View Full Version : Turkey OKs military intervention, warns Iraqi Kurds on independence vote

09-24-2017, 05:36 AM
Turkey might invade Northern Iraq.

The decree allows Turkey to send troops over its southern border if developments in Iraq or Syria are seen as national security threats. Turkish officials have repeatedly warned the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq to abandon its plans for independence.

ISTANBUL—The Turkish parliament renewed a bill on Saturday that allows the military to intervene in Iraq and Syria if faced with national security threats, a move seen as a final warning to Iraqi Kurds to call off their independence referendum on Monday.

The decree allows Turkey to send troops over its southern border if developments in Iraq or Syria are seen as national security threats. Turkish officials have repeatedly warned the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq to abandon its plans for independence.

Kurds are dispersed across Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran and lack a nation state. Turkey itself has a large ethnic Kurdish population and is battling a Kurdish insurgency on its own territory that it calls separatist.

The bill read in parliament Saturday listed combatting Kurdish militants in Syria and Iraq and Daesh as national security requirements for Turkey. It also emphasized the importance of Iraq and Syria’s territorial integrity and said “separatism based on ethnicity” poses a threat to both Turkey and regional stability.


09-24-2017, 05:41 AM
Kurds need to get their own state. It's time Middle East gets some dose of good old multiculturalism. Just Arabs and Jews running the whole region is simply boring imo.

09-24-2017, 05:47 AM
Kurds need to get their own state. It's time Middle East gets some dose of good old multiculturalism. Just Arabs and Jews running the whole region is simply boring imo.

Arabs don't run anything, because the Jews destroyed Iraq through several wars, which was the most powerful Arab nation, followed by the second strongest Arab nation which they neutralized that is Egypt, and they also damaged Syria. Thus the main players now is Jews, Persians and Turks.

Turks certainly don't want a Kurdistan. What is funny even Shia Kurds are not really pro-Kurdistan


Persians don't want the Kurds to have independence because it might embolden independence movement of several ethnics like the Balochies, Kurds, and so on. Also Persians have more interest in annexing Southern Iraq region, which holds large amounts of oil, and to have Shia holy sites, they could care less about Kurdistan.

09-24-2017, 05:58 AM
Persians don't want the Kurds to have independence because it might embolden independence movement of several ethnics like the Balochies, Kurds, and so on.
Iran is allied with the Peshmurga.

09-24-2017, 06:01 AM
Iran is allied with the Peshmurga.

Only for the moment, due to common interest to defeat ISIS. ISIS is defeated.Iran is already sending it's militas to protect Mandali and Khankin from being annexed for example.However soon many of the ISISers will use mountains of Kurdistan to hide out, because they will go underground, and it's Afghanistan round two.

It will be interesting if Kurdistan will protect the rights of minorities such as Sunni Arabs, Assyrians, and Turkmens.

09-24-2017, 06:01 AM
Arabs don't run anything, because the Jews destroyed Iraq through several wars, which was the most powerful Arab nation, followed by the second strongest Arab nation which they neutralized that is Egypt, and they also damaged Syria.

Saudis are still around.

Thus the main players now is Jews, Persians and Turks.

Erdogan needs to be replaced.

Turks certainly don't want a Kurdistan. What is funny even Shia Kurds are not really pro-Kurdistan

But many Kurds have fought and died for their land. They also have fought against ISIS, and they also vote Republican here in the States, which is admirable in my opinion.

Persians don't want the Kurds to have independence because it might embolden independence movement of several ethnics like the Balochies, Kurds, and so on. Also Persians have more interest in annexing Southern Iraq region, which holds large amounts of oil, and to have Shia holy sites, they could care less about Kurdistan.

I think Iranians should change their foreign policy, if they don't want Israel from taking over everything. Balochies have been fighting for their independence, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baloch_independence_movement) for a long time as well.

The way I see it, I think people should forget about tribalism, and embrace each other in the Middle East, like how we in the liberal West have been doing, as simple as that. Multiculturalism for Middle East. :thumb001:

09-24-2017, 06:02 AM
They're all basically animals - Kurdistan declares independance or some basic rights and Turks will declare war. Not even Albania is this backward

09-24-2017, 06:08 AM
You keep forgetting that many people will have to die in order for there to be an independent state. Especially in between 3 dangerous nations. For Iran, it probably won't happen and same with turkey. Iraq is more likely.

09-24-2017, 06:12 AM
Saudis are still around.

Erdogan needs to be replaced.

But many Kurds have fought and died for their land. They also have fought against ISIS, and they also vote Republican here in the States, which is admirable in my opinion.

I think Iranians should change their foreign policy, if they don't want Israel from taking over everything. Balochies have been fighting for their independence, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baloch_independence_movement)for a long time as well.

The way I see it, I think people should forget about tribalism, and embrace each other in the Middle East, like how we in the liberal West have been doing, as simple as that. Multiculturalism for Middle East. :thumb001:

Out of all the ethnic groups in Iran, balochis are the dominant ethnic group seeking for independence. Iran is already a multi-cultural natiom btw, in fact, the Achaemind-persians are the reason why multi-culturism exists at all.

09-24-2017, 06:14 AM
Saudis are still around.

Saudi Arabia is powerful but in a different way. In some ways Saudi Arabia supports Kurdistan, due to it's largely Sunni population, which can be used to confine Shia Arabs and Shia Iran. However they largely don't care about the Kurdish issues. Saudi Arabia also is for Iraq's unity, because it does not want the Shia Arab regions to be annexed to Iran. Saudi Arabia is well seen in the Western regions of Iraq.

Erdogan needs to be replaced.

Erdogan is well liked in the Arab world. He is also very well seen in the Sunni Arab regions of Iraq, especially Mosul. Many Sunni Arab tribes have allied with Turkey, and not mention they have welcomed the Turkish forces, rather than the Iraqi army, which is full of Shia Arabs for example. It seems the Turks keep voting for him.

But many Kurds have fought and died for their land. They also have fought against ISIS, and they also vote Republican here in the States, which is admirable in my opinion.

I am not against Kurdish independence, as long they don't expand on Arab tribal lands, or take Kirkuk, which is historically a multicultural city. Many people have fought ISIS, even Gulf nations have fought ISIS, and many Sunni Arab tribes fought against ISIS as well.

I think Iranians should change their foreign policy, if they don't want Israel from taking over everything. Balochies have been fighting for their independence, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baloch_independence_movement)for a long time as well.

The Balochi situation is slightly different from the Kurdish one, because the Balochi lands are not historically disputed like in the case of Kurds. Despite Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan don't want to give them independence, especially Pakistan due to natural resources. Iran does not to give independence also. Balochis are interestingly related to Kurds, but have just expanded southwards in ancient times and intermingled with the native South Asians like the Barhui

The way I see it, I think people should forget about tribalism, and embrace each other in the Middle East, like how we in the liberal West have been doing, as simple as that. Multiculturalism for Middle East. :thumb001:

That will take a long time, but it will eventually change when enough blood is shed. Middle Easterners are not yet pacified

09-24-2017, 06:18 AM
Arabs don't run anything, because the Jews destroyed Iraq through several wars, which was the most powerful Arab nation, followed by the second strongest Arab nation which they neutralized that is Egypt, and they also damaged Syria. Thus the main players now is Jews, Persians and Turks.

Turks certainly don't want a Kurdistan. What is funny even Shia Kurds are not really pro-Kurdistan


Persians don't want the Kurds to have independence because it might embolden independence movement of several ethnics like the Balochies, Kurds, and so on. Also Persians have more interest in annexing Southern Iraq region, which holds large amounts of oil, and to have Shia holy sites, they could care less about Kurdistan.

You keep repeating this for a few years now and I'm getting tired of repeating myself. Why do you keep repeating things over and over? The Persian people have no interest for any annexation of any country and that includes Iraq.

Iraq should be more worried about Jews and Turks.

09-24-2017, 06:25 AM
Saudi Arabia is powerful but in a different way. In some ways Saudi Arabia supports Kurdistan, due to it's largely Sunni population, which can be used to confine Shia Arabs and Shia Iran. However they largely don't care about the Kurdish issues. Saudi Arabia also is for Iraq's unity, because it does not want the Shia Arab regions to be annexed to Iran. Saudi Arabia is well seen in the Western regions of Iraq.

It's time Sunnis and Shias forget their differences and unite against Israel, I say.

Erdogan is well liked in the Arab world. He is also very well seen in the Sunni Arab regions of Iraq, especially Mosul. Many Sunni Arab tribes have allied with Turkey, and not mention they have welcomed the Turkish forces, rather than the Iraqi army, which is full of Shia Arabs for example. It seems the Turks keep voting for him.

Many Turks are against Erdogan as well, Turks need a revolution before their country falls down like Syria.

Many people have fought ISIS, even Gulf nations have fought ISIS, and many Sunni Arab tribes fought against ISIS as well.

