View Full Version : Classify Ali Sonboli (Iranian Far right inspired Munich Shooter)

09-29-2017, 12:47 AM
He was not a Islamist but inspired by "far right" he thought of iranians as "aryans". And he shoot in munich mostly at turks and foreigners not at germans. Thats what I read, If im wrong correct me.


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2016/07/28/munich_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVW eZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.png?imwidth=1400

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2016/07/24/sonboly2_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqDOnG7oGLUTzuzPvsbFJdoI1 p5zf4vqoBenV96sO2Yqs.jpg?imwidth=1240



09-29-2017, 12:50 AM

09-29-2017, 12:50 AM
lol at this guy.

I remember that alt-right ideologue who is a racist of Iranian origin Jason Reza Jorjani.

He looks like a beta monkey:


09-29-2017, 12:51 AM
Fuck this guy.

09-29-2017, 12:51 AM
lol at this guy.

I remember that alt-right ideologue who is a racist of Iranian origin Jason Reza Jorjani.

He looks like a beta monkey:


this due looks white though. ali sonboli doesnt really. also this due might be only partly iranian because his first name is jason, and thats an american name or he was born in usa.

09-29-2017, 12:52 AM
this due looks white though. ali sonboli doesnt really. also this due might be only partly iranian because his first name is jason, and thats an american name or he was born in usa.

This was awhile ago bro. Why post it today?

09-29-2017, 12:53 AM
This was awhile ago bro. Why post it today?

yes but i never posted it before, to me its interesting case. this turk was his victim
Can Leyla (pictured), 15 and originally from Turkey

09-29-2017, 12:54 AM
lol at this guy.

I remember that alt-right ideologue who is a racist of Iranian origin Jason Reza Jorjani.

He looks like a beta monkey:


Hes not full Iranian btw.

09-29-2017, 12:56 AM
This was awhile ago bro. Why post it today?

btw you are the best iranian here. i like you bro, you said the one or other word against discrimination of rom people. you said they are not lazy for example in my thread.

09-29-2017, 01:05 AM
Wait, hold on. This guy isnt even Iranian. He doesn't even look like one either.


This guy is Syrian:

They initially introduced his name as a western name “David S”. Then his name changed to Ali David Sonboly (which sounds western) when his real name is Ali Daud Sonboly/Sunbuli which is an Arabic name (better pronounced Sunbuli) and has an exclusively Arabic meaning: ‘from the wheat kernel’.

Sonboly is no Iranian. He is Syrian. His Facebook page showed that he is pro Turkey’s Islamists. That, plus he had a record with the Interpol and was being watched. He is also not a teenager as they show us, but an adult as videos showed. What the reader should conclude after reading is this: why is the eye witnesses account (which is substantiated by material evidence) contradicts media reports (which provide zero evidence that we can verify, just government claim). Let me shred the media’s narrative piece by piece.

First of all. There is only one way to spell Sonboly in the Arabic: سنبلي. In the English it can be spelled multiple ways like Sunbulli, Sonboly because Arabic vowels need to be added using English letters. This is why we find Muhammad spelled as Mohemmed or Mehemet or Mohammad …

But in Arabic, it is always the same spelling: سنبلي

Unless one knows Arabic, they do not know where to look. Examining clan Sonboly and even Sonboly’s own Facebook (archived here) we find no persian flags hovering anywhere. What we find are Turkish or Syrian flags or the combination of the two, just like the shooter’s Facebook shows. These are Syrian Islamists who are pro Turkey’s Erdogan. We also find Arabic and not a lick of Persian as their main language. This is unlikely a ‘Sonboly’ of the Persian variety.

Ali Daud (not David) Sonboly, did not simply have a fetish for the red colored flag or the crescent moon. His clan is of Turkish origin living in Syria. Go ahead, peruse each of their Facebook pages yourself and see.

The case for this clan’s love of Turkey’s Erdogan is ironclad. Plus he lived in the Turkish neighborhood and his Facebook shows he was in Germany’s hauptschule college since 2011. He did not arrive there just two years ago. Someone up there in Germany’s government is fibbing advertising him as an Iranian which would make him a Shiite Muslim. This is done in order to avoid repercussion. Imagine Germans finding out that Turks and Syrian refugees who are entering Germany by the droves are the real culprit? For Germany, it was time to sweep it all under a Persian rug.

09-29-2017, 01:06 AM
Wait, hold on. This guy isnt even Iranian. He doesn't even look like one either.


This guy is Syrian:

They initially introduced his name as a western name “David S”. Then his name changed to Ali David Sonboly (which sounds western) when his real name is Ali Daud Sonboly/Sunbuli which is an Arabic name (better pronounced Sunbuli) and has an exclusively Arabic meaning: ‘from the wheat kernel’.

Sonboly is no Iranian. He is Syrian. His Facebook page showed that he is pro Turkey’s Islamists. That, plus he had a record with the Interpol and was being watched. He is also not a teenager as they show us, but an adult as videos showed. What the reader should conclude after reading is this: why is the eye witnesses account (which is substantiated by material evidence) contradicts media reports (which provide zero evidence that we can verify, just government claim). Let me shred the media’s narrative piece by piece.

First of all. There is only one way to spell Sonboly in the Arabic: سنبلي. In the English it can be spelled multiple ways like Sunbulli, Sonboly because Arabic vowels need to be added using English letters. This is why we find Muhammad spelled as Mohemmed or Mehemet or Mohammad …

But in Arabic, it is always the same spelling: سنبلي

Unless one knows Arabic, they do not know where to look. Examining clan Sonboly and even Sonboly’s own Facebook (archived here) we find no persian flags hovering anywhere. What we find are Turkish or Syrian flags or the combination of the two, just like the shooter’s Facebook shows. These are Syrian Islamists who are pro Turkey’s Erdogan. We also find Arabic and not a lick of Persian as their main language. This is unlikely a ‘Sonboly’ of the Persian variety.

Ali Daud (not David) Sonboly, did not simply have a fetish for the red colored flag or the crescent moon. His clan is of Turkish origin living in Syria. Go ahead, peruse each of their Facebook pages yourself and see.

The case for this clan’s love of Turkey’s Erdogan is ironclad. Plus he lived in the Turkish neighborhood and his Facebook shows he was in Germany’s hauptschule college since 2011. He did not arrive there just two years ago. Someone up there in Germany’s government is fibbing advertising him as an Iranian which would make him a Shiite Muslim. This is done in order to avoid repercussion. Imagine Germans finding out that Turks and Syrian refugees who are entering Germany by the droves are the real culprit? For Germany, it was time to sweep it all under a Persian rug.

sounds like a conspiracy theory so you think he killed some turks because he likes turks?

09-29-2017, 01:08 AM
sounds like a conspiracy theory so you think he killed some turks because he likes turks?

Got no idea but heres this:


09-29-2017, 10:00 PM

Black Panther
09-29-2017, 10:07 PM
this due looks white though. ali sonboli doesnt really. also this due might be only partly iranian because his first name is jason, and thats an american name or he was born in usa.

This "alt-right" guy is half Swedish American. That's why he looks Whiteish.