View Full Version : Classify reconstruction faces of Scythians

09-12-2017, 05:19 PM
http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/pic%5CS%5CC%5CScythian%20man%20from%20Nikopol%20ku rhan%20(reconstruction).jpg

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQl8jRq6wYCNw09i2D9DDMm8R5vosbXT QZROI0dD4viyqFylj2j

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrdMoEDSxHuabuCXtcdJIIfmf3ixS5y A-PxLwwsN_GMNM2FSbv


09-12-2017, 05:20 PM
It is only me or these people really look armenoids with Iranic mix ???

09-12-2017, 05:21 PM

09-12-2017, 05:21 PM
The 3rd one can pass as perfect Phoenician Jewish too

09-12-2017, 05:22 PM

I agree , but people here still call them "White" Europeans

09-12-2017, 05:56 PM
It is only me or these people really look armenoids with Iranic mix ???

what is iranic mix ? he/she is too brachy for Iranid type if you mean that

09-12-2017, 05:59 PM
Keep your mouth quited you filthy shitskin, same as your turkish brothers you try to make scythians non-white.
Scythians , the same as other steppe tribes who invaded Europe were without a doubt europoids with a few token mongols and turks.

HIstorical wirtings about them.

Scythian art(full europid, long haired and bearded people).

Europid is just another term for Caucasoid, and Iranians and other MENA peoples are racially Caucasoids regardless on the fact that most don't look Europeans at all. Scythians were diverse, and they can have many phenotypes which is true for most Iranic peoples today.

09-12-2017, 06:01 PM
Keep your mouth quited you filthy shitskin, same as your turkish brothers you try to make scythians non-white.
Scythians , the same as other steppe tribes who invaded Europe were without a doubt europoids with a few token mongols and turks.

HIstorical wirtings about them.

Scythian art(full europid, long haired and bearded people).

You are Finno-Ugric and tell me that i have turkic brothers ??? LOL.
get the fuck out of here idiot.

Scythians came from steppes ,in the art photos you posted i see again Armenoids with eagle noses
and look like Persian art

09-12-2017, 06:02 PM
I agree , but people here still call them "White" Europeans

Equating whiteness with being Caucasian is just as incorrect as equating blackness with being African

09-12-2017, 06:06 PM
Keep your mouth quited you filthy shitskin, same as your turkish brothers you try to make scythians non-white.
Scythians , the same as other steppe tribes who invaded Europe were without a doubt europoids with a few token mongols and turks.

HIstorical wirtings about them.

Scythian art(full europid, long haired and bearded people).


Look at the rider, wearing a Corinthian helm! The warrior with dagger instead is wearing a typical Greek chest armor and the classical Phrygian helm used also by Persian soldiers. Many Scythians were hired in Greece as mercenaries, in Athens a unit of 1000 Scythian archers was used as police militia.



09-12-2017, 06:09 PM
Look at the rider, wearing a Corinthian helm! The warrior with dagger instead is wearing a typical Greek chest armor and the classical Phrygian helm used also by Persian soldiers. Many Scythians were hired in Greece as mercenaries, in Athens a unit of 1000 Scythian archers was used as police militia.



Persians were the best Archers , and so was the Scythians their brothers.
The art is Iranic too

09-12-2017, 06:09 PM
Its hard to say what they looked like, however most of the records of Scythians described them as Europoid with fair skin and light hair / light eyes, although I doubt they would look like full blown North East Europeans like somebody claimed, they probably resembled North Eastern Balkanites / Ukrainians to some extent with some minor mongoloid admixture.

09-12-2017, 06:11 PM
what is iranic mix ? he/she is too brachy for Iranid type if you mean that

I mean that
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQl8jRq6wYCNw09i2D9DDMm8R5vosbXT QZROI0dD4viyqFylj2j

Very Persian look

Сербо Макеридов
09-12-2017, 06:11 PM
@ DarknessWins

Hello uneducated boy!!!

Early Scythians were 100% white, later some eastern Scythian tribes mixed with Mongols.

Ancient Greek chroniclers described Scythians as light pigmented people, mostly with blonde/red hair, light eyes and raddy skin.

Look here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians#Physical_appearence and deal with it.

09-12-2017, 06:13 PM
Wrong, Scythians had absolutely nothing to do with turks,iranics and other middle eastern population whose caucasoid element comes from neolitic farmers and not from scythians
Scythians were also NOT diverse, both by depictions and by writings they largely point towards a dolicocephalic proto-nordid blonde and something red haired, blue eyed people with few mongol tokens.
Even chinese descriptions shows this.

You are wrong and clueless , Scythians are not Europeans deal with it.
They look like Persians and are full of Armenoids.

Later maybe mixed with natives from Ukraine but these Scythians and the first ones are Iranic tribe

09-12-2017, 06:18 PM
@ DarknessWins

Hello uneducated boy!!!

Early Scythians were 100% white, later some eastern Scythian tribes mixed with Mongols.

Ancient Greek chroniclers described Scythians as light pigmented people, mostly with blonde/red hair, light eyes and raddy skin.

Look here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians#Physical_appearence and deal with it.

You say that to support your aryan crap theory but their art and faces tell otherwise



Ancient Greeks speak about natives, Scythians mixed with natives.
Come and classify here the real Scythians (carriers of R1a)

Сербо Макеридов
09-12-2017, 06:20 PM
Modern Iranians have very little proto-Iranian (Scythian) blood, they are mostly iranized native population of Iranian plateau.

This children from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and India are light pigmented thanks to Scythian genes.


09-12-2017, 06:23 PM
I mean that
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQl8jRq6wYCNw09i2D9DDMm8R5vosbXT QZROI0dD4viyqFylj2j

Very Persian look

debatable . but saying iranic look (there is no such thing) = persian look is misleading since iranic peoples are very diverse . you also wouldnt call a romanian looking person "romance looking"

sorry that I am a bit fussy with this but I dont like such vague terms

but ok I get what you tried to say you meant he looked persian to you . lets leave it at that

09-12-2017, 06:24 PM

09-12-2017, 06:25 PM
Listen here you imbecile shitskin, i have posted my evidence that unanimously agrees with my opinion, yours is unsupported hence you are at this point eating shit.

Sarmatians , the brother tribe of Scythians


https://sites.google.com/site/destesaviran/_/rsrc/1320772273391/project-updates/wereontarget/%D0%9F%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D 0%BA.jpg

IranoTurkic at best

09-12-2017, 06:25 PM
You are Finno-Ugric and tell me that i have turkic brothers ??? LOL.
get the fuck out of here idiot.

Scythians came from steppes ,in the art photos you posted i see again Armenoids with eagle noses
and look like Persian art

Idiot, he is not Hungarian. It is sockpuppet or permabanned member Deymark/Lolipop. I will report him.

09-12-2017, 06:26 PM
they looked like Pashtuns with a Euro mix

09-12-2017, 06:27 PM
debatable . but saying iranic look (there is no such thing) = persian look is misleading since iranic peoples are very diverse . you also wouldnt call a romanian looking person "romance looking"

sorry that I am a bit fussy with this but I dont like such vague terms

but ok I get what you tried to say you meant he looked persian to you . lets leave it at that

i dont know the Iranic phenotypes , so i mean that it look Persian

09-12-2017, 06:28 PM
Idiot, he is not Hungarian. It is sockpuppet or permabanned member Deymark/Lolipop. I will report him.

the girl Lolipop with the whore mother, now i see

Сербо Макеридов
09-12-2017, 06:30 PM
debatable . but saying iranic look (there is no such thing) = persian look is misleading since iranic peoples are very diverse . you also wouldnt call a romanian looking person "romance looking"

sorry that I am a bit fussy with this but I dont like such vague terms

but ok I get what you tried to say you meant he looked persian to you . lets leave it at that

Modern Iranian people are mostly descendant of iranized native population of Iranian plateau, early Persian imperators have blonde/red hair and blue eyes.

Proto-Iranians (aka Scythians) were looks like Iranian politician Ali Ramin https://youtu.be/MqMjpGpHyTc?t=2m37s


09-12-2017, 06:31 PM
On these pictures they don't look like pure armenids of course but you clearly see a strong armenization or at least some "dinarization".

Hard to classify them though.

09-12-2017, 06:31 PM
the girl Lolipop with the whore mother, now i see

Yes, Lolipop also claimed swarty Central Asian people Schyntians were ''white''. How laughable....

09-12-2017, 06:32 PM
Modern Iranians have very little proto-Iranian (Scythian) blood, they are mostly iranized native population of Iranian plateau.

This children from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and India are light pigmented thanks to Scythian genes.


Look idiot , the Iranic Scythians mixed with European tribes

In Eastern Europe, by the early Medieval Ages, the Scythians and their closely related Sarmatians were eventually assimilated and absorbed (e.g. Slavicisation) by the Proto-Slavic population of the region.[28][29][30][31]

R1a came from Scythians .

These people there are not light from the Scythians but from German and Slavic tribex which mixed with scythians

Сербо Макеридов
09-12-2017, 06:35 PM
Look idiot , the Iranic Scythians mixed with European tribes

In Eastern Europe, by the early Medieval Ages, the Scythians and their closely related Sarmatians were eventually assimilated and absorbed (e.g. Slavicisation) by the Proto-Slavic population of the region.[28][29][30][31]

R1a came from Scythians .

These people there are not light from the Scythians but from German and Slavic tribex which mixed with scythians

Idiot, these children are not from Europe they are from Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and India, and Slavic and Germanic people never settled there.

09-12-2017, 06:35 PM
Modern Iranian people are mostly descendant of iranized native population of Iranian plateau, early Persian imperators have blonde/red hair and blue eyes.

Proto-Iranians (aka Scythians) were looks like Iranian politician Ali Ramin https://youtu.be/MqMjpGpHyTc?t=2m37s


LOL , you are full of shit .
Iranics or Scythians were never blonde, these people there are Europeans mixed with Scythians and moved in the region

09-12-2017, 06:39 PM
Idiot, these children are not from Europe they are from Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and India, and Slavic and Germanic people never settled there.

Read the fucking history of the Scythians you idiot, they mixed with Europeans and went back there so these people are not descent from scythians but from european tribes.

If your theory is correct then Iran and India must have more blondes than Europe .
Royal Scythians (the real Scythians) were never europeans and blonde but iranic tribe ,
they later mixed with locals in Ukraine and get blonde slaves to their armies

09-12-2017, 06:41 PM
Again idiot we speak for original iranic Scythians carriers of R1a , Royal Scythians.
Later they mixed with europeans and they get blonde hair from there

classify the real scythians here and their kings, they were Armenoids-Turanics

09-12-2017, 06:42 PM
Deleted post.

09-12-2017, 06:42 PM
At this point you are trolling, get the fuck out of here swarthy turk, this is taxonomy section and you have provided 0 evidence.

I am not swarthy and not turk, i am true Med.
You know meds ?? The real mens which fuck your girls every summer

09-12-2017, 06:48 PM
Gladly move this thread to the trolling seciton, because these is what you did so far , and i'll tear you a new asshole.

Hello Deymark. I am not happy at all, I told you last time you visited here "Never come back again !" and see you find another way to enter the place. Who do you think you're going to fool pretending to be hungarian, hm?

You definitely cannot behave, you're only here with your sock for two days and already arguing... that's sad.

Сербо Макеридов
09-12-2017, 06:49 PM
Read the fucking history of the Scythians you idiot, they mixed with Europeans and went back there so these people are not descent from scythians but from european tribes.

If your theory is correct then Iran and India must have more blondes than Europe .
Royal Scythians (the real Scythians) were never europeans and blonde but iranic tribe ,
they later mixed with locals in Ukraine and get blonde slaves to their armies

Proto-Iranians in Iran and Aryans in India (aka Scythians) were small elite, and modern Iranians and northern Indians have very little their genes.

Northern Indians and modern Iranians are close to Aryans and proto-Iranians as Sicilians to Normans which concuered Sicily in 11th century or as Costa Rican people to Spaniards which conquered cenral America in 16th century.

Proto-Iranians and Aryans brought language, system and religion in Iran and India.

09-12-2017, 06:55 PM
Disgusting untermensch gypsy is angry, because he got caught by moderator. Low IQ Romanian :))))))

09-12-2017, 06:57 PM
I am not the one who started a troll thread, its not enough to just prov ethem wrong, this is how you behave with these subhumans else they dont learn,
you are shitty mod who tries to sound kind to impress Loki while getting orders and giving preferential treatment to your discord bodies.
In other words,Shut the fuck up cunt, before I glass you

You just don't know how to debate, you bring some arguments on the table but cannot stand another point of view without chimping out calling everyone retard, scum, low IQ for the kindest insults.

Well try talking about Discord because I'm off that shit since May and only talk to two persons at max there. Keep your paranoid fantasies for yourself, underworld creature.

Come on, go on threating me, you just proved who you are behind that fake account again. You're out.

09-12-2017, 06:59 PM
I am not the one who started a troll thread, its not enough to just prov ethem wrong, this is how you behave with these subhumans else they dont learn,
you are shitty fake behaviour mod who tries to sound kind to impress Loki while getting orders and giving preferential treatment to your discord bodies.
In other words,Shut the fuck up cunt, before I glass you

Its classification thread , classify the Scythians.
Ok idiot?? Noone asked you about their history, they were Nomads and mixed people

09-12-2017, 07:01 PM
Proto-Iranians in Iran and Aryans in India (aka Scythians) were small elite, and modern Iranians and northern Indians have very little their genes.

Northern Indians and modern Iranians are close to Aryans and proto-Iranians as Sicilians to Normans which concuered Sicily in 11th century or as Costa Rican people to Spaniards which conquered cenral America in 16th century.

Proto-Iranians and Aryans brought language, system and religion in Iran and India.

Bullshit, they are full of R1a .
The Scythians were not blonde Nordids as you imagine them

On the other hand they mixed with nords and take some of them back to India

09-12-2017, 07:03 PM
Keep lying ,we all saw what lying you are capable off.
As for this thread, i have posted unendiable eviendece whle Darkness only trolled.
Dont forget your place, you semi-retarded .DOnt forget why you became mod. I just love how when linebacker called Loki's lies(Loki was the one who a few weeks ago deleted all those psots , on a sock puppet mod account!), he got demoded, and replaced by this cretin girl.

What evidence you idiot?? herodotus call them light pigment ?? And so what if???
I post here images to classify them, it dont matter if they are blonde blue eyed and noone asked you

Mongols are light pigment too

09-12-2017, 07:05 PM
There is no back to India.Scythians were not even the ones who invaded India.India's aryan migration happened long before.
The R1a-z93 father clade was found in Russia, so its game over.

Thats why Russians are brachy mongols and have ball heads without chin.
R1a is Asiatic

09-12-2017, 07:07 PM
DarknessWi I have told you before to remove Cro-magnon from your signature.It is disgusting that a greek swarty pigmey even dares to call himself Cro-magnon.
You are a neolithic subhuman farmer.The levantines and armenoids are your ancestors.

Cromagnon dna is closer to modern Greeks moron ,
Greeks at least are Doli like cromagnon.

You short midgets with ball heads what have to do with them>???


Put this in your ass , Cromagnon area was meditteranean and most cromagnons today exist in Spain - Italy and Greece

09-12-2017, 07:08 PM
Russians are not brachy mongols.Another unproven lie from you.
R1a is not asiatic, another unproven lie from you.

Give me your info in pm , prove to me that you are a man and Cromagnon . LOL
Really i have no problem to meet you, you can have my info and meet me face to face

I really want to fucking fuck your blood and your midget body

09-12-2017, 07:09 PM
I have posted full anthrpolpogical conclussions, dozens of quotes , dozens of scythian art, they are unanimously point towards scythian as caucasian race, the mongol and turkic were a small minority and they are clearly differentiated.You post mongol and iranics scythians , who were very few or 'scythians' after they got invaded.
Mongols are the total opposite of scythians.

Stop crying you pussy , stop before i fuck your family and your whore sisters.
These are the only scythians reconstructions out there and they are Armenoids

09-12-2017, 07:14 PM

One of the few scythian reconstructions

http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/pic%5CS%5CC%5CScythian%20man%20from%20Nikopol%20ku rhan%20(reconstruction).jpg

End of deal.

Why you blocked pm's you PUSSSYYYYYYYYYY ?????

Go little girl and cry .
You cant fight with real Med cromagnoids

Like Alexander and ancient Greeks we fucked your asses all of your history

09-12-2017, 07:14 PM
Eastern Scythians mixed with Siberian,Turkic and Mongolic elements.Western and Eurasian Scythians are related to Europoid peoples mostly.


Shut up and stop that discuss.

09-12-2017, 07:17 PM
That's a fake map.I have already debunked it.

Another fake map


You north europeans have fun, you are cucks accept it.

09-12-2017, 07:18 PM
Eastern Scythians mixed with Siberian,Turkic and Mongolic elements.Western and Eurasian Scythians are related to Europoid peoples mostly.


Shut up and stop that discuss.

You speak to me??

09-12-2017, 07:18 PM
Another fake map

You north europeans have fun, you are cucks accept it.

STOP, he has been banned, chill out.

09-12-2017, 07:19 PM
Modern Iranian people are mostly descendant of iranized native population of Iranian plateau, early Persian imperators have blonde/red hair and blue eyes.

Proto-Iranians (aka Scythians) were looks like Iranian politician Ali Ramin https://youtu.be/MqMjpGpHyTc?t=2m37s


Actually the early persians mixed with BMAC culture giving them mixed south asian appearances. There were already Blue-eyed/red haired type of people living in the Iranian pleateu, specifically in the zagros mountains. Mostly Lurs and Bakhtiaris have these traits and they even have less steppe than the Urban population.

Scythians ≠ Proto-west iranics.

09-12-2017, 07:22 PM
Why do people have an agenda with these Scythians or want them to look a certain way, I don't get it?

09-12-2017, 07:24 PM
I'm speaking to you and him.If you want to be right,you will discuss the subjects with materials and academic studies.But you're(you and viata)using absurd things.That's anthropology forum,not threat or fight arena.

09-12-2017, 07:26 PM
Why do people have an agenda with these Scythian people or want them to look a certain way, I don't get it?

Well , i posted here reconstruction of Scythians and asked for classification only.
They get angry because they are not Nordids as their propaganda teach them

09-12-2017, 07:29 PM
Modern Iranians have very little proto-Iranian (Scythian) blood, they are mostly iranized native population of Iranian plateau.

This children from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and India are light pigmented thanks to Scythian genes.


No, its not thanks to "Scythians genes". There were already tons of light pigmented people living in the Near-east before any migration/invasion. They weren't constricted only to one group of people.

09-12-2017, 07:30 PM
I'm speaking to you and him.If you want to be right,you will discuss the subjects with materials and academic studies.But you're(you and viata)using absurd things.That's anthropology forum,not threat or fight arena.

I want just classification , not discuss their history and if they had blonde people among them.
They belong to Iranic people group and they had connection with Altaic people

Their phenotypes are not European and this is that make them angry ,
the aryan theory dont working

09-12-2017, 07:32 PM
No, its not thanks to "Scythians genes". There were already tons of light pigmented people living in the Near-east before any migration/invasion. They weren't constricted only to one group of people.

How did these "light-pigmented people" come to settle in Afghanistan and Iran? They were sent down from heaven on a bolt of lightning? No, they migrated there.

09-12-2017, 07:33 PM
How did these "light-pigmented people" come to settle in Afghanistan and Iran? They were sent down from heaven on a bolt of lightning? No, they migrated there.

Get over it, Light pigmentation isn't due to genetics, its climate. I can show you tons of Autosomal/punt results of people who look Nordic and have Zero EHG/WHG.

09-12-2017, 07:35 PM
Get over it, Light pigmentation isn't due to genetics, its climate. I can show you tons of Autosomal/punt results of people who look Nordic and have Zero EHG/WHG.


09-12-2017, 07:39 PM
LOL , you are full of shit .
Iranics or Scythians were never blonde, these people there are Europeans mixed with Scythians and moved in the region

I guarantee you Ali ramin will score between Caucasians and South asian folks. Considering the fact that hes mainly from Khuzestan, he will probably score extra SW asian too. Most Lur tribes are descended from Pre-indo-Iranian people and they score much less steppe-admixture from the rest of Iranians. His appearance has nothing to do with what his Autosomal Dna scores.

09-12-2017, 07:39 PM

No strong sun and human need more vitamin D, so skin pigment turn lighter to absorb more vitamin






09-12-2017, 08:01 PM
they looked like Pashtuns with a Euro mix

Pretty much, yes.

Todays Modern Iranians are this:


They can be modeled as IranCHL(60%)+Pamiri/Pashtun(40%)

09-12-2017, 08:05 PM
No strong sun and human need more vitamin D, so skin pigment turn lighter to absorb more vitamin






Wow our bodies have darkness and lightness dials, this will make all the tanning whites and lightening darks happy, Babak.

And you don't think selective breeding had anything to do with the look of this tribe?

09-12-2017, 08:06 PM
Wow our bodies have darkness and lightness dials, this will make all the tanning whites and lightening darks happy, Babak.

And you don't think selective breeding had anything to do with the look of this tribe?

Nah because Autosomal Dna ≠ Pigmentation

Elamites weren't semites btw, but rather an isolate people. Enough with your useless biblical bs.

09-12-2017, 08:07 PM
Pretty much, yes.

Todays Modern Iranians are this:


They can be modeled as IranCHL(60%)+Pamiri/Pashtun(40%)

yeah all iranic people and also high caste NW South Asian groups like Jatts have ancestry from scythians

09-12-2017, 08:09 PM
Wow our bodies have darkness and lightness dials, this will make all the tanning whites and lightening darks happy, Babak.

And you don't think selective breeding had anything to do with the look of this tribe?

This needs thousand of years to change the dna , it cant become in the 1st and 2nd generation.

09-12-2017, 08:17 PM
This needs thousand of years to change the dna , it cant become in the 1st and 2nd generation.

It does not take long at all to change the LOOK of a tribe, not long at all, if breeding practices are selective...

If you have .5 % of any bloodline, this little bit left isn't thousands or hundreds of years old. The ancestor of this bloodline would have been from 100-150 years ago, given generations that are 20-30 years apart. So you can quickly cycle out, or cycle in, any look into any tribe.

Сербо Макеридов
09-12-2017, 11:56 PM
Bullshit, they are full of R1a .
The Scythians were not blonde Nordids as you imagine them

On the other hand they mixed with nords and take some of them back to India

E1b is much more related with Somalis than R1a with Mongols you uneducated monkey boy, deal with it.


09-13-2017, 12:26 AM
E1b is much more related with Somalis than R1a with Mongols you uneducated monkey boy, deal with it.


Actually is Mediterranean north African and not Nigger haplo,
anyway that time Africa was not a hot place like today and niggers didnt exist.

Somalids are modern adaption to the climate of the region, their haplo is North African medditeranid.
M81 are Berber Cromagnoids
M78 is old meditteranid Egyptian
EV13 is Meditteranid European Balkanic

Now tell us about R1b over 80% in Niggerians,
they are 100% niggers not like Berbers which they are Europids

Сербо Макеридов
09-13-2017, 12:29 AM
Actually is Mediterranean north African and not Nigger haplo,
anyway that time Africa was not a hot place like today and niggers didnt exist.

Somalids are modern adaption to the climate of the region, their haplo is North African medditeranid.
M81 are Berber Cromagnoids
M78 is old meditteranid Egyptian
EV13 is Meditteranid European Balkanic

Now tell us about R1b over 80% in Niggerians,
they are 100% niggers not like Berbers which they are Europids

E1b is most frequent haplogroup among African Negroids, deal with it.

09-13-2017, 12:49 AM
E1b is most frequent haplogroup among African Negroids, deal with it.

African haplogroups are haplo A and haplo B.
Haplo E is Egyptian.

In Europe only haplogroup EV13 exist and it is IndoEuropean

You know nothing about haplogroups

Sacrificed Ram
09-13-2017, 01:13 AM
Interesting they look like western bell beakers.

09-15-2017, 08:21 AM
Lel, all the fuss about Scythians and shit :laugh:

Also, Darknesswin you're talking shit, ancient Iranian speaking people were (Sintashta, Andronovo) similar to Eastern Europeans, even the Scythians that mixed with the native Central Asian farmers still had a huge amount of North European admixture, we have samples of that.


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 NE-Euro 50.53
2 Baloch 25.4
3 Mediterranean 10.81
4 Caucasian 5.72
5 Siberian 4.24
6 American 1.94
7 Beringian 1.06
8 SE-Asian 0.28
9 NE-Asian 0.01

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 mordovian (yunusbayev) 18.6
2 chuvash (behar) 20.26
3 ukranian (yunusbayev) 20.9
4 russian (hgdp) 21.03
5 slovenian (xing) 22.7

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 68.5% lithuanian (behar) + 31.5% brahui (hgdp) @ 6.8
2 67.9% lithuanian (behar) + 32.1% balochi (hgdp) @ 7.44
3 68.3% lithuanian (behar) + 31.7% makrani (hgdp) @ 7.49
4 73.7% russian (hgdp) + 26.3% brahui (hgdp) @ 7.75
5 76.7% mordovian (yunusbayev) + 23.3% brahui (hgdp) @ 8.31

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 NE_Europe 56.28
2 West_Asia 22.28
3 SW_Europe 13.74
4 Siberia 5.17
5 South_Asia 1.4
6 Americas 1.13

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Mordovian 13.97
2 Russian 15.84
3 Belarusian 18.16
4 Ukrainian 18.32
5 Polish 18.37

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 61.9% Finnish + 38.1% Chechen @ 7.41
2 65.7% Finnish + 34.3% Adygei @ 8.7
3 66.7% Latvian + 33.3% Tadjik @ 9.09
4 67.6% Finnish + 32.4% Dagestan_Azeri @ 9.15
5 65.5% Latvian + 34.5% Chechen @ 9.32

We don't need to go full retard and call all of them Nordid looking, but the Greeks themselves (your ancestors) described them so (red haired, blondes, blue eyed). Its retarded to think that being Iranic = dark, some pre-Iranic populations have probably also been light skinned or had fair hair.

09-15-2017, 02:52 PM
Scythians had nothing in common with the so-called "kebab" nations, neither in their look, nor in mindset. They looked like dark-pygmented Russians with small Steppe Nomadic admixture. While their native language was Iranic, it speaks nothing about them, because modern Iranians are White/Dravidic/Arab mixes, while Scythians were white. Look at South Russians and Ukrainians (dark parts of them), they are descendants of S.

09-15-2017, 03:25 PM
Lel, all the fuss about Scythians and shit :laugh:

Also, Darknesswin you're talking shit, ancient Iranian speaking people were (Sintashta, Andronovo) similar to Eastern Europeans, even the Scythians that mixed with the native Central Asian farmers still had a huge amount of North European admixture, we have samples of that.


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 NE-Euro 50.53
2 Baloch 25.4
3 Mediterranean 10.81
4 Caucasian 5.72
5 Siberian 4.24
6 American 1.94
7 Beringian 1.06
8 SE-Asian 0.28
9 NE-Asian 0.01

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 mordovian (yunusbayev) 18.6
2 chuvash (behar) 20.26
3 ukranian (yunusbayev) 20.9
4 russian (hgdp) 21.03
5 slovenian (xing) 22.7

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 68.5% lithuanian (behar) + 31.5% brahui (hgdp) @ 6.8
2 67.9% lithuanian (behar) + 32.1% balochi (hgdp) @ 7.44
3 68.3% lithuanian (behar) + 31.7% makrani (hgdp) @ 7.49
4 73.7% russian (hgdp) + 26.3% brahui (hgdp) @ 7.75
5 76.7% mordovian (yunusbayev) + 23.3% brahui (hgdp) @ 8.31

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 NE_Europe 56.28
2 West_Asia 22.28
3 SW_Europe 13.74
4 Siberia 5.17
5 South_Asia 1.4
6 Americas 1.13

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Mordovian 13.97
2 Russian 15.84
3 Belarusian 18.16
4 Ukrainian 18.32
5 Polish 18.37

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 61.9% Finnish + 38.1% Chechen @ 7.41
2 65.7% Finnish + 34.3% Adygei @ 8.7
3 66.7% Latvian + 33.3% Tadjik @ 9.09
4 67.6% Finnish + 32.4% Dagestan_Azeri @ 9.15
5 65.5% Latvian + 34.5% Chechen @ 9.32

We don't need to go full retard and call all of them Nordid looking, but the Greeks themselves (your ancestors) described them so (red haired, blondes, blue eyed). Its retarded to think that being Iranic = dark, some pre-Iranic populations have probably also been light skinned or had fair hair.

I dont give a shit if they were blonde or not , also that time people bleached their hair.
greeks bleached their hair too many times

We have here reconstruction faces of Scythians and they dont look European to me.
It dont matter if they were red hair blonde hair or else.

They are armenoid and iranid looking , end of the story

09-15-2017, 03:27 PM
Scythians had nothing in common with the so-called "kebab" nations, neither in their look, nor in mindset. They looked like dark-pygmented Russians with small Steppe Nomadic admixture. While their native language was Iranic, it speaks nothing about them, because modern Iranians are White/Dravidic/Arab mixes, while Scythians were white. Look at South Russians and Ukrainians (dark parts of them), they are descendants of S.

They are Armenoid & Iranid looking , they speaked Iranic language but no they have nothing to do with Iran and kebab nations.
Continue your lies and propaganda.

We have here reconstruction faces of them but you continue the same shit

Chev Chelios
09-15-2017, 03:49 PM
Scythians had nothing in common with the so-called "kebab" nations, neither in their look, nor in mindset. They looked like dark-pygmented Russians with small Steppe Nomadic admixture. While their native language was Iranic, it speaks nothing about them, because modern Iranians are White/Dravidic/Arab mixes, while Scythians were white. Look at South Russians and Ukrainians (dark parts of them), they are descendants of S.

Not really. The so-called kebab nations are related to Scythians:

Contemporary descendants of western Scythian groups are found among various groups in the Caucasus and Central Asia, while similarities to eastern Scythian are found to be more widespread, but almost exclusively among Turkic language speaking (formerly) nomadic groups, particularly from the Kipchak branch of Turkic languages

Contemporary populations linked to western Iron Age steppe people can be found among diverse ethnic groups in the Caucasus, Russia and Central Asia (spread across many Iranian and other Indo-European speaking groups), whereas populations with genetic similarities to eastern Scythian groups are found almost exclusively among Turkic language speakers

Chev Chelios
09-15-2017, 04:33 PM
Lel, all the fuss about Scythians and shit :laugh:

Also, Darknesswin you're talking shit, ancient Iranian speaking people were (Sintashta, Andronovo) similar to Eastern Europeans, even the Scythians that mixed with the native Central Asian farmers still had a huge amount of North European admixture, we have samples of that.

