View Full Version : spain-poverty-hits-millions-despite-growth

08-06-2017, 01:18 AM

It looks like an ordinary summer’s day at a swimming pool on the outskirts of Sevilla in southern Spain: a group of children are splashing around in the water.

But this is a special day for them. They are here with social workers from the organisation Entre Amigos (Between Friends).

They are part of the millions of Spaniards who are not reaping the benefits of the economic upturn.
We travel with them to their neighbourhood in Polígono Sur, known as ‘the ’3.000 homes’, one of the poorest in Spain.

The children are among hundreds who receive free meals from the organisation over the summer holidays in schools across the neighbourhood. It’s part of a program launched nationwide three years ago by the NGO Educo.

“Requests for our summer meals have gone up by 40% compared to last year,” Fernando Rodríguez of Educo Andalucía tells us. “The economic crisis has led to budget cuts in social funding, education, health. That has led to many families trying to cut down on food spending. Nobody is going hungry, but there is malnutrition in Spain.”

More than 40% of children live in poverty in Sevilla. It may be a prime tourist destination, but it is also the country’s fifth poorest city. A situation that is gaining ground among Spain’s middle class families.

Families like Salud Funes’. Every morning, on her way to work, she drops off her twins at a school in the Palmete neighbourhood, where the NGO Save the Children fills in the gaps in Spain’s welfare system, offering the children games and educational activities.

“New families have arrived, people who have lost their jobs, or who work in very precarious conditions and no longer have any social benefits. Our main concern is that this kind of poverty is turning into a chronic phenomenon,” says Javier Cuenca, head of the Save the Children Andalucía.

Salud lives with her family in her parents’ house, along with her sister’s and her brother’s families.

Both she and her husband have jobs – she works as a domestic help and he is a construction worker – but they cannot afford to pay the rent on a home of their own.

“My mother helps us out, she puts food on the table every day, and she buys breakfast for the kids. That way we manage,” she tells us.

Out of work for several years following the economic crisis, Salud’s husband finally found a job a few months ago. But the wages are unreliable, she says.

“The first month he earned 800 euros, the second 900 euros, the third 550 euros. It’s a total disaster, we don’t know what we’re going to earn from one month to the next. It varies, depending on how many hours work we get. So I save money the months I earn more, which I spend when I earn less. Because otherwise there are months when we wouldn’t even be able to afford the bills.”

In another part of Sevilla, in the heart of the old town, we meet Manolo Garrido. He is an activist, and spokesman with the so-called Platform for Mortgage victims, the PAH.

Most of the people we meet at PAH’s Sevilla premises used to lead comfortable lives. The crisis changed all that. In debt, unable to cope with prohibitive bank rates, some have already lost their homes. Others are fighting to keep theirs.

“They come here to find comfort and help, we tell them there is always room for negotiation. If they cannot pay off their debt, maybe there is another solution, they don’t necessarily have to end up on the street,” Manolo explains.

Celestina Velasco is among those who found hope at the PAH. She used to run a building company with her husband, which employed some fifteen people. When their biggest clients failed to pay the bills, the couple was unable to pay back their bank loans. They went bankrupt. Their flat was seized. The company’s offices are being put up for auction.

“Look,” she shows us the closed-down offices, “these were our offices. I lost my home, and now a court case is under way, and the bank is likely to seize the place. And even then, I will have to continue to pay off my debt… for the rest of my life.”

Today, Celestina lives with her two children in her 25-year old son’s flat. With his monthly salary of 1.000 euros, he provides for most of their needs.

Celestina’s fall brought on serious depression and a divorce. At 53, she’s trying to resurface. She has just found a temporary job in a service company for the elderly, for 500 euros a month.

“I have this job for two or three months, I don’t know how long it will last,” she tells us. “Every day, I look for work, I never stop. I ask for help from social workers and from Caritas, they put me in touch with people, and so I send CVs to restaurants, bars, places like that. I’m just trying to find something.”

Spain has one of the highest growth rates in the eurozone. But poverty rates in Andalusia are the same as they were at the height of the crisis, says Mariano Perez de Ayala, the regional head of Caritas (the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development). According to him, austerity policies and labor law reforms have led to more precarity in Spain.

“Our system doesn’t smooth out inequalities in times of economic boom, and it destroys a lot of jobs and deepens inequalities in times of crisis,” he says. “The crisis has reversed many social achievements in Europe. We have seen the rise of a neo-liberal model that undermines the social welfare system. Labour reforms that have been implemented according to this model have been detrimental to the social achievements of recent years.”

Asunción Campanario has not had a permanent job for nine years. Once a week, she goes to the wholesalers to buy goods which she sells on markets and in her neighborhood.

A mother of two, she also takes care of her elderly mother. She says she and her husband simply couldn’t cope without the help of charities.

“I used to have my own business, I ran a bar, I also worked in wholesale trade, I sold jewelry and accessories. My husband also worked wherever he found a job – in lift maintenance, on building sites – we did quite well. We worked for others and we were much better off then. Now we are self-employed, and we work much more for less.”

The next morning, we meet Asunción at the market.

“Sales are low, they’re low, because it is very hot and there aren’t many people, but I’m coping! I talk a lot, so I manage to sell!”

Asunción makes the best of the situation but she doesn’t expect to see things improve anytime soon: “This will last,” she tells us. “Politicians will keep on stealing money and filling their pockets. They only think of themselves! And we, the poor people, we are the last in the world! We’ll just keep on being poor. The poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer. It’s always been that way.”

08-06-2017, 04:08 AM
Ncncncnc. From all ex-colonial empires or Great Powers, the Spaniards are absolutely the most retard. And during the history they have been seen in this way from the other Great Powers. An idiot country.

08-06-2017, 05:11 AM
Ncncncnc. From all ex-colonial empires or Great Powers, the Spaniards are absolutely the most retard. And during the history they have been seen in this way from the other Great Powers. An idiot country.

You being Albanian, are not in position to talk shit about Spain.

08-06-2017, 05:13 AM
I understand that the OP must feel very frustrated of being discriminated in Spain due to his very mongrelized and SSA influenced triracial look :rolleyes:

That's why he's creating all these shitty threads to troll Spaniards.

08-06-2017, 05:23 AM
You being Albanian, are not in position to talk shit about Spain.

Seriously? But we see your gypsy compatriots talking all the day shit about Albania. BTW, i said the truth. The other big country of Europe consider you not only cigans, but they see you as inferior people. This is the truth.

08-06-2017, 05:27 AM
Seriously? But we see your gypsy compatriots talking all the day shit about Albania. BTW, i said the truth. The other big country of Europe consider you not only cigans, but they see you as inferior people. This is the truth.

If they (I guess you talk about France, or whatever) see Spaniards as inferior people, I don't want to imagine how they see Albanians :rolleyes:

08-06-2017, 05:28 AM
I understand that the OP must feel very frustrated of being discriminated in Spain due to his very mongrelized and SSA influenced triracial look :rolleyes:

That's why he's creating all these shitty threads to troll Spaniards.

Mongrels are better than inbred spaniards

08-06-2017, 05:28 AM
I understand that the OP must feel very frustrated of being discriminated in Spain due to his very mongrelized and SSA influenced triracial look :rolleyes:

That's why he's creating all these shitty threads to troll Spaniards.

I don`t agree with you. The only frustrated persons here are the Iberians. I have said this to you many times. You suffer from the complex of inferiority because people consider you subhumans, gypsy. And your only preocupation is convincing the others that it`s not true that you are simply a bunch of gypsy christianised arabs, product of incestuous relations:

We were born whiter than Albanians, dear Turk. Bashing Albanians is for fun :p
You see? Is your friend who prove my point.

08-06-2017, 05:30 AM
If they (I guess you talk about France, or whatever) see Spaniards as inferior people, I don't want to imagine how they see Albanians :rolleyes:
Albania is a small country and many people don`t know that this country exist. No, i am not only refering to France. The whole north Europe, but also many other countries, consider you as subhumans. Have a look in your history and you will find many examples.

08-06-2017, 08:29 AM
They are part of the millions of Spaniards who are not reaping the benefits of the economic upturn.
We travel with them to their neighbourhood in Polígono Sur, known as ‘the ’3.000 homes’, one of the poorest in Spain.

This is a neighborhood of gypsies, this is what represents Spain ?, hahaha

I think without Andalucia, Spain would be among the top five in the world in quality of life. Unfortunately we still have to drag the Gypsy/Moorish legacy.



08-06-2017, 10:13 AM
I understand that the OP must feel very frustrated of being discriminated in Spain due to his very mongrelized and SSA influenced triracial look :rolleyes:

That's why he's creating all these shitty threads to troll Spaniards.Hes an anti-Iberian racist. I just read 5 threads with negative, slanderous material toward Spaniards, from him. He thinks Spaniards are scum. So yes, he is a racist. But the irony is, he has Iberian blood running through his veins. It must suck to hate what you are made of. Unlike you and I, proud of our Spanish ancestry. I uncovered his racism just recently concerning Spaniards. I kinda had an idea for a long time, but it was made official just recently. He's a racist. He's even in favor of the majority population of the US (European descendants), the country where he's from, to become minorities through immigration. He's a racist. I don't fool with him anymore and I recommend you don't either.

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2017, 02:12 PM
hahaha a Dominigga and an Albrownian talking about poverty hahahah

08-06-2017, 02:22 PM
Hes an anti-Iberian racist. I just read 5 threads with negative, slanderous material toward Spaniards, from him. He thinks Spaniards are scum. So yes, he is a racist. But the irony is, he has Iberian blood running through his veins. It must suck to hate what you are made of. Unlike you and I, proud of our Spanish ancestry. I uncovered his racism just recently concerning Spaniards. I kinda had an idea for a long time, but it was made official just recently. He's a racist. He's even in favor of the majority population of the US (European descendants), the country where he's from, to become minorities through immigration. He's a racist. I don't fool with him anymore and I recommend you don't either.
Im not racists. I just dont like spaniards. Because nearly all i encounter are some kind of racialists . Not really trolling other europeans am I on a serious level am I? I troll many times but many times its not serious trolling. Like southern euro = arabs

And i never said anything like what you claim again. Saying stuff thats never been claimed...
I merely uncovered you were a racists. And told you to talk about principals of border security. You refused merely talking acting like you were endangered of being extinct or something. Because some people who come in the country are t white. I said lazy enforcrment and policy is the problem. And you kept raning, muh white blood endanger... I am a civic nationalists. And you are a ethno racialists. How am I racists?.
Most people coming in arent my ancestry neither. They are different people. As zhao said many minorities mix and here you are acting like omg they about to get us. Please man. Im even mixed ethnicity/race. I have family members that are also. You are the ones that are racists. And i have had white friends also, worked with them ect. Iberians are always some hypocrits and they are serious about it too.

And no I am not proud of Iberian blood anyways. So what? It doesnt make me who I am. And the pride of iberians is the torture, robbing and rape of others. I am not proud of that. I am proud of of my own good deeeds I have done before. Like helping homeless people and friends. Gpa, good test scores ect. Work i have done before ect Iberian blood never helped with me accomplishing anything. It was my own efforts. Iberian blood is useless 2 me.

Its a border policy issue and you were making it a racialists agenda like white people are being genocided when they arent. I read between the lines. You are a racialists and a racists. I am not.

And you are canarian. You aren't even a real Spaniard.

08-06-2017, 05:05 PM
Im not racists. I just dont like spaniards. Because nearly all i encounter are some kind of racialists . Not really trolling other europeans am I on a serious level am I? I troll many times but many times its not serious trolling. Like southern euro = arabs

And i never said anything like what you claim again. Saying stuff thats never been claimed...
I merely uncovered you were a racists. And told you to talk about principals of border security. You refused merely talking acting like you were endangered of being extinct or something. Because some people who come in the country are t white. I said lazy enforcrment and policy is the problem. And you kept raning, muh white blood endanger... I am a civic nationalists. And you are a ethno racialists. How am I racists?.
Most people coming in arent my ancestry neither. They are different people. As zhao said many minorities mix and here you are acting like omg they about to get us. Please man. Im even mixed ethnicity/race. I have family members that are also. You are the ones that are racists. And i have had white friends also, worked with them ect. Iberians are always some hypocrits and they are serious about it too.

And no I am not proud of Iberian blood anyways. So what? It doesnt make me who I am. And the pride of iberians is the torture, robbing and rape of others. I am not proud of that. I am proud of of my own good deeeds I have done before. Like helping homeless people and friends. Gpa, good test scores ect. Work i have done before ect Iberian blood never helped with me accomplishing anything. It was my own efforts. Iberian blood is useless 2 me.

Its a border policy issue and you were making it a racialists agenda like white people are being genocided when they arent. I read between the lines. You are a racialists and a racists. I am not.

And you are canarian. You aren't even a real Spaniard.

Your words can be used against you.

"How am I racists?." --->>> "I just dont like spaniards." "Like southern euro = arabs" "I am not proud of Iberian blood" "the pride of iberians is the torture, robbing and rape of others" "Iberian blood is useless 2 me."

Of course you are a racist. If you don't like a race of people, you are a racist. You admitted to not liking Iberians. You are a racist.

I've never said I didn't like any race or ethnicity of people. It does not exist in my comments. Of course I don't mind talking about merit based systems and things like border security. But someone on the thread, can't remember if it was you are not, made a comment that Trump wanted to make America white again or something to that effect, I can't remember the exact quote, but I remarked, "not that he is, but if he was, what was wrong with that?" Due to the US having a white majority of 80%-90% from its creation in 1776 to the 1960's at the time of the liberal change of the immigration law in 1965, what's wrong with the USA continuing with that? I mean that's the way it's been for nearly 250 years. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with stating this fact, and I was in favor of white Americans to keep their majority by cutting legal immigration in half as Trump suggested, as well as ending illegal immigration. I'm all for a merit based law for immigration, which would include candidates from all races. But I do recognize that the US is and has been a white majority country since its birth. I'm in favor of preventing population replacement of the majority population that was the majority at the time of the 1965 law change on immigration.

But you took this and twisted it into "you are a racist and you don't like minorities, because you are a racialist". But the truth is, you don't have to be a racialist or even a racist to understand that a country with a majority population, since it's founding, is being negatively affected by immigration to the point that in only a 100 year span they will have gone from 90% of the population to 49%. And I didn't view that as good. But you did. And by viewing the replacement of the majority population as favorable, by default you are racist. But that's the tip of the iceberg. You admit to hating Iberians. So you are admitting to being a racist. Thanks, that's less I have to publically prove.

I could never be racist, because I don't have a problem with other races. I don't have a problem with them being here. In fact, on another thread, I mentioned that many non-whites were true Americans and have contributed greatly to the US and should be honored. But you could never say this about a Spaniard, because you are a racist. But the irony is just great. You hate Iberians, but you are filled up with their blood. You couldn't make this shit up.

And for the record, it's racist to assume all Spaniards are torturers, robbers or rapist. You are projecting the actions of a few onto a people and using that as fuel for your bigotry. How racist of you.

I don't even have the same ancestry as the group of white Americans I was defending. I just thought I'd defend them since when they do it, they get called racist at every turn. But this bullshit you used trying to get laughs of "muh white blood" is useless. Because I'm already considered a minority although I'm racially white since in the US, non-Hispanic white" is the majority and anyone that does not fit that bill is seen as a minority. This includes White Hispanics such as myself. It's silly, yes. But it's reality in the US. So what do I have to gain defending a group that I don't even get recognized as? Nothing. It was out of good faith to support their preservation. Uh, I mean they did create this thing called the USA, so we should give them that at least. I'd be happier if the US was majority Spanish and Portuguese descent, but that's not reality.

So no, I'm not a racialist since my views don't revolve around racial ideologies. And no, I'm not a racist because there is no group on earth I have hatred for. But you, pal, are a slanderer and a racist. Learn what a real racist is. Someone that does not like another race or ethnic group. Kinda like how you don't like Iberians. Shit, I just read 5 negative threads you made about Spaniards/Iberians.

And yes, I am of Canarian descent. And I never once claimed to be a Spaniard at all. I'm a Spanish-American, I was born in the United States. Spaniards are born in Spain. As for my ancestry, well I'm 90% Iberian and 10% Guanche. I think 90% Iberian is enough to be called Spanish-American. Actually, Canarians accept my ancestry to be of theirs, and accept me as one of them. That's enough for me.

So stop slandering people and stop being racist toward Spaniards/Iberians. I assume you are racist against Spanish-Americans too. Well go ahead and google the history of my people. We did not have slaves in Louisiana, nor did we kill or humiliate any Amerindians, nor did we rape anyone....at all. We were peaceful people that stayed to ourselves on an isolated bayou in Louisiana. This is fact.

08-06-2017, 08:46 PM

I've my doubts about this map. I wonder what factors they used to make that... :picard1:


Italy is on top in life expectancy, quality of food and healthcare while, compared to other countries, has lower obesity rate and use of alchol.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Body_Mass_Index_(BMI)#WHO_Dat a_on_Prevalence_of_Overweight_.28BMI_.E2.89.A5_25k g.2Fm2.29_.282014.29

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capit a

08-07-2017, 12:38 PM
Your words can be used against you.

"How am I racists?." --->>> "I just dont like spaniards." "Like southern euro = arabs" "I am not proud of Iberian blood" "the pride of iberians is the torture, robbing and rape of others" "Iberian blood is useless 2 me."

Of course you are a racist. If you don't like a race of people, you are a racist. You admitted to not liking Iberians. You are a racist.

I've never said I didn't like any race or ethnicity of people. It does not exist in my comments. Of course I don't mind talking about merit based systems and things like border security. But someone on the thread, can't remember if it was you are not, made a comment that Trump wanted to make America white again or something to that effect, I can't remember the exact quote, but I remarked, "not that he is, but if he was, what was wrong with that?" Due to the US having a white majority of 80%-90% from its creation in 1776 to the 1960's at the time of the liberal change of the immigration law in 1965, what's wrong with the USA continuing with that? I mean that's the way it's been for nearly 250 years. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with stating this fact, and I was in favor of white Americans to keep their majority by cutting legal immigration in half as Trump suggested, as well as ending illegal immigration. I'm all for a merit based law for immigration, which would include candidates from all races. But I do recognize that the US is and has been a white majority country since its birth. I'm in favor of preventing population replacement of the majority population that was the majority at the time of the 1965 law change on immigration.

But you took this and twisted it into "you are a racist and you don't like minorities, because you are a racialist". But the truth is, you don't have to be a racialist or even a racist to understand that a country with a majority population, since it's founding, is being negatively affected by immigration to the point that in only a 100 year span they will have gone from 90% of the population to 49%. And I didn't view that as good. But you did. And by viewing the replacement of the majority population as favorable, by default you are racist. But that's the tip of the iceberg. You admit to hating Iberians. So you are admitting to being a racist. Thanks, that's less I have to publically prove.

I could never be racist, because I don't have a problem with other races. I don't have a problem with them being here. In fact, on another thread, I mentioned that many non-whites were true Americans and have contributed greatly to the US and should be honored. But you could never say this about a Spaniard, because you are a racist. But the irony is just great. You hate Iberians, but you are filled up with their blood. You couldn't make this shit up.

And for the record, it's racist to assume all Spaniards are torturers, robbers or rapist. You are projecting the actions of a few onto a people and using that as fuel for your bigotry. How racist of you.

I don't even have the same ancestry as the group of white Americans I was defending. I just thought I'd defend them since when they do it, they get called racist at every turn. But this bullshit you used trying to get laughs of "muh white blood" is useless. Because I'm already considered a minority although I'm racially white since in the US, non-Hispanic white" is the majority and anyone that does not fit that bill is seen as a minority. This includes White Hispanics such as myself. It's silly, yes. But it's reality in the US. So what do I have to gain defending a group that I don't even get recognized as? Nothing. It was out of good faith to support their preservation. Uh, I mean they did create this thing called the USA, so we should give them that at least. I'd be happier if the US was majority Spanish and Portuguese descent, but that's not reality.

So no, I'm not a racialist since my views don't revolve around racial ideologies. And no, I'm not a racist because there is no group on earth I have hatred for. But you, pal, are a slanderer and a racist. Learn what a real racist is. Someone that does not like another race or ethnic group. Kinda like how you don't like Iberians. Shit, I just read 5 negative threads you made about Spaniards/Iberians.

And yes, I am of Canarian descent. And I never once claimed to be a Spaniard at all. I'm a Spanish-American, I was born in the United States. Spaniards are born in Spain. As for my ancestry, well I'm 90% Iberian and 10% Guanche. I think 90% Iberian is enough to be called Spanish-American. Actually, Canarians accept my ancestry to be of theirs, and accept me as one of them. That's enough for me.

So stop slandering people and stop being racist toward Spaniards/Iberians. I assume you are racist against Spanish-Americans too. Well go ahead and google the history of my people. We did not have slaves in Louisiana, nor did we kill or humiliate any Amerindians, nor did we rape anyone....at all. We were peaceful people that stayed to ourselves on an isolated bayou in Louisiana. This is fact.
Again Iberian is not an ethnicity or race. Spanish at best may be considered a nationality. Since spain is of different sub groups with different cultural practices and sometimes even different languages.

Also you keep complaining about population replacement. Theres no Genocide. Its about border/visa enforcement and policy. Are you dense? You don't explain anything. You just ramble and ramble

The only insightful thing you say is that you want a merit based system, But what does that entail?
You keep mentioning about a law of 1965 but never explain anything about. You just whine like you are an endangered species for being white or something when its not true.
Listen 1965 law abolished a qoute system that was used to encourage Immigration mostly only from Europe. So how it was it rassists???
the previous was a 1924 act that was based on a "Emergency qouta system.
This qouta system only allowed 3% of migrants from countries based on the number of residents of those people already living in the states. How is that merit based??? it did this based on the census of 1910...And the implication of why it was abolished is because it discriminated many countries from being accepted into the United states. So how was it rassists?
In 1924 they changed it to 2% so they could hinder southern Euros, eastern Euros from immigrating, and Spaniards also. They wanted northern European migrants.
The 1965 made it so that skills were more focused on determining your immigration status and your ability to get a visa.

So European Economy is doing so well now they don't move here as much so its rassist?
The immigration policy was limiting non Europeans to the US because of their origins. Is that merit based??
There was even a chinese exclusion act. On what grounds is that policy merit based?
Large portions of undocumented immigrants come from India and East asia, including china. But Chinese and Indians clearly do better than Native born Americans including whites.

The issue has to do with Border policy and Immigration enforcement because its lazy. Many people also overstay their visa. The issue is tracking immigrants. and if overstaying their visa, find out why, and then send them back if the reasons are not warrant for it. Your assertion that they should just be more white immigrants is merit less itself but more of a self entitlement mentality that you simply deserve because you are white.

But of course if a native born non white Hispanic mixed with a white non Hispanic, is that genocide??? Come on man don't get ridiculous.
Many people coming into the United states prior to 1965 were foreigners. They were not part of the American native born population already existing. but of course you won't call this genocide. Even though they didn't belong in the United states since they were foreigners. You will just make Acceptable because "white." Please man.

Trumps mom was an immigrants. His mom was Scottish and his fathers parents were german immigrants. Any genocide there? His german father mixed with a scot? Is that german genocide? Oh thats right its because you like to see genocide to fit the " white" category. You don't account for ethnic ancestral lines...
But then don't account for the non" whites" groups that mix like zhao said.

Listen man you are just a racialists. You don't want to talk anything about policy. The type of rights if any an immigrant can be entitled to. The support programs a immigrant may be entitled to, The requirements for it. Speaking English is a fair one that is actually debatable, I was actually trolling before. But at the same time speaking English will not stop illegal immigration. Speaking English makes it easier to illegally immigrate.
Its how illegals are able to keep passing the borders multiple times despite getting deported.
It will just make it easier for any immigrant to sneak in or overstay a visa.
You don't even go into deph talking about speaking english, You just ramble about the "population replacement."....

a good immigration policy is having both low skilled and high skilled come in. The reason why the US outsources for labor is because they get cheaper labor allowing their businesses to save money for more profit. This allows them to invest more in the businesses and research to keep up with the competition. US Americans are trying to climb up for better jobs (white collar) and higher position jobs. They don't want to continually be doing grunt low wage jobs all the time. Illegal immigrants move in and the US native born population then gets into higher position field such as supervisor.

Encouraging an immigrant for citizenship is a better route so they can be made to pay taxes. On the grounds that they come illegally iof why/how, If they overstayed a visa then the reasons and circumstances have to be looked at. if not warranted then they should be sent back. I can only imagine Background checks should be better. And screening as well. I don't know the process for it, although I have read its hard to get in the US when legally done. But illegally they are incentivized to stay is more likely an issue.

Again you just keep rambling about Racialists talks. Someone should be allowed more than anotther just because of their race, ancestry or origin. And somehow thats merit based?

08-07-2017, 12:44 PM
This is obviously a troll thread made by and for trolls.

08-07-2017, 12:50 PM
Again Spain is not an ethnicity or race, Neither is Iberian

Also you keep complaining about population replacement. Theres no Genocide. Its about border/visa enforcement and policy. Are you dense? You don't explain anything. You just ramble and ramble

The only insightful thing you say is that you want a merit based system, But what does that entail?
You keep mentioning about a law of 1965 but never explain anything about. You just whine like you are an endangered species for being white or something when its not true.
Listen 1965 law abolished a qoute system that was used to encourage Immigration mostly only from Europe. So how it was it rassists???
the previous was a 1924 act that was based on a "Emergency qouta system.
This qouta system only allowed 3% of migrants from countries based on the number of residents of those people already living in the states. How is that merit based??? it did this based on the census of 1910...And the implication of why it was abolished is because it discriminated many countries from being accepted into the United states. So how was it rassists?
In 1924 they changed it to 2% so they could hinder southern Euros, eastern Euros from immigrating, and Spaniards also. They wanted northern European migrants.
The 1965 made it so that skills were more focused on determining your immigration status and your ability to get a visa.

So European Economy is doing so well now they don't move here as much so its rassist?
The immigration policy was limiting non Europeans to the US because of their origins. Is that merit based??
There was even a chinese exclusion act. On what grounds is that policy merit based?
Large portions of undocumented immigrants come from India and East asia, including china. But Chinese and Indians clearly do better than Native born Americans including whites.

The issue has to do with Border policy and Immigration enforcement because its lazy. Many people also overstay their visa. The issue is tracking immigrants. and if overstaying their visa, find out why, and then send them back if the reasons are not warrant for it. Your assertion that they should just be more white immigrants is merit less itself but more of a self entitlement mentality that you simply deserve because you are white.

But of course if a native born non white Hispanic mixed with a white non Hispanic, is that genocide??? Come on man don't get ridiculous.
Many people coming into the United states prior to 1965 were foreigners. They were not part of the American native born population already existing. but of course you won't call this genocide. Even though they didn't belong in the United states since they were foreigners. You will just make Acceptable because "white." Please man.

Trumps mom was an immigrants. His mom was Scottish and his parents were german immigrants. Any genocide there? His german father mixed with a scot? Is that german genocide? Oh thats right its because you like to see genocide to fit the " white" category. You don't account for ethnic ancestral lines...
But then don't account for the non" whites" groups that mix like zhao said.

Listen man you are just a racialists. You don't want to talk anything about policy. The type of rights if any an immigrant can be entitled to. The support programs a immigrant may be entitled to, The requirements for it. Speaking English is a fair one that is actually debatable, I was actually trolling before. But at the same time speaking English will not stop illegal immigration. Speaking English makes it legal to illegally immigrate.
Its how illegals are able to keep passing the borders multiple times despite getting deported.
It will just make it easier for any immigrant to sneak in or overstay a visa.
You don't even go into deph talking about speaking english, You just ramble about the "population replacement."....

a good immigration policy is having both low skilled and high skilled come in. The reason why the US outsources for labor is because they get cheaper labor allowing their businesses to save money for more profit. This allows them to invest more in the businesses and research to keep up with the competition. US Americans are trying to climb up for better jobs (white collar) and higher position jobs. They don't want to continually be doing grunt low wage jobs all the time. Illegal immigrants move in and the US native born population then gets into higher position field such as supervisor.

Encouraging an immigrant for citizenship is a better route so they can be made to pay taxes. On the grounds that they come illegally iof why/how, If they overstayed a visa then the reasons and circumstances have to be looked at. if not warranted then they should be sent back. I can only imagine Background checks should be better. And screening as well. I don't know the process for it, although I have read its hard to get in the US when legally done. But illegally they are incentivized to stay is more likely an issue.

Again you just keep rambling about Racialists talks. Someone should be allowed more than anotther just because of their race, ancestry or origin. And somehow thats merit based?

I would say that White countries are experiencing "cultural or racial suicide" than "white genocide", yes. White nationalists/supremacists are very loony people.

08-07-2017, 01:47 PM
Ncncncnc. From all ex-colonial empires or Great Powers, the Spaniards are absolutely the most retard. And during the history they have been seen in this way from the other Great Powers. An idiot country.First of all, I dont give a shit what other countries think about us...We have our opinion about other countries too...
That new about poverty hitting millions in Spain is ridiculous and no sense.
Baby all the big cities all over the world have ghettos, do you know something about Molenbeek in Brussels, Roubaix in Paris, Rosengard in Sweden, Secondigliano in Italy, 8 miles in Detroit, etc? but I understand that you don't know about it because Albania is a big ghetto itself.
And your argument about Albania being a retarded country because is a small country isn't a good excuse...because Belgium, Netherlands and even Greece are small countries and they had colonies.

And no, Albania isn't a unknown country, unfortunately we know them because they come to Spain to steal, make some kind of albanian retarded mafia and causing all kind of problems...fortunately most of them are in jail (you should be grateful beacuse they recieve food in jail everyday).

At least we don't go to your country to steal you. We only went to your country in 1997 as peacemakers to help albanian population in their semi civil war.


Cristiano viejo
08-07-2017, 02:37 PM
First of all, I dont give a shit what other countries think about us...We have our opinion about other countries too...
That new about poverty hitting millions in Spain is ridiculous and no sense.
Baby all the big cities all over the world have ghettos, do you know something about Molenbeek in Brussels, Roubaix in Paris, Rosengard in Sweden, Secondigliano in Italy, 8 miles in Detroit, etc? but I understand that you don't know about it because Albania is a big ghetto itself.
And your argument about Albania being a retarded country because is a small country isn't a good excuse...because Belgium, Netherlands and even Greece are small countries and they had colonies.

And no, Albania isn't a unknown country, unfortunately we know them because they come to Spain to steal, make some kind of albanian retarded mafia and causing all kind of problems...fortunately most of them are in jail (you should be grateful beacuse they recieve food in jail everyday).

At least we don't go to your country to steal you. We only go to your country in 1997 as peacemakers to help albanian population in their semi civil war.


hahaha good picture, burgalés :laugh2:

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-07-2017, 02:48 PM
At least we don't go to your country to steal you. We only go to your country in 1997 as peacemakers to help albanian population in their semi civil war.


Typical Albanian Moorish ungratefulness. I can not even believe that there has been Portuguese soldiers that have died in Kosovo trying to protect this people who only know how to bash us in here. They should be kissing our feet for saving their arses.


08-07-2017, 02:51 PM
I understand that the OP must feel very frustrated of being discriminated in Spain due to his very mongrelized and SSA influenced triracial look :rolleyes:

That's why he's creating all these shitty threads to troll Spaniards.

You (and MN1 before you) are the DOG of the Spaniards...and the bolded seems like projection to me

08-07-2017, 02:52 PM
Im not racists. I just dont like spaniards. Because nearly all i encounter are some kind of racialists . Not really trolling other europeans am I on a serious level am I? I troll many times but many times its not serious trolling. Like southern euro = arabs

And i never said anything like what you claim again. Saying stuff thats never been claimed...
I merely uncovered you were a racists. And told you to talk about principals of border security. You refused merely talking acting like you were endangered of being extinct or something. Because some people who come in the country are t white. I said lazy enforcrment and policy is the problem. And you kept raning, muh white blood endanger... I am a civic nationalists. And you are a ethno racialists. How am I racists?.
Most people coming in arent my ancestry neither. They are different people. As zhao said many minorities mix and here you are acting like omg they about to get us. Please man. Im even mixed ethnicity/race. I have family members that are also. You are the ones that are racists. And i have had white friends also, worked with them ect. Iberians are always some hypocrits and they are serious about it too.

