View Full Version : Classify Serbian actor Vuk Kostić

Vlatko Vukovic
10-16-2017, 08:55 PM


10-16-2017, 09:25 PM

10-16-2017, 09:25 PM
Pontid with very minor alpine maybe

10-16-2017, 09:27 PM
mesocephalic Dinarid

Grab the Gauge
10-16-2017, 10:18 PM
Dinaric of course, it's just ridiculous the word "Pontid" hasn't been banned yet.

Vlatko Vukovic
10-16-2017, 10:20 PM
Dinaric of course, it's just ridiculous the word "Pontid" hasn't been banned yet.

Not a subhuman? :D I am fascinated.

10-16-2017, 10:28 PM

10-24-2017, 04:19 PM
Dinaro-CM, my avatar/double etc.

10-24-2017, 04:46 PM
Pontid/North Pontid with Dinarid and CM influence, very southwest Slavic look.

10-24-2017, 05:03 PM

10-24-2017, 05:04 PM
Dinaric of course, it's just ridiculous the word "Pontid" hasn't been banned yet.

Someone must ban this clueless clown.
Dinaric my dick

10-24-2017, 05:05 PM
Southwest is dinaric, south and SouthEast is Pontid

10-24-2017, 05:10 PM
Southwest is dinaric, south and SouthEast is Pontid

I mean he has more Serbian, Bosnian or Croatian than Macedonian or Bulgarian look.

Vlatko Vukovic
10-24-2017, 06:39 PM
This look is mostly common in Serbia i think

10-24-2017, 06:46 PM
This look is mostly common in Serbia i think

Probably, he is mainly Pontid but he does not look Romanian or Bulgarian, regardeless Pontid is more common in Romania and Bulgaria than in Serbia.
Romanian and Bulgarian Pontids are different than this guy, maybe Dinarid and CM influence in this guy is what make a difference towards Romanian and Bulgarian Pontids.

10-25-2017, 07:50 PM
Pontid + Corded in equal measures.

10-25-2017, 07:54 PM
Robust Pontid with possible minor Dinarid.

10-30-2017, 12:38 PM
Southwest is dinaric, south and SouthEast is Pontid

Majority of Serbs are just slightly dinarized like this actor or non dinarized, while most Greeks would be classified as dinarized meds or east meds by "experts" from this forum in the case someone give them task to classify random Greeks. It does not mean these "races" exist as biological reality or that Greeks really belong to that "races". It depends how people on this forum imagine some "races". This actor simply has no Greek vibe.

10-30-2017, 04:03 PM
Majority of Serbs are just slightly dinarized like this actor or non dinarized, while most Greeks would be classified as dinarized meds or east meds by "experts" from this forum in the case someone give them task to classify random Greeks. It does not mean these "races" exist as biological reality or that Greeks really belong to that "races". It depends how people on this forum imagine some "races". This actor simply has no Greek vibe.

Where is your proofs?? Every anthropology out there put Serbs in Dinaric race
but Greeks have not 100% pure Dinaric phenotypes.
Greeks have DinaroMed types like Italy and Pontids , Alpines + CM mix

This actor is closer to Pontid type so he fit better in east Balkans and Greece.
And yeah north Greece have a lot types similar to this

10-30-2017, 04:09 PM
Where is your proofs?? Every anthropology out there put Serbs in Dinaric race
but Greeks have not 100% pure Dinaric phenotypes.
Greeks have DinaroMed types like Italy and Pontids , Alpines + CM mix

This actor is closer to Pontid type so he fit better in east Balkans and Greece.
And yeah north Greece have a lot types similar to this

Dinaric influence among Serbs is very common, but pure Dinaric type is not so common as many people think.

10-30-2017, 05:38 PM
Where is your proofs?? Every anthropology out there put Serbs in Dinaric race

You ask me where is my proof. Are you kidding me???? I know how my people look and I have also seen Greeks.
If so called "dinaric race" really exist and if Serbs belong to the "dinaric race", then I was perfectly right about description of that "race" in my previous posts. This actor fit into that description.
First of all, there is mess even in the books of pseudo - anthropologists regarding so called "dinaric race" and process of "dinarization" of other "races", not to mention mess in the minds of "experts" for "racial classification" on this forum. Such mess is consequence of fact that most of these people have never seen Serbs, Greeks and many other nations.

but Greeks have not 100% pure Dinaric phenotypes. Greeks have DinaroMed types like Italy and Pontids , Alpines + CM mix

You can called phenotypes or "races" common among Serbs or Greeks what ever you want, but it does not mean that your image of "dinaric race" or any other "race" is close to the reality.

This actor is closer to Pontid type so he fit better in east Balkans and Greece.
And yeah north Greece have a lot types similar to this

This actor fit the best in Serbia.

10-30-2017, 05:45 PM
This actor is closer to Pontid type so he fit better in east Balkans and Greece.
And yeah north Greece have a lot types similar to this

This actor does not look like Bulgarian and especially not like Greek, he look typical Serbian but he can pass in other Slavic countries.

He can better pass in Poland, Ukraine and in southern Russia than in Greece.

10-31-2017, 12:52 AM
This actor does not look like Bulgarian and especially not like Greek, he look typical Serbian but he can pass in other Slavic countries.

He can better pass in Poland, Ukraine and in southern Russia than in Greece.

He is Pontid, YES OR NO???
If you believe that Pontids exist in Poland and Russia then ok

10-31-2017, 01:09 AM
He is Pontid, YES OR NO???
If you believe that Pontids exist in Poland and Russia then ok

He is not pure Pontid.

Pontids are very common in Ukraine.

10-31-2017, 01:10 AM
Pontid bordering on north pontid

10-31-2017, 11:16 AM
He is Pontid, YES OR NO???
If you believe that Pontids exist in Poland and Russia then ok

You classified this Serbian actress as pontid:


You classified this Montenegrin girl as pontid:


Ilma classified these Serbian high school students and professors as pontids:


All these people have common, usual and typical Serbian look and they cannot pass as a group in Greece. You may classify them whatever you want, but they would be atypical in Greece. There is a big overlap between Serbs and Bulgarians, much less between Serbs and Greeks and they generally look different.

10-31-2017, 11:24 AM
He is not pure Pontid.

Pontids are very common in Ukraine.

Religion: Mithraism (a Roman Cult), demon worshiped by Roman Soldiers.

So you have finally figured that you are not a Slav?


10-31-2017, 11:40 AM
VUK Kostic according to my very basic knowledge isn't textbook dinaric but has dinaric features.

I don't know how pontids look though.

10-31-2017, 12:30 PM
You classified this Serbian actress as pontid:


You classified this Montenegrin girl as pontid:


Ilma classified these Serbian high school students and professors as pontids:


All these people have common, usual and typical Serbian look and they cannot pass as a group in Greece. You may classify them whatever you want, but they would be atypical in Greece. There is a big overlap between Serbs and Bulgarians, much less between Serbs and Greeks and they generally look different.

Who give a shit about what you think BITCH ?????
I read anthropology and not shit like you.

Pontid and Pontid-Alpines are few in Serbia while Bulgaria and Greece are full of them.

Serbia are closer to Croatia and Albania in phenotypes and are Dinaric in Majority.
You can tell us that every anthropology out there are wrong ??? FUCK OFF


Girl is Pontid -Alpine and look a lot like my girlfriend , i made a thread for her before 4 days.
But my girlfriend and Pontid-Alpines in Greece and Bulgaria are a lot Hotter than this

All this people have roots from South and East Balkans because PONTIDS ARE MED RACE.
Not typical in Dinaric alps. Go back and study some Anthropology BITCH

10-31-2017, 12:33 PM
VUK Kostic according to my very basic knowledge isn't textbook dinaric but has dinaric features.

I don't know how pontids look though.

Dinarics are very brachy , triangle faced , with downturned nose and rectangular features.
This guy is oval shaped ,doli and have smooth features - he is Med type close to Pontid

10-31-2017, 12:39 PM
Who give a shit about what you think BITCH ?????
I read anthropology and not shit like you.

Pontid and Pontid-Alpines are few in Serbia while Bulgaria and Greece are full of them.

Serbia are closer to Croatia and Albania in phenotypes and are Dinaric in Majority.
You can tell us that every anthropology out there are wrong ??? FUCK OFF


Girl is Pontid -Alpine and look a lot like my girlfriend , i made a thread for her before 4 days.
But my girlfriend and Pontid-Alpines in Greece and Bulgaria are a lot Hotter than this

All this people have roots from South and East Balkans because PONTIDS ARE MED RACE.
Not typical in Dinaric alps. Go back and study some Anthropology BITCH

That Dinaric phenotype as shown on that map spread from Ancient Italian people.

Apparently, Diocletian was so obsessed with Dalmatia and Montenegro that he ordered many Italians to MOVE there
(also to make more space in Italy). Diocletian even founded "Dioclea" city and Dioclea Region what is now known as Podgorica (Montenegro).

Isn't it obvious that Dinaric peak is in exactly that region?

Isn't it obvious that I2 also peaks in exactly that region?

Those people then mixed with Slavs, but Romans prevailed through genetics.

Dinaric phenotype is even today well known in Northen Italy, albeit much less then Western Balkans, cause Italy mixed much
more than Western Balkans.

10-31-2017, 01:21 PM
Who give a shit about what you think BITCH ?????

I will report you for the insults and ask Loki whether you will be punished.

I read anthropology and not shit like you.

I know anthropology better than you. Modern anthropology denies existence of all these "races". These terms are related to the terms from 100-years old pseudo-scientific books based on half true or total nonsense. You totally distorted even such half - true from these pseudo-scientific books and created some really weird and bizarre fantasy world.

Pontid and Pontid-Alpines are few in Serbia while Bulgaria and Greece are full of them.

Serbia are closer to Croatia and Albania in phenotypes and are Dinaric in Majority.

If that is true, that Serbs are dinaric race, then typical examples of dinaric race look like Serbs look like, not like Greeks look like. People you classified as pontids look like Serbs, not like the Greeks. So, obviously your classification is not correct.

10-31-2017, 01:29 PM
Dinarics are very brachy , triangle faced , with downturned nose and rectangular features.
This guy is oval shaped ,doli and have smooth features - he is Med type close to Pontid

He's very obviously brachycephalic. Fuck your Pontids.

10-31-2017, 01:34 PM
Lol Epic

10-31-2017, 01:54 PM
Greeks don't look like Serbs and Bulgarians. Greeks are mostly Aegean-Med, a type that exists only in Greece.

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10-31-2017, 02:01 PM
Typical Greek, Aegean-Med:


Typical Serb/Bulgarian, 'Pontid' :


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10-31-2017, 03:12 PM
Greeks don't look like Serbs and Bulgarians. Greeks are mostly Aegean-Med, a type that exists only in Greece.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Greeks dont look like Serbs , i agree with that because Serbs are majority Dinarics

But Greeks look like Bulgarians and Romanians because majority of 3 countries are Pontids

Your Aegean Med dont exist, what you call Aegean med = Pontid + Gracile Med or Pontid+Dinarid

10-31-2017, 03:16 PM
I will report you for the insults and ask Loki whether you will be punished.

I know anthropology better than you. Modern anthropology denies existence of all these "races". These terms are related to the terms from 100-years old pseudo-scientific books based on half true or total nonsense. You totally distorted even such half - true from these pseudo-scientific books and created some really weird and bizarre fantasy world.

If that is true, that Serbs are dinaric race, then typical examples of dinaric race look like Serbs look like, not like Greeks look like. People you classified as pontids look like Serbs, not like the Greeks. So, obviously your classification is not correct.

Its anthropology forum not mental illness forum,
Loki must get rid of you and you crap

10-31-2017, 04:04 PM
Religion: Mithraism (a Roman Cult), demon worshiped by Roman Soldiers.

So you have finally figured that you are not a Slav?


Better than Wahhabism.

Mitharaism is religion originated in Persia.
Roman legionares which served in the Middle East brought Mithraism in Roman Empire and Mithraism became religion of Roman elite.

10-31-2017, 04:16 PM
That Dinaric phenotype as shown on that map spread from Ancient Italian people.

Apparently, Diocletian was so obsessed with Dalmatia and Montenegro that he ordered many Italians to MOVE there
(also to make more space in Italy). Diocletian even founded "Dioclea" city and Dioclea Region what is now known as Podgorica (Montenegro).

Isn't it obvious that Dinaric peak is in exactly that region?

Isn't it obvious that I2 also peaks in exactly that region?

Those people then mixed with Slavs, but Romans prevailed through genetics.

Dinaric phenotype is even today well known in Northen Italy, albeit much less then Western Balkans, cause Italy mixed much
more than Western Balkans.

There is very few Dinarics in Italy, deal with it.

Ancient Italic look was mix of Dinaric/Noric, Alpine and CM, there was very few Roman emperors which were pure Dinarics.

Augustus had typical ancient Italic look.


10-31-2017, 10:20 PM
Someone must ban this clueless clown.
Dinaric my dick

+1 lol this guy doesnt even resemble Dinaric

10-31-2017, 10:33 PM
What about this women?
She is influenced with something... Cromagnoid maybe?


Vlatko Vukovic
10-31-2017, 10:35 PM
What about this women?
She is influenced with something... Cromagnoid maybe?


Yeah. I see Cro Magnoid.

Lemon Kush
10-31-2017, 10:42 PM
Why is this guy so famous? Every anthro thread on him is 10+ pages

10-31-2017, 10:42 PM
+1 lol this guy doesnt even resemble Dinaric

Doesn't look Dinaric i agree but doesn't strike me for Pontid neither in this case

I would say basicly a CM type

10-31-2017, 11:22 PM
Why is this guy so famous? Every anthro thread on him is 10+ pages

Because he has unique Serbian look, wich is not common among other Slavs/south Slavs and Balkanites.

Space Invader
11-01-2017, 01:51 AM