View Full Version : List Some Delusions Anthrotards Usually Have

10-15-2017, 05:20 PM
I will start with 3:

1. You need to look exactly like some ethnicity to pass as such. Most people around the world can't differentiate people by facial traits unless they are totally different from the ones they see in day to day life. Most people with Caucasoid facial structure and relatively light pigmentation would pass in Italy or Spain and most people with Mongoloid traits and light pigmentation would pass in Korea or Japan. Common folks aren't obsessed with the things anthrotards are.

2. This is related to point 1: Anthronerds think common people can perceive the differences they perceive in phenotypes.

3. In real life, this extreme separation between some European phenotypes and non-European phenotypes doesn't exist. Example: According to some members here, Bulgarians should look like Poles (haha) and be extremely light people. A friend of mine was living there and said to me Bulgarians are ''kinda Armenian''. The same guy visited Greece and said Greeks ''look like Turks''. Common people most of the time can't perceive differences that go beyond pigmentation. To an average Joe a Bulgarian or Romanian Med type will look closer to Sicilians and Island Greeks, despite some differences in facial structure. Small differences in facial structure generally don't make anyone ''off'' to any place. To don't ''pass'' somewhere you need to be extremely different from the locals (e.g. a negro or Chinese in Hungary). I bet a great amount of Turks could pass in Italy or Spain, for example. Most Spaniards and Italians would pass in Turkey, only the heavily European looking Nordid or Nordid influenced types (like some Atlantid types) in these countries would be off.

10-15-2017, 05:25 PM
I will start with 3:

1. You need to look exactly like some ethnicity to pass as such. Most people around the world can't differentiate people by facial traits unless they are totally different from the ones they see in day to day life. Most people with Caucasoid facial structure and relatively light pigmentation would pass in Italy or Spain and most people with Mongoloid traits and light pigmentation would pass in Korea or Japan. Common folks aren't obsessed with thing anthrotards are.

2. This is related to point 1: Anthronerds think common people can perceive the differences they perceive in phenotypes.

3. In real life, this extreme separation between some European phenotypes and non-European phenotypes doesn't exist. Example: According to some members here, Bulgarians should look like Poles (haha) and be extremely light people. A friend of mine was living there and said to me Bulgarians are ''kinda Armenian''. The same guy said Greeks ''look like Turks''. Common people most of the times can't perceive differences that go beyond pigmentation. To an average Joe a Bulgarian or Romanian Med type will look closer to Sicilians and Island Greeks, despite some differences in facial structure. Small differences in facial structure generally don't make anyone ''off'' to any place. To don't ''pass'' somewhere you need to be extremely different from the locals (e.g. a negro or Chinese in Hungary). I bet a great amount of Turks could pass in Italy or Spain, for example. Most Spaniards and Italians would pass in Turkey, only the heavily European looking Nordid or Nordid influenced types (like some Atlantid types) in these countries would be off.

Bulgarians got their name from Bolghars... who were Turkic peoples.

Of course, Bulgarians aren't Turks it's just that Balkans is a place where everything is wrong and distorted.

Many Turks do look like Greeks for obvious reasons = Greeks have rejected Greek converts to Islam and expelled them to modern day Turkey. Funny thing is, there are more Greeks in Turkey than
in Greece, that's just another interesting topic about Balkans.

Phenotype is inherited from ancestors, there is no other way around it.

10-15-2017, 05:25 PM
I think Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek types look distinct from Sicilians and Aegean islanders and I cannot imagine anyone not thinking so... it is very obvious in the entire vibe of the face to me. Granted, some can pass easily but there are some types that cannot. Granted I do think some regions of southern Italy come closer to that look but the really round-faced, far spaced, flat back of head types just cannot pass. I'm sorry.

About half of these, would look very odd for Sicily or some of the Greek islands even. However, I do agree with you that most people are not perceptive. Many people in real life cannot tell people who are half black but dark, from those with 2 black parents. I can.


10-15-2017, 05:26 PM

What's your point? It seems you didn't understand what I'm saying.

War Chef
10-15-2017, 05:27 PM
Bulgarians got their name from Bolghars... who were Turkic peoples.

Bolghar means "the far shore" in Ossetian.
Also Asparukh, the one who invaded Bulgaria: Aspa is "horse" in Ossetian language.
The Bulgars were Alans.

10-15-2017, 05:27 PM
I think Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek types look distinct from Sicilians and Aegean islanders and I cannot imagine anyone not thinking so... it is very obvious in the entire vibe of the face to me. Granted, some can pass easily but there are some types that cannot.

About half of these, would look very odd for Sicily or some of the Greek islands even. However, I do agree with you that most people are not perceptive. Many people in real life cannot tell people who are half black but dark, from those with 2 black parents. I can.


The first part of this post of yours describes perfectly the delusions I'm talking about.

And it's not the point of the thread to discuss who passes as who.

10-15-2017, 05:32 PM
However, I do agree with you that most people are not perceptive. Many people in real life cannot tell people who are half black but dark, from those with 2 black parents. I can.

I think most people outside these forums can't even differentiate a Turkish Med with Turanid influence from a Sicilian or Spaniard Med type. It's just one of thousands of examples I could give.

10-15-2017, 05:35 PM
The first part of this post of yours describes perfectly the delusions I'm talking about.

And it's not the point of the thread to discuss who passes as who.

I do want you to look at the thread though and contribute.

I think most people outside these forums can't even differentiate a Turkish Med with Turanid influence from a Sicilian or Spaniard Med type. It's just one of thousands of examples I could give.

Sicilians and Spaniards differ noticeably themselves, let alone from Turks. Greeks also do not look Turkish.

10-15-2017, 05:40 PM
Sicilians and Spaniards differ noticeably themselves, let alone from Turks. Greeks also do not look Turkish.

I'm not saying this, I'm saying people outside athroforums cannot see that much some differences we can see here. Pigmentation is the first thing people note in someone.

I know a guy who is half English and half Italian that have been to Turkey and was always mistaken as Turk by Turks themselves. And he doesn't look Turkish. If you're not an extreme outlier (like a Black or Chinese) you will pass in many places.

King Claus
10-15-2017, 05:41 PM
That southern europeans are WHITE

10-15-2017, 05:41 PM
I'm not saying this, I'm saying people outside athroforums cannot see that much some differences we can see here. Pigmentation is the first thing people note in someone.

I know a guy who is half English and half Italian that have been to Turkey and was always mistaken as Turk by Turks themselves. And he doesn't look Turkish. If you're not an extreme outlier (like a Black or Chinese) you will pass in many places.

I have found people can differentiate features. I almost never am taken for Portuguese in person but my mother is assumed to be such, which she is.

10-15-2017, 05:57 PM
I have found people can differentiate features. I almost never am taken for Portuguese in person but my mother is assumed to be such, which she is.

Maybe it's not the first option, but I bet you would easily pass as Portuguese.

10-15-2017, 07:27 PM

10-15-2017, 07:31 PM
A friend of mine was living there and said to me Bulgarians are ''kinda Armenian''. The same guy visited Greece and said Greeks ''look like Turks''.

Assuming that he left Bulgaria to go to Greece, he stayed in northern Greece. And since he was in northern Greece, and half of northern Greeks are descendants of christian West Asian refugees who came to Greece from Turkey in 1923, it's expected that he will say "they look like Turks".

10-15-2017, 07:35 PM
Assuming that he left Bulgaria to go to Greece, he stayed in northern Greece. And since he was in northern Greece, and half of northern Greeks are descendants of christian West Asian refugees who came to Greece from Turkey in 1923, it's expected that he will say "they look like Turks".

Actually he visited Athens, Peloponnese and Crete too. But, as you know, my point is not saying Greeks look like Turks (it's not true). But common people perceptions about phenotypes that anthronerds seem to miss in this ''passing'' stuff.

10-15-2017, 07:38 PM
Actually he visited Athens, Peloponnese and Crete too.

But his first destination was certainly Thessaloniki, which is in northen Greece. The first impression matters the most.

But, as you know, my point is not saying Greeks look like Turks.

I didn't said that you wanted to make point, I just think it's normal that someone who visits a place where half of it's inhabitants have West Asian ancestry, thinks that they look Turkish.

10-15-2017, 07:39 PM
That haircuts, beards, etc --even clothing -- do not make a gigantic difference in where you believe X,Y,Z person can "pass".

10-15-2017, 09:34 PM
For some reasons most giaours (non turks) are very ignorant about us, let it be about our genetics, history, culture, anything related to us. It just gives me cancer because most of the time they're very wrong. but not because of the fact that they're wrong, they talk as if they 100% sure about an issue (even i don't talk like that) those who insist on being wrong just make me want to punch them in the face.

10-15-2017, 10:33 PM
Many Turks do look like Greeks for obvious reasons = Greeks have rejected Greek converts to Islam and expelled them to modern day Turkey. Funny thing is, there are more Greeks in Turkey than
in Greece

This is not even wrong, this is just dumb. An Iranian, a Turkmen, an Azerbaijani, a Northern Caucasian, a Tajik, an Afghan, a Kurd, a French etc might look Greek but does that mean they're actually Greek? Obviously not.
In one thread i posted a Central Asian girl and wanted people to guess her, a Greek said she's Armenian, when i said no she said Cypriot, Levantine etc. It was actually pretty amusing which proved my point: Genotype matters way more than phenotype because phenotype does not convey your whole genetic make up.

Tooting Carmen
10-16-2017, 07:54 PM
A lot of good points Ouroborus. The petty and parochial squabbling in this forum - to the point of even arguing "this person can pass in the west of said Mediterranean island but not in the east of said Mediterranean island" - is often rather funny. A partial cousin of the delusions you describe is the notion that, in parts of the world such as Latin America and South Asia, you can tell someone's social class just by their phenotype. While it may be true that, in those places, there is a tendency for the wealthier classes to have lighter skin and more "Europid" facial features than the poorer classes, there are just so many exceptions to the rule. It also negates how varied people can look even within the same family - I have in my Colombian family everything from people who look German to people who look Pakistani - and believe it or not it is the latter who are actually some of the wealthiest people in my family of all.

10-16-2017, 08:41 PM
I think Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek types look distinct from Sicilians and Aegean islanders

1)Aegean Islanders are Greek types as well simply because Aegean Islanders are Greek End
2)Non Island Greeks and Aegean Island Greeks don't look very different.

In general a Greek Mainlander doesn't has problems passing in the Aegean Islands.
Its not like people in an Greek Island turn their head twice and say O shit this is not one of us! Its a Mainlander...:lol:

Neither do they start to speak english to him because they think he is a tourist..

3)Even though continental Greeks can look similar to Bulgarians and Romanians e.c.t as well ,they usualy don't look more similar to these people than to their Greek cousins from the Islands,not to mention that it is not impossible to find also Island Greeks who can pass in Romania.

If you consider in particular Pontid-Med types as Romanian looking than alot of Greek Islanders look like this also.
Another example i give you is Alexino who is Romanian and wouldn't have a hard time passing as Greek from an Aegean Island.
I know this because i spend half of my life on Aegean Islands.

How many Greek Islands did you visit..?

09-06-2018, 05:52 PM
One of the best threads of this forum. Said everything.

Chaos One
09-06-2018, 06:02 PM
One of the best threads of this forum. Said everything.

Agreed. Should be pinned up.

09-06-2018, 06:24 PM
Nordic = Blue eyes and Blonde hair whilst disregarding skull shape

09-06-2018, 09:23 PM
Ouroboros is right, and I can't fathom how any could take issue with his statements. A normal person would not be able to tell the difference between a Spaniard and an Italian. Hell, most people outside of anthroboards don't even believe in genetic differences between European people.

09-07-2018, 08:23 AM
Hell, most people outside of anthroboards don't even believe in genetic differences between European people.

I don't think that's true, most people in real life understand that there are there obviously quite large genetic and phenotypical differences between Icelanders, Greeks and Ukrainians for example.
Most people outside anthrofora probably can't tell the difference between a Spaniard and an Italian, but almost everyone would be able to tell the difference between a Swede and a Spaniard (in most cases).

09-07-2018, 09:25 AM
"Classify Joseph Goebbels"

"Classify Sardinian man"
"X + Paleo-Sardinian"

"Classify Rowan Atkinson"
"Brunn + Kelto-Nordid"

"Classify blonde Portuguese"
"depigmented Atlanto-Med"

"Classify [any European with a hooked nose]"

"Classify [any West Asian with a hooked nose]"

09-07-2018, 09:59 AM
"Classify Joseph Goebbels"

"Classify Sardinian man"
"X + Paleo-Sardinian"

"Classify Rowan Atkinson"
"Brunn + Kelto-Nordid"

"Classify blonde Portuguese"
"depigmented Atlanto-Med"

"Classify [any European with a hooked nose]"

"Classify [any West Asian with a hooked nose]"

Haha, exactly :thumb001:

04-16-2019, 07:55 PM
The most significant delusion most members seem to have is that they think, 'classifications' are legitimate and that your 'classification' somehow implies your actual ancestry. Also, many members don't seem to understand that if someone looks as if he had some foreign influence, doesn't imply he actually has it. Fact is, classifications are nothing but pseudoscience, or at the very least, they have little to do with your ancestry and have negligible predicting power. A Norwegian and an Italian can be both classified as 'alpine', but such individuals are not likely to be more related than some 'east baltid' Norwegian and 'atlanto-med' Italian, despite those phenotypes are pretty much the polar opposite of each other, as long as European phenotypes are concerned.