View Full Version : Classify Adam Zamoyski

deutschen Blutes
09-16-2017, 11:28 PM



https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/gAAktkpTURBXy9mYjBlMWZhMGE0NDNmNWNiMjg1YjAxNjI3ZjZ hYTRmZS5qcGeRkwXM380BTQ

What do you classify him as? Where could he pass?

09-16-2017, 11:42 PM
He looks like Howie Mandel who's a Polish Jew

Сербо Макеридов
09-16-2017, 11:43 PM

09-16-2017, 11:44 PM
Atlantid. Pass in Western Europe.

09-16-2017, 11:46 PM

Nope, Zamoyscy is not a Jewish family, but ethnically Polish:


That guy looks similar to Zamoyskis from the 16th-17th centuries:

Hetman Jan Zamoyski (1542-1605):

Another portrait (less realistic perhaps?):


09-16-2017, 11:52 PM
Tomasz Zamoyski (1594-1638):



Child portrait:


09-16-2017, 11:58 PM
Jan Sopieban Zamoyski (1627-1655):



09-16-2017, 11:59 PM
Maybe they're all Jewish.
It's a reasonable explanation why Poles are so good looking. ))

09-17-2017, 12:01 AM
Maybe they're all Jewish.
It's a reasonable explanation why Poles are so good looking. ))


I'm good looking too but I don't score any Jewish:


I expected some because I have a "Jewish nose".

All of those Zamoyskis also have long noses.

Maybe they're all Jewish.

The other way around, Jews have more of Gentile Polish admixture than they want to admit:


About 15-25% Polish (or North-Eastern European in general, but most of it is probably Polish).

For example user kingjohn has a lot of Catholic Polish matches with no Jewish traces.

09-17-2017, 12:10 AM
What do you classify him as? Where could he pass?

Polish Pontid.

It was the most commonly guessed type for this group of ethnic Poles:


Pontid - mentioned 6 times
Alpine - mentioned 5 times
Dinarid - 3 mentions
North Pontid - 2 mentions
Mediterranean - 2 mentions
Baltic - 2 mentions
West Baltid - 1 mention
East Nordid - 1 mention
Nordid - 1 mention
Atlantid - 1 mention
Cro-Magnid - 1 mention
Taurid - 1 mention


I would say he is Pontid. What's the difference between these types?


Are there subtle difference, or is it based on geography?:


Since he is Polish, he should rather be called Pontid.

deutschen Blutes
09-17-2017, 12:30 AM
He strikes me as peculiar for a Pole. Well, certainly not what I would consider the average looking Pole anyway.

There is no evidence that the Zamoyski is of Jewish origin, it is a well known Polish noble family. His mother Princess Elizabeth Czartoryska was also only of Polish origin.

09-17-2017, 12:34 AM
He looks like Howie Mandel who's a Polish Jew

Howie Mandel IMO counts as "Light Armenoid" (?):

Data from "Jews in the Reborn Poland. Social, economic, educational and cultural activity", Volume Two, Part IV, Chapter 34. "Racial structure of Polish Jews" (by Dr H. Szpidbaum), Warsaw 1933:


He is similar to some Armenians from SoAD:


^^^ Versus Howie Mandel:


The reason why some will deny this similarity is that Armenians get "brown-washed" a lot and Ashkenazis get "white-washed" a lot. In fact many Armenians look white and many Jews look MENA.

09-17-2017, 02:04 AM
Howie Mandel IMO counts as "Light Armenoid" .

He still strikes me as looking like Howie Mandel.
But! You could be right that Howie Mandel looks more Polish than Jewish.

However, most Poles look better than this royal line, so I agree that he looks slightly off to my eye.

09-17-2017, 02:10 AM
I found his genealogical tree:


His 8 great-grandparents are:

Stefan Zamoyski (1837-1899) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007566
Zofia Potocka (1851-1927) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007567

Ignacy Mężyński (1800s) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007564
Olimpia Ciundziewicka (1800s) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007565

Władysław Czartoryski (1828-1894) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=002172
Marquerite Adelaide Marie d'Orleans (1846-1893) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=005881

Ludwik Józef Krasiński (1833-1895) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=002756
Magdalena Zawisza-Kierżgajło (1861-1945) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=005312

Kierżgajło must be Polonized Lithuanian nobility. And he is also 1/8 French. The rest is Polish.

Władysław Czartoryski married a French princess Marquerite (one of Adam's great-grandmothers).

09-17-2017, 02:33 AM
If we dig deeper, there might be some more French princesses in Zamoyski family tree:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Casimire_Louise_de_La_Grange_d%27Arquien#Bio graphy

09-17-2017, 02:39 AM

I'm good looking too but I don't score any Jewish:


I expected some because I have a "Jewish nose".

All of those Zamoyskis also have long noses.

The other way around, Jews have more of Gentile Polish admixture than they want to admit:


About 15-25% Polish (or North-Eastern European in general, but most of it is probably Polish).

For example user kingjohn has a lot of Catholic Polish matches with no Jewish traces.

The thing about Jewish identity is that it's organized by tribal descent, not race, and legitimized by religious practice, so admixture doesn't matter.

Tribal organization is not racist, and tribe is not the basis for "race".
For example, Israelite men who moved to the region of Ashkenaz and married women of Ashkenaz still produced Israelite children. Not Ashkenazi children.
Solomon who had a child with Sheva produced an Israelite child, not a Kushitic child.

Using the example above, if subsequent generations kept marrying Ashkenaz women, the Israelite admixture will get cycled out, but the Israelite y-DNA haplogroup (or mtDNA, for you modern-minded Jews) will still pass on to their male descendants which means they are still Israelites, even if their admixture suggests complete Ashkenazi admixture.

But what's the original Y-DNA Israelite haplogroup? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. The only way we can use haplogroups to determine Jewishness is that a larger number of people who claim to be Jews today happen to cluster within certain haplogroups, but this says nothing about the original haplogroups of Israelites. Admixtures could cycle out within 200 years (approximately 10 generations), so admixtures are more a way to determine one's recent ancestors, not one's ancient ancestors.

09-17-2017, 02:50 AM
The thing about Jewish identity is that it's organized by tribal descent, not race, and legitimized by religious practice, so admixture doesn't matter.

Tribal organization is not racist, and tribe is not the basis for "race".
For example, Israelite men who moved to the region of Ashkenaz and married women of Ashkenaz still produced Israelite children. Not Ashkenazi children.
Solomon who had a child with Sheva produced an Israelite child, not a Kushitic child.

Using the example above, if subsequent generations kept marrying Ashkenaz women, the Israelite admixture will get cycled out, but the Israelite y-DNA haplogroup (or mtDNA, for you modern-minded Jews) will still pass on to their male descendants which means they are still Israelites, even if their admixture suggests complete Ashkenazi admixture.

But what's the original Y-DNA Israelite haplogroup? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. The only way we can use haplogroups to determine Jewishness is that a larger number of people who claim to be Jews today happen to cluster within certain haplogroups, but this says nothing about the original haplogroups of Israelites. Admixtures could cycle out within 200 years (approximately 10 generations), so admixtures are more a way to determine one's recent ancestors, not one's ancient ancestors.

This traditional mindset is represented on TA by Rethel, for whom only direct paternal descent matters.

Which is why Rethel identifies as German (his Y-DNA ancestor in year 1430 was a Prussian German).

09-17-2017, 03:36 AM
This traditional mindset is represented on TA by Rethel, for whom only direct paternal descent matters.

Which is why Rethel identifies as German (his Y-DNA ancestor in year 1430 was a Prussian German).

Several people have asked me if I am associated with Rethel, no, I am not.

And identity is a funny thing. One can be Germanized, Slavicized, Arabized, Persianized, culturally -- and still belong to Jews. As an American Jew, and such a mixed American at that, I feel too far from my roots and I became religiously strict in my teens.

deutschen Blutes
09-17-2017, 11:49 AM
Peterski, thanks for researching the information you have posted.

I did suspect some non-Polish ancestry somewhere along the line. Did you initially think the same?

09-17-2017, 02:33 PM
Adam Zamoyski young:


Władysław Zamoyski:


Jan Kanty Działyński:


Random nobleman:


I did suspect some non-Polish ancestry somewhere along the line. Did you initially think the same?

Did you suspect Jewish? Curly hair gives him such vibes.

09-17-2017, 02:58 PM
I found his genealogical tree:


His 8 great-grandparents are:

Stefan Zamoyski (1837-1899) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007566
Zofia Potocka (1851-1927) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007567

Ignacy Mężyński (1800s) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007564
Olimpia Ciundziewicka (1800s) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=007565

Władysław Czartoryski (1828-1894) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=002172
Marquerite Adelaide Marie d'Orleans (1846-1893) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=005881

Ludwik Józef Krasiński (1833-1895) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=002756
Magdalena Zawisza-Kierżgajło (1861-1945) - http://genealogia.grocholski.pl/gd/osoba.php?id=005312

Kierżgajło must be Polonized Lithuanian nobility. And he is also 1/8 French. The rest is Polish.

Władysław Czartoryski married a French princess Marquerite (one of Adam's great-grandmothers).

Out of those at least Czartoryski's are not Polish either, but N1c1 through Lithuania


deutschen Blutes
09-17-2017, 05:16 PM
Did you suspect Jewish? Curly hair gives him such vibes.

Yes I did. I thought he was Jewish.

09-17-2017, 05:30 PM
Out of those at least Czartoryski's are not Polish either, but N1c1 through Lithuania

Modern ethnic Lithuanians are descendants of exclusively peasants. On the other hand, Medieval nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - such as Czartoryscy - are now in vast majority ethnic Poles. Because all of them were Polonized and did not contribute to the ancestry of modern Lithuanian peasant-nation. Being N1c1 or from Lithuania doesn't make them Non-Polish, today at least 15% of citizens of Poland have ancestry from what is now Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia and Russia, many of them are N1c1.

Ethnic Poles from former Eastern Poland are called Kresowiaks:


Here is a Polish thread about Kresowiaks in various regions:


In English: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.historycy.org%2Findex.php%3Fsho wtopic%3D153392%26hl%3D

There are also a lot of ethnic Poles who still live in Belarus and Lithuania, because only around 1/2 of Poles were deported from those areas to Poland between 1944 and 1959 (from Ukraine a higher percent):


Ethnic & religious structure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1789:


In Ukraine there are more Poles in Zhytomir Oblast than Lviv Oblast, in 1939 it was the other way around:


Here is GEDmatch kit of an ethnic Pole with ancestry from Belarus, Lithuania and Polish Livonia (Latvia):


His nickname on ABF is East Pole, he happens to be N1c1. He lives in Poland. He is extremely Pan-Slavic and wants to Indo-Europeanize all N1c1 people. He is a great N1c1 Indo-Europeanist.

As you can see, N1c1 people can also became pro-Indo-European patriots. ;)


Ethnic Poles around 1900-1920:



And here data from the 1930s:


National-linguistic and religious structure of North-East Poland in 1931 census (but it is possible that the number of Non-Catholic Poles was inflated, as national identity of those people was "uncertain"):


Number of Poles in former Kresy according to official census data:

1a+b = North-East Poland ------ 1,663,888 Poles (1931 Polish census)

2 = South-East Poland ---------- 2,249,703 Poles (1931 Polish census)
1.2 = Soviet Belarus ------------ 97,498 Poles (1926 Soviet census)
2.2 = Soviet Ukraine ------------ 476,435 Poles (1926 Soviet census)
1.3 = Lithuania ------------------ 202,026 Poles (1923 elections results)
1.4 = Latvia --------------------- 59,374 Poles (1930 Latvian census)
3 = Soviet Russia --------------- 197,827 Poles (1926 Soviet census)

TOTAL ---------------------------- 5 million people (1926-1931 data)


More about the Zamoyski family:



09-17-2017, 05:48 PM
Polish Pontid.

It was the most commonly guessed type for this group of ethnic Poles:


Pontid - mentioned 6 times
Alpine - mentioned 5 times
Dinarid - 3 mentions
North Pontid - 2 mentions
Mediterranean - 2 mentions
Baltic - 2 mentions
West Baltid - 1 mention
East Nordid - 1 mention
Nordid - 1 mention
Atlantid - 1 mention
Cro-Magnid - 1 mention
Taurid - 1 mention

I would say he is Pontid. What's the difference between these types?


Are there subtle difference, or is it based on geography?:


Since he is Polish, he should rather be called Pontid.

Stop mentioning this thread, those "poles" were swarthy shitskins, and probably polonized and resettled Ukrainians. Poles are at least 60% light pigmented Baltids, Norics, Nordics...

Also, Pontid/Atlantid is just Nordic with some Med, if it's more Nordic, then we add "North" before the name, if it's more Med, then we add "-Med" at the end... the main diffrence between Atlantids and Pontids is that Atlantids are more classicly Hallstatt or Keltic influenced, while Pontids are more East Nordic and Corded influenced. But I bet If I posted some Westerners and Easterners of this type many people would fail to say which one is "Atlantid" and which one is "Pontid".

09-19-2017, 10:23 PM
This traditional mindset is represented on TA by Rethel, for whom only direct paternal descent matters.

So you see, even a woman understand such simple truth, but you don;t.

Btw, even feministic literature does get it! Even they!

Prussian German

Now polish, or mazovian to be precise :p

09-19-2017, 10:25 PM
The thing about Jewish identity is that it's organized by tribal descent, not race, and legitimized by religious practice, so admixture doesn't matter.

Tribal organization is not racist, and tribe is not the basis for "race".
For example, Israelite men who moved to the region of Ashkenaz and married women of Ashkenaz still produced Israelite children. Not Ashkenazi children.
Solomon who had a child with Sheva produced an Israelite child, not a Kushitic child.

Using the example above, if subsequent generations kept marrying Ashkenaz women, the Israelite admixture will get cycled out, but the Israelite y-DNA haplogroup (or mtDNA, for you modern-minded Jews) will still pass on to their male descendants which means they are still Israelites, even if their admixture suggests complete Ashkenazi admixture.

But what's the original Y-DNA Israelite haplogroup? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. The only way we can use haplogroups to determine Jewishness is that a larger number of people who claim to be Jews today happen to cluster within certain haplogroups, but this says nothing about the original haplogroups of Israelites. Admixtures could cycle out within 200 years (approximately 10 generations), so admixtures are more a way to determine one's recent ancestors, not one's ancient ancestors.


09-19-2017, 10:33 PM
Out of those at least Czartoryski's are not Polish either, but N1c1 through Lithuania

No. Polish real Czartoryscy ended in XVIIIth century.
The true ones live yet in Russia who emigrated there yet on XV-XVI centuries - and these are N1c.
Modern day Czartoryskis are of Frenach descent and one guy of Russian provenance, but he has only a daughter.
So, almost all are of French provenance and their Y-DNA is R1b.

09-19-2017, 10:40 PM
Modern ethnic Lithuanians are descendants of exclusively peasants.

No, on Samogitia there were many nobles okolices and zaściankis which today are lithuanized.
The same in the Aukshtota - especially Kovno area, which was totaly lithuanized in last 100 years.
Szlachta still exists there, they have even semi-official status recognized by lithuanian state.
Majority - yes, exclusivly - not. The most popular lithuanian surname is... Kozłowski.

at least 15% of citizens of Poland have ancestry from what is now Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia and Russia, many of them are N1c1.

How, if only 1,6-max2 mln were resettled what was then about 7% at max of the population of post war Poland???

His nickname on ABF is East Pole, he happens to be N1c1. He lives in Poland. He is extremely Pan-Slavic and wants to Indo-Europeanize all N1c1 people. He is a great N1c1 Indo-Europeanist.

And TA-tards say, I am a lunatic... :picard2:

09-19-2017, 10:46 PM
The total number who moved was bigger than the number of those resettled. Some moved already during the war, and there was the 2nd repatriation, and some people continued moving atfer 1959 as well.

09-19-2017, 11:00 PM
The total number who moved was bigger than the number of those resettled. Some moved already during the war, and there was the 2nd repatriation, and some people continued moving atfer 1959 as well.

It is the number with all of it, and those after 1959 were not numerous.
All people who were classyfied and Poles able to be resettled were not more than 2 mln people.
Some of easteners were not even original Kresoviaks, but all who by some way landed in kresy or in Syberia.
In this number are propbably also Jews, because among 250.000 people from deep Russia, only 125,000 were Poles.

Many Mazowians, Małopolians and Podlachians landed on Syberia after 1939,
and many Kresoviaks were a XIX and especially XXth centuty settlers.
Of course it was not a very significant %, but still.

Litwa 1945 - max 383k zakwalifikowanych (nie koniecznie przesiedlownych)
Białoruś 1945 - max 535k
Ukraine 1945 - max 855k
Self migration, and running in 1944 - 300,000
Running before ukrainian reznia 1942+ - 300,000
Deep Russia (idk if counted in previous numbers) 1945 - 250,000 (50% Poles)

Together max 2,6 mln - but not all were resettled, and not all were originaly Kresoviaks.
If all would be, it would be still less than 15% because it would be 10% of post war population.

09-19-2017, 11:11 PM
How, if only 1,6-max2 mln were resettled

Number of Poles deported by railway from Western Belarus after WW2:

1945 – 135,654
1946 – 136,419
1947 – 2,090
1955 – 10,067
1956 – 30,639
1957 – 46,634
1958 – 13,290

Number of Poles deported by railway from Lithuania after WW2:

1945 – 73,042
1946 – 123,443
1947 – 671
1955 – 5,849
1956 – 17,825
1957 – 16,044
1958 – 6,834

In total 274,163 from Western Belarus (areas which on 01.09.1939 belonged to Poland) and 197,156 from Lithuania in first repatriation (1944-1948) as well as 100,630 from Western Belarus and 46,552 from Lithuania in second repatriation (1955-1959).

However, as Polish geographer and historian - Piotr Eberhardt - noticed in article about ethnic Poles from Belarus:

"According to official data 274,2 thousand Poles came from Western Belarus to Poland [by railway]. But in fact a lot more came. Official data does not include all categories of Polish people who left former eastern Polish territories. During the German occupation many Poles from those Eastern territories were transported to Germany [as compulsory labour workers, prisoners of POW camps, concentration camp inmates, etc.]. They stayed in the West and after WW2 returned directly to Poland within its new borders, not to their former homes. Official data also did not include flights and groups of refugees, people recruited to the Polish Army [including Polish People's Army], as well as those who in 1942 left the Soviet Union with the Army of gen. Anders. After counting all these categories of people we can conclude, that the broadly understood first repatriation from Western Belarus affected over 400 thousand people of Polish nationality, who as the result abandoned forever the territory of Belarus. (…) In further years (1948-1959) remaining Polish population in Belarus experienced considerable natural growth. It was, however, entirely reduced by another repatriation conducted in years 1955-1959, which included around 250,000 [245,501] people permanently leaving the Soviet Union."

What can be added is that official data for first repatriation given above included deportations by railway, in addition to them also deportations by trucks took place – they transported in total 22,815 Poles from the Soviet Union to Poland, but no breakdown is given so we don't know how many of them were from Western Belarus and from Lithuania.

Numbers of Poles deported by railway from Eastern Belarus (pre-1939 Soviet Belarus) are also not included in those figures given above – they are included among Poles deported from „other parts of the Soviet Union”, who amounted to 266,833 in period 1944-1949 and 22,260 more in period 1955-1959 (these numbers also include Poles deported from pre-1939 Soviet Ukraine – while numbers of Poles deported from Western Ukraine were 787,674 in 1944-1948 and 76,059 more in 1955-1959).

The real number of Poles who left Western Belarus in 1944-1959 was therefore over 500,000 (including over 400,000 in 1944-1947) and the number of those who left Lithuania over 250,000 up to 300,000 (including over 200,000 up to 250,000 in 1944-1947).

We don't know how many left or were deported from Eastern Belarus – but according to pre-WW2 official Soviet census of 1926 Polish minority in Soviet Belarus numbered around 100 thousand people at that time (97,500). Add to this natural increase until WW2, and the number was much higher in the 1930s. Another question is how many of them survived Soviet pre-war persecutions (see the Polish Operation of the NKVD in 1937 - 1938) and then WW2. Anyway - according to 1959 census Eastern Belarus had a smaller number of Poles (see below).

Official data for number of Poles deported by railway and trucks – as already explained above - is not the full picture because apart from repatriation there were other ways how Poles from Kresy migrated to Poland after WW2. Already until 01.01.1947 almost 560,000 people who came through ways other than repatriation (including refugees, demobilized soldiers, those who before WW2 lived east of the Curzon Line but who after WW2 came from camps & forced labour in Germany and settled west of the CL, etc.). In total on 1 January 1947 there were 2,05 million „Soviet Poles” in new borders of Poland. And in December 1950 - 2,2 million „Soviet Poles”.

On 1 January 1947 out of those 2,05 million „Soviet Poles” – 1,7 million lived in former German territories (of them around 1,24 million deported by railway and trucks, 190 thousand who came from the west – for example from forced labour in Germany, POW camps, etc. - 200 thousand who were refugees from the Volhynian-Galician Genocide and similar events and around 70 thousand demobilized soldiers, mostly from the Polish People's Army) and 0,35 million in other parts of Poland (here we can estimate that no more than 0,25 million were officially deported and the rest of them were forced labourers returning from Germany, refugees, POWs, etc.).

In December 1950 out of 2,2 million „Soviet Poles” around 1,6 million lived in former German territories (Western Poland) and around 0,6 million in other parts of new Communist Poland (Central Poland). So proportion of those living in Central Poland increased).

Despite all those events – wartime deaths and post-war deportations, flights, emigration, evacuations, etc. of hundreds of thousands of Poles from former Polish territories, after WW2 belonging to the Soviet Union – the official Soviet census of 1959 still counted 1,380,282 Poles in the Soviet Union, with 768,988 of them (so over half of the total number) in Belarusian SSR and Lithuanian SSR.

Even if we go by this official Soviet 1959 census data, which – most probably – underestimated the number of remaining Polish minority in the Soviet Union, the following area had absolute Polish majority, and was still ethnically Polish in 1959, even though less so than before WW2:

Areas still inhabited by ethnic Polish majority as of 1959, after removal of most of ethnic Polish population:


According to official Soviet Union's 1959 census there were still 538,881 Poles in Belarus, of whom 454,348 (84,3%) were rural population – as flights and deportations of 1944-1959 as well as previous wartime mortality affected urban Poles more than rural Poles.

