View Full Version : Eleven arrests after investigation into National Action

09-27-2017, 01:56 PM
Eleven arrests after investigation into National Action

Eleven men have been arrested under anti-terror laws as part of a national investigation into neo-Nazi group National Action, police have said.

The arrests include six people from north-west England, two from South Wales, one from Wiltshire, and two from West Yorkshire.

National Action became the first far-right organisation to be banned in the UK last year.

Eleven properties are being searched across England and Wales.

Those arrested - aged between 22 and 35 years-old - are all suspected of membership of National Action.


09-28-2017, 01:15 PM
Two neo-Nazi groups added to banned list

Scottish Dawn and NS131, both aliases of neo-Nazi group National Action, are to be banned under UK terror law, the government has announced.

National Action became the first far-right organisation to be banned in the UK last year.

Home secretary Amber Rudd said she would not allow the "vile racist" group to "masquerade under different names".

Being a member or inviting support for the organisations will be a criminal offence.
