View Full Version : Negroes who use the bible to prove that whites are inferior

12-19-2010, 12:13 PM
if you can stomach this bullshit then by all means watch but i suggest you just fast forward to get the idea of the stupidity they are trying to preach. they use bible scripture to prove whites are inferior.
this all ties into my thread on how some blacks claim Egypt as there own.


12-19-2010, 01:01 PM
Go to New York City sometime and see these guys in person. They'll stand up on boxes on the sidewalk wearing their silly costumes and yell this kind of stuff at passers by for hours. It's an afternoon worth of guaranteed comedy gold. :thumb001:

The Ripper
12-19-2010, 01:09 PM
So... Are they Jewish? :confused2:

12-19-2010, 01:14 PM
So... Are they Jewish? :confused2:

i doubt it. they are people who claim blacks are Gods chosen people and Jews are mix breeds who stole the black mans religion aided by the white vampire mutant devils. i assume that is the bullshit they preach.

12-19-2010, 01:15 PM
So... Are they Jewish? :confused2:

If you ask them, yes. The believe themselves to be the true Israelites mentioned in the Bible and that current day "Jews" are usurpers to their religion. :D

The Ripper
12-19-2010, 01:20 PM
Interesting. What is it with Blacks and stealing other peoples' stuff?

12-19-2010, 01:27 PM
Interesting. What is it with Blacks and stealing other peoples' stuff?

it is not all blacks just afrocentrist idiots.
because they insist everyone other culture stole it from them.
christian faith there invention till it was stolen, greek philosophy stolen from them, jewish faith there invention, the light bulb??? yes they try to lay claim to that as well. pyramids and the Egyptian civilization ..the list goes on and on and on. but of course there claims are always put on civilizations so old that records and information gets a little hazy and hard to be sure about.they try play on that and use these tattered records and fill in the blanks and insert themselves with the areas that have been lost to time.
araely will you find them trying to lay claim to Modern inventions, with exception the the light bulb because it is to hard to dispute information that is so recent

12-19-2010, 01:31 PM
it is not all blacks just afrocentrist idiots.
because they insist everyone other culture stole it from them.
christian faith there invention till it was stolen, greek philosophy stolen from them, jewish faith there invention, the light bulb??? yes they try to lay claim to that as well. pyramids and the Egyptian civilization ..the list goes on and on and on. but of course there claims are always put on civilizations so old that records and information gets a little hazy and hard to be sure about.they try play on that and use these tattered records and fill in the blanks and insert themselves with the areas that have been lost to time.
araely will you find them trying to lay claim to Modern inventions, with exception the the light bulb because it is to hard to dispute information that is so recent

wait strike that...i do recall one trying to lay claim to the internet.

12-19-2010, 01:31 PM
Funny, worth watching for a giggle. Get a look at part 2 aswell, apparently we have have lepper because we don't have much pigmentation.
Cool, eh?

12-19-2010, 01:33 PM
Funny, worth watching for a giggle. Get a look at part 2 aswell, apparently we have have lepper because we don't have much pigmentation.
Cool, eh?

never thought it would feel so good to be a lepper.

The Lawspeaker
12-19-2010, 01:45 PM
I think that those two gentlemen should get a time-out somewhere.
A mental institution or the like.

The Ripper
12-19-2010, 02:41 PM

12-19-2010, 03:32 PM

white guilt ridden twit,

Grumpy Cat
12-19-2010, 05:01 PM
Interesting. What is it with Blacks and stealing other peoples' stuff?

I ask that too. Then they always claim everyone else stole their stuff.

Grumpy Cat
12-19-2010, 05:05 PM
it is not all blacks just afrocentrist idiots.
because they insist everyone other culture stole it from them.
christian faith there invention till it was stolen, greek philosophy stolen from them, jewish faith there invention, the light bulb??? yes they try to lay claim to that as well. pyramids and the Egyptian civilization ..the list goes on and on and on. but of course there claims are always put on civilizations so old that records and information gets a little hazy and hard to be sure about.they try play on that and use these tattered records and fill in the blanks and insert themselves with the areas that have been lost to time.
araely will you find them trying to lay claim to Modern inventions, with exception the the light bulb because it is to hard to dispute information that is so recent

Hah I met a black from Chicago who claimed blacks invented the light bulb thousands of years ago. Electric cars too... and that Africa was more technologically advanced than even our civilization now, until the white man came and fuck it up.

