View Full Version : Hazara with African mtDNA L and African haplogroup B-M60

08-02-2017, 11:04 PM
This puzzles me. What do you think are these reasons for these admixture ?

" haplogroup L3 is 7.5% in the Hazara and 5.1% haplogroup B

http://eprints.port.ac.uk/9862/1/John_Whale_MPhil_Thesis_2012.pdf "

Was it really African slaves that introduced these haplogroups ? And if it was from African slaves, were they from the Arabs times or much later?

If it was not from African could it have been from introduced in the forms of Iranians who already assimilated African DNA before the Mongol invasion?

From this science blog it says


" Haplogroup B Y-DNA has been found in 3% (3/117) in Iranian aswell. 2.3% (Bandari) and 8.2% (Gheshmi). Iranians also have African mtDNA from 3% L3 ON average but higher than 8% in some Iran province. Most Iran province ussually have only 3% African Y-DNA and mtDNA. "

Someone also said this

"About strange B group also important to note that 3 samples found in the western hazara tribe named Day-zangi, which zangi in Persian means Black, but they are not black people nowadays! " <----- Don't know if this is serious or a troll