View Full Version : Is Mortimer proud to be Roma or not?

10-09-2017, 01:32 AM
I doubt that you are really proud to be Roma considering your posts.
You look 100%.

They say Im not proud to be Roma.

Heather Duval
10-09-2017, 01:44 AM
You made a lot of posts "do i look italian"
So, honestly, you prob hate to be a gypsy

10-09-2017, 01:48 AM
You made a lot of posts "do i look italian"
So, honestly, you prob hate to be a gypsy

why im in all facebook groups of roma and why i always defend roma etc. you need to look at my content i made those passing threads for fun. i didnt asked only about italian and i never say in real life im italian. i never said im italian. i also asked if i pass as russian, austrian or norwegian. im not one of those guys who pass themselfes off as italians to people who dont know much. i never cared for italians specifically.

Heather Duval
10-09-2017, 01:52 AM
why im in all facebook groups of roma and why i always defend roma etc. you need to look at my content i made those passing threads for fun. i didnt asked only about italian and i never say in real life im italian. i never said im italian. i also asked if i pass as russian, austrian or norwegian. im not one of those guys who pass themselfes off as italians to people who dont know much. i never cared for italians specifically.

if u think so then dont ask people about yourself
this thread title makes no sense
this is something to share wuth your ownself, about being confident....

10-09-2017, 01:57 AM
I don't think you are proud of who you are. I'm on this forum for a year and I have seen you creating thousands of threads about your pigmentation and where you would pass. The latter can be said to be for fun, but no one create thousands of threads about his pigmentation or asking if he is darker than someone else (like you did with the Austrian girl). If you were ok with these things you would not care.

My advice to you is to get over with it and try to improve your physique and knowledge. No one care about this anthrotard shit in real life, you're not that old, you have a life to live man. Who cares if you're darker or lighter than someone else?

Just go live. When you start to going more outside all this shit will be irrelevant to you. I know other people have given the same advices to you before and it doesn't worked, but it's never enough to get rid of good advices.

Heather Duval
10-09-2017, 02:04 AM
I don't think you are proud of who you are. I'm on this forum for a year and I have seen you creating thousands of threads about your pigmentation and where you would pass. The latter can be said to be for fun, but no one create thousands of threads about his pigmentation or asking if he is darker than someone else (like you did with the Austrian girl). If you were ok with these things you would not care.

My advice to you is to get over with it and try to improve your physique and knowledge. No one care about this anthrotard shit in real life, you're not that old, you have a life to live man. Who cares if you're darker or lighter than someone else?

Just go live. When you start to going more outside all this shit will be irrelevant to you. I know other people have given the same advices to you before and it doesn't worked, but it's never enough to get rid of good advices.

I actually think Americans do care about ethnicity irl, but Brazilians of course arent mental ill. We dont have black neigborhoords, whites abd shits like that.

10-09-2017, 02:06 AM
I don't think you are proud of who you are. I'm on this forum for a year and I have seen you creating thousands of threads about your pigmentation and where you would pass. The latter can be said to be for fun, but no one create thousands of threads about his pigmentation or asking if he is darker than someone else (like you did with the Austrian girl). If you were ok with these things you would not care.

My advice to you is to get over with it and try to improve your physique and knowledge. No one care about this anthrotard shit in real life, you're not that old, you have a life to live man. Who cares if you're darker or lighter than someone else?

Just go live. When you start to going more outside all this shit will be irrelevant to you. I know other people have given the same advices to you before and it doesn't worked, but it's never enough to get rid of good advices.

maybe i am obsessed with myself. i also post lots of pictures. but i think this is different then wanting to be white. some people dont ask about themselfes at all but want to be white, and write content for example racist things against non-whites etc.

10-09-2017, 02:19 AM
maybe i am obsessed with myself. i also post lots of pictures. but i think this is different then wanting to be white. some people dont ask about themselfes at all but want to be white, and write content for example racist things against non-whites etc.

Maybe it's also not good to be obsessed with yourself , specially if you didn't have achieved too much yet and still have time to do. If I was you, I would focus on what I still can do instead of constantly creating classification threads around the internet.

I'm not saying this too attack you, really. I think self-hating and insatisfaction are some of the worst feelings someone can have.

Being very honest: your biggest problem is not the fact you're a gypsy or non-European. Is the fact you're fat as fuck. Once you got thinner as you were as young man, most of your problems will end.

10-09-2017, 02:24 AM
Maybe it's also not good to be obsessed with yourself , specially if you didn't have achieved too much yet and still have time to do. If I was you, I would focus on what I still can do instead of constantly creating classification threads around the internet.

I'm not saying this too attack you, really. I think self-hating and insatisfaction are some of the worst feelings someone can have.

Being very honest: your biggest problem is not the fact you're a gypsy or non-European. Is the fact you're fat as fuck. Once you got thinner as you were as young man, most of your problems will end.

im not obsessed with myself in the sense that i think im much better then anyone else. also i dont hate myself. i think its unfair that you say this. you dont know me. you have only this impression from my threads. i see things very differently then others maybe.

10-09-2017, 02:31 AM
maybe i am obsessed with myself. i also post lots of pictures. but i think this is different then wanting to be white. some people dont ask about themselfes at all but want to be white, and write content for example racist things against non-whites etc.

I don't think you are self-loathing or dislike to be gypsy, from my perspective it's not the situation. I think you fear the discrimination you will encounter for the fact you are gypsy.

10-09-2017, 03:26 AM
I don't think so, but you should be the one who knows for sure.

10-09-2017, 03:54 AM
They say Im not proud to be Roma.

Yeah you are. You tell everyone you meet you are Roma. It is probably the first thing out of that mouth. " Hey, bro I am Roma let's be friends." You can see it to by the below quote where you discuss your obessesion of who you are.

maybe i am obsessed with myself. i also post lots of pictures. but i think this is different then wanting to be white. some people dont ask about themselfes at all but want to be white, and write content for example racist things against non-whites etc.

10-09-2017, 04:37 AM
Is Mortimer proud to be Roma?

Now we are to decide that for you as well...

10-09-2017, 04:39 AM
Mortimer is more proud and self-actualized about his identity than 95% of the members of this site to be quite honest.

10-09-2017, 04:44 AM
I can't say what's in your heart, meng. For what it's worth, I have in the past taken notice to you talking up your Roma ancestry, so I always assumed you were fairly proud of it.

I dunno, man, why even make this post? Who knows your heart and your mind better, people you only know on the internet or yourself?

Heather Duval
10-09-2017, 01:26 PM
Now we are to decide that for you as well...

thats what i thought

10-09-2017, 01:44 PM
i suspect you re in the situation you re in , because you dislike not looking like other austrians . it isnt that you dislike being roma is that in real life you re or have been paranoid about antiroma sentiment and racism in general.
you said you managed to get a girlfriend years ago when you were younger , what stopped you from pursuing that relationship? what stopped you from seeking others? what stopped you from getting a nice job?
in my opinion insecurity made you handicaped in life , it led you to depression and depression led you to obesity.

10-09-2017, 02:20 PM
This might be a silly question, but why would you be proud of being a gypsy?

Heather Duval
10-09-2017, 02:26 PM
This might be a silly question, but why would you be proud of being a gypsy?

because theyre a minority

10-09-2017, 02:26 PM
This might be a silly question, but why would you be proud of being a gypsy?

Because i stand up for who iam and i love my culture

10-09-2017, 02:29 PM
i suspect you re in the situation you re in , because you dislike not looking like other austrians . it isnt that you dislike being roma is that in real life you re or have been paranoid about antiroma sentiment and racism in general.
you said you managed to get a girlfriend years ago when you were younger , what stopped you from pursuing that relationship? what stopped you from seeking others? what stopped you from getting a nice job?
in my opinion insecurity made you handicaped in life , it led you to depression and depression led you to obesity.

She cheated n me after one week and afterwards she had sex with my friends we just kissed didnt had sex i left the group because i was angry she was now part of the group and she had sex with them. It was a week only and we kissed a few times. That was my only girlfriend ever.

10-09-2017, 02:32 PM
Tbh I think all your roma talking is you trying to cope with the fact that you are roma, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are proud of it.

10-12-2017, 11:16 AM
They say Im not proud to be Roma.

If you had the option to switch your Roma ancestry with any other European ethnic group then I think you would do it.

07-31-2019, 11:09 AM
No because he is constantly posting about it. Identity issues cuz he mixed but I suggest he becomes full Roma and finds a Roma community in Austria to join because he is more Roma than anything else. Not Americccun or Serbian