View Full Version : Why is Michio Kaku endorsing religious mysticism?

10-12-2017, 08:15 PM
I don't get it. Michio Kaku is a world-renowned physicist, and respected by many. Now he talks approvingly about the Kabbalah, which is religious (Jewish) mysticism. I am shocked. Is it becoming for a scientist of his stature to basically endorse religiosity, something for which there is not a shred of scientific evidence? Can any smart person/s try to explain this to me? I really want to understand. Is there something undeniably true about the Kabbalah? (I must admit I know nothing about it, but I will try to find out now.. which kinda makes me wonder if they paid him handsomely for that endorsement... ).


10-12-2017, 08:17 PM
Cause he is paid to.

10-12-2017, 08:18 PM
Cause he is paid to.

If that turns out to be the case, it would be disgraceful. A scandal. People look up to him.

Wilhelm O.
10-12-2017, 08:28 PM
Warning: It's been a long time since I last read any of this stuff, I may be babbling. Read at your own risk.

Hermetism, which is based on Corpus Hermeticum and the Kabbalah (EDIT:THE KYBALION, NOT THE KABBALAH, fuck I don goofed) had knowledge of a lot of stuff that's now scientifically proven way before it was possible to know it. One of it's fundamental principles is the principle of vibration, i.e. all things are at constant movement and constantly vibrate, just at different degrees. There are also mentions of "other worlds", which I remember somewhat reminded me of higher dimensions and the quantum theory , although I do admit I learnt about the later from Michio Kaku's books, so take that with a grain of salt. I can't watch the video right now, but hermetic occultism is/was mostly Egyptian in origin, not kosher, it just spread through all continents and was considered to be the stepping stone of Christianity and nearly all other religions.

EDIT: My conclusion: It isn't surprisng he would subscribe to some form of the occult/mysticism. But if he's paid then all other stuff he preaches becomes kind of suspicious.

EDIT: Also a lot of hermetic stuff is pred. early New Age from the medival/romantic/victorian era. Hermes T-something was the one who started it all and was elevated by the Egyptians to a god of thier pantheon under the name of Thoth, I think.

EDIT: Also "was considered" is an important part, Corpus Hermeticum was misjudged by the historians of the medival era and really was written post-New testament, in the +/- III century AD

Herr Abubu
10-12-2017, 08:40 PM
Science was from day one tied in to occultism. Every single one of the big theories of science has some relation to occult and philosophical ideas. Scientists have always had a warm relationship with various forms of occultism and mysticism. As a historical phenomenon it grew in environments suffused in occultism and esotericism. Great men of science—Francis Bacon, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton—all were obsessed with mysticisms of one sort or another.

10-12-2017, 11:43 PM
Science was from day one tied in to occultism. Every single one of the big theories of science has some relation to occult and philosophical ideas. Scientists have always had a warm relationship with various forms of occultism and mysticism. As a historical phenomenon it grew in environments suffused in occultism and esotericism. Great men of science—Francis Bacon, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton—all were obsessed with mysticisms of one sort or another.

But what does this all mean, then? That we should all start going to church again, and burn our science books, or what? :confused:

Jacques de Imbelloni
10-12-2017, 11:54 PM

Wilhelm O.
10-13-2017, 12:00 AM

Occult and mysticism are not a good goy's domain, and it definetly isn't ever going to be useful for manipulation, that's what exoteric religions are for.

Colonel Frank Grimes
10-13-2017, 12:08 AM
But what does this all mean, then? That we should all start going to church again, and burn our science books, or what? :confused:

It means other physicists were right about this man. He's never been highly regarded in his field. People think he is respected because he's on different shows and publishes popular non-fiction books but his name doesn't carry weight.

10-13-2017, 12:11 AM
It means other physicists were right about this man. He's never been highly regarded in his field. People think he is respected because he's on different shows and publishes popular non-fiction books but his name doesn't carry weight.

Sounds like a reasonable conclusion, the most reasonable I've seen so far. :thumb001:

10-13-2017, 12:13 AM

10-13-2017, 12:26 AM
It means other physicists were right about this man. He's never been highly regarded in his field. People think he is respected because he's on different shows and publishes popular non-fiction books but his name doesn't carry weight.

Exactly, I was going to say something similar but you beat me to it. Serious philosophers and most serious scientists do not publish materials that the layman can understand, in our modern world, but Michio Kaku publishes mostly popular science books for the layman. Also, he is a professor at a CUNY university which is not even close to Ivy league or MIT. Michio Kaku is no Steven Hawking or Steven Weinberg etc... Although, I must say Stephen Hawking published a few popular science books for the layman but he is an exception to the rule.

Michio Kaku is nothing special and he certainly is not a genius like Newton , Einstein and Hawking.

10-13-2017, 12:35 AM
Sounds like a reasonable conclusion, the most reasonable I've seen so far. :thumb001:


10-13-2017, 01:24 AM
Exactly, I was going to say something similar but you beat me to it. Serious philosophers and most serious scientists do not publish materials that the layman can understand, in our modern world, but Michio Kaku publishes mostly popular science books for the layman. Also, he is a professor at a CUNY university which is not even close to Ivy league or MIT. Michio Kaku is no Steven Hawking or Steven Weinberg etc... Although, I must say Stephen Hawking published a few popular science books for the layman but he is an exception to the rule.

Michio Kaku is nothing special and he certainly is not a genius like Newton , Einstein and Hawking.

Michio kaku alone came up with the idea of strnig theory, and also, is the ability of a super genius to make most complex things easily understandable to layman.
Did he get paid by jews? Maybe, why not? Maybe we need the jews to run shit, kaku knows this.

10-13-2017, 01:33 AM
Michio kaku alone came up with the idea of strnig theory, and also, is the ability of a super genius to make most complex things easily understandable to layman.
Did he get paid by jews? Maybe, why not? Maybe we need the jews to run shit, kaku knows this.

No, string theory is not even a scientific theory. String Theory does not make predictions that are empirically testable. Theoretical physicists make up theories then experimental physicists empirically prove them or disprove them.

Here is an article which explains why string theory is not even a scientific theory :


Also, it does not take a super genius to explain modern science to the masses. The reason why modern scientists and modern philosophers use specialized math and nomenclature that are inpenetrable to the layman is not because they are trying to make things complex but because it speeds up communication within the scientific and philosophical fields of endeavor. If they had to publish their groundbreaking work in words the layman could understand it would slow down science and philosophy considerably. Michio Kaku publishes more for the layman then he does groundbeaking work with his fellow peers because he cannot compete with his fellow peers at the most elite level.

Maybe we need the jews to run shit, kaku knows this.

No, Michio Kaku knows Jews are responsible for multi-culturalism and that is in his ethnic interests since he is half Japanese and would not exist in America if not for multi-culturalism most likely. This kind of subjective ethnic interest interfering with science is not the work of an objective scientific genius.

10-13-2017, 01:47 AM
Michio kaku alone came up with the idea of strnig theory, and also, is the ability of a super genius to make most complex things easily understandable to layman.
Did he get paid by jews? Maybe, why not? Maybe we need the jews to run shit, kaku knows this.

What the hell are you talking about ? Just because Michio Kaku wrote the book Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension (which I read) in the 1990s does not mean he came up with the idea of string theory. The book Hyperspace is a book about string theory for the layman.

Here is the history of string theory and it does not even mention Michio Kaku once :


10-13-2017, 02:33 AM
What the hell are you talking about ? Just because Michio Kaku wrote the book Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension (which I read) in the 1990s does not mean he came up with the idea of string theory. The book Hyperspace is a book about string theory for the layman.

Here is the history of string theory and it does not even mention Michio Kaku once :

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_string_theoryYou only hating on michio cuz he is not white. Not cool.

10-13-2017, 02:51 AM
You only hating on michio cuz he is not white. Not cool.

That is a bullshit ad hominem attack. I don't hate on Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman and Steven Weinberg for being Jewish. Richard Feynman was professor at Cornell University and Steven Weinberg was a lecturer at Harvard and a professor at MIT. Michio Kaku is a professor at a CUNY college. CUNY and SUNY colleges are low tier state colleges. If Michio Kaku was such 'hot shit' as you seem to think he is he would be a professor at an Ivy league school or MIT etc...

10-13-2017, 03:59 AM
Cause George Noory ain't inviting him on his radio show lately...Gotta think outside the box to stay famous.

10-13-2017, 05:24 AM
Did he get paid by jews? Maybe, why not? Maybe we need the jews to run shit, kaku knows this.

It's not cool and moral for a socially respected "teacher" to lobby for personal interests, but presented as true science, regardless of who paid him.

10-13-2017, 05:26 AM
Maybe we need the jews to run shit, kaku knows this.

I understand it's the easy way out for you Americans, you are in it too deep already to turn away now. They've got you by the balls.

(it's you who brought up the subject... )

10-13-2017, 10:29 AM
I understand it's the easy way out for you Americans, you are in it too deep already to turn away now. They've got you by the balls.

(it's you who brought up the subject... )
Jews are our masters, why be in denial at this point?! I see no point in denyin it.

Herr Abubu
10-14-2017, 07:42 PM
But what does this all mean, then? That we should all start going to church again, and burn our science books, or what? :confused:

Michio Kaku here shows that he's familiar enough with occult ideas to use it in his work and it's a consistent pattern you see within science. Newton was absolutely obsessed with hermeticism and alchemy. Francis Bacon wrote the Gnostic work of the New Atlantis. Charles Darwin read John Milton's Gnostic-Luciferian tale of Paradise Lost incessantly.

Scientific England in general has been a hub of occultism, alongside the North Italian city states and the Netherlands in particular. Occultism is inimical to modernity and a great part of understanding the world we live in today is understanding the occultism of modernity.

Scientific theories are rarely if ever anything new and hide their philosophical origins, whether true or not, behind a veneer of what we think of as science but is something that really only mystifies it for us outsiders. You should be skeptical of 'science' and scientists, especially if there's no apparent, extensive practical application of what they do.

This doesn't mean occultism is the true path but realize none of the big philosophical questions will ever be solved by science because it is only a tool for understanding the natural world—the big questions are metaphysical and of the world-beyond-this-world.

That's a very, very truncated version of it anyway.

12-22-2017, 10:32 PM
I guess Michio Kaku got a pantheistic touch in his world view, so he is kinda open for religious interpretations as well. Kabbalah, just like Christian mysticism swims in deep waters, just like many cosmologists do.
Father of the Big Bang theory was a Catholic priest (Georges Lemaître) and there is no Christianity without Judaism (old testament). It can be actually Islamic thing as well (Kalam cosmological argument).

But yeah, anyway Kabbalah is not that "basic Judaism".

12-03-2020, 01:41 AM
I don't get it. Michio Kaku is a world-renowned physicist, and respected by many. Now he talks approvingly about the Kabbalah, which is religious (Jewish) mysticism. I am shocked. Is it becoming for a scientist of his stature to basically endorse religiosity, something for which there is not a shred of scientific evidence? Can any smart person/s try to explain this to me? I really want to understand. Is there something undeniably true about the Kabbalah? (I must admit I know nothing about it, but I will try to find out now.. which kinda makes me wonder if they paid him handsomely for that endorsement... ).


Loki how do you see this now after you have found Jesus?

12-13-2020, 03:39 AM
Agreed. He should stay off the subject. Maybe he is getting PAID like many others

11-17-2021, 11:48 AM
Metaphysics has a doctrine about how history repeats itself:

"What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."

But progressivism has a kind of denial for denial`s sake attitude which is tended to negate anything on the very basis that it is older, and it has become a fake moral code to follow the slogan of progressvisim itself:

“So diffuse and pervasive is the progressive outlook,” wrote the critic George Scialabba in 1991, “that merely to articulate it is an achievement.”

But it’s also a chronicle of the Straussian reckoning with progressivism: a cadre of scholars, governed by the conviction that “moral-political understandings” can transcend “time and place,” who accorded progressivism’s architects the dignity of taking them at their word, rather than reflexively discounting this as a product of self-interested historical actors’ “false consciousness.” It’s a reminder of one of progressivism’s blind spots—in English soccer parlance, its inclination to play the man, not the ball.

Isnt it very portrayal of our progressivist scientific community? They are mostly self-interested and do not want to recognize it, and do not take them wrong that they are oblivious enough to forget that they are acting, however they might pay their life for the role. Still someone will get paid for the actings. Science is the alter-ego of progressivism, they go togather, as the metaphysics tells you there is no new things in the world, science and progressivism will tell you things are getting better if you dare to smash the old. The stark comparison of historiological narratives implies a foundamental historiological discrepancy hidden inside our conceptions of the world. They play as our rationales in thinking and judgements, as the foundations for forming our values. Progressivism will enhance the popular evaluation of science while depreciating dated ideas, heritages, traditions, almost everything can be subjected to denial in the names of science and antiquatedness.

However, if we have scientists who are willing to assess their own knowledges and own ethical well-beings, they will not immediately reject metaphysics. What is more biased in favor of progressivism today is that we have powerful ruling communist regimes who adopt progressivism among all their enforcements, not to mention in secret whether the leaders are really adhering to their propagandized doctrines. However, we do not have radical anti-progressivist regimes in power anywhere in the world who enforce their propagandas like the communists do. By force, progressivism does not play fair, if they do not admit to their autocratic nature and disown their hypocrisy of proclaiming universal liberation of mankind. At least, why “that merely to articulate it is an achievement" situation happens? because it just seems pragmatical to admit to progressivism in the face of the existence of ruling communist regimes that are functioning as a part of the global capitalist and supranational-corporate order which is contending to supplant the traditional governments. Now this is happening. Communist regimes and multinational corporates go hands in hands like progressivism and science do.

Michio Kaku is a japanese, and Japan has national religion of Shinto, which is a complex pantheistic religion, of course, this religion represents Japan and his cultural background, and does not stop him from becoming a successful scientist. There is no moral obligation in most japanese people to endorse progressivism at the cost of their national backgrounds so far.

