View Full Version : What do you eat for breakfast?

08-27-2017, 08:07 AM
What do you eat for breakfast? It is your choice or a tendency in your country?

08-27-2017, 08:17 AM

08-27-2017, 08:24 AM
I usually skip breakfast.

08-27-2017, 08:26 AM
Bread with butter and honey or cereals.

08-27-2017, 08:27 AM
I usually make an omelette with 2-3 eggs. Eat it with 2 slices of toast. Coffee or tea to accompany that. Sometimes, I eat bagel with cream cheese and coffee.

08-27-2017, 08:30 AM

08-27-2017, 08:36 AM
A coffee and a banana.

If it's the weekend, scrambled eggs with sautéed mushrooms on toast.

08-27-2017, 08:38 AM
nowadays bread and 2 boiled eggs with soft yolk.

08-27-2017, 08:47 AM
50 grams of feta, eight olives, two toast with espresso coffee.. sarakatsano breakfast I blame my father

08-27-2017, 08:58 AM
1 coffee, a small sandwich and a banana

or 1 boiled egg, two kiwis..it varies

when I have time I make a glass of celery/apple or spinach/carrot juice.

08-27-2017, 09:03 AM
50 grams of feta, eight olives, two toast with espresso coffee.. sarakatsano breakfast I blame my father

How can you stomach eating feta or olives in the morning? lol

08-27-2017, 09:04 AM
1. Soft cheese with bread and tea or chiccory.
2. Кefir or fruits.

It's my choice which suits my organism well.

08-27-2017, 09:05 AM

08-27-2017, 09:10 AM
How can you stomach eating feta or olives in the morning? lol

I would eat feta or chevre on every meal if I could.

08-27-2017, 09:13 AM
I usually skip breakfast.

No, please. That's unhealthy.

08-27-2017, 09:15 AM
No, please. That's unhealthy.

It's actually not as unhealthy as people think. Healthwise, you're better off to skip breakfast than to eat something like pancakes or french toast.

08-27-2017, 09:17 AM
It's actually not as unhealthy as people think. Healthwise, you're better off to skip breakfast than to eat something like pancakes or french toast.

Seen that way, you are possibly right.

08-27-2017, 09:26 AM
I have noticed that in the rare times I eat a grapefruit in the morning and nothing else, I feel so good and energetic the whole day. I can't understand why of all foods this has a so powerful effect on me. The bitter it is the better I feel afterwards. It's like a drug, I feel so awake and so full of energy, just 15 minutes after I have eaten it. Problem is, I don't enjoy eating it so I don't bother.

08-27-2017, 09:29 AM
I had the best breakfast today: leftover pizza ;)

08-27-2017, 09:42 AM
I had the best breakfast today: leftover pizza ;)

You must be jocking obviously :D

08-27-2017, 10:40 AM
How can you stomach eating feta or olives in the morning? lol

Feta or olives? I have both sometimes with mountain tea

08-27-2017, 10:46 AM
Feta or olives? I have both sometimes with mountain tea

My dad love eating Labneh with olive oil on top with some tea.

Is what most Arabs eat in the morning.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-27-2017, 10:51 AM
Usually a shake consisting of one litre of water, 100 grams of spinach, one banana and two dates. Occasionally I throw in some peanut butter or pea protein.

08-27-2017, 03:00 PM
I drink a cup of natural coffee with milk but I try will get rid from this habit because coffee increases pressure. And obyazatklno I eat that-nibut sweet, in the mornings I for some reason want some sweet :D

08-27-2017, 03:06 PM
I drink a cup of natural coffee with milk but I try will get rid from this habit because coffee increases pressure. And obyazatklno I eat that-nibut sweet, in the mornings I for some reason want some sweet :D

You should try decaffeinated coffee :)

08-27-2017, 03:09 PM
Just had eggs and orange juice, pretty standard in America.

08-27-2017, 03:10 PM
I eat nothing for breakfast because I'm too lazy to prepare it.

Sometimes I eat an apple if it looks shiny green and doesn't require washing.


08-27-2017, 03:13 PM
Just had eggs and orange juice, pretty standard in America.

+1. And some cheese, usually creamy swiss chese. And coffee. And a orange as a snack later between breakfast and lunch.

08-27-2017, 09:11 PM
Eggs, oatmeal, and coffee.

Today I had bisquits and gravy though. Good stuff.

08-27-2017, 09:21 PM
Caffè latte with cookies or corn flakes/muesli with milk or yogurt. When I want to treat myself, I usually have cappuccino and a croissant :p

To me, breakfast must be sweet and carb-based. I simply can't conceive to eat salty stuff in the morning, particularly meat or fish so no bacon or sausages for example, oh no eggs as well. I don't like to cook so early in the day, the only thing I prepare is coffee, the rest comes from the fridge or the cupboard - or the bakery.

08-27-2017, 09:23 PM

08-27-2017, 09:25 PM
Whatever I find. So I can enjoy my morning smoke.

Look at all those dietician life coaches, geez.

08-28-2017, 04:34 AM
Scrambled eggs or cereal usually.

08-28-2017, 06:21 AM
Omelette from 3 eggs. A sandwich with butter and cheese and black tea.

08-28-2017, 06:26 AM

08-28-2017, 06:58 AM
Boiled eggs and milk.

Its usually a fart-provoking combination which sucks,But great for energy and keeping mass.

08-28-2017, 01:24 PM
Usually cottage cheese with slice of toast. Sometimes scrambled eggs with tomato and chive

08-28-2017, 09:53 PM
Usually cottage cheese with slice of toast. Sometimes scrambled eggs with tomato and chive

and a few shots of vodka?

08-28-2017, 09:58 PM
Ramen or lunch meat sandwiches with two cups of coffee.

09-03-2018, 06:15 PM
Bored. Here's a chill thread. If you eat breakfast, what do you like to eat? I usually go with some scrambled egg whites with spinach, ketchup and bread.

09-03-2018, 07:22 PM
bagel w/ cream cheese/butter is another go to as well

09-03-2018, 07:31 PM
I have a few go to breakfasts:

1. Sweet potato or white potato with avocado and fried egg
2. Dates with peanut butter
3. Stovetop oatmeal (with strawberries or blueberries)
4. Instant oatmeal (usually maple and brown sugar)
5. Pancakes made from bananas, oats and almond milk
6. Banana bread. I often store it in the fridge. It's made from almond flour and oat flour and has no refined grains (or gluten not that that matters) or refined sugar.

Bobby Martnen
09-03-2018, 07:33 PM
Bacon and cake. But usually I sleep till 1 or 2 PM so I don't have breakfast

09-03-2018, 07:34 PM
German breakfast

Usually Bread with cheese or turkey and Orange Juice

I cannot handle fat food like Americans or Brittish in the morning without judging that, it looks tasty af.

