View Full Version : Latvieši, apvienojaties

12-22-2010, 09:12 PM
Sveicināti visi!
Vai jūs varētu šeit uzrakstīt savu vārdu, no kurienes esat un cik ilgi esat reģistrēts šajā forumā? Līdz šim esmu manījis kādus 3 cilvēkus, kas no Latvijas. Būtu patīkami apzināt visus un iespējams, izveidot vairāk diskusijas par un ap Latviju, latviešiem utml.

P.S. tas igaunis gan ir viens kretīns, iedomājies no sevis nezin ko. Nez, ar ko viņa sūds ir labāks par mūsējo? (atvainojiet par nelielo vulgārismu)

12-23-2010, 11:05 PM
Nu jā.. es palasīju kā estiņi žēlojās ka ļaunie letiņi nospēruši viņu godu uz pirmās ziemassvētku eglītes titulu. Hehē :D
Un par tiem latviešu strēlniekiem arī kaut kāds murgs. Laikam vajadzēs man palasīt vismaz 9.klases Latvijas vēstures mācību grāmatu.
Un par to annektēšanu arī ņirga parāva. Kā var kaut ko tik absurdu "izkakāt"?
Vēl kaut kur bij interesanta diskusija par to cik "tīri" idauņi ir un letiņi pus mongoļi pus sazin kāda abominācija. Ā un latvieši īstenībā ir mazliet igauņi vai kā tā... man kaut kā pie sēžamvietas. :D
Šķeit Kārlis ir iedomīgs.
Nesaprotu arī kas visiem ar to "nordicismu", kas tur tik īpašs ka visur tas jābāž iekšā?
Es lepojos un zinu ka esmu Balts un Latvietis, un ar to man pilnīgi pietiek.

Starp citu vajadzētu še ievilināt vairāk letiņu troļļu vai cilvēkus kuriem patīk padiskutēt, lai dotu atsparu dažiem šizofrēniķiem. :D

12-24-2010, 08:52 AM
Čalis man vēl vakar čatā raksta, ka viņam pret baltiem ir tas, ka mēs cenšamies pievilkt Igauniju Baltijai un ka viņi ir tipa Nordiskie un viņiem nav nekāda sakara ar mums.
Viņi ir ļoti veiksmīgi un mēs cenšamies viņu veiksmi piešūt sev klāt tipa. Un tas viss ir pateicoties viņu ziemeļnieciskajai mentalitātei. Nu kamōn :D vienkārši totāls īblis
Atradušies ziemeļnieki. Čalim laikam reāli ir kaut kādi kompleksi, tapēc viņš un arī citi ir šitie tā saucamie wannabe nordiskie ārieši un ūbermenši utml :D

12-24-2010, 01:52 PM
Nu jā pagaidām man nav ko tev piebilst, tik saki lūdzu kas ir ūbermenš? :D
Ārieši ir pēc manām domām ļoti slidena lieta jo zinu ka Indijā ir tak tāda tautība vai kā tā.
Žel ka man slinkums kasīties ar Kārļiem un citiem mūdžiem :D , sanāktu baigi jautra nodarbe hehē.

12-24-2010, 02:16 PM
pēc nacistu ideoloģijas ārieši(ar nordiskiem vaibstiem) = ūbermenši, tas ir, pārcilvēki. Labāki par visiem pārējiem.
Tapēc te arī daudzi, kuri ir vairāk vai mazāk āriski, uzskata, ka ir pārāki. No vienas puses smieklīgi, jo tādi viņi ir tikai internetā. Reālajā dzīvē tur Vācijā, Nīderland, Skandināvijā ir pilns ar visādiem muslimiem uc. sūdiem, no kuriem baltie mīž. Tapēc tas tiek kompensēts netā šķirojot eiropiešus vērtīgākos un ne tik vērtīgos cilvēkos. Tāda ir mana apmēremā hipotēze.

12-24-2010, 02:41 PM
P.S. tas igaunis gan ir viens kretīns, iedomājies no sevis nezin ko. Nez, ar ko viņa sūds ir labāks par mūsējo? (atvainojiet par nelielo vulgārismu)

Google translate tells me that you called Estonians, cretins.

I thought that Latvians had a better opinion about us. Or is it just your opinion?

12-24-2010, 02:47 PM
It was about you and your attitude.

12-24-2010, 05:42 PM
Google translate tells me that you called Estonians, cretins.

I thought that Latvians had a better opinion about us. Or is it just your opinion?

It's not about estonians.

12-24-2010, 08:44 PM
It was about you and your attitude.

What's wrong with my attitude?

Any Estonian would get pissed off at your attitude/idiocy.

