ones. I haven't seen any Italian baby with red cheeks

Your personal insecurities doesn't always has to imply your constant trolling about Italians and when it suit you well also.
Btw you have strictly nothing off, a regular Southerner and could even pass in France as a girl from Perpignan or Toulouse for instance, stop your stupid non-sense, please.

06-22-2017, 07:58 AM
Read again here. Page one. I'm just telling what a Italian said, regarding him. He told me. So I'm saying it.

Aren't you part of white supremacist pages on Facebook? Why is that?

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 07:58 AM
Your personal insecurities doesn't always has to imply your constant trolling about Italians and when it suit you well also.
Btw you have strictly nothing off, a regular Southerner and could even pass in France as a girl from Perpignan or Toulouse for instance, stop your stupid non-sense, please.

Look's who is talking. You butt hurt thumb down-spamming motherfucker you stupid idiot clown, you stop your stupidity bullshit. Fuck off piece of shit.

06-22-2017, 07:59 AM
Your personal insecurities doesn't always has to imply your constant trolling about Italians and when it suit you well also.
Btw you have strictly nothing off, a regular Southerner and could even pass in France as a girl from Perpignan or Toulouse for instance, stop your stupid non-sense, please.

She does look like some French people I know.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 08:00 AM
Aren't you part of white supremacist pages on Facebook? Why is that?

Huh? LMAO What the fuck you talking about.

You must be confusing me for somebody else. Because what? LOL!

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 08:01 AM
If you mean the anthro groups I am in? Which has some "white supremacist" going on by some users?, than I guess so, lol.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-22-2017, 08:03 AM
Those groups has similarities with this forum, not much differences in certain things. After all, they have about the same type of peoples found there as you see here on those groups.

06-22-2017, 08:04 AM
italians with a tann can look romani or pseudo. like i said this guy claims to be italian too https://www.gutefrage.net/frage/araber-oder-tuerke-bin-aber-italiener do you think he lies that he is italian


Not even just Italians, I know a Ukrainian guy who looks more "mexican" than Mn1 does when he tans, but when he's not tan he looks European. Tanning does wonders. I think it's obvious that the guy in OP has italian ancestry. His dad looks fully italian and he definitely has some clearly italian features himself. He could be mixed, but there's also a chance that he isn't and he just looks very atypical.

06-22-2017, 08:06 AM
Those groups has similarities with this forum, not much differences in certain things. After all, they have about the same type of peoples found there as you see here on those groups.

Alright, thanks for clearing that up.

06-22-2017, 08:09 AM
She does look like some French people I know.

She does in way since she has Alpine/Med plus some Dinarization which isn't so much off for South France. She's insecure about her look and that's her own interpretation, and she has nothing to be insecure of anyway.

06-22-2017, 08:20 AM
Corteo di studenti a Palermo


06-22-2017, 08:23 AM
Once more


06-22-2017, 08:31 AM
Your constant trolling won't hide the truth, continue by cherrypicking moron while feeling better out of your own insecurities.
As a stupid Spaniard ass licker, that gaves you magically somehow the Atlanto-Med classification, lol, you are allowed to do whatever you want over here. Probably you gave some good money to the God father too i suppose.

06-22-2017, 09:02 AM
He looks Pakistani.

06-22-2017, 09:09 AM

he doesnt look kurdish . his eyes are pretty foreign looking for once

I dont care what the fuck he looks to you people but I dont want my ethnicity to be mentioned please . because in 99% of the time people say "looks kurd" to people who dont look kurd at all . good that I stopped with the taxonomy thing because whats the point when people stick to their stereotypes , their agendas , their bullshit . I dont care anymore but dont mention my ethnicity .

06-22-2017, 09:29 AM
What a thread full of stupid low IQ trolls.
Get a life...

06-22-2017, 10:39 AM
Why is everybody trolling South Europeans? What is the matter other than this man looks better than you and became rich on his own ways. Justice and law benefits Jewish criminals who murder millions of people for the interest of Oil and drug industry, messing the youth's mind with pornography and alcohol. These parasites who make people fight against each other because of race and religion.

06-22-2017, 11:38 AM
There are almost no Gypsies in Sicily and certainly one would not be accepted into the mafia. He is just the extreme end of the spectrum I believe.

06-22-2017, 11:39 AM
Too much BS going on in here and arguing, insults. Locking this until it can be cleaned up later.