View Full Version : The Government plans to create 'beach keepers' to combat the problem of marine litter

08-06-2017, 02:42 AM
In Spain

In addition to this measure, the reduction of the plastic monopolizes most measures to curb the waste of the marine ecosystems since it is the material that more frequently ends up in the sea. In the biodiversity section, the draft incorporates measures such as the conservation of orca in the Strait and the Gulf of Cadiz; The preservation of sea turtles, especially in nesting events on the coasts; Or the reduction of "bycatch" of vertebrates.
The draft Royal Decree approving the Marine Strategies envisages the creation of a "guardian of the beach" figure aimed at associations, environmental entities, fishermen and other groups, as well as a network of "guardian" organizations that ensure The "environmental preservation of rivers and beaches" to tackle the problem of marine litter that the Civil Guard continuously denounces through social networks.

In addition to the creation of this figure, the reduction of plastic monopolizes most measures to curb the waste of marine ecosystems . In this line, the implementation of the European Directive for the reduction of plastic bags is established - the Government plans to ban them by 2020 -, as well as the promotion of activities of "fishing for garbage" and the creation of a National database on wastes collected from the sea and the study of hotspots, or marine areas with the greatest accumulation of waste.

The document, which is in the public consultation phase from July 12 until September 11, includes a total of 100 "new measures" such as the development of a mobile application for the detection of invasive species, Of the Natural Park of Cabrera (Baleares), the conservation of killer whales and sea turtles, reduction of the fishing quota of the red coral or the start of actions to recover the "oil fauna".

Thus, all measures are spread over 9 headings: biodiversity, protected areas, invasive species, commercially exploited species, pollution, alteration of hydrographical conditions, marine debris, underwater noise and horizontal measures.

Conservation of turtles and orcas

In the biodiversity section, the draft incorporates measures such as the conservation of orca in the Strait and the Gulf of Cadiz; The preservation of sea turtles, especially in nesting events on the coasts; Or the reduction of "bycatch" of vertebrates . In addition, this strategic line also includes the study of the risks of collision of cetaceans with large vessels, as well as the promotion of a seal of quality for the recreational activities of observation of these animals, including tourist fishing; Or the development of guidelines on artificial reefs.

Under the heading of protected species, the Government plans to develop management plans for Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in Spanish marine waters, after which in July 2014, three years ago, the then Ministry of the Environment Will declare a total of 39.

The project also includes the creation of a quality brand 'Natura 2000' with the aim of 'promoting the commercialization of products and services compatible with the objectives of its management, as well as the expansion of the National Marine Land Park of the Archipelago of Cabrera, in the Balearic Islands, and a plan of surveillance of oceanic posidonia in the archipelago.

Regarding invasive and alien species, the Executive proposes the creation of a mobile application for early warning and detection of these species in National Parks . In the meantime, and on commercially exploited marine fauna, the erasure includes reduction of the quota of red coral fishing per person and year; Or regulate shellfish in the Mediterranean. "

'Petroleum fauna'

With regard to pollution and eutrophication, the Government envisages the implementation of a strategy for the rescue and recovery of 'oil fauna'; Or the elaboration of a guide for the manipulation of liquid bulk that is transported by ship by the sea , that in Spain have come to cause ecological disasters like the one of the Prestige in the Galician coasts in the year 2002.

The draft Royal Decree also includes regulation on criteria for underwater noise generating projects, as well as environmental impact assessments. With this regulation, oil drilling and exploration could be affected.

Finally, among the horizontal measures, the Government wants to implement programs of diffusion and dissemination in schools, sensitization to beach swimmers, as well as the elaboration and implementation of a curriculum related to the respect and protection of cetaceans, turtles And protected seabirds .

The scope of application of this project are the five Spanish marine demarcations: North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Estrecho and Alborán, Levantine-Balearic and Canary Islands and, once approved, will be updated every six years, according to the document.