View Full Version : Breitbart prop: Albanians Mass Migrate to Bulgaria for EU Passports, ‘Gateway to England’

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 10:01 AM

TREBISHT (ALBANIA) (AFP) – Trebisht in northeastern Albania looks like a ghost village, emptied of its residents by a rush to get Bulgarian passports that open the door to the European Union.

Arman Kadriu has an Albanian name, but the 12-year-old boy says he considers himself Bulgarian.

“I don’t want to stay here taking care of cows. I want to be a football player,” he said, covered in sweat, as he juggled a ball with his feet on a dusty road in the village in the Golo Brdo region.

“In England, with a Bulgarian passport, it’s possible,” he said, switching languages to say “Dovizhdane!” — goodbye in Bulgarian.

Bulgaria and Albania do not share a border.

And non-EU member Albania, where a law on minorities is under consideration, does not count Bulgarians among its recognised ethnic communities, unlike the Greeks, Macedonians or Serb-Montenegrins.

The ethnicity of historically Slavic-speaking communities in parts of Albania’s east has long been fluid and disputed — neighbouring Macedonia claims they are ethnic Macedonians.

But according to the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad, which helps in obtaining a passport, Bulgarian families have been settled in Albania since the 5th century and their descendants are part of its diaspora.

No statistics are available, but Bulgarian organisations in Albania estimate that there are around 100,000 of these descendants.

The European Parliament seems to agree: in February, it requested of Tirana “that the rights of people with Bulgarian ethnicity in the Prespa, Golo Brdo and Gora regions be enshrined in law and ensured in practice”.

The recommendation “has given renewed hope. Every day at least seven or eight people come to ask about obtaining Bulgarian citizenship,” said Haxhi Pirushi.

He heads the Prosperity Goloborda association, which provides certificates of Bulgarian origin to Albanians and is recognised by the government in Sofia.

– Mass emigration –

Perched on a hill, Trebisht is a sleepy place.

A few men spend their day on the terrace of the “Democracy” bar and others work the land, while young people travel three kilometres (two miles) to cross the Macedonian border for temporary work.

Once the village counted “around 6,000 inhabitants, but more than 2,500 left four or five years ago when they had the opportunity to benefit from a Bulgarian passport,” explained resident Tahir Mucina.

In the neighbouring village of Vernice “there is hardly anyone left”, said the 31-year-old.

Since Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007, its citizens have been able to work and reside wherever they want within the bloc, with all the restrictions lifted in 2014.

Mucina said he was also “on the lookout” for passports for himself, his wife and their three children.

Albania, as a whole, is a nation of mass emigration, spurred by an average wage of 340 euros ($388) and an unemployment rate affecting nearly one in three young people.

So it does not matter that Bulgaria is the poorest country in the EU. Seen from Trebisht, it is the gateway to Germany, England or some other promised land.

And it suits Bulgaria to claim these people as their own.

“It has to do with (Bulgaria’s) policy on Macedonia/Macedonians who also have access to Bulgarian citizenship because they are seen as ethnic Bulgarians,” said Southeast Europe expert Dimitar Bechev at the University of North Carolina.

“Communities who live on the other side of the border… qualify as well.”

He said Bulgarian MEPs have successfully lobbied the European Parliament to take a stand on the issue. “If Macedonia were an EU member, things would have worked another way, of course,” Bechev told AFP.

In 1939, at the beginning of World War II, Bulgarians from 19 localities in Albania asked Sofia to defend their rights in what was then an Italian protectorate, according to the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad.

“The toponymy (study of place names), the preservation of an archaic Bulgarian language and the local dialect and traditions are evidence of the Bulgarian character” in the regions concerned, Sofia says.

– Illegal path –

Trebisht residents who said they consider themselves Bulgarian spoke to AFP in Albanian, but said they spoke Bulgarian at home with their families.

“I live in Albania,” said the 60-year-old Gani Shahini, “but my origins are Bulgarian”.

Between 2001 and 2016, a total of 4,470 Albanian nationals applied for a Bulgarian passport and 2,608 of them were successful, according to Sofia.

But these figures do not reflect the full extent of the phenomenon. Some choose to take an illegal path, providing a market for forged passports.

Three people were arrested in December 2015 and later found guilty of making Bulgarian passports on demand for between 4,000 and 10,000 euros.

Since May 1, Sofia has requested documents proving the Bulgarian origin of a parent or grandparent after Bulgarian prosecutors found abuse of the system.

“The only interest of these people is to obtain a passport allowing them to move freely in the European area,” said Albanian historian Pellumb Xhufi.

Source: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/07/09/albanians-migrate-bulgaria-eu-passports-gateway-england/

Herr Abubu
07-10-2017, 10:22 AM
You know, it's barely worth teaching people how to read if they aren't also taught reading comprehension to go with that skill. When relatively intelligent people can post articles like this to sling shit but not actually understand what it's about...

There are communities in Albania that used to see themselves as Bulgarian, but who have switched back-and-forth between being Macedonians and Bulgarians more recently. These are the communities that are moving to Bulgaria today. The article clearly points that out.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 10:24 AM
You know, it's barely worth teaching people how to read if they aren't also taught reading comprehension to go with that skill. When relatively intelligent people can post articles like this to sling shit but not actually understand what it's about...

There are communities in Albania that used to see themselves as Bulgarian, but who have switched back-and-forth between being Macedonians and Bulgarians more recently. These are the communities that are moving to Bulgaria today. The article clearly points that out.

No one said otherwise and I haven't made any comment or appreciation. The article is pretty clear. You're taking hasty conclusions.

Catholic Riffs
07-10-2017, 10:26 AM
Moor. Move back to morocco.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 10:29 AM
Moor. Move back to morocco.

Should you move as well back to Circassia with your Caucasus Y-DNA?

306877 Circassia, Abazin

07-10-2017, 10:30 AM

Catholic Riffs
07-10-2017, 10:31 AM
Should you move as well back to Circassia with your Caucasus Y-DNA?

306877 Circassia, Abazin

He has origins from Kosovo.
You have from Moroco.

Herr Abubu
07-10-2017, 10:36 AM
No one said otherwise and I haven't made any comment or appreciation. The article is pretty clear. You're taking hasty conclusions.

The fact that you won't even stand up for the narrative you're clearly pushing shows how you have no sincere intentions. The article's title is misleading and yet you put that title up. It's a trick any dishonest journalist would know. People don't read articles nearly as much as they read the article's title. Now stop trying to get smart with someone far, far more intelligent than you, it will do you a lot of good.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 10:37 AM
He has origins from Kosovo.
You have from Moroco.

Not really. I actually took that info from J2b2a1-L283 origins by diversity and subgroups with focus on Jewish lineages. L283 lineages were also found in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and guess where else? Morocco, rotfl.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 10:39 AM
The fact that you won't even stand up for the narrative you're clearly pushing shows how you have no sincere intentions. The article's title is misleading and yet you put that title up. It's a trick any dishonest journalist would know. People don't read articles nearly as much as they read the article's title. Now stop trying to get smart with someone far, far more intelligent than you, it will do you a lot of good.

Some of them have Bulgarian ancestry, others just are interested in obtaining a passport and will claim they have Bulgarian heritage when they do not. At the end of the day they have Albanian citizenship, so the title is not misleading (and it wasn't written by me).

Catholic Riffs
07-10-2017, 10:40 AM
Not really. I actually took that info from J2b2a1-L283 origins by diversity and subgroups with focus on Jewish lineages. L283 lineages were also found in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and guess where else? Morocco, rotfl.

He's a Circassian from Kosovo. I match him on ftDNA and have talked to him via emails.

J2b2-L283 is only found in Europe and was recently found in Bronze Age Dalmatia (Proto-Illyrian sample). Don't know why you're lying, really.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 10:41 AM
He's a Circassian from Kosovo. I match him on ftDNA and have talked to him via emails.

J2b2-L283 is only found in Europe and was recently found in Bronze Age Dalmatia (Proto-Illyrian sample). Don't know why you're lying, really.

221083 Saqqar Aleppo, Saudi Arabia J-M172 (predicted, this sample may also be Z2444)
N32432 AbiEzzi, Lebanon J-M172 (predicted)
191409 Bassil, Fidar, Lebanon J-L283
99517 Aboud, Lebanon J-M102
294429 Tabet C. 1700 Deir El Qamar, Lebanon J-M172
247269 Morocco J-M172 (predicted)

I am not lying my Abazin Kosovar.

Herr Abubu
07-10-2017, 10:51 AM
Some of them have Bulgarian ancestry, others just are interested in obtaining a passport and will claim they have Bulgarian heritage when they do not. At the end of the day they have Albanian citizenship, so the title is not misleading (and it wasn't written by me).

I know it wasn't written by you. It was written by the propaganda outlet Breitbart. Owned by, and largely run by, Jews and which consistently pushes the Israel-Likud narrative, making you an inadvertent Zionist tool pretty much.

The title is most definitely misleading as it barely even mentions Albanian in the context of this phenomenon. There isn't even any mass migration to Bulgaria.

It's people from a few specific villages which were historically inhabited by Bulgarians who are migrating. It never mentions any cases of Albanians falsely claiming Bulgarian heritage.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 10:56 AM
It never mentions any cases of Albanians falsely claiming Bulgarian heritage.

It doesn't explicitly say it but it suggests it, due to systematic abuse. Bulgarian authorities are now asking for evidence of Bulgarian origin of a parent or grandparent. Nearly 4,500 Albanians applied for a passport and only 2,600 were accepted.

07-10-2017, 11:45 AM
221083 Saqqar Aleppo, Saudi Arabia J-M172 (predicted, this sample may also be Z2444)
N32432 AbiEzzi, Lebanon J-M172 (predicted)
191409 Bassil, Fidar, Lebanon J-L283
99517 Aboud, Lebanon J-M102
294429 Tabet C. 1700 Deir El Qamar, Lebanon J-M172
247269 Morocco J-M172 (predicted)

I am not lying my Abazin Kosovar.

That article is outdated, as some of the placements are based on STR predictions. The first sample from Saudi Arabia may not even be L283, as stated by the author. The Lebanese cluster doesn't belong to Z631, but rather Z597*

It's obvious you will find some L283 in the Middle East, as the mutation is close to 6000 years old but it seems to be close to non-existent there, just like you will find other Euro HGs like western R1b.

Besides, the oldest J2b2a-L283 ancient DNA has been found in Bronze Age Croatia, and nothing from the Middle East where there have been quite a few ancient DNA results.

07-10-2017, 11:55 AM
Should you move as well back to Circassia with your Caucasus Y-DNA?

306877 Circassia, Abazin

Really professor?
J2b2-PH1751 is dominated by Gheg Albanians. It's obvious this Circassian who is from Turkey has an "Albanian" Y-DNA.

Furthermore, recently an Albanian through BigY tested ancestral for J-PH1751. You will see this in a few days when the YTree is updated (IT-PA sample is Arbëresh, BTW): https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-PH1751/

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 11:59 AM
Really professor?
J2b2-PH1751 is dominated by Gheg Albanians. It's obvious this Circassian who is from Turkey has an "Albanian" Y-DNA.

Furthermore, recently an Albanian through BigY tested ancestral for PH1751. You will see this in a few days when the YTree is updated (IT-PA sample is Arbëresh, BTW): https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-PH1751/

There's like 40 thousand Abazin people in Russia, they are tremendously small minority but if for some reason one gets the same Y-DNA as a Kosovar it is definitely is because he has Kosovar origins, not the other way around...;) What are the odds. What was this Kosovar doing in there, picking olives?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 12:03 PM
By the way Trojet, yours was also found in India. Is it as well from another Kosovar living in India, right?

L283>Z590>Z584>Z638>Z1296>Z1297>Z631>Z1048>Z8425>Z8429 (Cochin-Jewish India)

07-10-2017, 12:03 PM
There's like 40 thousand Abazin people in Russia, they are tremendously small minority but if for some reason one gets the same Y-DNA as a Kosovar it is definitely is because he has Kosovar origins, not the other way around...;) What are the odds. What was this Kosovar doing in there, picking olives?

J2b2-L283 is ancient Dalmatian (Illyrian) haplogroup which was found in desolate dinaric alps where no any ethnic group except Illyrians ever lived in that time.
It has nothing to do with Caucasus.

What are you doing is trolling.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 12:05 PM
What are you doing is trolling.

Sorry but no, I am not trolling...there are even Jewish subgroups.

"Jewish subgroups
An interesting case to study in L283 are the known Jewish subgroups:

EB-16138 Cochin-Jewish India [zotpressInText item=”{AJUS9ETB}” format=”%num%” brackets=”yes”]
8 kits in J2@FTDNA with Y37+, Z1043,Z1048 confirmed positive, from Colombia, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania. This cluster was discovered only recently.
L283>CTS3681>Z628>Z638>CTS3617? DYS455=8
19 kits in J2@FTDNA with Y37+, Z638(xZ1296,YP129) confirmed, all kits from Eastern Europe except one from France. A candidate member has matching Geno2-SNP only results with Iberian origins."

07-10-2017, 12:08 PM
Sorry but no, I am not trolling...there are even Jewish subgroups.

"Jewish subgroups
An interesting case to study in L283 are the known Jewish subgroups:

EB-16138 Cochin-Jewish India [zotpressInText item=”{AJUS9ETB}” format=”%num%” brackets=”yes”]
8 kits in J2@FTDNA with Y37+, Z1043,Z1048 confirmed positive, from Colombia, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania. This cluster was discovered only recently.
L283>CTS3681>Z628>Z638>CTS3617? DYS455=8
19 kits in J2@FTDNA with Y37+, Z638(xZ1296,YP129) confirmed, all kits from Eastern Europe except one from France. A candidate member has matching Geno2-SNP only results with Iberian origins."

And ? There are Jewish subgroups of R1a and even I2 dinaric. Albanian haplotypes are European and native to southeastern Europe.
Or do you want to suggest Jews lived in ancient Dalmatia ?

Caucasus theory about Albanian origins is laughable Serbian racist and imperialist propaganda created for political purposes. Genetics proved it to be comicaly incorrect.

07-10-2017, 12:08 PM
Are they Gorani?

07-10-2017, 12:10 PM
By the way Trojet, yours was also found in India. Is it as well from another Kosovar living in India, right?

L283>Z590>Z584>Z638>Z1296>Z1297>Z631>Z1048>Z8425>Z8429 (Cochin-Jewish India)

LMAO, that's not where I belong.

FYI, I'm J-Z1296>PH1751. I'm Albanian, and not from Kosovo. So J-PH1751 is found throughout Albanian lands.

Besides, if you look at J-Z1296>>Z631 Tree (where that Jew belongs), its downstream subclades are exclusively European: https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Z631/

There is a "Jewish cluster" under I2a-CTS10228 also, and many other Euro haplogroups.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 12:13 PM
Moor. Move back to morocco.

Are you that guy in the picture? :D

07-10-2017, 12:22 PM

On the bright side they are moving to Western Europe after they get their passports,and they are not staying here.

07-10-2017, 12:26 PM

On the bright side they are moving to Western Europe after they get their passports,and they are not staying here.

Such a vulgar post.

07-10-2017, 12:32 PM
J2b2-L283 is ancient Dalmatian (Illyrian) haplogroup which was found in desolate dinaric alps where no any ethnic group except Illyrians ever lived in that time.
It has nothing to do with Caucasus.

What are you doing is trolling.

No other ethnic groups?

The "Illyrians" didn't exist until after Cadmus founded Illyria while the Minoans roamed not just the Balkans but all over Europe. Linear A has been found as far as Bulgaria. And there are Myceanean artifacts in Northern Italy that date to 1600-1500 BC.

That sample from Dalmatia is from 1700-1500 BCE. The Illyrians were an Italo-celtic tribe, there was no such thing as "Illyrians" only Italo-celtic tribes . And Italo-celts = R1b.

07-10-2017, 12:35 PM


07-10-2017, 12:37 PM
No one said otherwise and I haven't made any comment or appreciation. The article is pretty clear. You're taking hasty conclusions.

Yeah it's not like you made this exclusively to troll Albanians bc they hurt your feelings once.
Nooo, everyone else is just being hasty and coming to conclusions.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 12:40 PM


You have to admit that the rest of the members are not at all "pro-albabian", there are forums where Albanians are not allowed

Criticising Albanians for obvious reasons (Islam, crimes, attacking admired European nations) doesn't make someone "retarded"

On contrary, an Albanian that will call Portuguese members "moors" is retarded, as he can't see that he has more in common with moors than Portuguese do. Portuguese resisted against losing their European identity and become moors, the same time that albos converted to Islam

07-10-2017, 12:40 PM
No other ethnic groups?
The "Illyrians" didn't exist until after Cadmus founded Illyria while the Minoans roamed not just the Balkans but all over Europe. Linear A has been found as far as Bulgaria. And there are Myceanean artifacts in Northern Italy that date to 1600-1500 BC.
That sample from Dalmatia is from 1700-1500 BCE. The Illyrians were an Italo-celtic tribe, there was no such thing as "Illyrians" only Italo-celtic tribes . And Italo-celts = R1b.

