View Full Version : Swedish researcher claims Viking burial clothes bear the name “Allah” in Arabic

10-13-2017, 10:54 AM
How far will the academic Islamopandering go? Apparently there is no limit, no matter how ridiculous it gets. This latest outbreak is receiving adoring international publicity, and has been uncritically accepted, such that immediately the Vikings have all become Muslim, and all their exploits are to be attributed to Islam.

The big story here is that the name “Allah” in Kufic Arabic script has been found on tenth-century Viking burial clothes. Here is what is on the garment:


And here is “Allah” in square Kufic script:


Here is another square Kufic “Allah,” with the terminal ha rendered more like the Viking burial image:


So that’s that, right? As Jihad Watch reader David puts it, “So the Islamisation of Scandinavia is a natural, laudable, and above all inevitable process: the Nordic peoples are ‘coming home’ to their ancestral belief in the one, the only True Religion.”

Maybe, but not so fast. In the first place, the square Kufic “Allah” is essentially some straight lines and a square. The Viking burial clothes could have happened upon a similar design by sheer happenstance; the word is not intricate or unusual enough to rule that out. Also, here is the whole image published in the Daily Mail:


Note the swastika at the top of the image (interestingly enough, the BBC cut the swastika out of the image in their story on this). A foreshadowing of the Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazi/Islamic collaboration of World War II? No. The swastika was an ancient Norse image for the sun. But it was not an Islamic image. So even if the burial clothes do say “Allah,” the Vikings were not Muslim, because if they had been, they wouldn’t be employing the symbols of jahiliyya, the pre-Islamic period of ignorance.

What’s more, look at the bottom of the image. Presumably the symbols there, next to the supposed “Allah,” are just a bit of ornamental design. But there are four crosses in that ornamental design. Just ornamental, or indicative of a Christian influence as well? Wouldn’t a Muslim be careful not to include crosses in the embroidery? If they really are Christian crosses, and there is no way that possibility can be dismissed out of hand, then this is yet more indication that even if the three-lines-a-hook-and-a-square symbol is “Allah” in Arabic, this is more likely to be the burial cloth of a syncretistic, superstitious Viking who wanted to placate all the deities, not of a Muslim.

But that possibility doesn’t fit the modern mania to see the hand of Islam everywhere, so it will not be considered.

Were Vikings influenced by ISLAM? Arabic embroidery bearing the name ‘Allah’ is uncovered on 10th Century Norse burial clothes
by Tim Collins, Mailonline, October 12, 2017

Burial costumes from Viking boat graves have provided more evidence of contact between Nordic tribes and ancient Islam.

A study of the garments, found in 9th and 10th century graves, has revealed the presence of Arabic script invoking Allah.

The presence of Islamic artefacts at Viking sites was once explained as evidence of looting and trade, but new finds continue to reveal closer links between the cultures.

Researchers believe the latest discovery points to similarities between the Viking and Muslim view of the afterlife….

‘In the Quran, it is written that the inhabitants of Paradise will wear garments of silk, which along with the text band’s inscriptions may explain the widespread occurrence of silk in Viking Age graves.

‘The findings are equally prevalent in both men’s and women’s graves.’

This is not the first time that a Viking artefact with links to Islam has been unearthed.

A ring, made over 1,000 years ago, confirmed contact between the Vikings and the ancient Muslim world.

Unearthed in Sweden in 2015, it bears an ancient Arabic inscription that reads ‘for Allah’ or ‘to Allah’.

Annika Larsson and her colleagues have received a positive response among the academic community.

Oh, I bet they have

10-13-2017, 11:02 AM
Stop your bullshit by modifying the content of the sources you find :


Burial costumes from Viking boat graves have provided more evidence of contact between Nordic tribes and ancient Islam.

A study of the garments, found in 9th and 10th century graves, has revealed the presence of Arabic script invoking Allah.

The presence of Islamic artefacts at Viking sites was once explained as evidence of looting and trade, but new finds continue to reveal closer links between the cultures.

Researchers believe the latest discovery points to similarities between the Viking and Muslim view of the afterlife.

Experts from Uppsala University in Sweden made the discovery after working to recreate textile patterns found in Viking woven bands.

They found that the objects, used as inspiration for a Viking Couture exhibit at Enköping Museum, contained Kufic characters, rather than traditional Viking patterns as had been assumed.

As well as Allah, Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, is also mentioned in the text.

Kufic characters were commonly found during the Viking Age in mosaics on burial monuments and mausoleums, primarily in Central Asia.

Similar text was found on the woven bands, which were part of grave costumes uncovered inside both chamber graves, in sites such as Birka in Mälardalen, and in boatgraves in the Gamla Uppsala area.