And no I am not proud of Iberian blood anyways. So what? It doesnt make me who I am. And the pride of iberians is the torture, robbing and rape of others. I am not proud of that. I am proud of of my own good deeeds I have done before. Like helping homeless people and friends. Gpa, good test scores ect. Work i have done before ect Iberian blood never helped with me accomplishing anything. It was my own efforts. Iberian blood is useless 2 me.

Its a border policy issue and you were making it a racialists agenda like white people are being genocided when they arent. I read between the lines. You are a racialists and a racists. I am not.

And you are canarian. You aren't even a real Spaniard.

Tu aimes le chocolat ?

08-07-2017, 02:53 PM
Typical Albanian Moorish ungratefulness. I can not even believe that there has been Portuguese soldiers that have died in Kosovo trying to protect this people who only know how to bash us in here. They should be kissing our feet for saving their arses.


Those Porkchops died fighting American geopolitical goals...Albos oh you nothing, they know who to thank (USA):


Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-07-2017, 02:58 PM
Those Porkchops died fighting American geopolitical goals...Albos oh you nothing, they know who to thank (USA):

They did not have a choice, when you are a soldier you make a commitment and an allegiance. Obviously you do not understand that because you hail from a failed state. The lives of those "porkchops" are more worthy than the lives of every single Zoomali in the world combined and I would trade them easily if it was possible.

08-07-2017, 03:03 PM
They did not have a choice, when you are a soldier you make a commitment and an allegiance. Obviously you do not understand that because you hail from a failed state. The lives of those "porkchops" are more worthy than the lives of every single Zoomali in the world combined and I would trade them easily if it was possible.

That they did not have a choice is my point...if the US chose the Serbs, they would have died protecting Serbs. Cannon fodder are valuable indeed, but that value does not trickle to the cannon-fodder himself ;)

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-07-2017, 03:09 PM
That they did not have a choice is my point...if the US chose the Serbs, they would have died protecting Serbs. Cannon fodder are valuable indeed, but that value does not trickle to the cannon-fodder himself ;)

Portugal is a founder state of Nato. Like I said, it fulfills its commitments. You can not understand it because you come from a lineage of people who fled Zoomalia at the first opportunity leaving its people to die either from famine or war behind. Typical Muslim cowardice. All my family members have never renounced a call to arms, so don't come at me with the cannon fodder story-tell; living comfortably on the West while all your people is dying back in the zoo.

08-07-2017, 11:32 PM
Again Iberian is not an ethnicity or race. Spanish at best may be considered a nationality. Since spain is of different sub groups with different cultural practices and sometimes even different languages.

Spain and Portugal are countries with very strong identities, stupid dominiga. You're talking about two of the oldest European states.

And Iberians feel and share a strong sense of belonging between them, for being Iberia like a sub-continent by itself, with stronger genetic, cultural and historical ties among all its people than with people outside of it.

08-07-2017, 11:37 PM
You (and MN1 before you) are the DOG of the Spaniards...and the bolded seems like projection to me

lol, I don't care if you think that I look like a triracial mongrel with SSA influence on his phenotype, or even if you think that I look like a gorilla, stupid Somali, ass kisser of Northern Europeans.

Go ahead :rolleyes:

08-08-2017, 01:13 AM
Portugal is a founder state of Nato. Like I said, it fulfills its commitments. You can not understand it because you come from a lineage of people who fled Zoomalia at the first opportunity leaving its people to die either from famine or war behind. Typical Muslim cowardice. All my family members have never renounced a call to arms, so don't come at me with the cannon fodder story-tell; living comfortably on the West while all your people is dying back in the zoo.

If I come from a 'lineage of people who fled' where are the generations and generations of Somalis related to me out here in the West? Lineage eh...Infact, I'm a first generation immigrant, nd it is quite the hypocrisy coming from someone who has nationals who were 3-4-5 generation immigrants in their colonies in Mozambique, Cape Verde and Angola, not to mention non-Portuguese South Africa, Namibia and even North America. As for my people, you are too dim to realize I contribute more via remittances than had I lived in Somaliland. And in the end, I will return, as you never see old Somalis in nursing homes here (though you do many Portuguese ;)

If your family member died in Kosovo, he was indeed cannon-fodder as his death did not serve Portuguese interests, take up your gripe with the term 'cannon fodder', not me...as for Somali deaths, atleast Somali casualties in their civil wars were definers of their fates and their lives and deaths served their or their tribal's interests and their personal stakes. What it must be to die in vain in a strange land, serving a Power because of commitments your satrap government is forced to live upto.

Cristiano viejo
08-08-2017, 05:21 PM
lol, I don't care if you think that I look like a triracial mongrel with SSA influence on his phenotype, or even if you think that I look like a gorilla, stupid Somali, ass kisser of Northern Europeans.

Go ahead :rolleyes:

hehe what a great truth...

Well, at least Wadaad knows who gave him the Occidental life that he is enjoying ;)