Illyrians were not Italo-Celtic tribe. And yes, they were only ethnic group of Dalmatia in that time (bronze age,when IE languages arrived to Dalmatia).
Name of province of Dalmatia comes after Illyrian tribe Delmatae.
And yes, Albanians are sucessors of Illyrians. As Croat I come out as half Belarussian half Albanian or genetics tests, because we are mix of Slavs (White Croats) and Illyrians, who no wonder were closest to modern day Albanians.

Denying Illyrian past of Dalmatia you also steal my heritage, not only Albanian, as they are not the only ones that have their blood (but they have if the most by far).

07-10-2017, 12:41 PM
No other ethnic groups?

The "Illyrians" didn't exist until after Cadmus founded Illyria while the Minoans roamed not just the Balkans but all over Europe. Linear A has been found as far as Bulgaria. And there are Myceanean artifacts in Northern Italy that date to 1600-1500 BC.

That sample from Dalmatia is from 1700-1500 BCE. The Illyrians were an Italo-celtic tribe, there was no such thing as "Illyrians" only Italo-celtic tribes . And Italo-celts = R1b.

Of course, they just fell out of the sky during the Bronze Age.
And miraculously J2b2a-L283 was found in an Illyrian land during that time, and also miraculously this clade's downstream subclades highest diversity is found in the Western Balkans today...

07-10-2017, 12:50 PM
Anyone going to answer my question?

07-10-2017, 12:52 PM
Illyrians were not Italo-Celtic tribe. And yes, they were only ethnic group of Dalmatia in that time (bronze age,when IE languages arrived to Dalmatia).
Name of province of Dalmatia comes after Illyrian tribe Delmatae.
And yes, Albanians are sucessors of Illyrians. As Croat I come out as half Belarussian half Albanian or genetics tests, because we are mix of Slavs (White Croats) and Illyrians, who no wonder were closest to modern day Albanians.

Denying Illyrian past of Dalmatia you also steal my heritage, not only Albanian, as they are not the only ones that have their blood (but they have if the most by far).

Ev13 and J2 were agricultural linages, deal with it. They are not IE ydnas. I is Germanic and R1b and R1a are the IE ydnas who mixed with the already existing agricultural linages.

As for Albanians there is zero evidence they have anything to do with the Illyrians, they could be descendants of dozen other tribes like the Peonian Asia Minor tribe that lived in the Balkans 1000 years before any Illyrians. And yes Albanians are partially descended from Caucasus Albania and assimilated indigenous people. Even the name Skhqiperia (Albania is an exonym) is very similar to how Caucasian countries call themselves like Isqheria.

Viennese researchers upset traditionally minded Albanians by pouring cold water on the theory that the Albanian language has its roots in Ancient Illyria.

"The way that languages change can be traced,” Schumacher declares, with certainty.

Matzinger points put that when the few surviving fragments of Illyrian and Albanian are compared, they have almost nothing in common.

“The two are opposites and cannot fit together,” he says. “Albanian is not as the same as Illyrian from a linguistic point of view.”

Schumacher and Matzinger believe Albanian came into existence separately from Illyrian, orginating from the Indo-European family tree during the second millennium BC, somewhere in the northern Balkans.


07-10-2017, 12:52 PM
Illyrians were not Italo-Celtic tribe. And yes, they were only ethnic group of Dalmatia in that time (bronze age,when IE languages arrived to Dalmatia).
Name of province of Dalmatia comes after Illyrian tribe Delmatae.
And yes, Albanians are sucessors of Illyrians. As Croat I come out as half Belarussian half Albanian or genetics tests, because we are mix of Slavs (White Croats) and Illyrians, who no wonder were closest to modern day Albanians.

Denying Illyrian past of Dalmatia you also steal my heritage, not only Albanian, as they are not the only ones that have their blood (but they have if the most by far).

Well said sista :thumb001:

TA needs more posters like Feiichy, and not some trolls.

07-10-2017, 12:58 PM
Are they Gorani?
They are Gollobordas: Bulgarians or "Bulgarians".

07-10-2017, 12:58 PM
Illyrians were not Italo-Celtic tribe. And yes, they were only ethnic group of Dalmatia in that time (bronze age,when IE languages arrived to Dalmatia).
Name of province of Dalmatia comes after Illyrian tribe Delmatae.
And yes, Albanians are sucessors of Illyrians. As Croat I come out as half Belarussian half Albanian or genetics tests, because we are mix of Slavs (White Croats) and Illyrians, who no wonder were closest to modern day Albanians.

Denying Illyrian past of Dalmatia you also steal my heritage, not only Albanian, as they are not the only ones that have their blood (but they have if the most by far).

Leave the Albanian heritage out of it. There is no proof that Albanians have anything to do with Illyrians. Their language can be traced to 200 BC and they have kept the same language, but it ain't Illyrian, nor they speak Illyrian or a variant or a modern version of it.

07-10-2017, 01:01 PM
Leave the Albanian heritage out of it. There is no proof that Albanians have anything to do with Illyrians. Their language can be traced to 200 BC and they have kept the same language, but it ain't Illyrian, nor they speak Illyrian or a variant or a modern version of it.
We are perfectly Illyrian, some of us have Ancient Epirotae admix.

The same can't be said about Greks who are a mixed bag of everything.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:01 PM
Yeah it's not like you made this exclusively to troll Albanians bc they hurt your fellows once.
Nooo, everyone else is just being hasty and coming to conclusions.

I post articles from Breitbart nearly on a daily basis, focusing mostly on migration issues and Islam. Every time I do so I am accused of being attacking every single ethnicity that is mentioned. I once posted an article that stated that a big portion of American citizens think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. You went full berserk as usual, don't be so hasty.

07-10-2017, 01:02 PM
Illyrians were not Italo-Celtic tribe. And yes, they were only ethnic group of Dalmatia in that time (bronze age,when IE languages arrived to Dalmatia).
Name of province of Dalmatia comes after Illyrian tribe Delmatae.
And yes, Albanians are sucessors of Illyrians. As Croat I come out as half Belarussian half Albanian or genetics tests, because we are mix of Slavs (White Croats) and Illyrians, who no wonder were closest to modern day Albanians.

Denying Illyrian past of Dalmatia you also steal my heritage, not only Albanian, as they are not the only ones that have their blood (but they have if the most by far).
Raine knows very little of genetics for such a long-time poster.

She is using the same flawed rhetoric applied by one-day freshmen in genetics. This is an obvious sign of low IQ.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:03 PM
Everybody is "Ancient Illyrian" apparently, Croats, Bosnians and Albanians. Very interesting.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:06 PM
We are perfectly Illyrian, some of us have Ancient Epirotae admix.

The same can't be said about Greks who are a mixed bag of everything.

Don't forget your 21% Balkan, which you guys like to call "Ancient Illyrian" but is nothing more than South-Slav\Serbian, lol.

07-10-2017, 01:08 PM
Everybody is "Ancient Illyrian" apparently, Croats, Bosnians and Albanians. Very interesting.
Albanians are Illyrian, while South-West Slavs are Slavo-Illyrian genetically speaking.
Just like Russians are Slavo-Finnic or Czechs Slavo-Germanic, it doesn't contradict each other.

And no any Croat claims to be ancient Illyrian. I am proud of our Slavic origins.

07-10-2017, 01:11 PM
Everybody is "Ancient Illyrian" apparently, Croats, Bosnians and Albanians. Very interesting.

We have genetics facts today combined with other things, and we don't have to rely on some outdated fantasies. So their blood runs through our veins, some more than others. There is nothing wrong about Croatians claiming Illyrian heritage, as they also carry some of their genes.

07-10-2017, 01:12 PM
Ev13 and J2 were agricultural linages, deal with it.

That is why zero J2b2/E1b was found in neolithic farmers (mostly G2a).
I care about genetics not propaganda activity.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:12 PM
We have genetics facts today combined with other things, and we don't have to rely on some outdated fantasies. So their blood runs through our vains, some more than others. There is nothing wrong about Croatians claiming Illyrian heritage.

If Croats and Bosnianks can claim Illyrian heritage I am assuming the Serbians can as well.

07-10-2017, 01:15 PM
Albanians are Illyrian, while South-West Slavs are Slavo-Illyrian genetically speaking.
Just like Russians are Slavo-Finnic or Czechs Slavo-Germanic, it doesn't contradict each other.

And no any Croat claims to be ancient Illyrian. I am proud of our Slavic origins.

Albanians are never mentioned in Roman or Byzantine chronicles.They suddenly apear in 11 century.
Territory of Albania was inhabited by Greeks and slavs also.
Albanians are mentioned as nomadic sheperds. French crusaders described Albanians as people who live in TENTS(nomadic origin).This was mentioned in 12 century. Albanians were not majority in Albania before 17 century.

It is interesting that they are first mentioned in 11 century.That correspond with Pecheneg and Kuman invasion from east. Kumans were nomadic tribe from asia wich came with some other groups in Balkans.They have pass through Bulgaria ,Macedonia and what is today Albania.

Albanians(Shqiptar)were caucasian group which came with them and imposed their language on the indigenous people. Albanized them. Albanian language shows close grammatical and sythaxical similarity with Circassian (Lezgian )languages. caucassian languages are different between eachother, but they have same structure and accentation. Albanian language shows same afinities.
Closest to Albanian are Chechen, knguish and Udi (Lezgian). Udi is last remnant of ancient caucasian Albanian.
Links...Chechen grammar and dictionary=ingush.narod.ru/chech/awde/
Udi grammar and dictionary...www.Irz-muenchen.de/~wschulze/Uog.html
Check links "Udi and problem of circassian Albania" and link with Udi text "Yesiraq'i pashtag".

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:17 PM
We have genetics facts today combined with other things, and we don't have to rely on some outdated fantasies. So their blood runs through our vains, some more than others. There is nothing wrong about Croatians claiming Illyrian heritage, as they also carry some of their genes.

What genetic facts prove that Albanians were Ancient Illyrians? That's a very thin line you're walking in, there's no conclusive studies or historical accounts to prove those claims with no doubt...

07-10-2017, 01:22 PM
If Croats and Bosnianks can claim Illyrian heritage I am assuming the Serbians can as well.

They have no direct links to Ancient Illyrians, why you think they speak a Slavic language. Illyria was a geographic term in Roman times, the Illyrians were already extinct before the Romans got there.

It is funny how some people claim Illyrian heritage but don't miss a chance to dismiss any Minoan heritage of Greeks, although the Minoans kings were deified and became the Gods of Greeks and Romans and Linear A is proved to be an early form of Aeolic and Ionian. Or the fact they had been living jn Greece for at least 10,000 years and Crete has never been colonized since then.

07-10-2017, 01:32 PM
What genetic facts prove that Albanians were Ancient Illyrians? That's a very thin line you're walking in, there's no conclusive studies or historical accounts to prove those claims with no doubt...

My comment was not about proving Illyrian-Albanian, rather about inherited heritage.

But anyways, since you got so sensitive about this issue, first you have to prove to me that we are not ancient Illyrians.

07-10-2017, 01:33 PM
Everybody is "Ancient Illyrian" apparently, Croats, Bosnians and Albanians. Very interesting.

Im not, i am Ancient Sumerian.

Thx to God i have nothing with Balkan shithole or worse with Mulatto countries like your own.

Btw why you speak about Haplogroups, when you are just a Asian emigrant into Europe... :D

Moor with Asian origin, True European :rofl:

07-10-2017, 01:35 PM
Albanians are never mentioned in Roman or Byzantine chronicles.They suddenly apear in 11 century.
Territory of Albania was inhabited by Greeks and slavs also.
Albanians are mentioned as nomadic sheperds. French crusaders described Albanians as people who live in TENTS(nomadic origin).This was mentioned in 12 century. Albanians were not majority in Albania before 17 century.

It is interesting that they are first mentioned in 11 century.That correspond with Pecheneg and Kuman invasion from east. Kumans were nomadic tribe from asia wich came with some other groups in Balkans.They have pass through Bulgaria ,Macedonia and what is today Albania.

Albanians(Shqiptar)were caucasian group which came with them and imposed their language on the indigenous people. Albanized them. Albanian language shows close grammatical and sythaxical similarity with Circassian (Lezgian )languages. caucassian languages are different between eachother, but they have same structure and accentation. Albanian language shows same afinities.
Closest to Albanian are Chechen, knguish and Udi (Lezgian). Udi is last remnant of ancient caucasian Albanian.
Links...Chechen grammar and dictionary=ingush.narod.ru/chech/awde/
Udi grammar and dictionary...www.Irz-muenchen.de/~wschulze/Uog.html
Check links "Udi and problem of circassian Albania" and link with Udi text "Yesiraq'i pashtag".

I swear to God you are just provoking because you want Albanian D***.

I really hope you are not that stupid..

What would be other purpose of your trolling?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:37 PM
Im not, i am Ancient Sumerian.

Thx to God i have nothing with Balkan shithole or worse with Mulatto countries like your own.

Btw why you speak about Haplogroups, when you are just a Asian emigrant into Europe... :D

Moor with Asian origin, True European :rofl:

Your haplogroup peaks in Serbia, as you probably are aware of this. I remember you scoring 2% North-African as well. "100% Paleo-Balkan Ancient Illyrian" ;)

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:43 PM
My comment was not about proving Illyrian-Albanian, rather about inherited heritage.

But anyways, since you got so sensitive about this issue, first you have to prove to me that we are not ancient Illyrians.

I am not the one who claims to be their direct descent as Albanians do. Only thing I understood so far is that these J2b2-L283 men were on the Illyrian lands a couple of centuries before we hear of Illyrians for the first time. Is it from Illyrians or other paleo-Balkan groups, can you tell me? It could have been there since early Bronze age for all that I know. If Croats and Bosnianks (which were the main geographical lands of the Illyrians) have Illyrian ancestry so does Serbians, that means Albanians and Serbians are somewhat related by a common ancestry, correct?

07-10-2017, 01:49 PM
I am not the one who claims to be their direct descent as Albanians do. Only thing I understood so far is that these J2b2-L283 men were on the Illyrian lands a couple of centuries before we hear of Illyrians for the first time. Is it from Illyrians or other paleo-Balkan groups, can you tell me? It could have been there since early Bronze age for all that I know. If Croats and Bosnianks (which were the main geographical lands of the Illyrians) have Illyrian ancestry so does Serbians, that means Albanians and Serbians are somewhat related by a common ancestry, correct?

Incorrect ;)
Because you did not answer my question.

07-10-2017, 01:50 PM
Double post...

07-10-2017, 01:51 PM
Your haplogroup peaks in Serbia, as you probably are aware of this. I remember you scoring 2% North-African as well. "100% Paleo-Balkan Ancient Illyrian" ;)

This haplogroup (J2b1) actually peaks in Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan.. Also biggest diversity is there.

It does not peak in Serbia, actually there is not even 100 South Slavic families (incl Bosnjaks, Croatis, Serbs, Montenegrins etc) carrying this haplo and they have no Slavic relatives no where in the world...

They are like Aliens in this haplogroup...

see J2b1>PH4306


Also what is 100% sure none of them was Slav only few centuries ago to maximum of 1000 years.

But what would Asian Moor like yourself know about these things... You are like these dirty mouthed womans that just throw words

I explained you that i am maybe not Illyrian by fathers line and i would actually like to have 1700 years TMRCA and to be Roman arrival.

But that still does not change fact that you are Asian Moor pretending to be European.

You practically want what i consider low. Even tho you are not.

Catholic Riffs
07-10-2017, 01:52 PM
Are you that guy in the picture? :D

No its some reek.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:53 PM
Incorrect ;)
You did not answer my question.

Yeah, thought so. Any possible correlation between Albanians with Serbians and other South Slav ethnic groups that migrated to the Balkans (which is more than plausible) is all that is needed to make you stop twisting your arguments. Weren't you who said that Croats have Illyrian ancestry? So does Serbians then, Croats plot and cluster better with Serbians not with Albanians.

07-10-2017, 01:54 PM
You have to admit that the rest of the members are not at all "pro-albabian", there are forums where Albanians are not allowed

Criticising Albanians for obvious reasons (Islam, crimes, attacking admired European nations) doesn't make someone "retarded"

On contrary, an Albanian that will call Portuguese members "moors" is retarded, as he can't see that he has more in common with moors than Portuguese do. Portuguese resisted against losing their European identity and become moors, the same time that albos converted to Islam


I cringe at these kind of posts, whether from Albanians, Arvanitovlachs or any other peoples.

You're worried about the same European nations that had orgies with nuns in Constantinople after having raped the whole "holy city". Little cuck faggot, Albanians couldn't give less of a fuck of you identityless dogs.

07-10-2017, 01:55 PM
No its some reek.

Lol he wanted to flame you, he just burned himself. Idiot grik

07-10-2017, 01:58 PM
My comment was not about proving Illyrian-Albanian, rather about inherited heritage.

But anyways, since you got so sensitive about this issue, first you have to prove to me that we are not ancient Illyrians.

A) You are not mentioned by Roman or Byzantine chronicles till 11th century

B) You speak a language unrelated to Illyrian. Your language can be traced to 200 BC but scientists have shown to have "nothing in common with Illyrian". Besides the fact Illyrian is a Centum language and Albanian Satem

C) Illyrians were an Italo-Celtic tribe

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 01:59 PM
This haplogroup (J2b1) actually peaks in Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan.. Also biggest diversity is there.

It does not peak in Serbia, actually there is not even 100 South Slavic families (incl Bosnjaks, Croatis, Serbs, Montenegrins etc) carrying this haplo and they have no Slavic relatives no where in the world...

They are like Aliens in this haplogroup...

see J2b1>PH4306

Also what is 100% sure none of them was Slav only few centuries ago to maximum of 1000 years.

But what would Asian Moor like yourself know about these things... You are like these dirty mouthed womans that just throw words

I explained you that i am maybe not Illyrian by fathers line and i would actually like to have 1700 years TMRCA and to be Roman arrival.

But that still does not change fact that you are Asian Moor pretending to be European.

You practically want what i consider low. Even tho you are not.


Herr, sorry dude, I don't want to shatter your dreams. What you think it is more likely since you are from Kosovo, for it to be Serbian or for it to be from Cyprus, Lebanon or Jordan?...

What's up with the Asian? xD That's a new one, Asian Moor.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 02:06 PM

I cringe at these kind of posts, whether from Albanians, Arvanitovlachs or any other peoples.

You're worried about the same European nations that had orgies with nuns in Constantinople after having raped the whole "holy city". Little cuck faggot, Albanians couldn't give less of a fuck of you identityless dogs.

Yes albos prefer to be isolated
Then may I ask you why do they emigrate in the rest of Europe or why do they post in European forums if they really do not care for the fact that Europeans consider them garbage?

07-10-2017, 02:11 PM

Herr, sorry dude, I don't want to shatter your dreams. What you think it is more likely since you are from Kosovo, for it to be Serbian or for it to be from Cyprus, Lebanon or Jordan?...

What's up with the Asian? xD That's a new one, Asian Moor.


07-10-2017, 02:11 PM

Herr, sorry dude, I don't want to shatter your dreams. What you think it is more likely since you are from Kosovo, for it to be Serbian or for it to be from Cyprus, Lebanon or Jordan?...

What's up with the Asian? xD That's a new one, Asian Moor.

Outdated and not good map.. If your argument level is posting Eupedia maps then i feel sorry for your IQ...

I told you there is not even 100 South Slavic families all together carrying this Ydna and their TMRCA is 1000 years. Do you understand these things?

Besides, me personally have split from their group at least 1500 - 1600 years ago, so most likely at a time when our Levantine ancestor arrived here..

But i dont know do these things get to your Asian Moorish brain or you just make your opinions after looking at Eurpedia map.

Sure you are Asian Moor and you know it... why you wondering?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 02:17 PM
Outdated and not good map.. If your argument level is posting Eupedia maps then i feel sorry for your IQ...

I told you there is not even 100 South Slavic families all together carrying this Ydna and their TMRCA is 1000 years. Do you understand these things?

Besides, me personally have split from their group at least 1500 - 1600 years ago, so most likely at a time when our Levantine ancestor arrived here..

But i dont know do these things get to your Asian Moorish brain or you just make your opinions after looking at Eurpedia map.

Sure you are Asian Moor and you know it... why you wondering?

Lol, the J2b2-L283 Circassian article was outdated, the J2b1 map is outdated, everything is outdated when it doesn't fit our purposes. It doesn't really matter if they only found 100 or less South Slavic families with this haplogroup, there is a pattern as you can see in here on this map (probably outdated too):

https://s12.postimg.org/e6yp8dq59/11400994_1027598227252105_8578394308787565355_n.jp g

Mostly to be found on South Slav nations.

07-10-2017, 02:21 PM


07-10-2017, 02:22 PM
Yeah, thought so. Any possible correlation between Albanians with Serbians and other South Slav ethnic groups that migrated to the Balkans (which is more than plausible) is all that is needed to make you stop twisting your arguments. Weren't you who said that Croats have Illyrian ancestry? So does Serbians then, Croats plot and cluster better with Serbians not with Albanians.

Ofcourse Serbs also have Illyrian ancestry. But their native ancestry isn't only Illyrian like in case of Croats but also Thracian, because border between Illyrians and Daco-Thracians went somwhere trough western Serbia and Kosovo.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 02:25 PM
Ofcourse Serbs also have Illyrian ancestry. But their native ancestry isn't only Illyrian like in case of Croats but also Thracian, because border between Illyrians and Daco-Thracians went somwhere trough western Serbia and Kosovo.

Makes sense. So it is not far fetched to say that Croats, Bosniaks, Serbians and Albanians are all related to a certain extent. Just don't say that out loud too often because they will die a little bit inside every time someone brings that up.

07-10-2017, 02:29 PM
Lol, the J2b2-L283 Circassian article was outdated, the J2b1 map is outdated, everything is outdated when it doesn't fit our purposes. It doesn't really matter if they only found 100 or less South Slavic families with this haplogroup, there is a pattern as you can see in here on this map (probably outdated too):

https://s12.postimg.org/e6yp8dq59/11400994_1027598227252105_8578394308787565355_n.jp g

Mostly to be found on South Slav nations.

And what is this map and what it shows??

You are proving your low IQ trying to make any further comment after i told you that South Slavs (Incl Serbs Bosnjaks Slovens Croats etc) dont have even 100 families carrying j2b1 and their TMRCA is 1000 years while i am separated from their group for 1600 years minimum, after Y67 or Y111 it will be most likely even more...

I guess your Asian blood have washed out otherwise you would be more intelligent, Moorish side has take over :D

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 02:33 PM
And what is this map and what it shows??

You are proving your low IQ trying to make any further comment after i told you that South Slavs (Incl Serbs Bosnjaks Slovens Croats etc) dont have even 100 families carrying j2b1 and their TMRCA is 1000 years while i am separated from their group for 1600 years minimum, after Y67 or Y111 it will be most likely even more...

I guess your Asian blood have washed out otherwise you would be more intelligent, Moorish side has take over :D

Ok, so the only rational conclusion excluding the South Slav hypothesis is that people from Lebanon and Jordan migrated to Kosovo and intermixed with the locals, like you claimed.

07-10-2017, 02:36 PM
Ofcourse Serbs also have Illyrian ancestry. But their native ancestry isn't only Illyrian like in case of Croats but also Thracian, because border between Illyrians and Daco-Thracians went somwhere trough western Serbia and Kosovo.

Macedonians were Hellenes. And half of Thrace was inhabited by Greek tribes, especially in Greek Thrace which is bundled together with non-Hellenes.

This map is biased, historically inaccurate and a joke.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 02:38 PM
Macedonians were Hellenes. And half of Thrace was inhabited by Greek tribes, especially in Greek Thrace which is bundled together with non-Hellenes.

This map is biased, historically inaccurate and a joke.

I think the mistake in this map is the coasts, east of chalkidiki, which had important Greek colonies

07-10-2017, 02:38 PM
Sure... :swl

07-10-2017, 02:39 PM
Yes albos prefer to be isolated
Then may I ask you why do they emigrate in the rest of Europe or why do they post in European forums if they really do not care for the fact that Europeans consider them garbage?

Better alone than surrounded by fake love. All that christianity bullshit is just cuck shit for coping.

Albanians migrate to Europe for financial benefits, significantly better lives. They also migrate to places like Dubai and Turkey for work, doesn't mean we see ourselves as brothers wherever we go. Nor does it mean we dislike Europe just because of the MENA religion issue, that's entirely the problem of the artificial nationalities such as Greeks and Serbs who need it for coping and national unity.

Europeans can consider what they want how they want, that's just a coping mechanism of yours to care about European opinion. The only Albanians who care are the same idiots that always use the "Christian narrative" when trying to relate to Europeans. Real Albanians are more European than most of these "newborn muh christianity" Europeans. Have you seen Viriato? Have you seen catgeorge? If those qualify as European then what is the fucking point with the classification of European in the first place, might as well call myself Zimbabwean.

07-10-2017, 02:44 PM
Better alone than surrounded by fake love. All that christianity bullshit is just cuck shit for coping.

Albanians migrate to Europe for financial benefits, significantly better lives. They also migrate to places like Dubai and Turkey for work, doesn't mean we see ourselves as brothers wherever we go. Nor does it mean we dislike Europe just because of the MENA religion issue, that's entirely the problem of the artificial nationalities such as Greeks and Serbs who need it for coping and national unity.

Europeans can consider what they want how they want, that's just a coping mechanism of yours to care about European opinion. The only Albanians who care are the same idiots that always use the "Christian narrative" when trying to relate to Europeans. Real Albanians are more European than most of these "newborn muh christianity" Europeans. Have you seen Viriato? Have you seen catgeorge? If those qualify as European then what is the fucking point with the classification of European in the first place, might as well call myself Zimbabwean.

Funny because I actually remember seeing a pic of you and your sister and you both looked like gypsies. You quickly removed the pic after hearing comments about your appearance and photoshoped it to look lighter. You are such a clown. I just met a taxi driver Albanian a few days ago, from Elbasan and he gave me a strong Caucasian vibe. Look at your own people first, you are full of Askalis and Circassians and other ethnicities who consider themselves more Albanian and nationalistic than you.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 02:45 PM
If those qualify as European then what is the fucking point with the classification of European in the first place, might as well call myself Zimbabwean.

If we don't classify as European, who does then? The Albanians? "Muh Egyptian-Albanian generals and muh Ottoman Albanian generals". That's pretty much Albanian "contribution" to Europe in the last 500 years.

07-10-2017, 02:47 PM
Funny because I actually remember seeing a pic of you and your sister and you both looked like gypsies. You quicly removed the pic and photoshoped it to look lighter. You are such a clown. I just met a taxi driver Albanian a few days ago, from Elbasan and he gave me a strong Caucasian vibe. Look at your own people first, you are full of Askalis and Circassians and other ethnicities who consider themselves more Albanian and nationalistic than you.

"gave me a caucasian vibe" "I met a taxi driver"... You're so scientific.

I've never posted a picture of me and any of my sisters on this forum lol. Are you literally living on a different dimension and that's why nothing that you say seems to be based on reality?

I've heard I looked slav, now suddenly I look gypsy. Funny little weirdo.

How about we both go ahead and post pictures of ourselves here, and we see which one of us looks darker?

07-10-2017, 02:48 PM
Ok, so the only rational conclusion excluding the South Slav hypothesis is that people from Lebanon and Jordan migrated to Kosovo and intermixed with the locals, like you claimed.

Our overall TMRCA is around 1700 years based on calculators, it means that all of us who fall in this cluster J2b1>PH4306>Y22066 have come of a single man who lived 1700 years ago.

So its not people from Lebanon but most likely one guy... Also time fits in Roman period. So yea all of us come from that one single guy.

Also there is no Slav hypothesis, these about 70 Slavic families dont have any Slavic relatives anywhere in a world. They are like isoleted among Jordanians, Lebanese, Kurds, Turks, Palestinians, Qatar, UAE, Cyprus.....

Serbs also realized that this haplo has nothing with them and with Slavs when they got their expansive BIG-Y results - https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Y22059/

TMRCA 900 years only confirms that its recent arrival and sudden expansion among South Slavs.

I am sorry they got shitty results but these results were actually very good for me so im happy, yea fuck it..

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 02:50 PM
Better alone than surrounded by fake love. All that christianity bullshit is just cuck shit for coping.

Albanians migrate to Europe for financial benefits, significantly better lives. They also migrate to places like Dubai and Turkey for work, doesn't mean we see ourselves as brothers wherever we go. Nor does it mean we dislike Europe just because of the MENA religion issue, that's entirely the problem of the artificial nationalities such as Greeks and Serbs who need it for coping and national unity.

Europeans can consider what they want how they want, that's just a coping mechanism of yours to care about European opinion. The only Albanians who care are the same idiots that always use the "Christian narrative" when trying to relate to Europeans. Real Albanians are more European than most of these "newborn muh christianity" Europeans. Have you seen Viriato? Have you seen catgeorge? If those qualify as European then what is the fucking point with the classification of European in the first place, might as well call myself Zimbabwean.

I will keep the last phrase, cause yes, you are not very different from a Zimbabwean in Europe. And the only sure is that no matter what you think about European countries, as long as you decide to emigrate in Europe you should at least respect it, and not be ungrateful, a sport well known among Albanians and other inferior 3Rd world populations, otherwise you can easily be rejected and return to kosovo, as I already can't see any contribution than crime in local European societies

As for your information, all nations are "artificial", established in 19th century after romantic philosophers, and all nations have a "natural" basis, which is the sense of common traits etc

BTW if I am not mistaken the discussion started from ujku's comment about particular users, did any of your answers contributed anything to my dialogue with him?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 02:50 PM
Our overall TMRCA is around 1700 years based on calculators, it means that all of us who fall in this cluster J2b1>PH4306>Y22066 have come of a single man who lived 1700 years ago.

So its not people from Lebanon but most likely one guy... Also time fits in Roman period. So yea all of us come from that one single guy.

Also there is no Slav hypothesis, these about 70 Slavic families dont have any Slavic relatives anywhere in a world. They are like isoleted among Jordanians, Lebanese, Kurds, Turks, Palestinians, Qatar, UAE, Cyprus.....

Serbs also realized that this haplo has nothing with them and with Slavs when they got their expansive BIG-Y results - https://www.yfull.com/tree/J-Y22059/

TMRCA 900 years only confirms that its recent arrival and sudden expansion among South Slavs.

I am sorry they got shitty results but these results were actually very good for me so im happy, yea fuck it..

I have the feeling you would more easily admit your Y-DNA to be from Congo than Serbian xD Anything but freaking demonic south Slavs! :D

07-10-2017, 02:51 PM
If we don't classify as European, who does then? The Albanians? "Muh Egyptian-Albanian generals and muh Ottoman Albanian generals". That's pretty much Albanian "contribution" to Europe in the last 500 years.

You classify as European, but you look more MENA than probably most MENA's themselves lol. That's why IDGAF about the "European" classification. Many of those Egyptian-Albanians, Ottoman Albanians etc would've made you look like a monkey if they were next to you. Much like many actual Egyptians and actual Turks would lol.

As for contribution to Europe, lmao. You obviously don't know European history to be speaking of contributions. So many slaughters that it's more about figuring out who has done the least to damage Europe rather than discuss contributions. Were the crusades a contribution to Europe?

MUH CHRISTIANITY is the only thing relating you to most Europeans my friend, that is why you cherish it so much. Albanians don't have to carry anyone elses religion as a sign of identity.

07-10-2017, 02:55 PM
I will keep the last phrase, cause yes, you are not very different from a Zimbabwean in Europe. And the only sure is that no matter what you think about European countries, as long as you decide to emigrate in Europe you should at least respect it, and not be ungrateful, a sport well known among Albanians and other inferior 3Rd world populations, otherwise you can easily be rejected and return to kosovo, as I already can't see any contribution than crime

As for your information, all nations are "artificial", established in 19th century after romantic philosophers, and all nations have a "natural" basis, which is the sense of common traits etc

Who is ungrateful faggot? I and vast majority of Albanians contribute a lot to Europe in terms of work-force. You can't see any contribution because you don't look for it, you are biased. Like the newest article on the Albanian mafia problem in the UK, then they had to discretely add that Albanians only were about 0.8% of the criminals. "But they are so scaaaary" haha.

BIG difference in how artificial they are. Albanian identity is tribal, that's how it has been preserved, not due to national policy. The Greek identity is opposite. Without christianity you'd be a mixed people of everything, that is why you cherish it, just like the Iberians.

Are we just going to pretend that Greeks haven't emigrated during the years, is that what we're doing here? You've done so much damage to the European economy that it's hilarious how you try to turn it against Albanians. Hundreds of billions could've turned Albania into Dubai for a century, instead it went into a dark hole of corruption also known as modern Greece. Be glad you have Albanian workers.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 02:59 PM
You classify as European, but you look more MENA than probably most MENA's themselves lol. That's why IDGAF about the "European" classification. Many of those Egyptian-Albanians, Ottoman Albanians etc would've made you look like a monkey if they were next to you. Much like many actual Egyptians and actual Turks would lol.

As for contribution to Europe, lmao. You obviously don't know European history to be speaking of contributions. So many slaughters that it's more about figuring out who has done the least to damage Europe rather than discuss contributions. Were the crusades a contribution to Europe?

MUH CHRISTIANITY is the only thing relating you to most Europeans my friend, that is why you cherish it so much. Albanians don't have to carry anyone elses religion as a sign of identity.

What are real Albanians can you tell me? Are they like you working on night shifts in Sweden? Do they not know how to speak their native language like you as well? That's the personification of "real Albanians" being more European? What about Kosovo being 96% Muslim but most Kosovars here by "magic" saying they are from Christian families? Too embarrassed to admit their roots? Or they want to badly be accepted as Europeans?

If you think that I look MENA so does the vast majority of Albanians. Ultimately what really does matter is your genotype, not phenotype. So lets not enter in the field of potential genetic IQ. I am not the one who gets East Med as my highest ancestry component on most runs, neither I was 30% MENA on FTDNA like most Albanian members here before it was updated and magically became 100% Ancient Illyrian ancestry.

