View Full Version : Classify Brazilian actress Cláudia Ohana

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 04:02 PM
Born Maria Cláudia Silva Carneiro

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 04:04 PM
she looks stereotypically iberian
they are famous here for being very hairy(unibrow,moustache etc), so she...

08-15-2017, 04:04 PM
She looks octaroon - quadroon and maybe she has some low amount of native

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 04:09 PM
http://s2.glbimg.com/KradfXUQYKmJbA2lZ0xIKnvp98yEDymyqvWA640HAUYd4RXGBU qlnsmFTzF4YTJe/e.glbimg.com/og/ed/f/original/2013/02/28/claudia.jpg

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 04:17 PM
she looks a bit Malu Mader who is lebanese and portuguese descent

malu herself looks stereotypically portuguese

08-15-2017, 04:19 PM

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 04:23 PM

I know she is jew but still looking med. Surprisly her surnames are fully Portuguese.

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 04:27 PM

Damião de Góis
08-15-2017, 06:31 PM
she looks stereotypically iberian
they are famous here for being very hairy(unibrow,moustache etc), so she...

That's because brazilians don't know how iberians look like. Every mongrel there can claim to be iberian.
She looks totally levantine with those big eyes, which is no surprise given that she is jewish. But you could show me one iberian that looks like her to prove your point.

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 06:36 PM
those big eyes.

Is Ariana Grande a jew now?
BTW, I think she is not fully jew at all
She didnt know her father or something like that ive heard on Brazilian gossip show and she got Iberian surnames, I think she is part Portuguese.

Damião de Góis
08-15-2017, 06:40 PM
Is Ariana Grande a jew now?
BTW, I think she is not fully jew at all
She didnt know her father or something like that ive heard on Brazilian gossip show and she got Iberian surnames, I think she is part Portuguese.

It's a levantine trait.

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 06:44 PM
It's a levantine trait.

She is Sicilian descent. Not levantine at all.

08-15-2017, 06:51 PM
Conforms to my -now legendary- Brazilian white woman type which usually includes some of all of these elements:
Low flat eyebrows, narrow high forehead, small nose, thin lips, excess of black hair.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 07:01 PM
btw i was not trolling about that steriotype lol
it doest really exists here

Damião de Góis
08-15-2017, 07:27 PM
And we think brazilians are all whores and thieves due to the level of brazilian imigration we got at some point. Lately it got better.

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 07:30 PM
And we think brazilians are all whores and thieves due to the level of brazilian imigration we got at some point. Lately it got better.

Whatever. People here dont think much about Portugal.

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 07:38 PM
there are comedian jokes on our tv shows about portuguese even being dumb, i dont have time to list every steryotipe we make

"Por que loiras e portugueses têm fama de burros nas piadas?
O mito da burrice das loiras começou com as personagens ingênuas interpretadas por Marylin Monroe – que nasceu morena, mas só ficou famosa após pintar os cabelos. No filme Os Homens Preferem as Loiras, de 1953, sua personagem, Lorelei Lee, era uma cantora que assassinava a gramática e seduzia ricaços, ajudando a construir o estereótipo que hoje vai da dançarina Carla Perez à música “Lôraburra”, em que Gabriel O Pensador afirma que elas chamam a atenção “não pelas ideias, mas pelo burrão”. Já a fama da desinteligência dos portugueses vem da época da colonização. E não são só os brasileiros que tiram onda com os portugas – referirse a colonizadores de forma jocosa é algo típico em ex-colônias, e vice-versa, seguindo o ditado: quem ri por último ri melhor! Um exemplo milenar disso são as piadas do Egito antigo falando sobre a simplicidade e burrice dos habitantes da Núbia, país então sob domínio egípcio. 😀
http://mundoestranho.abril.com.br/cultura/por-que-loiras-e-portugueses-tem-fama-de-burros-nas-piadas/ "


Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 07:40 PM

Heather Duval
08-15-2017, 07:41 PM

08-15-2017, 08:43 PM
Gracile med with minor admixture

08-15-2017, 10:47 PM

Heather Duval
10-09-2017, 08:08 PM

could be white?

10-09-2017, 08:12 PM
could be white?

She can pass in Iberia.

Sacrificed Ram
10-09-2017, 08:19 PM
She is trully jewess.

Heather Duval
10-10-2017, 02:13 AM
She is trully jewess.

not fully

10-10-2017, 02:47 AM
Gracile/East Med + some Alpine

10-10-2017, 03:04 AM
Tri-racial: Med, Indio, SSA