View Full Version : Classify Me

07-31-2017, 01:36 AM
edited on request

07-31-2017, 01:37 AM
Norid + (west)Baltid

07-31-2017, 01:42 AM
Dinaricized Atlantid w/ some North-Pontid admixed in there

English + Italian mix of some kind; perhaps with a bit of Balkan in there as well

Cheers :)

Edit: I didn't look at your profile info when I classified ;)

07-31-2017, 01:45 AM
Norid with minor Armenid - you look like a Jew I know.

07-31-2017, 01:45 AM
Dinarid with Baltid influence

07-31-2017, 01:47 AM
Norid + (west)Baltid

Maybe I'm missing something, but I just can't see the Baltid at all. What made you think Baltid, out of curiosity?

07-31-2017, 01:47 AM
Norid + (west)Baltid


Very Slavic looking.

07-31-2017, 01:49 AM

Very Slavic looking.

I don't get how he looks Slavic, maybe through the eyes being (slightly) Mongoloid influenced? Again, could you explain what made you think that, as the others seem to see it but I just can't

07-31-2017, 01:50 AM
Maybe I'm missing something, but I just can't see the Baltid at all. What made you think Baltid, out of curiosity?

cant point you out on specific features except the jaw / head broadness because I often classify by gut feeling too without trying to analyze every little feature in detail . in many cases I think I am fairly accurate

07-31-2017, 01:52 AM
cant point you out on specific features except the jaw / head broadness because I often classify by gut feeling too without trying to analyze every little feature in detail . in many cases I think I am fairly accurate

Going by consensus you probably are here, I just can't see it.

07-31-2017, 01:56 AM
slightly dinaricized nordic (so norid). You look central European to me.

07-31-2017, 01:58 AM
I don't get how he looks Slavic, maybe through the eyes being (slightly) Mongoloid influenced? Again, could you explain what made you think that, as the others seem to see it but I just can't

I don't see any mongoloid influence in my eyes lol idk I might have been tired so my eyes looked weird. Also find it interesting you think I look Jewish

07-31-2017, 02:01 AM
I don't see any mongoloid influence in my eyes lol idk I might have been tired so my eyes looked weird. Also find it interesting you think I look Jewish

You definitely look like a Jewish person I know, 100%. Most Eastern Europeans have some degree on Mongoloid influence in the eyes, same for lots of Scandinavians and Finns.

07-31-2017, 02:04 AM
You definitely look like a Jewish person I know, 100%. Most Eastern Europeans have some degree on Mongoloid influence in the eyes, same for lots of Scandinavians and Finns.

I'm kind of newer to classifying so I would like to know how my eye is mongoloid influenced is it my eye fold or what. a lot of people say I look Central European or Northern italian

07-31-2017, 02:05 AM
in front you look like a young seselj. from side you have dinarisation.

07-31-2017, 02:30 AM
Norid + (west)Baltid

A lot of people say I look West Baltid I don't see it though and also west baltid is a very rare type for a serb

07-31-2017, 02:43 AM
I don't get how he looks Slavic, maybe through the eyes being (slightly) Mongoloid influenced? Again, could you explain what made you think that, as the others seem to see it but I just can't

I can see him passing well in all the Slavic countries as opposed to non-Slavic countries where he might not pass as well.

07-31-2017, 02:50 AM

07-31-2017, 03:19 AM

07-31-2017, 03:20 AM
I can see him passing well in all the Slavic countries as opposed to non-Slavic countries where he might not pass as well.

Do you think I could pass for Central Europe Like Austria?

07-31-2017, 03:23 AM
Looks mostly Norid

07-31-2017, 04:08 AM
in front you look like a young seselj. from side you have dinarisation.

I see some simalerities to seselj :D so do you think I'm Norid too I think seselj looks kinda Norid

07-31-2017, 04:09 AM
I see some simalerities to seselj :D so do you think I'm Norid too I think seselj looks kinda Norid

yes i think so. norid+westbaltid probably

Bobby Martnen
07-31-2017, 04:12 AM
Pontid + Alpine

Please do mine:http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?216689-Classify-this-young-woman-and-where-would-she-pass

07-31-2017, 04:16 AM
Pontid + Alpine

Please do mine:http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?216689-Classify-this-young-woman-and-where-would-she-pass

First Alpine of the day and do you think North Pontid or just pontid also for some reason I cant access the link you sent

07-31-2017, 04:19 AM
Do you think I could pass for Central Europe Like Austria?

Yes, but If I only was able to take 2 guesses I would pick Russia and Poland.

07-31-2017, 04:22 AM
Yes, but If I only was able to take 2 guesses I would pick Russia and Poland.