07-10-2017, 03:00 PM
Members of the EU known as the PIIGS by the successful states are trying to lecture Albanians on how to be admired lol. We're all getting pissed on, but Albanians are the only ones who can acknowledge it, and who have a history of having tried to resist it despite tremendous odds against us. Rest of you are just cucks of the rich European states.

07-10-2017, 03:02 PM
I have the feeling you would more easily admit your Y-DNA to be from Congo than Serbian xD Anything but freaking demonic south Slavs! :D

No actually before i tested i was thinking i will get E-v13, but i didnt really know anything about haplos and stuff, E-v13 was like the only haplo i somewhat knew...

I knew it peaks among Albanians and outside Europe E1b is most represented among Somalis, Ethiopians and similar..

So i honestly believed that me and Wadaad played with Bananas and together climbed trees in distand past..

But it turned out i was something much better... Practically i was most likely involved in all first civilizations when most of you eat raw meat and lived in caves i had like cities and libraries :cool:

There is nothing to admit or to claim, it is how it is... If i got I2a i would be proud Slav xD

So you should be proud of your Asian Moorish ancestry too and not to pretend like you dont know what im talking about :)

07-10-2017, 03:04 PM
What are real Albanians can you tell me? Are they like you working on night shifts in Sweden? Do they not know how to speak their native language like you as well? That's the personification of "real Albanians" being more European? What about Kosovo being 96% Muslim but most Kosovars here by "magic" saying they are from Christian families? Too embarrassed to admit their roots? Or they want to badly be accepted as Europeans?

If you think that I look MENA so does the vast majority of Albanians. Ultimately what really does matter is your genotype, not phenotype. So lets not enter in the field of potential genetic IQ. I am not the one who gets East Med as my highest ancestry component on most runs, neither I was 30% MENA on FTDNA like most Albanian members here before it was updated and magically became 100% Ancient Illyrian ancestry.

Are those Kosovars also ashamed to say they are Albanian? Doubt it. See how Albanians couldn't give two shits about MENA religions, do you get it now monkey? I can't speak for all the idiots that try to change themselves to fit in, that's their problem. But genetically they are a million times more European than you are, only differing in MENA religion, xaxa.

Yeah it was magic that changed this and that, it totally wasn't the updating of things in line with current facts. Vast majority of Albanians look like you? How hard are you trying to cope monkey? Should we all pretend we haven't seen your pictures, with or without filter you look MENA as fuck. Lay off the Yurop obsession you idiot, Wadaad would be classified as genetically European before you.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 03:04 PM
Who is ungrateful faggot? I and vast majority of Albanians contribute a lot to Europe in terms of work-force. You can't see any contribution because you don't look for it, you are biased. Like the newest article on the Albanian mafia problem in the UK, then they had to discretely add that Albanians only were about 0.8% of the criminals. "But they are so scaaaary" haha.

BIG difference in how artificial they are. Albanian identity is tribal, that's how it has been preserved, not due to national policy. The Greek identity is opposite. Without christianity you'd be a mixed people of everything, that is why you cherish it, just like the Iberians.

Your inferior kind is ungrateful faggot, as you do not respect countries which have helped you, either in the net or in real life through crime (see the newest article about Albanian mafia in the UK :D)also, Your cheaper 3rd world "workforce" offers only unemployment to natives.

As for your last paragraph, even though I can't think of any evidence to support your claims, if it was true then what's the benefit of it?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 03:05 PM
So you should be proud of your Asian Moorish ancestry too and not to pretend like you dont know what im talking about :)

I honestly don't know what you're talking about Asian to be honest. I do score North-African in some calculators (so does the 14 bronze age Iberian DNA samples) but what's up with the Asian?

The Illyrian Warrior
07-10-2017, 03:07 PM
They are Slavic speaking community which want to move out to Bulgaria in hope to reach a western country someday, nothing unusual here.

07-10-2017, 03:07 PM
Typical. Just wait for when Serbia is about to join EU, you can bet your ass all the Kosovarian square heads will be begging to become Serbian citizens again, even the ones who had their mother and sisters raped or killed during the war. We're dealing with a people who have no values or morals whatsoever, capable of lowering and putting themselves in the most kind of degrading situations if that means a shortcut to get what they want, similar to gypsies actually.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 03:08 PM
Yeah it was magic that changed this and that, it totally wasn't the updating of things in line with current facts. Vast majority of Albanians look like you? How hard are you trying to cope monkey? Should we all pretend we haven't seen your pictures, with or without filter you look MENA as fuck. Lay off the Yurop obsession you idiot, Wadaad would be classified as genetically European before you.

ROTLF, sure, the Albanians, the most European of all the Europeans.


100% direct Ancient Illyrian lineage.

07-10-2017, 03:11 PM
Your inferior kind is ungrateful faggot, as you do not respect countries which have helped you, either here or in real life through crime (see the newest article about Albanian mafia in the UK :D)also, Your cheaper 3rd world "workforce" offers only unemployment to natives.

As for your last paragraph, even though I can't think of any evidence to support your claims, if it was true then what's the benefit of it?

I'm glad you mentioned that article lol. It's a great article and discreetly mentions that Albanians consist of just 0.8% of the mafia in the country. So basically they're just butthurt because Albanians are more efficient. Cry about it.

"Your cheaper 3rd world "workforce" offers only unemployment to natives." This makes no sense. So our workforce offers unemployment to natives? Dafuq?

What's the benefit of what? You pick the benefit. If you're fine with being an artifical identity then that's on you, ignorance is bliss for some people. I prefer knowing that it wasn't a national policy that suddenly turned my family some hundred years ago into Albanians, but instead we branched out as a tribe with common identity. That's why relating to pagan history is more important than MENA religion to me, because the MENA religions were the business of the church and empire's wanting to spread their influence, it's 100% artificial. Or maybe because Europe portrays Roman's as cool and just, while Ottomans as evil barbarians, that means I have to just go with it to make myself feel better?

As I said, ignorance is bliss, if it makes you feel better then yeah you can be muh chriztian 100% yurop, and you can hold hands with Viriato. For myself, the whole thing is too artifical and forced, it's not a natural development but a geopolitical creation.

07-10-2017, 03:11 PM
YEAHHH, We are J2b2 Circassians that banged Serbian Slavic bitches

07-10-2017, 03:12 PM
ROTLF, sure, the Albanians, the most European of all the Europeans.


100% direct Ancient Illyrian lineage.

They already concluded here that the guy on the upper right was roma minority, probably mixed heritage. Rest look tanned as fuck, still white.

Post your face now bro, for comparison.

07-10-2017, 03:13 PM
Typical. Just wait for when Serbia is about to join EU, you can bet your ass all the Kosovarian square heads will be begging to become Serbian citizens again, even the ones who had their mother and sisters raped or killed during the war. We're dealing with a people who have no values or morals whatsoever, capable of lowering and putting themselves in the most kind of degrading situations if that means a shortcut to get what they want, similar to gypsies actually.

All your 200 posts are to spit venom about Albanians. Dont you have better things to do in France? Now either work or go back to Greece.

07-10-2017, 03:16 PM
Typical. Just wait for when Serbia is about to join EU, you can bet your ass all the Kosovarian square heads will be begging to become Serbian citizens again, even the ones who had their mother and sisters raped or killed during the war. We're dealing with a people who have no values or morals whatsoever, capable of lowering and putting themselves in the most kind of degrading situations if that means a shortcut to get what they want, similar to gypsies actually.

I can just imagine tears running down your face as you typed this. :rotfl:

"Even the Albanians that had their house burned will kneel before the Serbs in the EU who are ortodox braders, kosovarianiani potato butts will beg for forgiveness even though their tomatoes were stolen! Very similar to gypsies and isis militants actually" - Unbiased observer

07-10-2017, 03:16 PM
@ all Albos in this thread, can't you just ignore the African looking moor. He's too retarded to engage in any kind of conversation.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 03:18 PM
Post your face now bro, for comparison.

Didn't you said that you have seen my face countless times and that I look MENA as fuck? So what's the point? You were the one who claimed that Albanians are more European than anyone else. I find it amusing that the only Albanian who says so is you, the most detached person from Albania...you don't know the language...you probably lived all your life in Sweden...yawn, spare me from your ultra-Albo patriotism.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 03:19 PM
@ all Albos in this thread, can't you just ignore the African looking moor. He's too retarded to engage in any kind of conversation.

Worst mod ever as usual.

07-10-2017, 03:19 PM
All your 200 posts are to spit venom about Albanians. Dont you have better things to do in France? Now either work or go back to Greece.

Nah, they all live in in their own country because it says so on their profile....

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 03:19 PM
I'm glad you mentioned that article lol. It's a great article and discreetly mentions that Albanians consist of just 0.8% of the mafia in the country. So basically they're just butthurt because Albanians are more efficient. Cry about it.

"Your cheaper 3rd world "workforce" offers only unemployment to natives." This makes no sense. So our workforce offers unemployment to natives? Dafuq?

What's the benefit of what? You pick the benefit. If you're fine with being an artifical identity then that's on you, ignorance is bliss for some people. I prefer knowing that it wasn't a national policy that suddenly turned my family some hundred years ago into Albanians, but instead we branched out as a tribe with common identity. That's why relating to pagan history is more important than MENA religion to me, because the MENA religions were the business of the church and empire's wanting to spread their influence, it's 100% artificial. Or maybe because Europe portrays Roman's as cool and just, while Ottomans as evil barbarians, that means I have to just go with it to make myself feel better?

As I said, ignorance is bliss, if it makes you feel better then yeah you can be muh chriztian 100% yurop, and you can hold hands with Viriato. For myself, the whole thing is too artifical and forced, it's not a natural development but a geopolitical creation.every job occupied by immigrants causes unemployment for natives, simple logic maybe?

Are you high? All nationalities are partially artificial and partially natural, don't make me repeat myself. As for the "Mena" religion, let's say that is part of a word that is alien to Albanians, it's called evolution, I guess this way of thinking is related to the "tribal" sense of Albanians, even if this is not supported by evidence

But I will agree that you are more efficient as a mafia :D

07-10-2017, 03:20 PM
Didn't you said that you have seen my face countless times and that I look MENA as fuck? So what's the point? You were the one who claimed that Albanians are more European than anyone else. I find it amusing that the only Albanian who says so is you, the most detached person from Albania...you don't know the language...you probably lived all your life in Sweden...yawn, spare me from your ultra-Albo patriotism.

Oh boy, so you're bitching out of posting your face? I've also seen Albanian football players countless times, so why'd you make a point out of posting them? You imply they weren't European, so let's see what a real European like you looks like (LMAO).

07-10-2017, 03:24 PM
Nah, they all live in in their own country because it says so on their profile....

It's mongrel's sock apparently. What a loser. And a hypocrite.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 03:26 PM
Oh boy, so you're bitching out of posting your face? I've also seen Albanian football players countless times, so why'd you make a point out of posting them? You imply they weren't European, so let's see what a real European like you looks like (LMAO).

I'm not bitching but it is just silly. There are countless photos of myself all around TA. It is not like I have a problem with how I look otherwise I wouldn't have posted them. I am aware I am a regular brunette from South Europe, you're the one who probably thinks that having blonde hair and blue eyes is what makes you European.

07-10-2017, 03:26 PM
every job occupied by immigrants causes unemployment for natives, simple logic maybe?

Are you high? All nationalities are partially artificial and partially natural, don't make me repeat myself. As for the "Mena" religion, let's say that is part of a word that is alien to Albanians, it's called evolution

But I will agree that you are more efficient as a mafia :D

Aw shit. DEY TOOK R JEEERBS! Hahahahahahahahaha

Albanians take your jobs because you Greeks are busy fucking little boys, cry about it. You must not know how economy works? Employers look for cheap and efficient labor, Albanians supply it, so Albanians get hired. Those Greeks there can't compete so they whine instead, tell your uncle to get off his ass instead of complaining about the Albanians. Greek birth rate is low as shit and the population is old as fuck, you need to start carrying yourselves and quit always relying on Albanians to save the day.

You're really going to link Abrahamic religions with evolution lol. Don't do a catgeorge and start to speak confidently on things you know nothing about, that pretty much destroyed his forum presence.

You will agree because there's nothing to disagree on. That's a huge propaganda narrative to portray Albanians as criminals, but they had to add that Albanians were only 0.8% of the criminals. Only reason it made such big news is because Albanians didn't play around and steal old peoples purses, rape etc, the kind of stuff the European states are mostly fine with. But Albanians were taking large profits and putting holes in british criminals so it disrupted their own financial gains, so of course that's when demonization came into play. But that's for another discussion, fuck them and their butthurt.

07-10-2017, 03:27 PM
It's mongrel's sock apparently. What a loser. And a hypocrite.

Really... now im shocked...

07-10-2017, 03:27 PM
I'm not bitching but it is just silly. There are countless photos of myself all around TA. It is not like I have a problem with how I look otherwise I wouldn't have posted them. I am aware I am a regular brunette from South Europe, you're the one who probably thinks that having blonde hair and blue eyes is what makes you European.

Alright it seems you're demoralized. I hope you see how dumb you look posting a picture and then being too embarrassed to post your on face for comparison on how a "real European" should look. That's your pride no? To be European?

Enough of you, facts have already destroyed you in this thread and now you're scared to show your own face. Shameful excuse of a man.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 03:30 PM
Alright it seems you're demoralized. I hope you see how dumb you look posting a picture and then being too embarrassed to post your on face for comparison on how a "real European" should look. That's your pride no? To be European?

Enough of you, facts have already destroyed you in this thread and now you're scared to show your own face. Shameful excuse of a man.

Funny coming from a guy that every time that posted his face after 10 minutes removed the photos. I know how you look like, if someone told me you came straight from Chechnya I wouldn't doubt it. Must be from the high 40% East-Med + Caucasus component.

07-10-2017, 03:33 PM
Funny coming from a guy that every time that posted his face after 10 minutes removed the photos. I know how you look like, if someone told me you came straight from Chechnya I wouldn't doubt it. Must be from the high 40% East-Med + Caucasus component.

My photos are literally still here idiot.



The two images I've posted. You are also free to pm and get in personal contact if you're in doubt over anything. Do you and Raine share the same mental illness?

Chechens are badass people, not an insult to me. Although I wouldn't say I look like one that much, to each his own. I don't have a yurop obsession, I go by facts only.

Now post your pics bruh, I wanna see how similar I look to a real European.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 03:39 PM
Aw shit. DEY TOOK R JEEERBS! Hahahahahahahahaha

Albanians take your jobs because you Greeks are busy fucking little boys, cry about it. You must not know how economy works? Employers look for cheap and efficient labor, Albanians supply it, so Albanians get hired. Those Greeks there can't compete so they whine instead, tell your uncle to get off his ass instead of complaining about the Albanians. Greek birth rate is low as shit and the population is old as fuck, you need to start carrying yourselves and quit always relying on Albanians to save the day.

You're really going to link Abrahamic religions with evolution lol. Don't do a catgeorge and start to speak confidently on things you know nothing about, that pretty much destroyed his forum presence.

You will agree because there's nothing to disagree on. That's a huge propaganda narrative to portray Albanians as criminals, but they had to add that Albanians were only 0.8% of the criminals. Only reason it made such big news is because Albanians didn't play around and steal old peoples purses, rape etc, the kind of stuff the European states are mostly fine with. But Albanians were taking large profits and putting holes in british criminals so it disrupted their own financial gains, so of course that's when demonization came into play. But that's for another discussion, fuck them and their butthurt.

Does anything of those you said change the fact that Albanians and rest of 3rd world cause problems to European natives through crime and unemployment? or that you are ungrateful to countries that help you? As for your information, Albania has a much worse demographic problem than Greece

Christianity is obviously associated with evolution, as its beliefs are superior to those of pagan religions, even though I don't think you can relate yourself with any pagan religion

And I repeat, our dialogue started after my comment on ujku's opinion about particular users. Do you have anything to contribute to it? Cause if not, discussing with you is at least pointless

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 03:40 PM
My photos are literally still here idiot.

The two images I've posted. You are also free to pm and get in personal contact if you're in doubt over anything. Do you and Raine share the same mental illness?

Chechens are badass people, not an insult to me. Although I wouldn't say I look like one that much, to each his own. I don't have a yurop obsession, I go by facts only.

Now post your pics bruh, I wanna see how similar I look to a real European.

Not going to post them, you can keep on waiting or search for them. I am not in need to prove something I know I am.

07-10-2017, 03:43 PM
Does anything of those you said change the fact that Albanians and rest of 3rd world cause problems to European natives through crime and unemployment? or that you are ungrateful to countries that help you? As for your information, Albania has a much worse demographic problem than Greece

Christianity is obviously associated with evolution, as its beliefs are superior to those of pagan religions, even though I don't think you can relate yourself with any pagan religion

Who is ungrateful? Ungrateful as in getting aid and then insulting those who give you aid, like the Greeks towards Germany? Albanians are for the most part grateful, but we're not going to kneel before them. Especially not when much of the demonization is based on political narratives rather than facts, aka the 0.8% type shit. No you can check the demographic facts out on both population age and natural increase etc. Albania's demographic problem has been in the last few decades due to emigration, but it has stabilized well and the population is likely to be around 2.8 million, which is solid when considering the benefit of having gotten rid of many mixed minorities. Greece has an older population and lower birth rates, with decreasing amounts of Albanians going in, the alternative becomes MENA peoples, come back in a decade or so and tell me how it looks.

"beliefs superior" Stop. I couldn't give two shits about pagan religions in general, but if we really want to talk about "religious roots" then that's where the arguments should be. I'm agnostic, I don't believe in anything that can't be proven, nor do I care about much of it since I can't prove one or the other.

07-10-2017, 03:44 PM
Christianity is obviously associated with evolution, as its beliefs are superior to those of pagan religions, even though I don't think you can relate yourself with any pagan religion

From Ancient Hellas to this https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/09/when-cleaning-toilets-sweden-better-living-greece/323870/

Very nice evolution :rofl:

Not to mention giving your wifes as Ottoman harem slaves...

07-10-2017, 03:45 PM
... and here's me, wanting to migrate from the UK to Albania. Crazy world! :laugh:

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 03:51 PM
Who is ungrateful? Ungrateful as in getting aid and then insulting those who give you aid, like the Greeks towards Germany? Albanians are for the most part grateful, but we're not going to kneel before them. Especially not when much of the demonization is based on political narratives rather than facts, aka the 0.8% type shit. No you can check the demographic facts out on both population age and natural increase etc. Albania's demographic problem has been in the last few decades due to emigration, but it has stabilized well and the population is likely to be around 2.8 million, which is solid when considering the benefit of having gotten rid of many mixed minorities. Greece has an older population and lower birth rates, with decreasing amounts of Albanians going in, the alternative becomes MENA peoples, come back in a decade or so and tell me how it looks.

"beliefs superior" Stop. I couldn't give two shits about pagan religions in general, but if we really want to talk about "religious roots" then that's where the arguments should be. I'm agnostic, I don't believe in anything that can't be proven, nor do I care about much of it since I can't prove one or the other.

To begin with, there is much evidence that Greece has benefited Germany much more than vice versa, including of course what Greece has suffered thanks to Germany, but that's another issue, and of course I see no evidence of us being ungrateful to Germany

Your inferior kind of contrary is ungrateful to Greece, which has more investments than any other country in Albania, not to mention the aid and jobs not only in Albania, but to Albanians who flooded Greece in 90s too

Also, that 0,8, translated to "per capita" for Albanians worths "demonization".

As for demographics, officially the demographics of Albania are worse than in Greece

The last but not least, I repeat, do your posts have anything to do with my comment on ujku's post? Cause if not, I see no reason to discuss with a 3Rd world immigrant

07-10-2017, 04:04 PM
To begin with, there is much evidence that Greece has benefited Germany much more than vice versa, including of course what Greece has suffered thanks to Germany, but that's another issue, and of course I see no evidence of us being ungrateful to Germany

Your inferior kind of contrary is ungrateful to Greece, which has more investments than any other country in Albania, not to mention the aid and jobs not only in Albania, but to Albanians who flooded Greece in 90s too

Also, that 0,8, translated to "per capita" for Albanians worths "demonization".

As for demographics, officially the demographics of Albania are worse than in Greece


Albania median age: 32.5 Lower median age

Greece median age: 44.2

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependencies_by_total _fertility_rate

Albania: 1.8 Higher fertility rate

Greece: 1.3

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories _by_mortality_rate

Albania: 6.47 Lower mortality rate

Greece: 11

What Albania has is more emigration, which in a way isn't a minus as the diaspora is beneficial and it gets rid of many minority people. At the same time Greece has a significantly higher immigrant population. RIP in peace.

Herr Abubu
07-10-2017, 04:07 PM
It doesn't explicitly say it but it suggests it, due to systematic abuse. Bulgarian authorities are now asking for evidence of Bulgarian origin of a parent or grandparent. Nearly 4,500 Albanians applied for a passport and only 2,600 were accepted.

It doesn't suggest it at all. Between 2001 and 2016 4,500 Albanians applied for passports (thus citizenship), yes. Quite a small number over a long period of time. This doesn't at all imply that the ones who weren't accepted produced false evidence of Bulgarian origin, only that they weren't accepted as immigrants. You really have to stretch things to come at your conclusions.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 04:14 PM
It doesn't suggest it at all. Between 2001 and 2016 4,500 Albanians applied for passports, yes. Quite a small number over a long period of time. This doesn't at all imply that the ones who weren't accepted produced false evidence of Bulgarian origin, only that they weren't accepted as immigrants. You really have to stretch things to come at your conclusions.

It also says that it suits Bulgaria to grant this people their citizenship in accordance to their agenda of seeing this people as ethnic Bulgarians due to the FYROM issue. You can draw the conclusions you want and if this people are really ethnic Bulgarians, I took mine.

07-10-2017, 04:14 PM
... and here's me, wanting to migrate from the UK to Albania. Crazy world! :laugh:

Yeah, same. I was thinking of buying some castle in Malsia.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 04:21 PM
Albanians from Macedonia Are Becoming Frequent Applicants for Bulgarian Passport

An increasing number of Albanians from Macedonia and Kosovo are applying for Bulgarian passports so they can find work in EU countries, Telegraf.mk reads.

The past few days the passport intermediaries are flooded with requests, mainly by young people around 25 years old that think that with a Bulgarian passport they can easily find a job in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Reporters from Telegraf.mk contacted one of the passport intermediaries that has an ad in the paper, and pretended that they want to get Bulgarian passports and that they are of Albanian nationality.

They inquired about the procedure, and were informed that the waiting time for the passport and if they get a passport does not depend on them but on the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad which is in charge of issuing passports.

"The whole procedure lasts from 3 to 6 months or a year. It does not matter if the applicants are of Macedonian or Albanian nationality. Everyone has to go through the standard procedure of proving their Bulgarian descent. The procedure costs from EUR 300 to EUR 500. There is a great interest for it and I have a dozen requests daily" , explained one of the intermediaries.

The Bulgarian passport became even more popular after this year's news that with it citizens can get employment in the UK, which was not possible until now because this country has stricter regulations than the EU.

People involved in the "passport" business reveal that the Bulgarian authorities have been inspecting the work of the State Agency of Bulgarians Abroad. Unofficially, there are around 1,000 passports issued to Macedonians that they have an issue with.

It is estimated that until now around 90,000 Macedonian citizens have gotten a Bulgarian passport.

One scheme that was practiced very often was that the applicants would not bring any sort of document that proves that they or their relatives are of Bulgarian descent. Apart from that, on their tests the applicants proved not to be familiar with the Bulgarian language, and one of the terms for getting a Bulgarian passport is knowing the language.

The State Prosecution has been checking issued certificates of nationality for a long time, but it has also been checking the current applications for Bulgarian passport since 2011.

The prosecution also finds it suspicious that the Bulgarian passports the citizens get have the same address as their current one in Macedonia, but only names of Bulgarian cities are used. Most often they put the names of the Bulgarian cities Blagoevgrad or Kyustendil.

Source: http://www.independent.mk/articles/18644/Albanians+from+Macedonia+Are+Becoming+Frequent+App licants+for+Bulgarian+Passport

Herr Abubu
07-10-2017, 04:26 PM
It also says that it suits Bulgaria to grant this people their citizenship in accordance to their agenda of seeing this people as ethnic Bulgarians due to the FYROM issue. You can draw the conclusions you want and if this people are really ethnic Bulgarians, I took mine.

You really shouldn't comment on things you don't know anything about. They aren't Albanians pretending to be Bulgarians so they can immigrate. These are Slavic minorities in Albania that the Bulgarians and Macedonians fight over.

The same thing is happening in Macedonia itself because the Macedonians would rather suck it up and call themselves Bulgarians, which they are, than live in Macedonia.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 04:28 PM
You really shouldn't comment on things you don't know anything about. They aren't Albanians pretending to be Bulgarians so they can immigrate. These are Slavic minorities in Albania that the Bulgarians and Macedonians fight over. The same thing is happening in Macedonia itself because the Macedonians would rather suck it up and call themselves Bulgarians, which they are, than live in Macedonia.

They are not? Arman Kadriu is a Bulgarian name? Thought it was Albanian...

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 04:34 PM

Albania median age: 32.5 Lower median age

Greece median age: 44.2

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependencies_by_total _fertility_rate

Albania: 1.8 Higher fertility rate

Greece: 1.3

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories _by_mortality_rate

Albania: 6.47 Lower mortality rate

Greece: 11

What Albania has is more emigration, which in a way isn't a minus as the diaspora is beneficial and it gets rid of many minority people. At the same time Greece has a significantly higher immigrant population. RIP in peace.

Even with emigration, does the fact that your population is reduced faster than ours change? I don't think so. You rest in peace 3rd world dude, and consider that fertility rate will sooner or later get equal to our fertility rate

Herr Abubu
07-10-2017, 04:35 PM
They are not? Arman Kadriu is a Bulgarian name? Thought it was Albanian...

As I said, you shouldn't comment on things you know absolutely nothing about. Hoxha forced minorities to take Albanian names, so the names have remained. In the Balkans all the states did similar things. And many of these people are Gorani, Bulgarian-Slavic Muslims. If you look at the small Montenegrin community of Vraka near Shkoder, they all have such names, too.

And there's some doublethink going on when you can simultaneously argue that it's true because the Bulgarians have made it necessary that they show evidence of Bulgarian origin and yet at the same time are allowing people in regardless because it suits their political agenda, and in which case it shouldn't really be a problem since the Bulgarians are allowing it.

07-10-2017, 04:47 PM
Even with emigration, does the fact that your population is reduced faster than ours change? I don't think so. You rest in peace 3rd world dude, and consider that fertility rate will sooner or later get equal to our fertility rate

How will it get equal exactly? It follows a development curve and the bottom goes far down, the only way it starts to rise, as in the case of northern European countries, is when natives get replaced or mix with immigrants. Greece is already on that level, which doesn't show on the birth rates but with only "ethnic Greeks" in the statistics it would be a lot worse.


Greece has a faster population decrease percentually. What you're probably thinking of is the Albanian population decrease from the Communist days til now, where the population lost a huge amounts due to emigration. That has mostly balanced itself now. That's like referring to a country in a time of civil war when speaking of population changes, well duhh retard. Albania now and Greece now though, Albania has a more stable population and certainly better demographic situation, although it is worsening and reaching the point where outside immigration will be needed.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 04:47 PM
As I said, you shouldn't comment on things you know absolutely nothing about. Hoxha forced minorities to take Albanian names, so the names have remained. In the Balkans all the states did similar things. And many of these people are Gorani, Bulgarian-Slavic Muslims. If you look at the small Montenegrin community of Vraka near Shkoder, they all have such names, too.

And there's some doublethink going on when you can simultaneously argue that it's true because the Bulgarians have made it necessary that they show evidence of Bulgarian origin and yet at the same time are allowing people in regardless because it suits their political agenda, and in which case it shouldn't really be a problem since the Bulgarians are allowing it.

The article mentions that Bulgarian families have been settled in Albania since the 5th century. How those minority groups were able to remain Slavic and not Albanian for that long period of time, independently of having changed their names or not. Do these people even know how to speak Bulgarian or share any cultural aspects with Bulgaria or are they Albanized?

07-10-2017, 04:56 PM

"Trebisht residents who said they consider themselves Bulgarian spoke to AFP in Albanian, but said they spoke Bulgarian at home with their families."

:D Bulgarian ancestry proven, mr. Bulgarovski, give them passports.

With that said, according to the article 2,608 people were successful in getting those passports from 2001-2016, add the actual number which is probably around 25k, doesn't seem that much of an issue still. I'd like to see similar numbers from the Albanians in Macedonia, more geopolitically sensitive area.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 05:01 PM
That's interesting because according to most records they should speak Gora dialect, not Bulgarian. Unless it is just two different names for virtually the same thing.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 05:05 PM
How will it get equal exactly? It follows a development curve and the bottom goes far down, the only way it starts to rise, as in the case of northern European countries, is when natives get replaced or mix with immigrants. Greece is already on that level, which doesn't show on the birth rates but with only "ethnic Greeks" in the statistics it would be a lot worse.


Greece has a faster population decrease percentually. What you're probably thinking of is the Albanian population decrease from the Communist days til now, where the population lost a huge amounts due to emigration. That has mostly balanced itself now. That's like referring to a country in a time of civil war when speaking of population changes, well duhh retard. Albania now and Greece now though, Albania has a more stable population and certainly better demographic situation, although it is worsening and reaching the point where outside immigration will be needed.


Rate of population decrease
Albania 0,4
Greece 0,1

Are you happy now with your balanced demographics?

07-10-2017, 05:10 PM

Rate of population decrease
Albania 0,4
Greece 0,1

Are you happy now with your balanced demographics?


My numbers from 2015, your numbers from 2007. You just strengthened my point that the Albanian demographic situation is rather stable right now, definitely in decline, but not one of the more disastrous cases (Greece).

Albania's population is in slower decline than Greece's population, despite having a much higher emigration rate. Win -fucking- win.

Are you happy with being lectured by a clearly superior male?

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 05:34 PM

My numbers from 2015, your numbers from 2007. You just strengthened my point that the Albanian demographic situation is rather stable right now, definitely in decline, but not one of the more disastrous cases (Greece).

Albania's population is in slower decline than Greece's population, despite having a much higher emigration rate. Win -fucking- win.

Are you happy with being lectured by a clearly superior male?

In 2007, which counts, there was a decline, because there was a youth in Albania, something that nowadays does not even exist idiot, not to mention that your population is far smaller than ours

Also I don't think that Albanians, who contributed nothing to this world than problems, and have no reason to exist, can call anyone "inferior"

07-10-2017, 05:48 PM
My photos are literally still here idiot.

The two images I've posted. You are also free to pm and get in personal contact if you're in doubt over anything. Do you and Raine share the same mental illness?

Chechens are badass people, not an insult to me. Although I wouldn't say I look like one that much, to each his own. I don't have a yurop obsession, I go by facts only.

Now post your pics bruh, I wanna see how similar I look to a real European.

chechnya my ass , don't listen to that retard,

07-10-2017, 05:56 PM
Really... now im shocked...
Same here... SHOCKING.

07-10-2017, 07:43 PM
In 2007, which counts, there was a decline, because there was a youth in Albania, something that nowadays does not even exist idiot, not to mention that your population is far smaller than ours

Also I don't think that Albanians, who contributed nothing to this world than problems, and have no reason to exist, can call anyone "inferior"

Youth doesn't exist in Albania now and still Albania has a healthier birth rate than Greece, hmm... You're soo....scientific.

Yaya Albanians contributed nothing and they were first mentioned in 2013, also completely unrelated to Arvanites who are a Greek people and also Albanians are from the caucausus. All from the Raine's Collection of Historical Truths book.

How does it logically make sense in your head that year 2007 counts but the current years don't count? How dumb are you? The new the statistics the more relevant, as they show the situation now. Albania NOW is in a much better demographic position than Greece, and if that's done without any youth then DAAAAAAAAAAMN son, you're being rekt.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 07:49 PM
Youth doesn't exist in Albania now and still Albania has a healthier birth rate than Greece, hmm... You're soo....scientific.

Yaya Albanians contributed nothing and they were first mentioned in 2013, also completely unrelated to Arvanites who are a Greek people and also Albanians are from the caucausus. All from the Raine's Collection of Historical Truths book.

what has birth rate to do with it, if all of you emigrate after 18?
as for the fact that you have contributed zero ok, that's wrong, no other population has achieved to create such a successful mafia:D

07-10-2017, 07:56 PM
what has birth rate to do with it, if all of you emigrate after 18?
as for the fact that you have contributed zero ok, that's wrong, no other population has achieved to create such a successful mafia:D

Do you even look at the facts? The population growth rate takes in mind emigration etc, all population changes. As of the last few years Albania has had a significantly better rate of population growth even when it's negative. The Greek one is on par with the Serbian growth rate, shit's going south. Consider the huge amount of immigrants in the country, which is only likely to increase in the future, and wow. It's those immigrants that are producing some children to begin with, so Greece will still have to take in more in order to be able to keep the economy afloat. Someone's gotta work for the retired people, sick people etc, taxes have to come in to pay for a certain way of life, and the Greek politicians know exactly what they need to do, even though they really are trying to avoid it as much as possible.

Albanians are the founding father of modern Greece boy. But just like an unruly child you like to rebell against papa and act independent. Don't you worry, Albanians are still producing much of Greece's GDP, we won't let you fall as that would mean the doors would be open for Albanian to be overrun. The way this are are just fine. You are like Turkey to us now, a potentially good geopolitical ally, with a fucked up mongrel past that has a stoopid amount of Albanians in it. Leave the rest to the historians.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 08:07 PM
Do you even look at the facts? The population growth rate takes in mind emigration etc, all population changes. As of the last few years Albania has had a significantly better rate of population growth even when it's negative. The Greek one is on par with the Serbian growth rate, shit's going south. Consider the huge amount of immigrants in the country, which is only likely to increase in the future, and wow. It's those immigrants that are producing some children to begin with, so Greece will still have to take in more in order to be able to keep the economy afloat. Someone's gotta work for the retired people, sick people etc, taxes have to come in to pay for a certain way of life, and the Greek politicians know exactly what they need to do, even though they really are trying to avoid it as much as possible.