09-03-2018, 07:36 PM
I just drink Coffee and Milk, and eat some fruit( usually apple or Orange)

If I eat something more caloric like bread, eggs or bacon I feel bad

09-03-2018, 07:37 PM
peaches or other fruits

09-03-2018, 07:37 PM
Bacon and cake. But usually I sleep till 1 or 2 PM so I don't have breakfast

What kind of cake?

I leave the windowshades open so I wake up naturally.

Visage pâle
09-03-2018, 07:38 PM
I eat Jam on bread and drink Tea.

Bobby Martnen
09-03-2018, 07:39 PM
What kind of cake?

I leave the windowshades open so I wake up naturally.

Usually White or Strawberry.

Why do you want to be awake early?

09-03-2018, 07:41 PM
Chai tea, fruit with a few walnuts or almonds. I like a full English breakfast now and again though.

09-03-2018, 07:42 PM
Usually White or Strawberry.

Why do you want to be awake early?

So I have time to do things before I go to work.

09-03-2018, 08:08 PM
Eggs with bacon, toast with jam, black coffee, a cup of homemade orange fruit, and some fruit for desert.

09-03-2018, 08:37 PM
bread or rolls with butter, jam or honey or cheese

About Czech breakfast (http://www.myczechrepublic.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=3503)

Bobby Martnen
09-03-2018, 08:42 PM
So I have time to do things before I go to work.

I do all my things after work, but I don't work anymore

09-03-2018, 08:47 PM
Boyoz (smth special to my hometown), egg with blackpepper and cumin, cheese which is called as Tulum, green olive and tea.

09-03-2018, 08:51 PM
Milk with these


if milk is not available a large cup of yoghurt and honey will do

09-03-2018, 08:52 PM
Omlette, yogurt with oatmeal, fruits etc.

Moje ime
09-03-2018, 08:53 PM
Yogurt is a must have.

09-03-2018, 09:13 PM
fruit smoothie's are also a quick breakfast alternative for me.

09-03-2018, 09:26 PM

09-03-2018, 09:32 PM

09-03-2018, 09:35 PM


09-03-2018, 09:39 PM

I made it for breakfast.

It's vegetarian oatmeal with bananas and blue berries . I'm vegan, man. No meat or anything that comes from an animal.

09-03-2018, 09:41 PM
I made it for breakfast.

It's vegetarian oatmeal with bananas and blue berries . I'm vegan, man. No meat or anything that comes from an animal.

very najs. i could probably do that but it would be really hard for me (to be vegan), and i got a high protein diet.

09-03-2018, 09:48 PM

09-03-2018, 09:48 PM
very najs. i could probably do that but it would be really hard for me, and i got a high protein diet.

You just add oats and plant milk or water , cook a little, add chopped banana , then cook little ... take off stove then add another banana , blue berries and whatever fruit you like.

09-03-2018, 09:49 PM
You just add oats and plant milk or water , cook a little, add chopped banana , then cook little ... take off stove then add another banana , blue berries and whatever fruit you like.

no im talking about being a vegan, and not eating meat and stuff

09-03-2018, 09:52 PM
no im talking about being a vegan, and not eating meat and stuff

You can get protein from other things too but you do whatever you like broski

♥ Lily ♥
09-03-2018, 09:53 PM
Scottish porridge oats with a drop of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, sultanas, black chia seeds and flax seeds. Occasionally I'll have Dorset muesli (I'm originally from Dorset) with either semi-skimmed milk or Greek yoghurt, but 9 times out of 10 I'll always eat oats for breakfast. I like probiotic yoghurt too.


I always use Rowse superhoney with added vitamins in a squeezable bottle. It's twice as expensive as their other types of honey, but it's a good quality honey.

I also like to take Solgar vitamin and iron supplements with my breakfast oats and chia seeds. Sometimes I use Almond milk.

I was raised as a child on Scottish porridge oats and Dorset muesli. I used to eat bran and cereals with fruit as a child, but my favourite has always been porridge or muesli. In the cold winter months, I like warm soft porridge oats made in a saucepan, but I prefer cold oats during the spring and summer.

https://www.ocado.com/productImages/363/36396011_1_640x640.jpg?identifier=dd0d83e72bd1256e 19a874f20373ccc8

09-03-2018, 09:55 PM
You can get protein from other things too but you do whatever you like broski

It's true, i also gotta diversify it a bit, missing out on some other good alternatives

09-03-2018, 09:59 PM
It's true, i also gotta diversify it a bit, missing out on some other good alternatives

Google or YouTube is your friend

Sometimes I don't even eat breakfast , I wait for lunch, depends

♥ Lily ♥
09-03-2018, 10:14 PM
I also like herbal teas in the morning. I like Greek natural yoghurt with fruit.

Sometimes I eat toasted wholemeal linseed bread smeared lightly with either honey or with some UK Flora pro-activ margarine and St. Dalfour pure fruit sugarless jam.... or with some good ole British Marmite. Flora margarine contains vitamin E.


Marmite is a good ole famous British condiment that has a distinct taste. (New Zealanders and others will also be familiar with Marmite as they like it in their nation too.)

Marmite – more than just a condiment. ... Marmite, together with its younger, Australian kinsman Vegemite, is an ongoing biomedical experiment.

It's a healthy yeast extract with a very strong taste that's very rich in B vitamins which is made from brewing beer. The Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R are similar products to Marmite.

The Australians have a similar version of British Marmite known as 'Vegemite' which is extremely popular in Australia and it also contains lots of B vitamins. People who've tried both Vegemite and Marmite say that Vegemite tastes similar but slightly weaker than Marmite. The New Zealanders (Kiwis) prefer Marmite.

Marmite (/ˈmɑːrmaɪt/ MAR-myte) is a British food spread produced by Unilever. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis, and the German Vitam-R.

Marmite is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty. This distinctive taste is reflected in the marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it." Such is its prominence in British popular culture that the product's name has entered British English as a metaphor for something that is an acquired taste or tends to polarise opinions.

The image on the front of the jar shows a "marmite" (French: [maʁmit]), a French term for a large, covered earthenware or metal cooking pot. Marmite was originally supplied in earthenware pots, but since the 1920s has been sold in glass jars shaped like the French cooking pot.

A similar spread called Marmite has been manufactured in New Zealand since 1919. This is the only product sold as Marmite in Australasia and the Pacific, whereas elsewhere in the world the British version predominates.

It's an acquired taste. I was eating Marmite from age 2 like my sisters and cousins. We'd eat it on strips of toast and would dip it into boiled eggs as kids which is a popular UK breakfast called 'egg and soldiers.'

You know your kid is British when they like Marmite!


It's amusing seeing foreign peoples reactions when they try Marmite or Vegemite for the first time. My French ex boyfriend spat it out and he shouted, 'Wtf is that?! That is disgusting!' :lmao He liked croissants and pain au chocolat and black coffee for breakfast. :eek: (At least UK people don't eat foie gras and frogs and snails.)



At least we don't eat cats and dogs and horses like people do in Switzerland;-




I think Americans prefer peanut butter or nutella on toast. I hate both peanut butter and nutella... they're very unhealthy and taste sickly and both peanut butter and nutella makes me feel sick.


The reason why Americans screw their faces-up and start gagging in horror when they try either British Marmite or Australian Vegemite... is because they usually smear it on their toast too thickly!!

I like a few drops of Tabasco sauce in dishes.... but it wouldn't taste nice if I threw the entire bottle in. :rolleyes: D'oh... :picard1:

There's a lot of videos on YT of Americans and other foreign people trying Marmite or Vegemite for the first time. They usually spread it too thickly and their facial reacions are hilarious.

It's supposed to be spread very lightly and thinly on toast.

:lmao I love the Aussies great sense of humour! An Aussie impersonates an American trying Vegemite.


1:12 (She pronounces the word 'vitamins' very strangely as 'vye-ta-mins' at 1:33 as she's American.)


They should try Twiglets... they're a popular snack in the UK and they're little crunchy sticks of dried wheat that are shaped like twigs on a tree and they're coated in Marmite. :P (They smell and taste strongly like Mmmmarmite. Mmm, yummy!)


American peoples reactions to Marmite are so funny... 2:15 :lmao


They've spread it very thickly. I could still eat it even if it was spread thickly as I became used to the taste of it from a very young age in life. I love Marmite. (I've even eaten it a few times straight from the jar as a kid! :heartbea:) It can be a shock for people when trying it for the first time if they've not become acquired to the taste from an early age in life. (An Englishman pretended to these Japanese people beforehand that it tastes like chocolate... just so that they'd try it;- but it contains absolutely no chocolate and tastes nothing like chocolate. It has a strong and sharp taste, and a sour and bitter twang to it.)
4:27 :lmao


A very cute and adorable Irish kid loving the taste of Marmite... he's eating lots of Marmite straight from the jar.



The Marmite slogan has become popular with people who either love or hate something. We say, 'it's like Marmite;- you either love it or hate it.'


And although eating B vitamins are good for your hair, you don't spread Marmite on your hair... :P

Nor smear it on your lips like Vaseline... :P

The reasons why people either love or hate certain tastes according to UK researchers depends on a number of factors, including evolution, gene variation, upbringing, number of taste buds, psychology, society, and experience:

Why Do I Hate Marmite?

Helen Alford

Ah, marmite. The notorious dark brown, gloopy sludge (I’m hard-pushed to call it a food) is a byproduct of beer brewing. The yeast extract left over from brewing lager, bitter, and ale is mixed with vegetable and spice extracts, along with some other ingredients that are ‘trade secrets’. The manufacturing process sounds just as unappetising as the end product tastes.

The spread is behind one of the UK’s most divisive advertising campaigns – ‘Love it or hate it’. Polling agents YouGov ran a poll in 2011, asking 2,500 British adults whether they loved, hated, or had no opinion on marmite. The results were 33% for both love and hate, with 27% remaining neutral. That’s a pretty even split. Personally, I just can’t understand how anybody could willingly eat this vile excuse for a condiment. But clearly, people do. So what makes our palates so different?


Taste and smell have long been evolutionary survival tactics. If something doesn’t taste right, we know to avoid it. Bitter tastes usually mean poison, while a sulphurous smell can be associated with something harbouring dangerous bacteria. The ‘survival’ role of these senses has declined as we have developed ways to keep food safe and the availability of food has grown. Even so, we still use these senses to judge food. If milk smells bad, we don’t put it in our tea. Evolution can explain the general aversion to bitter-tasting foods like grapefruit and broccoli, but what about more personal preferences?

Babies may inherit food preferences from their mothers. The flavours are transferred to the child from the mum through the amniotic fluid. One study found that babies whose mothers consumed carrots during the last stage of pregnancy were more likely to eat carrot-flavoured food compared to babies whose mothers did not eat carrots. The same principle could potentially be applied to other foods.

Another biological factor that can account for differing tastes is the amount of taste buds on an individual’s tongue. Taste buds detect the five tastes: sweet, sour, salty, butter and umami (savoury). “Supertasters” have more fungiform papillae – projections holding taste buds – and so taste things with much more intensity. They also have an increased sensitivity to bitterness. Research has shown supertasters have reduced preferences for foods including coffee, mushrooms, gin, tequila, green tea, and cabbage. Average tasters usually have a more accepting palate.


To try and understand why supertasters react negatively to certain foods, scientists are considering a gene named TAS2R38. The gene encodes a protein which is a bitter taste receptor. People who have a version of the gene that is very influential in tasting (as opposed to a non-tasting or subdued version) may be supertasters. Fussy eating could well be the results of genetic factors like this.

A person’s taste can evolve through the influence of various psychological factors. For example, association of a food with a feeling or emotion can affect the way the food is perceived in the future. If a person eats a food which makes them ill, chances are they won’t like that food anymore. The appeal of the food in terms of all 5 senses is diminished. In contrast, if a person associated a food with being exceptionally positive, they’re probably more likely to keep eating it.

Interestingly, recent studies have shown that people who enjoy bitter foods like gin may have psychopathic traits. One experiment showed that the ‘agreeableness’ of a person is negatively correlated with a liking of bitter foods.

Societal influences can also play a role in determining what people like and don’t like. As children, we naturally have a fear of trying new things. It’s possible that people whose parents encourage them to eat new foods regularly could grow up to be less fussy than those who stuck to a more restricted diet. Adults are expected to be less fussy than children, and so may be forced to consume foods they don’t like to ‘fit in’. Olives seem to be the prime example of this. Luckily, research shows that the more times you eat a food, the more you grow to like it.

Food preferences are down to the interaction of numerous factors. Gene variation, upbringing, number of taste buds, psychology, society, experience… Call me narrow minded but none of these factors could ever explain to me the love people have for marmite.


A lot of British people like Marmite on their toast for breakfast. Marmite has been sold in the UK for many long years and Vegemite has its popularity in Australia. It's healthy.

This is a hilarious UK TV commercial for those who don't like Marmite and have left them neglected in their cupboards.


♥ Lily ♥
09-03-2018, 11:29 PM
I also like Marmalade on toast sometimes.


And I love St. Dalfour jam preserve which contains no sugars and no artificial sweeteners. It's made in France from all natural ingredients.
https://www.ocado.com/productImages/105/10545011_0_640x640.jpg?identifier=42e7b942060edd44 bfb6ee46dffa2ea9
https://www.ocado.com/productImages/279/279163011_0_640x640.jpg?identifier=39631379e54307b d14c3a0f770724395
https://www.ocado.com/productImages/105/10544011_0_640x640.jpg?identifier=245c229720d4f145 44d59b196e720cc3
https://groceries.morrisons.com/productImages/111/111403011_0_640x640.jpg?identifier=2832af27a42cd3f 4e7323b7bf3d29a86

I also love herbal tea, black cherry tea, Earl Grey tea and Lady Grey tea, or a freshly-squeezed smoothie.

