View Full Version : Classify Great Syrian Hero

09-05-2017, 02:32 AM
Commander of the airbase garrison Syrian Republican Guard Colonel Wael Ismandar. President Assad is destroying ISIS scum thanks to heroes like him.




09-05-2017, 02:35 AM
Put some black robes on him and he is a Greek Orthodox Priest

09-05-2017, 02:36 AM
Put some black robes on him and he is a Greek Orthodox Priest

Put some white robes and a hood on you and you are a KKK Grand Wizard.

09-05-2017, 02:37 AM
Put some black robes on him and he is a Greek Orthodox Priest

doesn't look gay enough to be a gayreek orthodox priest

09-05-2017, 02:40 AM
Put some white robes and a hood on you and you are a KKK Grand Wizard.

More like a Sudani


09-05-2017, 02:42 AM
Rather retarded to empower Jörmungandr to get rid of scrawny ISIS snakes.

09-05-2017, 02:42 AM

09-05-2017, 02:43 AM
Asiatic Alpine for the most part. Looks a lot like my dad, but without the Iranid admixture. Can pass in Cyprus and Greece.

09-05-2017, 02:45 AM
Is the guy on the left persian lol

09-05-2017, 02:48 AM
@ last post
Not Persian, probably Azeri or some kind of Turkic bloodline. Persians look more Semitic and less Asian/Aryan.

09-05-2017, 02:55 AM

09-05-2017, 02:59 AM
@ last post
Not Persian, probably Azeri or some kind of Turkic bloodline. Persians look more Semitic and less Asian/Aryan.

Definitely not. That man can easily pass as a typical persian and there are millions that look like him. I can barely distinguish azeris and persians.

09-05-2017, 03:00 AM
doesn't look gay enough to be a gayreek orthodox priest


09-05-2017, 03:00 AM
Definitely not.

There's no such thing as a "Semitic" look, lol. The man can pass for a Persian.

09-05-2017, 03:08 AM
There's no such thing as a "Semitic" look, lol. The man can pass for a Persian.

He actually resembles your dad somewhat. lol

09-05-2017, 03:13 AM
He actually resembles your dad somewhat. lol

He does, lol.

09-05-2017, 03:15 AM
@ last post
Not Persian, probably Azeri or some kind of Turkic bloodline. Persians look more Semitic and less Asian/Aryan.

The fuck you talkin about retard, so turks look more Aryan then Persians? And are you implying that Asian and Aryan are the same thing? Retarded faggot.

09-05-2017, 03:16 AM
Definitely not. That man can easily pass as a typical persian and there are millions that look like him. I can barely distinguish azeris and persians.

I was talking about the young guy next to him in the 2nd pic, not the old guy.

I can distinguish between Persians and Azeris. Azeris look like Turks/Asians and Persians don't.

09-05-2017, 03:18 AM
I was talking about the young guy next to him in the 2nd pic, not the old guy.

I can distinguish between Persians and Azeris. Azeris look like Turks/Asians and Persians don't.

Yes I realize that and he doesn't look any different from a ordinary persian. There are many persians that look like him.

09-05-2017, 03:20 AM
The fuck you talkin about retard, so turks look more Aryan then Persians? And are you implying that Asian and Aryan are the same thing? Retarded faggot.

Aryans are the Iranians who invaded the Persians and Persians were Semites of Elamite stock

And yes I'm implying that Aryans are related to all other Caucasus people, most of which look fairly Asian to me.

Calm down there.

09-05-2017, 03:21 AM
Yes I realize that and he doesn't look any different from a ordinary persian. There are many persians that look like him.

Mixed Persians

09-05-2017, 03:23 AM
Mixed Persians

No, not even mixed ones.

09-05-2017, 03:23 AM
Aryans are the Iranians who invaded the Persians and Persians were Semites of Elamite stock

And yes I'm implying that Aryans are related to all other Caucasus people, most of which look fairly Asian to me.

Calm down there.

And Persians are not Aryans or Indo-Iranians themselves? Lol, since when the Elamites were Semites? They were not even Afro-Asiatics.

09-05-2017, 03:24 AM
Aryans are the Iranians who invaded the Persians and Persians were Semites of Elamite stock

And yes I'm implying that Aryans are related to all other Caucasus people, most of which look fairly Asian to me.

Calm down there.

So a few things:

-Elamites werent semites-They were an isolated group.

-"Looking asian" doesn't automatically mean "Turkic stock". There are many people who look asian and dont have a single drop of east asian ancestry.

-Caucasus and turkic people aren't aryans

09-05-2017, 03:27 AM
Elam was a son of Shem, and all descendants of Shem are Semites.

You guys are wrong.

09-05-2017, 03:29 AM
I didn't say looking Asian means one is of Turkic stock, I said most peoples of the Caucasus look Asian to me, no matter if they migrated west or east out of the Caucasus. That means whites in West Europe and the not-so-white Caucasians in the East.

09-05-2017, 03:30 AM
Aryans are the Iranians who invaded the Persians and Persians were Semites of Elamite stock

And yes I'm implying that Aryans are related to all other Caucasus people, most of which look fairly Asian to me.

Calm down there.

I think your head should be hit with a baseball bat to straighten out the many loose screws because you have no idea what the fuck your talkin about. Persians were the Iranians and Elamites were not semetic you shit head, they were a language Isolate like the Sumerians, and what exactly is an Asian look the Caucasus people have you ignoramus, what you have is not even autism, it is fullout retardation.

09-05-2017, 03:37 AM
Elam was a son of Shem, and all descendants of Shem are Semites.

You guys are wrong.

Yes I thought so, full out retardation.

09-05-2017, 03:40 AM
I think your head should be hit with a baseball bat to straighten out the many loose screws because you have no idea what the fuck your talkin about. Persians were the Iranians and Elamites were not semetic you shit head, they were a language Isolate like the Sumerians, and what exactly is an Asian look the Caucasus people have you ignoramus, what you have is not even autism, it is fullout retardation.

Plight of the Wannabe White -- it does sound kinda catchy.

Persians hate that they're Semites and cling to the identity of their Aryan Iranian invaders. Maybe it's a bit of Stockholm Syndrome, but I also think they want to pretend they're not related to Jews and Arabs. It's untrue, whether you're deluded or lying.

09-05-2017, 03:43 AM
Plight of the Wannabe White -- it does sound kinda catchy.

Persians hate that they're Semites and cling to the identity of their Aryan Iranian invaders. Maybe it's a bit of Stockholm Syndrome, but I also think they want to pretend they're not related to Jews and Arabs. It's untrue, whether you're deluded or lying.

Considering that Semite is a ethno-linguistic identity, it just makes your whole post retarded.

09-05-2017, 03:51 AM
Considering that Semite is a ethno-linguistic identity, it just makes your whole post retarded.

Semites/Shemites are descendants of Shem. It might be a linguistic identity, but it's also a tribal identity. "Ethnicity" and "race" have nothing to do with tribe. For example, you can be almost completely Iranic and still belong to the tribe of Elam. Sorry that you can't come to grips with your tribe's origins and you want to graft the Iranian national identity onto your Elamite/Persian tribal identity. Don't say now that Persia was never a tribal society, because I'm not talking about the social structure of Persian society, I'm talking about actual descent from Shem and Elam.

But maybe you are fully Iranian now, which would make you fully Caucasian, but, then you can't call yourself Persian anymore and the only thing "Persian" about you would be your language. Waaaa.

09-05-2017, 03:57 AM
Semites/Shemites are descendants of Shem. It might be a linguistic identity, but it's also a tribal identity. "Ethnicity" and "race" have nothing to do with tribe. For example, you can be almost completely Iranic and still belong to the tribe of Elam. Sorry that you can't come to grips with your tribe's origins and you want to graft the Iranian national identity onto your Elamite/Persian tribal identity. Don't say now that Persia was never a tribal society, because I'm not talking about the social structure of Persian society, I'm talking about actual descent from Shem and Elam.

But maybe you are fully Iranian now, which would make you fully Caucasian, but, then you can't call yourself Persian anymore and the only thing "Persian" about you would be your language. Waaaa.

Absolute crap and nonsense-Typical trolling behavior. You go and talk like this on anthrogenica, they would think you are either braindead, ignorant, or possibly, a mix of the two.

Anyway, stop de-railing the thread.

09-05-2017, 04:07 AM
Definitely not. That man can easily pass as a typical persian and there are millions that look like him. I can barely distinguish azeris and persians.

I agree with this from people I know of Persian origins.

09-05-2017, 04:13 AM
Absolute crap and nonsense-Typical trolling behavior. You go and talk like this on anthrogenica, they would think you are either braindead, ignorant, or possibly, a mix of the two.

Anyway, stop de-railing the thread.

I don't care what you think of me, and if you want to argue with the information I have provided, then provide information that counters mine so that I can dissect it, and not just the typical emotional arguments like, "waaa waa, you're a troll, you're stupid"

09-05-2017, 04:15 AM
I don't care what you think of me, and if you want to argue with the information I have provided, then provide information that counters mine so that I can dissect it, and not just the typical emotional arguments like, "waaa waa, you're a troll, you're stupid"

This is a classification thread. Enough of the de-railing.

09-05-2017, 04:16 AM
This is a classification thread. Enough of the de-railing.

Free bumps :D

09-05-2017, 04:16 AM
I agree with this from people I know of Persian origins.

Mixed Persians, likely fully Iranian by now, given that 0.5% of anyone bloodline doesn't go back that far: only to about the 1700s, if the generations are 20-30 years apart. Iranians invaded Persians/Elamites a long time ago, but now the terms Iranian and Persian are interchangeable and they shouldn't be.

09-05-2017, 04:19 AM
Mixed Persians, likely fully Iranian by now, given that 0.5% of anyone bloodline doesn't go back that far: only to about the 1700s, if the generations are 20-30 years apart. Iranians invaded Persians/Elamites a long time ago, but now the terms Iranian and Persian are interchangeable and they shouldn't be.

Persians ARE Iranians. Wtf?

09-05-2017, 04:25 AM

09-05-2017, 04:27 AM

It's all fault of this troll Arduti, saying a lot of baseless nonsense things.

09-05-2017, 04:29 AM
This is a classification thread. Enough of the de-railing.

It's a political thread for a pro-Shia regime which is why the Iranian-Persian-mixed-people are jumping around this thread. I'm a mixed Semite too, don't feel bad. Haha

I still hold true to my initial comment, which admittedly wasn't a classification comment -- "Retarded to empower Jörmungandr to get rid of scrawny ISIS snakes"
I feel Iran is the bigger and more far-reaching problem in the Middle East (in terms of force) and in the West (in terms of economics) than ISIS -- which is fizzling out

I classify the old guy as too old and bearded to classify, but his large forehead makes me think he has some kind of North Euro or British mix. If I could see his teeth it might make it easier. The young guy looks Asian (Azeri/Turkic) and not Persian as another poster suggested.

09-05-2017, 04:29 AM
I did classify, they jumped all over me.

09-05-2017, 04:30 AM
It's a political thread for a pro-Shia regime which is why the Iranian-Persian-mixed-people are jumping around this thread. I'm a mixed Semite too, don't feel bad. Haha

I still hold true to my initial comment, which admittedly wasn't a classification comment -- "Retarded empower Jörmungandr to get rid of scrawny ISIS snakes"
I feel Iran is the bigger and more far-reaching problem in the Middle East (in terms of force) and in the West (in terms of economics) than ISIS -- which is fizzling out

I classify the old guy as too old and bearded to classify, but his large forehead makes me think he has some kind of North Euro or British mix. If I could see his teeth it might make it easier. The young guy looks Asian (Azeri/Turkic) and not Persian as another poster suggested.

Nah he looks like a typical persian. Wouldn't be too different from any other persians, who in fact, are an Iranian people.

Anyway, by the looks of this thread, there's no point in arguing any further.

09-05-2017, 05:22 AM
can pass as pashtun

09-05-2017, 06:18 AM
Dinaric of West Asia + Iranid

09-05-2017, 10:36 AM
This is a classification thread. Enough of the de-railing.

Its not worth wasting time with this garbage low quality troll.

09-05-2017, 10:58 AM

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09-06-2017, 11:08 AM