The Lawspeaker
12-19-2010, 05:50 PM

12-19-2010, 06:05 PM
Hah I met a black from Chicago who claimed blacks invented the light bulb thousands of years ago. Electric cars too... and that Africa was more technologically advanced than even our civilization now, until the white man came and fuck it up.

I'm sure European colonial powers had a massive trouble colonizing Africa....yes, they did, those peoples were extremelly sophisticated.


12-19-2010, 06:49 PM
Those Hamites (http://www.blessedquietness.com/journal/housechu/tower.htm) be trippin! :rolleyes:

12-20-2010, 09:55 AM
Hah I met a black from Chicago who claimed blacks invented the light bulb thousands of years ago. Electric cars too... and that Africa was more technologically advanced than even our civilization now, until the white man came and fuck it up.

oh yes the old time light bulb...we would make these in Jamaica, take a jar and collect some pennie wally ((fire flies)) and use them to light your way...amazing invention?

Blood Trinity
01-12-2011, 11:46 AM
To be fair, this seems not so different from what those American 'Christian Identity' clowns have to say. The bible can be and has been used in almost anyone's favour.
I wouldn't be looking in there for racial ideas of any sort.

01-12-2011, 02:04 PM
To be fair, this seems not so different from what those American 'Christian Identity' clowns have to say. The bible can be and has been used in almost anyone's favour.
I wouldn't be looking in there for racial ideas of any sort.

christ never teaches anything against other races in fact teaches compassion towards people of ((other tribes)) as it were.
even people in the the jewish canons were admitted race mixers but then a few chapters later you can find material to encourage racism.
in the end people should separate there racialism and there Religion.

01-12-2011, 03:22 PM
it is not all blacks just afrocentrist idiots.
pyramids and the Egyptian civilization ..

Neverminding the fact that a favorite pharonic pastime was beating the tar out of black Africans and exacting tribute from them, well... :rolleyes:

01-12-2011, 04:07 PM
Blacks manifesting themselves this way must have a sense of profound frustration. Being members of a race that is looked upon as inferior, they try to counteract by reversing the facts of history. Sad.

01-12-2011, 04:11 PM
Blacks manifesting themselves this way must have a sense of profound frustration. Being members of a race that is looked upon as inferior, they try to counteract by reversing the facts of history. Sad.

It's not like they're all like this mind you. Take Marcus Garvey, who wanted to empower black people based upon their own achievements. Garvey considered the Klan to be more honest to black people than white liberals, and this was in the 1920s and 1930s.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2011, 04:11 PM
While if they would just try hard surely they can gain some success. Surely there were black scientists like Banneker (mathematcian and astronomer), Alexander (a civil engineer) or Carver (agricultural chemist).

If they would just dump the jungle attitude and use their time surely they can become something too.

01-12-2011, 04:17 PM
While if they would just try hard surely they can gain some success. Surely there were black scientists like Banneker (mathematcian and astronomer), Alexander (a civil engineer) or Carver (agricultural chemist).

If they would just dump the jungle attitude and use their time surely they can become something too.

It's easier for them to not have to apply themselves because they've been handed what they've got on silver platters by idiot whites because of the antics of race-baiting buffoons like Al Sharpton and Jesus Jackson.

01-12-2011, 05:32 PM
It's not like they're all like this mind you. Take Marcus Garvey, who wanted to empower black people based upon their own achievements. Garvey considered the Klan to be more honest to black people than white liberals, and this was in the 1920s and 1930s.

Garvey is a black nationalist i can respect if he was alive today i would have loved to sit and have some tea with him and talk with him.
i heard he was even invited to speak at a clan rally in the early 20th century

01-13-2011, 03:00 AM
Garvey is a black nationalist i can respect if he was alive today i would have loved to sit and have some tea with him and talk with him.
i heard he was even invited to speak at a clan rally in the early 20th century

Garvey actually did address meetings of the KKK, and many of the more open-minded Klanners hold him in high regard today. Garvey's basic idea was that blacks and whites can only be equal when they have countries of their own: North America and Europe for whites, Africa for blacks. He wasn't an intolerant fellow, he just put his own people first even as he looked to address whites who'd be sympathetic to his opinions. IIRC, I think he seemed to feel that these groups like the KKK and other white nationalist groups of the time would be better able to help his "back to Africa" idea by at least informing the white public that many blacks wanted to go back to their ancestral homeland.