Valga was majority Estonian in 1920, but it was split in half and half of it was given to Latvia. Then there are the vast areas in Northern-Latvia which are fully Latvian by now. But you have the nerve to think that Valga was given to Estonia?

As I said before, any Latvian who holds such opinions should be shot or locked up in a library full of history books for a month.

It's not about estonians.

Good to know. :)

12-24-2010, 08:57 PM
U are crying crocodile tears about Valga. Sweet jesus, its 12km2 big.

12-24-2010, 09:09 PM
U are crying crocodile tears about Valga. Sweet jesus, its 12km2 big.

Balts have assimilated Finnic people and taken over their areas for thousands of years.

But when we, the Estonians, fight long battles where many fine young Estonian men die, to beat the Germans, the Russian Reds and the Latvian reds, to liberate your country and in return, ethnic Estonian territories are given to Latvia. Then it is quite frustrating indeed.

Who knows, considering the Eastern-European trait among Latvians to be corrupt. Then the Latvian government back then could have bribed Sir Stephen George Tallents. To make such a favorable decision for the Latvians.

12-24-2010, 09:15 PM
Balts have assimilated Finnic people and taken over their areas for thousands of years.

But when we, the Estonians, fight long battles where many fine young Estonian men die, to beat the Germans, the Russian Reds and the Latvian reds, to liberate your country and in return, ethnic Estonian territories are given to Latvia. Then it is quite frustrating indeed.

Who knows, considering the Eastern-European trait among Latvians to be corrupt. Then the Latvian government back then could have bribed Sir Stephen George Tallents. To make such a favorable decision for the Latvians.

Oh yes, we, latvians are such bastards. U really dont deserve us as neighbours.

12-24-2010, 09:17 PM
Oh yes, we, latvians are such bastards. U really dont deserve us as neighbours.

You are correct.

I would have Livonian neighbours to the south, like it was several thousands years ago.

The Latvians assimilated a big bunch of Livonians and Finnic people, but culturally and by mentality you have remained foreign. I wonder why.

12-24-2010, 09:19 PM
Its fully just because we are not nordics, but you are. U are the most great nordic people of all time. Everyone should wish to be estonian, great and noble, just as u are.

12-24-2010, 09:25 PM
Its fully just because we are not nordics, but you are. U are the most great nordic people of all time. Everyone should wish to be estonian, great and noble, just as u are.

Your sarcastic post actually describes the average Latvian's opinion about Estonia and Estonians (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=52386&postcount=1).

That research in the link I gave you, is made by a half-Estonian and half-Latvian individual who lives in Latvia, Riga. Thus it is bias free.

12-24-2010, 09:43 PM
bļed atpisies tu pediņ jobanais tu jau man esi apnicis līdz kaklam stulbais dauni sapūsti savā nordicismā un pārākumā. Tu esi viens vienīgs sūds, kurš iedomājas, ka ir kaut kas īpašs ar to, ka redz ir igaunis. Jūs visi tāpat nahujizmirsiet un no jums paliks pāri tikai tukša vieta.
IDIOTS STULBAIS DAUNIS TU ESI PILNĪGS AMBĀLIS.http://panzerkampf.org/img/smilies/banghead.gif

12-24-2010, 09:55 PM
bļed atpisies tu pediņ jobanais tu jau man esi apnicis līdz kaklam stulbais dauni sapūsti savā nordicismā un pārākumā. Tu esi viens vienīgs sūds, kurš iedomājas, ka ir kaut kas īpašs ar to, ka redz ir igaunis. Jūs visi tāpat nahujizmirsiet un no jums paliks pāri tikai tukša vieta.
IDIOTS STULBAIS DAUNIS TU ESI PILNĪGS AMBĀLIS.http://panzerkampf.org/img/smilies/banghead.gif

Interesting Balto-Slavic language you speak, which your distant ancestors brought to the shores of the Baltic sea.

I even found some curse words which are very similar to Russian.

12-24-2010, 10:03 PM
So? So fucking what? I dont care.
And actually - GTFO. This is for latvians and latvian related, but as far as i know u are some kinda great nordic who has notthing common with balts and latvians.

12-24-2010, 10:38 PM
Balts have assimilated Finnic people and taken over their areas for thousands of years.

But when we, the Estonians, fight long battles where many fine young Estonian men die, to beat the Germans, the Russian Reds and the Latvian reds, to liberate your country and in return, ethnic Estonian territories are given to Latvia. Then it is quite frustrating indeed.

Who knows, considering the Eastern-European trait among Latvians to be corrupt. Then the Latvian government back then could have bribed Sir Stephen George Tallents. To make such a favorable decision for the Latvians.

