View Full Version : Split from racially incorrect hobbits thread: racially incorrect Conan adaptations

12-01-2010, 09:13 AM
After this incident I'm rather sure we actually will see some ethnic minorities in The Hobbit. Now the media are on it, now the cast needs some ethnic quota or the PC pressure becomes too high. Sad world.

There's a new Conan movie in development, and guess who is supposed to play the role of Conan the Barbarian? Jason Momoa.


You don't believe me? Watch the trailer: http://filmkinotrailer.com/2010/07/conan-film-fotos.html


They kill the epic plot of Robert E. Howard with an ethnic rastaman. Vomit, guys. Just vomit.

The Lawspeaker
12-01-2010, 09:37 AM
Fuck this. I am not going watch films newer then some 15 years anymore.

12-01-2010, 09:42 AM
After this incident I'm rather sure we actually will see some ethnic minorities in The Hobbit. Now the media are on it, now the cast needs some ethnic quota or the PC pressure becomes too high. Sad world.

There's a new Conan movie in development, and guess who is supposed to play the role of Conan the Barbarian? Jason Momoa.


Conan the Barbadian :D

12-01-2010, 10:13 AM
Conan the Barbadian :D
I doubt I can laugh about it, the issue isn't supposed to be funny at all. I've read the books and love the old movies and the MMORPG, but this mixed rasta kills it.

12-01-2010, 10:18 AM
I doubt I can laugh about it, the issue isn't supposed to be funny at all. I've read the books and love the old movies and the MMORPG, but this mixed rasta kills it.

That´s true, but still as far as I know, Conan wasn´t firmly described as a pale european...Imagine, that they are gonna do this with eg. Siegfried or someone else from eg. the Nibelungs, Conan isn´t as big problem for me as would be this.

12-01-2010, 10:18 AM
I doubt I can laugh about it, the issue isn't supposed to be funny at all. I've read the books and love the old movies and the MMORPG, but this mixed rasta kills it.

Actually, I take what I just said back; they're NOT trying to pass him as some kind of Africanoid.
His ancestry is actually quite respectable if you ask me. Might not be all European, and he might be slightly dark, but good god, if another Idris Elba playing Heimdall, "the whitest of the gods" thing was happening here, I'd be pissed too. Luckily it's not, and I'm amped for this movie.

12-01-2010, 10:26 AM
Conan was also supposed to be quite tan and dark-haired.

And blue-eyed:

Now he grinned bleakly as the kings reined back a safe distance from the grim iron-clad figure looming among the dead. Before the savage blue eyes blazing murderously from beneath the crested, dented helmed, the boldest shrank.

The Scarlet Citadel

For me though, this actor simply doesn't "look" strong enough to be Conan.

12-01-2010, 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Radola
That´s true, but still as far as I know, Conan wasn´t firmly described as a pale european...

Howard quite clearly states that Conan is a northern barbarian of black hair and blue eyes whose tanned complexion is due to his fighting in southern lands. Cimmeria (Conan’s land) is, in Howard’s maps, roughly where the British Isles are today (Howard’s realm like Tolkien’s was meant to be a mythic, pre-historical version of our world).

I’m not sure if that changed in the non-Howard works, I haven’t read the later books from what I have hard they have been made more politically correct. Howard was a very race conscious man.

12-01-2010, 10:36 AM
What I hate the most about action movies these days is the camerawork. They shake the camera back and forth up and down, twirl the lense around! To make it seem like a lot is happening when nothing is.

Kind of like in those car chase scenes through crowded areas, where the cars are going 20 mph. That camerawork can make a fat man sitting and shooting a BB gun at squirrels seem like an epic, fast-paced firefight.

I agree, Conan could have been cast as someone more Europid and Cro-Magnoid (jutting, sloped brow is not a Cro-Magnid feature, contrary to what most people believe). Momoa's still a better cast than Arnold. I honestly don't know who I would cast though. There aren't a whole lot of big, strong, European male actors; almost intentionally so. It's depressing when you realize this idea of short-statured, frail, pseudo-humorous, and white is becoming a stereotype. Which is amusing, considering the strongest men in the world are consistently white. The most impressive men in Conan are all Middle-Eastern, black, or half-white mixed.

And blue-eyed:

Now he grinned bleakly as the kings reined back a safe distance from the grim iron-clad figure looming among the dead. Before the savage blue eyes blazing murderously from beneath the crested, dented helmed, the boldest shrank.

The Scarlet Citadel

For me though, this actor simply doesn't "look" strong enough to be Conan.

Having a watered-down lead actor is a Hollywood tradition :).

12-01-2010, 10:49 AM
Having a watered-down lead actor is a Hollywood tradition :).

Then why were you claiming that this Jason fellow fits 'the mould' if the mould doesn't really matter? In addition to the passage I cited describing Conan's eyes as blue, consider this one:

Conan was a Cimmerian by birth, one of those fierce moody hillmen who dwelt in their gloomy, cloudy land in the north.

The Scarlet Citadel

Realistically, if we're going to stick to 'the mould', how much does this actor fit the description of a blue-eyed man from a dark and northern land?

I realise you did specify "better than Schwarzenegger did" but...how? By the way, I'm not a fan of Schwarzenegger as Conan either.

12-01-2010, 10:58 AM
Then why were you claiming that this Jason fellow fits 'the mould' if the mould doesn't really matter? In addition to the passage I cited describing Conan's eyes as blue, consider this one:

Conan was a Cimmerian by birth, one of those fierce moody hillmen who dwelt in their gloomy, cloudy land in the north.

The Scarlet Citadel

Realistically, if we're going to stick to 'the mould', how much does this actor fit the description of a blue-eyed man from a dark and northern land?

I realise you did specify "better than Schwarzenegger did" but...how? By the way, I'm not a fan of Schwarzenegger as Conan either.

Because Schwarzenegger's simply not a realistic Conan. He gives me more of the impression of "oversized Down's syndrome" than powerful Northern warrior with a mind as sharp as his blade. Maybe it's because I didn't like the movie in the first place... only thing decent about it was the soundtrack.

12-01-2010, 03:06 PM
Because Schwarzenegger's simply not a realistic Conan. He gives me more of the impression of "oversized Down's syndrome" than powerful Northern warrior with a mind as sharp as his blade.

I hope you like the new Conan better:

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTI5MTU5NjM1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODc4MDk0Mw@@._ V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg

only thing decent about it was the soundtrack.

Written by Basil Poledouris.

12-01-2010, 04:24 PM
That´s true, but still as far as I know, Conan wasn´t firmly described as a pale european...
But he has been described as European. The new actor who plays Conan is mixed.

Listen, in Howard's universe, Conan belongs to the people of Cimmeria. The Cimmerians are brutal and brute people from the mountains of the North of Hyboria. They life in cold valleys with ice, glaciers and frozen forests. They are at war with the Ymirs and the noble Aquilonians see them as Barbarians.

Robert E. Howard described the Cimmerian culture as a mix of Celtic and Germanic elements. While Conan isn't described as a blonde, blue-eyed Nordman, he's a Nordman with pale skin, cold, dark eyes and black hairs. There're Celts who look like that.

The Aquilonians in Howard's universe resemble ancient Romans and their culture. The Stygians resemble Arabs, their main god Set has strong similarities with Allah.

A dark-haired, dark-eyed European with pale skin could play Conan. But this club med-like mixed rasta actor belongs to the animateur team of a 4-star hotel in the middle of the Carribean sea but not in a movie about Conan as Conan.


Written by Basil Poledouris.
Probably the most important Greek achievement of the last 1700 years. Respect!

12-01-2010, 04:54 PM
I doubt I can laugh about it, the issue isn't supposed to be funny at all. I've read the books and love the old movies and the MMORPG, but this mixed rasta kills it.

Oh come on, where's your sense of humour? We all know that Hollywood is rubbish at accurate depiction.

The Prince Of Persia didn't look very Persian to me and neither did Perseus (Clash Of The Titans) look very Greek, In fact, I think Sam Worthington would have been better playing a Celtic hero.



Magister Eckhart
12-01-2010, 07:08 PM
After this incident I'm rather sure we actually will see some ethnic minorities in The Hobbit. Now the media are on it, now the cast needs some ethnic quota or the PC pressure becomes too high. Sad world.

There's a new Conan movie in development, and guess who is supposed to play the role of Conan the Barbarian? Jason Momoa.


You don't believe me? Watch the trailer: http://filmkinotrailer.com/2010/07/conan-film-fotos.html


They kill the epic plot of Robert E. Howard with an ethnic rastaman. Vomit, guys. Just vomit.

I'm not sure Arnold really is much better, but what do you expect? He is "the barbarian" and even with our contemporary "racially-friendly" outlook, the dark people still ring as "barbarian" or "savage" to us.

The only place that preserves Robert E. Howard's epicness are his original works, really.

12-01-2010, 08:20 PM
Rand al'Thor owned Conan the Barbarian so bad in a fantasy cage-match Robert E. Howard himself couldn't recall Conan.

Robert Jordan 1 - 0 Barbarians ;).

12-02-2010, 12:57 PM
But he has been described as European. The new actor who plays Conan is mixed......

Okay, you´re right, I must admit, that I don´t remember so many details, it´s a long time from the moment I read the book myself. But the main "message" in my message was that destroying Conan´s character is a problem, but much smaller problem than If they destroy and one day they might do it, some really important persons and symbols like Brunhild or Siegfried from The Nibelungs...

12-02-2010, 01:39 PM
mmm.....To be honest I don't have any problem with the new Conan.There is an undeniable "exotic" element to it, but to be fair (and this is just a subjetive opinion) seems to me closer to the tanned barbarian depicted on many Frank Frazetta's illustrations.

Magister Eckhart
12-02-2010, 05:43 PM
Actually, I take what I just said back; they're NOT trying to pass him as some kind of Africanoid.
His ancestry is actually quite respectable if you ask me. Might not be all European, and he might be slightly dark, but good god, if another Idris Elba playing Heimdall, "the whitest of the gods" thing was happening here, I'd be pissed too. Luckily it's not, and I'm amped for this movie.

Judging from the first picture, they could just as well have chosen Gerry Butler to play the role. I have to admit, they gave him blue eyes and they didn't dred up his hair like Svanhild made it appear-- I have fewer problems with this casting.

12-02-2010, 06:32 PM
I have to admit, he does look like some illustrations I've seen of Conan. But we shall see when the movie comes out. We shall see. He'll need to talk right and act right as well as look right. Moving images and stills are very different. But I can stomach this a bit better. I'm holding my breath about the actual movie and how much they are likely to pervert Howard's ideas now (which are vastly more important than what shade the actor's skin is alone).

I still think a white man should have been Conan, though.

12-02-2010, 06:46 PM
I'm holding my breath about the actual movie and how much they are likely to pervert Howard's ideas now (which is vastly more important than what shade the actor's skin is alone).

Very true. Hollywood has no scruples when it comes to such things. I'm not expecting much, purely because the industry focuses its efforts on generating $$$ as opposed to being respectful to the original works. Their track record is awful. Case in point: for good reason, this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_Robot_%28film%29) does not hold a lot of popularity with fans of this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_robot).

Magister Eckhart
12-02-2010, 06:52 PM
I have to admit, he does look like some illustrations I've seen of Conan. But we shall see when the movie comes out. We shall see. He'll need to talk right and act right as well as look right. Moving images and stills are very different. But I can stomach this a bit better. I'm holding my breath about the actual movie and how much they are likely to pervert Howard's ideas now (which are vastly more important than what shade the actor's skin is alone).

I still think a white man should have been Conan, though.

I definitely agree. To be honest I think Solomon Kane is a better character than Conan anyway, though, and I'd prefer to see a Solomon Kane film than all these Conan films. He's also an explicitly white character, which I suppose might make it difficult to pull that off in Hollywood, especially with the characterisation of Kane:

The ancient empires fall, the dark-skinned peoples fade and even the demons of antiquity gasp their last, but over all stands the Aryan barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the supreme fighting man of the earth.

12-02-2010, 07:34 PM
Very true. Hollywood has no scruples when it comes to such things. I'm not expecting much, purely because the industry focuses its efforts on generating $$$ as opposed to being respectful to the original works. Their track record is awful. Case in point: for good reason, this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_Robot_%28film%29) does not hold a lot of popularity with fans of this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_robot).

I don't know much about Asimov's politics, but he did strike me as a bit of a globalist humanist like many sci-fi writers of his day. That being said, the man had some amazing ideas.

Didn't he write The Final Question (about entrophy) and The Final Answer? Amazing ideas that he explored.

12-02-2010, 07:44 PM
I definitely agree. To be honest I think Solomon Kane is a better character than Conan anyway, though, and I'd prefer to see a Solomon Kane film than all these Conan films. He's also an explicitly white character, which I suppose might make it difficult to pull that off in Hollywood, especially with the characterisation of Kane:

There already is a Solomon Kane film (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970452/):


I haven't seen it, so if you do and it sucks, don't shoot me.

12-02-2010, 08:42 PM
After this incident I'm rather sure we actually will see some ethnic minorities in The Hobbit. Now the media are on it, now the cast needs some ethnic quota or the PC pressure becomes too high. Sad world.

There's a new Conan movie in development, and guess who is supposed to play the role of Conan the Barbarian? Jason Momoa.


You don't believe me? Watch the trailer: http://filmkinotrailer.com/2010/07/conan-film-fotos.html


They kill the epic plot of Robert E. Howard with an ethnic rastaman. Vomit, guys. Just vomit.

My favourite hero, the atlantid warrior of blackmane and blue eyes, now is a afro nigger....

This is the true look of Conan "Black mane like raven's wing and steel blue eyes"


12-02-2010, 11:11 PM
My favourite hero, the atlantid warrior of blackmane and blue eyes, now is a afro nigger....

This is the true look of Conan "Black mane like raven's wing and steel blue eyes"


Momoa actually fits that look better than Arnold did. Arnold never pulled off the look of dark, scheming, and tempestuous.

And I'll say it again: they are definitely NOT trying to pass him as Africanoid. He doesn't have dreads, and last time I checked, "rastamen" didn't wear boots made out of hide and battle skirts.
Besides, the only reason he ever looks Africanoid is because of the dreads and the facial hair. I have individual respect for every piece of his ancestry.
To quote Ethnicelebs:

Momoa was born to a Hawaiian father and a mother of German, Irish, and Native American descent.

Although like Debaser said, I do hope he ACTS European; this means he shouldn't have an absentminded swagger and shouldn't lazily grabass all the white wimmenz in the film. I also don't like the fact that all the white men in the film are Hollywood's stereotypically ridiculous type.
Jews Ron Perlman and Stephen Lang (who is also a midget):

12-02-2010, 11:24 PM
I do not understand your point of view, Momoam with Amerindian mother, is right for you in the role of Conan of Cimmeria?

Robert E Howard is crying in his grave.


It looks like a Stygian or a fat pict, as Conan liked to kill.

12-02-2010, 11:29 PM
I do not understand your point of view, Momoam with Amerindian mother, is right for you in the role of Conan of Cimmeria?
North Amerindian? Yes, I'm fine with it. I have great respect for North Amerindians; some of the most noble, humble, and graceful people I have ever met were North Amerindian. About 8% of my school is from a pred. Native North American background, some native to this very region, and they are some of the most elegant-looking people imaginable.

There is a very fine line between the Northern type and the Southern type, though. The Southern type, appearance-wise, is rough and primitive-looking, and tends to behave in such ways if brought up in a rough and primitive culture. I know because I've had to travel through en route to a remote Oaxacan village.

12-02-2010, 11:35 PM
North Amerindian? Yes, I'm fine with it. I have great respect for North Amerindians; some of the most noble, humble, and graceful people I have ever met were North Amerindian. There is a very fine line between the Northern type and the Southern type, though. The Southern type, appearance-wise, is rough and primitive-looking, and tends to behave in such ways if brought up in a rough and primitive culture; Mexico has some of most obscene crime problems I've ever encountered. I know because I have had to travel through to visit remote Oaxacan villages before.

This is not that American Indians are respected, sure they are great people.... the matter is that conan was a man Atlantean of Western European appearance, created by Robert E. Howard, an admirer of their European roots.

The japenesse are too great and noble people.

12-02-2010, 11:37 PM
Well, labeling him a negro as I implied he was in a previous post (with less information about his look) and as you have done is not totally fair, either. He looks a bit different in each shot. It's hard for me to judge fairly at this point (though I do remain skeptical) and I think that would apply to everyone at this point that is not on the set. If he truly plays the role well, I'm willing to accept that ability got him the role and not his "exotic" look that Hollywood Jews wanted to rub in the faces of whites. He does resemble the character enough in certain shots. The biggest issue concerning his features are his nose and lips which don't look white enough, in my opinion. But if someone said that was a small complaint, I think that would be a valid argument if he pulls the acting part off.

12-02-2010, 11:38 PM
This is not that American Indians are respected, sure they are great people.... the matter is that conan was a man Atlantean of Western European appearance, created by Robert E. Howard, an admirer of their European roots.

The japenesse are too great and noble people.

Basically, I almost never resent the representation of an under-represented and respectable people, unless it was simply a diversity cast. Otherwise I would be a hypocrite. I do agree his ethnic background isn't a perfect fit, but it's SO much better than most of Hollywood's casting. And he isn't Jewish nor Jew-leaning as far as I know, making the cast more bearable than over 50% of Hollywood's casting.

12-02-2010, 11:42 PM
Basically, I almost never resent the representation of an under-represented and respectable people, unless it was simply a diversity cast. Otherwise I would be a hypocrite. I do agree his ethnic background isn't a perfect fit, but it's SO much better than most of Hollywood's casting. And he isn't Jewish nor Jew-leaning as far as I know, making the cast more bearable than over 50% of Hollywood's casting.

Racially many Jews would be more appropriate for the role of conan than Momoa.

Jews are a religion.

12-02-2010, 11:43 PM
Hollywood is GREAT representing non-wasp ethnicities. This is a "Spaniard" according to them :



12-02-2010, 11:46 PM
Racially many Jews would be more appropriate for the role of conan than Momoa.

Jews are a religion.

Not when you're referring to ethnic Jews. While the majority of Hollywood actors aren't "fully Jew", many are about half. Jay Baruchel and Matthew Broderick are a couple examples. Besides, 95% of Jewish people (Orthodox Jews) would disagree that Jewish-ness is simply a religion.

12-02-2010, 11:53 PM
I'm not one who normally defends this type of casting, but I think it could actually work here. Spaghetti westerns have a long history of using Italian actors to play Mexicans and Indians. And they did a good job. Had they done a bad job (especially due to their Italianess), I wouldn't like the Man With No Name trilogy so much.

My issue is if this guy's minorityish traits will take away from the character Howard created. It seems too early to really know. It's not obvious that will be the case to me like it was with a case like Iron Man II where they made Nick Fury black or Daredevil where they turned a white, aristocratic Englishman like Kingpin (his ethnic and class background were actually what made him so great) into a negro thug or like Iberia's example (which actually pissed me off not because I'm Spaniard, but because I really like Vega and hate mestizos trying to steal him). I think this guy cast as Conan can still pull off whiteness (for lack of a better word). Again, his nose and lips are really all that's hugely suspect given Conan's dark complexion. He definitely has the brow ridge.

12-02-2010, 11:58 PM
Not when you're referring to ethnic Jews. While the majority of Hollywood actors aren't "fully Jew", many are about half. Jay Baruchel and Matthew Broderick are a couple examples. Besides, 95% of Jewish people (Orthodox Jews) would disagree that Jewish-ness is simply a religion.

No, a ethnic jew is a Palestinian, the Jewish you say are mostly Europeans ancestors.

This is a true ethnic jew, that was his physical appearance.


This not is a jew.


12-03-2010, 12:07 AM
No, a ethnic jew is a Palestinian, the Jewish you say are mostly Europeans ancestors.

This is a true ethnic jew, that was his physical appearance.


This not is a jew.

Yes, but Scarlett is half Danish. Most jews (includes Ahskenazi) are closer genetically to the Lebanese, Asyirians and other semites than to Europeans.

12-03-2010, 12:10 AM
We are talking about physical appearance, not genetics.

12-03-2010, 12:10 AM
And I'll bet that's why she's so attractive.

12-03-2010, 12:15 AM
100 times more European than the actor Jason Momoa.





Either way both are shit for the role of Conan, a dark-haired Atlantean of blue eyes.

12-03-2010, 12:16 AM
And I'll bet that's why she's so attractive.

There are very few exceptionally attractive ethnic Jews, but the ones that are you can be sure to find in front of a camera. If you lived in a mostly Jewish town for a year like I did, you'd probably agree. The female contenders were so bad that I, unaware of just how Jewish my environs were, concluded that white women were simply unattractive.

It wasn't until a moved North to a predominantly Irish/German/Russian area that I realized how wrong I was.

12-03-2010, 12:20 AM
We are talking about physical appearance, not genetics.
Jews are and look semitic, unless they are 1/2 or 3/4 european like Scarlett.

12-03-2010, 12:22 AM
There are very few exceptionally attractive ethnic Jews, but the ones that are you can be sure to find in front of a camera. If you lived in a mostly Jewish town for a year like I did, you'd probably agree. The female contenders were so bad that I, unaware of just how Jewish my environs were, concluded that white women were simply unattractive.

It wasn't until a moved North to a predominantly Irish/German/Russian area that I realized how wrong I was.

I was referring to SJH's Danishness, not her Jewishness. :)

12-03-2010, 12:31 AM
I was referring to SJH's Danishness, not her Jewishness. :)

Just wanted to put that out there :P. It's one of the reasons there's a disconnect between so many white people and a feeling of kinship and culture: simple human physical appearance/aesthetics. There's a world of perspective one can gain by simply looking at that.

100 times more European than the actor Jason Momoa.


The problem is that people will look at this shrimpy, strange, mostly unappealing guy and see a EUROPEAN; a white guy. They won't see him for a Jew. Hence, my issues with Hollywood's representations... Han Solo was a Jew. The new Spider-Man will be a Jew. Harry Potter is a Jew. Johnny Cash was a Jew.

And this may be off-topic if it doesn't concern you, but there are VERY FEW lead actor opportunities for Nordic people, despite the fact that we make up more of the US' population than Jews and generalizations of "white privilege" and "WASP-yness" and other such ignorance.

12-03-2010, 12:35 AM
Han Solo was a Jew. .

Harrison Ford¿?

What is the problem?


He is the best actor for Han Solo, for sure.

12-03-2010, 12:58 AM
Just wanted to put that out there :P.

I found your anecdote interesting and not surprising. But I have still seen plenty of attractive Jews and far too many ugly, trashy white Angloish people here in the south to just go head first with applying your observations as some sort of general rule. Most of the white trash down south within the Bible Belt comes from the same gene pool as the beautiful people you are likely to encounter in Great Britain and Ireland. Much of the fat midwestern trailer hitches that push shopping carts around in Walmarts likely come from the same gene pool as all those beautiful German and Russian women you observed.

So while I'm not advising you to distrust what your eyes see like some PC Marxist goon who thinks the exception to the rule disproves the whole trend (which is really the modern logical hiccup most PC is founded on that has paralyzed whites more than anything else), I would at least add that you need to be sure that your view stays panoramic. And not to put words into your mouth, but having the mindset that gentile women are largely gorgeous and Jewish women are largely disgusting is not really doing so given the level of mixture between Ashkenazis and Europeans.

It's one of the reasons there's a disconnect between so many white people and a feeling of kinship and culture: simple human physical appearance/aesthetics. There's a world of perspective one can gain by simply looking at that.

That's an interesting thought and there is probably something to it. I remember reading that Europe had the least amount of diversity at least genetically, but that does not seem to be the case phenotypically. Phenotypically, whites by themselves seem much more diverse than other races and there probably is something to the idea that our diverse phenotypes make it harder to herd us together for any sort of common cause. We just don't seem to relate to one another while other races are sheep by comparison.

Even more interesting to me is the idea that our diversity (hair, eyes, body type) may be a result of our experimental nature. I think it's very likely that mutations in other groups would have less of a chance surviving and thriving because those other groups are less "outside the box" in their thinking. That theory of course can never be proven but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the way the stars were aligned.

The problem is that people will look at this shrimpy, strange, mostly unappealing guy and see a EUROPEAN; a white guy.

True. But LOL, we have them too. We're not all Conan. My uncle looks like a string bean but his brother was the big stud on campus. Genetics is a little more complicated than what you seem to be insinuating here.

They won't see him for a Jew. Hence, my issues with Hollywood's representations... Han Solo was a Jew. The new Spider-Man will be a Jew. Harry Potter is a Jew. Johnny Cash was a Jew.

Well, I thought what's his name and what's his name were each an attractive enough Han Solo and Johnny Cash. Cash in real life was an ugly dude. I know some Asian girls I taught English to were wild about what's his face that played Harry Potter. They had a fanclub.

And this may be off-topic if it doesn't concern you, but there are VERY FEW lead actor opportunities for Nordic people, despite the fact that we make up more of the US' population than Jews and generalizations of "white privilege" and "WASP-yness" and other such ignorance.

This doesn't concern a Slav (even one with light features), I suppose. This is an interesting claim that I'm not totally skeptical of given with what appears on the screen. Can you elaborate, though? Are you saying that Jewish nepotism de facto discriminates against Nordics or are you intimating that there is an active anti Nordic streak among Hollywood people?

12-03-2010, 01:44 AM
Hollyjewood Hands...

Vega. Spaniard character from Street Fighter.
Original: Made in Japan. (Yes, falkata's avatar).

According to Hollywood :

I guess if they decide to make films about these characters...

Conquistadores Cortés, Pizarro and Alvarado:

Mozart and Salieri:



What did you expect from Conan?

Magister Eckhart
12-03-2010, 07:17 AM
There already is a Solomon Kane film (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970452/):


I haven't seen it, so if you do and it sucks, don't shoot me.

Well the poster seems hyperbolic but most do...

What's the call of the guy playing Kane:


James Purefoy: Jew?

It seems to me the amount of Jews playing Europeans in film is both a) exaggerated, b) irrelevant. Not every European looks like a "Conan" type, so the accusations of "shrimpiness" are frankly superfluous and, I dare say, rather shallow.

12-03-2010, 09:54 AM
I thought Kane carried a rapier? That looks more like a side-sword.

12-03-2010, 01:46 PM
At the 2006 San Diego Comic Con (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Diego_Comic_Con), it was announced that a feature film based upon the character of Solomon Kane (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soloman_Kane) was in development at Davis-Films, with Michael J. Bassett writing and directing. The film was produced by Samuel Hadida, Paul Berrow and Kevan Van Thompson. Shooting started in Czech Republic in January 2008, with James Purefoy (Rome's Mark Anthony) as Kane. Max von Sydow plays Kane's father, and Pete Postlethwaite, Alice Krige and Jason Flemyng are among the supporting cast. Patrick Tatopoulos, creature designer for Godzilla, Underworld, Silent Hill, I Am Legend and others, conceptualized the monsters Kane fights in his battles with the forces of evil. The film was released in France on December 23, 2009 and in the UK on February 19, 2010 to wide critical acclaim.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/52/Netflix_Logo.svg/120px-Netflix_Logo.svg.png (http://movies.netflix.com/Movie/Solomon-Kane/70120167)

12-03-2010, 02:05 PM
James Purefoy: Jew?

I thought he is just English, he don't really strike me as Jewish looking.

12-03-2010, 02:13 PM
He could be Jewish though. It says he likes to sell copies of the Socialist Worker and he supports Yeovil Town. You'd think he'd support his own, but noooo! Taunton is too old hat for this red scum.

12-03-2010, 02:47 PM
The name, Purefoy, is originally Norman French (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normans) and literally means "good faith" or "my word or bond is in good faith." Some Purefoys went to England during the Norman Conquest (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_conquest_of_England) and others emigrated to England as French Huguenot expatriates in the fifteenth century (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huguenot#Britain_and_Ireland).

12-03-2010, 03:05 PM
He looks a bit Tydal.

Comte Arnau
12-04-2010, 02:09 AM
As the Spaniards have said, if Taboo passes for a blond Iberian, then what does one expect for Conan? And thanks Woden they haven't chosen an Afro-American Thor...

Btw, young Conan in the Schwarzenegger's film was played by the Spaniard Jorge Sanz. :D


12-04-2010, 02:29 AM
Not including the other races in white roles sort of exposes how feeble their literary and cultural record truly is next to the European one.

12-06-2010, 03:00 AM
So while I'm not advising you to distrust what your eyes see like some PC Marxist goon who thinks the exception to the rule disproves the whole trend (which is really the modern logical hiccup most PC is founded on that has paralyzed whites more than anything else), I would at least add that you need to be sure that your view stays panoramic. And not to put words into your mouth, but having the mindset that gentile women are largely gorgeous and Jewish women are largely disgusting is not really doing so given the level of mixture between Ashkenazis and Europeans.

I realize that I live in a more attractive area than most; it's also a much poorer area, which can be explained by the influx of Eastern European immigrants; I shouldn't equate low social status as correlative to good looks either. But even on my visit to Topeka, which is a very rural, Anglo-ish sort of area, I noticed the same trend; I saw a lot of Irish and German-looking women who were very attractive, the least of which would be considered the most attractive in my Jewish city. There are plenty of things that go into this, of course; location, duration of exposure, optimism.

That's an interesting thought and there is probably something to it. I remember reading that Europe had the least amount of diversity at least genetically, but that does not seem to be the case phenotypically. Phenotypically, whites by themselves seem much more diverse than other races and there probably is something to the idea that our diverse phenotypes make it harder to herd us together for any sort of common cause. We just don't seem to relate to one another while other races are sheep by comparison.