Garvey wanted to empower his people by taking the nigger mentality out of them, to make them stop following white panderers and such. He saw the potential of black Americans as a force for change in the world, so he was hugely popular here in the U.S. It's sad that most blacks follow slimeballs like Sharpton and Jackson over someone like Garvey. I've read some of the man's speeches and writings, and they're able to impress even white people. Garvey wasn't for race-mixing at all, and he wanted to create a black civilization in Africa that was worthy of respect in the world. Once blacks had their own power, like whites hold in the Occident, then blacks and whites could sit down to talk about race.

Great ideas, great man, sadly he died largely rejected and dejected. I've met a few blacks who follow him, and they tend to belong to the same side that I belong to: conservative, right-wing, anti-liberal, etc. You can talk candidly to these people, I've found out, and they're not going to trash you for being white and holding an opposing viewpoint. Some of them actually want to reach out to whites, I've also discovered, and to have an honest dialogue because they feel we (whites) are being shafted by things like political correctness, enforced multiculturalism, affirmative action, etc. These modern-day black nationalists are smart people, not the ghetto hooligans their more ignorant cousins are. I work with a fellow of this sort, actually (not an actual black nationalist, but an outspoken and well-read black guy who's not afraid to speak his mind in an un-PC fashion), and we've often had chats about our mutual admiration for Garvey (and a couple of times about Shaka).

01-13-2011, 03:11 AM
When there are less Christians around to defend their faith in several years time, I wouldn't be surprised if these men came to be viewed more legitimately by default. Black is the new thing to be.

01-13-2011, 03:21 AM
Garvey actually did address meetings of the KKK, and many of the more open-minded Klanners hold him in high regard today. Garvey's basic idea was that blacks and whites can only be equal when they have countries of their own: North America and Europe for whites, Africa for blacks. He wasn't an intolerant fellow, he just put his own people first even as he looked to address whites who'd be sympathetic to his opinions. IIRC, I think he seemed to feel that these groups like the KKK and other white nationalist groups of the time would be better able to help his "back to Africa" idea by at least informing the white public that many blacks wanted to go back to their ancestral homeland.

Garvey wanted to empower his people by taking the nigger mentality out of them, to make them stop following white panderers and such. He saw the potential of black Americans as a force for change in the world, so he was hugely popular here in the U.S. It's sad that most blacks follow slimeballs like Sharpton and Jackson over someone like Garvey. I've read some of the man's speeches and writings, and they're able to impress even white people. Garvey wasn't for race-mixing at all, and he wanted to create a black civilization in Africa that was worthy of respect in the world. Once blacks had their own power, like whites hold in the Occident, then blacks and whites could sit down to talk about race.

Great ideas, great man, sadly he died largely rejected and dejected. I've met a few blacks who follow him, and they tend to belong to the same side that I belong to: conservative, right-wing, anti-liberal, etc. You can talk candidly to these people, I've found out, and they're not going to trash you for being white and holding an opposing viewpoint. Some of them actually want to reach out to whites, I've also discovered, and to have an honest dialogue because they feel we (whites) are being shafted by things like political correctness, enforced multiculturalism, affirmative action, etc. These modern-day black nationalists are smart people, not the ghetto hooligans their more ignorant cousins are. I work with a fellow of this sort, actually (not an actual black nationalist, but an outspoken and well-read black guy who's not afraid to speak his mind in an un-PC fashion), and we've often had chats about our mutual admiration for Garvey (and a couple of times about Shaka).

he is held in high regard in Jamaica to this day, his face is even minted on money and he is a national hero, if you go downtown into the ghettos ((something i do not recommend anyone to do unless you know people and have the proper connections)) you will see murals and paintings of him every where, the rastas were inspired by him in there religion.
i have read some articles and essays written by him, very rational and much balance within his ideas.
but media whores like sharpton and jackson who stir up trouble and make capital on anger, hostility and tense situations get more attention i am afraid not educated calm rational people.

