View Full Version : Classify french fitgirl (easy) !

09-15-2017, 10:03 AM
Classify her, I think it's pretty easy :)

https://poulpstereotype.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/14947634_1740645836261572_6411185751230297067_n.jp g?w=620



http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/17332420_515281428860184_8230997028247699456_n.jpg ?ig_cache_key=MTQ3NjY2OTM0NTczMTczNTk1NA%3D%3D.2





Sacrificed Ram
09-15-2017, 10:43 AM

09-15-2017, 10:46 AM
would have guessed her Romanian

09-15-2017, 10:52 AM
would have guessed her Romanian

Nah xD Her phenotype is not ultra common but very Western to me still. There are few in Normandy too. I think you find it more all along the West Coast, Brittany and maybe specially the Bordeaux area.

09-15-2017, 10:53 AM
Nah xD Her phenotype is not ultra common but very Western to me still. There are few in Normandy too.

would have guessed Romanian :eyes

09-15-2017, 10:55 AM
would have guessed Romanian :eyes

Alright xD How would you classify her ?

09-15-2017, 10:57 AM
Alright xD How would you classify her ?

Paleo Atlantid

Philip Latinowitz
09-15-2017, 10:59 AM
alpinized atlantid imo. Looks most French in fourth & fifth pic, while in second she give exotic vibes probably due to make up

very hot

09-15-2017, 11:21 AM
An Atlantid with Cromagnoid influences,but I don't think Paleoatlantid.

I like the body.

09-15-2017, 11:36 AM
An Atlantid with Cromagnoid influences,but I don't think Paleoatlantid.

I like the body.

Another fit master race woman ! :thumb001:

09-15-2017, 11:48 AM
She is very attractive to me! She can pass throughout SW Europe and France imo, as well as Italy and possibly elsewhere in Southern Europe.

I'd classify as Atlantid + CM (I'm unsure as to if she has a lot of PaleoAtlantid, or just a little bit of Borreby).

09-15-2017, 02:43 PM
Another fit master race woman ! :thumb001:

Yes she is glorious.

Сербо Макеридов
09-15-2017, 02:44 PM
Paleo Atlantid.

09-15-2017, 05:20 PM
I really don't see that much ''Atlantid'' in her.

If she was a Sicilian or Greek people would be saying she can pass as Turkish or something like that.

09-15-2017, 11:06 PM
Atlanto-Med + Alpine.

09-15-2017, 11:10 PM
Looks French Canadian. i've never been to France and I never will because it's infested with niggers and islamic terrorists but that's my thought on her look.

09-15-2017, 11:12 PM
Looks French Canadian. i've never been to France and I never will because it's infested with niggers and islamic terrorists but that's my thought on her look.

Watch your language!

09-15-2017, 11:13 PM
she's so fucking hot zomg

09-15-2017, 11:13 PM
@Vyasa's rep comment, how is Canada infested with niggers and especially islamic terrorists?

09-15-2017, 11:14 PM
Watch your language!

suck my dick.

09-15-2017, 11:15 PM
@Vyasa's rep comment, how is Canada infested with niggers and especially islamic terrorists?

Lots of Muslims and black people in Canada these days. France has more North Africans though and definitely more radicalized Muslims

09-15-2017, 11:16 PM
Lots of Muslims and black people in Canada these days. France has more North Africans though and definitely more radicalized Muslims

The Canadians are much better at assimilating just like Americans.

09-15-2017, 11:16 PM
Lots of Muslims and black people in Canada these days. France has more North Africans though and definitely more radicalized Muslims

I saw one black guy today and he was washing dishes at a restaurant. depends on where you live in Canada. Plus, when did we ever have an islamic terrorist attack as opposed to how many france had so far?

09-15-2017, 11:17 PM
I saw one black guy today and he was washing dishes at a restaurant. depends on where you live in Canada. Plus, when did we ever have an islamic terrorist attack as opposed to france?

Where do you live in the middle of nowhere?

09-15-2017, 11:17 PM
I saw one black guy today and he was washing dishes at a restaurant. depends on where you live in Canada. Plus, when did we ever have an islamic terrorist attack as opposed to france?

There's more black people in Downtown Toronto bro. I agree that Muslims in France are more radicalized but the possibility exists here too

09-15-2017, 11:18 PM
@All-in's rep comment

You caught me

09-15-2017, 11:20 PM
Where do you live in the middle of nowhere?

Farmland Ontario.

There's more black people in Downtown Toronto bro.

theres way more whites and Asians in downtown Toronto. they cant afford to live there.

09-15-2017, 11:20 PM
There's more black people in Downtown Toronto bro.

One of the coolest people I met was a very nice smart black guy from Toronto. I think he was originally from the Caribbean. Canadians are nice people ,, well most of them.. They are the 51st state.

09-15-2017, 11:22 PM
One of the coolest people I met was a very nice smart black guy from Toronto. I think he was originally from the Caribbean. Canadians are nice people ,, well most of them.. They are the 51st state.

You're full of liberal shit as usual.

09-15-2017, 11:22 PM
Farmland Ontario.

theres way more whites and Asians in downtown Toronto. they cant afford to live there.

I wonder how you would function living where I live where there is a good 60-70 percent white and 30-40 percent minorities mostly black. I like it and get along with everyone. You just have to get to know people they are not much different all have the same issues.

09-15-2017, 11:23 PM
One of the coolest people I met was a very nice smart black guy from Toronto. I think he was originally from the Caribbean. Canadians are nice people ,, well most of them.. They are the 51st state.

No he's not from the Carribean. He's Somali

09-15-2017, 11:24 PM
I wonder how you would function living where I live where there is a good 60-70 percent white and 30-40 percent minorities mostly black. I like it and get along with everyone. You just have to get to know people they are not much different all have the same issues.

But you're gay, of course you'll get along with everyone.

09-15-2017, 11:24 PM
You're full of liberal shit as usual.

It is true he was able to speak to me about meaningful shit that would fly over the head of a typical American. You should be proud that your country has smart educated driven people. I also met some Indians from Canada and they were just he same.

09-15-2017, 11:25 PM
It is true he was able to speak to me about meaningful shit that would fly over the head of a typical American. You should be proud that your country has smart educated driven people. I also met some Indians from Canada and they were just he same.

Again, you ruin a good thread with your leftard propaganda. I would ban you if I were a mod for being a spammer.

09-15-2017, 11:25 PM
No he's not from the Carribean. He's Somali

He was from the Carribean and had the Carribean accent.

09-15-2017, 11:26 PM
Again, you ruin a good thread with your leftard propaganda. I would ban you if I were a mod for being a spammer.

I am sure you would ban many people.

09-15-2017, 11:27 PM
He was from the Carribean and had the Carribean accent.

i thought it's Wadaad

09-15-2017, 11:27 PM
I am sure you would ban many people.

Yes, I would.

09-15-2017, 11:32 PM
She has a great body