View Full Version : Do you consider white passing people white?

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 02:34 AM
I decided to make this thread after this quote

It's not many of them, and the ones who do look White are White. I don't consider such people mixed in anyway.

In a mongrel family phenotypes varies a lot(siblings), white mexicans are a good exemple of this but lets started with Halsey
She looks white but she is not
her father is afram, mother is euro mutt american
her little bro looks mulatto
so she is clearly a brown woman inside
able to have dark kids with a white guy
just look at halle berrys daughter as exemple lol
halle herself is half white and her daughter too but both looks chocolates
it means black genes cant disapear easily

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 02:47 AM
if i look black and i have non black ancestry im.not mixed at all? good to know

08-13-2017, 02:48 AM
It wouldn't be "passing" if they were.

08-13-2017, 02:51 AM
no strong opinion, but if her brother is a mullato and her father is afram i cant consider her truly white. she is mixed race.

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 02:52 AM
It wouldn't be "passing" if they were.

u consider her white?

08-13-2017, 02:54 AM
u consider her white?

Is it Halle Berry? Of course not.

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 02:54 AM
no strong opinion, but if her brother is a mullato and her father is afram i cant consider her truly white. she is mixed race.

she is mulatta too but dont show much as her bro
it happens among mongrel families

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 02:56 AM
Is it Halle Berry? Of course not.

i mentioned halle in the end of text

08-13-2017, 02:57 AM
i mentioned halle in the end of text

I don't know who that is. But whiteness is determined by ancestry, not looks. So I'm guessing she's not. She doesn't look that white either, though.

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 03:00 AM
I don't know who that is. But whiteness is determined by ancestry, not looks. So I'm guessing she's not. She doesn't look that white either, though.

her pic is on thread lol she looks white but her bro looks mulatto
their father is afram

08-13-2017, 03:06 AM
I think if someone has non-Caucasian ancestry then no, they're white-passing not white. I.e. a person who looks white but has significant African, Amerindian, East Asian, or Australoid descent.

If they are only "nonwhite" because of perception of culture or social reasons, i.e. why some MENAs are considered nonwhite, then no, I consider them white.

08-13-2017, 03:12 AM
It depends, Laci Green is half Persian, but she considers herself white, as does everyone else. In fact, she is considered the poster child "white feminist."

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 03:12 AM
I think if someone has non-Caucasian ancestry then no, they're white-passing not white. I.e. a person who looks white but has significant African, Amerindian, East Asian, or Australoid descent.

If they are only "nonwhite" because of perception of culture or social reasons, i.e. why some MENAs are considered nonwhite, then no, I consider them white.

my sister looks lighter than me
people could tell we dont have the same father
also i have white passing cousins that look white but their siblings dont
i dont consider they white cause they arent
genetically they are mixed
reasoning their kids looks darker than them

Carlito's Way
08-13-2017, 03:13 AM
nope i sure as hell do not

08-13-2017, 03:17 AM
my sister looks lighter than me
people could tell we dont have the same father
also i have white passing cousins that look white but their siblings dont
i dont consider they white cause they arent
genetically they are mixed
reasoning their kids looks darker than them

Is that you in your avatar?

08-13-2017, 03:18 AM
because people like Haley walk around with a shirt that has her DNA results on them

She is certainly white passing but if what I'm reading is correct than she is clearly mulatto.

Posts like this are good as they expose the truth about genetics and how once again they don't determine phenotype

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 03:19 AM
Is that you in your avatar?


Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 03:20 AM
because people like Haley walk around with a shirt that has her DNA results on them

She is certainly white passing but if what I'm reading is correct than she is clearly mulatto.

Posts like this are good as they expose the truth about genetics and how once again they don't determine phenotype

her father is afram
mother is white american
halsey bro looks mulatto

08-13-2017, 03:22 AM
I think if someone has non-Caucasian ancestry then no, they're white-passing not white. I.e. a person who looks white but has significant African, Amerindian, East Asian, or Australoid descent.

If they are only "nonwhite" because of perception of culture or social reasons, i.e. why some MENAs are considered nonwhite, then no, I consider them white.

caucasoid is not all the same, just like amerindian and east asian is not the same but counts as mongoloid or negrito and aboriginal but is both australoid. menas are considered non-white because they are significantly different phenotypically from europeans, southern europeans are borderline most are white but some look mena. "the layman would reject assimilation with people who are strongly different and they would evoke dislike"

08-13-2017, 06:24 AM
caucasoid is not all the same, just like amerindian and east asian is not the same but counts as mongoloid or negrito and aboriginal but is both australoid. menas are considered non-white because they are significantly different phenotypically from europeans, southern europeans are borderline most are white but some look mena. "the layman would reject assimilation with people who are strongly different and they would evoke dislike"

Amerindian is half west eurasian ANE like, it is not full mongoloid. The genetic overlap between euro caucasoids and non euro caucasoids is much larger than between Amerindian and East Asians.

08-13-2017, 06:25 AM
Amerindian is half west eurasian ANE like, it is not full mongoloid. The genetic overlap between euro caucasoids and non euro caucasoids is much larger than between Amerindian and East Asians.

not half only a third and they are traditionally a mongoloid people. and pca plots dont matter, no one cares for that. i stay with what i said.

08-13-2017, 12:03 PM
caucasoid is not all the same, just like amerindian and east asian is not the same but counts as mongoloid or negrito and aboriginal but is both australoid. menas are considered non-white because they are significantly different phenotypically from europeans, southern europeans are borderline most are white but some look mena. "the layman would reject assimilation with people who are strongly different and they would evoke dislike"

AmeriINdians and East Asians are mostly classified as completely distinct racial groups.



08-13-2017, 01:09 PM
Traditionally there are 4 races and amerindians are classified as mongoloid

Heather Duval
08-13-2017, 03:20 PM

08-13-2017, 09:08 PM
It wouldn't be "passing" if they were.


Tooting Carmen
08-13-2017, 10:50 PM
I do think there is a double standard where people who look even vaguely Black-admixed are considered Black (the most prominent case probably being Obama), but unless someone is lily white then they cannot be considered White. Anyway, I do consider individuals who are white-passing to be White, even if they come from ethnic groups where that isn't usually the case.

08-13-2017, 11:01 PM
I do think there is a double standard where people who look even vaguely Black-admixed are considered Black (the most prominent case probably being Obama), but unless someone is lily white then they cannot be considered White. Anyway, I do consider individuals who are white-passing to be White, even if they come from ethnic groups where that isn't usually the case.

the problem is their genetics are a little different from modern euros. you also have to accept their whole ethnicity as white.

Heather Duval
08-14-2017, 03:04 AM
the problem is their genetics are a little different from modern euros. you also have to accept their whole ethnicity as white.

white passings can look white and have brown kids with white father or mother and of course the opossite
my cousin and her wife are both brown and they have two kids
those kids dont look the same
one has white skin colour

08-14-2017, 03:07 AM
Amerindian is half west eurasian ANE like, it is not full mongoloid. The genetic overlap between euro caucasoids and non euro caucasoids is much larger than between Amerindian and East Asians.They are not half west eurasian. Theres no proof. And ANE is not west eurasian.

04-19-2021, 01:00 AM
It wouldn't be "passing" if they were.

Right, but it's called "passing" because they ARE white from a physical standpoint.

04-19-2021, 08:41 PM
Some, but not all.

04-19-2021, 09:05 PM
I would not consider them fully white, as theoretically, they can pass black genes further. Although, after 3-4 generations of no mixing I would already say they are assimilated enough.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
04-20-2021, 01:40 PM
White isn't a real race.

It's the biggest pseudo-race on the planet and it literally means nothing, it's completely made up.

Literally a colonial term originally only referring to people of "WASP" origin (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), so in the United States Irish People and Southern Europeans weren't deemed "White" because they weren't WASPS. Later on in the years the term "White" was extended to include all Europeans because of a similar appearence, genetic components and what not. According to the US Census everyone in The Near East, North Africa and Europe apart from Spain are "White" - Why was Spain not classified as White? Because Americans are so utterly stupid they might "Mistake" a Spaniard for a Latino, regardless of how European the Spaniard looks. They did to "Play dumb" - but do you realize how retarded this is right?

In the UK they don't even deem Middle Easterners and North Africans as "White" - they only deem Europeans White, all of a sudden the Near-Eastern people are a seperate race entirely? Regardless of North Africans and Near-Easterners overlapping with Europeans on many ocassions so well (eg Kabyles, Samaritans and many other Levantines) - they are not "White"? Regardless of Near-Easterners being close to Europeans, they are not "White"?

This term is retarded, the terms "White", "Black", "Asian", "Brown" should be disbanded because they are outdated useless colonial terms that literally make no sense.

People identify more with their ethnicity more so than their "Race" (even then is race even real?)

So do I consider "White passing people as white" - well here's the thing, White is only really "important" in the Anglosphere countries, if you're "White-passing" you're "White" in most Anglosphere countries, in an anglosphere country a darker-complexed White person might not even be deemed White despite him or her being from Europe. That's how retarded the term is

04-20-2021, 02:26 PM
Literally a colonial term originally only referring to people of "WASP" origin (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), so in the United States Irish People and Southern Europeans weren't deemed "White" because they weren't WASPS.

This is a stupid myth spread by people with zero knowledge of history. Southern Europeans and the Irish were always eligible to become naturalized citizens, a privilege reserved for whites.

According to the US Census everyone in The Near East, North Africa and Europe apart from Spain are "White" - Why was Spain not classified as White? Because Americans are so utterly stupid they might "Mistake" a Spaniard for a Latino, regardless of how European the Spaniard looks. They did to "Play dumb" - but do you realize how retarded this is right?

This is also not true. Spaniards are supposed to mark both white and hispanic because the government recognizes that hispanics can be of any race.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
04-20-2021, 02:31 PM
This is a stupid myth spread by people with zero knowledge of history. Southern Europeans and the Irish were always eligible to become naturalized citizens, a privilege reserved for whites.

This is also not true. Spaniards are supposed to mark both white and hispanic because the government recognizes that hispanics can be of any race.

Interesting, how are these "Misconceptions" so widespread then?

04-20-2021, 02:39 PM
Interesting, how are these "Misconceptions" so widespread then?

Because most people just believe things they hear without question.

04-20-2021, 03:01 PM
Because most people just believe things they hear without question.
These myths aren't even very widespead in real life, 'whiteness' of other Europeans is never in question unless they're literally Middle Eastern looking. Australia was more racialist and Anglocentric than the US and yet the idea that only Anglo's are White was never a thing here, not even heard of.

It's only among agenda-driven people in academia and forums like this (usually ethnics/Jews) that this rubbish keeps being repeated.

04-20-2021, 03:28 PM
White isn't a real race.

It's the biggest pseudo-race on the planet and it literally means nothing, it's completely made up.

Literally a colonial term originally only referring to people of "WASP" origin (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), so in the United States Irish People and Southern Europeans weren't deemed "White" because they weren't WASPS. Later on in the years the term "White" was extended to include all Europeans because of a similar appearence, genetic components and what not. According to the US Census everyone in The Near East, North Africa and Europe apart from Spain are "White" - Why was Spain not classified as White? Because Americans are so utterly stupid they might "Mistake" a Spaniard for a Latino, regardless of how European the Spaniard looks. They did to "Play dumb" - but do you realize how retarded this is right?

In the UK they don't even deem Middle Easterners and North Africans as "White" - they only deem Europeans White, all of a sudden the Near-Eastern people are a seperate race entirely? Regardless of North Africans and Near-Easterners overlapping with Europeans on many ocassions so well (eg Kabyles, Samaritans and many other Levantines) - they are not "White"? Regardless of Near-Easterners being close to Europeans, they are not "White"?

This term is retarded, the terms "White", "Black", "Asian", "Brown" should be disbanded because they are outdated useless colonial terms that literally make no sense.

People identify more with their ethnicity more so than their "Race" (even then is race even real?)

So do I consider "White passing people as white" - well here's the thing, White is only really "important" in the Anglosphere countries, if you're "White-passing" you're "White" in most Anglosphere countries, in an anglosphere country a darker-complexed White person might not even be deemed White despite him or her being from Europe. That's how retarded the term is

The term White was created by the Spanish Empire, not Anglo-Saxons.

You've obviously not filled out a census form in the UK before (meaning you're either a child, or not British) because there is no "middle-eastern" section. There is White, Black, Asian, Mixed, or other. They only just added "Arab" in the 2021 census, before that all Mena's had the choice of White, or other, and even with the addition of "Arab" there is still no section for Berbers, Iranians, Turks, Kurds, Caucasians, Cypriots etc, so like in the USA they will likely choose White. There's also a "Roma" choice which is positioned under White.

06-18-2021, 10:15 PM
"White" is a stupid term and too ambiguous as a descriptor. Many Europeans have olive skin. Many physically white people live outside of Europe. Most "white" people's skin isn't even WHITE at all.

I prefer being called European, my nationality or my ethnicity. It's more accurate.

06-18-2021, 11:29 PM
If you have no confidence in the term White, the chances are likely that you're not, or are, and feel unjustifiably guilty about what some Whites did before you were born. This kind of shit leads Antifa Whites into commiting racial suicide by helping BLM assist them at it. No coincidence that in the last 2 years White couples have almost vanished and been replaced by interracial unions in tv commercials. You see, a White couple can only lead to more Whites being born, reminding non-Whites what they want to, but can never be, so they want to bastardize them out of existence and promote a "We wuz kings" history for themselves.

06-19-2021, 01:30 AM
The term White was created by the Spanish Empire, not Anglo-Saxons.

You've obviously not filled out a census form in the UK before (meaning you're either a child, or not British) because there is no "middle-eastern" section. There is White, Black, Asian, Mixed, or other. They only just added "Arab" in the 2021 census, before that all Mena's had the choice of White, or other, and even with the addition of "Arab" there is still no section for Berbers, Iranians, Turks, Kurds, Caucasians, Cypriots etc, so like in the USA they will likely choose White. There's also a "Roma" choice which is positioned under White.

Also the Spanish empire created the terms mulatto and mestizo 2 terms that did not exist in the British colonies.

Tooting Carmen
06-19-2021, 02:19 AM
Also the Spanish empire created the terms mulatto and mestizo 2 terms that did not exist in the British colonies.

Because the latter had a one-drop rule.

06-19-2021, 02:28 AM
Because the latter had a one-drop rule.

That's why Whites still exists, upping the percentage would make the term meaningless, and everyone could say they're White.

06-19-2021, 04:52 AM
That's why Whites still exists, upping the percentage would make the term meaningless, and everyone could say they're White.

Although the term of a drop no longer exists today, many white Americans have a small percentage of Native Americans.

06-19-2021, 04:56 AM
Because the latter had a one-drop rule.

The term of a drop is not in all the British colonies only North America

06-19-2021, 05:07 AM
Australia was more racialist and Anglocentric than the US and yet the idea that only Anglo's are White was never a thing here, not even heard of.Yeah, they accepted Turks as white as an example.

Turks first began to emigrate to Australia from the island of Cyprus for work in the 1940s, and then again when Turkish Cypriots were forced to leave their homes during the Cyprus conflict between 1963 and 1974. Furthermore, many Turkish immigrants arrived in Australia after a bilateral agreement was signed between Turkey and Australia in 1967.

08-24-2021, 12:26 AM
No such thing as passing. If you look phenotypically white, that's your race. Your cultural identification is another thing entirely. Erdogan and Assad are white boys.

12-03-2021, 03:44 AM
White-passing is bullshit. You are what you are treated as. Your genotype isn't plastered on your chest.

12-03-2021, 03:47 AM
No such thing as passing. If you look phenotypically white, that's your race. Your cultural identification is another thing entirely. Erdogan and Assad are white boys.

White-passing is bullshit. You are what you are treated as. Your genotype isn't plastered on your chest.

Thats not always the same, I mean your first and second comment. In America there were white slaves, now they call them the white slaves, but they were actually white passing octroons, so that phenotype equals race is not always true. And it can be that within one family, someone looks white but other family members dont, then all are mixed probably.

12-03-2021, 03:51 AM
Yeah, they accepted Turks as white as an example.

Maybe in part it is because turkey is a powerful country accepting western values and bordering europe, and very powerful with powerful rich history. It is hard to exclude turks, even if you dont really consider them as white. Maybe they didnt considered them really white, but for legal purposes. In America in the earlier times mexican mestizos were considered white, but probably because the US annexed a former part of mexico and the residents got citizenship and were legally white. That is more a political thing, just like Hitler considered the Japanese Aryans.

12-20-2021, 02:21 AM
Thats not always the same, I mean your first and second comment. In America there were white slaves, now they call them the white slaves, but they were actually white passing octroons, so that phenotype equals race is not always true. And it can be that within one family, someone looks white but other family members dont, then all are mixed probably.

Depends on what you consider "looking white". I mean is a Mediterranean appearance a white appearance? Depends on who you ask. I know Turks who don't look white in Germany but place them in NYC or Los Angeles and they would be white AF. So phenotypical appearance is perceived differently in places. The definition of race can vary in region to region and even city to city.

12-20-2021, 02:35 AM

Grace O'Malley
12-20-2021, 02:45 AM
White isn't a real race.

It's the biggest pseudo-race on the planet and it literally means nothing, it's completely made up.

Literally a colonial term originally only referring to people of "WASP" origin (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), so in the United States Irish People and Southern Europeans weren't deemed "White" because they weren't WASPS. Later on in the years the term "White" was extended to include all Europeans because of a similar appearence, genetic components and what not. According to the US Census everyone in The Near East, North Africa and Europe apart from Spain are "White" - Why was Spain not classified as White? Because Americans are so utterly stupid they might "Mistake" a Spaniard for a Latino, regardless of how European the Spaniard looks. They did to "Play dumb" - but do you realize how retarded this is right?

In the UK they don't even deem Middle Easterners and North Africans as "White" - they only deem Europeans White, all of a sudden the Near-Eastern people are a seperate race entirely? Regardless of North Africans and Near-Easterners overlapping with Europeans on many ocassions so well (eg Kabyles, Samaritans and many other Levantines) - they are not "White"? Regardless of Near-Easterners being close to Europeans, they are not "White"?

This term is retarded, the terms "White", "Black", "Asian", "Brown" should be disbanded because they are outdated useless colonial terms that literally make no sense.

People identify more with their ethnicity more so than their "Race" (even then is race even real?)

So do I consider "White passing people as white" - well here's the thing, White is only really "important" in the Anglosphere countries, if you're "White-passing" you're "White" in most Anglosphere countries, in an anglosphere country a darker-complexed White person might not even be deemed White despite him or her being from Europe. That's how retarded the term is

Not that furphy again. Irish were always considered "white" in the US. So were people like Italians. Why people continue to perpetrate this false narrative I don't know? Perhaps not researching the topic?

Look up census records in the US and you can plainly see the Irish were listed as "white". Smeagol mentioned they were also eligible to be naturalised. It just anti-historical to be saying certain groups of Europeans were not considered white. This doesn't mean there wasn't discrimination but it wasn't because of their skin colour.

This is a relative of mine and I can show earlier Census records as well.


This topic constantly comes up and it's so annoying because of how ridiculous it is. Logically how could the Irish not be considered "white" for starters? They would just have to change their accent, name and religion if they wanted to lose their Irish identity. Their skin colour is white. What about Protestant Irish? Discrimination isn't just based on race.

12-20-2021, 02:47 AM

12-20-2021, 02:49 AM
I identify people by their ethnic group, not a color.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-20-2021, 02:54 AM
Not that furphy again. Irish were always considered "white" in the US. So were people like Italians. Why people continue to perpetrate this false narrative I don't know. Perhaps not researching to topic?

Look up census records in the US and you can plainly see the Irish were listed as "white". Smeagol mentioned they were also eligible to be naturalised. It just anti-historical to be saying certain groups of Europeans were not considered white. This doesn't mean there wasn't discrimination but it wasn't because of their skin colour.

This is a relative of mine and I can show earlier Census records as well.


This topic constantly comes up and it's so annoying because of how ridiculous it is. Logically how could the Irish not be considered "white" for starters? They would just have to change their accent, name and religion if they wanted to lose their Irish identity. Their skin colour is white. What about Protestant Irish? Discrimination isn't just based on race.

Mexicans were considered White on the US Census as well. They're still considered White today regardless of how they looked interestingly enough. Hispanic isn't used as a racial term but rather an ethnic term.

It's funny when I look at FBI mugshots and you have a guy who clearly looks Amerindian listed as White.

Like this dude

And this dude

It's humorously absurd.

Rafael Passoni
12-20-2021, 02:55 AM
no strong opinion, but if her brother is a mullato and her father is afram i cant consider her truly white. she is mixed race.

Grace O'Malley
12-20-2021, 03:00 AM
Mexicans were considered White on the US Census. They're still considered White today as well regardless of how they looked interestingly enough. Hispanic isn't used as a racial term but rather an ethnic term.

It's funny when I look at FBI mugshots and you have a guy who clearly looks Amerindian listed as White.

Like this dude

It's humorous.

Yes I've seen some mugshots in the US of people that are clearly not white being labelled as white. However their is no ambiguity as far as the Irish were concerned. I've only looked at this topic in relation to the Irish because of some of the rubbish that people post such as the Irish being slaves and being viewed as non-white. I've also had relatives that went to the US in the 1800s so I've looked at the topic in detail. I was really surprised when I first heard this stuff and even asked academics about it. It's irritating to me that people post BS without researching it.

Tooting Carmen
12-20-2021, 03:05 AM
I thought Irish were disliked more for religious and class-based reasons than 'racial' ones?

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-20-2021, 03:08 AM
Yes I've seen some mugshots in the US of people that are clearly not white being labelled as white. However their is no ambiguity as far as the Irish were concerned. I've only looked at this topic in relation to the Irish because of some of the rubbish that people post such as the Irish being slaves and being viewed as non-white. I've also had relatives that went to the US in the 1800s so I've looked at the topic in detail. I was really surprised when I first heard this stuff and even asked academics about it. It's irritating to me that people post BS without researching it.

I agree with what you said about the Irish. The conversation just happened to remind me of how Mexicans were labeled and I wanted to put it out there. It's amusing because the same wasn't done for Native Americans of mixed ancestry.

How bizarre is it that an Amerindian looking Mexican is labeled White and a Navajo is labeled Native American. At what point does someone in the government say? "Um, this doesn't look right..."

12-20-2021, 06:40 AM

Hence the term "white passing"

02-06-2022, 03:11 AM
Irrelevant question. If you look white and are treated as white (physically), you are white. In America, looks reign supreme. I don't see how cultural bullshit changes your racial phenotype.

02-06-2022, 03:14 AM
Irrelevant question. If you look white and are treated as white (physically), you are white. In America, looks reign supreme. I don't see how cultural bullshit changes your racial phenotype.

What if you look white but your parent or your grandparent doesnt. I thought this question is for mixed race people not for cultural outsiders like some muslim ethnicities who are white european or white caucasian but are outcasts because of islam. What do you think of mixed race people are they white?

02-06-2022, 03:16 AM
Irrelevant question. If you look white and are treated as white (physically), you are white. In America, looks reign supreme. I don't see how cultural bullshit changes your racial phenotype.

And in America maybe you are better off if you pass as white, in nazi germany you are worse off if you pass as white like jews, who are considered the most evil of all. In school I learned that the most toxic and dangerous mushrooms are the ones who look just like the good ones and must be exterminated.

08-05-2023, 04:03 PM
Yes, we do see white-passing people as white

08-05-2023, 04:07 PM
White - Eastern Slavs and Scandinavians. The rest is trolling. I will laugh out loud if an Englishman or a Frenchman is called white. The Irish - i'm surprised. I consider them white.

08-05-2023, 04:20 PM
White - Eastern Slavs and Scandinavians. The rest is trolling. I will laugh out loud if an Englishman or a Frenchman is called white. The Irish - i'm surprised. I consider them white.

I’m white then. :)

08-05-2023, 04:25 PM
I’m white then. :)The English are like the Greeks. It's not my race. They are as black as my hopeless life. The Irish are similar to the Slavs. Without the admixture of a huge nose.

08-05-2023, 04:28 PM
In my opinion, all Europeans + white new worlders + all west Asians + north Africans + north Indians are white

08-05-2023, 04:51 PM
White - Eastern Slavs and Scandinavians. The rest is trolling. I will laugh out loud if an Englishman or a Frenchman is called white. The Irish - i'm surprised. I consider them white.

I am not merely a 'white man', fool, I am a Pendragon overlord. Who wants to be a generic 'white man' ?

08-05-2023, 04:58 PM
I am not merely a 'white man', fool, I am a Pendragon overlord. Who wants to be a generic 'white man' ?
You are the lord of toilet paper, an American schizophrenic.
Fuck, there is not a single intelligent European here except Roater, Lily, Kiriukha(Kirill Mazur) and a Finnish Swede.

08-05-2023, 05:39 PM
If you "look white", you must have one or more of the racial ingredients to look that way, don't you? You can lack WHG for example and still pass in Europe if you have an eastern caucasoid base and inherit a passable eye and nose shape.

Culture and genetics are a different story. I'm speaking strictly racially.

10-08-2023, 12:19 AM
This would be my case.

For the majority of users I look white, but I am not genetically, so I'd be white passing, but it doesn't mean I am white because I am not.

So the answer is no.

10-08-2023, 12:39 AM
I'd say someone like Halsey is white passing considering her father (I assume you mean he has SSA ancestry). But white looking Levantines and Iranians are definitely 'white' to me as they're purely Caucasian in race anyway.

What the fuck is Afram anyway? Here it's a Catholic saint St Aphrem that catholic levantines bend down to.

10-08-2023, 01:05 AM
Socially yes, genetically no