They did that for their own interests.

Despite Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan don't want to give them independence, especially Pakistan due to natural resources.

The Indian government is supporting Balochis (https://www.thequint.com/world/2016/09/16/narendra-modi-government-to-pull-a-dalai-lama-with-balochistan-leaders-and-grant-political-asylum-brahamdagh-bugti) against Pakistan. So just like Kurds, they have a chance.

That will take a long time, but it will eventually change when enough blood is shed. Middle Easterners are not yet pacified

The real elephant in the room is Arab ethnocentrism.

09-24-2017, 06:52 AM
If that Kurds try to get our lands even only 10 m2, all Turks will be ready to die for our homeland's entirety so it will not give any peace to anywhere, Middle East will be blood lake and history will decide: Turkish blood or Kurdish blood.

09-24-2017, 03:27 PM
Iran is allied with the Peshmurga.

Iran halts flights to Iraq's Kurdish region in retaliation for independence vote (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-iraq-wargames/iran-halts-flights-to-iraqs-kurdish-region-in-retaliation-for-independence-vote-idUSKCN1BZ09S)

And at the moment Iran jets are bombing area surrounding Irbil..

09-24-2017, 03:34 PM
It's time Sunnis and Shias forget their differences and unite against Israel, I say.

Many Turks are against Erdogan as well, Turks need a revolution before their country falls down like Syria..

I am not a pro-erdoğan. But Turkey is not him. I support my country against the western colonial powers who want to change the geopolitic structure of the ME. yesterday the three biggest politcal parties of Turkey declared a common statement in favour of the government's request for the permission to military operation in Northern Iraq and Syria.

09-24-2017, 03:38 PM
Hehehe. Kurds are not going to be independent you liberal butterflies. :) They will be used as a proxy state in M. East and no one is going to officially recognize them. In the best case scenario, many harsh sanctions will be taken against them by their neigboors. This is not friggin Scotland's independence we are talking about. Kurds are basically commiting suicide, many of them don't realize it.

09-24-2017, 03:40 PM
You keep repeating this for a few years now and I'm getting tired of repeating myself. Why do you keep repeating things over and over? The Persian people have no interest for any annexation of any country and that includes Iraq.

Iraq should be more worried about Jews and Turks.

Agreed, especially with Israel.

09-24-2017, 03:41 PM
Hehehe. Kurds are not going to be independent you liberal butterflies. :) They will be used as a proxy state in M. East and no one is going to officially recognize them. In the best case scenario, many harsh sanctions will be taken against them by their neigboors. This is not frigging Scotland's independence we are talking about. Kurds are basically commiting suicide, many of them don't realize it.

Yes, especially by the Americans and the Israelis against Iran and Syria.

09-24-2017, 03:48 PM
Iran halts flights to Iraq's Kurdish region in retaliation for independence vote (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-iraq-wargames/iran-halts-flights-to-iraqs-kurdish-region-in-retaliation-for-independence-vote-idUSKCN1BZ09S)

And at the moment Iran jets are bombing area surrounding Irbil..

The air embargo is the first concrete retaliatory measure against Monday’s Kurdish referendum which is rejected by the government in Baghdad and by Iraq’s powerful neighbors, Iran and Turkey.

Iranian authorities stopped air traffic to the international airports of Erbil and Sulaimaniya, in Iraqi Kurdistan, upon a request from Baghdad, Fars News Agency said.

Tehran and Ankara fear the spread of separatism to their own Kurds. Iran also supports Shi‘ite groups who have been ruling or holding key security and government positions in Iraq since the 2003 U.S-led invasion which toppled Saddam Hussein.

09-26-2017, 04:31 AM
It's time Sunnis and Shias forget their differences and unite against Israel, I say.

Europe and the Anglo-World is allied with Israel. Also the Sunni-Shia conflict was created and fostered by the Anglo-Americans upon their invasion of Iraq. Israel also will not risk it's own sons and daughters for the Mideast wars, because it knows it's weak, and thus it uses Western forces to dismantle nations. For example it was the U.S and Britain who kept edging for the Iraq war, and now they regret it. The Anglo-American forces faced heavy casualties in the Western regions of Iraq for example. Well the Shia regions were divided into pro-American and anti-American nationalist. So far only Israel has been supportive for the independence of Kurdistan, but this because Israel and the West can have a loyal proxy, and it's not out of any ethical or humanitarian reason. Israel for example could not effectively fight even against paramilitary organization like Hezbollah or Hamas. Israel only depends on the West.

