08-26-2017, 01:14 AM
As a white male I think this is a time for us to speak against bigotry. It goes against everything America stands for.

I am proud to give thanks to one of the greatest Americans of all time whom pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 we must not forget that many white men have done great things for equality for this great land of our. God Bless the USA!



08-26-2017, 01:28 AM
As a white male I think this is a time for us to speak against bigotry. It goes against everything America stands for.

I am proud to give thanks to one of the greatest Americans of all time whom pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 we must not forget that many white men have done great things for equality for this great land of our. God Bless the USA!



" Most Jews are liberals, and Jews have been prime movers in all of the major liberal social phenomena in America (Dershowitz (1997: 269), MacDonald (1998)). For example, Jews were founders of the NAACP and have served almost continuously as its principal directors and legal counsel; Jews founded and dominate the ACLU; most of the major feminists have been Jewish women (eg, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem); the civil rights movement -- including SNCC and Martin Luther King -- was dominated by Jews and/or communists; Jews comprised more than 50% of all appointed positions in the flamingly-liberal Bill Clinton administration; Jewish senators and representatives have been the major forces behind gun control legislation (Schumer, Metzenbaum, Feinstein, etc), and so on virtually ad infinitum. What goes unstated in all this Jewish liberal activity, however, is that, as early as the late 1920s the (Jewish) leaders of international communism seized on the race issue as a means of tearing apart the world center of individual liberty -- and thus their mortal enemy -- America; and the subsequent Jewish/communist promotion of "civil rights" -- a notion which has now spilled over into feminism, gay rights, children's rights and all sorts of other Balkanization schemes to set groups against one another -- has been so successful that many Americans are now talking openly of racial warfare and the breakup of the country.

* The Jewish role in South Africa is notable, and contains a chilling lesson for the societies of the West where the liberal/Jewish establishment is promoting immigration and exalting the multicult. During the apartheid era, South Africa was wealthy and flourishing -- unlike black Africa, which was backward and poor -- and as a result, blacks poured into South Africa seeking economic opportunity (so much for the 'horrors' of apartheid). But, with the success of 'civil rights' in America, liberals and their Jewish masters took up the anti-apartheid 'cause', the major effect of which was -- by means of boycotts and other forms of economic pressure -- to cause a near-collapse of the South African economy (so much for the principle of self-determination), and was the major reason why South African whites committed cultural suicide at the ballot box by voting in one-man-one-vote 'democracy'. But it was not just the effects of a Jewish- dominated liberal crusade against apartheid which put South Africa six feet under: The African National Congress, whose political agitation, murder and brutality was a major problem for the white-dominated South African government, was a communist terrorist organization, and the communist party in South Africa was headed by Joe Slovo, an immigrant Jew and intimate of communist terrorist Nelson Mandela.

Since the arrival of 'democracy', South Africa has virtually collapsed into a state of chaos: Corruption is rampant (overseen by a police force in which corruption is now the norm), utilities and other government services are virtually nonexistent, white areas have been turned into fortresses, the once-beautiful city of Johannesburg has become the rape capital of the world, one in every three South African white women are now victims of rape by blacks, farmers and their families are killed on a regular basis by marauding blacks, and things are so dangerous that it is common for cars to be equipped with devices which can spray fire on anyone who tries to gain access to a car without the driver's permission.

But the Jewish role in the destabilization of white South Africa goes back at least to the Boer War, which was instigated over South African minerals, and which resulted in Jewish domination of South African mineral industries. As put by H. H. Beamish in a speech given October 30, 1937 in New York,

"The Boer War occurred 37 years ago. Boer means farmer. Many criticized a great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals."

It has become a cliche, but only because it is so true: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. And, I might add, regret it. "



08-26-2017, 01:43 AM
" Most Jews are liberals, and Jews have been prime movers in all of the major liberal social phenomena in America (Dershowitz (1997: 269),

There is nothing wrong with being a liberal and standing for a multiculturalism. We should embrace our differences. We are all Human. Jesus our savior was Jewish.

Hate is just wrong plain and simple. No one is born hating.