So do you think I'm West Baltid then that's a common type in Poland I'm associated with

07-31-2017, 04:31 AM
So do you think I'm West Baltid then that's a common type in Poland I'm associated with

I think you are Noric and West Baltid. Both of which are common in Poland.

07-31-2017, 05:00 AM

07-31-2017, 05:03 AM

Normal Pontid or North Pontid?

Сербо Макеридов
07-31-2017, 06:51 AM
North Pontin - Baltid with slightly Dinarid influence.

Sebastianus Rex
07-31-2017, 02:47 PM
Dinaric/Noric with Baltoid (Gorid) influences.

07-31-2017, 02:52 PM
I think you fit in the Alps region.

07-31-2017, 02:56 PM
Dinarid with Baltid influence


07-31-2017, 02:57 PM
I think you fit in the Alps region.

So do you think I'm Alpine?

07-31-2017, 02:57 PM

07-31-2017, 02:57 PM
So do you think I'm Alpine?

Not necessarily, but you pass best in places like Austria, southern Germany, etc.

07-31-2017, 02:58 PM
Not necessarily, but you pass best in places like Austria, southern Germany, etc.

I find him very serbian looking.

07-31-2017, 02:59 PM
Not necessarily, but you pass best in places like Austria, southern Germany, etc.

Makes sense, a lot of people have been saying Norid which is a common type in austria

07-31-2017, 03:00 PM
Makes sense, a lot of people have been saying Norid which is a common type in austria

Yes, that is what I think. Central European. I do not think you look distinctly Slavic nor Germanic.

I sent you a message.

07-31-2017, 03:06 PM
I find him very serbian looking.

Makes sense because I am a serb lol. but usually ive been told that I am lighter than the average serb

07-31-2017, 03:26 PM
North Pontid + some other stuff that I can't tell. Balkan look.

You're cute. :)

07-31-2017, 04:17 PM
Pred. Noric with some CM influence.

07-31-2017, 04:20 PM
You look very slavic to me, hella Ukrainian. Baltid + some slight dinarid.

07-31-2017, 04:22 PM
You look very slavic to me, hella Ukrainian. Baltid + some slight dinarid.

West or East Baltid? Usually people tell me west

07-31-2017, 04:29 PM
West or East Baltid? Usually people tell me west


07-31-2017, 07:43 PM
you looks turkish, not joke

07-31-2017, 07:49 PM
You look like potential assaulter. İ wouldnt trust you irl

08-01-2017, 03:26 AM
you looks turkish, not joke

I don't see any simalerities with Turkish Norid plus west baltid which most people classify me as is almost never associated with turkey and the average turk is much darker than me and turkey is a pretty mixed country so theres not really a definitive look for turks

08-01-2017, 03:39 AM
You look like potential assaulter. İ wouldnt trust you irl

All jokes aside what would you classify me as

08-01-2017, 06:21 PM
some knowledge about green eyes

" -> https://owlcation.com/stem/The-Origins-of-Green-Eyes
Now it is proven that eye color is controlled by more than one gene; in fact, up to 16 genes contribute to eye color. This means that there is a chance that a person can inherit virtually any eye color, no matter the eye color of the parents (although the chances for people of certain heritages having a particular eye color are different than for others).

Africa, Asia, Europe, the middle east and the America's have been home to those with green eyes for thousands of years. Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Russia, Spain, and Brazil all have had populations with green eyes for a long time. All races, including Caucasian, African, Asian, Pacific Islanders, Arabic, Hispanic and the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas can also have green eyes. Green eyes most likely developed because of the migration of people over time, those from northern latitudes with light coloring traveled south and people of dark coloring traveling north intermixed, leading to a variation of melanin produced. Today the green eyes of their descendents can be found on every continent.

Notably, there have been records of people with green eyes originating around the Caucasus mountains, which links Europe and Asia. Several passes through the mountain range made it a strategic region or military and trade(silk road).

There is a village in north western China called Liqian in which two-thirds of the inhabitants have green eyes and blonde hair. DNA has linked these people to an ancestor(s) that was caucasian. Some believe that they are descendents of the legendary missing army of Marcus Crassus, a Roman general that disappeared in 36 bc. However Liqian is along the silk road trade route so many people passed through. Until more proof is found, no one is sure if Marcus Crassus and his army were ever in Liqian.

Some light on your eyes:

08-01-2017, 06:32 PM

08-02-2017, 04:40 AM
some knowledge about green eyes

" -> https://owlcation.com/stem/The-Origins-of-Green-Eyes
Now it is proven that eye color is controlled by more than one gene; in fact, up to 16 genes contribute to eye color. This means that there is a chance that a person can inherit virtually any eye color, no matter the eye color of the parents (although the chances for people of certain heritages having a particular eye color are different than for others).

Africa, Asia, Europe, the middle east and the America's have been home to those with green eyes for thousands of years. Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Russia, Spain, and Brazil all have had populations with green eyes for a long time. All races, including Caucasian, African, Asian, Pacific Islanders, Arabic, Hispanic and the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas can also have green eyes. Green eyes most likely developed because of the migration of people over time, those from northern latitudes with light coloring traveled south and people of dark coloring traveling north intermixed, leading to a variation of melanin produced. Today the green eyes of their descendents can be found on every continent.

Notably, there have been records of people with green eyes originating around the Caucasus mountains, which links Europe and Asia. Several passes through the mountain range made it a strategic region or military and trade(silk road).

There is a village in north western China called Liqian in which two-thirds of the inhabitants have green eyes and blonde hair. DNA has linked these people to an ancestor(s) that was caucasian. Some believe that they are descendents of the legendary missing army of Marcus Crassus, a Roman general that disappeared in 36 bc. However Liqian is along the silk road trade route so many people passed through. Until more proof is found, no one is sure if Marcus Crassus and his army were ever in Liqian.

Some light on your eyes:

Interesting info. what would you classify me as though

08-02-2017, 04:43 AM
some knowledge about green eyes

" -> https://owlcation.com/stem/The-Origins-of-Green-Eyes
Now it is proven that eye color is controlled by more than one gene; in fact, up to 16 genes contribute to eye color. This means that there is a chance that a person can inherit virtually any eye color, no matter the eye color of the parents (although the chances for people of certain heritages having a particular eye color are different than for others).

Africa, Asia, Europe, the middle east and the America's have been home to those with green eyes for thousands of years. Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Russia, Spain, and Brazil all have had populations with green eyes for a long time. All races, including Caucasian, African, Asian, Pacific Islanders, Arabic, Hispanic and the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas can also have green eyes. Green eyes most likely developed because of the migration of people over time, those from northern latitudes with light coloring traveled south and people of dark coloring traveling north intermixed, leading to a variation of melanin produced. Today the green eyes of their descendents can be found on every continent.

Notably, there have been records of people with green eyes originating around the Caucasus mountains, which links Europe and Asia. Several passes through the mountain range made it a strategic region or military and trade(silk road).

There is a village in north western China called Liqian in which two-thirds of the inhabitants have green eyes and blonde hair. DNA has linked these people to an ancestor(s) that was caucasian. Some believe that they are descendents of the legendary missing army of Marcus Crassus, a Roman general that disappeared in 36 bc. However Liqian is along the silk road trade route so many people passed through. Until more proof is found, no one is sure if Marcus Crassus and his army were ever in Liqian.

Some light on your eyes:

Also just curious do you find my eyes to be mongoloid influenced like eye fold

08-02-2017, 08:38 AM
I do not have such knowledge but i think like others.
For me you looks like most talented EU player: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/byFTnLDI_wU/maxresdefault.jpg

there was ~10x votes for west baltid or ~5x north pontid

mostly Norid/Dinarid + west baltid and north pontid

08-02-2017, 02:13 PM
Noric + Baltid.

08-02-2017, 09:43 PM
I do not have such knowledge but i think like others.
For me you looks like most talented EU player: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/byFTnLDI_wU/maxresdefault.jpg

there was ~10x votes for west baltid or ~5x north pontid

mostly Norid/Dinarid + west baltid and north pontid

I heard an interesting one which is Gorid I'm not sure though if I'm Baltid or Gorid

08-04-2017, 05:00 AM

08-04-2017, 05:51 AM
The correct answer is Robust Norid or Norid + notable CM influence. These intellectually-stunted individuals repeatedly parroting 'West Baltid' remind me of the typical dregs one might expect to find amongst the ranks of a cult that believes Martians control our weather patterns or some such nonsense. They really are that gullible and easily influenced. These people have no training, no depth, no knowledge, no anything. They take one look at those contemporary morphed plate models of 'West Baltid' and say, “Uhhh, huh huh, that guy looks pretty close to that one... uhhh, yeah.”

08-04-2017, 05:55 AM
The correct answer is Robust Norid or Norid + notable CM influence. These intellectually-stunted individuals repeatedly parroting 'West Baltid' remind me of the typical dregs one might expect to find amongst the ranks of a cult that believes Martians control our weather patterns or some such nonsense. They really are that gullible and easily influenced. These people have no training, no depth, no knowledge, no anything. They take one look at those contemporary morphed plate models of 'West Baltid' and say, “Uhhh, huh huh, that guy looks pretty close to that one... uhhh, yeah.”

Is CM found in the Balkans a lot? And also I heard an interesting one gorid do you think I could be that?

08-04-2017, 06:00 AM
I don't ger the Norid at all.
More like North Pontid + Gorid/Alpine admixture, imo.

08-04-2017, 06:05 AM
I don't ger the Norid at all.
More like North Pontid + Gorid/Alpine admixture, imo.

Gorid is a possibility idk about North Pontid though to me I look more Dinarid/Noric I think my nose looks pretty Dinarid

08-04-2017, 06:07 AM
Is CM found in the Balkans a lot? And also I heard an interesting one gorid do you think I could be that?

Borrebyism is found at high enough percentages within what those who control political history have labelled as the Balkans enough so that the term, “Balkan Borreby” has been coined. Although I disagree with this term, it simply denotes an individual with aforementioned CM traits yet is divergent from the typical Borreby in terms of skin phototype and hair colour. At it's core, it is nonetheless, Cro-Magnid regardless.

Gorid, no. Anyone that asserts you are Alpinid or “Gorid” (East Alpinid), is doing so because they are viewing you through the same lens as those that are claiming West Baltid. They see robust features in particular areas and have mistaken CM influence for other existent robust phenotypes.

And the main thing to remember in all of this is:
1.) I am always right. :heh:
2.) Physical anthropology / taxonomy is hardly a tangible science based on exactitude and concrete concepts. Therefore, see point 1.

08-04-2017, 06:20 AM
Borrebyism is found at high enough percentages within what those who control political history have labelled as the Balkans enough so that the term, “Balkan Borreby” has been coined. Although I disagree with this term, it simply denotes an individual with aforementioned CM traits yet is divergent from the typical Borreby in terms of skin phototype and hair colour. At it's core, it is nonetheless, Cro-Magnid regardless.

Gorid, no. Anyone that asserts you are Alpinid or “Gorid” (East Alpinid), is doing so because they are viewing you through the same lens as those that are claiming West Baltid. They see robust features in particular areas and have mistaken CM influence for other existent robust phenotypes.

And the main thing to remember in all of this is:
1.) I am always right. :heh:
2.) Physical anthropology / taxonomy is hardly a tangible science based on exactitude and concrete concepts. Therefore, see point 1.

What about all these people claiming I'm north pontid?

08-04-2017, 06:33 AM
What about all these people claiming I'm north pontid?

Opinions vary and I will issue these people a permit to classify you as Nord Pontid on this unique occasion due to the fact that this classification is not completely absurd and remains within the bounds of logic and reason. This is a far stretch on my behalf to say, but because I'm feeling okay today, I'm going to allow you to be classified as either Nord Pontid or Norid + CM. This is a very rare event that I grant such permissions and you should feel honoured. :yo:

08-04-2017, 06:36 AM
Opinions vary and I will issue these people a permit to classify you as Nord Pontid on this unique occasion due to the fact that this classification is not completely absurd and remains within the bounds of logic and reason. This is a far stretch on my behalf to say, but because I'm feeling okay today, I'm going to allow you to be classified as either Nord Pontid or Norid + CM. This is a very rare event that I grant such permissions and you should feel honoured. :yo:
Son, you've made a wise decision.

08-05-2017, 01:05 AM
Opinions vary and I will issue these people a permit to classify you as Nord Pontid on this unique occasion due to the fact that this classification is not completely absurd and remains within the bounds of logic and reason. This is a far stretch on my behalf to say, but because I'm feeling okay today, I'm going to allow you to be classified as either Nord Pontid or Norid + CM. This is a very rare event that I grant such permissions and you should feel honoured. :yo:

I guess I'm probably Norid + CM with Pontid influence because North pontid is not really common were my family is from

Сербо Макеридов
08-05-2017, 02:12 AM
I guess I'm probably Norid + CM with Pontid influence because North pontid is not really common were my family is from

North Pontid is very common in Ukraine and in southern Russia.

Gorid is very common in the region from which is your father.

08-06-2017, 03:12 PM
A tough one, I'd say Neo-Danubian and Atlanto-Mediterranean mixture.

Borrebyism is found at high enough percentages within what those who control political history have labelled as the Balkans enough so that the term, “Balkan Borreby” has been coined. Although I disagree with this term, it simply denotes an individual with aforementioned CM traits yet is divergent from the typical Borreby in terms of skin phototype and hair colour. At it's core, it is nonetheless, Cro-Magnid regardless.
"Balkan Borreby" doesn't exist, it is just an internet invention. Borreby is same everywhere. Plus, ones on Balkans have same hair color as those elsewhere. Over half of Fehmarn Islanders (population closest to Mesolithic Borreby, according to Carleton Coon) have dark brown hair. Upper Palaeolithic hair color is most commonly dark, sometimes reddish or red. They also have pretty much the same unexposed skin color.
Forum anthrotards think it is type widespread on Balkans, but in reality it is found in tiny region in Dinaric Alps. Montenegro is the core, and ramifications spread towards Herzegovina and SW Serbia (where all inhabitants descend from Herzegovina and Montenegro anyways).

North Pontid is very common in Ukraine and in southern Russia.
Gorid is very common in the region from which is your father.
None of those two "phenotypes" exist.
I now see from which kind of forums you learn pseudo-anthropology that you spread on poreklo.

Сербо Макеридов
08-06-2017, 03:20 PM
A tough one, I'd say Neo-Danubian and Atlanto-Mediterranean mixture.

"Balkan Borreby" doesn't exist, it is just an internet invention. Borreby is same everywhere. Plus, ones on Balkans have same hair color as those elsewhere. Over half of Fehmarn Islanders (population closest to Mesolithic Borreby, according to Carleton Coon) have dark brown hair. Upper Palaeolithic hair color is most commonly dark, sometimes reddish or red. They also have pretty much the same unexposed skin color.
Forum anthrotards think it is type widespread on Balkans, but in reality it is found in tiny region in Dinaric Alps. Montenegro is the core, and ramifications spread towards Herzegovina and SW Serbia (where all inhabitants descend from Herzegovina and Montenegro anyways).

None of those two "phenotypes" exist.
I now see from which kind of forums you learn pseudo-anthropology that you spread on poreklo.

Do not talk nonsense. :ranger

Porn Master
08-08-2017, 01:37 PM
you look infantile and comical xD

08-10-2017, 07:15 AM
you look infantile and comical xD


08-10-2017, 07:56 AM
Dinarid with Baltid influence


I am not expert but that's how I see as well.

08-10-2017, 08:00 AM

I am not expert but that's how I see as well.

West or east baltid? Also I've heard people say gorid or cromagnid which I find more believable because I'm 100% from balkans

08-10-2017, 10:15 AM
West or east baltid? Also I've heard people say gorid or cromagnid which I find more believable because I'm 100% from balkans

I don't know, it's Dinarid with Baltid influence.. I can't make a difference between East or West Baltid.

Porn Master
08-10-2017, 11:17 AM

In English



08-10-2017, 09:30 PM
A tough one, I'd say Neo-Danubian and Atlanto-Mediterranean mixture.

"Balkan Borreby" doesn't exist, it is just an internet invention. Borreby is same everywhere. Plus, ones on Balkans have same hair color as those elsewhere. Over half of Fehmarn Islanders (population closest to Mesolithic Borreby, according to Carleton Coon) have dark brown hair. Upper Palaeolithic hair color is most commonly dark, sometimes reddish or red. They also have pretty much the same unexposed skin color.
Forum anthrotards think it is type widespread on Balkans, but in reality it is found in tiny region in Dinaric Alps. Montenegro is the core, and ramifications spread towards Herzegovina and SW Serbia (where all inhabitants descend from Herzegovina and Montenegro anyways).

None of those two "phenotypes" exist.
I now see from which kind of forums you learn pseudo-anthropology that you spread on poreklo.

Neo Danubian is an interesting one I don't think so though no one in my family is blonde lol

08-15-2017, 02:46 AM
Norid + Borreby.

Could pass as German.

08-17-2017, 07:33 PM
Noric/North Pontid and a touch of Alpine. There is a Slovak poster on Anthroscape that looks similar to you

08-17-2017, 08:03 PM
Norid mainly with some minor possible West Baltid.

08-17-2017, 08:12 PM
Norid mainly with some minor possible West Baltid.

Yeah its been an ongoing debate if I have Baltid influences or not it appears that way But my family has darker hair and eyes than me on average plus I'm 100 percent from the Balkans which Baltid is not common there, Some people have been saying Gorid or CM which I find more believable since you can find Gorid and CM in Former Yugoslavia

08-17-2017, 08:15 PM
Yeah its been an ongoing debate if I have Baltid influences or not it appears that way But my family has darker hair and eyes than me on average plus I'm 100 percent from the Balkans which Baltid is not common there, Some people have been saying Gorid or CM which I find more believable since you can find Gorid and CM in Former Yugoslavia

Hm yeah, if not Baltid, then as a third I would probably go with CM as well as your face shape fits it to a certain extent.

08-17-2017, 08:24 PM
I would say Dinarid + Baltid + Uralid

08-17-2017, 09:39 PM
Baltid mostly with some Med.

08-17-2017, 09:50 PM
Carpathid (alpinid + dinaric).

You look more Croat than Serb (the irony ).

08-17-2017, 09:55 PM
The guy has strong uralic vibe to him. In general coats and Serbs I would say don't give off the vibe since they look like a mixture of Turks and Ukrainians

08-17-2017, 09:58 PM
The guy has strong uralic vibe to him. In general coats and Serbs I would say don't give off the vibe since they look like a mixture of Turks and Ukrainians
LOL, total bullshit.

Nothing Uralic about him, it's just a young teen. And Dalmatia/Herzegovina is full of guys like gim, he is extremely typical.

Сербо Макеридов
08-17-2017, 10:00 PM
The guy has strong uralic vibe to him. In general coats and Serbs I would say don't give off the vibe since they look like a mixture of Turks and Ukrainians

Serbs does not look as Ukrainians neither as Turks on average, majority of Serbs have own specific look.

08-17-2017, 10:05 PM
Well there's no need to be sensitive about it. All I said is that Serbs and Croats have clearly at least been partially influenced by the Turkish yoke since we all know for how long both countries have been a part of Turkey.

08-17-2017, 10:06 PM
Turks are mainly Uralic/Turanid/some Middle Eastern.

08-17-2017, 10:07 PM
Well there's no need to be sensitive about it. All I said is that Serbs and Croats have clearly at least been partially influenced by the Turkish yoke since we all know for how long both countries have been a part of Turkey.

Idiot. Croatia has never been part of Turkey.

08-17-2017, 10:11 PM
Why do these people always fail to at least display the most basic manners such as speaking without calling others names....

08-17-2017, 10:12 PM
Turkish Croatia or Ottoman Croatia (Croatian: Turska Hrvatska, German: Türkisch Kroatien, Italian: Croazia turca, French: Croatie turque) was a part of the territory of the Croatian Kingdom occupied by the Ottoman Empire during the 15th and 16th century.
Wikipedia says this.

08-17-2017, 10:14 PM
Why do these people always fail to at least display the most basic manners such as speaking without calling others names....

Why don't you learn history, ignorant troll ?

Why the hell you write my country was part of Turkey when it was never the case ?

Don't confuse your Russia rulled by Mongolic Golden Horde for centuries, Croatia never fell to Ottoman hands. Open a book, will ya ?

You will get more polite replies when you stop lying and falsifying history that never has been :puke:

08-17-2017, 10:16 PM
Turkish Croatia or Ottoman Croatia (Croatian: Turska Hrvatska, German: Türkisch Kroatien, Italian: Croazia turca, French: Croatie turque) was a part of the territory of the Croatian Kingdom occupied by the Ottoman Empire during the 15th and 16th century.
Wikipedia says this.

That is now part of Bosnia-Herzegovina, not Croatia and has no ethnic Croat population left. Fail.
Why do you speak about teritory of another country ?

Сербо Макеридов
08-17-2017, 10:16 PM
Well there's no need to be sensitive about it. All I said is that Serbs and Croats have clearly at least been partially influenced by the Turkish yoke since we all know for how long both countries have been a part of Turkey.

Wrong, real Turks neither Anatolians were never settled in the Balkans, "Turks" in the Serbian ethnic area were not Oguz Turks neither Anatolians, they were islamized Serbs and very few islamized other Balkanites.

08-17-2017, 10:16 PM
Please speak politely. Moderators, ban her please, she's insulting me. I never said a word to you.
I copy pasted this from Wikipedia.

08-17-2017, 10:18 PM
if you cant take the heat then get outta the kitchen

08-17-2017, 10:18 PM
Copy pasting from quora.com.
If we are talking about present day Croatia, then about 50% of the territory was taken by the Ottomans. Of present day Croatia, Slavonia, Lika and partialy Dalmatia were occupied. If we include western Bosnia which was at that time called Turkish Croatia, then its even more.

08-17-2017, 10:19 PM
Please speak politely. Moderators, ban her please, she's insulting me. I never said a word to you.
I copy pasted this from Wikipedia.

Grow yourself pair of balls little nigger

08-17-2017, 10:20 PM
Please speak politely. Moderators, ban her please, she's insulting me. I never said a word to you.
I copy pasted this from Wikipedia.

What Turkish yoke, wtf ? You are insulting Croatia with LIES that it was part of Turkey for centuries, when Turks were defeated and expelled from occupied parts after 150 years, and core was never taken anyway.

Doesn't matter for me, I am part Bosniak (and proud of it), but Croats from Croatia nor the country itself has NOTHING to do with Turks.

08-17-2017, 10:20 PM
Dick, nobody gave you a word, sorry.
Meanwhile, I'm very very hesitant about Servo Makerido stating that there is 0 influence of Turkish genes in Serbia, Croatia.

08-17-2017, 10:21 PM
Folks, I'm saying this again, no need to be butt hurt. I'm just copy pasting stuff. It's not me making it up.

08-17-2017, 10:23 PM
Why do these people always fail to at least display the most basic manners such as speaking without calling others names....
you made an unsupported claim with a purpose of adolescent level trolling. Having in mind that you post on a forum where you can easily find genetical data and learn a bit about anthropology, and still disregard it, pretty much classifies you as an idiot.

Сербо Макеридов
08-17-2017, 10:23 PM
Dick, nobody gave you a word, sorry.
Meanwhile, I'm very very hesitant about Servo Makerido stating that there is 0 influence of Turkish genes in Serbia, Croatia.

There is no such a thing as "Turkish genes", Turkish people are mixture of many nations and many reces created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

08-17-2017, 10:23 PM
Dick, nobody gave you a word, sorry.
Meanwhile, I'm very very hesitant about Servo Makerido stating that there is 0 influence of Turkish genes in Serbia, Croatia.

I'm very hesitant to believ there is 0 infulence of Turkic Tatars and Mongols/Siberians among ethnic Russian population. You look like mixture of Polish and Kazakh, imo.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-17-2017, 10:24 PM
Folks, I'm saying this again, no need to be butt hurt. I'm just copy pasting stuff. It's not me making it up.

You are sissyboy with Sikeliots wartfilled dick deep in your ass.

08-17-2017, 10:24 PM
Please speak politely. Moderators, ban her please, she's insulting me. I never said a word to you.
I copy pasted this from Wikipedia.

Its typical for balkanites like Stearsolina codename Feichy to insult when they have no arguments.Just ignore her.


08-17-2017, 10:26 PM
Its typical for balkanites like Stearsolina codename Feichy to insult when they have no arguments.Just ignore her.

It's so stupid, why should I hide when get angry ?
You are wannabe Balkanite, go back to USSR eastern European troll.

08-17-2017, 10:27 PM
Oh my God. Well, these people act adolescent actually. Not capable of having a proper discussion. I will not continue. Let everyone hold to his own opinion.

08-17-2017, 10:28 PM
Not worth it talking to people, who even on the Internet act like savages. I don't even know how you are in real life.

08-17-2017, 10:29 PM
It's so stupid, why should I hide when get angry ?
You are wannabe Balkanite, go back to USSR eastern European troll.

We are not hiding anything here. Apricity is sparta for the toughest roughest internetwarriors. If you don't cut it, go back to laalaaland.

08-17-2017, 10:29 PM
Not worth it talking to people, who even on the Internet act like savages. I don't even know how you are in real life.

You are not tough enuff for apricity.

Сербо Макеридов
08-17-2017, 10:30 PM
Oh my God. Well, these people act adolescent actually. Not capable of having a proper discussion. I will not continue. Let everyone hold to his own opinion.

Dude, "Turkish" and Turkic haplogroups R1a-Z93, Q, R1b (11-11) J2a and Middle Eastern branch of E1b, do not exist among ethnic Serbs.

08-17-2017, 10:30 PM
Dick, nobody gave you a word, sorry.
Meanwhile, I'm very very hesitant about Servo Makerido stating that there is 0 influence of Turkish genes in Serbia, Croatia.


08-17-2017, 10:31 PM
It's so stupid, why should I hide when get angry ?
You are wannabe Balkanite, go back to USSR eastern European troll.

There is no hurry my dear, I will not go back to USSR, USSR will come here and so God willing, the Eurasian Union will dominate the world.

08-17-2017, 11:13 PM
The guy has strong uralic vibe to him. In general coats and Serbs I would say don't give off the vibe since they look like a mixture of Turks and Ukrainians

Whats Uralid about me lol

08-17-2017, 11:17 PM
Carpathid (alpinid + dinaric).

You look more Croat than Serb (the irony ).

My Great Grandfather was Croatian also I thought Carpethid was Armenoid influenced

08-17-2017, 11:21 PM
There is no hurry my dear, I will not go back to USSR, USSR will come here and so God willing, the Eurasian Union will dominate the world.

Do you think I'm Uralid lol

de Burgh II
08-17-2017, 11:22 PM
You look-ey west baltid with a minor dinaric strain.




08-17-2017, 11:59 PM

08-18-2017, 04:00 AM
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light Brown

What do you get mistaken for in Canada?

08-18-2017, 04:01 AM
What do you get mistaken for in Canada?


08-18-2017, 04:01 AM

Same question for you.

08-18-2017, 04:01 AM
What do you get mistaken for in Canada?

Ive gotton Italian and Russian someone also said German

08-18-2017, 04:02 AM
I think I look Like a Pole as many people say on here

08-18-2017, 04:05 AM
I think I look Like a Pole as many people say on here

Decently accurate actually.

08-18-2017, 04:06 AM
I think I look Like a Pole as many people say on here

I would think the same or just Slav in general. A lot of Serbs/Croats here look Polish

08-18-2017, 04:07 AM
I would think the same or just Slav in general. A lot of Serbs/Croats here look Polish

Wait what did you classify me as also are you a pole

08-18-2017, 04:10 AM
Wait what did you classify me as also are you a pole

You're noric. I'm Not a pole.

08-18-2017, 04:11 AM
You're noric. I'm Not a pole.

Lol that fucking troll was pathetic earlier he said I was Uralic he was probably just some Analbanian who was pretending to be Russian

08-18-2017, 04:23 AM

08-18-2017, 07:57 AM
My Great Grandfather was Croatian also I thought Carpethid was Armenoid influenced

That is not true, Carpathid is core type in Slovekia, Transylvania and very common in Croatia and other Southern Slavs.

You could pass for southern Pole but you look more Croatian than anything. It's a southern Slavic look.

08-18-2017, 10:28 AM
Northern-influenced for someone of South Slavic ancestry. My guess is you could probably pass in Poland or Ukraine, as well.

08-18-2017, 03:15 PM
Northern-influenced for someone of South Slavic ancestry. My guess is you could probably pass in Poland or Ukraine, as well.

Absolutely not, he is in the average range. If somebody is more southern influenced than that, than it's not typical.

Porn Master
08-18-2017, 03:17 PM
nothing uralid in him, stop bullshitting. he's balkanid

08-18-2017, 05:18 PM
That is not true, Carpathid is core type in Slovekia, Transylvania and very common in Croatia and other Southern Slavs.

You could pass for southern Pole but you look more Croatian than anything. It's a southern Slavic look.

Oh I read somewhere it was Armenoid influenced

08-18-2017, 05:31 PM
Absolutely not, he is in the average range. If somebody is more southern influenced than that, than it's not typical.

I found the source were it says it has a few armenoid elements


08-18-2017, 05:33 PM
Absolutely not, he is in the average range. If somebody is more southern influenced than that, than it's not typical.

I found the source were it says it has a few armenoid elements


08-18-2017, 05:33 PM
I found the source were it says it has a few armenoid elements


False if you ask me. How can phenotype most common among east-central Europeans have armeoid influence ?

Even the vast majority of southern Europeans doesn't disply any armeanoid characteristic, not to mention furthern north.

08-18-2017, 05:38 PM
False if you ask me. How can phenotype most common among east-central Europeans have armeoid influence ?

Even the vast majority of southern Europeans doesn't disply any armeanoid characteristic, not to mention furthern north.

Why don't you just say Dinarid + Alpine for me lol Carpathid is not even common were my family is from (We are Serbs from Krajina)

08-18-2017, 05:41 PM
Carpathid is common in Ukraine

08-18-2017, 05:44 PM
Why don't you just say Dinarid + Alpine for me lol Carpathid is not even common were my family is from (We are Serbs from Krajina)
It's think it's quite common among western Serbs actually.

Carpathid is common in Ukraine
Yes, in western parts.

08-18-2017, 05:58 PM
It's think it's quite common among western Serbs actually.

Yes, in western parts.

I would agree with Carpathid but I don't see any Armenoid influence whatever I am its most likely Dinarid or Norid + Some other robust phenotype it could be CM, Alpine, Gorid even Baltid who really knows also did you look at all my pictures I have lighter features than average carpathid

08-18-2017, 06:44 PM
I would agree with Carpathid but I don't see any Armenoid influence whatever I am its most likely Dinarid or Norid + Some other robust phenotype it could be CM, Alpine, Gorid even Baltid who really knows also did you look at all my pictures I have lighter features than average carpathid

You don't have any armenoid influence. And you're brunette with green eyes, how is that lighter than phenotype present in east-central Europe mainly ?

Carpathids aren't supossed to be dark but medium pigmentation.

08-18-2017, 07:37 PM
You're not Carpathid.