01-13-2011, 03:29 AM
he is held in high regard in Jamaica to this day, his face is even minted on money and he is a national hero, if you go downtown into the ghettos ((something i do not recommend anyone to do unless you know people and have the proper connections)) you will see murals and paintings of him every where, the rastas were inspired by him in there religion.
i have read some articles and essays written by him, very rational and much balance within his ideas.
but media whores like sharpton and jackson who stir up trouble and make capital on anger, hostility and tense situations get more attention i am afraid not educated calm rational people.

Rastafarians more or less worship Garvey, just like nutzis more or less worship Hitler. Garvey was a man of rare gift and genius, and I've often suggested that whites read his words.

01-13-2011, 03:41 AM
Rastafarians more or less worship Garvey, just like nutzis more or less worship Hitler. Garvey was a man of rare gift and genius, and I've often suggested that whites read his words.

yeah i would say they see him as a prophet. many would deny worship of him but yeah there is a level of worship i suppose depends on who you talk to.
Haile selassie gets worshiped as the black Jesus but the funny thing is Haile selassie was not black, he was of Semetic blood but his skin was abit darker than the european paintings of christ and he was from africa so i suppose in the eyes of so many misguided people he passes the bar as ((black)) i love getting into that debate with afrocenterists when they down caucasian people and then big up there ((black leaders)) like selassie or Bob marley both of who were not ((black)) one was mixed one was of north african semetic blood

01-13-2011, 03:48 AM
yeah i would say they see him as a prophet. many would deny worship of him but yeah there is a level of worship i suppose depends on who you talk to.
Haile selassie gets worshiped as the black Jesus but the funny thing is Haile selassie was not black, he was of Semetic blood but his skin was abit darker than the european paintings of christ and he was from africa so i suppose in the eyes of so many misguided people he passes the bar as ((black)) i love getting into that debate with afrocenterists when they down caucasian people and then big up there ((black leaders)) like selassie or Bob marley both of who were not ((black)) one was mixed one was of north african semetic blood

I don't hold any grudges against black people. I despise ghetto niggers as much as I despise white trash and whiggers (actually, I despise white trash and niggers more), but the honest, thoughtful black people are people I like to talk to. I've nothing against reading the words of a black man like Garvey or Douglass and taking them to heart, since I think that wisdom is a universal thing and that the gifted and mentally fit of any race is able to be wise and discerning.

Garvey is, to me, one of the most respectable black men that I can think of.

03-06-2011, 10:10 PM
I wonder how widespread this Black Jew movement is. I would imagine their numbers to be similar to the Scientologists: almost nonexistent

03-06-2011, 10:15 PM
that's like using the fairy tale of hansel and gretel to prove that chocolate covered pretzels really are the best.

03-06-2011, 10:55 PM
I've argued with some black supremacists on youtube before. Some of their claims are utterly hilarious. This one guy was convinced that Alexander the Great was a negro. :D

03-06-2011, 11:11 PM
Some of their claims are utterly hilarious. This one guy was convinced that Alexander the Great was a negro. :D

Alexander the Great? In that case he's part of an elite club including Christ, the rulers of England, and Tom Jones! :cool:


03-07-2011, 12:13 AM
Hahaha. Inferiority complex, much?

03-07-2011, 07:46 PM
I wonder how widespread this Black Jew movement is. I would imagine their numbers to be similar to the Scientologists: almost nonexistent

many blacks see these fools as crazy but i fear there ideas are spreading. though any other people who share ideas remotely similiar to this have much more of a mild mindset from what i have seen.
these people are pure concentrated stupidity

03-07-2011, 07:48 PM
I've argued with some black supremacists on youtube before. Some of their claims are utterly hilarious. This one guy was convinced that Alexander the Great was a negro. :D

yes and hanibal was black according to them as well. they almost always lay claim to people that were alive so long ago that there remains are now dust and when there were no photos, video or film.

03-07-2011, 07:50 PM
Alexander the Great? In that case he's part of an elite club including Christ, the rulers of England, and Tom Jones! :cool:


generally this kind of stupidity makes me mad, but all i did was laugh my ass off watching this. hahah wow anyone that stupid is not even worth my anger they are to dumb to be a real threat.

Motörhead Remember Me
03-12-2011, 07:42 AM
Anyone who use the bible to prove that someone else is inferior is the one who's inferior.

03-05-2013, 03:07 PM
but is al troo

03-05-2013, 03:48 PM
Why should whites be inferior?
Blacks are the ones who die of hunger in africa.

03-22-2015, 08:44 PM
Yes they are superior.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: