View Full Version : The assasins hit in the region madrid to 10 female victims

08-06-2017, 02:27 AM

The region heads the list of deaths by sexist violence registered in Spain so far this year. Since January 1, eight women have died at the hands of their partners, a number that almost doubles the five that were killed during the whole of last year, although there are more than four months to finish 2017. The deceased must be added The murder of two minors. In that period, the Community has assisted 284 women and 237 minors who were at high risk, and have given them places in residential centers. Another 1,923 women have received legal, social or psychological help.

The first death of the year in Spain by macho violence was registered on January 1 in the Community. Matilde Teresa DC H, 40, was stabbed to death by her partner in Rivas. The latest victim was Maria Raquel CF, 63, whose husband, 71, appeared late Wednesday at the Getafe police station and confessed that he had killed her. Since the beginning of the year there have been 33 deaths from sexist violence in Spain. After Madrid, they appear in the sinister ranking Andalusia (six), Castilla-La Mancha (five) and Catalonia (four).

According to the president of the National Federation of Associations of Separate and Divorced Women, Ana María Pérez del Campo, Madrid has the highest number of fatalities at the moment does not mean that another region can not overcome it in the coming months: Lost the fear of killing. And they do not have it because there is no adequate sanction against them. " Pérez del Campo, who blames gender-based violence for "gender-based terrorism," maintains that the pain is twofold, because of the death of the woman and the orphanhood of the children. "In 90% of cases, the violent learned violence in their childhood. One is not born violent, it is done. It is necessary to change education and the system itself, "he concludes.

The Government Delegation in Madrid says that it works "to provide effective protection to victims, through the Comprehensive Monitoring System in cases of Gender Violence (Viogen), a tool for police assessment of risk that came into operation in 2007 ". This system makes it possible to coordinate the human and material resources available to combat this scourge, in order to optimize the protection we offer to victims, say central government sources.

The director general of Women of the Community of Madrid, Lola Moreno, acknowledges that the figures are "horrible" and says that her department works to make all available resources available to victims. Among them, a novelty in the region is that the so-called enabling title (denunciation or restraining order) is not needed to access the aid, as it happens in other autonomies. Any victims can access them through telephones 016 and 012 or by going to the 52 centers for women.

The attendance figures are higher, proportionally speaking, than last year. In 2016, 436 women and 338 children received residential support. So far this year, there are 284 women and 237 children. In the previous year, 2,251 women and 196 children requested psychological, legal, social or information help. Last July 31 of this year, had reached the 1,923 women and 155 minors.

children. "In 90% of cases, the violent learned violence in their childhood. One is not born violent, it is done. It is necessary to change education and the system itself, "he concludes.

The Government Delegation in Madrid says that it works "to provide effective protection to victims, through the Comprehensive Monitoring System in cases of Gender Violence (Viogen), a tool for police assessment of risk that came into operation in 2007 ". This system makes it possible to coordinate the human and material resources available to combat this scourge, in order to optimize the protection we offer to victims, say central government sources.

The director general of Women of the Community of Madrid, Lola Moreno, acknowledges that the figures are "horrible" and says that her department works to make all available resources available to victims. Among them, a novelty in the region is that the so-called enabling title (denunciation or restraining order) is not needed to access the aid, as it happens in other autonomies. Any victims can access them through telephones 016 and 012 or by going to the 52 centers for women.

The attendance figures are higher, proportionally speaking, than last year. In 2016, 436 women and 338 children received residential support. So far this year, there are 284 women and 237 children. In the previous year, 2,251 women and 196 children requested psychological, legal, social or information help. Last July 31 of this year, had reached the 1,923 women and 155 minors.

The Secretary General of the Independent Union of Spanish Police (SIPE), Alfredo Perdiguero, recommends that interventions be analyzed for mistreatment they do daily in police stations. "Many times the victim does not report from fear. These are objective data of what is happening. Foreign women should also be informed that they have rights here, "he adds.

Eight victims. A total of eight women have died in Madrid victims of gender-based violence. The first was recorded the first day of the year, when a woman of 40 years died stabbed in Rivas-Vaciamadrid. The last, 63, was last Wednesday in Getafe.

Three complaints. Three of the deceased women had reported their sentimental partners and one of them had protection measures in place. In spite of it, it had resumed the relation with its aggressor.

Protection orders. A total of 7,763 women have some kind of police protection within the program against gender violence, according to data from the Government Delegation in Madrid.

Educational talks. In 2016, there were 1,085 talks to fight against gender violence, 27% more than the previous year.

The National Police has arrested the tenant of the woman killed Thursday in Alcorcón (167,400 inhabitants) as alleged perpetrator of the crime, according to confirmed sources yesterday of the investigation. The agents were waiting to interrogate the arrested to clear the cell.

The woman was found dead at three in the afternoon at her home, at number 3 of Calle del Matadero, in the heart of Alcorcón. Her brother-in-law advised the emergency services of her lying on the floor of the bathroom in the middle of a large pool of blood. He had been dead for two or three hours. The Summa sanitarians certified death without manipulating the body. The relatives of the deceased went to the house, who verified that the lock was not forced nor the house revolted. From the beginning, the motive of the robbery was discarded.

The agents of Group VI of Homicide interrogated the neighbors. Some reported that they had heard a discussion in the middle of the house in the middle of the morning and that a resident asked for the interior courtyard to leave the woman.

Homicide agents arrested the alleged author within hours of the crime. It has only transcended that it is a Spanish man of 43 years, to whom the deceased had rented a room about ten days. He is a taxi driver. The police rule out that it is a crime of sexist violence, since they were not bound by any relationship. The arrested person has a history of ill-treatment in the family, but not with this woman.

Cristiano viejo
08-06-2017, 02:30 AM
Immigrants and their shit...