View Full Version : What do you offer for sacrifice?

02-10-2009, 10:39 PM
The previous poll "How often do you Blót" inspired me to open this thread. So, what do you all offer to your gods? Are there certain ceremonies or gods that you prepare more extravagant offerings?

My regular offerings consist of artwork, either a drawing/painting or a clay sculpture, and fruits. For special occasions I'll use an animal taken from a hunt. If asking for a personal favor I ussually offer an important personal possession of mine.

02-11-2009, 12:22 AM
So, what do you all offer to your gods? Are there certain ceremonies or gods that you prepare more extravagant offerings?

Great topic! Often times, always if I'm drinking during the rite, alcohol of some sort will be offered up. If we're feasting, then we'll often make an offering of a portion of the main course. Recently though, I've started making symbolic offerings of coins. I find that this is very much in keeping with what our ancestors did; just look at the treasure hordes we've unearthed from the bogs.

02-11-2009, 12:26 AM
The blood of my enemies!! :flyingdev

But seriously, nothing cause I don't blot. :(

02-11-2009, 12:28 AM
The blood of my enemies!! :flyingdev

But seriously, nothing cause I don't blot. :(

Now I'm picturing you hacking off the head of a burgler yelling "I dedicate this death to Odin!" :D

02-11-2009, 12:36 AM
I once used my first born daughter, but then, the next time, I didn't have a first born to sacrifice. So, I offered my ex-wife. Next time, I think I'll offer my right...

Actually, we offer various things, depending on the God/Goddess being honored at that particular Blot. We've done beer, mead, apples, corn, food. For Thor Blot, I caught everyone off guard. I had the horn passed with each person saying something they respected or gained from their knowledge of Thor. It was spoke into the horn filled with mead. When it came back around to me, I said my piece, and held it high and offered all the kind words to Thor directly. It was pretty cool. Thor likes good beer, good food, good people, and he likes his ego boosted on occasion.

02-11-2009, 02:53 AM
I write poetry and I recite them during my devotions.
I will eat, set aside part of the food, drink, set aside part of the drink.
As I eat, I'll invoke the gods, and goddesses, thank them, praise them, petition them and offer a boast magnifying my own strengths.Then I invoke the ancestors and Folk, together with the land wights and follow that same pattern.I will then go outside and pour out the food and drink reserved for the Holy Powers with a chant of welcome and gratitude.The drink's not always alcoholic, but they have some of what I do and I hope that's good enough.:)Daily, I'll remember the Aesir and Vanir with a prayer, a poem, even reading up on them and meditating on them.Mine is a very simple spirituality :D

02-11-2009, 03:04 AM
Mostly I offer food and drink.
I don't necessarily offer it to the gods though. I've never been much for asking for help - I praise them in speech and tradition - but I figure they don't need my sacrifice.

The food and such that I deliver as offerings is usually a small plate on the back porch or in the kitchen; and they tend to go to the nisse/tomte/house elves/alfar/wights. They probably interact with me much more on a daily basis than the great gods.

02-11-2009, 03:41 AM
Great topic! Often times, always if I'm drinking during the rite, alcohol of some sort will be offered up. If we're feasting, then we'll often make an offering of a portion of the main course. Recently though, I've started making symbolic offerings of coins. I find that this is very much in keeping with what our ancestors did; just look at the treasure hordes we've unearthed from the bogs.

What type of coins do you use for this? What metals?

02-11-2009, 03:59 AM
I would normally offer food and drink. I held an Einheerjar (sorry if incorrect spelling) by myself last year to remember our fallen ANZACs and offered my home made ANZAC biscuits with some mead.

02-11-2009, 04:02 AM
What type of coins do you use for this? What metals?

Usually, I'll take one penny, one nickel, one dime and one quarter, wash and polish them, then toss them off the side of a mountain.

02-11-2009, 07:47 AM
Usually, I'll take one penny, one nickel, one dime and one quarter, wash and polish them, then toss them off the side of a mountain.

And if there is anyone below? Then thats blood added to the sacrifice ;)

02-11-2009, 10:11 AM
Blood and meat, from one of my own animals.
Mead, home made. :)
Beer or wine.
Occasionally I have thrown a piece of silver over the side of the boat for a safe journey.

02-11-2009, 06:56 PM


06-04-2009, 02:13 PM
Oh no sacrifice...never do that!!! It is quite primitive system...(please, this is not offence, just my own thoughts which could be wrong).

Is that usuall in Northern Paganism ? I'm quite suprised...Or may be we are...hm...in defferent "roles"...

06-04-2009, 02:42 PM
Is that usuall in Northern Paganism ?

Among the Celts and Germanics, sacrifices of both animals and material goods were the cornerstone of their religious practice. Most Heathens today don't practice animal sacrifice, but the very word blot, the name for our central rite, means sacrifice, so the offering up of something is absolutely essential. There's a great essay about contemporary blot right here (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1196).

06-09-2009, 04:13 PM
well i remember growing up as a kid in a pagan household i would sacrifice food and drink, my mother always made us give the best tasting meals so we would actually be sacrificing something we cared about.

now as i get older i realize i sacrifice my time, my blood and my sweat to do the work they put me on this earth to. and sometimes if i can afford it i sacrifice money to them by giving the money to someone who needs it more then me, homeless people etc i figure it's the gods testing my willingness to give something of myself. and sometimes that time and effort and others its money

01-16-2010, 06:46 AM
I have sacrificed lots of things. Firstly I give myself. Next, Ive dedicated alot of Heathen Networking to Ingwi. Ive donated my own blood to Woden(walked away with 3 pretty tattoos in his honor)and also to Sunna and Donner(likewise I have Tattoos that honor them as well.). We promised a pig to Ingwi this past Yule. Im erecting a Godpost to honor Donner, Ingwi ,Woden and Tiw.
I offer diligent housekeeping and tending of the family to Fraa Holle, Frija and Perchta. I offer Park cleanups to the wights of my land. I dedicate every fight to Woden and Tiw. I dedicate Frith to Ingwi. We are trying to have a pig once a year for Freyr. I also am offering up three rabbits to Ostara, Woden, and Ing for our Spring Feast.Gonna have a potluck and big egg hunt. Rabbit stew as the main course. I give Oats and milk to the Hausgott. Ive been known to leave coins at wells, fountains and crossroads of places I visit. Ive offered all kinds of food and drink. A TV dinner to Thor once. Ive eaten pigs testicles as a token of my right good will. Actually not bad, fried in Spices and oil. Gotta remove the membrane first.
I offer apples to Bragi. Have given Hazelnuts to Hekate back in my Wiccan days. Ive given incense of many varieties to a whole bunch of Gaulish Celtic Gods. That was back in my ADF Druid and CR days. All in all I sacrifice alot for my folk and for the Gods.

Lulletje Rozewater
01-16-2010, 08:15 AM
My God is Dutch and his commandment is" Ga uit en bevrucht the wereld,it appears I have more sperm than takers.:confused: