View Full Version : "All Europeans look the same"

07-21-2017, 03:06 AM
Can this nonsense view cease? Most people don't blatantly say it (though some have), but many imply it.

Yes, there are pan-European phenotypes. But a Slav squat™ looking Russian could not pass as an "atypical sicilian." Even a blonde Sicilian looks very different from a Russian. Most eastern slavs can't even pass as typical in France, let alone Southern Europe. People act like Europeans all look the same but slightly vary in skin color, but that is not the case. Europe is very phenotypically diverse, and europeans can not all pass in each others countries.

07-21-2017, 03:09 AM
I think your ass burns because you are non-european and you want to draw differences between europeans (stormfront would call that divisive agenda). That being said, most slavs would pass in west europe, most west europeans would pass in east europe. Slav squat is just a way to groom yourself, if they appeared culturally different you wouldnt know anymore but of course with a duck hat, squatting and a track suit and a wodka bottle in the hand they would stick out. Slavs are the closest meta-ethnicity to germanics, slavs and germanics are very close, closer then to italians. but italians have some northern input as well.

07-21-2017, 03:12 AM
I think your ass burns because you are non-european and you want to draw differences between europeans (stormfront would call that divisive agenda). That being said, most slavs would pass in west europe, most west europeans would pass in east europe. Slav squat is just a way to groom yourself, if they appeared culturally different you wouldnt know anymore but of course with a duck hat, squatting and a track suit and a wodka bottle in the hand they would stick out. Slavs are the closest meta-ethnicity to germanics, slavs and germanics are very close, closer then to italians. but italians have some northern input as well.

I don't give a shit about Europe or being European, I live in America, the best country in the world.

I just think it is very stupid when people look like this.

War Chef
07-21-2017, 03:13 AM
I think your ass burns because you are non-european and you want to draw differences between europeans (stormfront would call that divisive agenda). That being said, most slavs would pass in west europe, most west europeans would pass in east europe. Slav squat is just a way to groom yourself, if they appeared culturally different you wouldnt know anymore but of course with a duck hat, squatting and a track suit and a wodka bottle in the hand they would stick out. Slavs are the closest meta-ethnicity to germanics, slavs and germanics are very close, closer then to italians. but italians have some northern input as well.

That's what wadaad does 24/7

07-21-2017, 03:14 AM
That's what wadaad does 24/7

I'm not saying that Europeans don't share things, I even admitted there are pan-European phenotypes too. But why do people act stupid and like there are no differences between them? There are clear differences.

07-21-2017, 03:15 AM
I don't give a shit about Europe or being European, I live in America, the best country in the world.

I just think it is very stupid when people look like this.

you just said in the other thread there are nordid people in northindia, why did you said it? 1) I doubt there are 3 white poeple in india, and if there were we would see them on TV and 2) that you need to mention india, you are again bringing in your afghan relatives into the picture etc. you are butthurt because you want to be european

War Chef
07-21-2017, 03:15 AM
I'm not saying that Europeans don't share things, I even admitted there are pan-European phenotypes too. But why do people act stupid and like there are no differences between them? There are clear differences.

Genetically we are 1 big family. Dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless

07-21-2017, 03:16 AM
I'm not saying that Europeans don't share things, I even admitted there are pan-European phenotypes too. But why do people act stupid and like there are no differences between them? There are clear differences.

there are differences but its not that clear. you cant spot most serbs in austria, only if they tell you or introduce themselfes as serbs or with their name or have a accent, the ones who are born here are not visible and they quickly assimilate unlike non-europeans, im not white but thats the truth

07-21-2017, 03:17 AM
you just said in the other thread there are nordid people in northindia, why did you said it? 1) I doubt there are 3 white poeple in india, and if there were we would see them on TV and 2) that you need to mention india, you are again bringing in your afghan relatives into the picture etc. you are butthurt because you want to be european

Indians are not afghans relatives, I was just making a point. Indians are pretty distinct from Europeans. I don't want to be european. I am very content with who I am. You're the one who creates threads asking if you look British or Austrian when you are pretty not looking.

07-21-2017, 03:17 AM
when i hear this it's usually from non-whites in the U.S, where they're usually used to seeing germanic/british whites who do resemble each other quite a bit.

07-21-2017, 03:19 AM
Indians are not afghans relatives, I was just making a point. Indians are pretty distinct from Europeans. I don't want to be european. I am very content with who I am. You're the one who creates threads asking if you look British or Austrian when you are pretty brown.

You post fake pictures of yourself and you were exposed how you really look by MN1, in real life i passed as austrian. And I doubt "im pretty brown" you dont know what brown is. My mum is brown Im dark white.


07-21-2017, 03:19 AM
when i hear this it's usually from non-whites in the U.S, where they're usually used to seeing germanic/british whites who do resemble each other quite a bit.

Just like how whites refer to all of us MENA people as arabs.

07-21-2017, 03:19 AM
when i hear this it's usually from non-whites in the U.S, where they're usually used to seeing germanic/british whites who do resemble each other quite a bit.

When I hear the reverse, it's usually only from white nationalists and woggy euros of any given ethnicity in denial. Most Americans don't think Italians and Russians look alike at all, not even the white people, so I don't see your point.

07-21-2017, 03:20 AM
Just like how whites refer to all of us MENA people as arabs.

iranians and arabs look pretty similar eventhough they claim to look very different, but lets say a syrian arab and a generic iranian have alots of common much more then to any people outside what is called mena.

07-21-2017, 03:21 AM
You post fake pictures of yourself and you were exposed how you really look by MN1, in real life i passed as austrian. And I doubt "im pretty brown" you dont know what brown is. My mum is brown Im dark white.


Lol I'm friends with some people on this site on Facebook.

07-21-2017, 03:21 AM
iranians and arabs look pretty similar eventhough they claim to look very different, but lets say a syrian arab and a generic iranian have alots of common much more then to any people outside what is called mena.

This i also agree with

07-21-2017, 03:24 AM
Lol I'm friends with some people on this site on Facebook.

dude sorry that i said it, but you created the thread because of my opinion, im not white but its my opinion, in austria i cant tell most europeans apart from austrians except they are culturally foreign or linguistically, even some turks could pass as austrian here. i have just different opinion then you, usually we get along and i want it to stay like that.

07-21-2017, 03:25 AM
iranians and arabs look pretty similar eventhough they claim to look very different, but lets say a syrian arab and a generic iranian have alots of common much more then to any people outside what is called mena.

You have never seen an arab in your life then. I can clearly see differences between Iranians and arabs quite well.

07-21-2017, 03:25 AM
Anyways I don't have some agenda. I even dispute members who say that southern Europeans look like menas. Southern Europeans still look distinct from menas and white (most of the time), but they still look distinct from Russians too.

07-21-2017, 03:27 AM
dude sorry that i said it, but you created the thread because of my opinion, im not white but its my opinion, in austria i cant tell most europeans apart from austrians except they are culturally foreign or linguistically, even some turks could pass as austrian here. i have just different opinion then you, usually we get along and i want it to stay like that.

I don't doubt that you could pass as austrian, I even think you could pass as southern european. When I said you were brown I meant dark white, but I also think that for example, Russians can't pass as Sicilian. It's not just you either.

07-21-2017, 03:27 AM
You have never seen an arab in your life then. I can clearly see differences between Iranians and arabs quite well.

i seen many arabs and many iranians and turks and kurds, austria is full of them and to me they all look similar. i see southasians though, i can tell southasians apart, i worked with a pakistani and when i first saw him i immediately knew he is from somewhere in southasia. and i can tell europeans apart from menas. to a mena himself there might be differences.

07-21-2017, 03:28 AM
When I hear the reverse, it's usually only from white nationalists and woggy euros of any given ethnicity in denial. Most Americans don't think Italians and Russians look alike at all, not even the white people, so I don't see your point.

"white" usually refers to NW euro phenotype, where they do look quite alike. No one has a dark sicilian guy in mind when they say "white".

07-21-2017, 03:30 AM
"white" usually refers to NW euro phenotype, where they do look quite alike. No one has a dark sicilian guy in mind when they say "white".

But most sicilians will fit the range of what people consider white here.

07-21-2017, 03:31 AM
i seen many arabs and many iranians and turks and kurds, austria is full of them and to me they all look similar. i see southasians though, i can tell southasians apart, i worked with a pakistani and when i first saw him i immediately knew he is from somewhere in southasia. and i can tell europeans apart from menas. to a mena himself there might be differences.

Iranians, kurds, turks, and arabs are diverse. I can tell differences clear as day and im usually right about whose who. Stop lumping us with arabs, especially when you're referring to saudis.

07-21-2017, 03:32 AM
Iranians, kurds, turks, and arabs are diverse. I can tell differences clear as day and im usually right about whose who. Stop lumping us with arabs, especially when you're referring to saudis.

He doesn't mean saudis though. But Persians, Turks, and Kurds do look alike in the US.

07-21-2017, 03:34 AM
He doesn't mean saudis though. But Persians, Turks, and Kurds do look alike in the US.

He also mentioned arabs, therefore, to an average american, they only recognize one ethnic group that look MENA and those happen to be arabs.

07-21-2017, 03:35 AM
Russians look so far from Sicilians that they are as far apart as two "European" groups can get. You'd find more Sicilians who look Saudi, rare as they are, than you find ones who look genuinely Russian.

07-21-2017, 03:46 AM
Iranians, kurds, turks, and arabs are diverse. I can tell differences clear as day and im usually right about whose who. Stop lumping us with arabs, especially when you're referring to saudis.

First of all I believe Saudis are pretty blackwashed as if they are mullatos and iranians pretty whitewashed as if they are nordic. But the difference is closer then people want to admit

Be honest would this woman pass as iranian? She is not even dark skinned but looks pretty westasian/arabid/semitic http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?215718-Woman-in-miniskirt-sparks-fury-in-Saudi-Arabia&highlight=Woman+Miniskirt

07-21-2017, 03:51 AM
That's what wadaad does 24/7

It peeves me sometimes tbh. He often has to grasp at straws to do it.

07-21-2017, 03:55 AM
Before this thread turns into a shitstorm after posts like "there are more sicilians that look Saudi than russian," I will close.