View Full Version : "Putin is a Spy, we are at War" says Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman says

09-22-2017, 01:04 AM
Hollywood's Morgan Freeman, made a two-minute video for the CIR in which the actor blatantly accuses Moscow of interfering in the election.

"We have been attacked," Freeman says at the beginning of the video, adding that "we are at war."

He goes on to suggest a "script" in which "a former KGB spy, angry at the collapse of his motherland, plots a course for revenge," referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


"Taking advantage of the chaos, he works his way up through the ranks of a post-Soviet Russia, and becomes president."

Freeman accuses Putin of establishing an "authoritarian regime" and setting his sights on his "sworn enemy" - the United States.

The actor then accuses Putin of using cyber warfare to "attack democracies around the world."

In particular, Freeman says Putin used social media to "spread propaganda and false information" and convince people in democratic societies to "distrust their media, their political processes, even their neighbors."

He then calls on US President Donald Trump to speak directly to the American people and "tell us the truth," which, according to Freeman, is that the US "came under attack by the Russian government."

Freeman urges Trump to call on Congress and the intelligence community to "use every resource available to conduct a thorough investigation."

The video ends with an invitation for the viewer to "join the fight" alongside the Committee to Investigate Russia, which defines itself as a "nonprofit, non-partisan resource provided to help Americans recognize and understand the gravity of Russia's continuing attacks on our democracy."