We don't need to go full retard and call all of them Nordid looking, but the Greeks themselves (your ancestors) described them so (red haired, blondes, blue eyed). Its retarded to think that being Iranic = dark, some pre-Iranic populations have probably also been light skinned or had fair hair.

The main problem is the most of you guys try to associate the so-called Scythians with a specific meta-ethnicity (Iranic, Turkic, Slavic, Grey Aliens and etc). Scythian was just a life style. Have you guys ever tried to read Scythians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians) at wikipedia? Just ignore the intro part "were a large group of Iranian..." and see how modern scholars use that term. Some Scythians were related to your people (Iranic or whatever) and the other were not.

And why do you guys spam the internet forums with your endless Scythian stories and those funny calculators' results? Pointless debates with zero effect on the other sources. People read popular sources like the wikipedia and not your posts on TA and other similar forums.

Сербо Макеридов
09-15-2017, 04:53 PM
They are Armenoid & Iranid looking , they speaked Iranic language but no they have nothing to do with Iran and kebab nations.
Continue your lies and propaganda.

We have here reconstruction faces of them but you continue the same shit

Herodotus described the Budini of Scythia as red-haired and grey-eyed.
In the 5th century BC, Greek physicians Hippocretes argued that the Scythians have purron (ruddy) skin.
In the 3rd century BC, the Greek poet Callimachus described the Arismapes (Arimaspi) of Scythia as fair-haired.
The 2nd century BC Han Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described the Sai (Scythians) as having yellow (probably meaning hazel or green) and blue eyes.
In natural History, the 1st century AD Roman author Pliny the Elder characterized the Seres, sometimes identifed as Iranians (Scythians) or Tocharians, as red-haired and blue-eyed.
In the late 2nd cenrury AD, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria says that the Scythians are fair-haired.
The 2nd century Greek philosopher Polemon includes the Scythians among the northern peoples characterized by red hair and blue-grey eyes.
In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek physician Galen declares the Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples have reddish hair...


Сербо Макеридов
09-15-2017, 04:55 PM

09-15-2017, 08:33 PM
Scythians had nothing in common with the so-called "kebab" nations, neither in their look, nor in mindset. They looked like dark-pygmented Russians with small Steppe Nomadic admixture. While their native language was Iranic, it speaks nothing about them, because modern Iranians are White/Dravidic/Arab mixes, while Scythians were white. Look at South Russians and Ukrainians (dark parts of them), they are descendants of S.

Probably when you're dreaming, but Autosomal DNA says otherwise. Modern Iranians are Natives with steppe-admixture.

09-15-2017, 08:42 PM
Iranians score around 5% ASI . dravidic mix ? lel

many europeans have 10-15% Middle Eeastern and 15-20% West Asian / Kavkaz. some also a few % mongoloid but europeans are the purest fucks there is .....but the 5% of iranians makes them dravidic haha

09-15-2017, 08:55 PM
Herodotus described the Budini of Scythia as red-haired and grey-eyed.
In the 5th century BC, Greek physicians Hippocretes argued that the Scythians have purron (ruddy) skin.
In the 3rd century BC, the Greek poet Callimachus described the Arismapes (Arimaspi) of Scythia as fair-haired.
The 2nd century BC Han Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described the Sai (Scythians) as having yellow (probably meaning hazel or green) and blue eyes.
In natural History, the 1st century AD Roman author Pliny the Elder characterized the Seres, sometimes identifed as Iranians (Scythians) or Tocharians, as red-haired and blue-eyed.
In the late 2nd cenrury AD, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria says that the Scythians are fair-haired.
The 2nd century Greek philosopher Polemon includes the Scythians among the northern peoples characterized by red hair and blue-grey eyes.
In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek physician Galen declares the Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples have reddish hair...


Look fucking idiot we have here reconstruction faces of them , they are armenoids and iranids.
to be blonde blue eyed or not change nothing.
Many people in Iran and Mongolia are ruddy skinned with blue eyes and blonde hair...

But these dont change the fact that are 0% Europeans.
Also people in that times were common to bleach their hair

We have here reconstruction faces of them and you continue to post art from them (which still look Persian)
and sources to call them blonde . LOL man