This crap is just insulting. Piss off Karl and stop making off-topic.
Btw it's not latvian fault that you couldnt hold to your "historical", "ethnical","blablabla" territories. Well sucks to be you Karl. Take chill pill.

12-24-2010, 10:53 PM
Tāds īblis vienkārši nekur nav redzēts. Kaut kas unikāls.
Kur tādi suņabērni rodas...

12-25-2010, 08:02 AM
So? So fucking what? I dont care.
And actually - GTFO. This is for latvians and latvian related, but as far as i know u are some kinda great nordic who has notthing common with balts and latvians.

You also post in the Eesti section. According to some Latvians, Estonians are identical to you. So if we are so close to each other, then why can't I post in the Latvian section? ;)

This crap is just insulting. Piss off Karl and stop making off-topic.
Btw it's not latvian fault that you couldnt hold to your "historical", "ethnical","blablabla" territories. Well sucks to be you Karl. Take chill pill.

Well, naive belief in democracy is to blame for the loss of Estonian areas to Latvia. After we fought hard battles to liberate your country.

Corruption is something very Latvian. For instance, democratic elections were held in Heinaste, if the town wants to belong to Estonia or Latvia. The town was majority Estonian, but the Latvian population which was on average, richer than the Estonian one. Bribed the Estonian population of Heinaste to vote for Latvia.

As I said, naive belief in democracy is to blame. Estonia shouldn't have trusted the Latvians so much. I think that the Latvian government should declare Sir Stephen George Tallent's birthday a national holiday. As he is responsible for Latvia receiving vast areas in modern-day Northern-Latvia, which were mostly Estonian.

12-25-2010, 11:33 AM
You know what is the best thing? U cant do shit about it. The only thing u can do is crying crocodile tears in this forum and those territories will still remain latvian.

12-25-2010, 11:37 AM
You know what is the best thing? U cant do shit about it.

I can't "do shit about it" in the same way as you Latvians cannot get back your occupied territories from Russia.

The only thing u can do is crying crocodile tears in this forum and those territories will still remain latvian.

On the contrary, those territories will remain Estonian, even if all the Estonians have been assimilated a while ago.

Those territories are as Latvian and East-Prussia is Russian.

12-25-2010, 12:18 PM
Dude, get over it! Your country had a chance to get those territories ~90 years ago.
But u didnt. You can blame yourself now. And its not my fault that those estonians took the bribes. lol

12-25-2010, 12:54 PM
Dude, get over it! Your country had a chance to get those territories ~90 years ago.

Yes we had, but as proper Westerners, we trusted democracy and diplomatic negotiations, which was a mistake. The newly created Latvian army which was helped a lot by the Estonians, was ready to stab their former liberators in the back and attack Estonia.

The Estonian population was extremely pissed off at the Estonian government in the 1920s. I just want you, a Latvian, to acknowledge that many regions in Northern-Latvia should actually belong to Estonia. But your only excuse is, "Those numerous towns are so small :D". There were also vast rural regions.

12-29-2010, 12:55 PM
blah blah....pietura aizskarosi viens otru!?? Karl un citi --- Ejiet prom! :mad:

01-23-2011, 04:51 PM
izsakies skaidrāk, tevi nevar saprast

01-30-2011, 07:42 AM
Karls ir pajoliņš.

Viņš melš par Ainažiem, Rūjienu, Valku utml., pēc viņa vārdiem tās esot igauņu pilsētas. Pēc viņa vārdiem sanāk, ka latvieši bezmaz vai fiziski izdzina no turienes ārā igauņus un okupēja teritorijas ar karaspēku. Patiesībā šajās pilsētās pirms pirmā pasaules kara dzīvoja pārsvarā latvieši, kuri referendumos balsoja par pilsētu iekļaušanu Latvijas sastāvā, tāpēc dabīgi, ka tās pilsētas vismaz daļēji ir Latvijas sastāvā. Nu vai nav tas Kārlis viens liels klauns? Pārgroza vēstures informāciju tā, lai tikai nomelnotu Latviju!

Es lasīju grāmatu par Ainažiem (tā arī saucas - "Ainaži"), tur tieši bija aprakstīts, kā pilsēta nonāca Latvijas, nevis Igaunijas sastāvā. Cilvēki paši pēc pirmā pasaules kara nobalsoja par to, ka Ainaži būtu Latvijas sastāvā.

01-30-2011, 08:32 AM
Aj, vienkārši nav jēgas ņemt vairs to vērā. Bet tomēr, tik interesanti, ka viens interneta idiots var tev sapist garīgo. Vislabāk man patīk tas, ka mēs, ļaunie, esam asimilējuši līvus un ja nebūtu mūsu, tad viņam tagad būtu kaimiņi līvi. lol
Atradies lielais Igaunijas propagandētājs, cik smieklīgi. Viņi jau paši sevi var uzskatīt par cilvēkiem no Jupitera, bet galvenais jau ir tas, vai citi viņus par tādiem pieņem.
Cik tad daudz to igauņu ir? Zem miljona pašā Igaunijā, tas ir spļāviens jūrā. Pasaulē bijuši nebijuši tādi.

01-30-2011, 12:19 PM
Karls ir pajoliņš.

Viņš melš par Ainažiem, Rūjienu, Valku utml., pēc viņa vārdiem tās esot igauņu pilsētas. Pēc viņa vārdiem sanāk, ka latvieši bezmaz vai fiziski izdzina no turienes ārā igauņus un okupēja teritorijas ar karaspēku. Patiesībā šajās pilsētās pirms pirmā pasaules kara dzīvoja pārsvarā latvieši, kuri referendumos balsoja par pilsētu iekļaušanu Latvijas sastāvā, tāpēc dabīgi, ka tās pilsētas vismaz daļēji ir Latvijas sastāvā. Nu vai nav tas Kārlis viens liels klauns? Pārgroza vēstures informāciju tā, lai tikai nomelnotu Latviju!

Es lasīju grāmatu par Ainažiem (tā arī saucas - "Ainaži"), tur tieši bija aprakstīts, kā pilsēta nonāca Latvijas, nevis Igaunijas sastāvā. Cilvēki paši pēc pirmā pasaules kara nobalsoja par to, ka Ainaži būtu Latvijas sastāvā.

The Latvian migration in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries to areas like Valga and modern-day Northern-Latvia in general, is well documented. Heinaste and Valga were majority Estonian in 1920, by the way.

There's a good saying about you in French, plus royal que le roi, as you're a Latvian-Siberian mix, but are acting like an extreme Latvian nationalist.

01-30-2011, 01:11 PM
There's a good saying about you in French, plus royal que le roi, as you're a Latvian-Siberian mix, but are acting like an extreme Latvian nationalist.

Does that bothers you?

01-31-2011, 02:49 PM
The Latvian migration in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries to areas like Valga and modern-day Northern-Latvia in general, is well documented. Heinaste and Valga were majority Estonian in 1920, by the way.
You are disgusting liar. In Ainaži majority of population were Latvians around 1920. I checked it out. I can tell you exact and precise numbers of inhabitants, if you wish. I should check information out also about Valka-Valga.

Stop telling fairytales, please.

And about 16th, 17th, 18th centuries speaking - then part of Latvians lived together with Estonians in same administrative division, called Livonia. Then weren't any political border between them. Latvians and Estonians then lived under rule of German landlords. How do you expect Latvian "occupation" or "annexation" of Estonian territories, if Latvians weren't free people, lived under rule of foreign rulers, and couldn't do whatever they wanted? Ha? If Latvians moved northwards, and replaced Estonians, then most likely because of:
1) epidemics, which cleaned out whole territories, so if Estonians somewhere dissapeared, their places were simply repopulated by Latgalians, who were in those times one of most numerous Baltic tribes
2) perhaps Baltic tribe population was more rapidly expanding due some reasons, like better economical situation etc.

There's a good saying about you in French, plus royal que le roi, as you're a Latvian-Siberian mix, but are acting like an extreme Latvian nationalist.
Am I really acting like extreme Latvian nationalist? Really?

I am simply a person, who has grown up in Latvia, and have learned Latvian customs, patriotism etc. from my own Latvian family, school etc. In many ways I am just Latvian.

There's no reason to point out the Siberian part of my ancestry. It will give you nothing.

01-31-2011, 06:38 PM
You are disgusting liar. In Ainaži majority of population were Latvians around 1920. I checked it out. I can tell you exact and precise numbers of inhabitants, if you wish. I should check information out also about Valka-Valga.

Heinaste and Valga were majority Estonian in 1920. The Heinaste story is quite well known among Estonians, the Estonians made the majority but Latvians were the richest people in Heinaste. Thus, the Latvians paid most of the Estonians to vote for Latvia in the "democratic" elections when deciding if the town should belong to Estonia or Latvia. Eastern-European corruption and bribing people is in the basic mindset of Latvians...

In World War I Ainaži was heavily damaged. The port was ruined and the entire shipping fleet destroyed. In February 1919, the Estonian army drove the Germans from Ainaži and subsequently liberated it. After the war, Ainaži fell into Latvian territory, even though the majority of the population was Estonian, but Estonia's troops remained stationed there until 1920 and Estonia kept the northern section "Ikla".

Stop telling fairytales, please.

And about 16th, 17th, 18th centuries speaking - then part of Latvians lived together with Estonians in same administrative division, called Livonia. Then weren't any political border between them. Latvians and Estonians then lived under rule of German landlords. How do you expect Latvian "occupation" or "annexation" of Estonian territories, if Latvians weren't free people, lived under rule of foreign rulers, and couldn't do whatever they wanted? Ha? If Latvians moved northwards, and replaced Estonians, then most likely because of:
1) epidemics, which cleaned out whole territories, so if Estonians somewhere dissapeared, their places were simply repopulated by Latgalians, who were in those times one of most numerous Baltic tribes

Epidemics and war.

Am I really acting like extreme Latvian nationalist? Really?

Yeah, you're completely fucked up in the head and I rarely say extreme things like that.

I am simply a person, who has grown up in Latvia, and have learned Latvian customs, patriotism etc. from my own Latvian family, school etc. In many ways I am just Latvian.

There's no reason to point out the Siberian part of my ancestry. It will give you nothing.

I think that your Siberian ancestry is the reason why the term plus royal que le roi can be applied to you.

01-31-2011, 06:44 PM

Is Matuo, Evi from ABF?:confused:

... didn't even know she posted here.

01-31-2011, 06:54 PM
Thus, the Latvians paid most of the Estonians to vote for Latvia in the "democratic" elections when deciding if the town should belong to Estonia or Latvia. Eastern-European corruption and bribing people is in the basic mindset of Latvians...

LOL poor Estonians, couldn't not take the bribes or otherwise they would be shot in back of the head... In this case you can blame yourself. They had choice to CHOOSE THEMSELVES what to do or not to do, because when I checked last time, humans had brains.

Yeah, you're completely fucked up in the head

This 100% applies to you. I am sure, that ~5 or even more people on this forum can agree to this.

The Ripper
01-31-2011, 06:57 PM
Corruption is something very Latvian. For instance, democratic elections were held in Heinaste, if the town wants to belong to Estonia or Latvia. The town was majority Estonian, but the Latvian population which was on average, richer than the Estonian one. Bribed the Estonian population of Heinaste to vote for Latvia.

But who took the bribe? Surely not the incorruptable eestlased?

And I can't see anything extreme in Matuo. What makes her extreme?

Btw, Karl, your wikipedia quote regarding the population of Ainazi is useless, as it cites no source.

01-31-2011, 07:07 PM
You can't trust wikipedia anymore.

As a member of the European Union, Estonia's economy is rated as high income by the World Bank. Due to its rapid growth, the Estonian economy has often been described as the Baltic Tiger. Beginning 1 January 2011, Estonia adopted the euro and became the 17th eurozone member state.

According to Eurostat published at 15 November 2010, Estonia has the lowest ratio of government debt to GDP among EU counties as 7.2 percent at the end of 2009. The world media has lately started to describe Estonia as Nordic country, emphasizing on the economic, political and cultural differences between Estonia and it's less successful Baltic neighbors.

Does this not sound familiar?

01-31-2011, 07:22 PM
LOL poor Estonians, couldn't not take the bribes or otherwise they would be shot in back of the head... In this case you can blame yourself imo they had choice to CHOOSE THEMSELVES what to do, since I know people have brains.

If that's the case, then why Latvians start accusing Estonians when it comes to the island of Ruhnu/Runö? ;)

01-31-2011, 07:29 PM
According to book "Ainaži" (Valdis Margods-Renemanis, Riga, 2006), around year 1919 in Ainaži lived 1054 Latvians and 486 Estonians. In that year June took place voting, where inhabitants had to choose, to which country Ainaži would go to - Latvia or Estonia. Voting rights belonged only to land owners though, so in voting participated 118 Latvians and 67 Estonians. For Latvia voted 101 people, for Estonia 50, but 34 remained neutral. Officer of English navy Talent (Lielbritanijas flotes virsnieks Talents) after voting draw in the map borderline between Latvia and Estonia. Ainaži were left to Latvia. So until this day borderline has stayed unchanged.

Pöhjamaalane is liar. Or a person, who trust to unreliable information sources.

02-01-2011, 12:54 PM
According to book "Ainaži" (Valdis Margods-Renemanis, Riga, 2006), around year 1919 in Ainaži lived 1054 Latvians and 486 Estonians. In that year June took place voting, where inhabitants had to choose, to which country Ainaži would go to - Latvia or Estonia. Voting rights belonged only to land owners though, so in voting participated 118 Latvians and 67 Estonians. For Latvia voted 101 people, for Estonia 50, but 34 remained neutral. Officer of English navy Talent (Lielbritanijas flotes virsnieks Talents) after voting draw in the map borderline between Latvia and Estonia. Ainaži were left to Latvia. So until this day borderline has stayed unchanged.

It is a well known fact that Estonians were a majority in Heinaste, but the Latvian minority was richer. I have no idea where you are taking your numbers from.

Pöhjamaalane is liar. Or a person, who trust to unreliable information sources.

Yeah, only the history books I have read about the Estonian independence war.

02-01-2011, 12:59 PM
This 100% applies to you. I am sure, that ~5 or even more people on this forum can agree to this.

You are severely getting on my nerves, I advise you to stop doing that.

You can't trust wikipedia anymore.

Does this not sound familiar?

Actually, Wikipedia articles about countries and big articles in general are under surveillance for almost 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Also, the text written in there is true, as the sources are clearly stated. Try writing "Putin is a dictator" into the Wikipedia article about Russia and see how long it stays there. Wikipedia is under a bigger control than you think, I have contributed some random(like creating an article about a well-known Estonian vodka brand) things there on a few occasions.

The Ripper
02-01-2011, 01:05 PM
Actually, Wikipedia articles about countries and big articles in general are under surveillance for almost 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Also, the text written in there is true, as the sources are clearly stated. Try writing "Putin is a dictator" into the Wikipedia article about Russia and see how long it stays there. Wikipedia is under a bigger control than you think, I have contributed some random(like creating an article about a well-known Estonian vodka brand) things there on a few occasions.

Can you at least provide a source that states an Estonian majority?

02-01-2011, 01:37 PM
Can you at least provide a source that states an Estonian majority?

I have read it from several books, but I do not have any at hand right now. I remember the Valga situation the most. Valga was majority Estonian, but some important Latvian figures originated from Valga, thus Stephen George Tallents decided to split the town and give most of it to Estonia. He "compensated" for that by giving Latvia vast areas of mixed Estonian-Latvian rural areas, which were in most cases, more Estonian.

And the Heinaste story isn't as plain as it seems, as I have read that the richer Latvians also bribed the Estonians with alcohol and got them drunk. Then I recently(today while reading some texts in the internet) that some Estonians declared that they are Latvians, when they were "paid" with a cartfull of silakka. In 1930, Heinaste was 22% Estonian, but Estonians all over Latvia assimilated quite fast, as the Latvian policies against non-Latvians weren't quite good.

Anyway, for me, Manuto's post is extremely surprising. I usually do not make bold statements, but I think that those numbers are taken out of someone's arse, probably by the person who wrote that "book".

Why would the Latvians have had to "bribe" the Estonians, if they were clearly outnumbered more than 2 times by the Latvians? Because the situation was the opposite, Estonians were poorer than the Latvian inhabitants, but they made a majority. Why would someone bribe the clearly outnumbered minority?

More from the Valga situation, there were about 5600 Estonians there and around 3000 Latvians. In January 1920, the Latvian foreign minister, Zigfrid Meierovicsi, made a speech where he promised to drive out the Estonians from Valga with military force. Luckily, that didn't happen. It could have led to a military conflict which would have ended in the same way as the Latvian independence war. Latvians get "owned" by the Reds and the Germans, with the strongly outnumbered Estonian schoolboys liberating them.

Stephen George Tallents made decisions which favored Latvia in many cases, I think that was caused by his fear of a military conflict. Zigfrid's speech is a fine example, if a country's foreign minister is threatening to drive out the native inhabitants of a certain town with military force, then things are pretty bad.

The Ripper
02-01-2011, 01:53 PM
Its difficult for someone like myself, who is largely ignorant of the situation and circumstances, to judge objectively without sources. Perhaps you can point me in the direction of some literature? It would be interesting to get more acquainted with that period in the Baltic countries in general.

02-01-2011, 02:08 PM
And the Heinaste story isn't as plain as it seems, as I have read that the richer Latvians also bribed the Estonians with alcohol and got them drunk.


02-01-2011, 07:34 PM
It is a well known fact that Estonians were a majority in Heinaste, but the Latvian minority was richer. I have no idea where you are taking your numbers from.
I told you already - I took numbers from book, called "Ainaži" (Valdis Margods-Renemanis, Riga, 2006), finansed by Ainaži town council.

That book is very detailed. There is written history of nearly half of town's houses, what happened to families, which lived there etc. Of course, Estonians are mentioned also.

Haven't you in case mistaked Ainaži for Valka-Valga?

02-01-2011, 07:47 PM
Viņš tev tūlīt kaut ko uzdirsīs, ka tā grāmata ir viltojums un pilnīgi garām.
Man vislabāk patīk - latvieši piekukuļoja un piedzirdija igauņus, lai nobalso par Latviju.

02-01-2011, 08:33 PM
After reading this discussion I was left with the impression that you guys (Balts & Estonians) aren't too different to Croats, Serbs, Slovenes etc. :D

cheers ;)

02-02-2011, 01:36 PM
I told you already - I took numbers from book, called "Ainaži" (Valdis Margods-Renemanis, Riga, 2006), finansed by Ainaži town council.

That book is very detailed. There is written history of nearly half of town's houses, what happened to families, which lived there etc. Of course, Estonians are mentioned also.

Then that book is like the history books in Latvian schools.

Haven't you in case mistaked Ainaži for Valka-Valga?

Definitely not and why are you using the name "Valka"? The correct name of the town is Valga and there were practically no Latvians in the Valga area before the 16th century. Thus the name of the native inhabitants should be used.

Also "Ainaži" derives from Estonian(Heinaste) or Livonian(aaina or ainagi). As both populations have more right to that town than the Latvians.

After reading this discussion I was left with the impression that you guys (Balts & Estonians) aren't too different to Croats, Serbs, Slovenes etc. :D

cheers ;)

You are true about the Balts, indeed. You and the Baltic people definitely share some common Balto-Slavic traits.

The stoic and rational Estonian mentality might have been one of the reasons why Latvia gained so many Estonian territories during that minor border-dispute. As I mentioned before, the Latvian foreign minister threatened to drive out all Estonians from Valga with military force. This may make you think that the Balts are identical to Slavs or people from the Balkan area, but I have to point out that the Latvians have also had quite strong Finnic influences by assimilating the native Livonian/Northern-European population.

Luckily, probably because of Estonian rationality, there was no military conflict. If Estonians would have acted like militarist/expansionist Slavs/Balts, then there could have been a military conflict. But even before the Estonian independence war started, the goal was to create a democratic Republic of Estonia. Although we liberated the Latvian people and their country, we didn't use that advantage and in the end they got some Estonian areas. This shows that Western values can sometimes be inferior to Eastern values.

02-02-2011, 04:04 PM
As I mentioned before, the Latvian foreign minister threatened to drive out all Estonians from Valga with military force.

Too bad that he didn't do that.:(

So, following your logic Estonians are West-Europeans (and supernordics) and Latvians are East-Europeans. Neverthless that 1/2 of Latvian territories are more western than SUPERNORDIC ESTLAND Am i right?:loco:



02-02-2011, 04:24 PM
Too bad that he didn't do that.:(

And you Latvians try to claim that you are similar to us. With that attitude, you would feel more at home in the Balkan area, than here.

So, following your logic Estonians are West-Europeans (and supernordics) and Latvians are East-Europeans. Neverthless that 1/2 of Latvian territories are more western than SUPERNORDIC ESTLAND Am i right?:loco:




02-02-2011, 04:44 PM
And you Latvians try to claim that you are similar to us. With that attitude, you would feel more at home in the Balkan area, than here.

Nobody here wants to be like you, OK?! When u will get this?
U are nothing special, dude. Get over it. U are just as other nations, or maybe you want to feel special? If yes, then i recommend you to contact some special doctors...

Answer the question first and then start to offend me like 12 years old boy.

02-02-2011, 04:59 PM
Nobody here wants to be like you, OK?! When u will get this?
U are nothing special, dude. Get over it. U are just as other nations, or maybe you want to feel special? If yes, then i recommend you to contact some special doctors...

Then why is your location, "neighbor of Karl"? That's just creepy.

Answer the question first and then start to offend me like 12 years old boy.

Yes, Estonians are culturally more "Western" than the Latvians. One visible sign of this is the corruption index which is quite high in Latvia, when compared to Estonia. Why does this matter anyway?

02-02-2011, 05:19 PM
Then why is your location, "neighbor of Karl"? That's just creepy.
What's creepy in that. Aren't you my neighbor?
Yes, and by being your neighbor I am try to be similar to you? LOL
You are just pathetic.

Yes, Estonians are culturally more "Western" than the Latvians. One visible sign of this is the corruption index which is quite high in Latvia, when compared to Estonia. Why does this matter anyway?

Higher corruption index = East-European? :blink:

02-02-2011, 05:28 PM
What's creepy in that. Aren't you my neighbor?
Yes, and by being your neighbor I am try to be similar to you? LOL
You are just pathetic.

Well, there are Finns on this forum who live ~5 times closer to me than you do, but none of them say that their location is "neighbor of Karl".

Higher corruption index = East-European? :blink:

Yes, high corruption is a problem in Southern- and Eastern-European countries.

02-02-2011, 05:30 PM
Getting a 'good' score on a corruption index doesn't give any indication of Western-ness. That is an absolutely absurd notion.

Anyway, you should both be rejoicing, according to this (http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/surveys_indices/cpi/2010/results), Italy is more Eastern than both of you!

02-02-2011, 05:30 PM
Everyone knows North Europeans are incorruptible:D

Norway most corrupt Nordic country (http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article390020.ece)

02-02-2011, 05:32 PM
Well, there are Finns on this forum who live ~5 times closer to me than you do, but none of them say that their location is "neighbor of Karl".
So this means, that I am not allowed to position you as neighbor which you actually are?

Yes, high corruption is a problem in Southern- and Eastern-European countries.

Every region of Europe has some problems.
You still didn't answered to my question - Corruption=East-Europe?

02-02-2011, 05:37 PM
Everyone knows North Europeans are incorruptible:D

Norway most corrupt Nordic country (http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article390020.ece)

Norway the most corrupt Nordic country? But Estonia is much lower than you lot on that list. We should contact the writer of that article and inform him of his mistake. :thumb001:

02-02-2011, 05:40 PM
Getting a 'good' score on a corruption index doesn't give any indication of Western-ness. That is an absolutely absurd notion.

Indeed, in reality it's the high score on corruption index which gives an indication of Easterness or Southerness.

Anyway, you should both be rejoicing, according to this (http://www.transparency.org/policy_research/surveys_indices/cpi/2010/results), Italy is more Eastern than both of you!

Latvia is visibly more corrupt(just like every other Eastern-European country) that Estonia, I do not know why.

Unsurprisingly, Estonia is the least corrupt country in the entire ex-Communist area. Even countries like Portugal and Spain are more corrupt but as I said before, high corruption is mostly common among Eastern- and Southern-Europeans.

02-02-2011, 05:43 PM
So this means, that I am not allowed to position you as neighbor which you actually are?

You're not my neighbour, I have 14 of them and you're not one of them.

Every region of Europe has some problems.
You still didn't answered to my question - Corruption=East-Europe?

The answer yes.

Norway the most corrupt Nordic country? But Estonia is much lower than you lot on that list. We should contact the writer of that article and inform him of his mistake. :thumb001:

Estonia isn't a Nordic country, only 20 years has passed when Estonia managed to free itself from Soviet occupation.

Comparison: Finland was still a Baltic country in 1939, 22 years after gaining independence.

02-02-2011, 06:54 PM
Then that book is like the history books in Latvian schools.
Oh, I just waited that you will say that. In creation of book "Ainaži" participated Marjo Mela from Helsinki University, by the way.

Now, tell me that she was bribed and got drunk by Latvians :D

Definitely not and why are you using the name "Valka"? The correct name of the town is Valga and there were practically no Latvians in the Valga area before the 16th century. Thus the name of the native inhabitants should be used.
How do you know that "Valga" is more correct that "Valka"? Any sources?

By the way, "Valka" sounds more Finno-Ugrian to me, more than "Valga". Because sounding consonants aren't most typical trait for Finno-Ugric languages.

Also "Ainaži" derives from Estonian(Heinaste) or Livonian(aaina or ainagi). As both populations have more right to that town than the Latvians.
"Ainaži" derives from Livonian word "ainagi". The sound shift is most logic in this version.

And by the way, did you know, that many placenames in Western Vidzeme and Northern Kurland (at coastal area, where lived Livonians) have ending -ži? Some of them are even very near town Riga. This kind of ending indicates Livonian origins of placenames.


P.S. I didn't answer to the rest of your crap.

02-03-2011, 08:41 AM
Viņš tev tūlīt kaut ko uzdirsīs, ka tā grāmata ir viltojums un pilnīgi garām.
Man vislabāk patīk - latvieši piekukuļoja un piedzirdija igauņus, lai nobalso par Latviju.
Man patiik tas, ka, peec Karlja vaardiem, igaunji redz, ir nekorumpeeti un tik nepiekukuljojami, taapeec vinji ir tik nordiski. Bet tai pashaa laikaa Karls apgalvo, ka Ainazhi un Valka tika Latvijai tappeec, ka igaunji pienjeema kukuljus no latvieshiem. Te nordiskie un nepiekukuljojamie igaunji peekshnji palika par kukuljojamiem un korumpeetiem. Ah-hahahaha! Kur te logjika?! Kaarlis pats saputrojaas savos vaardos! :laugh: :loco:

Veel man patiik, ka Kaarlis sauc krievus par zemcilveekiem. Un tad veel raksta, ka latvieshi runaa baltu-slaavu valodaa, taadaa veidaa uzsverot latvieshu radnieciibu ar krieviem. Un taadaa veidaa netieshi uzsverot, ka latvieshi arii ir zemcilveeki. :crazy:

Karoche, nav ko njemt veeraa to zemcilveeku Karlu. :thumb001: