View Full Version : Greeks Beat Up Former Minister Kostis Hatzidakis

12-16-2010, 04:34 PM
TO Greece. A former minister is being beaten in public. Gordon Brown may like to look away. (Is the left wing becoming more violent than the right?)

Greek protesters clashed with police and set fire to cars and a hotel in central Athens on Wednesday as tens of thousands marched against austerity measures aimed at pulling the country out of a debt crisis…

As the march reached parliament, about 200 leftists attacked former conservative minister Kostis Hatzidakis with their fists, stones and sticks, shouting: “Thieves! Shame on you!” His face was covered in blood as he took shelter in a building...


The Ripper
12-16-2010, 05:00 PM
Is the left wing becoming more violent than the right?

What what now? :rolleyes:

The Lawspeaker
12-16-2010, 05:02 PM
I must say (unapologetically) I can appreciate this little bit of vigilantism. If we were treating our "ministers" just as rough then maybe.. just maybe.. would they be more careful not to betray the country again.

12-17-2010, 07:20 AM
Looking at the brief wikipedia article on the guy, I see nothing to indicate he was involved in any of the accounting frauds or other policies which created the crisis. He was a longtime member of the EU (not Greek) parliament, then was elected very recently (in 2007) to the Greek parliament to represent Athens.

Seeing as how many of Greece's problems originated long before 2007, and it is unlikely that any country would allow such a junior member any actual influence, this seems more of a case of blind violence by thugs (who, incidentally, would likely have reacted in similar violent fashion if against any reforms proposed to avert the crisis).

12-17-2010, 07:26 AM
Yeah I'm unsure about his own involvement. But it is high time some politicians feel the wrath of the people. I hope the Irish have their way with Brian Lenihan and Cowen.