I also love UK Innocent drinks which are made only from fruit... not from concentrate, and contain no sugars, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavourings or colourings, no preservatives, etc. I also like the environmentally-friendly and humorous packaging. They're made in the UK and sold in lots of stores here.

♥ Lily ♥
09-04-2018, 06:49 AM
Sometimes I love scrambled eggs on toast with grilled tomatoes and a sprinkle of ground black pepper and chives :heartbea:.... and with a few drops of my absolute favourite Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, of course. :love0031:


Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce (pronounced as 'Woos-ter-shir' sauce) was originally created in the city of Worcester ('woos-ter',) in the county of Worcestershire, England. It's delicious and extremely popular with British people.


Worcestershire sauce is a fermented liquid condiment of complex mixture originally created in England by the Worcester chemists John Wheeley Lea and William Henry Perrins, who went on to form the company Lea & Perrins. Worcestershire sauce legally has been considered a generic term since 1876 when The High Court of the United Kingdom ruled that Lea and Perrins do not own the trademark to "Worcestershire."

Worcestershire sauce is frequently used to enhance food and drink recipes, included in traditional Welsh rarebit, Caesar salad, Oysters Kirkpatrick, and deviled eggs. As both background flavour and a source of umami, the savoury so-called "fifth flavour", it is also added to dishes which historically did not contain it, such as chili con carne and beef stew.

It is also used directly as a condiment on steaks, hamburgers, and other finished dishes. The sauce is also used to flavour cocktails such as the Bloody Mary and Caesar.

Lea & Perrins worcestershire sauce in a dish. (It has a watery and runny texture like vinegar has, rather than a thick texture.)

A fermented fish sauce called garum was a staple of Greco-Roman cuisine and of the Mediterranean economy of the Roman Empire, as the first-century encyclopaedist Pliny the Elder writes in his Historia Naturalis and the fourth/fifth-century Roman culinary text Apicius includes garum in its recipes. The use of similar fermented anchovy sauces in Europe can be traced back to the 17th century.

The Lea & Perrins brand was commercialised in 1837 and has continued to be the leading global brand of Worcestershire sauce. The origin of the Lea & Perrins recipe is unclear. The packaging originally stated that the sauce came "from the recipe of a nobleman in the county".

The company has also claimed that "Lord Marcus Sandys, ex-Governor of Bengal" encountered it while in India with the East India Company in the 1830s, and commissioned the local apothecaries to recreate it.

According to company tradition, when the recipe was first mixed there the resulting product was so strong that it was considered inedible and the barrel was abandoned in the basement. Looking to make space in the storage area a few years later, the chemists decided to try it again, and discovered that the long fermented sauce had mellowed and was now palatable.

In 1838 the first bottles of "Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce" were released to the general public. On the 16th of October 1897, Lea & Perrins relocated manufacturing of the sauce from their pharmacy to a factory in the city of Worcester on Midland Road, where it is still made. The factory produces ready-mixed bottles for domestic distribution and a concentrate for bottling abroad.

In 1930, the Lea & Perrins operation was purchased by HP Foods, which was in turn acquired by the Imperial Tobacco Company in 1967. HP was sold to Danone in 1988 and then to Heinz in 2005.

Due to a shortages during World War II, Lea and Perrins switched from using soy sauce to hydrolysed vegetable protein.

An English nobleman created it. The recipe remains a top secret.


09-04-2018, 06:56 AM
have big bowl of porridge oats with Blueberries, Cashew nuts and Pumpkin seeds and then after I sometimes have 2 slices of Brown wholemeal bread with Almond butter (smooth) thickly spread with cut up Banana on top

♥ Lily ♥
09-04-2018, 07:09 AM
Grilled slices of melted toasted banana on top of wholemeal toasted bread topped with a drizzle of squeezable honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon is also delish for brekkie! :love0031:

My favourite milk when heating Scottish porridge oats in a saucepan with milk, cinnamon, black chia seeds, flaxseeds, nutmeg and sultanas over the hob for brekkie on cold days, is Jersey cows milk, which is imported from the nearby island of Jersey in the Channel Isles, but normally I use Tesco semi-skimmed cows milk. I used to use soya milk when eating oats raw and cold with raisins, etc, like a muesli cereal, but I don't like to heat soya milk when making a porridge. I like almond milk too. I'm not keen on goat's milk although I love goat's cheese which has a lot more calcium than other types of cheese.

09-04-2018, 07:31 AM
Cappuccino e cornetto.. E niente altro.


♥ Lily ♥
09-05-2018, 01:14 AM
Welsh rarebit with a few drops of worcestershire sauce. :love0031:


09-05-2018, 01:23 AM
On the occasion that I do eat breakfast. It's usually black coffee, oatmeal with berries or dried fruits, and some kind of seed or cereal germ.
Sometimes it's just toast and jam, butter on first though. On the weekends I'll usually make eggs, or sausage toast etcetera...

09-05-2018, 05:57 AM
On the occasion that I do eat breakfast. It's usually black coffee, oatmeal with berries or dried fruits, and some kind of seed or cereal germ.
Sometimes it's just toast and jam, butter on first though. On the weekends I'll usually make eggs, or sausage toast etcetera...

why only weekends?

09-05-2018, 02:38 PM
Typically I eat bread with ham/sausage + cheese + sometimes tomato or other vegetables. I drink tea or some sort of juice.

Btw I am really surprised how popular are scrambled eggs. I eat them rarely.

09-05-2018, 03:21 PM

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09-12-2018, 12:42 AM
I like grits with toast and bacon and eggs for breakfast.

09-12-2018, 12:54 AM
Bacon, eggs over medium, hash browns (or home fries if I must) and toast, which I dip in the eggs.

09-12-2018, 03:07 AM
Nothing. This is definitely uncommon in my country. I used to eat soup for breakfast around 20 years ago.

Daco Celtic
10-06-2018, 05:41 AM
Oatmeal with blueberries and one or two hard boiled egg

10-06-2018, 06:01 AM

The Lawspeaker
10-06-2018, 06:04 AM
I like my yogurt (with flax and chia seeds, some nuts and fruit) or dark rye bread (with fish, cold cuts or cheese) and a cup of coffee. Here most people eat wholegrain breads with either cheese, chocolate (either spread or sprinkles (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprinkles#Names)), peanut butter or cold cuts.

10-13-2018, 04:13 PM


10-18-2018, 12:57 PM
Usually just coffee with milk. I can't eat anything with carbs for breakfast because it makes me sick.

10-18-2018, 01:17 PM
Bread and Labneh AKA Greek cheese. With a cup of coffee of course.

10-18-2018, 01:24 PM

10-18-2018, 01:39 PM
Usually coffee with some eggs and bacon, if I don't feel like cooking then some dairy products and fruit. Breakfast for me starts 10-15 hours after my last meal though, so it's not a morning thing most of the time.

Mr. Anybody
10-18-2018, 01:39 PM
3 or 5 eggs,50 grams of cheese. fresh peppers, tomatoes, mayonaisse, sometimes meat.(in addition the bacon was very tasty but I wouldn't usually prefer it. I prefer beef and lamb meat) I also like English Breakfast.

10-18-2018, 01:42 PM
Nothing cause i am not hungry.

10-18-2018, 01:43 PM
Today I had coffee and a ham and cheese sandwich, then i had some chocolate :coffee:

10-18-2018, 02:32 PM

Nothing cause i am not hungry.


10-18-2018, 02:33 PM

I am not the only one right? :D

10-18-2018, 02:36 PM

I am not the only one right? :D

10-18-2018, 04:32 PM
This morning coffe and toast.

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10-23-2018, 01:51 PM
Typical breakfast consists of tea or coffee with some homemade granola (rolled oats, almonds, sunflower seeds, pecans, coconut pieces, dried cherries, & raisins) mixed with plain yogurt, fruits (blueberries, banana, straw/raspberries) & a scope of protein powder.

Weekend breakfast consists of tea or coffee with a 2-3 egg omelette, cheese & whatever meat/vegetables is in the fridge.

Gotta-go / not-that-hungry breakfast consists of homemade protein balls or whatever fruit (e.g. grapefruit, melon, etc.) is on hand thrown in a blender with spinach, etc.

10-23-2018, 01:54 PM
Nothing, I don't usually eat breakfast; I eat Lunch and Dinner (though I often have Breakfasty stuff for Lunch, like Cereal, or Sausages or something). Only times I really eat breakfast are rarely if I'm visiting my parents and my Dad goes to Mcdonalds, then I'll have Sausage and egg Mcmuffin, or if I'm on holiday abroad and it's usually Burek. Generally though my first meal is around midday or later, it is almost 3pm today and I have eaten nothing so far and I woke up around 11.

10-23-2018, 02:53 PM
A single tost

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11-03-2018, 09:37 PM

Bobby Martnen
11-03-2018, 09:38 PM
I don't eat breakfast.

11-03-2018, 09:44 PM
If I go to work, from Monday to Friday, it is usually white cheese with sour cream and a toast.

On Saturdays and Sundays a perfer scrambled eggs or omelette in many variations :p

11-03-2018, 09:58 PM
Cheerios or whatever my roommates have in the fridge; usually bagels or tortillas with cream cheese

Daco Celtic
02-08-2019, 03:48 AM
Plain oatmeal with bananas or blue berries added. One small mandarin orange. One hard boiled egg. Coffee.

02-08-2019, 03:49 AM
I usually skip breakfast but the first thing I eat is probably a cookie or muffin or some shit

02-09-2019, 08:59 PM
don't eat it

02-09-2019, 09:06 PM
that's bad for your brain abilities if you don't eat breakfast

02-09-2019, 09:08 PM
Coffee with a splash of milk:


- slice of bread with strawberry jam


- croissants

02-09-2019, 09:11 PM
I usually eat lunch for breakfast.

02-09-2019, 09:18 PM
I hate eating in the morning, I usually don't eat "breakfast" till between 12-2, so lunch time basically, then I have dinner later on. So 2 meals. I usually have either porridge, cereal or a sandwich at lunch time.

03-29-2019, 02:52 PM
It depends on what’s on hand. I recently bought tuna in bulk, so I’ve been making variations of tuna, like pan fried tuwith cherry tomatoes and cheese or tuna patties with sour cream and sriracha.

Yesterday morning, I had leftovers, so I ended up eating shredded roasted pork and a small helping of roasted diced carrots and potatoes. I fried two eggs over easy, put them on top of all the food,
and mixed everything together. Everything together tasted wonderful.

03-29-2019, 02:54 PM
Toasts and apples.

03-29-2019, 02:56 PM
Oatmeal with milk and 4 scrambled eggs.

03-29-2019, 02:57 PM
Oats with cinnamon And a coffee.

03-29-2019, 02:59 PM

03-29-2019, 03:28 PM
mostly sucuk with eggs, pastirma with eggs or sucuk sandwich.. i know its not very healthy but you only live once

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-29-2019, 03:28 PM

03-29-2019, 03:36 PM
Toasted bread, white cheese, olives, butter, tomato (sometimes) and tea.

PT Tagus
03-29-2019, 03:46 PM

I'd rather drink a glass of wine. :D

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-29-2019, 03:49 PM
I'd rather drink a glass of wine. :D

Isso é nos dias de feira, um courato e um branquinho fresquinho ao pequeno-almoço.

PT Tagus
03-29-2019, 03:52 PM
Isso é nos dias de feira, um courato e um branquinho fresquinho ao pequeno-almoço.


03-29-2019, 03:54 PM
Tobacco taste better in the morning(especially cigar). I wouldn't smoke it on an empty stomach tho.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-29-2019, 03:58 PM
Tobacco taste better in the morning(especially cigar). I wouldn't smoke it on an empty stomach tho.

https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/bbc153a24d79beced72dd5622c5bb80c/5CE2B0D0/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/c0.135.1080.1080/s640x640/46960815_2228308267425771_7769545011256675461_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com

03-29-2019, 03:58 PM
Coffee. I've slowly stopped eating breakfast, TBH.

PT Tagus
03-29-2019, 04:01 PM
https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/bbc153a24d79beced72dd5622c5bb80c/5CE2B0D0/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/c0.135.1080.1080/s640x640/46960815_2228308267425771_7769545011256675461_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com

Is it granola and goji berries?

03-29-2019, 04:01 PM
https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/bbc153a24d79beced72dd5622c5bb80c/5CE2B0D0/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/c0.135.1080.1080/s640x640/46960815_2228308267425771_7769545011256675461_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com

Nice :cool:

PT Tagus
03-29-2019, 04:02 PM
I usually eat oat porridge and fruit.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-29-2019, 04:03 PM
Is it granola and goji berries?

Dried strawberries.

North Sea
03-29-2019, 04:05 PM

03-29-2019, 04:09 PM
I don't eat breakfast. Only drink coffee in the morning.

North Sea
03-29-2019, 04:14 PM
https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/bbc153a24d79beced72dd5622c5bb80c/5CE2B0D0/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/c0.135.1080.1080/s640x640/46960815_2228308267425771_7769545011256675461_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com

My vegan brader :D

03-29-2019, 04:21 PM
I don't eat breakfast. Only drink coffee in the morning.

You eat breakfast, you just don't eat a morning meal.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-29-2019, 04:21 PM
My vegan brader :D

I haven't been strictly vegan for a while now but I still incorporate vegan options and meals on a daily basis.

03-29-2019, 04:21 PM
Today I wanted grits, but instead I had some eggs and bacon. I also had a small burrito.

North Sea
03-29-2019, 04:24 PM
I haven't been strictly vegan for a while now but I still incorporate vegan options and meals on a daily basis.

I see. For me its vegan till I die. Couldn't bring myself anymore to eat anything that comes from an animal. Not consuming animal products has just become a part of who I am.

North Sea
03-29-2019, 04:26 PM
Are you vegetarian ? or you also eat meat ? Not easy being vegan sometimes in this world but more and more options are becoming common in restaurants, shops, stores etc compared to years ago

03-29-2019, 04:28 PM
Are you vegetarian ? or you also eat meat ? Not easy being vegan sometimes in this world but more and more options are becoming common in restaurants, shops, stores etc compared to years ago

No offense, but I would never expect to see a vegan Albanian :p

North Sea
03-29-2019, 04:37 PM
No offense, but I would never expect to see a vegan Albanian :p

Now you have :)

PT Tagus
03-29-2019, 04:40 PM
Since I've decided to lose weight, I incorporate vegetarian meals into my diet.

03-29-2019, 09:12 PM
- Coffee
- bread
- bacon, ham or salami
- eggs or cheese

The Lawspeaker
03-29-2019, 10:10 PM
Bread and cold cuts or cheese and a good cup of coffee.

03-29-2019, 10:13 PM
I had today mango, apple and some nuts and it's basically always simple breakfasts

The Lawspeaker
03-29-2019, 10:14 PM
I had today mango, apple and some nuts and it's basically always simple breakfasts

What what what ? No coffee ? How can a human being live without coffee ?!

03-29-2019, 10:15 PM
What what what ? No coffee ? How can a human being live without coffee ?!

I am a tea person I drank 4 cups of tea at internship :D

03-29-2019, 10:16 PM

The Lawspeaker
03-29-2019, 10:16 PM
I am a tea person I drank 4 cups of tea at internship :D

And you were there for like 8 hours ? You could do better. :P

03-29-2019, 10:18 PM
And you were there for like 8 hours ? You could do better. :P

I carry 500 ml bottle with me and I fill that like 3-4 times there so that's why I don't need much other drinks haha

The Lawspeaker
03-29-2019, 10:19 PM
I carry 500 ml bottle with me and I fill that like 3-4 times there so that's why I don't need much other drinks haha

Good excuse ! :)

03-29-2019, 10:19 PM

03-29-2019, 10:19 PM
Generally bread, omelette, bacon, cheese with coffee or (lemon or orange) juice plus some fruit.

03-29-2019, 10:22 PM
https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hlathletics.com%2Fuploads%2F7 %2F4%2F5%2F3%2F7453898%2Fs544037873607021623_p206_ i10_w1044.jpeg&f=1

03-29-2019, 10:23 PM

03-29-2019, 10:30 PM
Generally bread, omelette, bacon, cheese with coffee or (lemon or orange) juice plus some fruit.Do you live in a Hotel?

03-29-2019, 10:45 PM
Usually don't eat breakfast

03-29-2019, 10:56 PM
A friendly suggestion for ya mate. Has all the whey you need:

wtf lmao drinking 1l of milk to get 30g of protein, which is 80% of inferior bioavailability and slowly digested casein protein, plus lots of lactose and fat to ruin digestion, genius, i am not nordic, i cant digest lactose, even low lactose milk
first thing in the morning you need fastest absorbable protein to prevent morning catabolism, whey isolate is the fastest absorbable and best bioavailiability protein with best amino acids content
if you mean i spend lots of money on this, dont count my finances, i can afford it and i dont care

03-31-2019, 05:50 PM
wtf lmao drinking 1l of milk to get 30g of protein, which is 80% of inferior bioavailability and slowly digested casein protein, plus lots of lactose and fat to ruin digestion, genius, i am not nordic, i cant digest lactose, even low lactose milk
first thing in the morning you need fastest absorbable protein to prevent morning catabolism, whey isolate is the fastest absorbable and best bioavailiability protein with best amino acids content
if you mean i spend lots of money on this, dont count my finances, i can afford it and i dont care

You may find that you can digest raw milk just fine. When milk is pasteurized it destroys the lactase enzyme which is required to digest lactose.

04-01-2019, 02:09 AM
I had shredded brussel sprouts and cauliflower and diced olives with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, along with rosemary garlic shrimp. It was awesome! <3

04-01-2019, 04:03 PM
Tuna mixed with mayo, light garlic powder, salt, and pepper, with cherry tomatoes and black olives. <3

04-01-2019, 04:12 PM
Fried egg or sandwich + Coca Cola

04-01-2019, 04:16 PM
Flat white coffee

04-02-2019, 10:23 AM
I keep keto diets, so my diet may change in the morning.

07-05-2019, 12:13 PM
I usually skip breakfast and have a big lunch.

My typical lunch consists of a ribeye or a NY strip steak, salmon roe, some hard aged cheese and bacon. Sometimes I'll throw an avocado in there.

07-05-2019, 12:17 PM

Vid Flumina
07-05-2019, 12:19 PM
eggs + cheese + fish

07-05-2019, 12:22 PM
Western people eat too much compared to asians and us mediterraneans. When I spent couple of days abroad I got sick from overeating. Min 4000 cal/day.

The Lawspeaker
07-05-2019, 02:55 PM
Fried egg or sandwich + Coca Cola
Saves one from making coffee !

07-06-2019, 01:43 AM
For Breakfast I had a burrito and a glass of milk.

07-06-2019, 01:43 AM
Western people eat too much compared to asians and us mediterraneans. When I spent couple of days abroad I got sick from overeating. Min 4000 cal/day.

I am an American and I eat 2600 max a day, and I am still obese.

Scipio Africanus
10-22-2019, 12:52 PM
Milk,coffe,cereal and a banana.

10-22-2019, 12:54 PM
I don't eat breakfast. I only drink coffee.

10-22-2019, 12:56 PM
Kebab with sour cream and flat white with almond milk

10-22-2019, 01:00 PM
Egg white and cheese on an english muffin, and black coffee.

10-23-2019, 01:58 PM
My breakfast is pretty light. I have a very thin appetite in the morning.

Just a few Oreos and at times cheese dippers.

06-30-2020, 09:16 PM
Breakfast is also light. It can be oatmeal, coffee, cottage cheese.

06-30-2020, 09:31 PM
My breakfast is pretty light. I have a very thin appetite in the morning.


I have no appetite when I wake up, but I eat a bit just to not drink coffee on empty stomach.

But I compensate daily food consumption with a plenty and rich lunch and dinner.:cool:

Chryssie Khanate
09-28-2020, 12:56 AM
animal protein, lentils, and usually some fruit or nowadays winter squash. ;)

09-28-2020, 01:15 AM
I had a peach and kiwi, chocolate, olives, and a small salad, a very odd breakfast for me ;).

11-27-2020, 07:52 PM
Usually oatmeal porridge with nuts, whey protein, peanut butter and dark chocolate, i just love the combo.
And coffee.

11-27-2020, 07:56 PM
small block of feta, eight olives, two toasts and espresso

11-27-2020, 07:58 PM
Coffee and maybe avocado with some meat on bread.

I usually just have a large lunch and a moderate dinner.

11-27-2020, 08:12 PM
Recently I've been having fruit, nuts, and cereal or chocolate for breakfast often.

11-27-2020, 08:13 PM
I usually make an egg white omelet with avocado tomato and feta. Or sometime I skip breakfast and just drink coffee. Depends on whether or not I'm working out that morning,

11-27-2020, 08:21 PM
i don't really eat in the morning but sometimes i'll have egg+avocado on toast or yogurt with blueberries, granola, and honey

11-27-2020, 08:21 PM
Cottage cheese, toast and tea at 8am

11-27-2020, 08:29 PM
For breakfast I usually have lunch.

Vid Flumina
12-31-2020, 08:44 AM
What I had this morning (example) :

- some dark chocolate
- plain yogurt & 1 apple
- 2 soft boiled eggs with 2 tablespoons of ext. olive oil

This is normally within 45 min. after waking up and some light exercise, 2h later I'll have an orange or couple of strawberries and start proper workout.

12-31-2020, 08:57 AM
Today: a cup of coffee and a sandwich with salami and pickles XD

12-31-2020, 09:52 AM
I ate Dried Meat with Bread and Boza :icon12:

12-31-2020, 09:57 AM
Coffee, jamon serrano & artichoke with bread, and a persimmon,

12-31-2020, 10:36 AM
Arepa with cheese, scrambled eggs and hot drink chocolate

12-31-2020, 10:45 AM



12-31-2020, 11:35 AM

12-31-2020, 12:14 PM
Coffee, saucisson and brie on toasted whole wheat baguette.

Sacrificed Ram
12-31-2020, 12:31 PM
coffee without sugar or artificial sweetener.

Daco Celtic
11-09-2021, 11:52 PM
Oatmeal with fresh blueberries or strawberries on weekdays. Coffee too


11-09-2021, 11:57 PM
Avocados drenched in olive oil with two poached eggs. No, it is not a tendency in my country.

11-10-2021, 12:01 AM
Oatmeal with fresh blueberries or strawberries on weekdays. Coffee too

So you are consistent with that, every weekday morning?

I think that is a great breakfast, and if you are doing that daily then you have just inspired me, and I will try to do the same. I'm too inconsistent in the quality of my breakfasts. This morning my breakfast was Starbucks Egg White Bites, reasonably nutritious but cost prohibitive.

Daco Celtic
11-10-2021, 12:12 AM
So you are consistent with that, every weekday morning?

I think that is a great breakfast, and if you are doing that daily then you have just inspired me, and I will try to do the same. I'm too inconsistent in the quality of my breakfasts. This morning my breakfast was Starbucks Egg White Bites, reasonably nutritious but cost prohibitive.

I have eaten it consistently for the last 4 years or so because I find if good for my digestion and energy in the morning. So about 5 out of 7 mornings a week. I generally prefer a light breakfast. On weekends, I sometimes have a bigger breakfast, esp if I go out with my family.

11-10-2021, 12:15 AM
toast or boiled egg, cheese, olive and vegetables

11-10-2021, 12:32 AM
I have eaten it consistently for the last 4 years or so because I find if good for my digestion and energy in the morning. So about 5 out of 7 mornings a week. I generally prefer a light breakfast. On weekends, I sometimes have a bigger breakfast, esp if I go out with my family.


11-10-2021, 12:49 AM
Cereal for the most part. Sometimes scrambled eggs. Sometimes I completely skip breakfast.

11-10-2021, 11:31 AM
only meat with fat

11-10-2021, 11:44 AM
Usually cereal or sweet bread with coffee.


01-31-2022, 04:24 PM
I usually just drink coffee

01-31-2022, 04:30 PM
Recently i ve rediscovered Chocapic. And i don't care it's meant for kids.


01-31-2022, 04:38 PM
Most of the time cereal with milk and an iced coffee, sometimes I'll have waffles instead

10-24-2022, 02:52 PM
3 slices of spelt bread with butter or tomato paste and ham on them, one apple and either a glass of milk or orange juice.

Jingle Bell
10-24-2022, 02:55 PM
i just drank coffee and ate a cookie, i was pretty late for an appointment so i didn't have much time for a decent meal

10-24-2022, 06:29 PM
Fairly basic..Some kind of protein is a must...And some carb and starch (usually potatoe and or sourdough bread)...couple of eggs...usually eaten after at least one tall glass of water. Water and occasionally juice sipped with the meal...then a post-breakfast coffee (drip):...some mornings I skip breakfast.

10-24-2022, 09:29 PM
Just coffee, I feel bad and tired if I eat in the morning.

10-24-2022, 10:07 PM
I had some pancakes and sausages

10-24-2022, 10:17 PM
I like to have toast, scrambled eggs, cheese, a piece of fruit and a cup of white coffee. Ham or any lunchmeat, instead of eggs is cool too.

When I don't give a shit about nutrition I have white bread, grape or fig jelly (in Argentina I started having more Dulce de Leche too) and the same cup of coffee, perhaps with no milk or sugar as the solids are sweet already.

10-25-2022, 05:30 PM
Just fruits, with some peanut butter.

10-25-2022, 06:39 PM
I had a thai chicken wrap and paradise point smoothie from Tropical Smoothie.

10-28-2022, 10:19 PM
I had a thai chicken wrap and paradise point smoothie from Tropical Smoothie.

Meade, when you eat it at 2:30 in the afternoon, it is not called 'breakfast'; it is called 'lunch'.

10-29-2022, 01:48 AM
Meade, when you eat it at 2:30 in the afternoon, it is not called 'breakfast'; it is called 'lunch'.

It's really Brunch

10-29-2022, 02:27 AM
Meade, when you eat it at 2:30 in the afternoon, it is not called 'breakfast'; it is called 'lunch'.

It's really Brunch

Anything you eat after fasting breaks it, hence breakfast.

so can be any time of day

11-29-2022, 03:13 PM
3 boiled eggs (apricot yolks), toast with butter and cheddar on brown bread, fresh tomato, fresh cucumber, ezine cheese, tea.

I am kidding.

11-29-2022, 08:45 PM

From yesterday morning...It's not all mine :P

11-29-2022, 08:57 PM

From yesterday morning...It's not all mine :P

Is that Shakshuka? It looks good :)

Colonel Frank Grimes
11-29-2022, 08:58 PM

11-29-2022, 09:00 PM
A cig.

11-29-2022, 09:07 PM
I have coffee black and a cigarette. Every once in a while I'll make a Full English, but I'm not typically hungry mornings.

11-29-2022, 09:38 PM
Is that Shakshuka? It looks good :)

Honestly I had no idea what Shakshuka was but I've checked in out and it's exactly the same recipe or exacly the way I do it, with one exception - mine doesn't have any cumin. It's more of a traditional breakfast in my area. The Balkan cuisine is founded on the Ottoman cuisine which is also a mix of Byzantine, Persian and Arabic cuisines. There are a lot of common dishes, usually with a different name (sometimes with the same name) but with a local twist.

11-29-2022, 09:41 PM
Few boiled eggs, 250 gr mix of fatty sourcream and cottage cheese, an avocado and some 50 gr of pumpkin seeds

11-29-2022, 10:21 PM
Black coffee, 2 or 3 cookies and cigarette.

11-29-2022, 10:57 PM
Black coffee + cigarette

11-29-2022, 11:09 PM
I had 2 breakfast burritos instead of my usual 3, so I'm doing pretty well on eatin' healthy.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
11-29-2022, 11:19 PM
I’ve gotten used to not have anything for breakfast in the last couple years. Just an expresso without sugar when I arrive at the office. My first meal of the day is at lunch time, around 1 p.m.

11-30-2022, 12:13 AM
Coffee with milk with bread and butter or jam:


Sometimes simple cake:


Coffee with milk and bread on a hot plate and sold as breakfast in a cafeteria:


11-30-2022, 12:40 AM
Depends on the day. I get up early for work, so I want to spend as much time sleeping as I can. This means my breakfasts are usually quick. Some of my usuals are oatmeal, usually maple flavoured, a banana or two, maybe peanut butter on toast. If there's leftover bacon in the fridge, I might make a sandwich with that and some spinach and tomato. If there are easily microwavable leftovers in the fridge, I might have that. Like pasta or stirfry, that kind of thing.

11-30-2022, 03:59 AM
Common here in southern Brazil:

Chineque (german original: Schnecke) it's a sweet bread:


Cuca German



https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cW2mV5TcVYg/VeUSP16L8UI/AAAAAAACdWA/4sLb2JE84hE/s1600/Festival%2Bde%2Bcucas%2Bde%2BBlumenau%2B%25288%252 9.JPG

11-30-2022, 04:00 AM
I used to be able to skip breakfast. I'm not hungry in the morning. Now by ten, I get growly. I just chug down one of those high-protein low-carb shakes like Muscle Milk, Premier Protein. or whatever is cheapest.
It is quicker and easier than food...but avoid the plant-based ones... unless you like the aftertaste of rotting vegetables.

Tea, not coffee...English breakfast type...Tazo or Stash label... lightened up with a bit of half and half or even real cream if there is any in the fridge.

11-30-2022, 04:10 AM
I had 2 breakfast burritos instead of my usual 3, so I'm doing pretty well on eatin' healthy.Aren't burritos unhealthy?
Why don't eat cereal instead?
You should these kind of dishes.
Chickpeas spinach
This recipe is also very healthy just don't add cream and less butter.

I am suggest avoiding bread. Calories in bread are very high. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20221130/6236956db5aa5016725fc84f6452e57d.jpg

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

11-30-2022, 05:04 AM
Usually just coffee, or if I am hungry, which I tend not to be in the morning, I have an egg too.



12-02-2022, 12:05 AM
Several herbs and drinks then eat closer to lunchtime.

Usually yogurt bowl or oatmeal with...
Hemp Hearts
Beet powder
Almond slices
Vanilla Protein powder
Dried Cranberries/Goji berries
Tiny bit Strawberry Pre-workout and Sea Salt

If I've been low on calories and working out even harder will mix eggs and chorizo then put Cholula and little bit of cheese on ��

12-02-2022, 12:35 AM
Several herbs and drinks then eat closer to lunchtime.

Usually yogurt bowl or oatmeal with...
Hemp Hearts
Beet powder
Almond slices
Vanilla Protein powder
Dried Cranberries/Goji berries
Tiny bit Strawberry Pre-workout and Sea Salt

If I've been low on calories and working out even harder will mix eggs and chorizo then put Cholula and little bit of cheese on ��

That's really good Dan.. I usually don't eat that well. Too many times I'm rushing out the door with a coffee -- and a cookie in my mouth. I rely too much on the thinking, "I'll just workout a lot, and that will balance things out."

Goal: eat more oatmeal, more yogurt, more egg whites, ...

12-04-2022, 02:16 AM
Candy corn. The local grocery store is dumping surplus candy corn at 25 cents a pound! I'm one of those oddballs who absolutely loves the stuff, so I ate about 4 big handfuls of it for breakfast.

12-04-2022, 02:20 AM
Candy corn. The local grocery store is dumping surplus candy corn at 25 cents a pound! I'm one of those oddballs who absolutely loves the stuff, so I ate about 4 big handfuls of it for breakfast.
how is this Candy Corn?

12-04-2022, 03:13 AM
well it's pure sugar - people seem to either love it or hate it


12-04-2022, 03:26 AM
well it's pure sugar - people seem to either love it or hate it

I didn't know, the closest here are banana candies


https://images.tcdn.com.br/img/img_prod/670148/bala_de_banana_antonina_1kg_1741_1_20190312092752. jpg

12-04-2022, 06:54 AM
I didn't know, the closest here are banana candies


https://images.tcdn.com.br/img/img_prod/670148/bala_de_banana_antonina_1kg_1741_1_20190312092752. jpg

Those look like something I would devour. Candy, like music, is sort of an international language.

03-17-2023, 07:39 AM
If you're a fan of sweet breakfasts, French toast is a classic and delicious choice that can be made quickly and easily. In this article, we'll cover how to make French toast (https://sweetandsavorymeals.com/homemade-french-toast/), including some tips and variations on this breakfast staple.

To make French toast, you'll need the following ingredients:

2-3 slices of bread
2 eggs
1/4 cup of milk
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 tsp of cinnamon
1 tbsp of butter
Maple syrup and/or powdered sugar for serving


In a shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and cinnamon until well-combined.

Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and melt the butter.

Dip each slice of bread into the egg mixture, coating it well on both sides.

Place the bread into the hot pan and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown.

Remove the French toast from the pan and serve hot with maple syrup and/or powdered sugar.


Use day-old bread for the best results. Fresh bread can be too soft and absorb too much of the egg mixture.
Don't soak the bread for too long in the egg mixture, or it will become too soggy and difficult to cook.
Add a pinch of salt to the egg mixture for a savory twist on this recipe.
Experiment with different types of bread, such as brioche or sourdough, for different flavors and textures.

In conclusion, French toast is a simple and delicious breakfast option that can be customized to suit your tastes. By following the steps outlined above and experimenting with different variations, you can create a breakfast that's both satisfying and enjoyable. So go ahead and give it a try!

10-30-2023, 02:39 AM
Black coffee + cigarette

Just coffee, sans cigarette

10-30-2023, 02:42 AM

10-30-2023, 02:48 AM
Just two-three raw earthworms and few berries