Even more interesting to me is the idea that our diversity (hair, eyes, body type) may be a result of our experimental nature. I think it's very likely that mutations in other groups would have less of a chance surviving and thriving because those other groups are less "outside the box" in their thinking. That theory of course can never be proven but I wouldn't be surprised if that's the way the stars were aligned.

Agreed; whites are BY FAR the most phenotypically diverse. Most whites like to convince themselves, however, that ALL of the perceived diversity can be explained by their own ethnocentrism rather than the fact that the human eye picks out traits like color, shape, and size quite naturally.

Simply put, blacks are all brown. Asians are tannish to pale, with brown to black features. Amerindians are, again, brown. While some argue that the depigmentation that results in our unique coloration is actually dullness, or lack of "color", which seems like the same sort of logic as the gratitudal referral to "people of color" who are, in reality, quite mundane in their "colorfulness", the fact of the matter is that our depigmentation and evolution has made us universally distinct.

It's made us universally fortunate too; no one is ever going to complain or rebel against having blue eyes. There are extra-Europeans who would give an arm and a leg to have blue eyes and blond hair, and consider European women to be the most "angelic" and "fine-featured" in appearance; in Turkish culture, the very palest, to the point of transparency, are considered the most feminine.

This same perception occurs almost everywhere. The white tiger is revered as an angelic animal by African tribes. The spirit bear is regarded as very beautiful and spiritual by the Northern Amerindians. The polar bear is an effervescent symbol of beauty and power. The white fox, a symbol of innocence, lonesomeness, and cold. And they're virtually no more different from their "colored" counterparts than we are from ours.

To add to that, the connotation that we're not diverse enough is purely an anti-white sentiment. It says if we don't breed with other races, we end up inbred and stupid, when this is clearly not the case. Homogeneous populations are amongst the most intelligent everywhere in the world. Mixing conflicting genotypes can result in numerous skin problems, not limited to acne and ingrown hairs, and it makes it difficult to get organ transplants. And those are only a few of the biological problems...

Well, I thought what's his name and what's his name were each an attractive enough Han Solo and Johnny Cash. Cash in real life was an ugly dude. I know some Asian girls I taught English to were wild about what's his face that played Harry Potter. They had a fanclub.

Might have been because Harry Potter has a little yellow fever himself :P.

This doesn't concern a Slav (even one with light features), I suppose. This is an interesting claim that I'm not totally skeptical of given with what appears on the screen. Can you elaborate, though? Are you saying that Jewish nepotism de facto discriminates against Nordics or are you intimating that there is an active anti Nordic streak among Hollywood people?

I think there's a little bit of both.

Tired rambling:
It's impossible to argue that the stereotypes of the dumb blond, and even the evil blond have not been reinforced. Compounding these representations are consistently negative (racist, misogynistic, idiotic, violent) stereotypes of rednecks and Southerners almost whenever they appear, and it's among these underprivileged populations you typically see the most Nordic traits, as well as stereotypes of white privilege, as in the tall white guy clearly became the CEO through nepotism alone, and not through hard work and determination. These all form to create one big, bad image of Northern European people; an image that is probably the reverse of what people would really think without the media's guidance.

Whether or not Nordic people are represented fairly is not even debatable. How many Nordic lead actor roles can you think of over the course of the past two years, with the exception of Thor (in which a black guy also happens to be playing Norse god Heimdall, "the whitest of the gods")?

Very, very few. The only Norwegians I can think of are Renee Zellweger, and Sig Hanson from Deadliest Catch. I can't think of a single Finn on the big screen except for part-Finnish Pamela Anderson. Scarlett Johansson is the only Dane I can think of. American actors of Swedish and Baltic ancestry almost always play promiscuous blond sluts.

Essentially, pale Northern European women are shallow, fake, dumb sluts (who also tend to pair with darker gentlemen), and then Northern European men are racist, stupid, privileged assholes. They're often wimps, too... Since many of the Jews in Hollywood have a similarly pale coloration (Seth Green... Ron Perlman :(), there becomes a very blurry line between actual Nordids and ethnically extra-Europeans with a similar coloration.

12-06-2010, 04:12 AM
I realize that I live in a more attractive area than most; it's also a much poorer area, which can be explained by the influx of Eastern European immigrants; I shouldn't equate low social status as correlative to good looks either. But even on my visit to Topeka, which is a very rural, Anglo-ish sort of area, I noticed the same trend; I saw a lot of Irish and German-looking women who were very attractive, the least of which would be considered the most attractive in my Jewish city.

My grandparents live in a small German town. I went to their church's fall festival a few months back. I noticed the same trend, actually. I wonder how much of it is nature (genetics of the region) and how much is nuture (these women didn't have that icky urbany feel to them).

Agreed; whites are BY FAR the most phenotypically diverse. Most whites like to convince themselves, however, that ALL of the perceived diversity can be explained by their own ethnocentrism rather than the fact that the human eye picks out traits like color, shape, and size quite naturally.

Right. Whites are inbred hicks who need some color in them while niggers in Africa who rape two year olds and hack up white families (including babies) I guess have...too much color?

Simply put, blacks are all brown. Asians are tannish to pale, with brown to black features. Amerindians are, again, brown. While some argue that the depigmentation that results in our unique coloration is actually dullness, or lack of "color", which seems like the same sort of logic as the gratitudal referral to "people of color" who are, in reality, quite mundane in their "colorfulness",

Yeah. People of color all have brownish eyes, for the most part. Nearly all of them have black (and often gnarly) hair. Phenotyically, not much is going on there as opposed to the European who has a brown beard, blond hair, and blue eyes that's married to his red headed wife with green eyes. There was actually a part Amerindian conservative commentator (his name escapes me) who wrote an interesting piece about how "people of color" want to stamp out and destroy what they cannot be. They are jealous.

But it's encouraging though that people don't seem to play that "people of color" game. Even apolitical people sense how thick that language is, I think. Of course, the leftists have a knack for wearing people down. The "lack of color" thing is absurd. We differ in ways that literally go beyond skin. Anatomically, whites have a distinct uniqueness as well.

It's made us universally fortunate too; no one is ever going to complain or rebel against having blue eyes. There are extra-Europeans who would give an arm and a leg to have blue eyes and blond hair, and consider European women to be the most "angelic" and "fine-featured" in appearance; in Turkish culture, the very palest, to the point of transparency, are considered the most feminine.

A few years ago, I had some blond female friends (who are about 7-10 years older than me) who used to get a lot of attention from darker (Araby) men whenever we'd go out. They were not ugly, but one was a bit overweight and the other was not a knock out or anything. (I sound like I'm being mean; I'm not anything special, either.) I was too naive then to voice disapproval about who they chose to spend their time with in ways I don't want to imagine. But yeah, there is definitely a fetish among camel jockies for the blonds. I'd say it towers over the black fetish for white women or even the white man's (annoying) fetish for Northeast Asian women.

This same perception occurs almost everywhere. The white tiger is revered as an angelic animal by African tribes. The spirit bear is regarded as very beautiful and spiritual by the Northern Amerindians. The polar bear is an effervescent symbol of beauty and power. The white fox, a symbol of innocence, lonesomeness, and cold. And they're virtually no more different from their "colored" counterparts than we are from ours.

Dangerous essentialism! ;) It's this dangerous mode of thought that put six million Jews into ovens, don't ya know!!!

I agree. There is something to this overlap.

To add to that, the connotation that we're not diverse enough is purely an anti-white sentiment. It says if we don't breed with other races, we end up inbred and stupid, when this is clearly not the case. Homogeneous populations are amongst the most intelligent everywhere in the world.

I know. I want to go live in one again, actually.

Mixing conflicting genotypes can result in numerous skin problems, not limited to acne and ingrown hairs,

No acne here. But I do get some ingrown hairs. Now you've got me wondering about my genetic make-up, hehe.

and it makes it difficult to get organ transplants.

All the more reason to mix more and stamp out the races! ;) We have a moral imperative to make everyone mixed mixed mixed.

Might have been because Harry Potter has a little yellow fever himself :P.

This was in 07/08. Harry Potter is a miscegenist. His dead parents must be rolling in their graves.

These all form to create one big, bad image of Northern European people; an image that is probably the reverse of what people would really think without the media's guidance.

So true.

Whether or not Nordic people are represented fairly is not even debatable. How many Nordic lead actor roles can you think of over the course of the past two years, with the exception of Thor (in which a black guy also happens to be playing Norse god Heimdall, "the whitest of the gods")?

Wait. I thought they decided against letting blackie play white god? Is that really still happening?:eek:

I don't even like black Santas or black Jesus nonsense.

They're often wimps, too... Since many of the Jews in Hollywood have a similarly pale coloration (Seth Green... Ron Perlman :(), there becomes a very blurry line between actual Nordids and ethnically extra-Europeans with a similar coloration.

Interesting thought. So shouldn't we give Arnold some credit for trying? He at least broke though? (I know he's not really Nordic, but you know...)

See how I brought it all home there at the end?

12-12-2010, 06:54 AM
Not including the other races in white roles sort of exposes how feeble their literary and cultural record truly is next to the European one.

I definitely hear what you're saying, but that's not true in all cases. Then again, you don't hear about Japanese or Korean peope whining about not being included in these projects.


12-12-2010, 01:29 PM
The Scorpion King owns the new Conan with a rock bottom and a people's elbow.

Actually, the Rock would be a better Conan; he'd have us all convinced that his swarthiness is the result of a severe tan.


12-13-2010, 05:40 AM
His overly fakeish looking hair ruins his look to say nothing of his pitiful acting. (Yes, Arnold is a better actor than him.)

05-17-2012, 11:44 AM
Dolph Lundgren strikes me as the best man for Conan.


Aces High
05-17-2012, 11:51 AM
Charles Hawtrey should have been selected to play conan.

11-16-2012, 04:15 PM
Back to hobbits for a moment: I personally found this hilarious