View Full Version : "Does China Face a ‘Peak Coal’ Threat?"

12-24-2010, 04:26 AM
"Steam billowing from a coal-burning plant in Beijing." Image: Reuters

China’s ravenous appetite for energy puts the country at risk of reaching a point of “peak coal,” when demand for coal will outstrip domestic production capacity, a growing number of experts believe.

Full story (http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/14/does-china-face-a-peak-coal-threat/?hp)

12-24-2010, 11:51 AM
Well, we know that the Plutocrats bought ressources up with their "thin air dollars", especially recently the amounts grow exponentially, as if they want to invest as long as their money is good. Just recently the Rothschilds made an attempt to control the coal production. Articles like this might be related to an attempt to start a speculative bubble, making profits and letting the Chinese bleed.

a growing number of experts believe.

Everytime I read that, I got a bad feeling in my stomach, especially if such "news" might be "interest related".

More about that trial of the Plutocracy - the race for the world coal reserves:

Rothschild Plays Strongest Suit With Coal Mining Deal

“There’s no global coal company today,” Rothschild, 39, says in an interview. “There’s not a Barrick Gold in coal. That’s where the opportunity is.”


12-24-2010, 04:24 PM
Do they? Inevitable, I'd say. They're building coal-fired plants faster than any funny analogy I can come up with.

Do WE find an alternative before they hit that particular wall?


"If you have energy, you can have anything else. If you don't have energy, you have nothing."

Green River
12-24-2010, 07:17 PM
Maybe, the Chinese should build more nuclear power plants, build more tidal power hydroelectric facilities, and use more of the photovoltaics that they produce for the world market.

If these guys can't learn to diversify, then they will fall back into their previous role as an Asian cesspool. A cesspool with a glorious past! :rolleyes: