View Full Version : Pics of Ashkenazi Jews + DNA results

10-03-2017, 12:02 AM
I will post here photos of people whose DNA results actually confirm their Jewishness:





10-03-2017, 12:05 AM
^^^ That is Jewishness confirmed by DNA!


10-03-2017, 12:06 AM
Feel free to post more Ashkenazi, but only with DNA results confirming 100% Jewish ancestry.

For example a lot of Jewish-Americans today are mixed, and not 100% Jewish anymore.

10-03-2017, 06:26 PM
Feel free to post more Ashkenazi, but only with DNA results confirming 100% Jewish ancestry.
For example a lot of Jewish-Americans today are mixed, and not 100% Jewish anymore.

This percentages are based on referent data of peoples that are self proclaimed Jews and have at least some
generations back and not on 100% pure Jew that theoretically do not exist

When in their history they was 100% non mixed Jews:
Egyptian Med type
Yemeny Med type
Med type similar to Pamir-Phergana
South Asiatic Mongoloid+Med type that wipes out North Africa Cro Magnons
Orientalid type
Arabid type
Asiatic Alpin
Long Faced Armenoid
Reduced Ibero-Caucasoids
Taurid -south Armenoid-Dinarid transitional type{North Caucasus transition is Mtebit}
Basic Med
Small Med
and go on ...

10-03-2017, 09:32 PM
You can definitely see the middle eastern features... especially in the face, but you can still see the European admixture because typical levantines and arabs look different.
It's funny that some Ashkenazi looks completely European and some look mostly Middle eastern. I guess It's a function of how much your family have mixed with neighbors europeans.
I mean I guess I look mixed too, because my genetics shows that I'm heavily mixed (prominently Southern European with admixture of Middle eastern and North African Berber) but I think I still look less mixed that these people(people tell me that I just look like typical southern European(I have heard Bulgarian/Croatian/Greek/Spanish/Italian) but I still think I have some other features...
Jews are just mixture of their original middle eastern and the populations they lived with and phenotype doesn't alway sync with genotype.

10-03-2017, 09:39 PM
Both of the people above fit just fine in Sicily.