View Full Version : What do you think of people who ignore the majority of people?

James Great Britain
10-16-2017, 10:42 PM
I work with a guy who refuses to speak to any co-workers and only communicates with the staff when it's required otherwise you don't hear a peep from him all day. If someone says "good morning" or "hello" or even attempts small talk with him he just flat out ignores them. It's not like he can't speak to people, I have heard him speak to people and he's very articulate but he just seems to prefer his own space certainly to the extreme of what most people would say the average person does. Strangely, he is married because he has a wedding ring on his finger. To be honest, he looks depressed because he never smiles and always looks sad.

I worked with him on a 12 hour shift and he never spoke to me once, it didn't really bother me but it made the night go by really really slowly.

What would cause someone to be so extremely aloof and unapproachable? During the breaks he's either reading a book or listens to music. If someone were to ask him the time he would just ignore them completely and continue doing what he was doing. Yet, if a supervisor, team leader, etc would go over to him and speak to him about the job he'll answer them and when you hear him talk you can tell he's actually a very clever man. One of the supervisors has actually spoken about it before in the canteen one break and has said he's actually a highly intelligent bloke who just prefers his own company.

I personally don't really care all that much but I can see why some people get annoyed by people with his attitude. I've heard people be quite annoyed with him when he's left the canteen and describe him as rude and a narcissist who thinks he's better than everyone else and doesn't care about other people's feelings. Do you view such people as having some sort of personality disorder like he could possibly be a narcissistic or psychopath?

Of course everyone can choose who their want to speak to but it strikes me as rather peculiar for someone to ignore people he's never even spoken to so quickly without any care in the world. I think most people will think of him as arrogant because of this attitude.

Have you ever come across such people?