View Full Version : Classify Gypsy footballer and his supposed look-alike

06-29-2017, 08:04 PM
Romanian Gypsy Banel Nicolita (a favorite one here in TA :lol:) is said to look like Brazilian footballer Mario Jardel. He is even nicknamed 'Jardel'.

I don't think they look similar. Nicolita looks almost Australoid/Neo-Melanesid (pass only as Gypsy and Sri Lankan Tamil) and Jardel looks like a regular mixed latino (50-60% Euro and the rest Amerindian and SSA in equal proportions). What's the reason of the supposed similarity?









06-29-2017, 08:06 PM
both are gracile mediterranean . first has a nordic strain while the second has an alpinoid strain

both cant pass outside of central europe

06-29-2017, 08:09 PM
Jardel was a legend here in Portugal with a Sporting and Porto.

Jardel is tri-racial and despite being tri racial still whiter than that gypsy by a lot

Bell Beaker
06-29-2017, 08:10 PM
Holly fuck that Gypsy looks like a Southern Indian! :eek:

06-29-2017, 08:14 PM
Holly fuck that Gypsy looks like a Southern Indian! :eek:

I think Sri Lankan is a best fit for him. Maybe he could pass even as Andamanese and Australian.

This is how pure Gypsies looked like.

'owight Gavnah
06-29-2017, 08:27 PM
I think Sri Lankan is a best fit for him. Maybe he could pass even as Andamanese and Australian.

This is how pure Gypsies looked like.

Honestly if this guy is like the definition of a true gypsy then many many gypsies in Europe, especially Romania are extremely admixed with Native Europeans. They look nothing like this guy. And no I don't Mean Mortimer.

06-29-2017, 08:33 PM
Honestly if this guy is like the definition of a true gypsy then many many gypsies in Europe, especially Romania are extremely admixed with Native Europeans. They look nothing like this guy. And no I don't Mean Mortimer.

But you're right. Gypsies are a mixed bunch. Low caste Australoid influenced Indians (is always good to attest this because High castes and low castes look very different) + MENA and European. This is the racial make-up of most Gypsies. There are different groups of Gypsies though. Iberian Gypsies are way more European looking than Balkan ones.

06-29-2017, 10:01 PM
mediterranid-gracile indid

06-29-2017, 10:03 PM
mediterranid-gracile indid

Are you joking?

This guy is textbook Neo-Melanesid.

Damiăo de Góis
06-29-2017, 10:04 PM
I don't see the resemblance. He looks more like Hulk.

06-29-2017, 10:21 PM
Honestly if this guy is like the definition of a true gypsy then many many gypsies in Europe, especially Romania are extremely admixed with Native Europeans. They look nothing like this guy. And no I don't Mean Mortimer.

Yeah.. No. I think in Romania you'll find the purest gypsies because we're the only country that has never tried to forcefully assimilate them. Romanian Gypsies are way darker than Hungarian Gypsies, for example.

06-30-2017, 12:28 AM
I think Sri Lankan is a best fit for him. Maybe he could pass even as Andamanese and Australian.

This is how pure Gypsies looked like.

are you for real? he would never pass as adamnese they look totally different not even as australian aboriginal

he looks atypical and weird, i dont think "pure gypsies" all looked like him that makes no sense, there are many "pure" gypsies who look nothing like him. and i dont think he is even australoid more like neanderthaloid, he is as much typical as this russian boxer is for russia

this is how pure russians looked like

06-30-2017, 12:29 AM
lol at andamanese . I didnt notice that

06-30-2017, 12:31 AM
and he still looks northindian but plus neanderthaloid he doesnt look sri lankan you will finde more australoid in north of india then him, not all northindians are textbook nordindid


06-30-2017, 12:34 AM
Yeah.. No. I think in Romania you'll find the purest gypsies because we're the only country that has never tried to forcefully assimilate them. Romanian Gypsies are way darker than Hungarian Gypsies, for example.

I think there is not much difference between bulgarian, serbian and romanian gypsies. I bumped once at a romanian gypsy here, he asked me if Im Turk and I said no Im from Serbia then he told me that he is romanian but obviously roma gypsy. He was very friendly but was pissed off I dont speak romani language or romanian, he didnt wanted to believe me that I dont speak it he thought Im arrogant, I told him Im from Banat then he thought Im from Romania (but Serbia has a Banat too). He looked nothing different then any other gypsy from serbia.

06-30-2017, 12:38 AM
and he still looks northindian

Not really.


And geographic location is not so important, caste is. If you look at South Indian Brahmins, they're also Caucasoid.
Like these Tamil Brahmins:


06-30-2017, 12:39 AM
Not really.


And geographic location is not so important, caste is. If you look at South Indian Brahmins, they're also Caucasoid.
Like these Tamil Brahmins:


all your pictures are cherrypicked i can post brahmins who look like the tamil, also most punjabis are "brown" definitely and not as light skinned as that old man. you talk out of your ass. also northindian doesnt only mean sikh, purohit ji is northindian too.

06-30-2017, 12:45 AM
proto-roma have been modelled after the meghawal a untouchable caste from northwestindia/pakistan, geneticists found autosomal match with the meghawal and thats why they use them as proxy for proto roma



06-30-2017, 12:46 AM
also here is a romani gypsy with two indian "gypsies" (nomadic low caste from rajasthan)

https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/17554490_194917257672589_8217083674210679717_n.jpg ?oh=1df14d835d190735b6e22d02a049df5f&oe=59DBBA45

06-30-2017, 12:48 AM
all your pictures are cherrypicked i can post brahmins who look like the tamil, also most punjabis are "brown" definitely and not as light skinned as that old man. you talk out of your ass. also northindian doesnt only mean sikh, purohit ji is northindian too.

In that case YOU will be cherrypicking. As I said, geographic location is not more important than caste. Brahmins still look mostly Caucasoid and low castes more Australoid admixed. South Indian Brahmins are obviously more Caucasoid than low castes from Delhi.

Brahmins from Maharashtra and Kashmiri Pandits still look more alike than like low castes.



Kashmiri Pandits

06-30-2017, 12:50 AM
In that case YOU will be cherrypicking. As I said, geographic location is not more important than caste. Brahmins still look mostly Caucasoid and low castes more Australoid admixed. South Indian Brahmins are obviously more Caucasoid than low castes from Delhi.

Brahmins from Maharashtra and Kashmiri Pandits still look more alike than like low castes.



Kashmiri Pandits

there is a social stratification from north to south and along caste lines, then there are some exceptions too. its both important who is more westerneuroasian. most brahmins look nothing like those guys post who look greek.

06-30-2017, 12:50 AM
both are gracile mediterranean . first has a nordic strain while the second has an alpinoid strain

both cant pass outside of central europe

Christ that joke is so overused it hurts my butt-cheeks. I can't believe that it was thumbed up 3 times, rather than thumbing it up, it should have been thumbed down and you should have thumbed out your eyes so you can't see swarthy people posted to proceed regurgitating the same damn joke for the 100000x time.


06-30-2017, 12:52 AM
Christ that joke is so overused it hurts my butt-cheeks. I can't believe that it was thumbed up 3 times, rather than thumbing it up, it should have been thumbed down and you should have thumbed out your eyes so you can't see swarthy people posted to proceed regurgitating the same damn joke for the 100000x time.


ok :cry2

06-30-2017, 12:54 AM
there is a social stratification from north to south and along caste lines, then there are some exceptions too. its both important who is more westerneuroasian. most brahmins look nothing like those guys post who look greek.

They don't look Greek. They look Kashmiri, what they are.

06-30-2017, 12:55 AM
Oh Jardel, the legend...

06-30-2017, 12:56 AM
They don't look Greek. They look Kashmiri, what they are.

not really this is what kashmiri pandits look like, and that makes more sense because they are indid, it makes sense they look indid but not greek. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashmiri_Pandit


06-30-2017, 01:04 AM
not really this is what kashmiri pandits look like, and that makes more sense because they are indid, it makes sense they look indid but not greek. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashmiri_Pandit


I doubt these ones are Kashmiri Pandits, I doubt even they're Kashmiris. I have been there and I know reasonably how they look like.

Some examples:





Kashmiris are not even Indo-Aryans, they are Dardics and like the Kalash look the closest to original Sanskrit speakers. Some can even look Balkan:


06-30-2017, 01:04 AM
and he still looks northindian but plus neanderthaloid he doesnt look sri lankan you will finde more australoid in north of india then him, not all northindians are textbook nordindid


He doesn't look nord-Indid because that type was actually modelled as a caucasoid race and Banel is the furthest thing from a caucasoid. He looks veddoid as far as his facial features are concerned, but is clearly lighter than most veddoids, so I'd say he fits best in India. I don't think people such as him are typical of gypsies, although there are some like him:
However are they the "original gypsies"? Well, they probably are the closest to the look the gypsies had when they migrated from India, but they probably looked different after coming to Europe since they mixed with middle easterners.

06-30-2017, 01:15 AM
A mix Med/Weddoid.

Jardel is a typical brazilian "nordestino" (from Fortaleza, state of Ceara), probably he is Berid/Atlanto Med+Brazilid+Sudanid.

06-30-2017, 01:18 AM
He doesn't look nord-Indid because that type was actually modelled as a caucasoid race and Banel is the furthest thing from a caucasoid. He looks veddoid as far as his facial features are concerned, but is clearly lighter than most veddoids, so I'd say he fits best in India. I don't think people such as him are typical of gypsies, although there are some like him:
However are they the "original gypsies"? Well, they probably are the closest to the look the gypsies had when they migrated from India, but they probably looked different after coming to Europe since they mixed with middle easterners.

I didnt said he looks "nord-indid" but northindian its like saying northeuropean and nordid not every northeuropean is nordid. Not every northindian is nordindid. I dont think armchair anthropologists can know what original gypsies looked like and probably they were not all of the same type just like original germanics were not all nordid but had borrebies and atlantids too etc. Likely the original gypsies had both nordindids, indobrachids and some weddoid types etc. Not all were weddoid, people are very stupid and simplify things. Also Carleton Coon wrote on Gypsies, and studied the gypsy population and came to conclusion their original type was meditteranoid. http://www.theapricity.com/snpa/chapter-XI18.htm

06-30-2017, 01:21 AM
I doubt these ones are Kashmiri Pandits, I doubt even they're Kashmiris. I have been there and I know reasonably how they look like.

Some examples:





Kashmiris are not even Indo-Aryans, they are Dardics and like the Kalash look the closest to original Sanskrit speakers. Some can even look Balkan:


On Anthroscape there was a woman, a bengali brahmin and her husband was Kashmiri Pandit and just looked like a "paki" nothing special or white. Maybe some look like balkan or lighter, but not all.

out of all those pictures you cherrypicked the lightest https://www.google.at/search?q=Kashmiri+Pandit&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOlO7Js-TUAhWIbhQKHW8CDigQ_AUIBigB&biw=1600&bih=794


06-30-2017, 01:29 AM
out of all those pictures you cherrypicked the lightest ]

No. I didn't cherrypicked. Nehru and Indira Gandhi are average for Kashmiri Pandits. Even these people you've posted still look Caucasoid. Sarjan Barkati is obviously atypical, but the others are pretty typical. You needed to find the photo with the darkest people to justify your claims. Dude, they're not even considered an Indo-Aryan ethnic group, they're Dardics and look nothing like Gypsies.

06-30-2017, 01:31 AM
No. I didn't cherrypicked. Nehru and Indira Gandhi are average for Kashmiri Pandits. Even these people you've posted still look Caucasoid. Sarjan Barkati is obviously atypical, but the others are pretty typical. You needed to find the photo with the darkest people to justify your claims. Dude, they're not even considered an Indo-Aryan ethnic group, they're Dardics and look nothing like Gypsies.

Nehru is brown he is caucasoid (nordindid) but look still brown and southasian, its just a black and white photo. That being said, kashmiri pandits look like other indians maybe they have more who look further west, but certainly half of them look like other indians or would pass in other places in northindia, like i said the woman was bengali brahmin and she was the same as her husband who was kashmiri pandit.

06-30-2017, 01:37 AM
I didnt said he looks "nord-indid" but northindian its like saying northeuropean and nordid not every northeuropean is nordid. Not every northindian is nordindid. I dont think armchair anthropologists can know what original gypsies looked like and probably they were not all of the same type just like original germanics were not all nordid but had borrebies and atlantids too etc. Likely the original gypsies had both nordindids, indobrachids and some weddoid types etc. Not all were weddoid, people are very stupid and simplify things. Also Carleton Coon wrote on Gypsies, and studied the gypsy population and came to conclusion their original type was meditteranoid. http://www.theapricity.com/snpa/chapter-XI18.htm

Coon sadly didn't have genetic research. Gypsies come out as *Insert European ethnicity* + 30-50% *Insert Indian ethnicity*. I do agree that it's not sure if they looked dravindian or not and likely they didn't since they migrated out of north India somewhere it seems, but they did look like Indians obv. Banel and those I posted look more like Indians than someone like this:
I know Coon mainly classified gypsies as "meds", but I think he used that term too loosely (he claimed Somalis, Afghans, Iranians, Pakis, Arabs etc. were all meds). He did see a veddoid influence in them obv. but his med was basically a caucasoid looking brachycephalic person and many gypsies fit that description. However gypsies today are most caucasoid so most will that on a caucasoid look, but that doesn't make them meds. That's like calling Rashida Jones med. It's just being pred. caucasoid (near eastern/ middle eastern + European) that gives most gypsies a brown caucasoid look, but the southasian admixture is there and proven by blood.

06-30-2017, 01:40 AM
Nehru is brown he is caucasoid (nordindid) but look still brown and southasian, its just a black and white photo. That being said, kashmiri pandits look like other indians maybe they have more who look further west, but certainly half of them look like other indians or would pass in other places in northindia, like i said the woman was bengali brahmin and she was the same as her husband who was kashmiri pandit.

There's no way to look ''like other Indians'' since ''Indians'' are diverse. Nord-Indid is a Caucasoid phenotype, like a South Asian version of Iranid and Irano-Afghan. Most Kashmiris are like Indira Gandhi, Nehru and Rajiv Gandhi (50%), others look more like Persian or from the Caucasus region and a minority look ''Balkan'' or Veddoid influenced.

Kashmiris are the most mixed of all Dardics (but they still are very non-mixed for India) and even then they still look pure Caucasoid and most don't even look remotely like Gypsies. I have a high level of respect for these people since they're the architects of the most compelx texts of Hindu Tradition.

06-30-2017, 01:41 AM
Coon sadly didn't have genetic research. Gypsies come out as *Insert European ethnicity* + 30-50% *Insert Indian ethnicity*. I do agree that it's not sure if they looked dravindian or not and likely they didn't since they migrated out of north India somewhere it seems, but they did look like Indians obv. Banel and those I posted look more like Indians than someone like this:
I know Coon mainly classified gypsies as "meds", but I think he used that term too loosely (he claimed Somalis, Afghans, Iranians, Pakis, Arabs etc. were all meds). He did see a veddoid influence in them obv. but his med was basically a caucasoid looking brachycephalic person and many gypsies fit that description. However gypsies today are most caucasoid so most will that on a caucasoid look, but that doesn't make them meds. That's like calling Rashida Jones med. It's just being pred. caucasoid (near eastern/ middle eastern + European) that gives most gypsies a brown caucasoid look, but the southasian admixture is there and proven by blood.

He didnt said gypsies are meditteranean people, he said they are meditteranoids from india, and he did know they are a pariah tribe, and he did know they are mixed and (says so that many are mixed) that many are mixed, but he studied all gypsies and found that the unmixed gypsy type is a indian meditteranoid from northwest india. dude you are not the brightest it seems, did you even read the article?

06-30-2017, 01:43 AM
There's no way to look ''like other Indians'' since ''Indians'' are diverse. Nord-Indid is a Caucasoid phenotype, like a South Asian version of Iranid and Irano-Afghan. Most Kashmiris are like Indira Gandhi, Nehru and Rajiv Gandhi (50%), others look more like Persian or from the Caucasus region and a minority look ''Balkan'' or Veddoid influenced.

Kashmiris are the most mixed of all Dardics (but they still are very non-mixed for India) and even then they still look pure Caucasoid and most don't even look remotely like Gypsies. I have a high level of respect for these people since they're the architects of the most compelx texts of Hindu Tradition.

to me there is a pan indian look, indians are mostly similar to me with exceptions, but the bulk from north to south are similar, they are not like black and white or day and night. to me they clearly look indian. you cherrypicked to resemble closer westasians and even europeans. the bald brahmin guys look like albanians. also nordindid does not look european, eventhough caucasoid people have wrong image of nordindid and they classify everyone who is lighter in india as nordindid.

06-30-2017, 01:47 AM
Coon sadly didn't have genetic research. Gypsies come out as *Insert European ethnicity* + 30-50% *Insert Indian ethnicity*. I do agree that it's not sure if they looked dravindian or not and likely they didn't since they migrated out of north India somewhere it seems, but they did look like Indians obv..

Everything you said here is totally wrong.

1) Dravidian is not Veddoid. Original Dravidians from the Indus Valley Civilization were Caucasoids closer to Near-Easterner Caucasoids. They were NOT native South Asians/Veddoids.

2) Gypsies descend from low castes, so they're probably descendants of Veddoid looking people. That's the reason we can detect the Melanesid/Neo-Melanesid in most of them despite centuries of mixing. If they were brown Caucasoids they would look basically European today.

3) South Asian component is bullshit since it mix different things lile Steppe-like ancestry, Dravidian Caucasoids, Veddoid and Mongoloid.

06-30-2017, 01:53 AM
to me there is a pan indian look, indians are mostly similar to me with exceptions, but the bulk from north to south are similar, they are not like black and white or day and night. to me they clearly look indian. you cherrypicked to resemble closer westasians and even europeans. the bald brahmin guys look like albanians. also nordindid does not look european, eventhough caucasoid people have wrong image of nordindid and they classify everyone who is lighter in india as nordindid.

Some of them look Mongoloid. Are they similar to you? There are even states with Mongoloid majority there. lol

The ones I pick are typical for Kashmir you like it or not. They don't look Gypsy in Kashmir. More like Iranians or Afghans. I posted photos showing they have different looks and the looks vary from geographic location to caste. They are GENETICALLY different as well, Punjabi Brahmins , Jatts and Kashmiris have high amounts of West Eurasian ancestry and it reflects on their phenotypes.

06-30-2017, 01:56 AM
Everything you said here is totally wrong.

1) Dravidian is not Veddoid. Original Dravidians from the Indus Valley Civilization were Caucasoids closer to Near-Easterner Caucasoids. They were NOT native South Asians/Veddoids.

2) Gypsies descend from low castes, so they're probably descendants of Veddoid looking people. That's the reason we can detect the Melanesid/Neo-Melanesid in most of them despite centuries of mixing. If they were brown Caucasoids they would like basically European today.

3) South Asian component is bullshit since it mix different things lile Steppe-like ancestry, Dravidian Caucasoids, Veddoid and Mongoloid.

melanesid and weddoid is not even the same, melanesians are closer to papuans then to weddoids, they are from somwehre else then weddoids, and dr ambedhkar is a low caste and he was classified as indo-brachid. I made a thread for him. Also gypsies are very rarely anything remotely weddoid or australoid. Day and Night but you even classfied me as part-gondid. And I wrote a thread why gypsies still look like they do and no they wouldnt look like europeans even if they were only 10% indian they still would have a minority of indian looking people. I made two threads which I now searched to link but it looks like someone deleted my threads.


06-30-2017, 01:57 AM
I don't think Gypsies are predominantly veddoid.

They feature different types of Indian people Gracile Indid,Indobrachid,Asiatic Alpines
and probably mixed with Middle Eastern and European types..

Yes there are light Indians...
But i don't think it depends solely on caste alot of Maharadjas and Brahmins were pretty dark as well...

06-30-2017, 01:59 AM
Some of them look Mongoloid. Are they similar to you? There are even states with Mongoloid majority there. lol

The ones I pick are typical for Kashmir you like it or not. They don't look Gypsy in Kashmir. More like Iranians or Afghans. I posted photos showing they have different looks and the looks vary from geographic location to caste. They are GENETICALLY different as well, Punjabi Brahmins , Jatts and Kashmiris have high amounts of West Eurasian ancestry and it reflects on their phenotypes.

Gypsies have more westeuroasian ancestry then those and cluster closer to europeans, yet you stereotype them as super dark super weddoid people. You cherrypick one gypsy who is very atypical i told you he is as representive as the russian boxer for russia.

gypsies cluster closer to europeans then any indian ethnicity. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982212012602


06-30-2017, 02:00 AM
Probably this is true

06-30-2017, 02:04 AM
gypsies cluster closer to europeans then any indian ethnicity. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982212012602


Of course. Actual Gypsies are mixed with Europeans.

My point is to find the true Gypsy phenotype and it is probably Veddoid/almost pure Australoid.

06-30-2017, 02:14 AM
A famous gypsy singer from Greece

I think he still resembles a classical North West Indian type pretty well

But perhabs, i'm wrong and he looks like something else..

Veddoid i don't see in him

06-30-2017, 02:21 AM
Of course. Actual Gypsies are mixed with Europeans.

My point is to find the true Gypsy phenotype and it is probably Veddoid/almost pure Australoid.

The true gypsy phenotype can only be what actual roma people look like, not what their predecessors looked like because WGH isnt the "true" European phenotype either but what actual Europeans look like is the true European phenotype. That being said, the proto-roma have been modelled after the meghwal, a untouchable caste from northwest india. Roma are found to be half punjabi autosomally (northwestern indian). Y dna links them to dom people. If we know what dom people in northwest india and meghwal look like we know what roma likely looked like.


http://f.tqn.com/y/asianhistory/1/S/W/R/-/-/DalitgirlsweddingGujaratPorasChaudharyImageBank.jp g



06-30-2017, 05:39 AM
Australoid mixed with Med. Not very typical (normal Gypsies are a lot more gracile).

06-30-2017, 06:27 AM
I think there is not much difference between bulgarian, serbian and romanian gypsies. I bumped once at a romanian gypsy here, he asked me if Im Turk and I said no Im from Serbia then he told me that he is romanian but obviously roma gypsy. He was very friendly but was pissed off I dont speak romani language or romanian, he didnt wanted to believe me that I dont speak it he thought Im arrogant, I told him Im from Banat then he thought Im from Romania (but Serbia has a Banat too). He looked nothing different then any other gypsy from serbia.

I dunno, man, but most of our gypsies are way darker thank you, for example.

06-30-2017, 06:32 AM
I dunno, man, but most of our gypsies are way darker thank you, for example.

I had a mixed lighter father but i posted my family and ancerstors on both sides

06-30-2017, 07:04 AM
I had a mixed lighter father but i posted my family and ancerstors on both sides

I looked at the study you posted. Hungarian Gypsies seem to be have the most European admixture.In Romania there are 2 types of gypsies, those who are basically pure and those who had recent admixture. The same is the case with Bulgarian Gypsies. Pretty interesting study, thanks for posting!

07-01-2017, 01:05 AM
I looked at the study you posted. Hungarian Gypsies seem to be have the most European admixture.In Romania there are 2 types of gypsies, those who are basically pure and those who had recent admixture. The same is the case with Bulgarian Gypsies. Pretty interesting study, thanks for posting!

welsh gypsies have the most european admixture, not hungarian gypsies. in hungary there are dark and light gypsies just like in romania or serbia. did you saw that guy who went to eurovision song contest the guy with the song origo? does he look different then a romanian gypsy? he does not look different then a serbian gypsy.

also there are romanian gypsies in hungary and serbia, some of my neighbours in my quarter called themselfes "romanians" but they were gypsies but they must have came from romania.

Giovanni Fiori
08-25-2019, 11:56 AM
Banel: Paleo Melanesid textbook, looks like that Power Rangers actor who died some months Ago

Jardel: Euro tri-racial, his euro component is Berid-Med