11-17-2021, 12:11 PM

Terence Tao ( math Fields medal ) is considered the most intelligent man on earth.. Terence Tao believes in "god" ..He is not religious but he thinks that everything that exists was created by a higher sentient being

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQf12WP8agBknxcPEPUaqcT1VNgveAFZ S9juw&usqp=CAU

Say that... being intelligent or great scientist does not mean that one cannot believe in transcendence.

11-17-2021, 12:16 PM

Terence Tao ( math Fields medal ) is considered the most intelligent man on earth.. Terence Tao believes in "god" ..He is not religious but he thinks that everything that exists was created by a higher sentient being

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQf12WP8agBknxcPEPUaqcT1VNgveAFZ S9juw&usqp=CAU

Say that... being intelligent or great scientist does not mean that one cannot believe in transcendence.

1.)Terrence Tao is not one of the best mathematicians of all time that would be Karl Friedrich Gauss etc... Terrence is overhyped.

2.) Math is not a science. Science can become outdated and possibly replaced by another method but mathematics is more permanent. If you want truth that does not change tomorrow you look for it in pure mathematics not science. Mathematicians see math as 'high art' not a science.

11-17-2021, 12:17 PM
My assessment of mysticism:

It is unhealthy, period. Although it has some historical foundations, people still need to be wary about its dissemination into popular culture. Our continuous philosophical discussion is meant to serve to demystify our historical heritages and transform them into reasonable ideas. If you notice how communists instigate the tension and conflicts, you will see them adopt underground tactics and secrecies hieredictary to mysticism. Is science the antidote for mysticism? no, the only antidote for mysticism is the historical justices done over time. But this is no progressivism, because progressivism can not achieve this outcome, however, they do expose social problems onto the surface, awaiting to be resolved through undefinable universal processes. Only thing could be positive to progressivism is this: they expose our social weakness. My view is basically this, our justices are done by supra-human powers, but I do not gather them into an idolization of a single God, our will has no singular role in forming this justice, this is what I call the "Universal Processes.": Something just clean up the mess for us. We do not need to over-mystify these processes, rather, we should just continue to pursue our development of philosophy and reason. Maybe our religions are a mystification and adoration of the universal processes, but we can see, there is also a process of developing from mystification to rationalism, from adoration to universal knowledges. Mystification will tend to deify our self, but my version of reason is that we can just keep being a human, not evolving nor devolving. Although there is an infinite possibility of ourself deforming our own living and mental conditions. That is, all human deformations are by the will of ourself, there is no evolution, or maintaining the status quo is the best evolution, anything caused by human will is by nature deformation; humanity is a dead bottomline, we can not break this barrier by ourself. The best human reason is therefore to maintain our status quo against the instability inside our mental universe.

Demystification of history and mysticism is a long process, a continuing revolution in all details, it is also a process of human reason in development and becoming to itself.

11-17-2021, 12:38 PM
1.)Terrence Tao is not one of the best mathematicians of all time that would be Karl Friedrich Gauss etc... Terrence is overhyped.

No! .. the best mathematician of all time is ARCHIMEDE from Italian Sicily like Frank Sinatra..

No doubt..

This is Fields medal..the elite of the world best mathematicians chose Archimedes.... no Gauss and no Newton..


Gauss was great but he stood on the shoulders of 100 mathematicians..

Archimede was alone...( and we lost 50% of his books )

2.) Math is not a science. Science can become outdated and possibly replaced by another method but mathematics is more permanent. If you want truth that does not change tomorrow you look for it in pure mathematics not science. Mathematicians see math as 'high art' not a science.

Math is logic and also metaphysic derives from logic...

11-17-2021, 12:55 PM
No! .. the best mathematician of all time is ARCHIMEDE from Italian Sicily like Frank Sinatra..

No doubt..

This is Fields medal..the elite of the world best mathematicians chose Archimedes.... no Gauss and no Newton..


Gauss was great but he stood on the shoulders of 100 mathematicians..

Archimede was alone...( and we lost 50% of his books )

Math is logic and also metaphysic derives from logic...

I'm not going down this rabbit hole with you because this thread is about Michio Kaku, not Tao or Archimedes or Gauss, Michio Kaku is not a genius but a second rate mind :

It is melancholy experience for a professional mathematician to find himself writing about mathematics. The function of a mathematician is to do something, to prove new theorems, to add to mathematics, and not to talk about what he or other mathematicians have done ... there is no scorn more profound, or on the whole more justifiable, than of them of men who make for men who explain. Exposition, criticism, appreciation, is work for second rate minds.

--A Mathematician's Apology G.H. Hardy

^Michio Kaku wrote popular expository works for the layman therefore due to his exposition he is de facto not a genius worth listening to -- case closed. Teutorigos and Colonol Frank Grimes are right.

Also, metaphysics is philosophy not science or math.

11-18-2021, 06:12 AM
