View Full Version : The true age and history of ancient sites like Giza Pyramid, Easter Island moais, Macchu Picchu, etc

08-11-2017, 06:35 PM
I want to discuss this... there is a lot of mystery that does not get explained by mainstream wisdom. For example, these sites all have some important things in common:

Easter Island
Macchu Picchu, Peru
Giza, Egypt
Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
.. and a few more I forgot.

Did you know that all these sites are aligned in a straight line? They can be connected with a straight line across the globe, about 30 degrees inclination from the equator if I remember correctly. This line splits the earth in two identically sized hemispheres...

All these sites contain stone brick buildings in their walls or structures, that are intricately placed on top of each other so accurately that you cannot place a credit card between the huge stones even. This is not possible to be replicated today. One theory about this, which seems possible, is that some of those huge blocks were made of concrete. The stone masonry of these sites are so much the same, it suggests it was made with the same method and knowledge.. even though they are far from each other - for example Easter Island's creators didn't have any connection with the Old World or other places... or did they?

These sites have indications that they are far older than is suggested, and some could be built on older structures. There seems to be an old and a new, as in Macchu Picchu, where the older part is far more advanced than the newer part.

The sites are mathematically perfect, they are built along the golden number (1.618 etc) and golden ration, pii, etc.

There is a sort of writing/hieroglyph at Easter Island that is found nowhere else on earth... except at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan!

Your thoughts?

08-11-2017, 08:03 PM
Anyone has any ideas? Yeah I know, the thread about MagnusAurelius's cock and Indian girls has a certain degree of attraction... :p

08-12-2017, 01:52 AM