View Full Version : Syrian women liberated from Raqqa burn their burqas

07-31-2017, 01:33 PM
Syrian women burn their burqas and men shave off the beards ISIS forced them to grow as they celebrate being liberated from Raqqa (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4718088/Syrian-women-burn-burqas-ISIS-wear.html)

Emotional footage of women burning their burqas and men shaving off the beards ISIS forced them to grow has emerged as Syrians celebrated being liberated from Raqqa.

Distraught civilians who were freed from the terrorists' reign of terror in the city in the north of the country could not wait to destroy any association with Islamic State.

Women were captured peeling off the black burqas militants forced them to wear and setting them on fire before cursing the terror group.

While the women were given strict dress codes, men were forced to grow beards which they shaved off as soon as they tasted freedom.

The families in the video were freed from ISIS by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by the People's Protection Units (YPG).

In a video released by the YPG, a crying mother tells the camera ISIS killed her father and her husband when they were stood outside the family home.

Another says her father was burned to death by terrorists and one woman, peeling off her burqa, says: 'Burn them. May Allah burn ISIS. They burned my father.

'May these clothes they forced us to wear be damned.

'May Allah but fire on their hearts.'

A Raqqa resident, standing with her son, tells the camera her son was killed by ISIS because he refused to pray and a man says he lost his daughter.

One man in the video is then tended to by a barber, who cuts off his beard with a pair of scissors.

The man being groomed says: 'Cut it all off. Cut it all off just to spite them.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4718088/Syrian-women-burn-burqas-ISIS-wear.html#ixzz4oPqU3d00

07-31-2017, 02:37 PM
Oh, but I thought Muslim women veil by choice... lol... of course not. It's only the useful idiots of western Marxists who wear it by choice. The remainder are either forced by their government, terrorists or their family to do so.