Albanians are the founding father of modern Greece boy. But just like an unruly child you like to rebell against papa and act independent. Don't you worry, Albanians are still producing much of Greece's GDP, we won't let you fall as that would mean the doors would be open for Albanian to be overrun. The way this are are just fine. You are like Turkey to us now, a potentially good geopolitical ally, with a fucked up mongrel past that has a stoopid amount of Albanians in it. Leave the rest to the historians.

there is a problem in your theory, that apart from not being short brachycephalic albanian speaking dumbs, we have never been isolated or interacted with such backward and isolated people to have anything in common with you, even more to have contributed to us in any way. But the fact that we crashed your ottoman asses is something you still can't get over. We have more possibilities to be your fathers than vice versa, but i would never accuse us for being so unsuccessful fathers to produce donkeys ;) but don;t worry, we will continue to invest in you, we will not let you fall, cause we love animals

for now,talking about monglers, i can ensure you that no other european nation than albanians have such a gypsy admixture, leave the rest to the genetists

as for demographics, we can know in 50 years who of us will not exist

Herr Abubu
07-10-2017, 08:11 PM
The article mentions that Bulgarian families have been settled in Albania since the 5th century. How those minority groups were able to remain Slavic and not Albanian for that long period of time, independently of having changed their names or not. Do these people even know how to speak Bulgarian or share any cultural aspects with Bulgaria or are they Albanized?

That's interesting because according to most records they should speak Gora dialect, not Bulgarian. Unless it is just two different names for virtually the same thing.

Shiiiet, these niggas only speak dialect, not language. Hm...

07-10-2017, 08:25 PM
there is a problem to your theory, that apart from not being short brachycephalic albanian speaking dumbs, we have never been isolated or interacted with such backward and isolated people to have anything in common with you, even more to have contributed to us in any way. But the fact that we crashed your ottoman asses is something you still can't get over. We have more possibilities to be your fathers than vice versa, but i would never accuse us for being so unsuccessful fathers to produce donkeys ;) but don;t worry, we will continue to invest in you, we will not let you fall, cause we love animals

for now,talking about monglers, i can ensure you that no other european nation than albanians have such a gypsy admixture, leave the rest to the genetists

as for demographics, we can know in 50 years who of us will not exist

In 50 years everything might be gone, the only thing we can do is look at the future given the current situation and facts. It's not looking good for Southern Europe in a globalized world, but Greece atm is in a worse situation. That's simply a fact, like 1+1 is a fact. Greece has a bigger population so Greeks themselves aren't fucked as a people, but Greece as a country is likely to have a 25%+ immigrant population in a decade or so. Look at how quickly Sweden has changed. Keep those leftists in charge and watch my predictions become reality.

As for the rest, Albanian southern migrations into Greece are not a myth created by Hollywood, it's a historical fact. Orthodox Albanian contributions to the Greek revolution are not a myth, they are historical facts. From leaders to soldiers the Albanians(Arvanites) played a critical role.


Greece didn't defeat the Ottomans. Ottomans called in support from their "Egyptian" part, ruled by Muhammad Ali Pasha, and they defeated the rebells. After that the Great Powers got involved as it would've meant Greece being back under Ottoman rule, so eventually Greece was given its independence. Albanians as a people didn't have much interest in either, neither Ottomans nor the "Greeks" had good plans in mind when it came to us. We made mistakes in not creating an ethnic state and allowing Ottoman/Greek policy of Muslims=Turks and Christians=Greeks to define many of us. At least we ensured many Greeks paid with their lives, so it evens out. Check the generals list you can find Albanians on both sides, xaxaxa bitch ass niggas.


"Tensions soon developed among different Greek factions, leading to two consecutive civil wars. In the meantime, the Ottoman Sultan negotiated with Mehmet Ali of Egypt, who agreed to send his son Ibrahim Pasha to Greece with an army to suppress the revolt in return for territorial gain. Ibrahim landed in the Peloponnese in February 1825 and had immediate success: by the end of 1825, most of the Peloponnese was under Egyptian control, and the city of Missolonghi fell in April 1826 after a year-long siege by the Turks. Although Ibrahim was defeated in Mani, he had succeeded in suppressing most of the revolt in the Peloponnese, and Athens had been retaken.

Following years of negotiation, three Great Powers—Russia, Britain and France—decided to intervene in the conflict and each nation sent a navy to Greece. Following news that combined Ottoman–Egyptian fleets were going to attack the Greek island of Hydra, the allied fleet intercepted the Ottoman–Egyptian fleet at Navarino. The battle began after a tense week-long standoff, ending in the destruction of the Ottoman–Egyptian fleet. By 1828 the Egyptian army withdrew under pressure of a French expeditionary force to which the Ottoman garrisons in the Peloponnese then surrendered, while the Greeks proceeded to the Ottoman-controlled part of central Greece. As a result of years of negotiation, Greece was finally recognized as an independent nation in the Treaty of Constantinople of May 1832."

07-10-2017, 08:26 PM
J2b2-L283 is ancient Dalmatian (Illyrian) haplogroup which was found in desolate dinaric alps where no any ethnic group except Illyrians ever lived in that time.
It has nothing to do with Caucasus.

What are you doing is trolling.
It`s the only thing that he know to do in his miserable life. But not always is succesfull even in this.

07-10-2017, 08:27 PM
there is a problem in your theory, that apart from not being short brachycephalic albanian speaking dumbs, we have never been isolated or interacted with such backward and isolated people to have anything in common with you, even more to have contributed to us in any way. But the fact that we crashed your ottoman asses is something you still can't get over. We have more possibilities to be your fathers than vice versa, but i would never accuse us for being so unsuccessful fathers to produce donkeys ;) but don;t worry, we will continue to invest in you, we will not let you fall, cause we love animals

for now,talking about monglers, i can ensure you that no other european nation than albanians have such a gypsy admixture, leave the rest to the genetists

as for demographics, we can know in 50 years who of us will not exist

You are a gypsy nation.

07-10-2017, 08:32 PM
Leave the Albanian heritage out of it. There is no proof that Albanians have anything to do with Illyrians. Their language can be traced to 200 BC and they have kept the same language, but it ain't Illyrian, nor they speak Illyrian or a variant or a modern version of it.

You are an asiatic scum wrongly settled in European soil.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 08:37 PM
In 50 years everything might be gone, the only thing we can do is look at the future given the current situation and facts. It's not looking good for Southern Europe in a globalized world, but Greece atm is in a worse situation. That's simply a fact, like 1+1 is a fact. Greece has a bigger population so Greeks themselves aren't fucked as a people, but Greece as a country is likely to have a 25%+ immigrant population in a decade or so. Look at how quickly Sweden has changed. Keep those leftists in charge and watch my predictions become reality.

As for the rest, Albanian southern migrations into Greece are not a myth created by Hollywood, it's a historical fact. Orthodox Albanian contributions to the Greek revolution are not a myth, they are historical facts. From leaders to soldiers the Albanians(Arvanites) played a critical role.


Greece didn't defeat the Ottomans. Ottomans called in support from their "Egyptian" part, ruled by Muhammad Ali Pasha, and they defeated the rebells. After that the Great Powers got involved as it would've meant Greece being back under Ottoman rule, so eventually Greece was given its independence. Albanians as a people didn't have much interest in either, neither Ottomans nor the "Greeks" had good plans in mind when it came to us. We made mistakes in not creating an ethnic state and allowing Ottoman/Greek policy of Muslims=Turks and Christians=Greeks to define many of us. At least we ensured many Greeks paid with their lives, so it evens out. Check the generals list you can find Albanians on both sides, xaxaxa bitch ass niggas.


"Tensions soon developed among different Greek factions, leading to two consecutive civil wars. In the meantime, the Ottoman Sultan negotiated with Mehmet Ali of Egypt, who agreed to send his son Ibrahim Pasha to Greece with an army to suppress the revolt in return for territorial gain. Ibrahim landed in the Peloponnese in February 1825 and had immediate success: by the end of 1825, most of the Peloponnese was under Egyptian control, and the city of Missolonghi fell in April 1826 after a year-long siege by the Turks. Although Ibrahim was defeated in Mani, he had succeeded in suppressing most of the revolt in the Peloponnese, and Athens had been retaken.

Following years of negotiation, three Great Powers—Russia, Britain and France—decided to intervene in the conflict and each nation sent a navy to Greece. Following news that combined Ottoman–Egyptian fleets were going to attack the Greek island of Hydra, the allied fleet intercepted the Ottoman–Egyptian fleet at Navarino. The battle began after a tense week-long standoff, ending in the destruction of the Ottoman–Egyptian fleet. By 1828 the Egyptian army withdrew under pressure of a French expeditionary force to which the Ottoman garrisons in the Peloponnese then surrendered, while the Greeks proceeded to the Ottoman-controlled part of central Greece. As a result of years of negotiation, Greece was finally recognized as an independent nation in the Treaty of Constantinople of May 1832."

the conservative party is going to win the next elections, so don't worry, leftists are not going to fuck up everything. the opposite, it was a good lesson that we had to take, as we had no similar previous experience.

Arvanites, who are admitedly a mix of south albanian immigrants and native Greeks contributed per capita much less than their original Greek speaking countrymen, which is far from "they created Greece". Also, they can't be called "orthodox Albanians", as long as they do not recognise themselves as such, and are related to Albanians only by language and partially by race. For most of Greeks arvanites are something unknown, for Albanians, who have included them in their history, it's probably the most important part of them.

As for the revolution, before the "great powers" get involved Greeks ruled many parts of Peloponnese, which indicates that to a high degree we had won. Meanwhile i doubt if Ibrahim had any chance without the two civil wars during the revolution.

BTW there has been much higher Greek presence in Albania than vice versa

07-10-2017, 08:38 PM
Ok, so the only rational conclusion excluding the South Slav hypothesis is that people from Lebanon and Jordan migrated to Kosovo and intermixed with the locals, like you claimed.

You can rise every hypothesis that you want. I prefer facts, you are a moor. End of the story.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 08:43 PM
You can rise every hypothesis that you want. I prefer facts, you are a moor. End of the story.

What's most likely a fact is that you're probably E1b1b and seen as a lesser being\zoomal by even your own countrymen :picard1: Albanian "patriotism" = hating your own people.

07-10-2017, 08:45 PM
the conservative party is going to win the next elections, so don't worry, leftists are not going to fuck up everything. the opposite, it was a good lesson that we had to take, as we had no similar previous experience.

Arvanites, who are admitedly a mix of south albanian immigrants and native Greeks contributed per capita much less than their original Greek speaking countrymen, which is far from "they created Greece". Also, they can't be called "orthodox Albanians", as long as they do not recognise themselves as such, and are related to Albanians only by language and partially by race. For most of Greeks arvanites are something unknown, for Albanians, who have included them in their history, it's probably the most important part of them.

As for the revolution, before the "great powers" get involved Greeks ruled many parts of Peloponnese, which indicates that to a high degree we had won. Meanwhile i doubt if Ibrahim had any chance without the two civil wars during the revolution.

Arvanites in origin, if they define themselves as Arvanites, which literally means Albanian, are now Greeks of Albanian origin. They were Albanians with orthodox religion, that is a historical fact. Literally there's no serious historian that bothers with this since it's so well established, but you make it more exciting for me as your inferiority complex shows. It's the fact that you have to see Albanians referred to as heroes in your independence movement that irks you and every other nationalist Greek, you guys just can't get over it.


“Hail and be well brother Arvanites (Albanians), and health to your women too; Greece owes its freedom to your manhood!”

Albanians are like gods in that land of pedophilic homosexuals. Too bad Arvanites mixed, if you mix a lion with sheep enough times you'll just get another sheep unfortunately.

You keep making excuses, you had some areas when it was just the useless Turks trying to do something. Once Ottoman Albanians really got involved they shut the party down with the swiftness, resistance was only trouble in Mani and from Arvanites. Rest of you were like little mice. Without the Great Powers it would've been over at that moment, let's not kid ourselves with childish fantasies.

Many people said Syriza weren't going to win in the first place.

07-10-2017, 08:47 PM
What's most likely a fact is that you're probably E1b1b and seen as a lesser being\zoomal by even your own countrymen :picard1: Albanian "patriotism" = hating your own people.

You sent that to me in pm, you seem to really take forum comments by heart lol. Are you aware E1b1b is probably the most common haplogroup amongst Albanians and that it's older than any of the identities in the balkans themselves?

Kill yourself monkey, you keep seeking confirmation from Albanians.

07-10-2017, 08:49 PM
As I said, you shouldn't comment on things you know absolutely nothing about. Hoxha forced minorities to take Albanian names, so the names have remained. In the Balkans all the states did similar things. And many of these people are Gorani, Bulgarian-Slavic Muslims. If you look at the small Montenegrin community of Vraka near Shkoder, they all have such names, too.

And there's some doublethink going on when you can simultaneously argue that it's true because the Bulgarians have made it necessary that they show evidence of Bulgarian origin and yet at the same time are allowing people in regardless because it suits their political agenda, and in which case it shouldn't really be a problem since the Bulgarians are allowing it.
Hoxha did not forced nobody you idiot. Stop barking like crazy dog around in forum.
Children Ilir
This gorani are muslim slavs.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 08:49 PM
You sent that to me in pm, you seem to really take forum comments by heart lol. Are you aware E1b1b is probably the most common haplogroup amongst Albanians and that it's older than any of the identities in the balkans themselves?

Kill yourself monkey, you keep seeking confirmation from Albanians.

I know it is, but that haplogroup does not fit into the "Ancient Illyrian" agenda. I asked you that intentionally because I wanted to know what's the purpose of being an "Albo-patriot" when even other Albanian members see you as "lesser Albanian" :picard1:

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 08:49 PM
Arvanites in origin, if they define themselves as Arvanites, which literally means Albanian, are now Greeks of Albanian origin. They were Albanians with orthodox religion, that is a historical fact. Literally there's no serious historian that bothers with this since it's so well established, but you make it more exciting for me as your inferiority complex shows. It's the fact that you have to see Albanians referred to as heroes in your independence movement that irks you and every other nationalist Greek, you guys just can't get over it.


“Hail and be well brother Arvanites (Albanians), and health to your women too; Greece owes its freedom to your manhood!”

Albanians are like gods in that land of pedophilic homosexuals. Too bad Arvanites mixed, if you mix a lion with sheep enough times you'll just get another sheep unfortunately.

You keep making excuses, you had some areas when it was just the useless Turks trying to do something. Once Ottoman Albanians really got involved they shut the party down with the swiftness, resistance was only trouble in Mani and from Arvanites. Rest of you were like little mice. Without the Great Powers it would've been over at that moment, let's not kid ourselves with childish fantasies.

Many people said Syriza weren't going to win in the first place.
are you high on crack? We are talking about the most inferior kind in Europe (Albanians) with one of the most popular (Greeks), what lion and sheep are you talking about, are you aware that in real life you are a short, brachycephalic isolated nation with zero contributions?

as for arvanites, as i said thewy just offered per capita much less than Greek speakers, there is nothing more to say, that's an undeniable fact, in spite of the fact that the benefit of independence affected them equally, which means they should fight equally.not to mention that noone wants to be associated with them

07-10-2017, 08:51 PM
You sent that to me in pm, you seem to really take forum comments by heart lol. Are you aware E1b1b is probably the most common haplogroup amongst Albanians and that it's older than any of the identities in the balkans themselves?

Kill yourself monkey, you keep seeking confirmation from Albanians.

E1b is a north african haplogroup. 7000 years old but still north african.

07-10-2017, 08:51 PM
are you high on crack? We are talking about the most inferior kind in Europe (Albanians) with one of the most popular (Greeks), what lion and sheep are you talking about, are you aware that in real life you are a short, brachycephalic isolated nation with zero contributions?

as for arvanites, as i said thewy just offered per capita much less than Greek speakers, there is nothing more to say, that's an undeniable fact

Over a hundred years after the revolution and your women were still begging for Arvanites to save them. No trust in the Griks who were slaughtering each other by the hundreds of thousands. Cuck pheggits.

You're popular, lots of gay kids are popular lol, who gives a shit.

07-10-2017, 08:53 PM
the conservative party is going to win the next elections, so don't worry, leftists are not going to fuck up everything. the opposite, it was a good lesson that we had to take, as we had no similar previous experience.

Arvanites, who are admitedly a mix of south albanian immigrants and native Greeks contributed per capita much less than their original Greek speaking countrymen, which is far from "they created Greece". Also, they can't be called "orthodox Albanians", as long as they do not recognise themselves as such, and are related to Albanians only by language and partially by race. For most of Greeks arvanites are something unknown, for Albanians, who have included them in their history, it's probably the most important part of them.

As for the revolution, before the "great powers" get involved Greeks ruled many parts of Peloponnese, which indicates that to a high degree we had won. Meanwhile i doubt if Ibrahim had any chance without the two civil wars during the revolution.

BTW there has been much higher Greek presence in Albania than vice versa
You did not existed as a nation:

07-10-2017, 08:54 PM
Hedh nje i cmendur nje gur ne lum, mblidhen 20 vete dhe nuk e gjejne dot.

brennus dux gallorum
07-10-2017, 08:54 PM
You did not existed as a nation:

if laberia says so :rofl_002:

but back then the word "nation" did not even exist in your vocabulary :D

07-10-2017, 08:54 PM
E1b is a north african haplogroup. 7000 years old but still north african.

And my atoms are universal, WHO GIVES A FUCK.

I care about from the time of Albanian identity, and what shaped Albanian identity. I don't give a single fuck what happened 7000+ years ago as it could've just as well have been an asian haplogroup. Should I also care about where the amoeba were located which were a part of the evolutionary process which would eventually lead to me? Cuck pheggit.

07-10-2017, 08:57 PM
And my atoms are universal, WHO GIVES A FUCK.

I care about from the time of Albanian identity, and what shaped Albanian identity. I don't give a single fuck what happened 7000+ years ago as it could've just as well have been an asian haplogroup. Should I also care about where the amoeba were located which set forth the evolutionary process which would eventually lead to me? Cuck pheggit.

imagine 6000 years from now, the african immigrants will call themselves true europeans with neolithic haplogroups and will pretend to be more indigenous than their neighbours.

07-10-2017, 08:59 PM
imagine 6000 years from now, the african immigrants will call themselves true europeans with neolithic haplogroups and will pretend to be more indigenous than their neighbours.



Imagine some Eurasian people coming to what is modern day Europe and then becoming just European. Damn, do things actually change with time through thousands of years? Amazing, I'll contact the historical researchers of the world.

07-10-2017, 08:59 PM
if laberia says so :rofl_002:

but back then the word "nation" did not even exist in your vocabulary :D

Of course exist=komb.

07-10-2017, 09:03 PM


Imagine some Eurasian people coming to what is modern day Europe and then becoming just European. Damn, do things actually change with time through thousands of years? Amazing, I'll contact the historical researchers of the world.

you do have a point but you didn't answer my question. imagine, 6000 from now, the tunisians living next door to you pretending to be more indigenous than some other Europeans.

07-10-2017, 09:05 PM
I know it is, but that haplogroup does not fit into the "Ancient Illyrian" agenda. I asked you that intentionally because I wanted to know what's the purpose of being an "Albo-patriot" when even other Albanian members see you as "lesser Albanian" :picard1:

You're trying to cope HARD.


07-10-2017, 09:08 PM
you do have a point but you didn't answer my question. imagine, 6000 from now, the tunisians living next door to you pretending to be more indigenous than some other Europeans.

Most classical cultures came from R1 folk, so it really doesnt mean shit who got there first. Additionally E-V13 was found in a neolithic Balkan sample which predates historical cultures to begin with. So technically from a who got here first perspective, E-V13 was already established before proto-greeks or proto-albanians, or proto-any indo european group arrived. It is a mixture with E-V13 native folk that birthed classical civilizations in the balkans.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 09:09 PM
You're trying to cope HARD.


I am not trying anything. Just want to know what's your impression about it. Seems you "don't care" as usual. You never care about anything, so it seems. But you cared enough to post your photos here in a metaphorical attempt of "lets measure cocks" to see who is more European ;)

07-10-2017, 09:10 PM
you do have a point but you didn't answer my question. imagine, 6000 from now, the tunisians living next door to you pretending to be more indigenous than some other Europeans.

It's crazy to think, isn't it? Now imagine you have a daughter, and she gets dicked down hard by your friendly neighbor's son, crazy huh?

That's life kiddo. In 6000 years things will be very different due to technology so human races will be completely irrelevant. Who's pretending to be more indigenous unless they are? If someone has an older haplogroup in the balkans they have all right to be proud of that for whatever reason, i don't give a single fuck, but I'm Albanian. I'm not a bronze age farmer, I'm Albanian. The furthest you can go back and have an identity similar to Albanian, or at least enough so to be said to predate it as part of a common identity, is probably to Illyrian, and that was after E1b1b in yurop.

07-10-2017, 09:13 PM
I am not trying anything. Just want to know what's your impression about it. Seems you "don't care" as usual. You never care about anything, so it seems. But you cared enough to post your photos here in a metaphorical attempt of "lets measure cocks" to see who is more European ;)

It predates the Albanian identity in any way shape or form. At some point people in TA will start arguing over where their amoebas were located in the evolutionary process, if they were further from the balkans then they would be more Albanian? That's coping gypsy shit. let the kids argue as I told you in pm.

Yeah and boy did I show you who was more European, you didn't even dare respond after you had posted a picture of Albanians trying to make a point. I'll send Eurasians back to mother Russia with my bbc genetics.

07-10-2017, 09:14 PM
Most classical cultures came from R1 folk, so it really doesnt mean shit who got there first. Additionally E-V13 was found in a neolithic Balkan sample which predates historical cultures to begin with. So technically from a who got here first perspective, E-V13 was already established before proto-greeks or proto-albanians, or proto-any indo european group arrived. It is a mixture with E-V13 native folk that birthed classical civilizations in the balkans.

You put it better than I could, cheers.

07-10-2017, 09:16 PM
That's life kiddo. In 6000 years things will be very different due to technology so human races will be completely irrelevant. Who's pretending to be more indigenous unless they are? If someone has an older haplogroup in the balkans they have all right to be proud of that for whatever reason, i don't give a single fuck, but I'm Albanian. I'm not a bronze age farmer, I'm Albanian. The furthest you can go back and have an identity similar to Albanian, or at least enough so to be said to predate it as part of a common identity, is probably to Illyrian, and that was after E1b1b in yurop.

so basically you are the descendant of an ancient tunisian alpha male who married some paleobalkanic hunter gatherer.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-10-2017, 09:16 PM
It predates the Albanian identity in any way shape or form. At some point people in TA will start arguing over where their amoebas were located in the evolutionary process, if they were further from the balkans then they would be more Albanian? That's coping gypsy shit. let the kids argue as I told you in pm.

Yeah and boy did I show you who was more European, you didn't even dare respond after you had posted a picture of Albanians trying to make a point. I'll send Eurasians back to mother Russia with my bbc genetics.

That would be giving in into your game. No thanks. I do agree with your first paragraph though. I don't think of E1b1b as lesser being as we do have them in Portugal as well. Here in Portugal we don't hate or differentiate our own ethnic people.

07-10-2017, 09:18 PM
Most classical cultures came from R1 folk, so it really doesnt mean shit who got there first. Additionally E-V13 was found in a neolithic Balkan sample which predates historical cultures to begin with. So technically from a who got here first perspective, E-V13 was already established before proto-greeks or proto-albanians, or proto-any indo european group arrived. It is a mixture with E-V13 native folk that birthed classical civilizations in the balkans.

alboalboa has claimed albanians should slaughter Greeks. just reminding him who he is and why he shouldnt be so racist

07-10-2017, 09:18 PM
so basically you are the descendant of an ancient tunisian alpha male who married some paleobalkanic hunter gatherer.

So basically a part of my genetic ancestry is directly in line with my usual Pornhub search.

07-10-2017, 09:23 PM
so basically you are the descendant of an ancient tunisian alpha male who married some paleobalkanic hunter gatherer.

You do know most of the classical greek haplos are also anatolian origin right? Do you think you're insulting him by calling him Tunisian?? Lets say tomorrow a famous Greek hero is tested as E-V13, is his contribution to his people irrelevant? Is he also now a Tunisian? Or do all balkan people feel the need to revert back to primitive state regarding their neighbors?

Half of us do not even live in the balkans anymore. Pissing and moaning over shit. But lets be real, whether its african or not, it was there before civilization formed, and it was there throughout civilization, up to present day. It is mixing with these E-V13 neolithic folk, that all balkan peoples ethnic composition formed. It's strongest concentration is in the whole of the balkans.

07-10-2017, 09:26 PM
You do know most of the classical greek haplos are also anatolian origin right? Do you think you're insulting him by calling him Tunisian?? Lets say tomorrow a famous Greek hero is tested as E-V13, is his contribution to his people irrelevant? Is he also now a Tunisian? Or do all balkan people feel the need to revert back to primitive state regarding their neighbors?

Half of us do not even live in the balkans anymore. Pissing and moaning over shit. But lets be real, whether its african or not, it was there before civilization formed, and it was there throughout civilization, up to present day. It is mixing with these E-V13 neolithic folk, that all balkan peoples ethnic composition formed. It's strongest concentration is in the whole of the balkans.

i answered you one or two posts above

07-10-2017, 09:27 PM
alboalboa has claimed albanians should slaughter Greeks. just reminding him who he is and why he shouldnt be so racist

And you also told another Albanian to fuck his muslim sister, before Era deleted it. Lets not coach people on moral ethics when we do not abide by them ourselves. On another note, I do not agree with anyone who calls for bloodshed, but your government still denies it against chams. Also(though I refrain from arguing myself), I have noticed numerous threads opened every day in just the week I have been here from Greeks who cant seem to hop off our dicks and remind people how disgusting we are. Lets not kid ourselves. Theres wolves in every forest. They are not representative of individual men and their actions,.

07-10-2017, 09:35 PM
And you also told another Albanian to fuck his muslim sister, before Era deleted it. Lets not coach people on moral ethics when we do not abide by them ourselves. On another note, I do not agree with anyone who calls for bloodshed, but your government still denies it against chams. Also(though I refrain from arguing myself), I have noticed numerous threads opened every day in just the week I have been here from Greeks who cant seem to hop off our dicks and remind people how disgusting we are. Lets not kid ourselves. Theres wolves in every forest. They are not representative of individual men and their actions,.

I said ''fuck your muslim mother'' to someone who slandered me . it's just an ordinary insult, nothing compared to all the genocide calling by some of your members.

and please bro, lol@chameria, I have several relatives killed by foreigners in all wars. you don't see me hating on them 24/7

07-10-2017, 09:36 PM
And you also told another Albanian to fuck his muslim sister, before Era deleted it. Lets not coach people on moral ethics when we do not abide by them ourselves. On another note, I do not agree with anyone who calls for bloodshed, but your government still denies it against chams. Also(though I refrain from arguing myself), I have noticed numerous threads opened every day in just the week I have been here from Greeks who cant seem to hop off our dicks and remind people how disgusting we are. Lets not kid ourselves. Theres wolves in every forest. They are not representative of individual men and their actions,.

To the Greek's defence, they have a long history of fucking those who should not be fucked, he probably saw it as legitimate advice.

07-10-2017, 09:39 PM
To the Greek's defence, they have a long history of fucking those who should not be fucked, he probably saw it as legitimate advice.

Yea and the orthodox christians fucked our people too. makes no difference what religion they are. it does not clothe their inhumanity. Besides, I am muslim. And the only fucking I do, is consensual. lol

07-10-2017, 09:41 PM
I said ''fuck your muslim mother'' to someone who slandered me . it's just an ordinary insult, nothing compared to all the genocide calling by some of your members.

and please bro, lol@chameria, I have several relatives killed by foreigners in all wars. you don't see me hating on them 24/7

muslim mother muslim sister. lol makes no difference. Most Albanians or anyone from the balkans would smack someone for insulting their mother. its no small thing. He called you a liar. Yea, that was wrong, but you responded with wrong x 10 , and he still ended up taking it back. See the difference?

Genocide inciting albanians do the same to other Albanians. some of them have nothing better to do than troll

I dont hate anyone other than bigoted folk with inferiority complexes. Sure I dont agree with some of the shit some Albanians say here. But when you have Greeks making it their job to post a thread each day to insult, you should expect retaliation. Dont be like israeli jews who kill kids and act oppressed lol.

07-10-2017, 09:44 PM
Yea and the orthodox christians fucked our people too. makes no difference what religion they are. it does not clothe their inhumanity. Besides, I am muslim. And the only fucking I do, is consensual. lol

You're not going far back in history to get what I really mean breh. (Ancient Greeks)

Many of those orthodox Christians who fucked us were probably Albanian origin themselves. Just like many of the muslims who fucked us were Albanian origin. Just like we did a lot of fucking, that's just how the game goes. Only thing I'm mad about is the fact that we did unnecessary fucking on behalf of others, which came to bite us in the ass. Albanians in Turkey = Assimilated for the most part, same thing in Greece etc. We're like a special sauce that spices the food but never gets acknowledged for it. Like Jews but without the academic success.

07-10-2017, 09:49 PM
You're not going far back in history to get what I really mean breh. (Ancient Greeks)

Many of those orthodox Christians who fucked us were probably Albanian origin themselves. Just like many of the muslims who fucked us were Albanian origin. Just like we did a lot of fucking, that's just how the game goes. Only thing I'm mad about is the fact that we did unnecessary fucking on behalf of others, which came to bite us in the ass. Albanians in Turkey = Assimilated for the most part, same thing in Greece etc. We're like a special sauce that spices the food but never gets acknowledged for it. Like Jews but without the academic success.

Lol they are very intelligent. Smartest people probably. On the topic though, lol now I see what you were saying. hahah

07-10-2017, 09:54 PM
The traditional Muslim Bulgarian minority migrating to Bulgaria... a) EU Passport. They don't even seem to stay in Bulgaria...

Surnames mean nothing, even Serbs (Montenegrins) in Vraka have Albanian names (communism)-> Persa Popovic = Drita Popaj:


07-10-2017, 10:00 PM
muslim mother muslim sister. lol makes no difference. Most Albanians or anyone from the balkans would smack someone for insulting their mother. its no small thing. He called you a liar. Yea, that was wrong, but you responded with wrong x 10 , and he still ended up taking it back. See the difference?

Genocide inciting albanians do the same to other Albanians. some of them have nothing better to do than troll

you said it yourself, he would smack me if I insulted him irl. for that very same reason I insulted his mother since he offended me and another member. also you read that thread, people accusing us of being liars, hiding results, being sockpuppets. That's pure slander, so what do you expect me to do, thank them for it?

have I ever offended you or people who don't attack me? no, period.

07-10-2017, 10:06 PM
you said it yourself, he would smack me if I insulted him irl. for that very same reason I insulted his mother since he offended me and another member. also you read that thread, people accusing us of being liars, hiding results, being sockpuppets. That's pure slander, so what do you expect me to do, thank them for it?

have I ever offended you or people who don't attack me? no, period.

No you have'nt offended me. All I can speak on is what I see. The same cannot be said for the rest of the Greeks. Oh, and dont worry, I am sure there are some Albanians who are just as problematic. But I cannot lie, all I see is your ilk constantly trying to get at us with absolutely baseless claims. The irony is Greeks are just as dark as Albanians(none of which matters) and are trying to call themselves pure and us subhuman. We're all a mixed bag. Lets not kid ourselves.

brennus dux gallorum
07-11-2017, 09:01 AM
You're not going far back in history to get what I really mean breh. (Ancient Greeks)

Many of those orthodox Christians who fucked us were probably Albanian origin themselves. Just like many of the muslims who fucked us were Albanian origin. Just like we did a lot of fucking, that's just how the game goes. Only thing I'm mad about is the fact that we did unnecessary fucking on behalf of others, which came to bite us in the ass. Albanians in Turkey = Assimilated for the most part, same thing in Greece etc. We're like a special sauce that spices the food but never gets acknowledged for it. Like Jews but without the academic success.
If that's gonna help you sleep tonight, then yes, you were partially fucked by "Albanians" but for the most part you were fucked by Greeks :D

Yes you were fucked by sulliotes, but even more by arcadians, messinians, lakonians and central Greeks.

07-11-2017, 09:18 AM
If that's gonna help you sleep tonight, then yes, you were partially fucked by "Albanians" but for the most part you were fucked by Greeks :D

Yes you were fucked by sulliotes, but even more by arcadians, messinians, lakonians and central Greeks.

You are completley an idiot without life.

07-11-2017, 09:58 AM
I dont know what is point of this thread when Portugal is Europes country with highest emigration rate....

Ive been in Switzerland like 15 or more years ago.. I worked at construction yard lol, there was like 8 Portuguese guys and 3 more Albanians, we all worked together ^_^

Everyone knew that besides Balkan workers, Portugal workers are cheapest ones... You guys are almost the same shit as Albanians..


Portugal is today the European Union country with the highest emigration in proportion of its population. There are more than two million Portuguese emigrants, meaning more than 20% of the Portuguese population lives outside the country of their birth. Over recent decades, the growth in the number of Portuguese emigrants has been greater than the growth of the resident population in Portugal. Around 110,000 Portuguese left the country in 2013 alone......

No wonder its not German or Brit opening these threads but someone who has the exact same problems.. It would be better if you looked in mirror first and clean your own shit before coming cleaning Albanian shit..

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-11-2017, 10:17 AM
I dont know what is point of this thread when Portugal is Europes country with highest emigration rate....

Ive been in Switzerland like 15 or more years ago.. I worked at construction yard lol, there was like 8 Portuguese guys and 3 more Albanians, we all worked together ^_^

Everyone knew that besides Balkan workers, Portugal workers are cheapest ones... You guys are almost the same shit as Albanians..


Portugal is today the European Union country with the highest emigration in proportion of its population. There are more than two million Portuguese emigrants, meaning more than 20% of the Portuguese population lives outside the country of their birth. Over recent decades, the growth in the number of Portuguese emigrants has been greater than the growth of the resident population in Portugal. Around 110,000 Portuguese left the country in 2013 alone......

No wonder its not German or Brit opening these threads but someone who has the exact same problems.. It would be better if you looked in mirror first and clean your own shit before coming cleaning Albanian shit..

1. That article will soon be 3 years old.

2. A map in comparison from the same year:


3. Albania has nearly twice that number and if you add Kosovo probably 60% of all Albanians live outside their homeland.

4. Bare in mind that many Brazilians and people from our ex-colonies roam to Portugal to live there for a few years, acquire the citizenship (it is unfortunately very easy to do so) and then roam to more attractive European destinations, counting as "Portuguese" for this statistics. You can't say the same for Albanians because no one immigrates to Albania.

5. It is not surprising that you met Portugueses in Switzerland. There's a diaspora in there since the 80's. I have a cousin who works there as a doctor actually on a French canton. Now consider that Kosovo has not even 2 million inhabitants and that in less than 10 years nearly 88,000 immigrated to Switzerland. Do the math and see the proportions.

6. Don't compare the Portuguese diaspora with the Albanian one. Portugueses are know for entering legally and they actually do work. They don't appear on the top of crime charts nowhere in Europe unlike certain other ethnicities.

07-11-2017, 10:35 AM
1. That article will soon be 3 years old.

2. A map in comparison from the same year:


3. Albania has nearly twice that number and if you add Kosovo probably 60% of all Albanians live outside their homeland.

4. Bare in mind that many Brazilians and people from our ex-colonies roam to Portugal to live there for a few years, acquire the citizenship (it is unfortunately very easy to do so) and then roam to more attractive European destinations, counting as "Portuguese" for this statistics. You can't say the same for Albanians because no one immigrates to Albania.

5. It is not surprising that you met Portugueses in Switzerland. There's a diaspora in there since the 80's. I have a cousin who works there as a doctor actually on a French canton. Now consider that Kosovo has not even 2 million inhabitants and that in less than 10 years nearly 88,000 immigrated to Switzerland. Do the math and see the proportions.

6. Don't compare the Portuguese diaspora with the Albanian one. Portugueses are know for entering legally and they actually do work. They don't appear on the top of crime charts nowhere in Europe unlike certain other ethnicities.

Portuguese people emigrate and work for same price or cheaper then Albanians, Bosnjaks and Polish people all over Europe.. Like dogs on chain for their richer masters...

You are shit country.. Not to mention you are in EU so most likely you are also getting breastfed entire time unlike Albanians that are independent.

Entire Europe is paying your shit economy and Portugal is so desperate that you guys legalized all drugs, heroin included to attract more tourists...

Prostitute country with prostitute people... No wonder you are prostituting yourself too in threads like this...

BTW its very lame to find excuse in people like Brazil that you were bulling and killing and torturing... So now its their fault too because you guys are unsuccessful emigrant slaves?

Its not that you are the only country that had colonies in history lol, yet you are the shittiest one and its lame from you blaming on your colonies when they should blame you instead of their misery.

Killers and thieves..

brennus dux gallorum
07-11-2017, 10:36 AM
1. That article will soon be 3 years old.

2. A map in comparison from the same year:


3. Albania has nearly twice that number and if you add Kosovo probably 60% of all Albanians live outside their homeland.

4. Bare in mind that many Brazilians and people from our ex-colonies roam to Portugal to live there for a few years, acquire the citizenship (it is unfortunately very easy to do so) and then roam to more attractive European destinations, counting as "Portuguese" for this statistics. You can't say the same for Albanians because no one immigrates to Albania.

5. It is not surprising that you met Portugueses in Switzerland. There's a diaspora in there since the 80's. I have a cousin who works there as a doctor actually on a French canton. Now consider that Kosovo has not even 2 million inhabitants and that in less than 10 years nearly 88,000 immigrated to Switzerland. Do the math and see the proportions.

6. Don't compare the Portuguese diaspora with the Albanian one. Portugueses are know for entering legally and they actually do work. They don't appear on the top of crime charts nowhere in Europe unlike certain other ethnicities.

Albanians almost 40% immigrants, not to mention the criminal behavior they always develop
Shiiieeet :D

07-11-2017, 10:38 AM
Albanians almost 40% immigrants, not to mention the criminal behavior they always develop
Shiiieeet :D

Ask your grandma what was Greek female emigration rate into Ottoman harems, like 100% ?

brennus dux gallorum
07-11-2017, 10:46 AM
Ask your grandma what was Greek female emigration rate into Ottoman harems, like 100% ?

My grandma lives in zakynthos, which was not ottoman, not to mention that the rest of the country was for 60% of the years that Albania was ottoman, and all this 2 centuries ago, not 1 like you, tsimpa ena arhidi :D

07-11-2017, 10:51 AM
My grandma lives in zakynthos, which was not even ottoman, not to mention that the rest of the country was for 60% of the years that Albania was ottoman, tsimpa ena arhidi :D

Is it necessary to post again Finlay? He explain very well how Ottomans brought negroids from Africa in Zakynthos. To this negroes was ordered to fuck the women of Zakynthos. The intention was to produce female mulatto slaves for the Sarai. This is an historical fact. Later the island became an sex paradise for the pirates of every ethnicity.

07-11-2017, 10:54 AM
My grandma lives in zakynthos, which was not ottoman,

Then they must have been considered even lower since they were not part of empire... They must have been dying of jealousy and desire to feel luxuries of Ottoman harem too, like rest of normal Greek ladies ;)

I read that Greek and overall Balkan females were most wanted and praised in harems.. I think it must have something with Middle Easterners and generally colored people having fetish on white woman...

Like symbol status. They perv so much on them...

brennus dux gallorum
07-11-2017, 10:56 AM

brennus dux gallorum
07-11-2017, 10:59 AM
Then they must have been considered even lower since they were not part of empire... They must have been dying of jealousy and desire to feel luxuries of Ottoman harem too, like rest of normal Greek ladies ;)

I read that Greek and overall Balkan females were most wanted and praised in harems.. I think it must have something with Middle Easterners and generally colored people having fetish on white woman...

Like symbol status. They perv so much on them...

Yes, we feel so jealous for not being part of the Empire, especially for not converting to Islam :D

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-11-2017, 10:59 AM
Portuguese people emigrate and work for same price or cheaper then Albanians, Bosnjaks and Polish people all over Europe.. Like dogs on chain for their richer masters...

You are shit country.. Not to mention you are in EU so most likely you are also getting breastfed entire time unlike Albanians that are independent.

Entire Europe is paying your shit economy and Portugal is so desperate that you guys legalized all drugs, heroin included to attract more tourists...

Prostitute country with prostitute people... No wonder you are prostituting yourself too in threads like this...

BTW its very lame to find excuse in people like Brazil that you were bulling and killing and torturing... So now its their fault too because you guys are unsuccessful emigrant slaves?

Its not that you are the only country that had colonies in history lol, yet you are the shittiest one and its lame from you blaming on your colonies when they should blame you instead of their misery.

Killers and thieves..

Is it really for the same price as you claim? It depends on what type of job is it...How many Albanians are highly qualified workers? What credit do they give in Europe to someone with an Albanian diploma? How many Albanian universities are on the top 300 worldwide? The first Albanian university placed on the ranking is on the 5141st position...

I feel people will be giving the crisis excuse even after 20 years...we're ahead of that already. Portuguese economy is currently growing above European Union average (at a rate of 2.5%), above nations like Germany.

"The International Monetary Fund has more than doubled its 2017 growth outlook for Portugal after the country's "near-term outlook strengthened considerably", thanks to rising investment and exports, it said on Friday.

In a report on a monitoring mission following the end of Portugal's bailout in 2014, the IMF now predicts that gross domestic product will grow 2.5 percent this year, up from a forecast of 1.3 percent released in February."


Concerning unemployment, it has been reducing it and is now at 10% (the Euro average is 9.3%). Not really that different as well.

The decriminalization of drugs in Portugal is seen as a success case throughout the world has it decreased substantially the use of drugs. Drugs are not legal to sell in here as in the Netherlands, so I don't get what the heck you're talking about tourists coming here to get drugs...

https://thumbs.mic.com/NTIyZGZmMzYzYyMvTjhPMFhsRG93Sk83aWthUTRPOGhLWkpxTG dNPS8weDA6NzAweDU1My9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpx dWFsaXR5KDcwKTpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpL2 h0dHA6Ly9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3BvbGljeW1pYy1pbWFn ZXMvMGxqZGFsb3JxYXEzaHV1emhjdnVocnZjdW5uYXZhZzhraG t0ZnpsaHM1dm53NXF1aGcwdXNxeXhpZ3o0aDJjYS5qcGc.jpg

https://thumbs.mic.com/YzY2MDJmZjM5ZCMvRlhMR1VabDNlc3pfeHhtTVk1eGF0a3lNYV RzPS8weDA6NzExeDM3OC9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpx dWFsaXR5KDcwKTpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpL2 h0dHA6Ly9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3BvbGljeW1pYy1pbWFn ZXMvdHJseTJ5dnRpd2k5dXo1aXhhYmVtdGlteDBtaW5zaWhqMz dqMG15cm1jZW0zM3k2eHN0ejF5N2Z4b3J0cmRuZC5qcGc.jpg

Portuguese diaspora is by no means an unsuccessful case u as you claim. We have people working in civil construction the same way as we do have CEOs on major companies worldwide or even NASA. Know what you're talking about first.

Portugal had a colonial empire, that only ended literally in 1999. It is very easy to roam to one of our ex-colonies, specially considering that many people still have properties or even families there. Some of our biggest diasporas are not even in Europe but in Brazil, Angola, Venezuela, South Africa...and I can tell you that Portuguese immigrants don't go there to work as plummers has the two Albanians that I met in Luanda.

A lot of Portuguese immigrate for a few years and then return back. Take myself as an example. Now how many of those 60% Albanians living abroad will return to Albania? Probably not many, considering by what I see here around TA, most of them are completely detached from Albania and can barely speak or understand the language anymore. Others marry Croatians like yourself and have half half-Slav\half-Albanian kids, so don't come at me with your pseudo Albo patriotism calling my people of prostitutes.

07-11-2017, 11:06 AM
Yes, we feel so jealous for not being part of the Empire, especially for not converting to Islam :D

Yea for you it was more honorable to give your wife and sister to be fucked by Ottoman soldiers, Nice religion ^_^

I bet your Orthodox priests fucked your wifes too, together with Ottomans, while you holed that cross.

At least you could masturbate while watching thru that keyhole while she was making animal sounds...

DISGRACE... How can you even live with that lol

07-11-2017, 11:08 AM
Is it really for the same price as you claim? It depends on what type of job is it...How many Albanians are highly qualified workers? What credit do they give in Europe to someone with an Albanian diploma? How many Albanian universities are on the top 300 worldwide? The first Albanian university placed on the ranking is on the 5141st position...

I feel people will be giving the crisis excuse even after 20 years...we're ahead of that already. Portuguese economy is currently growing above European Union average (at a rate of 2.5%), above nations like Germany.

"The International Monetary Fund has more than doubled its 2017 growth outlook for Portugal after the country's "near-term outlook strengthened considerably", thanks to rising investment and exports, it said on Friday.

In a report on a monitoring mission following the end of Portugal's bailout in 2014, the IMF now predicts that gross domestic product will grow 2.5 percent this year, up from a forecast of 1.3 percent released in February."


Concerning unemployment, it has been reducing it and is now at 10% (the Euro average is 9.3%). Not really that different as well.

The decriminalization of drugs in Portugal is seen as a success case throughout the world has it decreased substantially the use of drugs. Drugs are not legal to sell in here as in the Netherlands, so I don't get what the heck you're talking about tourists coming here to get drugs...

https://thumbs.mic.com/NTIyZGZmMzYzYyMvTjhPMFhsRG93Sk83aWthUTRPOGhLWkpxTG dNPS8weDA6NzAweDU1My9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpx dWFsaXR5KDcwKTpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpL2 h0dHA6Ly9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3BvbGljeW1pYy1pbWFn ZXMvMGxqZGFsb3JxYXEzaHV1emhjdnVocnZjdW5uYXZhZzhraG t0ZnpsaHM1dm53NXF1aGcwdXNxeXhpZ3o0aDJjYS5qcGc.jpg

https://thumbs.mic.com/YzY2MDJmZjM5ZCMvRlhMR1VabDNlc3pfeHhtTVk1eGF0a3lNYV RzPS8weDA6NzExeDM3OC9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpx dWFsaXR5KDcwKTpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpL2 h0dHA6Ly9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3BvbGljeW1pYy1pbWFn ZXMvdHJseTJ5dnRpd2k5dXo1aXhhYmVtdGlteDBtaW5zaWhqMz dqMG15cm1jZW0zM3k2eHN0ejF5N2Z4b3J0cmRuZC5qcGc.jpg

Portuguese diaspora is by no means an unsuccessful case u as you claim. We have people working in civil construction the same way as we do have CEOs on major companies worldwide or even NASA. Know what you're talking about first.

Portugal had a colonial empire, that only ended literally in 1999. It is very easy to roam to one of our ex-colonies, specially considering that many people still have properties or even families there. Some of our biggest diasporas are not even in Europe but in Brazil, Angola, Venezuela, South Africa...and I can tell you that Portuguese immigrants don't go there to work as plummers has the two Albanians that I met in Luanda.

A lot of Portuguese immigrate for a few years and then return back. Take myself as an example. Now how many of those 60% Albanians living abroad will return to Albania? Probably not many, considering by what I see here around TA, most of them are completely detached from Albania and can barely speak or understand the language anymore. Others marry Croatians like yourself and half half-Slav\half-Albanian kids, so don't come at me with your pseudo Albo patriotism calling my people of prostitutes.

Shut up, you are boring, im not even reading this post lol, you are cheap mulatto country on chain of foreigner white rich masters, deal with it.

No matter what statistics you post lol... Go shoot yourself with heroin, its legal there anyways...

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-11-2017, 11:17 AM
Shut up, you are boring, im not even reading this post lol, you are cheap mulatto country on chain of foreigner white rich masters, deal with it.

No matter what statistics you post lol... Go shoot yourself with heroin, its legal there anyways...

I know it is too difficult for an 82 IQer as you to comprehend. As for being dependent on foreign capital investment, while it is not untrue it is also a option that our governments took. In case of war, bankruptcy, total catastrophy, colapse of Euro, we are more than able to recover and issue our own money since we still have one the highest gold reserves in the world.


Herr Abubu
07-11-2017, 12:39 PM
I know it is too difficult for an 82 IQer as you to comprehend. As for being dependent on foreign capital investment, while it is not untrue it is also a option that our governments took. In case of war, bankruptcy, total catastrophy, colapse of Euro, we are more than able to recover and issue our own money since we still have one the highest gold reserves in the world.


I don't care for the argument you two are having, but I will point something out for you. The whereabouts of a gold reserve is entirely irrelevant. Gold may be deposited in one country but not belong to it. The Swiss deposits are mostly foreign, f.e., while Britain has a very strong control on the gold market which you wouldn't assume going by this map.

07-11-2017, 01:10 PM
I know it is too difficult for an 82 IQer as you to comprehend. As for being dependent on foreign capital investment, while it is not untrue it is also a option that our governments took. In case of war, bankruptcy, total catastrophy, colapse of Euro, we are more than able to recover and issue our own money since we still have one the highest gold reserves in the world.


Like a baboon chimping on some worthless metal when there are entire solar systems and galaxies to take for free...

Primitive human bean.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-11-2017, 01:14 PM
I don't care for the argument you two are having, but I will point something out for you. The whereabouts of a gold reserve is entirely irrelevant. Gold may be deposited in one country but not belong to it. The Swiss deposits are mostly foreign, f.e., while Britain has a very strong control on the gold market which you wouldn't assume going by this map.

Except that in our case we do have those gold reserves in Portugal, they are not abroad. It is not irrelevant as you say even though the gold market is subject to speculation and volatility as are other markets, it is still the best investment (and it has been for centuries).

06-01-2019, 08:00 PM
My photos are literally still here idiot.



The two images I've posted. You are also free to pm and get in personal contact if you're in doubt over anything. Do you and Raine share the same mental illness?

Chechens are badass people, not an insult to me. Although I wouldn't say I look like one that much, to each his own. I don't have a yurop obsession, I go by facts only.

Now post your pics bruh, I wanna see how similar I look to a real European.

Are you on facebook?

06-01-2019, 08:03 PM
Not going to post them, you can keep on waiting or search for them. I am not in need to prove something I know I am.

I do not believe your empty words!!!