Many Turks are against Erdogan as well, Turks need a revolution before their country falls down like Syria.

Yes many Turks don't like Erdogan, but Erdogan has warmed his heart into the Sunni Arab hearts, and of course this also due to geopolitical needs, and also the aim to annex Mosul, which Turkey claims as historical lands. Many Iraqi Arab Sunnis are pro-Erdogan, and Erdogan is well regarded in much of the Gulf.

They did that for their own interests.

Everyone fights for their interest. ISIS is a threat to all in the region. Yes the Gulf nations participate in bombing ISIS. Also ISIS had prosecuted many Sunni Arab tribes in the region, and hence why many tribes rose against them. ISIS and it's former Jihadist groups were actually supported by Assad, and in fact ISIS and Assad for example became frenemies.

The Indian government is supporting Balochis (https://www.thequint.com/world/2016/09/16/narendra-modi-government-to-pull-a-dalai-lama-with-balochistan-leaders-and-grant-political-asylum-brahamdagh-bugti) against Pakistan. So just like Kurds, they have a chance.

They might eventually have independence. As for the Kurds it's mostly they won't because both Iran and Turkey are blockading them, and with the Iraqi central government also going against them. The Kurds are at disadvantage because they are landlocked nation. Plus the Iraqi central government does not want to give Kirkuk to the new nation of Kurdistan, due to large amounts of oil reserve, and also other disputed regions. Not even the U.S which has been Iraqi's Kurdistan alley, is supporting them. Only Israel so far has given them support

The real elephant in the room is Arab ethnocentrism.

Being ethnocentric and proud of who you are there is nothing wrong with it. As long you don't do it at the expense of others.

09-27-2017, 11:24 AM
Lebanon's flagship carrier airline said its last flights to and from Irbil

EgyptAir to suspend flights to and from Erbil in north Iraq from Friday as per Iraqi government request

09-27-2017, 11:28 AM
Kurds need to get their own state. It's time Middle East gets some dose of good old multiculturalism. Just Arabs and Jews running the whole region is simply boring imo.

I thought westerners did not like multiculturalism?

09-27-2017, 11:53 AM

09-28-2017, 06:44 AM
Putin to Visit Erdogan in Turkey as Russia Supports a United Iraq (today)

Russia’s Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed that President Vladimir Putin will arrive in Ankara on the 28th of September to meet with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The two leaders already spoke over the phone in the aftermath of the Kurdish separatism referendum in northern Iraq, a vote which Kurdish separatists said attained a 91% yes vote. The vote was boycotted by Arabs and Turkomen and widely condemned by the international community.

Prior to the controversial vote, Russia, urged Kurds to put the vote on hold in order for the provocative move to be replaced by dialogue. Russia continues to urge for a calm approach to the referendum’s aftermath.

The Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement, reading,

“The Russian party believes it to be of utmost importance to avoid anything that risk to further complicate and destabilise the Middle East, which is already overloaded by conflict situations”.

The Foreign Ministry added that Russia supports the territorial unity of Iraq and its neighbours and that the present crisis “can and should be resolved with constructive and respectful dialogue aimed at finding a mutual form of coexistence in a unified Iraqi state”.

Putin’s visit with Erdogan is expected to cover a cooperative approach to the Kurdish issue in Iraq. Turkey has vowed to implement a strict economic blockade of northern Iraq and has not ruled out full-scale military intervention.

09-28-2017, 01:30 PM
Turkish airlines have released a statement saying they will continue to fly to Kurdistan. I knew from the beginning that all this talk from Turkey is just to appease the nationalists.

09-28-2017, 07:19 PM
Turkey Calls on Citizens to Leave Northern Iraq Before Flights Suspended on Friday

ANKARA — Turkey called on its citizens to leave northern Iraq before flights are suspended on Friday in response to the Iraqi Kurdish independence referendum, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

Turkey will suspend flights to the northern Iraqi cities of Erbil and Sulaimaniya from 1500 GMT on Friday. The decision will impact Turkish Airlines, Pegasus, and Atlas Global flights.

(Reporting by Ece Toksabay; Editing by Daren Butler)


09-28-2017, 07:23 PM
I hope the EU supports the Kurds. It's time to do something good in the Middle East.

09-28-2017, 07:29 PM
The Kurds have had so much shit thrown at them over the years, they can handle the threats or boycotts.

