View Full Version : Some Anatolian Greeks.

06-26-2017, 08:56 PM
Anatolian Greeks are Anatolian natives who where Hellenized (Greek-ified) during Greek presence in Anatolia (modern day Turkey). They are not natives in Greece.

Let's look at some famous Anatolian/Pontian Greeks:

Ioannis Fetfatzidis:



Kostas Vasileiadis:



Kostas Mitroglou:

http://cdn-pictures.namez.com/pictures/270/cropped/2eGiyI-kh17_c3Vp_wkdBNHKAycjLiXiPJt1UeC9B70HAIjABPuU2ykWg 4dzTrVrlUEKostas-Mitroglou.jpg


Stefanos Athanasiadis:



Savvas Topalidis:


Stelios Kazantzidis:



Panagiotis Avramidis:


Stefanos Konstantinidis:



Giannis Oikonomidis:

http://www.protothema.gr/Images/ImageHandler.ashx?m=Fit&f=Ly8xMC4yMDEuMTAuMjMwL3Byd2ViZGF0YS9maWxlcy8xLzIw MTQvMDMvMTkvNC0xLS0yLXRodW1iLWxhcmdlLmpwZw%3D%3D&t=0&w=1000&h=1000


06-26-2017, 08:57 PM
Now, there are some thing you should pay attention to.

First, not all Greeks from Asia Minor are Hellenized Anatolian natives. Many are indeed Greeks who were settlers to the area.

And secondly, many Anatolian and Pontian Greeks have mixed with Greeks and tend to not look Asian.

06-26-2017, 08:57 PM
I see

06-26-2017, 08:59 PM
They dont look like us. More like Syrians and Armenians IMO. They look MENA as fuck. The blessing of Turkic genes didnt influence them asdadhadfjgh:)
Also you dont need to tell 'Anatolian Greeks, if you say Anatolians it's enough.
Anatoly is Greek word and means East. East is relative so you must have a 'West, to have east and that west is Greece in Balkan. I dont know the subhuman which introduced the word Anadolu in our language. Because only a Greek/Hellen can be Anatolian.

06-26-2017, 09:00 PM
I have a friend from Smyrna he look 100% identical to Giannis Oikonomidis, he is called Mehmet and he's a Turk.

06-26-2017, 09:01 PM
I have a friend from Smyrna he look 100% identical to Giannis Oikonomidis, he is called Mehmet and he's a Turk.

:) We have Muzzie converts from Rhodes, some hundreds of thousands.

06-26-2017, 09:02 PM
I have a friend from Smyrna he look 100% identical to Giannis Oikonomidis, he is called Mehmet and he's a Turk.

Should I be surprised? Anatolian Greeks are Anatolian natives.

brennus dux gallorum
06-26-2017, 09:02 PM
Anatolian Greeks are not homogenous. To begin with, people like Mitrogolou who are from inner anatolia, and could be confused for romani in Greece, and have not even one drop of Greek blood, can't ber associated with, for example, anatolian Greeks from Smyrna like Kostantaras, who are descents of Greek merchants settled there in 16th century from proper Greece.

Pontians, on contrary, are a category on their own. They are mixed with non Greeks, but still observe their partially Greek roots.

06-26-2017, 09:03 PM
:) We have Muzzie converts from Rhodes, some hundreds of thousands.

Muslims from Rhodes were Anatolian settlers.

06-26-2017, 09:04 PM
Stefanos Konstantinidis can also fit as mainland greek no ?

06-26-2017, 09:04 PM
Pontians, on contrary, are a category on their own. They are mixed with non Greeks, but still observe their partially Greek roots.

I know them as from there too. Many of them have C-nose (Kavkaz eagle nose) asdashasdfjgh :)

06-26-2017, 09:04 PM
Stefanos Konstantinidis can also fit as mainland greek no ?

He definitely has some Greek roots.

06-26-2017, 09:06 PM
Muslims from Rhodes were Anatolian settlers.

Few. Like a Turk going there and getting 4 women etc. Many are Greek shifts and high amount of them retain Romeoi language.

06-26-2017, 09:07 PM
Mitroglou... Sounds like a Turkish name.

06-26-2017, 09:09 PM
Mitroglou... Sounds like a Turkish name.

Many Anatolian Greeks have -glou in their surnames.

06-26-2017, 09:10 PM
Many Anatolian Greeks have -glou in their surnames.
It is a Turkic suffix, no? I had a professor of Central Asian history whose name was Shamiloglou.

06-26-2017, 09:11 PM
It is a Turkic suffix, no? I had a professor of Central Asian history whose name was Shamiloglou.

Yes, it's Turkish.

06-26-2017, 09:11 PM
Should I be surprised? Anatolian Greeks are Anatolian natives.

Well my friend think that he's a Turk, but obviously he isn't.

06-26-2017, 09:12 PM
Are they Pontians? They don't really look like Turkish, I'd expect a more similar phenotype. I've seen a Central Anatolian Greek's DNA results, he was more Levantine shifted.

06-26-2017, 09:13 PM
I agree they dont look turkish at all which surprises me

2-3 can pass as kurdish

06-26-2017, 09:13 PM
Well my friend think that he's a Turk, but obviously he isn't.

Indeed, he's a heir to the Roman Empire and a true European :pound:

06-26-2017, 09:14 PM
Are they Pontians? They don't really look like Turkish, I'd expect a more similar phenotype.

Only one looks Pontian. Most likely Cappadocian and Aegean Rums I guess.

06-26-2017, 09:15 PM
Are they Pontians? They don't really look like Turkish, I'd expect a more similar phenotype. I've seen a Central Anatolian Greek's DNA results, he was more Levantine shifted.

I don't know from which place exactly they come from. They are Anatolians, all of them, I think Vasileiadis is Pontian.

06-26-2017, 09:17 PM
Only one looks Pontian. Most likely Cappadocian and Aegean Rums I guess.

I agree that many of them could be from Cappadocia. But I don't really know from which place exactly they descent, they are all born in Greece.

06-26-2017, 09:17 PM
Even Turks looks more European than them , They look like they came from the middle east.

06-26-2017, 09:18 PM
Even Turks looks more European than them , They look like they came from the middle east.

You are exaggerating, but they indeed came from the Middle East, if you consider Anatolia as Middle East (I think it's actually considered Middle East).

06-26-2017, 09:25 PM
You are exaggerating, but they indeed came from the Middle East, if you consider Anatolia as Middle East (I think it's actually considered Middle East).

Yes, native Anatolians cluster with other west Asiatics from the Caucasus and Iran which is why many of these Greeks do have a MENA look on their faces.

06-26-2017, 09:28 PM
This is Constantin Caratheodory,Mathematician and Greek from Constantinople
Does he look more Anatolian to you than the avarage Greek John Doe from
the Mainland or some Island ?


06-26-2017, 09:33 PM
This is Constantin Caratheodory,Mathematician and Greek from Constantinople
Does he look more Anatolian to you than the avarage Greek John Doe from
the Mainland or some Island ?


See my first comment after I opened this thread, I said that many Anatolian Greeks are descendants of Greeks who were settlers to the area and not from Hellenized natives.

Most Constantinople Greeks are native Greeks. Caratheodory's father was from Thrace and his mother from Chios.

06-26-2017, 09:37 PM
This is Constantin Caratheodory,Mathematician and Greek from Constantinople
Does he look more Anatolian to you than the avarage Greek John Doe from
the Mainland or some Island ?


The Carathéodory family were originally from Thrace (https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%9F%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%B3%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B5%C E%B9%CE%B1_%CE%9A%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%B1%CE%B8%CE%B5%CE %BF%CE%B4%CF%89%CF%81%CE%AE), not from Constantinople.

06-26-2017, 09:39 PM
As a fan of Sporting CP I absolutely hate Mitroglou lol

06-26-2017, 09:41 PM
See my first comment after I opened this thread, I said that many Anatolian Greeks are descendants of Greeks who were settlers to the area and not from Hellenized natives.

Most Constantinople Greeks are native Greeks. Caratheodory's father was from Thrace and his mother from Chios.

It's the Pontic Greeks that are mostly of Hellenized natives while the ones from western Anatolia and Constantinople were mostly Greek settlers from the mainland since ancient times. Turks are a mixture between local Anatolians and the Turkic invaders from central Asia who were a mix between Indo-European peoples like the Iranians and the Tocharians and the Mongoloid women of Mongolia and Southern Siberia. They later on got mixed and assimilated many Europeans during the reign of the Ottoman empire as well.

06-26-2017, 09:43 PM
Smyrna is fairly Greek imo
But they did come to Greece with 30-40% MENA. Majority of them have mixed with locals and you see today about 5-7% of Greeks score 15%-20% MENA due to intermarriages over the past five generations.

06-26-2017, 09:56 PM
the point of this thread?

06-26-2017, 10:11 PM
so fucking what?

06-26-2017, 10:20 PM
The Carathéodory family were originally from Thrace (https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%9F%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%B3%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B5%C E%B9%CE%B1_%CE%9A%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%B1%CE%B8%CE%B5%CE %BF%CE%B4%CF%89%CF%81%CE%AE), not from Constantinople.
Constantinople is in Thrace.

06-26-2017, 10:26 PM
Constantinople is in Thrace.

You are correct, what I wanted to point out is that the family does not originate from the city of Constantinople but from the village of Nea Vyssa which was in the link of the post. I should have been more specific.

06-27-2017, 02:10 AM
Stefanos Konstantinidis can also fit as mainland greek no ?

He can easily, at least in the Peloponese

But threads like this in general are pointless...

06-27-2017, 02:28 AM
Most of the people in those photos do not look Greek at all but rather like they fit in the Caucasus.

06-27-2017, 08:06 PM
the point of this thread?

The point of life?

06-27-2017, 08:06 PM
so fucking what?

Do you have anything to add to this thread?

06-27-2017, 08:15 PM
So what have we achieved with this?

06-27-2017, 08:24 PM
So what have we achieved with this?

I didn't set a goal of achieving something :P

06-27-2017, 09:44 PM
The point of life?

of life ine akoma pio kapsimo alla re file ti logikh sou thelw na katalavw,tous xeroume olous aftous einai oti pio akraio fenotypika stin ellada evales osus thimithikes ki ena "some anatolians",na valume allo ena some maniots me kasidiari mixaloliako ke 5-6 akoma mavriderous maniates klain..ligo akiro

06-27-2017, 10:08 PM
First, not all Greeks from Asia Minor are Hellenized Anatolian natives. Many are indeed Greeks who were settlers to the area.

Do you have any genetic results to back up that claim? The results of Pontic Greeks I've seen suggest otherwise. I figure it could be a different story for Greeks from Western and Central Anatolia, no?

06-27-2017, 10:14 PM
I agree that many of them could be from Cappadocia. But I don't really know from which place exactly they descent, they are all born in Greece.

All of them, except for Mitroglou, are Pontic. They all have the typical Pontic -idis ending. How come you don't know that as a Greek? lol
And they also look it. All of them look quite Caucasian and would fit perfectly in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

06-27-2017, 10:15 PM
Do you have any genetic results to back up that claim? The results of Pontic Greeks I've seen suggest otherwise. I figure it could be a different story for Greeks from Western and Central Anatolia, no?

Most Pontic Greeks I have seen a result for are almost Armenian.

However this person is an "Anatolian Greek" from Istanbul and they are more like mainland Greeks, in fact, they're closer to Bulgarian than to Sicilian.

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 22.77
2 West_Asian 19.34
3 Atlantic 14.21
4 West_Med 12.15
5 Baltic 11.26
6 North_Sea 9.29
7 Eastern_Euro 7.41
8 Red_Sea 2.78
9 Oceanian 0.52
10 Amerindian 0.14
11 Siberian 0.14

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Greek 7.39
2 Central_Greek 8.63
3 Italian_Abruzzo 9.18
4 Greek_Thessaly 9.49
5 Ashkenazi 10.2
6 Bulgarian 10.37
7 East_Sicilian 10.38
8 South_Italian 11.91
9 Romanian 12.5
10 West_Sicilian 12.61
11 Tuscan 13.9
12 Sephardic_Jewish 16.45
13 Serbian 16.49
14 Turkish 16.61
15 Italian_Jewish 16.69
16 Algerian_Jewish 18.11
17 North_Italian 18.73
18 Cyprian 20.1
19 Tunisian_Jewish 20.14
20 Azeri 20.52

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 70.7% Bulgarian + 29.3% Armenian @ 2.64
2 70.7% Bulgarian + 29.3% Georgian_Jewish @ 2.65
3 80.2% Greek + 19.8% Lezgin @ 2.68
4 77.8% Greek + 22.2% Kumyk @ 2.7
5 80.9% Greek + 19.1% Adygei @ 2.72
6 81.5% Greek + 18.5% Chechen @ 2.88
7 82.4% Greek + 17.6% North_Ossetian @ 2.98
8 80.6% Greek + 19.4% Kabardin @ 3.02
9 81.2% Greek + 18.8% Tabassaran @ 3.12
10 70.8% Bulgarian + 29.2% Assyrian @ 3.16
11 83% Greek + 17% Georgian @ 3.21
12 82.5% Greek + 17.5% Ossetian @ 3.22
13 62.3% Bulgarian + 37.7% Turkish @ 3.26
14 81.2% Greek + 18.8% Balkar @ 3.29
15 84.7% Greek + 15.3% Abhkasian @ 3.35
16 66.9% Romanian + 33.1% Georgian_Jewish @ 3.87
17 70.9% Bulgarian + 29.1% Kurdish @ 3.92
18 66.9% Romanian + 33.1% Armenian @ 4
19 66.8% Romanian + 33.2% Assyrian @ 4.02
20 73.8% Bulgarian + 26.2% Kurdish_Jewish @ 4.03

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 39.68
2 European_Hunters_Gatherers 21.91
3 European_Early_Farmers 15.79
4 Near_East 7.88
5 South_Central_Asian 7.05
6 North_African 2.56
7 Ancestral_Altaic 1.92

Finished reading population data. 620 populations found.
23 components mode.


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Greek_Macedonia @ 6.655426
2 Gagauz @ 7.363996
3 Greek_Thessaloniki @ 7.491178
4 Crimean_Tatar_Mountain @ 7.775844
5 Greek_Peloponnesos @ 8.010682
6 Greek @ 8.209731
7 Central_Greek @ 8.474091
8 Greek_Thessaly @ 8.921802
9 Albanian_Tirana @ 9.374748
10 Azov_Greek @ 9.379294
11 Greek_Northwest @ 9.745895
12 Romanian @ 9.955947
13 Greek_Athens @ 10.174258
14 Crimean_Tatar_Coast @ 10.570400
15 Bulgarian @ 10.808375
16 Kosovar @ 11.339448
17 Greek_Phokaia @ 11.716708
18 Ashkenazi @ 11.866598
19 Macedonian @ 12.089237
20 Romanian_Jew @ 12.479889

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Azov_Greek +50% Macedonian @ 2.552762

06-27-2017, 10:18 PM
Thanks Sikeliot. I assumed Greeks from Western Anatolia would be closer to Mainland Greeks than Pontic Greeks are.

06-27-2017, 10:24 PM
lol so there are all übermensh greeks lol

06-27-2017, 10:32 PM
Thanks Sikeliot. I assumed Greeks from Western Anatolia would be closer to Mainland Greeks than Pontic Greeks are.

Definitely. Pontic Greeks are just Hellenized Caucasus people.

06-27-2017, 11:19 PM
of life ine akoma pio kapsimo alla re file ti logikh sou thelw na katalavw,tous xeroume olous aftous einai oti pio akraio fenotypika stin ellada evales osus thimithikes ki ena "some anatolians",na valume allo ena some maniots me kasidiari mixaloliako ke 5-6 akoma mavriderous maniates klain..ligo akiro

With starting threads like this Lavrentis is giving playground for Albanian and Turkish trolls to mock and attack on
Greeks and their identity.
This thread contributes nothing positive or affirming to Greece and Greeks.

Instead,it is confirming negative prejudices and stereotypes other people have about Greeks and Greece.

How many Pontian Greeks do you know in real life?
Do you know anything about the History of Greeks in Pontus?

I'm not Pontian myself,but i know alot of Pontians and have Pontian relatives in my family.
So i claim without offending you,that i have perhabs a better opinion on what Pontians are and what they can look like.

I confirm and respect your opinion on Sicilians,since your ancestry is from there and you probably know the different regions
and people of Sicily very good.

So,feel related to whomever from Greece or the Levante you want,but don't bother to much about the rest of Greeks and what they are..

06-27-2017, 11:21 PM
With starting threads like this Lavrentis is giving playground for Albanian and Turkish trolls to mock and attack on
Greeks and their identity.
This thread contributes nothing positive or affirming to Greece and Greeks.

Instead,it is confirming negative prejudices and stereotypes other people have about Greeks and Greece.

How many Pontian Greeks do you know in real life?
Do you know anything about the History of Greeks in Pontus?

I'm not Pontian myself,but i know alot of Pontians and have Pontian relatives in my family.
So i claim without offending you,that i have perhabs a better opinion on what Pontians are and what they can look like.

I confirm and respect your opinion on Sicilians,since your ancestry is from there and you probably know the different regions
and people of Sicily very good.

So,feel related to whomever from Greece or the Levante you want,but don't bother to much about the rest of Greeks and what they are..

Some things are genetic facts and among those are that pure Pontians are not genetically linked to Greece any more than Armenians are. They are Hellenized Caucasus people with almost no Greek DNA.

On the note about Sicily, Cretans are more or less Sicilians without the North African affinity.

06-27-2017, 11:37 PM
Some things are genetic facts and among those are that pure Pontians are not genetically linked to Greece any more than Armenians are. They are Hellenized Caucasus people with almost no Greek DNA.

On the note about Sicily, Cretans are more or less Sicilians without the North African affinity.
And you know this how? From 5 individuals on gedmatch?

06-28-2017, 02:47 PM
And you know this how? From 5 individuals on gedmatch?

This forum is full of people with agendas. But worst than what Sikeliot says is this Lavrentis trying to deny Greek heritage to a lot of people that consider themselves Greek and are culturally Greek since ages. It's pathetic trying to chase a lot of people who share values and even some genetics with you just to appear more ''Euro'' and White looking to westerners. A lot of great Greek cultural figures were Pontians or Anatolians, they're not less Greek because they have some near-eastern ancestry. Most identities are agglutinative anyway. There's no pure people genetically.

It's the same with all Southern Euro ethnicities here: compatriots who speak the same language and have the same cultural values and habits are put in the trash/limbo just to appear as less exotic to Northerners. Pathetic.

06-28-2017, 02:48 PM
This forum is full of people with agendas. But worst than what Sikeliot says is this Lavrentis trying to deny Greek heritage to a lot of people that consider themselves Greek and are culturally Greek since ages. It's pathetic trying to chase a lot of people who share values and even some genetics with you just to appear more ''Euro'' and White looking to westerners. A lot of great Greek cultural figures were Pontians or Anatolians, they're not less Greek because they have some near-eastern ancestry. Most identities are agglutinative anyway. There's no pure people genetically.

It's the same with all Southern Euro ethnicities here: compatriots who speak the same language and have the same cultural values and habits are put in the trash/limbo just to appear as less exotic to Northerners. Pathetic.

They're Greek by identity but not by genetics. Just like many Hispanics are predominantly not Spanish. Pontics have almost no genetic Greek DNA. The same is not true for western Anatolian Greeks though.

06-28-2017, 02:52 PM
They're Greek by identity but not by genetics. Just like many Hispanics are predominantly not Spanish. Pontics have almost no genetic Greek DNA. The same is not true for western Anatolian Greeks though.


Almost all ethnicities are made of different genetic components. I'm sure Pontians share a lot with mainlanders. And they're living there as Greeks since antiquity. Saying they're not Greeks is absurd.

It's like saying Italians are a fake nation because they're different genetically.

Hannibal Barca
06-28-2017, 02:59 PM
Hahaha you pathetic nordicist OWD

Cretans are genetically the most Southern shifted Greek-speaking population after Cypriots, so it quite ironic that this thread is started by a Cretan. Cretans are even more Arabic-like genetically than Aegean islanders

Here is an ethnic Cretan. Looks exotic even for coastal Tunisia

Cretan types (anthropology)

Cretans with traditional clothes

Hannibal Barca
06-28-2017, 03:00 PM
It is ironic that the most nordicist OWD Greek member comes from the woggiest/most Arab shifted Greek population

Hannibal Barca
06-28-2017, 03:03 PM
Even Turks looks more European than them , They look like they came from the middle east.

Because modern Turks are Northern/Huntergatherer (plus Central Asian) shifted compared to Anatolian Greeks who are genetically something like aegean islander + armenian.

06-28-2017, 03:05 PM
It is ironic that the most nordicist OWD Greek member comes from the woggiest/most Arab shifted Greek population

Cretans are close to Sicilians but with more Caucasian affinity and less North African.

Hannibal Barca
06-28-2017, 03:10 PM
Cretans are close to Sicilians but with more Caucasian affinity and less North African.

Well Cretans have very high levels of SW Asian admixture as far as I know, similar to Sicilians. Which one is closer to mainland Greece?

Hannibal Barca
06-28-2017, 03:11 PM
Cretans are closer to Cypriots who are basically Greek-speaking Levantine Arabs

06-28-2017, 03:12 PM
Well Cretans have very high levels of SW Asian admixture as far as I know, similar to Sicilians. Which one is closer to mainland Greece?

They're the same as Sicily if you take Sicilians North African and add it back as Caucasian.

Neither is close to mainland Greece. North Aegean and Cyclades islanders shift to mainland Greece and have more North Euro affinity.

06-28-2017, 04:52 PM

06-28-2017, 04:59 PM
Western Anatolian Greeks are very similar to Greeks from Greece, the ones in inneranatolia might have armenian mixing though.
They look pretty Greek to me.

06-28-2017, 05:19 PM
Western Anatolian Greeks are very similar to Greeks from Greece, the ones in inneranatolia might have armenian mixing though.
They look pretty Greek to me.

Don't listen to that ahistorical and complexed cretin Lavrentis. Asia Minor Greeks look indistinguishable from other Greeks and so do the majority of Pontians. Pontians outside Greece look different though and many aren't even Pontians and don't even speak Greek, these are not considered Greeks by anyone here not even by the Greek state.

Mitroglou is not Pontic Greek and has admitted he has gypsy roots. Many others are not Pontians at all but simply gypsies. ontians have nothing to do with Armenians, they were the Ancient Paghlagonians and they have been Greek for millenia.

06-28-2017, 05:21 PM
Western Anatolian Greeks are very similar to Greeks from Greece, the ones in inneranatolia might have armenian mixing though.
They look pretty Greek to me.

They are actually hardcore Greeks.

06-28-2017, 05:22 PM
Anatolian Greeks are Anatolian natives who here Hellenized (Greek-ified) during Greek presence in Anatolia (modern day Turkey). They are not natives in Greece.

Let's look at some famous Anatolian/Pontian Greeks:

Ioannis Fetfatzidis:



Kostas Vasileiadis:



Kostas Mitroglou:

http://cdn-pictures.namez.com/pictures/270/cropped/2eGiyI-kh17_c3Vp_wkdBNHKAycjLiXiPJt1UeC9B70HAIjABPuU2ykWg 4dzTrVrlUEKostas-Mitroglou.jpg


Stefanos Athanasiadis:



Savvas Topalidis:


Stelios Kazantzidis:



Panagiotis Avramidis:


Stefanos Konstantinidis:



Giannis Oikonomidis:

http://www.protothema.gr/Images/ImageHandler.ashx?m=Fit&f=Ly8xMC4yMDEuMTAuMjMwL3Byd2ViZGF0YS9maWxlcy8xLzIw MTQvMDMvMTkvNC0xLS0yLXRodW1iLWxhcmdlLmpwZw%3D%3D&t=0&w=1000&h=1000


I was never in Grecce ...greecs look so ???...most of them look like roma people...:confused:

06-28-2017, 05:30 PM
I was never in Grecce ...greecs look so ???...most of them look like roma people...:confused:

You actually look no different than them having seen your photo.

How's your askali gypsies are doing btw?

06-28-2017, 05:47 PM
You actually look no different than them having seen your photo.

How's your askali gypsies are doing btw?

65440:rolleyes:65441...attention,from hate come love....:redrose:

06-28-2017, 06:51 PM
Anatolian Greeks
Kostas Mitroglou:

http://cdn-pictures.namez.com/pictures/270/cropped/2eGiyI-kh17_c3Vp_wkdBNHKAycjLiXiPJt1UeC9B70HAIjABPuU2ykWg 4dzTrVrlUEKostas-Mitroglou.jpg


All of them are very interesting faces, but especially this Mitroglou looks like Arab terrorist. I think, traveling for him with airlines is always a big problem.

06-28-2017, 07:39 PM
This forum is full of people with agendas. But worst than what Sikeliot says is this Lavrentis trying to deny Greek heritage to a lot of people that consider themselves Greek and are culturally Greek since ages. It's pathetic trying to chase a lot of people who share values and even some genetics with you just to appear more ''Euro'' and White looking to westerners. A lot of great Greek cultural figures were Pontians or Anatolians, they're not less Greek because they have some near-eastern ancestry. Most identities are agglutinative anyway. There's no pure people genetically.

It's the same with all Southern Euro ethnicities here: compatriots who speak the same language and have the same cultural values and habits are put in the trash/limbo just to appear as less exotic to Northerners. Pathetic.

What the hell are you talking about? I'm not denying their heritage. I'm simple stating that Anatolian Greeks are of native Anatolian descent.I never said that I don't consider them Greeks, they are as Greek as me.

Seems that you got triggered so hard that said a lot of non-sense in that very interesting comment of yours.

06-28-2017, 07:44 PM
Hahaha you pathetic nordicist OWD

Cretans are genetically the most Southern shifted Greek-speaking population after Cypriots, so it quite ironic that this thread is started by a Cretan. Cretans are even more Arabic-like genetically than Aegean islanders

Here is an ethnic Cretan. Looks exotic even for coastal Tunisia

Cretan types (anthropology)

Cretans with traditional clothes

First of all you retard, the first guy you posted used to play in a team in my town and I know that his mother is from a third world counrty, can't remember which.

Secondly, the Byzantines settled some Armenians families in Crete after they kicked out the Arabs, so that's how you get phenotypes like the first guy in the second picture. In the last picture the men at the left and right look south European.

And last, I'm not a nordicist, you pathetic piece of shit.

06-28-2017, 07:47 PM
With starting threads like this Lavrentis is giving playground for Albanian and Turkish trolls to mock and attack on
Greeks and their identity.
This thread contributes nothing positive or affirming to Greece and Greeks.

Instead,it is confirming negative prejudices and stereotypes other people have about Greeks and Greece.

How many Pontian Greeks do you know in real life?
Do you know anything about the History of Greeks in Pontus?

I'm not Pontian myself,but i know alot of Pontians and have Pontian relatives in my family.
So i claim without offending you,that i have perhabs a better opinion on what Pontians are and what they can look like.

I confirm and respect your opinion on Sicilians,since your ancestry is from there and you probably know the different regions
and people of Sicily very good.

So,feel related to whomever from Greece or the Levante you want,but don't bother to much about the rest of Greeks and what they are..

There are some Greeks here who have said that most Bulgarians can pass in Greece, and what drew your attention is a thread I made about Anatolian Greeks? :laugh:

06-28-2017, 07:49 PM
What the hell are you talking about? I'm not denying their heritage. I'm simple stating that Anatolian Greeks are of native Anatolian descent.I never said that I don't consider them Greeks, they are as Greek as me.

Seems that you got triggered so hard that said a lot of non-sense in that very interesting comment of yours.

I was thinking you're trying to imply they're not Greeks. Because who are Greeks anyway? The speakers who brought the language to Greece were probably Steppe-like, so modern Greeks are not Greeks? I think you get my point. All ethnicities are comprised of different components, Anatolians and Pontians add to Greek diversity, it's not like they have nothing to do with Greece since they have been carrying a Greek identity since Antiquity and the first Greek colonizations.

Sorry if I understood wrong your purpose.

06-28-2017, 07:55 PM
I was thinking you're trying to imply they're not Greeks. Because who are Greeks anyway? The speakers who brought the language to Greece were probably Steppe-like, so modern Greeks are not Greeks? I think you get my point. All ethnicities are comprised of different components, Anatolians and Pontians add to Greek diversity, it's not like they have nothing to do with Greece since they have been carrying a Greek identity since Antiquity and the first Greek colonizations.

Sorry if I understood wrong your purpose.

This thread is about their phenotypes. Many of them were indeed Hellenized since the Antiquity, meaning that they were part of the Greek world. It's interesting that most of them look Anatolian and that's another reason that I made this thread. And for people to know more about Greece and the Greeks.

06-28-2017, 07:57 PM
This thread is about their phenotypes. Many of them were indeed Hellenized since the Antiquity, meaning that they were part of the Greek world. It's interesting that most of them look Anatolian and that's another reason that I made this thread. And for people to know more about Greece and the Greeks.

I agree they look Anatolian, but they don't look 'Turkish'. Turks are more northern shifted than Anatolian Greeks in my opinion.

What do you think about Greek communities in Southern Italy? Grecia Salentina, Bovesia etc.

They're Greeks to you?

06-28-2017, 08:00 PM
Anatolians are equidistant in the land that overlaps with Greeks, Caucasus, Russia (Azov Greeks), Levant, Persians and Arab world

Greeks are equidestant and overlaps with Anatolia, Levant, South, East and Central Europe.

Some photos of Anatolian Greeks during population exchanges

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19420420_1323115314474089_5344599164880737552_n.jp g?oh=171057e4ce62cd4ddf68e193807864c2&oe=59C38CBD

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19248037_1323922457726708_2640675686927955131_n.jp g?oh=436f9c1821e4df1450f73201fbcc8f0c&oe=59C44760

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17191251_1217451018373853_3866000514004863994_n.pn g?oh=cbc78802e5e30bb1b5cf936406643c86&oe=5A0F43AD

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16266249_1179176288867993_6432657290641863675_n.jp g?oh=3e5f5fcd338e325a989058298496dcbe&oe=59D5C817

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15977729_1164784840307138_9144286158798626237_n.jp g?oh=325cc92ff6e878e49b79e3f097969a96&oe=59C8D391

06-28-2017, 08:03 PM
I agree they look Anatolian, but they don't look 'Turkish'. Turks are more northern shifted than Anatolian Greeks in my opinion.

What do you think about Greek communities in Southern Italy? Grecia Salentina, Bovesia etc.

They're Greeks to you?

I think that they are considered a Greek minority in Italy, so yes, I consider them Greek.

06-28-2017, 08:05 PM
This thread is about their phenotypes. Many of them were indeed Hellenized since the Antiquity, meaning that they were part of the Greek world. It's interesting that most of them look Anatolian and that's another reason that I made this thread. And for people to know more about Greece and the Greeks.

The Byzantines settled no Armenians in Crete you gypo. Ironically the child in your avatar looks Armenian, could be Cypriot or Lebanese. You are a Hellenized gypo both physically and in soul. You fucking bastard.

06-28-2017, 08:10 PM
Lmao, this Armenian who pretends that is Greek got triggered again :D

Study some history, after the Byzantine reconquest of Crete, Armenian families were settled to the island after the Arabs were killed.

06-28-2017, 08:13 PM
Lmao, this Armenian who pretends that is Greek got triggered again :D

Study some history, after the Byzantine reconquest of Crete, Armenian families were settled to the island after the Arabs were killed.

I have posted my results gypsy. "No Armenian"

Why don't you post yours to see how much arab you score. Judging by your photo it will be quite a lot.

So you admit that Crete is Armenian and Arab, and that Crete is the least Greek region in all Greece. No wonder you are so bitter you arab shit.

And don't lecture me about history you gayfag. Your knowledge of history is absolute zero.

06-28-2017, 08:13 PM
I agree they look Anatolian, but they don't look 'Turkish'. Turks are more northern shifted than Anatolian Greeks in my opinion.

What do you think about Greek communities in Southern Italy? Grecia Salentina, Bovesia etc.

They're Greeks to you?

To me personally yes,they are

And Pontians are also Greek ,by the way.

Also this guy Mitroglou people here are so obsessed with, i don't see any reason why he shouldn't pass somewhere in Southern Italy Napoli or Sicily equally well.
What is so exclusive about Anatolian looks,except of that they probably have more Armenoid influence.

Armenoids and Dinarics are very similar,hence a Balkan Dinaric if he is a little bit more tanned could more easily been mistaken for an Armenoid Anatolian,than a classic Med type would,ironically

Read here what the often celebrated Coon had to say about Dinarics and Armenoids https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenoid_race

Is it possible perhabs that Anatolian looks can also overlap with Balkan looks?
Never saw this point of view here discussed.

06-28-2017, 08:16 PM
Panionios is a club founded by Anatolian Greeks and youth system is almost exclusively filled with Anatolian back ground


This is a severe right wing club - I admire Panionios as a club and its fans muchly. All their supporters would have Anatolian background

So this stereotype is wrong when handpicked - should mix it up with realities




06-28-2017, 08:20 PM
Panionios is a club founded by Anatolian Greeks and youth system is almost exclusively filled with Anatolian back ground


This is a severe right wing club - I admire Panionios as a club and its fans muchly. All their supporters would have Anatolian background

So this stereotype is wrong when handpicked - should mix it up with realities



I guess if you wouldn't have mentioned their Anatolian origin,Sikeliot would pass them of as Balkanite looking Mainlanders;)

06-28-2017, 08:21 PM
To me personally yes,they are

And Pontians are also Greek ,by the way.

Also this guy Mitroglou people here are so obsessed with, i don't see any reason why he shouldn't pass somewhere in Southern Italy Napoli or Sicily equally well.
What is so exclusive about Anatolian looks,except of that they probably have more Armenoid influence.

Armenoids and Dinarics are very similar,so a Balkan Dinaric if he is a little bit more tanned could more easily been mistaken for an Armenoid Anatolian,than
a classic Med type would,ironically

Read here what the often celebrated Coon had to say about Dinarics and Armenoids https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenoid_race

Is it possible perhabs that Anatolian looks can also overlap with Balkan looks?
Never saw this point of view here discussed.

Yes. Mitroglou is not even that dark. I have seen darker South Euros. Don't know why they're so obsessed with him.

People here generally think that once you cross the border from any part of Europe to West Asia people start to immediately look like this:



06-28-2017, 08:22 PM
Panionios is a club founded by Anatolian Greeks and youth system is almost exclusively filled with Anatolian back ground

What a load of bs. Panionios youth have no particular background whatsoever. Stop talking nonsense. Panionios was founded by Ionian Greeks you idiot. There's no such thing as Anatolian Greek. Anatolian is not an ethnicity.

06-28-2017, 08:24 PM
Yes. Mitroglou is not even that dark. I have seen darker South Euros. Don't know why they're so obsessed with him.

People here generally think that once you cross the border from any part of Europe to West Asia people start to immediately look like this:



There are gypsies that are even lighter than him but that's irrelevant, he has himself said he has gypsy roots.

06-28-2017, 08:30 PM
First of all you retard, the first guy you posted used to play in a team in my town and I know that his mother is from a third world counrty, can't remember which.

That's a lie. A clear lie.

Giorgos Giakoumakis (Greek: Γιώργος Γιακουμάκης; born 9 December 1994) is a Greek footballer currently playing for Superleague Greece club AEK Athens as a forward.


Cretan George Giakoumakis(Saharid)


To the south of the island, in the regions which the map indicates, is distinguished by the presence of the Saharids who came from North Africa. In few words, the Mediterraneans are the majority, with a minority of Alpines all over the island, a few Saharids on the southern coast, some Armenoids in the east and several Dinarics in the west.

The Saharids came with the raids of the Arabs.


06-28-2017, 08:34 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Lavrentis "
This thread is about their phenotypes. Many of them were indeed Hellenized since the Antiquity, meaning that they were part of the Greek world. It's interesting that most of them look Anatolian and that's another reason that I made this thread. And for people to know more about Greece and the Greeks."
The Byzantines settled no Armenians in Crete you gypo. Ironically the child in your avatar looks Armenian, could be Cypriot or Lebanese. You are a Hellenized gypo both physically and in soul. You fucking bastard.

:laugh::laugh2:i love this woman....

06-28-2017, 08:35 PM
That's a lie. A clear lie.

Giorgos Giakoumakis (Greek: Γιώργος Γιακουμάκης; born 9 December 1994) is a Greek footballer currently playing for Superleague Greece club AEK Athens as a forward.


Cretan George Giakoumakis(Saharid)


To the south of the island, in the regions which the map indicates, is distinguished by the presence of the Saharids who came from North Africa. In few words, the Mediterraneans are the majority, with a minority of Alpines all over the island, a few Saharids on the southern coast, some Armenoids in the east and several Dinarics in the west.

The Saharids came with the raids of the Arabs.


Just because Wikipedia doesn't mention it it's a lie? :picard1:

"The Saharids came with the raids of the Arabs."

You have said this again and I asked you a question and you didn't answer. Let me ask you again: how come the Arabs stayed in Crete after the raids? It was impossible. The Byzantines wouldn't allow them.

06-28-2017, 08:43 PM
I think that they are considered a Greek minority in Italy, so yes, I consider them Greek.

After 2000 years they are not Greek anymore nor are considered Greek minority you fag.

06-28-2017, 08:46 PM
Quote Originally Posted by Lavrentis "
This thread is about their phenotypes. Many of them were indeed Hellenized since the Antiquity, meaning that they were part of the Greek world. It's interesting that most of them look Anatolian and that's another reason that I made this thread. And for people to know more about Greece and the Greeks."
The Byzantines settled no Armenians in Crete you gypo. Ironically the child in your avatar looks Armenian, could be Cypriot or Lebanese. You are a Hellenized gypo both physically and in soul. You fucking bastard.

:laugh::laugh2:i love this woman....

Armenoids and Armenians are two different pairs of shoes

Also your often celebrated Dinaric type of Albania is anthropologycally
the most close to Armenoid in Europe,according to MrCoon

06-28-2017, 08:48 PM
After 2000 years they are not Greek anymore nor are considered Greek minority you fag.

Why not?

My ancestors spoke only Greek till some decades ago. I still have relatives in these places that speak Greek as first language. lol

06-28-2017, 08:56 PM
Why Raine is thumbing me down? lol


06-28-2017, 09:32 PM
Anatolian Greeks are Anatolian natives who where Hellenized (Greek-ified) during Greek presence in Anatolia (modern day Turkey). They are not natives in Greece.

Let's look at some famous Anatolian/Pontian Greeks:

Ioannis Fetfatzidis:



Kostas Vasileiadis:



Kostas Mitroglou:

http://cdn-pictures.namez.com/pictures/270/cropped/2eGiyI-kh17_c3Vp_wkdBNHKAycjLiXiPJt1UeC9B70HAIjABPuU2ykWg 4dzTrVrlUEKostas-Mitroglou.jpg


Stefanos Athanasiadis:



Savvas Topalidis:


Lol, he says "Anatolian Greeks" and he post only some weird looking Pontians(they all have the -idis suffix to their surnames).

Some other Pontians.

Pygmalion Dadakaridis

Theophilos Poutahidis

Nikos Mouratidis

https://pontiakilelapa.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/380428_254351487946078_254351114612782_637853_1115 715114_n.jpg?w=370&h=
Giorgos Tsiftelidis

Stathis Nikolaidis

Matheos Tsachouridis

Chrysanthos Theodoridis

Pericles Christoforidis

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BUkdR74OcQs/VNySfI36H6I/AAAAAAAABhA/uJIqbhn-BIw/s1600/%C3%8F%E2%80%A0%C3%8F%E2%80%B0%C3%8F%E2%80%9E%C3%8 E%C2%BF%C3%8E%C2%B3%C3%8F-%C3%8E%C2%B1%C3%8F%E2%80%A0%C3%8E%C2%AF%C3%8E%C2%B 1.JPG




Most Greeks don't even agree with him that Pontians are not Greeks but hellenized foreigners.

They're Greek by identity but not by genetics. Just like many Hispanics are predominantly not Spanish. Pontics have almost no genetic Greek DNA. The same is not true for western Anatolian Greeks though.

So wrong as has been said many times...

"The genetic makeup of Greek refugees of the East(Pontus, Asia Minor, Cappadocia) does not show any statistically significant difference with the DNA of the non-refugee Greeks. But has a huge difference with that of Turks, despite the vicinity of Greeks and Turks in many areas before the Asia Minor Disaster."

Geneticist Constantinos Triantafyllidis


"The Pontic Greeks are ultimately descended from Greek colonists of the Caucasus region (who named the Black Sea the Pontic Sea)"

Alan John Day, Roger East, Richard Thomas (2002).


06-28-2017, 09:33 PM
So wrong as has been said many times...

"The genetic makeup of Greek refugees of the East(Pontus, Asia Minor, Cappadocia) does not show any statistically significant difference with the DNA of the non-refugee Greeks. But has a huge difference with that of Turks, despite the vicinity of Greeks and Turks in many areas before the Asia Minor Disaster."

Geneticist Constantinos Triantafyllidis


"The Pontic Greeks are ultimately descended from Greek colonists of the Caucasus region (who named the Black Sea the Pontic Sea)"

Alan John Day, Roger East, Richard Thomas (2002).


Then you should be able to show actual Pontians who score similarly on DNA tests to other Greeks.

06-28-2017, 09:39 PM
Then you should be able to show actual Pontians who score similarly on DNA tests to other Greeks.

The Greek geneticist spoke, you want evidence, post straight to him: triant@bio.auth.gr

Know your a big moron for claiming Greeks for Slavs and hellenized Anatolians.

06-28-2017, 09:47 PM
The Greek geneticist spoke, you want evidence, post straight to him: triant@bio.auth.gr

Know your a big moron for claiming Greeks for Slavs and hellenized Anatolians.

Him saying it is not proof. PCA plots? Admixture charts?

06-28-2017, 09:49 PM
Just because Wikipedia doesn't mention it it's a lie? :picard1:

You have nothing to prove your claims.

Aris Poulianos gave this as an example of Saharid influence in Crete.



06-28-2017, 09:53 PM
You have nothing to prove your claims.

Aris Poulianos gave this as an example of Saharid influence in Crete.



That guy looks black.

06-28-2017, 09:54 PM
Him saying it is not proof. PCA plots? Admixture charts?

When the biggest Greek Geneticist say and a moron in a troll forum doubt him, the moron(YOU) must contact him and ask for evidence. Got it now?

06-28-2017, 09:56 PM
You have nothing to prove your claims.

Aris Poulianos gave this as an example of Saharid influence in Crete.



I don't see Saharid in him, he is probably a descendant of the Armenian families that were settled to Crete.

06-28-2017, 10:10 PM
When the biggest Greek Geneticist say and a moron in a troll forum doubt him, the moron(YOU) must contact him and ask for evidence. Got it now?

According to Triandaffilidis it is also not true that Mainland Greeks are genetically closer to Albanians than to Italians.

Traintafillidis says as far as i remember closest to Greeks"Mainlanders and others included" overall are clearly Italians

Albanians are more far from Greeks than it has been believed..

06-28-2017, 10:12 PM
According to Triandaffilidis it is also not true that Mainland Greeks are genetically closer to Albanians than to Italians.

Traintafillidis says as far as i remember closest to Greeks"Mainlanders and others included" overall are clearly Italians

Albanians are more far from Greeks than it has been believed..

At least one Greek here knows this Greek Geneticist, as most here the only geneticist they know is the self declared geneticist Sikeliot....

08-21-2017, 10:48 AM
Lavrentis for a reason want to slander Anatolian Greeks and posted some Pontians.

Here are photos of real Anatolian Greeks/Mikrasiates: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?218633-Anatolian-Greeks(many-photos)-where-they-pass

08-21-2017, 11:41 AM
I have a friend from Smyrna he look 100% identical to Giannis Oikonomidis, he is called Mehmet and he's a Turk.

not Smyrna, today, it's İzmir. Well, probably you don't how many Kurds and Syrians live in İzmir :picard1: Turkish Statistical Institution published that İzmir (4.168.415) has only 1.704.855 local İzmir people, others came from other cities.

brennus dux gallorum
08-21-2017, 11:45 AM
One thing I can't accept :to put all 1923 refugees into the same basket, either they are from Smyrna and western anatolia, or from Constantinople, Western thrace, galatia, pontus, kappadokia etc

They are genetically not homogenous, and that is reflected on their racial types. Some are pure Greek (majority of refugees), others mostly Greek, others mostly non-greek

What is common with the racially pure Greek kostantaras or arveler, and mitroglou, who is Greek as much as I am Norwegian

08-21-2017, 11:45 AM
Now, there are some thing you should pay attention to.

First, not all Greeks from Asia Minor are Hellenized Anatolian natives. Many are indeed Greeks who were settlers to the area.

And secondly, many Anatolian and Pontian Greeks have mixed with Greeks and tend to not look Asian.

I agree with you here , but most Pontians are indeed Greeks and belong to Pontid and Med phenotype.

But along with greek pontians came here also many Hellenized Armenians and Georgians

08-21-2017, 12:15 PM
Definitely. Pontic Greeks are just Hellenized Caucasus people.

Just few of them , mostly of them are Russian or Balkan shifted

I cheerypick and add some Pontians too here

Aria Konstantinidi :


Ioanna Triantafilidi:



Despoina Vandi:




Xristos Xolidis :


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTD3Gz90pBspxtiv_wAsidS8WcGXGG7r Pfz3b9XKtyHzSFWzI02


Pontians belong to many different races and phenotypes but still most of them are Greeks,
the Armenoid and caucasian types among them are not the majority

08-21-2017, 10:40 PM
Hello. I have to say that I don't care about the racial background of anybody, but I think the person that started the thread has other intentions.
I will just post some photos
Katerina Stefanidi
Τanimanidis Sakis
Lazos and Giorgos Ioannidis
Panagiotis Kogkalidis
Onur Atmaca (pontic greek muslim)
Kerim Aydin
Adem Ekiz
Ihsan Es
Ekin Uzunlar
Ozen Ozgurbuz
Christos Antoniadis
Vasilios Fisatidis
Ιeroklis Stoltidis
Vasilis Christidis
Τhomaidis Kiriakos

08-21-2017, 11:03 PM
Hello. I have to say that I don't care about the racial background of anybody, but I think the person that started the thread has other intentions.
I will just post some photos
Katerina Stefanidi
Τanimanidis Sakis
Lazos and Giorgos Ioannidis
Panagiotis Kogkalidis
Christos Antoniadis
Vasilios Fisatidis
Ιeroklis Stoltidis
Vasilis Christidis
Τhomaidis Kiriakos

Those are all Pontians. There must be a clear separating line between Pontians(Greeks from near Caucasus) and rest Anatolian Greeks. The Pontians have significant Caucasian admixture(especially Pontians from Trabzon), something that rest Asia Minor Greeks don't have(just a very small and insignificant Anatolid-Armenoid element, especially those who have some more are the ones from inner Asia Minor). Greeks from Asia Minor identify as "Mikrasiates", which means, Asia Minor Greeks and Pontians as Pontians. They are two different people, also racially/genetically.

Onur Atmaca (pontic greek muslim)
Kerim Aydin
Adem Ekiz
Ihsan Es
Ekin Uzunlar
Ozen Ozgurbuz

Those are not Greeks, they are all Turks. Lol!

08-21-2017, 11:09 PM
Another OWD thread by Lavrentis the Cretan Arab. There is a member named "HellenicViking" on anthroscape, is that your old account?

Emirate of Crete (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emirate_of_Crete) has even more exotic phenotypes.

Georgios Giakoumakis (Saharid)

Textbook Cretan (East Med)

Random Cretans (mainly orientalid + some SSA admixture)

Levantine/East Med





08-21-2017, 11:10 PM
Giannis Amanatidis
Marinos Ouzounidis
Kamperidis Dimitris
Michailidis Chrisostomos

08-21-2017, 11:11 PM
They are greek speaking muslims from Trabzon
Oh, my mistake I didn't mention it, but I wanted to show only pontian people, since a lot has been said previously

08-21-2017, 11:27 PM

I told you to stop trolling Cretans 'cause of Lavrentis but you don't listen. You and Albanians are very lucky Loki allows in The Apricity troll people who slander, lie and attack against Greeks.

So here we go again:

Ok, here are the typical Cretans.


The Cretans and the Cretan women as a whole are above average height, as in most Aegean islands. They are, mainly, mesocephals, brunette with brown eyes and light mixed eyes. Predominantly black and wavy hairs prevail. The hair is quite developed in chest, in face and eyebrows, not less than from other islands of coastal Greece. They are basically leptoprosopoi(slim faced) and leptorrinikoi(slim nosed), with "strong" facial profile. The nose is in the absolute majority of cases straight, the lips moderate, the forehead upright, or slightly sloping. They distinguished by opisthocheilia(back-lipped), they have occiput quite round and slightly development of supra-orbital ridges. For this as a whole they constitute a relatively homogeneous group of anthropological varieties from end to end of the island. These attributes classify their type to the Aegean type of the southern branch of the Europaeoid race.

"The descend of Cretans", page 107, year 1971.

2. The varieties that make up the anthropological type of Crete stand out, with great enough accuracy, from the anthropological types of northern Africa and, secondly, the types of the Middle East. They are closer to the type of the Aegean basin, generally, which extends to Thrace and Southern Bulgaria, in western Asia Minor and parts of the Black Sea.

"The descend of Cretans", page 127, year 1971.

The Cretans during the last 6.000 at least, if not more, anthropologically are the same people until today. Maybe they received effects of various cultures and even reached there several settlers of several races during their long history, but the racial core didn't altered by all these and in their majority the Cretans remained the same racial type or types from prehistoric times until today.

"The descend of Cretans", page 12, year 1971.

The coloration of the skin:

In skin, women are whiter than men. Indeed, in the very white coloration(Nu 7 on von Luschan scale) the percentage is double than of men. In plain white (Nu 9-Nu 11) is nearly the same: 86 and 90% respectively. In the dark (Nu 12), men overmatch with 7% instead of 5% for women.

"The descend of Cretans", page 62, year 1971.

Von Luschan's chromatic scale



Click to enlarge: https://aetogiannis.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/h-omada-twn-antrwn.jpg


Click to enlarge: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-P32jVDuwg3Y/T2pCcch4N_I/AAAAAAAAHtM/eaPCvtEQd3g/s1600/08.jpg


Click to enlarge: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sNRqbrTOv-k/UDaaYuGS9cI/AAAAAAAAJG4/NHTnZbTcRFc/s1600/03.jpg


Click to enlarge: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-V0tAUyuDl68/TxCxJlQynZI/AAAAAAAAHIA/T0iDd1X99c0/s1600/04.jpg

Click to enlarge:http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-u3lGvUSQsgw/TxCxLNRGi0I/AAAAAAAAHII/Mv0Ruch9QnE/s1600/05.jpg



According to the genetic site eupedia.com:

Northern Greeks : 93,7 % European
Central Greeks : 92,2 % European
Southern Greeks : 93,9 % European
Eastern Greeks : 91,7% European
Cretan Greeks : 91,1 % European
All Greeks : 93,4 % European"



Cretans are naturally white skinned, have south-east European facial features and genetically are predominantly Europeans.



Tan, moustaches and beards can make Cretan villagers looking like Saudis, true.

Hey, last man in the last photo on the right, is a Nordic-Iranian, a type I see among Cretans more often than in any other population.


08-21-2017, 11:34 PM
Image about pre-hellenic people and comparison to modern Cretans plus..."stormfront"
I regret posting here

08-22-2017, 12:41 AM
Image about pre-hellenic people[/

The "pro-Hellenes" were the ancestors of the Hellenes.

The Pelasgians-direct ancestors of the Hellenes.

Indo-European fairy tales about invading foreigner yamnaya Hellenic-speaking people from the steppes, belonging to R1a haplogroups are a nice fiction story made by Northerners. Hellenes were natives and Greek language was born over here.

Linear A script(No proof yet it was not Greek).

3,000 BC., Hellenic letters from Milos island.

6,000 BC, Greek letters in Linear B from mainland Greece.

Greek alphabet was in use at 6000 BC in the Aegean

The Phoenician Alphabet is the Greek-Pelasgian...

Greek civilization older than 10,000 years old.

and comparison to modern Cretans


"The Cretans during the last 6.000 at least, if not more, anthropologically are the same people until today. Maybe they received effects of various cultures and even reached there several settlers of several races during their long history, but the racial core didn't altered by all these and in their majority the Cretans remained the same racial type or types from prehistoric times until today."

Aris Poulianos "The descend of Cretans", page 12, year 1971.

Read here the whole book: http://hellas2010.proboards.com/thread/210/

DNA reveals origin of Greece's ancient Minoan culture

"The Minoans are Europeans and are also related to present-day Cretans



It dosn't matter if the poster is from stormfront but the analyses of Greeks' haplogroups, which comes from Eupedia.

I regret posting here


Politically correct theories about the origin of Greek language and of the Anthropological/Genetic origin of Greeks, used as a dogma, are for sheeps, same as with religious fanatics.

It must always be given place to revision.

08-22-2017, 12:55 AM
Call me crazy, but I think most look like regular Greeks... Some can easily pass as Balkanoids, be it Albanians, Romanians or Slavophones.

08-22-2017, 08:47 AM
Call me crazy, but I think most look like regular Greeks... Some can easily pass as Balkanoids, be it Albanians, Romanians or Slavophones.
Well, that was my point. But, to be honest, I think Ekin Uzunlar is half (muslim) Pontian, half Albanian (I've read at in youtube comments so I'm not really sure)
If you are talking about Cretans, of course it is true.

08-22-2017, 07:53 PM
Well, that was my point. But, to be honest, I think Ekin Uzunlar is half (muslim) Pontian, half Albanian (I've read at in youtube comments so I'm not really sure)
If you are talking about Cretans, of course it is true.

Uzunlar can pass as both, especially Albanian, so I guess there is some truth to that.

08-22-2017, 11:03 PM
Some of them look like Greeks and some look Turkish armenoid

08-31-2017, 10:54 AM
Many Cretans look worse than those Pontians, as many Cretans are Hellenized Armenians.








Still no Pontian beats this Cretan.




08-31-2017, 11:30 AM

08-31-2017, 02:19 PM

Said the nighrided whore who is 0,0000000000000000000000000% Greek!

Bye bye Nigga slut!!!

04-02-2018, 11:38 PM
Greek Civil War on this thread :D