View Full Version : The Wagnerian: A Question about Von List's Runes

12-27-2010, 11:09 PM
Since you're doing a master's thesis on this very subject, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the runes in the Oera Linda Book (first published in Dutch in 1871), and whether you think they might have influenced Von List's Armanen Runes. Note the six-fold symmetry:


01-23-2020, 07:58 AM
The Tiwaz rune is the symbol of Tyr, and the black star is used in esoteric groups to denote Polaris, the sacred throne of Tyr who sacrificed his sword hand to bind the wolf Fenrir until Ragnarok. The black sun is sometimes called "the black star", so there might be some crypsis of the symbol going on.

Some people consider the six-fold symmetry to be sacred geometry containing ancient religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time.

The Týr rune in Guido von List's Armanen Futharkh was based on the version found in the Younger Futhark. List's runes were later adopted and modified by Karl Maria Wiligut, who was responsible for their adoption by the Nazis, and they were subsequently widely used on insignia and literature during the Third Reich. It was the badge of the Sturmabteilung training schools, the Reichsführerschulen in Nazi Germany.