Number of Poles in Belarus by Oblast according to 1959 census:

In provinces located entirely in what used to be Polish part of Belarus before WW2:

Grodno Oblast – 332,300
Brest Oblast – 42,100

In provinces located mostly in former Polish territory, but partially in Soviet Belarus:

Vitebsk Oblast – 83,800
Minsk Oblast – 64,400

And in provinces located entirely in what was Soviet Belarus before WW2:

Gomel Oblast – 7,200
City Minsk – 5,600
Mogilev Oblast – 3,500

Districts of North-Western Belarus with highest percentages (between 90% and 30%) of Poles according to 1959 census (and there were many more districts in 1959 with between 15% and 30% Poles, but I won't list them here. Many of them had over 50% Poles in 1938):

Radun - 25,842 Poles (87,4%) and 1,705 Belarusians
Voranava – 16,117 Poles (86,8%) and 1,342 Belarusians
Ivyanets – 27,529 Poles (75,6%) and 7,830 Belarusians
Svir – 20,898 Poles (72,0%) and 6,320 Belarusians
Astravyets – 17,966 Poles (65,5%) and 6,831 Belarusians
Lida – 40,117 Poles (55,1%) and 22,048 Belarusians
Vidzy – 9,468 Poles (51,2%) and 5,176 Belarusians
Shchuchyn – 19,032 Poles (50,4%) and 14,781 Belarusians
Vasilishki – 16,496 Poles (49,9%) and 15,648 Belarusians
Pastavy – 18,912 Poles (43,3%) and 17,173 Belarusians
Braslaw – 14,873 Poles (40,6%) and 14,482 Belarusians
Dunilovichi – 13,857 Poles (47,0%) and 14,024 Belarusians
Ivye – 12,877 Poles (41,5%) and 16,552 Belarusians
Grodno – 50,159 Poles (38,1%) and 51,570 Belarusians
Valozhyn – 14,063 Poles (37,8%) and 21,652 Belarusians
Vawkavysk – 21,924 Poles (35,4%) and 32,140 Belarusians
Zelva – 11,175 Poles (29,1%) and 26,001 Belarusians

In total according to 1959 census these 17 districts had 713,988 inhabitants, including 351,305 Poles, 275,275 Belarusians, 66,537 Russians and 20,871 people of other nationalities (including the Romani people and others brought in to replace expelled Poles).


According to official Soviet Union's 1959 census there were still 230,107 Poles in Lithuania of whom 161,523 (70,2%) were rural population - as flights and deportations of 1944-1959 as well as previous wartime mortality affected urban Poles more than rural Poles.

Districts with highest percentages of Poles according to 1959 census:

City Vilnius – 47,226 Poles (20,0%) and 79,363 Lithuanians (33,6%)
Vilnius – 64,467 Poles (80,3%) and 5,546 Lithuanians (6,9%)
Salcininkai – 37,182 Poles (85,2%) and 2,918 Lithuanians (6,7%)
Trakai (+ Elektrenai) – 24,332 Poles (43,4%) and 5,103 Lithuanians (9,1%)
Svencionys – 18,158 Poles (45,7%) and 5,901 Lithuanians (14,9%)

In total according to 1959 census these 6 districts had over 455,000 inhabitants, including 191,365 Poles, 98,831 Lithuanians and about 165,000 other people (mostly Russian immigrants, as well as for example the Romani and others brought in to replace expelled Poles).


In total those 23 districts of Western Belarus and Lithuania according to 1959 census had ca. 1,170,000 inhabitants including - according to official data - ca. 543,000 Poles (or over 70% of all ethnic Poles living in these two Soviet republics at that time), despite previous ethnic cleansing.

All of Belarus and Lithuania had 768,988 ethnic Poles according to official 1959 data - including 615,871 rural people (80,1% of the total) and 153,117 urban people (19,9% of the total) - even though before WW2 ethnic Poles in Belarus and Lithuania were more urbanized than all other ethnic groups living in these regions, with the only exception of Jews. That was because post-war deportations and wartime losses affected ethnic Poles in cities (such as for example Vilnius and Grodno) more heavily than ethnic Poles in the countryside. Due to that expulsion of Poles from cities (and from villages as well, only to a lesser extent) and replacement by other ethnic groups, in 1959 Poles were actually the least urbanized (only 19,9%) of all ethnic groups in Belarus and Lithuania (the opposite of the 1938 situation, when Poles were the 2nd most urbanized group after Jews).

Soviet authorities left a larger % of rural Poles, hoping that Polish peasants were easier to De-Polonize (Lithuanize/Russify/Belarusify).

On the other hand a larger % of urban Poles - with a higher level of national consciousness (sense of Polishness) - got deported.


Despite this, modern studies carried out recently by the Grodno University and by the Minsk University show that vast majority of Roman Catholics in Belarus identify as Poles and an even larger percent declare Polish ancestry (i.e. some no longer identify as fully Poles, but still declare Polish ancestry).

For research carried out by Grodno University, which shows that 83,3% of Roman Catholics in the Grodno Oblast identify as fully Poles (the rest of Roman Catholics there identify as both Poles and Belarusians or just Belarusians) and even more - because 95% - declare Polish ancestry (including also mixed Polish-Belarusian ancestry) check this source:


In another survey from 2003, as many as 82% of Catholics in Belarus declared that they have Polish ancestry, including 66% with fully Polish ancestry and 16% from mixed families. In the westernmost Diocese of Grodno 95% of Catholics declared Polish ancestry, while in the easternmost Archdiocese of Minsk-Mogilev still as many as 73%.

This 2003 survey found out that 80% of Catholics in the Diocese of Grodno identify as fully Poles - so slightly less than according to that 2000 research by the University of Grodno (which showed 83,3%). In other dioceses percentages of Roman Catholics who identify as fully Polish are 70% in the Diocese of Pinsk, 57% in the Diocese of Vitebsk and just 35% in the Archdiocese of Minsk-Mogilev (compared to 73% who declared Polish ancestry in the Archdiocese of Minsk-Mogilev).

In the nationwide scale (entire Belarus on average), 63% of Roman Catholics identify as fully Poles (2003 data), 66% declare fully Polish ancestry, and 16% declare mixed Polish-Belarusian or Polish-other ancestry (in total 82% declare Polish ancestry). Regional breakdowns above.

There are also a lot of Non-Catholic (Atheist, Orthodox, etc.) Poles in Belarus, because in some regions % of Poles is higher than % of Catholics.

Belarusians are slowly becoming Russians.

In 1959 census only 6,8% of people who declared Belarusian ethnicity declared that Russian is their native language.

By comparison, in 1999 census only 41,3% of people who declare Belarusian ethnicity declared that they speak Belarusian in daily life (among urban population who declare Belarusian ethnicity, only 23% spoke Belarusian in daily life in 1999).


Below some data illustrating the effects of post-war deportations on ethnic Polish population in the Grodno-Vilna areas of Belarus:

This data is from an article written (in Polish) by a Belarusian from Grodno - Siarhiej Tokć:


Examples from three raions (counties) - Wasiliszki, Wołkowysk and Skidel. If we count these three counties altogether then their total population in 1945-1947 (Skidel in 1947, the other two counties in 1945) was - according to Belarusian data - 124.451 including 60.615 Poles, 61.295 Belarusians, 1.407 Russians and 1.134 others. By 1959 their population was 136.382 including 43.356 Poles, 80.307 Belarusians, 9.637 Russians and 3.082 others. So as we can see the percentage of Russians among the population increased from 1.13% in 1945-1947 to 7.07% in 1959.

In 1945 Poles were an absolute majority in Wasiliszki and Wołkowysk. By 1959 they were still a relative majority (49.2%) only in Wasiliszki:


09-20-2017, 07:32 AM
ordinary Jew!

deutschen Blutes
09-20-2017, 08:01 AM
ordinary Jew!

Except he's not Jewish.

09-21-2017, 06:41 PM
No. Polish real Czartoryscy ended in XVIIIth century.
The true ones live yet in Russia who emigrated there yet on XV-XVI centuries - and these are N1c.
Modern day Czartoryskis are of Frenach descent and one guy of Russian provenance, but he has only a daughter.
So, almost all are of French provenance and their Y-DNA is R1b.

Do you know if Alex Chartorisky, admin from different Rurikid and N1c1 projects is related to these Polish Cs?

09-21-2017, 06:57 PM
Do you know if Alex Chartorisky, admin from different Rurikid and N1c1 projects is related to these Polish Cs?

Idk, but if he is N1c, then he has to be from Russia, or it is just a coincidental similarity of surnames.
On mazowia we have also Czartoryskis who have nothing common with any rurikid or pseudorurikid
Czartoriski. They are from Czartoryia on Mazovia, but rurikoids were from Czartorysk on Volhynia, so
the surname sounds the same, but coat of armes and origin is totaly different. And these are R1a.
At least one who was tested.

09-21-2017, 07:14 PM
Idk, but if he is N1c, then he has to be from Russia, or it is just a coincidental similarity of surnames.
On mazowia we have also Czartoryskis who have nothing common with any rurikid or pseudorurikid
Czartoriski. They are from Czartoryia on Mazovia, but rurikoids were from Czartorysk on Volhynia, so
the surname sounds the same, but coat of armes and origin is totaly different. And these are R1a.
At least one who was tested.

Lol you dirty cheating liar. According to this Polish Cs have also been tested positive for N1c1. No French R1b, R1a whatever

Although today no written records have been found to the link the Chartorisky family with that of the Polish Princely Czartoryski family it was only through the advent of the new science of DNA genealogy that it was possible to link the two families together, test were undertaken on samples from the Chartorisky and two other Russian Princely family members namely Prince Golitsin and Prince Trubetskoy who's families are documented descendants of Gediminas who was the Grand Duke of Lithuania in the first halve of the 12th century, the DNA tests have confirmed the all three families are closely related and do originate from the one common ancestor.
This result would confirm that the Russian Chartorisky family and the Polish Czartoryski family are related as the Polish Czartoryski are also documented descendants of Gediminas through his son Algirdas Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1345 to 1377, as this is a scientific type of proof of kinship the search continues for written records to help proof the link with the two families.


09-21-2017, 07:28 PM
Lol you dirty cheating liar.

Ok, I see, that treating you like a human was a mistake.

I said what I know, and you are now attacking me like the worst kind of people
possible to imagine. You are disgusting and really not worthy of any attention.

I just could not know some eventual new things, what would be not any lie or
the reason, to bahave like total pleb from the bootom of social ladder. But it is
funny, becasue you cannot even read properly what you are quoting. :picard1: But
insted you have to show to everyone, what garbage you keep inside of you.

Please, be so kind and do not refer to me anymore. Speaking with you is disgusting.

Explanation for others: russian Czartoryski family was tested as mantioned two other
families who were descendent from Gedimin and they did agree with each other. This
is the proof, that russian familily was also descendent from Gediminians, for what was
no proof until now. Lithuanian Czartoriskis were proven descendants of Gedimin, so
there was no need for confirmation, as they died out in XVIII century. In the simple
words: russian czartoryskis resutl is agreeable with OTHER Gediminians, not with the
other Czartoriskis. Such simple.

Karol Klačansky
09-21-2017, 08:09 PM
Nope, Zamoyscy is not a Jewish family, but ethnically Polish:


That guy looks similar to Zamoyskis from the 16th-17th centuries:

Hetman Jan Zamoyski (1542-1605):

Another portrait (less realistic perhaps?):


the guy is for sure Jewish, even if his last name isnt, he doesnt look anything like those guys in the pics.

09-21-2017, 08:16 PM
the guy is for sure Jewish, even if his last name isnt, he doesnt look anything like those guys in the pics.


09-22-2017, 05:58 PM
Ok, I see, that treating you like a human was a mistake.

I said what I know, and you are now attacking me like the worst kind of people
possible to imagine. You are disgusting and really not worthy of any attention.

I just could not know some eventual new things, what would be not any lie or
the reason, to bahave like total pleb from the bootom of social ladder. But it is
funny, becasue you cannot even read properly what you are quoting. :picard1: But
insted you have to show to everyone, what garbage you keep inside of you.

Please, be so kind and do not refer to me anymore. Speaking with you is disgusting.

Explanation for others: russian Czartoryski family was tested as mantioned two other
families who were descendent from Gedimin and they did agree with each other. This
is the proof, that russian familily was also descendent from Gediminians, for what was
no proof until now. Lithuanian Czartoriskis were proven descendants of Gedimin, so
there was no need for confirmation, as they died out in XVIII century. In the simple
words: russian czartoryskis resutl is agreeable with OTHER Gediminians, not with the
other Czartoriskis. Such simple.

Why do you hate me?

09-22-2017, 06:02 PM
Why do you hate me?

I do not hate you. I just do not find a pleasure in speaking with you.
I am talking with you nicely, and you are behaving like a primitive.
I did answer on your question, and you did call me a dirty cheating liar.
Not the first time, and it is not the worst what did you said to me.

Do you really think it is normal? :picard2:

deutschen Blutes
09-22-2017, 06:18 PM
the guy is for sure Jewish, even if his last name isnt, he doesnt look anything like those guys in the pics.

Do you have any evidence for the claim he is of Jewish ancestry?

Karol Klačansky
09-22-2017, 07:06 PM
Do you have any evidence for the claim he is of Jewish ancestry?Ich kenn viele Juden, hab fünf Jahre in New York gelebt. Nachdem merk ich ganz leicht wer Jude ist und wer nicht. Der Typ ist sicher Jüdisch

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09-22-2017, 07:26 PM
Ich kenn viele Juden, hab fünf Jahre in New York gelebt. Nachdem merk ich ganz leicht wer Jude ist und wer nicht. Der Typ ist sicher Jüdisch

No, definitly not.

Karol Klačansky
09-22-2017, 07:31 PM
No, definitly not.Keep telling yourself that, his middle eastern hair just came from no where? I have nothing against Jews they are fine people, but this guy is no goy.

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Karol Klačansky
09-22-2017, 07:32 PM
To answer this threads question, he could pass in Israel.

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09-22-2017, 07:35 PM
yes, but why "Jewish"? let's just say Semitic vibes

Karol Klačansky
09-22-2017, 07:37 PM
yes, but why "Jewish"? let's just say Semitic vibesWhat semtic people historically had any influence in Poland?

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09-22-2017, 07:39 PM
What semtic people historically had any influence in Poland?

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and with Slovakia too I think ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibrahim_ibn_Yaqub

was a 10th-century Hispano-Arabic, Sephardi Jewish traveller, probably a merchant, who may have also engaged in diplomacy and espionage. His family hailed from Moorish-ruled Ṭurṭūšah (now Tortosa) close to the mouth of the Ebro: he may also have lived in Cordova. Written and oral history and his writings suggest that he had a Jewish background. However, it has also been argued by other historians that he was a Muslim of Jewish background, and Bernard Lewis states: "There is some uncertainty to whether he was a professing Jew or a Muslim of Jewish origin."[1]

etc. etc

Karol Klačansky
09-22-2017, 08:01 PM
and with Slovakia too I think ---> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibrahim_ibn_Yaqub

was a 10th-century Hispano-Arabic, Sephardi Jewish traveller, probably a merchant, who may have also engaged in diplomacy and espionage. His family hailed from Moorish-ruled Ṭurṭūšah (now Tortosa) close to the mouth of the Ebro: he may also have lived in Cordova. Written and oral history and his writings suggest that he had a Jewish background. However, it has also been argued by other historians that he was a Muslim of Jewish background, and Bernard Lewis states: "There is some uncertainty to whether he was a professing Jew or a Muslim of Jewish origin."[1]

etc. etcOne person won't have an influence on the genetics of the population. Millions can though. Obviously some poles are still Jewish but don't say it out loud.

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09-22-2017, 08:21 PM
Speaking of Jews

Będzin or בענדין‎


Jews in Będzin

Until World War II, Będzin had a vibrant Jewish community. According to the Russian census of 1897, out of the total population of 21,200, Jews constituted 10,800 (around 51% percent).[4] According to the Polish census of 1921 the town had a Jewish community consisting of 17,298 people, or 62.1 percent of its total population.[5] In September 1939, the German Army (Wehrmacht) overran this area, followed by the SS death squads (Einsatzgruppen), who burned the Będzin synagogue and murdered 200 Jewish inhabitants.[6] A Będzin Ghetto was created in 1942. Eventually, in the summer of 1943, most of the Jews in Będzin were deported to the nearby German concentration camp at Auschwitz. Since Będzin was one of the last Polish communities to be liquidated, there are a relatively large number of survivors from there, and an extensive collection of their personal photographs were recovered, offering photographic insight into the pre-war life there.


some of Ashkenazi some of Sephardi or Mizrahi (or Khazar) origin

and do you people really think that they did not leave any genetic impact? no cheating wifes and husbands in the not so deep past?

how many people decided to do y-dna tests in Poland?

09-22-2017, 09:33 PM
Keep telling yourself that, his middle eastern hair just came from no where? I have nothing against Jews they are fine people, but this guy is no goy.

Looking as a Jew doesn;t mean to be a Jew... :picard2:

Obviously some poles are still Jewish but don't say it out loud.

But he is certainly not one of them.
He at least knows who he is - do you
know, who are you as he knows it?

It is interesting, that people, who usually
do not know who they are, are accusing
others. What it is? Envity or stupidity?

Karol Klačansky
09-22-2017, 09:49 PM
Looking as a Jew doesn;t mean to be a Jew... :picard2:

But he is certainly not one of them.
He at least knows who he is - do you
know, who are you as he knows it?

It is interesting, that people, who usually
do not know who they are, are accusing
others. What it is? Envity or stupidity?How do you know he is not Jewish? Nobility in Europe did mix with Jews and I know my ancestry very well. My family tree is massive and I've had 5 out of 7 of my immediate family members DNA tested plus my grandmother's.

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09-22-2017, 09:53 PM
How do you know he is not Jewish?

Becasue he is from polish family?
From polish family being polish since the begining
of existance - at least 700 years if not more?
So, how can he be jewish? :picard1:

Nobility in Europe did mix with Jews

And what? All this Nobility is jewish? :picard2:
Btw, Litwin did show all his recent
ascendants. No Jews.

and I know my ancestry very well. My family tree is massive

How old, how big?

and I've had 5 out of 7 of my immediate family members DNA tested

What degree of closeness and what result?

plus my grandmother's.

Who cares.

Karol Klačansky
09-22-2017, 09:57 PM
Becasue he is from polish family?
From polish family being polish since the begining
of existance - at least 700 years if not more?
So, how can he be jewish? :picard1:

And what? All this Nobility is jewish? :picard2:
Btw, Litwin did show all his recent
ascendants. No Jews.

How old, how big?

What degree of closeness and what result?

Who cares.Obviously you care, I had my parents and two of my siblings tested plus myself. My family tree on my American side goes as far back as the 1500s and my Slovak side all to the late 1700s early 1800s. My family tree is so big it's not even possible to look at all of it at once. Unless I'd draw it on a massive wall somewhere.

Nobility only mixed with each other they are most likely all a bit Jewish in Poland. Also his paternal line is from a noble family doesn't mean he has all of his ancestry from one source.

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09-22-2017, 10:01 PM
Obviously you care, I had my parents and two of my siblings tested plus myself. My family tree on my American side goes as far back as the 1500s and my Slovak side all to the late 1700s early 1800s. My family tree is so big it's not even possible to look at all of it at once. Unless I'd draw it on a massive wall somewhere.

As I thought... :picard2:

Nobility only mixed with each other they are most likely all a bit Jewish in Poland.


Not this Märchen...

Also his paternal line is from a noble family doesn't mean he has all of his ancestry from one source.


deutschen Blutes
09-22-2017, 10:09 PM
Ich kenn viele Juden, hab fünf Jahre in New York gelebt. Nachdem merk ich ganz leicht wer Jude ist und wer nicht. Der Typ ist sicher Jüdisch

Sent from my KIW-L21 using Tapatalk

You need to provide evidence for that assertion.

Many people can often 'look' stereotypical Jewish but are not ethnically Jewish.

I also thought initially that he was of Jewish origin (he definitely looks what is considered a 'stereotypical Jew' as far as looks are concerned) but so far the evidence shows he is entirely of European ancestry, predominantly Polish.

deutschen Blutes
09-22-2017, 10:11 PM
Nobility only mixed with each other they are most likely all a bit Jewish in Poland.

Although once Poland had the largest Jewish population, most Jews and Poles did not mix with each other. The claim that all ethnic Poles have some amount of Jewish ancestry is as absurd to claim that all Russians (including Ukrainians and Belarusians) have some sort of Mongoloid admixture. It's utter rubbish.

Karol Klačansky
09-23-2017, 04:02 AM
Although once Poland had the largest Jewish population, most Jews and Poles did not mix with each other. The claim that all ethnic Poles have some amount of Jewish ancestry is as absurd to claim that all Russians (including Ukrainians and Belarusians) have some sort of Mongoloid admixture. It's utter rubbish.No one claimed that, I said the nobility, not the average Polish population.

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09-23-2017, 07:03 AM
No one claimed that, I said the nobility, not the average Polish population.

Nevermind. You claimed that this guy is jewish, when he is 100% polish since ever.

09-23-2017, 09:30 AM
I do not hate you. I just do not find a pleasure in speaking with you.
I am talking with you nicely, and you are behaving like a primitive.
I did answer on your question, and you did call me a dirty cheating liar.
Not the first time, and it is not the worst what did you said to me.

Do you really think it is normal? :picard2:

Don't you think you SHOULD hate me?

I'm guessing you are a little dumb...

deutschen Blutes
09-23-2017, 09:34 PM
No one claimed that, I said the nobility, not the average Polish population.

Sent from my KIW-L21 using Tapatalk

What evidence do you have for that assertion though?

I highly doubt it.

10-02-2017, 01:32 AM
To answer this threads question, he could pass in Israel.

But only as Ashkenazi, and Ashkenazi are not purely Semitic people.

As for MENA minorities in Poland - we have had Armenians as well.

10-02-2017, 11:52 PM
Now this guy has a Jewish look (as confirmed by his DNA results):




Some actors playing Polish Jews:


10-02-2017, 11:56 PM
She is also Ashekanzi Jewish (also confirmed by DNA results):



Here is her GEDmatch kit number:


PCA based on Eurogenes K15:



Eurogenes K13 results:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 East_Med 35.76
2 West_Med 21.4
3 North_Atlantic 14.34
4 West_Asian 11.26
5 Baltic 7.05
6 Red_Sea 4.91
7 Siberian 1.37
8 South_Asian 1.28
9 Sub-Saharan 1.05
10 East_Asian 0.9
11 Northeast_African 0.66

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Ashkenazi 4.41
2 Algerian_Jewish 5.31
3 Italian_Jewish 5.59
4 South_Italian 5.65
5 East_Sicilian 6.47
6 Sephardic_Jewish 6.61
7 Central_Greek 7.91
8 West_Sicilian 8.72
9 Tunisian_Jewish 9.69
10 Libyan_Jewish 10.59
11 Italian_Abruzzo 10.73
12 Cyprian 12.91
13 Greek_Thessaly 13.01
14 Tuscan 15.36
15 Lebanese_Muslim 17.17
16 Syrian 18.38
17 Samaritan 18.97
18 Lebanese_Druze 20.03
19 Lebanese_Christian 20.18
20 Palestinian 20.28

10-03-2017, 12:12 AM
He looks like Howie Mandel who's a Polish Jew

This is how actual Polish Jews look like (at least Rhea, I'm not sure if Israel is from Poland):


10-03-2017, 01:19 AM
Less Jewish looking than Hetman Jan Zamoyski.

Karol Klačansky
10-08-2017, 12:41 AM
But only as Ashkenazi, and Ashkenazi are not purely Semitic people.

As for MENA minorities in Poland - we have had Armenians as well.Yea but they are about half semtic and half southern European, Italian so they still don't look typical usually in northern Europe anywhere

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