Annika Larsson, researcher in textile archaeology at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University, said: 'It is a staggering thought that the bands, just like the costumes, was made west of the Muslim heartland.

'That we so often maintain that Eastern objects in Viking Age graves could only be the result of plundering and eastward trade doesn't hold up as an explanatory model

'The inscriptions appear in typical Viking Age clothing that have their counterparts in preserved images of Valkyries.

'Presumably, Viking Age burial customs were influenced by Islam and the idea of an eternal life in Paradise after death.'

In her earlier research, Ms Larsson looked at the widespread occurrence of Eastern silk in Scandinavia's Viking Age graves.


Vikings were great travellers and traders, it is attested they had rich exchanges til MENA and brought with them local artisanat and products as trophees or great value memories from their travels. They probably brought some slaves with them who probably kept their faith since they were pretty much tolerant about that.

The fact you can find a track of another religion practiced rarely in some people does not make them muslims.

10-13-2017, 11:07 AM
Isis and vikings have much in common, both terrorist groups.

10-13-2017, 11:17 AM

You must follow the Viking rites, lifestyle, sexual habits in the writings of Ahmed Ibn Fadlan.
He was Arab scholar sent from Baghdad to attend to conversion ceremony of Idel Bulgar Khan in early 10th century.

Ibn Fadlan saw Vikings and even witnessed the cremation of a Viking chieftain (he called them Rus).

Ibn Fadlan reported that few of those East Vikings around Bulgar also converted to Islam.

He had harsh words, however, for Rus hygiene: "They are the filthiest of God's creatures," he observed, and although he acknowledged that they washed their hands, faces and heads every day, he was appalled that they did so "in the dirtiest and filthiest fashion possible" in a communal basin of water, an ancient Germanic custom that caused understandable revulsion in a Muslim who typically performed ablutions only in poured or running water. (In the same year, Ibn Rustah, however, commended the Rus he observed as being "clean in their dress and kind to their slaves.")

Their contact with Islam led some among the Rus to embrace the religion, though Ibn Fadlan astutely noted that old habits still had their pull: "They are very fond of pork and many of them who have assumed the path of Islam miss it very much." The Rus had also relished nabith, a fermented drink Ibn Fadlan often mentioned as part of their daily fare.

Yet most of the Rus continued to observe their own religious practices, which included the offering of sacrifices.


10-13-2017, 11:19 AM
If some people excavated a Turkmen mass grave in Turkey, and found Byzantine/Varangian stuff, would that make the Turkmen tribes Greek or Scandinavian?

I think vikings just got those clothes from their raids. Doesn't mean they're muslim.

10-13-2017, 11:25 AM
Ibn Fadlan reports from Viking chieftain cremation ceremony (burning in a long Viking ship).

What's striking it's that the captive slave woman of the dead man had sex with the chieftain's friends after his death and each telling her 'İ laid down with you because I loved him, :) People had interesting practices in the past.

The dead chieftain was put in a temporary grave which was covered for ten days until they had sewn new clothes for him. One of his thrall women volunteered to join him in the afterlife and she was guarded day and night, being given a great amount of intoxicating drinks while she sang happily. When the time had arrived for cremation, they pulled his longship ashore and put it on a platform of wood, and they made a bed for the dead chieftain on the ship. Thereafter, an old woman referred to as the “Angel of Death” put cushions on the bed. She was responsible for the ritual. Then they disinterred the chieftain and gave him new clothes. In his grave, he received intoxicating drinks, fruits and a stringed instrument. The chieftain was put into his bed with all his weapons and grave offerings around him. Then they had two horses run themselves sweaty, cut them to pieces, and threw the meat into the ship. Finally, they sacrificed a hen and a cock.

Meanwhile, the thrall girl went from one tent to the other and had sexual intercourse with the men. Every man told her “tell your master that I did this because of my love to him”. While in the afternoon, they moved the thrall girl to something that looked like a door frame, where she was lifted on the palms of the men three times. Every time, the girl told of what she saw. The first time, she saw her father and mother, the second time, she saw all her relatives, and the third time she saw her master in the afterworld. There, it was green and beautiful and together with him, she saw men and young boys. She saw that her master beckoned for her. By using intoxicating drinks, they thought to put the thrall girl in an ecstatic trance that made her psychic and through the symbolic action with the door frame, she would then see into the realm of the dead.

10-13-2017, 11:32 AM
To summarise, we see in sources that few Vikings happened to have converted to Islam around the 10th century as a result of interactions with Arab travellers or with first Turkic converts who lived in the Russo-Ukrainian steppes (Khazars and Bulgars).

Most Vikings were Odinist, later they became Christians, including the East Vikings (Rus) who turned Orthodox Christian when Vladimir adopted Orthodoxy as religion in 988 A.D.