09-28-2017, 07:40 PM
Hehehe. Kurds are not going to be independent you liberal butterflies. :) They will be used as a proxy state in M. East and no one is going to officially recognize them. In the best case scenario, many harsh sanctions will be taken against them by their neigboors. This is not friggin Scotland's independence we are talking about. Kurds are basically commiting suicide, many of them don't realize it.

They're not cowering from all that surround them so if it all goes bad, at least they go out on their terms, in a short lived nation-state of their own.

09-28-2017, 07:42 PM
Feyli Kurds not supporting the Kurdistan referendum? What a load of bullshit, its only the most religious ones that oppose it, most Feyli Kurds including me and my family are for the referendum and the independence of Kurdistan, to hell with Iraq lmao.

Also Turkey is acting up like the usual regional bitch on period, their nationalism is getting quite autistic.

09-28-2017, 07:53 PM
They're not cowering from all that surround them so if it all goes bad, at least they go out on their terms, in a short lived nation-state of their own.

We will see how they'll "go out on their terms". I'll be watching the bloodshed while drinking my Turkish coffee.

09-28-2017, 07:58 PM
We will see how they'll "go out on their terms". I'll be watching the bloodshet while drinking my Turkish coffee.

There has been enough of this bloodshed in Turkey. Why not let them be. Maybe there will be some migration to this new Kurd land from Turkey and maybe it's in Turkey's best interest to support a nation-state for Kurds.

09-28-2017, 08:05 PM
There has been enough of this bloodshed in Turkey. Why not let them be. Maybe there will be some migration to this new Kurd land from Turkey and maybe it's in Turkey's best interest to support a nation-state for Kurds.

The border has already been sealed. Especially after the Syrian refugee crisis no one would have dared to take an another wave of refugees, especially the Kurds. You guys cannot see the real issue here. Kurds are not going to be independent and have their own state where they will live happily ever after. A proxy buffer zone is being established and it threatens the integral stability of the neighboring countries because all of them have millions of Kurds in their borders. It's not like anyone is jelaous of their brand new state despite what you think. What I see is that it will only make things worse for Kurds in the region.

09-28-2017, 08:05 PM
The christian minorities Assyrians, Yezidis and other christians living in Iraq are also against an independent kurdish state. They have long to suffer from kurdish abuses so prefer living under Iraq's rule.. There are also many reports on the kurdish brutality towards other ethnic groups in Northern Iraq...

09-28-2017, 09:34 PM
Turkey Calls on Citizens to Leave Northern Iraq Before Flights Suspended on Friday

ANKARA — Turkey called on its citizens to leave northern Iraq before flights are suspended on Friday in response to the Iraqi Kurdish independence referendum, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

Turkey will suspend flights to the northern Iraqi cities of Erbil and Sulaimaniya from 1500 GMT on Friday. The decision will impact Turkish Airlines, Pegasus, and Atlas Global flights.

(Reporting by Ece Toksabay; Editing by Daren Butler)


Yes, this was ordered by the Turkish consulate in Erbil. However Turkish airlines released a statement according to K24 saying they will continue flights.

EDIT: Turkish airlines has now also stopped flights. Just as well, Kurds will contribute less to the Turkish economy.

Qatar has apparently said that they will continue flights as long there is a sky above Kurdistan.

09-28-2017, 09:37 PM
Feyli Kurds not supporting the Kurdistan referendum? What a load of bullshit, its only the most religious ones that oppose it, most Feyli Kurds including me and my family are for the referendum and the independence of Kurdistan, to hell with Iraq lmao.

Also Turkey is acting up like the usual regional bitch on period, their nationalism is getting quite autistic.

True, Khanaqin which is the only Feyli city that voted in the referendum voted for independence. No war is going to happen. AKP was silent regarding the referendum for a long time and many Kurdish AKP MPs publicly announced support for independence. Their threats are just to appease the nationalists. There's no way Turkey is going to damage its own economy by establishing embargoes or other economic sanctions.

09-28-2017, 10:58 PM
Italy has stationed troops in Zaxo to make sure Turkey doesn't start a war. American troops are in Daquq (near Kirkuk). No war is going to happen and, if it does, whoever instigates it is committing suicide.

09-28-2017, 11:01 PM
Italy has stationed troops in Zaxo to make sure Turkey doesn't start a war. American troops are in Daquq (near Kirkuk). No war is going to happen and, if it does, whoever instigates it is committing suicide.

A military intervention to Northern Iraq wouldn't be called "war" and Italy definetly won't put at risk its relations with Turkey to save bunch of Kurds. Get real.

09-28-2017, 11:02 PM
A military intervention to Northern Iraq wouldn't be called "war" and Italy definetly won't put at risk its relations with Turkey to save bunch of Kurds. Get real.

What is there to risk? All EU countries have condemned Turkey for turning into a dictatorship.

09-28-2017, 11:04 PM
A military intervention to Northern Iraq wouldn't be called "war" and Italy definetly won't put at risk its relations with Turkey to save bunch of Kurds. Get real.

Do you even understand what military intervention in this case means? I guess not, cockroach. Keep sipping your Turkish coffee.

09-28-2017, 11:10 PM
Do you even understand what military intervention in this case means? I guess not, cockroach. Keep sipping your Turkish coffee.

A "war" is something happens between at least two internationally recognized states. Get the terminology right first. What Kurds are doing right now is seen as mutiny. Nothing more, nothing less.

09-28-2017, 11:12 PM
What is there to risk? All EU countries have condemned Turkey for turning into a dictatorship.

No shit honey. Enough for politics today for you.

09-28-2017, 11:16 PM
A "war" is something happens between at least two internationally recognized states. Get the terminology right first. What Kurds are doing right now is seen as mutiny. Nothing more, nothing less.

No it isn't, hence why there is a 'war' in Syria. All of a sudden a democratic vote with international observers is seen as 'mutiny' xD

looooool you cockroach who can't even grow a proper beard are you a grammar nazi as well now

09-28-2017, 11:17 PM
lets go Kurds fuck their shit up

09-28-2017, 11:19 PM
No it isn't, hence why there is a 'war' in Syria. All of a sudden a democratic vote with international observers is seen as 'mutiny' xD

looooool you cockroach who can't even grow a proper beard are you a grammar nazi as well now

It is offically called "civil war" you dipshit. You don't even know what you are talking about.


Sorry for not being a hairy Kurdish kıro. Too much Siberian admix.

09-28-2017, 11:19 PM
No shit honey. Enough for politics today for you.

Okay, ''expert''.

09-28-2017, 11:24 PM
It is offically called "civil war" you dipshit. You don't even know what you are talking about.


Sorry for not being a hairy Kurdish kıro. Too much Siberian admix.

hahahaha triggered much? Peshmerga is the official army of the Kurdistan region, thus if Turkey attacks it's known as 'war' not 'military intervention'. The two are interchangeable anyway, the 'Iraq war' was military intervention led by the US. Can your cockroach brain comprehend this? xD

I'd rather be hairy af than have a chin like that tbh lmaooooo

09-28-2017, 11:25 PM
Sorry for not being a hairy Kurdish kıro. Too much Siberian admix.

I don't know based off that profile picture it looks like you could use a haircut.

09-28-2017, 11:46 PM
hahahaha triggered much? Peshmerga is the official army of the Kurdistan region, thus if Turkey attacks it's known as 'war' not 'military intervention'. The two are interchangeable anyway, the 'Iraq war' was military intervention led by the US. Can your cockroach brain comprehend this? xD

I'd rather be hairy af than have a chin like that tbh lmaooooo

Oh my fucking god you are stupid as fuck. No you caveman, they're not "interchangeable" words, just your terminology is narrow as fuck. The Iraq War was something happened between two states, Iraq was an internationally recognized country ruled by Saddam Hussain back then. You are the one who can't even make an analogy. Kurdish Regional Government is not in the same position of previous Iraq State.

I've seen your kıro face, you look like a farm animal. You should think twice before making fun of other peoples look.

09-29-2017, 12:00 AM
Oh my fucking god you are stupid as fuck. No you caveman, they're not "interchangeable" words, just your terminology is narrow as fuck. The Iraq War was something happened between two states, Iraq was an internationally recognized country ruled by Saddam Hussain back then. You are the one who can't even make an analogy. Kurdish Regional Government is not in the same position of previous Iraq State.

I've seen your kıro face, you look like a farm animal. You should think twice before making fun of other peoples look.

loooooool look at this beardless chimp getting all upset over my use of a three lettered word xD how can you be this triggered lmao

The Iraq war was between more than two states, but that's not the point. A direct conflict between the Turkish military and Peshmerga cannot be described as 'military intervention' because it doesn't make sense. A conflict between the two parties can be descibed as war which is the correct terminology in this sentence. On top of that the Kurdish armed forces are legitimate forces recognised even by Turkey.

However 'military intervention' is also correct because it is a reaction to the internal affairs of Iraq. Both words are correct provided that you use them in the right context, which I did.

Now stop being triggered over a fucking three lettered word you hairless cockroach.